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This is About

Msc. (CS-FOSS)
Parin Sharma Student Msc. CS-FOSS Batch2

Msc. (CS-FOSS)
Joint effort by AU-KBC , Anna University Motivation from NRCFOSS, funded by DIT and MCIT of GoI and coordinated by CDAC- Chennai

It is the only such program of a leading Indian technological university delivered entirely Online with its well recognised benefits of flexible interactive learning unconstrained by geographical limitations, suited especially for working people.

only degree-oriented program focused sharply on Free/Open Source Software (FOSS)

Msc. (CS-FOSS)
Why Join this Program as a student??

This program gives us not just a *degree*,

rather degrees of Freedom....

Freedom 0:

To learn, use and understand FOSS

*Does not require bachelors degree in CS/IT, we have a subject on Introduction to Computing

Curriculum very clearly states:

All topics will be taught online with tools, programs, packages, products, examples and case studies from the domain of Free/Open Source Software.

Freedom 1: To Choose the no. of subjects you want to take in a semester, aka Flexible Pacing and even break of study can be taken

Freedom 2: To Earn ( do a job oror be an Entrepreneur ) while you Learn as classes happen on Weekends
Only 50% Attendance required

Freedom 3: To attend the class from any part of the world and at any time ( classes are also recorded )
Online Live classes better than the traditional mode of classes *Although as of today, for exams you have to come to MIT Chennai, if no. of student >= 10 then Exams_in_your_city \-/ Yes I have a batch mate from Qatar

Read more at: MSCFOSS/Regulations.html

Learning Methodology

Demo of Portal Uses Moodle Learning Management System

Demo of Live Class ( BigBlueButton )

So you can Enroll now.... Application Open for Batch starting Apr 2013 till 20.03.2013
if you can't then, wait for the next batch for which notification will be issued in August 2013 .... (a new batch starts every six months)

How you can help?

Be a: Student:As no. of students increase so would the course recognition and we will have another feather added to our community.... Course Instructor: so that the students get to learn from the best of the people in community....

Teaching Assistant: so that the Student CI interaction in classes happen properly Recruit us As employees, as Interns, trainees, now or after we complete the program

Thanks for your time now

? please

About Me
Parin Sharma Another Digital Freedom Evangelist Diaspora* Or temporarily on FB Search Frdmaniac Parin

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