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Health Perception/Health Management Pattern Consult Health facility in times of health crisis. Diagnosed with Celiac Disease and had undergone a series of treatment the Doctor advices her to have a gluten-free diet for lifelong.


Nutrition and Metabolism Pattern Weight: 72 kg Height: 56 ft Vital signs: ( July 31,2010 12pm) BP-90/70 mmHg PR- 60 bpm RR- 21 cpm T- 36.4C PTA, the patient eats 3 times a day with a serving of 1-2 cup of rice, viand and a glass of water. Patient experiences diarrhea, foul smelling gas, and increased amount of fat in the stool, weight loss, and abdominal bloating. Occasional drinker, drinks alcohol at most 2-3 times/week but drinks in larger amounts.


Elimination Pattern Prior to admission, the patient has an increased bowel habit of 4-5 times/day During the admission, the patient able to urinate 2-3 times a day and a bowel movement of 4-5 times/day within 5 days of hospitalization. Observed fats on the stool.


Activity and Exercise Pattern PTA, the patient has a daily exercise such as walking in going to work and jog 2 times a month. Patient wakes up early to prepare breakfast for her children.


Sexuality/ Reproductive Pattern Female, married, and has 4 siblings Reported no use of contraceptives both artificial and natural methods. The patient has been married for 8 years, currently staying with his children but is away from his husband for almost a year due to work assignments. Patient does not have questions or concerns about how his illness will affect the sexual aspect of his life.


Cognitive/ Perceptual Pattern No sensory deficits. PERRLA Oriented to time, place and person. Responds appropriately to verbal and physical stimuli. Recent and remote memory intact. Patient states pain on the abdominal area with pain scale of 7 out of 10, 10 is the highest. No hearing, visual and memory difficulties noted. Patient does not have difficulty understanding, answering questions and following directions. Patient has clear and appropriate responses to questions. Patient talks in Bisaya Patient is able to participate in decision making for his health.


Roles and Relationship Pattern States good relationship with family but always in trouble and argument when she is intoxicated with alcohol. The patients parents are still alive. Family is supportive financially and emotionally especially her husband.

Patient verbalized Maayo man among relasyon sa among balay, okay pud mi sa akong bana, pirmi man siya naga tawag sa amua. Makakita lang man ko og away didto sa amu kanaang naka inom na lage, unya magkainitan, magkabiklanay dira jud. Client works as a call center agent. Does not have difficulty in relating to staff and nurses; complies with the instructions provided by the health care givers. 8. Self-Perception / Self- Concept Pattern Patient expresses understanding and recognition of her present condition and does not verbalize signs of hopelessness; Okay naman ko, pwede naman gani mudagan.

Patient talks with eye to eye contact with clear voice. Patient manages to smile and conversant with others. Patient is properly groomed: Clean fingernails, toenails and hair are well commed. Patient expresses concern with his illness and work Basig madugayan ko diri sa hospital,obserbahan pa man gud daw ko ingon sa doctor unsaon nalang ang mga bayranan kelangan jud mag trabaho. 9. Value/ Belief Pattern Patient is Roman Catholic by faith. Attend mass whenever possible. Prays together but usually by herself Values family relationships 10. Coping/ Stress Tolerance Pattern Family members are supportive to patients needs. Patient verbalized Maau gani naa akong bana, sige gani to padala og kwarta kay hurot na jud akong kwarta diri naga bisita man pud akong mga parente diri, nag llisod pud lage to sila maong maulaw pud ta mangayo og tabang. Sleeps, listening to music, playing together with her childrens and drinking of alcoholic beverages as a form of relaxation. She asks questions about her vital signs.

11. Sleep/Rest Pattern Usually the patient sleeps at around 8:00-9:00 in the evening and wakes up at 5:00 in the morning. Patient does not have any sleeping routines or sleeping aids. 12. Medication History There are no medications given to the patient.

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