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Possible Theatrical Course Descriptions

Drama 1: Introduction to Theatre Basic instruction in all aspects of Theatre: Acting, Dramatic Literature, Technical Theatre, and Theatre History Individual and partnered activities within the semester. Final project includes exploration into a desired field within theatre. Drama 3: Advanced Drama
(Prereq: Drama 2)

Selected Units: Audition Process and Techniques Basic Characterization Basic Performance Evaluation Basic Play Analysis Basic Play Production Improvisation Games and Techniques Memorization Techniques and Practice Reader's Theatre study and stage application Stage Movement Storytelling study and stage application Theatre History: Overview Theatrical Terminology Selected Units: Acting Theorists Advanced Play Production Audition Practice Character and Scene Analysis Dramaturgy Performance Evaluation Shakespearean and Contemporary Monologues and Scenework Theatre History: Theatrical Roots Selected Units: Advanced Training in Body and Voice Advanced Characterization Production Application Advanced Scenework College and Professional Preparation Portfolio Preparation

Drama 2: Intermediate Drama

(Prereq: Drama 1)

In-depth study in all aspects of Theatre: Acting, Dramatic Literature, Technical Theatre, and Theatre History. Individual and partnered activities within the semester. Final project includes continued exploration into a desired field within theatre.

Intense study into specialized fields. Student will choose a focus at the beginning of the semester (acting, direction, design, production or management) and work for the entire semester within that field of study. Class projects and final production. Resume building skills and job shadowing opportunities. Technical Theatre
(Prereq: Drama 2 or Teacher approval)

Specialized instruction given in the technical fields: Lighting, Set, Costume, Sound and Makeup design and application. Extra-curricular opportunities given for application of skills in campus productions. Resume building skills and job shadowing opportunities.

Selected Units: Design and Production Instructional units in: Lighting, Set, Costumes, Makeup, Sound and Props. Exploration of Technical roles: Producer, Manager, Director, Technician Production Assignments Resume and Portfolio Preparation

Other course options: Musical Theatre, Improvisation, Shakespeare, Costume or Set design, Stage Management, Directing, Playwriting, Theatre History, Dramatic Analysis

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