Differences of Communicable Disease1

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Standard case definition :

CHICKEN POX (varicella) Vesicular rash, mild fever, mild constitutional ssx Complications : Pneumonia, 2ry bacterial infection, Hge complications, encephalitis. Infection early preg : congenital varicella syndrome.

Mumps Suspected Case : ACUTE UNILATERAL @ BILATERAL TENDER SELF LIMITED SWELLING Of parotid @ other salivary glands. Confirmed case : Virus isolation, Abs elevation Complications : Orchitis, oophoritis, pancreatitis CNS : meningitis, meningoencephalitis Congenital heart.

Measles ( Rubeolla) FEVER >3 days ( > 38.5 ) Maculopapular rash Cough Coryza Conjunctivitis Confirmed case : Virus isolation, Abs elevation Complications : GIT : diarrhea RESP : bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia EAR : otitis media CNS : encephalitis, SSPE Vit A def : corneal ulcer, scarring.

German measles (Rubella) FEVER ( >37.2 ) Maculopapular rash Lymphadenopathy Confirmed case : Virus isolation, Abs elevation -RARE : NET Neuritis, encephalitis, thrombocytic purpura. -COMMON : JOINT arthralgia, arthritis -Congenital rubella synd Ear : HL Eye : cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy, microophthalmia CNS : microencephaly, MR Heart : Fallot tetralogy Other : bone lesions, splenomeg, hepatitis, TP World wide, except isolated and remote areas Winter, spring Both sexes. Unvac : child, young adults (5-9y), Vac : adults 18 days Rubella Vs Man (clinical, subclinical) Nasopharyngeal secretions

Place Time Person IP Agent Reservoir SOI

World wide Winter, early spring Children < 10y 2-3 w Varicella zoster, group Herpes Man (cases) DISCHARGE respiratory tract inf FLUID of vesicles (before dry) RARE : Pt with herpes zoster URT, skin and mucosal lesions CONTACT TRANSMISSION AIR BORNE TRANSPLACENTAL (congenital varicella) URT and skin 1-2 days before onset rash, until the lesions are crusted (5days)

RARE endemic, OUTBREAK (overcrowding) Winter, spring 5-9 y (most FREQ), severe in adults with FREQ complications 18 days Mumps Vs Man (clinical, subclinical) Saliva of infected person

Exit MOT

Inlet Period communica ble Vaccine


Mouth DROPLET CONTACT DIRECT : SALIVA infected INDIRECT : contaminated articles with nose, throat secretions Nose mouth 6 days before, 9 days after onset overt parotitis Max infectious : 48 hours before onset illness. Inapparent : communicable. LAV

Endemic, one of most common infectious dis in childhood. Any season, seasonal : winter Children, both sexes, may occur any age. Severe : malnourished 400X 10 d before ssx, 14 days before rash Measles Vs Man (cases) NO CARRIER Before app rash (prodromal rash) and early rash : Secretions nose, throat Resp discharge Nose mouth DROPLET, DIRECT (nasal, throat sec of cases) LESS common : INDIRECT (contaminated articles), AIR BORN Nose mouth 4 days before, 4 days after rash. Highly infectious (prodromal period) Decrease after app rash. LAV, monovalent @ combined MMR


Nose mouth 7 d before, 4 days after onset rash. Infants congenital rubella : for months after birth LAV, monovalent @ combined MMR

Standard case definition :

CHOLERA Suspected case : Endemic : acute watery diarrhea +/- vomiting in Pt >5y Non endemic : severe dehyd @ death from acute watery diarrhea +/- vomiting in Pt >5y Confirmed case : Isolation vibro O1/O139 from stools. More FREQ in mild cases among child. Complications : Severe dehyd, Acidosis, Circulatory collapse, Death within hours Heavily endemic, Neoepidemic : newly invaded cholera receptive area. Occasional outbreak Raining @ temperate : summer GAIPOS

POLIOMYELITIS Suspected case : Child <15y : AFP acute flaccid paralysis ( any person any age) Confirmed case : Isolation wild polio Vs from stools cases @ contacts Complications : Muscle : permanent paralysis, deformity, disability Resp m involve and death PPS : after 30-40y : muscle pain, weakness/ paralysis Polio free : Western pacific, America, Europe

ENTERIC FEVER Suspected case : 2 major, atleast 1 minor : Major - Sustained fever, >2d decreasing not reach base line, Headache, Abdominal discomfort Minor non productive cough, relative bradycardia Confirmed case : + blood culture, isolation (urine, stool) Complications : Intestinal He, perforation. SEVERE- cerebral dysfunc. MAY OCCUR : non sweating fever, mental dullness, slight HL, parotitis. Sporadic, epidermic, endemic. Substandard sanitation Paratyphoid : sporadic, limited outbreak. B most common. SUMMER hot humid, outdoor, fly Child, young adult (5-20y) M>F 8-14 d S Typhi, Paratyphoid ABC Man (cases, carrier) *Carrier temporary, chronic


BRUCELLOSIS Suspected case : Fever > 3d PROFUSE NIGHT SWEATING FATIGUE MALAISE +/- WAH : Wt loss, arthralgia, headache Confirmed case : Isolation 4X increase in Brucella agglutination TITRE btwn acute and convalescent phase (2 w apart) SINGLE serum titre (tube agglutination) > 1 : 160 *Complications ** World wide

Time Person

Temperate : summer, no pattern tropical Developing : young child, adoslescent Developed : adults, M: F = 3 : 1 7-14 days Polio serotype : P1, P2, P3 MAN (clinical, subclinical, temporary faecal carrier), NO CHRONIC CARRIER Faecal and pharyngeal secretions of case

IP Agent Reservoir SOI

5 days Vibrio cholera serogroup O1, O139 Man ( cases, carrier- contact, convalescent) Water, food, drink contaminated with stool @ vomitus Pt. Cooked food with polluted water Anus mouth INGESTION CONTAMINATED FOOD DRINK FLY VECTOR DIRECT, INDIRECT WITH STOOL Pt

Seasonal : temperate, cold climates ACUTE : spring, summer ** Adult MALE If food poisoning : M=F Occup dis of animal breeding 1-3 w, can be 6-7 m Brucella Gram : abortus, cannis, suis, melitensis. Cattle, swine, sheep, goat, dog TISSUE, BLOOD, URINE, MILK PLACENTA, VAGINAL DISCHARGE, ABORTED FETUS

Exit MOT

Anus mouth nose child in developing : FAECES - INFECT not paralysis Developed : DROPLET DIRECT CONTACT with resp discharge INDIRECT INGESTION CONTAMINATED FOOD with FAECES

Anus, urethra Common vehicle :Ingestion FOOD WATER Vector : FLY FAECO ORAL contaminated HAND INDIRECT

Contact : with SOI, skin abrasions, conjunctiva Common vehicle : ingestion milk@products, drink water with stool AIRBORNE- lab, meat process plant DUST TRANSMISSION Vector : TICK BITES






Period communica ble Vaccine

+ stool = 10-14 d (IP, illness, convalescence) Intermittent shed : chronic biliary carrier OLD, ORAL Vac **

Highly : 7-10 days before @ after ssx Vs excreted in stools : 3-6 w

7 days thoughout convalescence UNTREATED typhoid : discharge bact 3 months after ssx INACTIVATED WHOLE CELL Vac Vi conjugate polysac Vac Oral Ty21a Vac


SABIN (LAV) SALK inactivated

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