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Environmental Protection Agency (Region 7)

Communities Information Digest

*Has this edition of the digest been forwarded to you by a friend or colleague? Would you like to sign up to receive the digest? Please send an email to Tegan Vaughn, Thank you!* July 15, 2013 Find us @ or Note: New items are in *asterisks*.

*President Obama Announces Climate Action Plan* On Monday, June 25th, 2013, the President delivered remarks to outline his vision for a comprehensive plan to address climate change. The President's comprehensive plan has three main objectives: 1. To prevent the worst effects of climate change by reducing our carbon pollution. 2. To prepare this country for the impacts of climate change we can't avoid. 3. To lead the rest of the world around combating changing climate. Together, these steps will also spark the sort of innovation that drives economic growth and creates good-paying jobs that can't be shipped overseas; help modernize our power plants by equipping them with the latest technology to reduce carbon emissions so America remains competitive with other countries; and move our economy towards cleaner, more efficient forms of energy that will cut our reliance on foreign oil. While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the President believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and damaged. For more information on the plan: *$4.5 Million Available for Capacity Building in Sustainable Communities* U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $4.5 million in grants on behalf of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities with EPA and DOT. Successful grantees will provide capacity-building support for communities engaged in planning efforts that support community involvement and integrate economic and workforce development, housing, land use, land

cleanup and preparation for reuse, transportation, and infrastructure investments. An informational webinar on the NOFA will be held on July 16. The proposal due date is August 7, 2013 For more information, please visit:;jsessionid=L3RLRMTGnyZ7JTbbML2FSxjVRJPXYGH3CvwXmqL5hMTmTq81vGnM!1329833229?oppId=236800&mode=VIEW *EPA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Awards Announced* EPA is providing technical assistance through its Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) program to three areas of the country to help improve their economy and create jobs while protecting health and the environment: In Rhode Island, EPA will help the state assess impacts from climate change on economic activity in North Kingstown and prioritize actions in the states economic development plans. In Mississippi County, Arkansas, EPA will help local leaders and residents capitalize on potential redevelopment projects related to new steel manufacturing jobs coming to the region. In Kelso, Washington, EPA will work with the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments to identify economic development strategies for encouraging redevelopment, and to create guidelines for public investments that will improve health and equity for residents. EPA selected these three recipients from a pool of 79 applicants. The projects are coordinated through the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a joint effort of EPA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). For more information on Smart Growth, please visit: * Public Health and Climate Communication Resources at Climate Access* From allergies and asthmas to heat stroke and vector-borne diseases, the public health impacts of climate change are n increasing concern. The resources in this Climate Access collection provide background information and recommendations for communicating a public health message within a climate context. For more information, please visit: *2014 Climate Leadership Awards Application Period Now Open* EPA and its three NGO partners -- the Association of Climate Change Officers, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and The Climate Registry- are now accepting applications for the 2014 Climate Leadership Awards, which call national attention to exemplary corporate, organizational, and individual leadership in response to climate change. The application period will be open through September 13, 2013, with a new early bird deadline of August 7, 2013. EPAs Climate Leadership Awards webpage details the application process:

Funding Opportunities
July 22: HUD HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program (~$500,000) July 23: Concentrating Solar Power: Efficiently Leveraging Equilibrium Mechanisms for Engineering New Thermochemical Storage (CSP: ELEMENTS)

July 29: EPA School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Grants;jsessionid=TcQLR7GQrpj7FRjZLszN1jRLcb7dGYMLGz5xlv55dwjTQQLZnHyn!1910428741?oppId=2 36389&mode=VIEW *July 31: Forest Products Research Program *August 7: Capacity Building in Sustainable Communities,;jsessionid=L3RLRMTGnyZ7JTbbML2FSxjVRJPXYGH3CvwXmqL5hMTmTq81vGnM!1329833229?oppId=236800&mode=VIEW *August 9: Marine Fisheries Initiative Grants September 10: National Science Foundation (NSF)- Water Sustainability and Climate September 10: HUD to Award $109 Million in Choice Neighborhood Grants September 13: EDA Economic Development Assistance Programs Federal Funding Opportunity;jsessionid=knDpQzXGJ6gWnzy1h6Tn3D1fjKBNK9Fw40vlTDxWx3xrJGpLpCN4!861966415?oppId=208353&mode=VIEW *September 26: USDA Small Business Innovation Research on Air, Water, and Soils Grant October 8: Healthy Schools: Environmental Factors, Children's Health and Performance, and Sustainable Building Practices

Meetings, Conferences, & Events

July 21-27: Hands-On PV Experience (HOPE) Workshop Golden, Colorado *July 29-August 2: 5th National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) Chicago, Illinois * July 29: Smart Growth: The Suburbanization of Poverty Washington, D.C. July 30-Aug. 1: 2013 EPA Community Involvement Training Conference: The Next Generation of Community Involvement Boston, Massachusetts July 31-Aug. 4: Shadowcliff Sustainable Coordinators Workshop Grand Lake, Colorado August 13-15: Safe Routes to School National Conference Sacramento, California August 18-21: 2013 International Low Impact Development Symposium Saint Paul, Minnesota

August 18-22: Coastal Protection Symposium Myrtle Beach, South Carolina August 21-23: 8th Annual Georgia Environmental Conference Jekyll Island, GA September 9-11: Reclaiming Vacant Properties5th National Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania * September 9-12: Implementing Green Infrastructure at Multiple Scales Shepherdstown, West Virginia September 10-12: Sustainability in Manufacturing Chicago Chicago, IL September 11-12: E-Scrap Conference Omni, Orlando, FL September 16-18: Missouri Recycling Association Conference Jefferson City, MO September 20-22: Pollution Prevention and Lean Principles Arlington, TX September 21-22: 2013 Green Festival Washington, DC September 23-24: Advancing Sustainable Communities Conference Kansas City, MO Details to follow soon September 24-25: Sustainable Communities Conference Dubuque, IA September 24-26: Excellence in Building Science Phoenix, AX *September 24 -26: 50 Years of Watershed Modeling Boulder, Colorado September 25-26: 16th Annual Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show Plainfield, IN *September 25-28: Urban Waterfronts 2013 Davenport, Iowa *October 1-2: Mississippi Livable Communities Summit Jackson, Mississippi *October 14-17: Climate Strategies Forum Washington, D.C. October 15-16: Sustainability in Manufacturing Texas Houston, TX October 17-18: Community Indicators Consortium Chicago, Illinois October 19-20: 2013 Green Festival Los Angeles, CA * October 20-23: Rail~Volution: Building Livable Communities with Transit Seattle, Washington October 21-24: Solar Power International 2013 Chicago, IL October 23-26: Cities Alive 11th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference San Francisco, CA October 29-Nov. 2: National Preservation Conference Indianapolis, Indiana November 3-6: Transportation and Development Institute Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference Austin, Texas *November 6-7: Green California Schools Summit Pasadena, California November 18-20: Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference 2013 Sacramento, California November 21: Massachusetts Smart Growth Conference Boston, Massachusetts

Webinars & Conference Calls

*Webinar: Addressing Climate Change through Community Engagement and Behavior Change, Tuesday, July 16, 11-12:00 p.m. (CST)* This webinar will feature best-selling author David Gershon who will share recent research and case studies on Addressing Climate Change through Community Engagement and Behavior Change. David Gershon, co-founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute, is one of the world's foremost authorities on behavior-change, community engagement and large-system transformation. He is the author of 11 books, including "Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World," and the best-selling "Low Carbon Diet: A 30 Day Program to Lose 5,000 Pounds." He co-directs Empowerment Institute's School for Transformative Social Change, which teaches change agents to design and implement stakeholder engagement and behavior change initiatives. Register at: *HUD Webinar on Capacity Building Grants, July 16, 2-3:00 p.m. (EST)* HUD recently announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $4.5 million in Capacity Building grants to work directly with the FY10, and FY11 HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning and Community Challenge grant recipients, HUD Preferred Sustainability Status Communities, and EPA Sustainable Community Technical Assistance recipients and Brownfield Area Wide Planning grantees. Please join us for a public information webinar, July 16, 2 to 3pm EST. No registration is needed, but please use the following link on the day of the webinar to view: During the webinar, questions can be emailed to For more information on the Capacity Building for Sustainable Communities NOFA, please see Green Infrastructure: Achieving Stormwater Management, Neighborhood Stabilization, and Complete Streets Using Formula Funds, July 16, 2:30-3:45 p.m. (EST) Experts from EPA, HUD, and DOT and the city of Indianapolis will discuss ways communities can use green infrastructure to manage stormwater, help revitalize neighborhoods, and create complete streets, and how federal formula funds can be used to finance green infrastructure. For more information, please visit: *EPAs Office of Air and Radiations Community Conference Call July 17, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (EST)* The intended Audience is Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations. The purpose of this call is to provide information on upcoming activities in EPAs Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will pr ovide updates on the: - Presidents Climate Action Plan Status of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) litigation and EPAs efforts to address interstate transport of ozone and fine particle pollution EPAs Air Programs and Regulations - EPAs Upcoming Air webinars Conference Line: 1-866-299-3188; code: 919-541-5624 # (phone line limited to 125 participants on a first-come first-served basis). To register for the call, click here: *Building Resilience against Climate Change: Climate-Ready States Webinar Wednesday, July 17, 2:00 p.m. (EST)* To help public health professionals prepare for the effects of climate change, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have developed the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework. This framework supports health departments in incorporating advanced climate models into health department planning and response activities. Join ASTHO on Wednesday, July 17th at 2 pm EST for a 60-minute webinar on how two climate-ready states have applied CDCs BRACE framework to address climate- and weather-related health issues. Click here for Webinar registration

*Aligning Green Power Partners with New Renewable Energy Projects: Green Power Partners Webinar, Wednesday, July 24 1:002:30 p.m. (EST)* EPAs Green Power Partnership is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, July 24 from 1:00-2:30pm (EST) on "Aligning Green Power Partners with New Renewable Energy Projects." The webinar will provide a forum for attendees to learn about new, not-yet-built renewable energy projects that may align with their energy, environmental, and financial objectives. The webinar will feature several short project presentations from renewable energy developers as well as a Q&A session. Developers will discuss project details, business models, and participation opportunities for attendees such as green power off-take, renewable energy certificate (REC) procurement, financial investment, and equity ownership opportunities. EPA previously hosted two similar "alignment" webinars in 2011 and 2012. Click here for Webinar registration. *EPA Webcast: July 24, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (EST) Our Built and Natural Environments* Current patterns of land use, building, and travel behavior have affected the environment in many ways. EPA's Smart Growth Program invites you to participate in a webinar that examines how we could reduce those impacts as our nation's population grows. The webinar will provide an overview of EPA's recent report, Our Built and Natural Environments: A Technical Review of the Interactions among Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Quality. Dr. Melissa Kramer, the report's author, and John Frece, director of EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities, will discuss how development affects human health and the environment and land use and transportation strategies that yield better environmental results. To register, please visit: *Partnership for Sustainable Communities Webinar: The Challenge-TIGER Experiment: Integrating Housing and Transportation Planning to Increase Government Efficiency Thursday, July 25,1-2:30 p.m. (EST)* The Partnership for Sustainable Communitiesa collaboration of the U.S. Department and Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)coordinates federal investments in infrastructure, facilities, and services to get better results for communities and use taxpayer money more efficiently. The Challenge-TIGER Experiment webinar features two grantee communities which undertook integrated housing and transportation planning with the assistance of jointly awarded HUD Community Challenge and DOT TIGER II Planning grants in 2010. The communities activities focus on connecting housing with affordable and sustainable transportation choices and improve access to employment. Who Should Attend? Engineers, community leaders, state, local, and federal staff, and others interested in integrated housing, transportation, and economic development planning. RVSP to by July 19th to receive additional webinar information. *July 2013 Training Opportunities with ENERGY STAR* On July 17, EPA will release the upgraded Portfolio Manager tool, providing users with a new interface, streamlined functionality, and improved usability! To get you up to speed on the new tool, EPA is offering a number of trainings, as well as office hours, during the month of July. See below for more detail and links to register. Also, be sure to visit the for the latest print training resources to get you prepared for the launch. Portfolio Manager 101 Monday, July 22, 2013, 2:00 pm ET Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 12:00 noon ET Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 3:00 pm ET Thursday, July 25, 2013, 11:00 am ET Thursday, July 25, 2013, 2:00 pm ET Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 2:00 PM ET Portfolio Manager 201

Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 2:00 pm ET Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 2:00 pm ET Introducing the New Portfolio Manager: For Service Providers and Implementers of Utility and Government Benchmarking Programs Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 12:00 noon ET Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 12:00 noon ET Register for any of the webinars at *Webinar: Mold and Moisture Control in Schools: Potential Health Effects and Safe Clean-Up Practices, August 7, 1- 2:15 p.m. (EDT)* The presence of mold in schools can be a serious health risk to students and staff because molds are a major source of indoor allergens and can trigger asthma attacks in sensitive individuals. Prompt and effective remediation of moisture problems is essential to minimize potential mold exposures and their potential health effects, and is an important part of a comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) management program. Department of Energy's (DOE) 2013 Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar Series The DOE Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Tribal Energy Program, and Western Area Power Administration are pleased to continue their joint sponsorship of the Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar Series in 2013. The series is intended for tribal leaders and staff who are interested in developing commercial-scale energy projects, responding to utilities' requests for proposals, and learning more about the competitive power market. Each of these webinars focuses on a different aspect of the energy project development process. Taken as a whole, the series is designed to help Tribes identify ways to promote tribal energy self sufficiency and foster economic development and employment on tribal lands through renewable energy and energy efficiency technology development. For recordings and presentations from past webinars, go to and click the Renewable link, then click on the tribal webinar series link. There is no charge to participate in the webinars, but registration is required. To register for the upcoming webinars in the series, click on the links provided in the table below. The following webinars will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. July 31: Conducting Transmission Feasibility and System Impact Studies August 28: Renewable Energy Market Expectations and Trends September 25: Tribal and Utility Partnership Opportunities October 30: Renewable Energy Case Studies: Tribal and Developer Perspectives

Green Schools
*Fourth Graders Power Their Classroom with Solar Energy* A group of fourth graders in Durham, North Carolina, are showing America the way to a clean energy future. After learning all about solar and other energy sources, Aaron Sebensa teacher at Central Park School for Childrenand his fourth-grade class came up with a bold idea: make their classroom solar-powered. A video on the Energy Department website documents the students' journey from idea to reality leading up to a celebratory party where Aaron and his students officially "flip-the-switch" on their solar-powered classroom. To fund the project,

Aaron's class launched a crowd-funding campaign that garnered support across America and around the world. The students originally hoped to raise $800 but significantly beat expectations, raising more than $5,000. For the video and the complete story, see the Energy Blog. *Recycle-Bowl Competition and Educational Resources (KAB) Webinar, July 24, 4-5:00 p.m.* KABs Recycle-Bowl was created to provide students with a fun, interactive way to learn about waste reduction and environmental responsibility through in-school recycling. At the close of the four-week competition, the school in each state that collects the most recyclable material per capita will win $1,000. A national champion then will be chosen from among the statewide winners to receive an additional grand prize. Educational recycling activities also will be provided online and through a registration toolkit. To learn more about the competition, join Keep America Beautiful for a one-hour Recycle-Bowl kickoff webinar. The webinar will explain the competition, provide an overview of available resources and highlight the use of the recycling competition at a school. Register at: *Green Cleaning Award for Schools & Universities (HSC) Webinar, July 30, 2-3:00 p.m.* What is the green cleaning award for schools and universities? Why should I apply? How do I apply? This webinar will focus on the what, why and how-to of the Green Cleaning Award for Schools and Universities. Presenters will highlight best practices and practical tips for easily completing the application and will provide background and history on the award. Register at: *Mold and Moisture Control in Schools Webinar: Potential Health Effects and Safe Clean-Up Practices, August 7, 1- 2:15 p.m. (EST)* The presence of mold in schools can be a serious health risk to students and staff because molds are a major source of indoor allergens and can trigger asthma attacks in sensitive individuals. Prompt and effective remediation of moisture problems is essential to minimize potential mold exposures and their potential health effects, and is an important part of a comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) management program. *EPA Issues $6M Request for Research Proposals on Healthy Schools* The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research that will inform school (K-12 educational facilities) building design, construction and operation practices in order to foster safe and healthy school environments and maximize student achievement and teacher and staff effectiveness. For more information, please visit: *Visit EPAs Schools Web Portal* The Portal is a searchable database of on-line resources to help facility managers, school administrators, architects, design engineers, school nurses, parents, teachers, and staff address environmental health issues in schools. Visitors can browse resources by topic or by geographic area, or search all resources by entering specific keywords into the search box at the top of each page. Find web resources. *November 6-7: Green California Schools Summit, Pasadena, California* The Green California Schools Summit was established to provide a meeting place for stakeholders in the greening of California's schools from facility managers, finance officers, teachers and administrators to architects, engineers and curriculum developers. As one of the nation's largest annual green school events, the Summit provides a unique opportunity to share innovations in policy, technology and practice. California has long been on the leading edge of the green schools movement; it was here that the nations first green building rating program for K-12 schools was created. Visit the conference website for more details: *FTA Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstrations $3 million*

The FTA seeks to promote the development and demonstration of targeted energy efficiency-enhancing technologies, specifically enhanced Electrification of Accessories and improvements in Thermal Management of Bus Bodies, for buses utilized in public transportation. Teams must include key roles by individuals representing both (1) a public transportation agency and (2) a bus manufacturer or supplier of relevant systems or components. Applications are due: September 20, 2013. For more information, visit the funding opportunity webpage. EPA School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Grant Applications Due July 29 EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) announces the availability of approximately $700,000 for assistance agreements to further, through research, development, monitoring, public education, training, demonstrations, or studies, the adoption of verifiable integrated pest management (IPM) by the nation's kindergarten to 12th grade public and tribal schools. IPM is a sustainable approach to managing pests that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. A school IPM program uses easily implementable strategies to reduce sources of food, water, and shelter for pests in school buildings and grounds. Verifiable school IPM is an ongoing activity that includes all of these documented elements: understanding pests; setting action thresholds for key pests, i.e., knowing when to take action against key pests; monitoring for pests, their locations and populations; removing conditions that allow pest infestation; and using one or more effective pest control methods including sanitation, structural maintenance, and nonchemical methods in place of or in combination with pesticides. Applications are due July 29, 2013. For more information, please visit:;jsessionid=TcQLR7GQrpj7FRjZLszN1jRLcb7dGYMLGz5xlv55dwjTQQLZnHyn!1910428741?oppId=2 36389&mode=VIEW. Healthy Schools: Environmental Factors, Children's Health and Performance, and Sustainable Building Practices, Applications Due October 8 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research that will inform school (K-12 educational facilities) building design, construction and operation practices in order to foster safe and healthy school environments and maximize student achievement and teacher and staff effectiveness. Specifically, the goal is to understand the relationship between environmental factors defined broadly and the health, safety and performance of students, teachers and staff. In addition to health-related concerns, the school environment may similarly impact the performance of students, teachers and staff, including lowering student achievement outcomes, and reducing teacher effectiveness. The results of this research will help ensure that the risks of environmentally-induced illness and injury to America's students, teachers and other school staff are diminished or avoided and that students, teachers and staff are provided with optimal learning environments in their schools. Applications are due Oct 8. 2013. For more information, please visit: EPA New Sensible Steps Webinar Series August 20 3:00 p.m. Eastern- Current Issues in Chemical Management, Best Practices for Schools and Districts September 25 3:00 p.m. Eastern - Cleaning and Maintenance, Sensible Steps for Creating Healthier School Environments October 22 3:00 p.m. Eastern - Sensible Steps for Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction in Schools November 19 3:00 p.m. Eastern - Sensible Steps for Mold and Moisture Control In Schools December 17 3:00 p.m. Eastern - Renovate Right: EPAs Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Program at Schools Participants will receive a certificate of completion for each webinar. Register for the 4th Safe Routes to School National Conference The 4th Safe Routes to School National Conference will be making its way to sunny Sacramento, CA, August 13-15, 2013. The conference will span three days and include over 50 sessions and many dynamic mobile workshops. Also included are several exciting Special Features

that will engage participants and showcase Sacramento's bicycle and pedestrian-friendly streets. An onsite Bike Share program will allow participants the opportunity explore Sacramento's lively downtown and expansive bike trails. Wondering what to do in between sessions? Stop on by the Bike Build project and take part in building new bikes that will benefit local youth. Calling all Youth! The conference will include several opportunities for youth from throughout the region to participate in educational, interactive, fun and informative discussions and conference activities. Visit the conference web site for more details:

Other Community-Related Information & Events

*Check Out the New EJ Comic Book* Read the newest contribution to the Environmental Justice in Action Blog about Mayah's Lot, a new beautifully illustrated comic book depicting a young heroine who galvanizes her community into action to protect the public health of her community and fight a hazardous waste facility from opening in her neighborhood. The comic book has been heralded as a powerful learning tool for young students in urban areas, teaching them that the environment is something that exists everywhere, not just in rural places far from their homes. If you find this blog engaging or educational, please express your thoughts and share the post with your friends! Also, check out our 20th Anniversary Video Series where we feature federal and local government officials, non-profit leaders and students who tell stories about the lessons that they have learned over their time working on environmental justice. Also, be sure to add your e-mail address to the subscribe link on the upper-right side of the blog's home page to receive our future posts directly each week. Click the "Like" button to let your friends know about this great resource. Blog Link: *Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Launches Tribal Climate Change Website, Newsletter, Webinars, and Regional Adaptation Courses* The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals has launched a website to provide information and resources tailored to helping Native people gain a better understanding of climate change and its impacts on their communities. The website includes basic climate change information; profiles of Tribes in diverse regions of the United States, including Alaska, who are coping with climate change impacts; audio files of elders discussing the issue from traditional perspectives; and resources and contacts to use in developing climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. A monthly newsletter, to which one can subscribe, provides announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues. A number of upcoming trainings, courses, and webinars are also mentioned on the site, including one on Climate Change Adaptation Planning. To learn more, visit the Tribal Climate Change Website: *100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge* To help 100 cities better address major 21st century challenges, the Rockefeller Foundation is inviting cities from around the world to apply for the 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge. Winning cities will be announced in rounds over the next three years, with the final round of winners announced in 2015. Each winning city will receive membership in the 100 Resilient Cities Network, support to hire a Chief Resilience Officer to oversee the development of a resilience strategy for the city; and support to create a resilience plan, along with tools and resources for implementation. The formal application process opens in August. For more information, please visit:

*HUD Rebuild By DesignRegional Design Competition* HUD has announced a design competition that centers on four topics: coastal communities, high-density urban environments, ecological networks, and other innovative questions and proposals. Design teams will start with regional analyses to understand major vulnerabilities, and then focus on local implementation and key projects for improving a region's resilience. Proposal Due Date: July 19, 2013. For more information, please visit: *TIGER-Funded Transit Station Dedicated in Kansas City Urban Area* The opening of the Mission Transit Center, which will connect thousands of daily riders to jobs and other destinations in the Kansas City region, was recently announced by the U.S. Department of Transportation. DOT helped fund the project as part of a $50 million TIGER grant to revitalize key neighborhoods in Kansas City's urban area. For more information, please visit: *Energy Department Announces Investment to Accelerate Next Generation Biofuels* Following the rollout of President Obama's plan to cut carbon pollution, the Energy Department announced four research and development projects to bring next generation biofuels on line faster and drive down the cost of producing gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels from biomass. The projectslocated in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsinrepresent a $13 million Energy Department investment. For more information, please visit: *EPA and Commerce Link U.S. Analysis and Companies in Environmental Solutions Toolkit* The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Commerce are announcing the launch of an interactive online reference tool for international audiences that connects EPA environmental analysis and regulatory structure to U.S. solutions providers. The U.S. Environmental Solutions Toolkit was developed as a joint venture between the EPA and the U.S. Department of Commerces International Trade Administration (ITA) to offer environmental stakeholders in other countries a broad perspective on the U.S. approach to specific environmental issues. For more information, please visit, *In their Voice: Middletown High School Students in Tampa, FL Vision for Their Community* High School Students in Tampa, FL adopted a specific area of the Nebraska St.-Hillsborough Corridor and collaborated with the InVision Tampa Sustainable Communities team to analyze street, transit, stormwater, parks, green networks, and cultural assets. By engaging the students, InVision Tampa received valuable, diverse input on their master plan from future community leaders. See before and after videos capturing their effort here: *Top Mayors Pledge Action to Respond to Extreme Weather and Climate* Mayors of Washington DC, Denver, Cincinnati, Sacramento, San Diego, and over 40 other communities recently signed an agreement committing them to create more resilient cities and counties in response to the nation's growing extreme weather, climate, and energy challenges. The Resilient Communities for America campaign is sponsored by ICLEI USA, the U.S. Green Building Council, the National League of Cities, and the World Wildlife Fund. For more information, please visit: *EPA Strengthens Energy Star Requirements for Refrigerators and Freezers* The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has revised its Energy Star requirements for residential refrigerators and freezers. The updated requirements raise the bar for energy efficiency in these products and, for the first time, encourage manufacturers of Energy Star

appliances to include optional connected features. These features would offer consumers more ways to reduce the energy consumption of their refrigerators and freezers, help lower their utility bills, and better protect the environment and the climate. Under the new standards, Energy Star certified refrigerators and freezers will use at least 10 percent less energy than models meeting 2014 federal minimum efficiency standards. If all refrigerators and freezers sold in the United States were to meet the updated requirements, energy cost savings would grow to more than $890 million each year and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of those from more than one million vehicles. Learn more about Energy Star at: For more information on the updated Energy Star refrigerators and freezers specification, please visit: *Pentagon Issues Mandatory Smart Growth Planning Criteria* The Pentagon has released new criteria that incorporate smart growth planning approaches to redesign the vast amounts of land it controls at its military bases. The new criteria incorporate principles of compact, transit-oriented, mixed-use infill development. The criteria state that "high connectivity, mixed land uses, and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure decrease auto dependence and increase levels of walking, running, and cycling." For more information, please visit: *EPA Releases Guide to Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Facilities for Local Governments* EPA has released a new climate and energy strategy guide for local governments, entitled "Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Facilities: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs." Water and wastewater facilities are among the largest consumers of energy in a community, accounting for 35 percent of typical U.S. municipal energy budgets. Local governments can reduce their energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions by working with these facilities to improve the energy efficiency of their new, existing and renovated buildings and their day-to-day operations. This guide provides comprehensive information for local government staff and policy makers on designing and implementing energy management programs for water and wastewater facilities. To read the guide, visit: *NOAA Launches Redesigned Climate.Gov Website and Offers Communication Pathways for Online Users* NOAA's website provides science and information for a climate-smart nation. It has recently been completely re-designed based upon public feedback. Each section has refined its user interface, enhanced its functionality, and expanded its scope of contents. With timely and authoritative scientific data and information about climate, the website aims to promote the public's understanding of climate science and climate-related events, to make NOAA data products and services easy to access and use, to provide climate-related support to the private sector and the Nation's economy, and to serve people making climate-related decisions with tools and resources that help them answer specific questions. To learn more, visit: For additional information, users can access NOAA's climate information and updates via Facebook at:, Twitter: @NOAAClimate, and YouTube: *EPA Updates its Ranking of Community Green Power Use* The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Green Power Partnership has released an updated ranking of the country's top Green Power Communities (GPC). A GPC is one which meets or exceeds the program's green power purchase requirements. The communities are ranked based on both the volume of green power used and green power as a percentage of its total power use. In this new ranking, Washington D.C. maintains the number one spot as a user of the greenest power with more than 1 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed. The community with the largest percentage of green power used is Oak Park, IL at 91.9%. The rankings welcome several new members this year, including Cincinnati, OH; Creve Coeur, MO; and Arlington Heights, IL. For more information, please visit:

*NOAA's Climate Ready Great Lakes Offers Free Online Training Modules* NOAA's Climate Ready Great Lakes posted three training modules online designed to help create a Great Lakes region that is "climate ready." These modules provide stakeholders and decision makers with clear information about the Great Lakes climate, as well as strategies on adaptation. This project was sponsored by the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network and the NOAA Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Team. Each module consists of a PowerPoint presentation and supplemental materials, including worksheets, handouts, and evaluation forms. Presenters may wish to use the evaluations at the end of a presentation or training workshop. The modules may be presented in their entirety, or users may wish to select a subset of the PowerPoint slides and support materials from one or more modules to suit their particular needs. For more information, visit: *Association of Climate Change Officers Launches Inaugural Climate Strategies Forum on October 14-17, 2013 in Washington, D.C.* The Association of Climate Change Officers will host its inaugural Climate Strategies Forum to launch in-depth training programs in conjunction with their recent publication of Core Competencies for Climate Change Officers. The Forum will feature prominent leaders from across sectors in a plenary format and a series of half-day boot camps aligned with the core competencies. Plenary sessions will focus on climate and energy, and boot camps will focus on topics including adaptation planning, implementing change management schemes, and building a public-private partnership project. For more information, visit: *Solar Technologies Garner Two R&D 100 Awards* R&D Magazine selected two SunShot-funded solar technologies to be among the 100 most significant innovations of 2013: Sandia National Laboratories' Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool, and a high-efficiency silicon solar cell developed by TetraSun under a SunShot Incubator award. For more information, please visit: *Climate and Health Communication Toolkit from the Centers for Disease Control* With summer upon us, the National Tracking Program's toolkit can help educate the public on how the environment is connected to climate change, extreme heat, and public health. To access or receive more information on the toolkit, please click here (pdf). The National Tracking Network also collects data on heat-related deaths and illnesses throughout the United States and provides information so people can protect themselves. For more information, please see the Network's Extreme Heat Infographic. *USDA Town Meetings Draw Comments on Proposal to Help Utilities Finance Renewable Energy Projects* Earlier this month, Town Hall meetings at USDA headquarters attracted good commentary on a proposed rule that can serve as a way to transition to energy generation of the future. The Department of Agricultures Rural Utilities Service (RUS) held the meeting s to hear from rural electric program borrowers, potential borrowers, and financial institutions on proposing rules that clarify how RUS finances renewable energy projects for both rural and nonrural consumers. To read the proposed rule visit the Federal Register at Information on the proposed rule is also posted on the RUS website, which you can find at Comments are due July 30, 2013you can submit comments via, and follow the instructions for submitting comments. To read more, click here. *Energy Intensity of Federal Buildings Slashed 25% in Past Decade* The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), which builds and manages federal buildings, recently announced that it cut federal energy spending by $65.5 million in fiscal year (FY) 2012 by reducing the energy use intensity levels in its buildings by nearly 25% since FY 2003. That placed the GSA well ahead of its goal of a 21% reduction in energy intensity. The agency also exceeded its FY 2020 greenhouse gas reduction target in FY 2012, reducing emissions by more than 35% from FY 2008 levelsequivalent to taking 162,000 vehicles off the road for

a year. The GSA has also reduced its water usage in buildings by nearly 20% since FY 2007. The milestones were noted as part of the GSA's sustainability and energy performance scorecard for FY 2012. The GSA has worked to reduce the environmental impact of federal buildings through the use of innovative technologies such as solar panels, advanced lighting systems, geothermal technology, wind power, and low-flow plumbing systems. For more information, see the GSA press release. *Solar Plane Prototype Lands in New York City* The Solar Impulse, a solar-powered airplane, on July 6 successfully landed at New Yorks John F. Kennedy International Airport after an 18hour flight from Washington Dulles airport. The Swiss prototype crossed the United States to showcase its ability to fly day and night powered exclusively by solar energy. Dubbed the journey "Across America," the flight started on May 3 in San Francisco, California, and included stops in Phoenix, Arizona; Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas; St. Louis, Missouri; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Washington, D.C. The journey took a total of 105 hours over 3,511 miles at an average speed of about 31 miles per hour. The aircraft has nearly 12,000 silicon mono-crystalline solar cells on its wings and on its horizontal stabilizer that provide power to the craft's four 10-horsepower electric engines. For more information, see the Solar Impulse website. *Urban Forest Assessment Resource Guide* A variety of assessment tools have been developed to help officials understand the benefits that urban forests provide, and to help quantify these benefits. This new guide provides the latest framework for practitioners interested in conducting urban forest ecosystem assessments. This guide includes an overview of urban forest management and a section on how to choose an urban forest assessment tool. To view the guide, please visit: *Secretary Vilsack Announces Steps to Conserve 17-Million Acre Tongass National Forest by Transitioning to Sustainable, Second Growth Forest Management* Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently outlined a series of actions by the U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to conserve the old-growth forests of the Tongass National Forest. The actions will focus on speeding the transition to management of secondgrowth (previously harvested) forests. At 17 million acres, the Tongass is the largest national forest in the United States. It contains large stands of old-growth rainforest, and provides world-class recreation and fishing while supporting local communities through a variety of economic activities. The Secretary's memorandum is available online at USDA and EPA Launch U.S. Food Waste Challenge The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently launched the U.S. Food Waste Challenge, calling on others across the food chainincluding producer groups, processors, manufacturers, retailers, communities, and other government agencies to join the effort to reduce, recover, and recycle food waste. Food waste in the United States is estimated at roughly between 30 to 40 percent of the food supply. In 2010, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food from U.S. retail food stores, restaurants, and homes never made it into people's stomachs. The amount of uneaten food in homes and restaurants was valued at almost $390 per U.S. consumer in 2008, more than an average month's worth of food expenditures. Through its Food Recovery Challenge, EPA will provide U.S. Food Waste Challenge participants with the opportunity to access data management software and technical assistance ( to help them quantify and improve their sustainable food management practices. To join the Challenge and learn more about USDA's activities and the activities of those who have already joined, visit: EPA Announces More Than $3 Million in Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants to Help Facilitate

Environmental Stewardship and Cleanup Across the Country The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced the selection of 16 grantees for a total award of $3.2 million through the agency's Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Program. The grants support local work to recruit, train, and place unemployed individuals in jobs that address environmental challenges in their communities. By providing Americans in economically disadvantaged communities with environmental job training, EWDJT grants promote environmental justice by equipping trainees with environmental health and safety certifications while creating a locally skilled workforce that advances local economies. For more information on EPA's Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants Program: EPA Awards $2 Million for Small Business Innovation Research: Promoting Green Jobs The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced more than $2 million to 25 small businesses nationwide to develop new environmental technologies that will help protect peoples health and the environment. EPAs Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program funds innovative research resulting in new commercial products, processes and services that protect the environment, benefit the public, and promote the growth of small businesses. This years projects focus on drinking water, wastewater, manufacturing, green building, waste monitoring and management, air quality, sustainable use of biomass and homeland security. Each of the 25 companies will receive an SBIR Phase I contract of up to $80,000 to further develop their technology over the next six months. Once the project has been demonstrated to be commercially viable, then companies are eligible to compete for a Phase II award of up to $300,000 to commercialize their technology. To be eligible to participate in the SBIR program, a company must be an organized for-profit U.S. business, and have fewer than 500 employees. For more information on EPAs SBIR program, please visit: Dubuque, Iowa to Host 6th Annual Growing Sustainable Communities Conference September 24-25 Three women who have helped community leaders and some of the world's most successful companies plot a course toward a more sustainable future will deliver keynote addresses at the 6th annual Growing Sustainable Communities Conference Sept. 24-25 at the Grand River Center in Dubuque. Michele Hunt, founder of Vision & Values, a leadership consulting firm based in Washington D.C., will share her thoughts on The Power of Visionary Leadership; Rebecca Ryan, futurist, author and founder of Next Generation Consulting, will present Cities 3.0: Reflecting, Responding and Redesigning for an Uncertain Future; and Deb Frodl, global executive director of General Electric's ecomagination, will describe how the third largest company in the world is addressing today's environmental challenges while driving economic growth. Presented by the City of Dubuque and Sustainable City Network, the conference will feature 25 educational workshops and mobile tours related to sustainability, resource conservation and community engagement. For more information, please visit: EPA Grant of $200,000 Awarded to Childrens Mercy Hospital EPA has awarded a $200,000 Environmental Education Grant to Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo., for a collaborative project to teach health care students about pediatric environmental health and healthy homes, with emphasis on indoor air quality and pesticide use in homes. EPAs Environmental Education Grant Program is a competitive grant program that supports efforts to enhance the publics awareness and knowledge about environmental issues. This grant program supports environmental education projects to increase skills and to help people make informed decisions that affect environmental quality and to take responsible actions toward the environment. Visit: to learn more about EPA's Environmental Education Grant Program. Historic Strip Gets Long-Awaited Makeover in Branson, Missouri In Branson, Mo., Highway 76 is an economic and cultural lifeline. Home to more than 100 shops, theaters, restaurants, and other attractions, the historic stretch tells the story of the Ozark getaway dating back to the 1950s. Residents and visitors to Branson right now are shaping the next era of Highway 76 on Spirit of 76. Theyre suggesting changes that would improve aging theaters curb appeal, reduce traffic congestion

on the busy strip, and make the area struck by a devastating tornado just over a year ago better protected from the forces of nature. Branson residents are learning from their past to create a better future in their online conversation. For more information, please visit: New Resource: Database Tracks Energy Legislation in All 50 States Colorado State Universitys Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) has gone live with an online database of energy-related legislation pending in all 50 states. The Advanced Energy Legislation (AEL) Tracker, which was created in partnership with Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), is tracking the more than 2,100 bills under consideration in state legislatures that could change the way Americans produce, buy and use energy. EPA Report Details How Development Can Impact Public Health, Environment EPA today released its most comprehensive review to date on how the built environment the way we build our cities and towns directly affects our environment and public health. The report was announced by EPA Acting Administrator Bob Perciasepe during a national Twitter Town Hall meeting in Washington, DC with Maurice Jones, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing, and Development (HUD), and John Porcari, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the HUD-DOTEPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities. The publication, Our Built and Natural Environments: A Technical Review of the Interactions among Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Quality, provides evidence that certain kinds of land use and transportation strategies where and how we build our communities can reduce the environmental and human health impacts of development. Although findings might differ on the magnitude of the effects of different practices, the evidence is overwhelming that some types of development yield better environmental results than others, the report concludes. The publication is important and timely for understanding the most environmentally responsible way to develop as our nations population grows over the next half century and beyond. For more information, please visit:!OpenDocument. EPA Awards more than $4.3 Million in Partnership with NSF and NOAA for Climate and Air Quality Research The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on June 5th, more than $4.3 million in grants to 13 institutions to study and improve our understanding of how certain organic compounds form in the atmosphere. Research performed by grantees will help the federal government improve its air quality management systems and climate change models with respect to organic aerosol formation and help EPA continue its work of protecting peoples health and the environment. These research grants support EPAs Air, Climate, and Energy research program, providing integrated science to address complex air quality issues. For more information about these grants, visit For more about EPAs air research visit Re-Powering Americas Land Initiative Recognized as a Top 25 Innovator in American Government EPAs RE-Powering Americas Land Initiative is being recognized as one of the Top 25 Innovations in American Government according to Harvard Universitys Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. The award program is one of the nations most prestigious and highlights exemplary models of government innovation and efforts to address the nations most pressing public concerns. The RE-Powering Initiative encourages the development of renewable energy on potentially contaminated land, landfills and mining sites. The initiative creates new markets for blighted lands and seeks to transform vacant and underutilized properties into community assets, realizing environmental, economic and social benefits. Such opportunities can give developers access to infrastructure that is already in place, properties zoned for this type of development and, often, community partners who are eager to see blighted areas put to productive use. Please contact a member of EPAs RE-Powering Rapid Response Team with any questions.

Air Quality Index Applications for iphones and Androids The AIRNow mobile application provides you real-time air quality information that you can use to protect your health when planning your day. You can get location-specific reports on current air quality and air quality forecasts for both ozone and fine particle pollution (PM2.5). Air quality maps from the AIRNow website provide visual depictions of current and forecast air quality nationwide, and a page on air qualityrelated health effects explains what actions people can take to protect their health at different AQI levels, such as "code orange." For more information see EPA Seeks Input on New Clean Air Standards for Solid Waste Landfills The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting small businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations to participate as Small Entity Representatives (SERs) for a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel. This panel will focus on the agencys review of its New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for municipal solid waste landfills. The Clean Air Act requires EPA to review new source performance standards every eight years and revise them if necessary. EPA is under a court-ordered deadline to complete its review and propose how to address the results of that review by Feb. 4, 2014 and to take final action by Dec. 17, 2014. For more information please visit: New Data Tool Illustrates Global-to Community-Scale Energy Trends As part of the Energy Data Initiative, the Energy Department, its Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the Planetary Skin Institute released a new open tool to better visualize energy data and make this information more available and useful for state and local governments, private industry, and other energy researchers. The Free Energy Data platform (FRED) builds on the broader Energy Data Initiativemaking energy usage and generation data more transparent, while accelerating the transition to a clean energy future. Open energy data and analytics can play a pivotal role in developing cost-effective, long-term energy solutions that save money and help protect the environment. Based on data from the Energy Information Administration, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Solar Energy Industries Association, FRED offers a common format for diverse inputs and allows users to adjust their focus from global to city-level scales. FRED also allows users to enter their own data and compare their performance with other jurisdictions and institutions, or track performance over time. Data can also be viewed in graphical formats showing present and past energy demand by fuel and sector; this data can be compared across jurisdictions as well as through flow diagrams that visualize how multiple sectors use different energy sources. EPA Recognizes Students for Sustainable Environmental Solutions The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced that seven university and college teams received the coveted P3 Award for their innovative solutions to some of todays toughest public health and environmental challenges. EPAs People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) award competition was held at the 9th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo. Each award winning team qualifies to receive a grant of up to $90,000 to further develop their design and potentially bring it to the marketplace. Winners of this years awards are: Loyola University of Chicago University of Massachusetts Lowell Radford University San Jose State University Georgia Southern University Cornell University Cornell University For more information on the P3 award competition, please visit: For more information on the P3 program, please visit:

Facing Climate Change: Stories from the Pacific Northwest Facing Climate Change is a documentary project that tells the story of global change through local people. This new video series is from the Pacific Northwest, and features stories about oyster farmers confronting ocean acidification, coastal Tribes planning for sea level rise, potato farmers adjusting to reduced snowpack, and plateau Tribes concerned about habitat loss. New Tool: Metadata Access Tool for Climate and Health (MATCH) The Metadata Access Tool for Climate and Health (MATCH) is a publicly accessible, online tool for researchers that offers centralized access to metadata standardized contextual information about thousands of government-held datasets related to health, the environment, and climate-science. MATCH is one of a growing number of tools, driven by open data, that are being made available by the Obama Administration as fuel for innovation, ideas, and insights in this case, at the important intersection of climate and human health. Energy Department Announces $9 Million to Advance Cost-Effective Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies In support of the Obama Administration's all-of-the-above energy strategy, the Energy Department today announced up to $9 million in new funding to accelerate the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in vehicles, backup power systems, and hydrogen refueling components. These investments will strengthen U.S. leadership in cost-effective hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and help industry bring these technologies into the marketplace at lower cost. For more information, please visit: Tribal Support for the National Environmental Information Exchange Network EPA announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible organizations that are broadly representative of federally recognized tribes and are familiar with tribal environmental issues, programs and data to provide outreach to increase and enhance tribal participation in the National Environmental Information Exchange Network, also known as the Exchange Network. The overall g oal of this cooperative agreement is to enhance tribal participation in the Exchange Network which is a partnership to support better environmental decisions through improved exchange of, and access to, environmental information. Deadline: August 30, 2013. For more information, please visit: USDA Announces a Notice of Contract Proposals to Support Advanced Biofuels Production Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced the availability of up to $98.6 million to support the production of advanced biofuels, and an opportunity for eligible producers to submit applications. USDA remains focused on carrying out its mission, despite a time of significant budget uncertainty. The recent announcement is one part of the Department's efforts to strengthen the rural economy. "The United States is on the path to a cleaner, more secure energy future," Vilsack said. "By helping producers to support and expand the production of advanced biofuels, USDA is ensuring that Rural America is a key component of President Obama's 'all-of-the-above' energy strategy to reduce the Nation's reliance on foreign oil." For more information, please visit: Green Infrastructure Challenge - Application Deadline: October 1, 2013 The Green Infrastructure Challenge will award more than $1 million for design and construction projects that green the District of Columbia. Proposals must focus on ways to absorb rain water on public, private, government, and institutional properties before it reaches the storm and sewer systems. Prize money will be awarded to winning designs, and selected projects will receive construction funding. For more information, please visit:

America's Home Energy Education Challenge 2013-14 Program Launched Registration opened on May 7 for Americas Home Energy Education Challenge (AHEEC), a national student competition created to help families save money by saving energy. Administered for the Energy Department by the National Science Teachers Association, the Challenge is designed to inspire student interest in science, technology, engineering, and math, while encouraging elementary and middle school students to make smarter energy choices and save energy at home. The AHEEC has two parts: the Home Energy Challenge and the Energy Fitness Award. Each is designed to encourage students to learn about science and home energy savings, and participants can chose one or get involved with both. All students from third to eighth grade are eligible to enter for both parts of the challenge, including students in after school and home school programs Registration runs through November 15, 2013. For more information, please visit the Energy Department press release and the Home Energy Challenge website. Shadowcliff Sustainable Coordinators Workshop July 31-August 4 Shadowcliff is teaming with The Sustainable Communities Institute of the National League of Cities to host a Sustainable Coordinators Workshop this summer. Sustainability Coordinators/Managers, City Managers and other professionals addressing local sustainability policies and programs should attend. The Chief Sustainability Officers of Fort Collins, Kansas City, and Flagstaff who have been there and done that and know the challenges as well as the pathways to success will be helping lead the workshops. For reservations and information contact Director Carl Sniffen: For more information about Shadowcliff, visit:

This digest is being provided by EPA Region 7 for informational purposes only. This digest contains links to information, agencies, sites, and organizations outside of the EPA website. EPA is not responsible for third party links. EPA does not endorse third party organizations or agencies.

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