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Khao Phansa (Candle Festival)

over the kingdom celebrate Khao Phansa, one of the most important events in the religious calendar.

With the arrival of the eighth lunar month in July, Thai Buddhists all

'Khao Phansa', in Thai, refers to the beginning of the Buddhist Lent.

During this time, Buddhist monks are restricted to their temples for a

period of three months. Young men over 20 years, who have not yet observe Buddhist teachings.

ordained as monks, may take this opportunity to enter the monkhood to In Ubon Ratchathani, 629 km northeast of Bangkok, the Candle

Festival is the province's most popular annual event. On the days before Si Muang, a public field, similar to Bangkok's Sanam Luang.

the event, the local authorities will be busy preparing the venue at Thung At the same time, local artisans make ornately carved beeswax

candles of various sizes and shapes. On the day of the festival, the fabulous candles are paraded around the town on colorful floats,

accompanied by displays of religious devotion. After the procession, they are presented to local temples. Vocabulary

1. religious =. 2. Buddhist Lent = 3. restrict = 4. annual = . 5. venue = . 6. public field = 7. beeswax = 8. fabulous = 9. float = 10. devotion =


Khao Phansa (Candle Festival)

Direction : Drawing and coloring.

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