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Profit Brat!

PROFIT BRAT! Is the property of copyright 2006

$2000/week set this thing up in less than 60 days

$2000/week set this thing up in less than 60 days

Nathan Stark

Congratulations, you have purchased the complete Profit Brat! Programme This is Book IV Web site Wealth

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Take this programme and make it the foundation of your initial online income streams

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Profit Brat! 100% Affiliate Friendly!


For those of you wishing to promote this awesome product, you can relax in the knowledge that you get our help. We provide a mix of ready made marketing materials for immediate use based on the concepts you are about to discover in this programme. Think you were clever for making this purchase? You bet you were! Why would we give you inferior knowledge here if we expect that a large proportion of our customers will become affiliates. When you make a profit so do we. We offer a healthy 50% commision, so your income is about to take a sharp upswing. Go to our affiliate page below when you are ready and explore the materials prepared for you.$1kperdayprofitbrat!.html

Martin Thomas CEO

Book IV Website Wealth

By Nathan Stark
All rights reserved Contents are not to be shared, printed or transmitted
Nathan Stark-licence#003949HTD Publisher activation (Fairwell publishing #2304) principal Martin Thomas
PROFIT BRAT! Is the property of copyright 2006 C

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Book IV Website Wealth

Congratulations, you have purchased the complete ProfitBrat! Programme This is Book IV Web Site Wealth

Copyright 2006 C The content of this work is designed to educate and provide general ideas about the topic. No two circumstances are identical and laws governing online business vary from state to state. Neither the authors or publishers assume any responsibilities for errors or ommissions. Authors and publishers specifically disclaim any liability resulting in the use of any of the materials provided as the material is of a general nature. None of the materials should be viewed as legal or financial advice as circumstances vary from person to person. All cases of specific examples should be considered by the individual and researched within their own sphere of network advisors.

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Book IV- Web Site Wealth

The Profit Bratt!

Table of Contents
Intorduction....................................................................................................................4 Chapter 1...........................................................................................................................7 Content is Cash....................................................................................................................7 How to access Content Profits..............................................................................................7 Multi million dollar income...................................................................................................9 Building Foundations...........................................................................................................9 A promotion..................................................................................................................10 The content.......................................................................................................................11 Elance......................................................................................................................11

C ha pt e r 2 ......................................................................................1 4 The template.....................................................................................................................14 A real world example.........................................................................................................14 The whole page.................................................................................................................16 Chapter 3.........................................................................................................................19 Getting Indexed................................................................................................................19 Chapter 4.........................................................................................................................20 SEO...................................................................................................................................20 What helped me................................................................................................................20

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Introduction-Website Wealth Book 4

Forced to choose between building a website and rapid income, my choice was easy. Its obvious that to make money from your own web site you need traffic. You are literally an amoeba floating around in a sea of flotsam and jetsom when you start out on line. You are not even plankton in the digital ocean. You are too small to even be noticed, you are even smaller than bacteria. With no visitors you have nothing but a hobby. There are more enjoyable ways to spend your time then staring at a computer screen. Its evident that most people begin by thinking a website is the most direct and lucrative line to profits on the internet but nothing could be further from the truth. Building a website, that takes time and you need assistance to manufacture a site big enough to sustain a lead flow big enough to carry daily sales that will replace your day job income. The truth is that you want income and not a website head ache. You want fast, sustained profits that will replace your day job so you can finally establish an online presence. In this digital ocean there are whales like yahoo and google, there are sharks, there are small schools of networked fish and there is plankton and amoebas. They all started out as amoebas just like you may currently be. To get big, to move from a little amoeba to a life form like a fish or bigger, you need assistance. That assistance is usually in the form of hired help. The internet is a different place from 10 years ago. 10 years ago, I am told (I was at school then) all you had to do was know how to open a website

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Introduction-Website Wealth Book 4

and you had traffic. Sales were as easy as writing a quick few pages on topics that interested you and you could literally start making money over night. In the early nineties all you had to do was put up a site and if the idea was original enough you could sell shares and there were no shortage of buyers either. The private sector was crazy about .com companies and fortunes were made just pitching ideas and floating companies. The company didnt even need to have an established income, how crazy is that! Today the internet is just as lucrative but the path is a little veiled. Most people dont get this about the internet but the nature of the beast is quality content. Feed the beast this high demand quantity and you will get rich faster then a red Ferrari. I have outlined for you in what capacity you will do this in the previous books. This is your first port of call. To research and write content for the topics you choose to specialize in. This is the right way to go about it. The ProfitBrat! package is a system for immediate and long term wealth on the internet. Do it this way and you cant fail. Most go straight to building websites and stagnate for years wondering why they havent made any real money. The sad part is even after 5 years your site might not get any where. It will sink into the back ground and the only value you got was to show your friends and family your writing skills and pretty design skills. To make money you will follow the advice in the Affiliate Millionaire and expand on that income with the advice given in PPC Magnate If you have done this you will have existing income streams that will assist you in the final phase of your online Real Estate empire. The final phase is to build a big site that attracts enourmous traffic which is targeted. Unto those targeted visitors you will sell a nice mix of related affiliate products with healthy commissions and you will collect adsense from the many clicks your customers make as they explore your 50,000 page websites.

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To begin this phase, well, you have already begun. You should have 500 keyword optimized articles that will provide you with the first 500 pages. You also have a slew of presell pages where visitors move on directly to sell pages that the owner of the product provides. Each of these pages on average will bring you 1 visitor per day because you are not gambling on 100,000 per month keywords. You are taking the sure path by taking the 75% bottom section of popular words and this way all you do will be seen. Not by many, but collectively by very many. So lets see if we can establish a large fishing net to catch a large amount of traffic. If you can make 1 page that collects 1 visitor per day that is broadly related to 50,000 other pages in topic and content, and you have links to your other pages, then you have 50,000 door ways that link to each other giving you plenty of traffic and opportunity to sell. By the time you get to this stage your income will be substantial from your other activities so you can use it to pay people to do this tedious work of building a large site. All you have to do is use the keyword tool and spend a few hours per week feeding your writers the next batch of keywords. So lets get into the details of this final consolidation phase. In this book I show you how to build these enourmous websites fast. You will get indexed fast and you will build them fast. In one year you should have 1 million pages out there, with 1 million visitors per day, TARGETED visitors, by next year you will be earning a multi-million dollar income. Clear the decks amoeba, you are about to form a brain.

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Chapter 1 Content is Cash-Website Wealth Book 4

Chapter 1 Content is Cash

Its no surprise that the holy grail of the internet is content. The simplest explanantion is often the right one and this cant be simpler. The web functions as a place people who want information go to. Its more then an encyclopedia, its an interactive world mind. What ever imaginable thing you can wonder about can usually be answered by doing an internet search. But if you look closer, this utopian notion is far from the reality. This is good news for million dollar ambitious brats like us. But when you do a search for most topics their is an abundance of crap mixed with the good. Link farms, odd obscure pages with no real meaning and tons of unrelated and boring waffle abounds on any given search. How to Access Content Profits If there were smart people out there that gave the world what it wants, the world will be a better place. Not only that but these smart people would be rewarded generously for their efforts. Not only do everyday searchers want good content, but more importantly to you, the search engines want and reward good content. They dont just want content, they want relevant content, targeted to the search that was performed. This is the mechanism these smart people use to get rewarded. By serving the search engines good content, the search engine can serve it up to the appropriate search thats carried out. In this way, the search engine introduces you to the person wanting certain information. Why would they want to introduce you if all you have on your page is a bunch of links, artificially designed to trick the

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search engine into thinking you are a good referal when you arent. It does the search engine long term harm to make these bad introductions. The time will come when a search engine will come along that is far superior in making a search. The searcher will name a topic and just the right pages will come up in just the right order as the searcher reads one page and wants to know more the next listing will answer their next questions in a logical order. When that happens it will blow the current dominant search engines out of the water. They will just not be able to compete because everybody is sick of making a search for beach penguins and finding lisitngs for shoe products, just because one of the manufacturers obscure product lines is called penguin shoes and the content talks about the shoes being perfect to wear to the beach. Everyone will want to use this new search engine, but for that to happen, smart people need to flood the net with strong content. They dont have to write it themselves, they can have it written for them, they will just collect the profits. The rewards. This is where you come in. I cant stress the importance of following the advice in the first three books first. I dont want to undo the solid direction I gave you to grab an immediate income. I did it for a reason. You are going to need time and money to make content for the world. You are going to do it with style and ease. The immediate income is welcome on two fronts.

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First it will free you from the burden of working for a living. (Definitely a tremendous thing for anybody) Secondly it will provide you with enough income to re-invest back into your cyber empire. $100,000 a year is nice, but I wouldnt slow down until I had at least a multi-million dollar income. You never know what will happen and $100,000 per year is not security, its just a nice living. To stand on solid ground you are going to need the strong fortitude that a cool million can bring you. Thats really when you can officially say you have made it and you can park your butt on a cruise chair and watch the world go by. With a million you could easily buy a few rental properties in the real world and live off the rent role. Or you can park it in a bank for a 10% return. An excellent return. You are looking to consolidate your financial position quickly and real world brick and mortar investments are the most secure. Multi Million Dollar Income To make this multi-million dollar income you are going to need professional help. You have a whole lot of content to write. A million dollars worth and you need to get it as soon as you can because quality AND quantity matters on the internet in relation to profits. Writing one great page wont matter one zip. Greatness, profit greatness comes with quantity. Building Foundations You have already begun. The average size of a website I am talking about here is about 50,000 pages. I am telling you that you should shoot for 1 million pages in the next 12 months after you get set up so we are looking at 20 different web sites with roughly 50,000 each in the next 12 months. This may sound like a lot of hard work to you, but dont forget who you are talking to, the biggest laziest bastard the world has ever seen. I dont think Im lazy actually I just believe in economy of effort expenditure. I told you I was going to make you money, make you work and make you grin on the

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front cover of the ProfitBrat! package. But Im not going to be cruel. Your workload is defined by the next month. From there, once you have the adequate income necessary to leave your job and some extra to invest in your business, you can relax and become the creative director. At first you will be more hands on with the first site, by desinging the template for your 50,000 pages and making sure your writers are loading the pages properly in your sites control panel that you give them a limited password to use to access. Thats so they can upload the finnished article themselves as part of the deal for each article. You will have given them instructions on how to do it and any particular things they all have to do with every entry. Part of the deal with your writers is to make sure the content is spell checked but thats about it. A promotion As the creative director you are going to work a grand total of about 5 hours per week. Your job will be to sit down at your computer, use the tool I suggested in Affiliate Millionaire and copy and paste keywords. Then you divide them equally with your writers and send of the new batch of keywords that the articles will be based on. Thats it. That will be the extent of your required imput for the next 12 months as your websites get built. As the first few sites start earning their income you can employ a designer to make the template for the remainder of the sites if you like or you can continue to do them your self.

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The rest of your time will be spent recharging your creative batteries in front of your pool. The Content To create the content your articles must use the keywords in the title of the article and several times near the begining of the article (at least 3 times) What this does is inform the search engine that its appropriate to serve up in a search for these keywords. The content must be well written and informative. It should give of itself. It should make sense to a human reader as well as inform the search engine. When you do this for 50,000 pages on keywords that are searched 20 times per month or more, you will find that you will rate at or near the top for these low demand keywords. Theres nothing wrong with low demend keywords if you have a system for creating quantity. Elance The place to get quantity is by finding a writing contrator on elance You can find them here

A writing contractor is someone that has a large group of people that write for them. You tell the writing contractor what you want, and they assemble the project for you and organise the writers. They make a little off the top of every article you commission and pay for. They can handle large volume orders with no problem and when I first joined elance and talked to a

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wrtiing contractor I was surprised to find out how fast I could get 1000 articles written for me. One in particular is very good and can handle volume orders of 100,000 250 word articles in under a month. Thats a lot of writing. Elance is an auction market place. You specify what you need and by when in the main listings and these contractors and individual writers bid on your tender by responding to your listing. They typically are listed in your account from the most recent to the first. You get a firm quote and time frames and answers to any other questions you put in your listing. Usually the bids get lower as you go up the list as these writers out bid each other for your project. Volume orders generally attract these writing contractors which make life a lot easier because you are not spending your time dealing with 100 different writers. You deal with that 1 person and they deliver what you both agreed on. Elance holds the payment in escrow and releases it to your writing contractor as you instruct them to release it. If there are disputes, Elance gets invloved and resolves it but you rarely get that. The main thing is that you want the spell check and upload to be part of the deal. You dont want to be sitting there manually uploading 100,000 articles to your website. So its all automatic and perfectly done. All you have to do is provide the template and pay the bills. Your 50,000 pages site gets built for you over the timeframe agreed on and magically its finnished. In the next chapter I will show you how to build a template so you begin getting traffic immediately and getting indexed within a few days. Your traffic level will be 50,000 visitors per day within 2 months and climb higher as the site matures. This is enourmous adsense revenue. It translates to roughly $1000 per day and thats just adsense. You have a mix of tightly targeted affiliate informational products on those pages too. If you worked on a .1% conversion rate and you got $40 per commission you would be looking at the $2000 per day ball park and that is being very conservative. Your outlay for those 50,000 pages is around the $500,000 mark so its a major capital investment. But on about $3000 per day of adsense and affiliate commissions, you should have your money back within 3 months.

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From there its all profit. Where else in the world can you invest half a million dollars and get a return like that? If you look at it from an annualized perspective thats around $1 million per year. If you bought a house for half a million and resold it in 1 year, you would not expect to get a million for it. But here on the net life moves faster. These 50,000 pages become an asset just like any other asset in the real world. So lets outline exactly how you will achieve this. In the following chapter I will tell you how to make a template.

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Chapter 2 The Template

The template is simple. It needs to be. You need to keep the keywords accessable to the search engine so it finds it faster then your competition. There are two things you can do to acheive that. You see that search engine scanning 100s of thousands of pages when the searcher clicks the search button. I have no way of proving it because the Google alogrythm is a tightly held secret. But I believe the speed at which a search engine can find the required keywords on any given document is the key factor. I believe your pecking order is determined by the fraction of a second your site comes up for key words. That means when the engine scans your document it measures how long it took to locate the required words, then it goes on the count how many times the words appear in the document. It then compares your results automatically with the rest of the documents it found to create a list from fastest to slowest. Whether I am right or not is of little importance. What matters is that I get results from doing it this way and so can you. A Real world example Below is an example of a site I am involved with that already has page rank and strong traffic after only a few months, just like my other ones. I have sacrificed it here in the interest of showing you what I mean and how to set up your template. I know I will probably get some strong competition now that I have revealed what its called and how its done. By disclosing this I expect there will be some copy cat incidents but thats life.

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The first thing you will notice is that the keywords are in the absolute top left hand corner of the screen. These are also <h1> tags. I cannot emphasize the use of the header tags. I dont bother with the h2 and lower. But these keywords must be h1 Being in the top right hand corner, its the first thing the search engine reads when it gets into the body of the document. In the html, I put these keywords in the title and in the keyword in your <head> </head> Notice the simple design. Three columns and a header to place the simple logo in at the top. This works. The next thing you will notice is that I have around 200 other keywords that are related down the sides in the left and right column. This is big. All your pages get indexed at once. You build your 50,000 pages 200 pages at a time. Google suggest not having more then 100 links per page however I have had no problems with 200 How this helps your rankings, I am not 100% sure but it does. It could just be the keyword density with the word beer being mentioned in every link. This site is far from finnished as I have put it on the back burner while I juggle over 20 other projects, but it will get finnished in the next few months. In the columns where the links to the other pages are, I have boxes with small ads for affiliate products. I have them linked to review pages where visitors can read opinions on different clickbank products with high commissions. Here is the rest of the page as its scrolled down.

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Chapter 4 Free Traffic-Website Wealth Book 4

The final thing you will notice is how the adsense is presented. In the body of the article and with no fanfare and no tricks. No special attempts to trick the visitor into clicking the adsense. The only thing I have done is present it so its going to get read or at least noticed if the visitor is interested in the article. My adsense is always dollar bill green. I dont know why it works but I guess it does look appealing. The green contrasts so I expect it makes it stand out. By keeping your template simple and your keywords to the fore, you will get indexed. If your content is targeted, the search engines will pick up your site.

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Chapter 3 Getting Indexed

As I mentioned, you build your site 200 pages at a time. The links to each of those 200 pages all interlink into each other. Why this strategy is so appealing to search engine spiders is obvious, they eat it up. They love lots of targeted keyword related links on each of your pages. The articles you wrote and submitted to all go to your pre-sell pages. Your pages automatically get indexed by being on this website. Spiders will find you in no time and your pre-sell pages would have been indexed by google and msn within a few hours of the article going live. From your new 200 pages you will cut and paste about 20 of the links and put them in your pre-sell pages that have already been indexed. You should see visits from spiders in your logs within a day or 2 because spiders are summoned when ever you edit a web page. They come automatically when you make a change to an existing indexed page. So as soon as the spider arrives to re-index your pre-sell pages, they will find and follow the new edited material. They will find your new site. Whenever you add another 200 pages, you cut and paste about 20 links from the new 200 into the exisitng currently indexed pages and the spiders will come running. You will find getting indexed to be not a problem. Its easy. But getting served up at the top of the search results page is another matter. Once you are indexed with Google, you will find AOL and MSN and Yahoo! pick you up too. Usually Google will subside as your main traffic source even though it was your biggest contributor initially. Either MSN or Yahoo! will take over and become the main driver of your traffic. It seems a little random, but there are things going on that most of us dont understand. Why Goole picks you up then drops you over time after your traffic flow is established by other search engines is a mystery. There are sites I have where Google are my only search engine and they continue to serve up my pages. While other sites they drop me completely only after the traffic is replaced by the other search engines. This really doesnt bother me as long as the bottom line makes sense.

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Chapter 4 SEO
Free traffic is the heart of long term wealth on the internet. Getting found by the search engines is as simple as following the example I just gave you. Volume and quality is the key if you want to cast a wide net to capture large volumes of traffic. By keeping your keyword list fairly tightly targeted you will make sure those visitors are valuable because they will respond to your offers in the pages you present. You can see why building websites is not for newbies if they want rapid profits. The task is huge. However, with an initial income stream, building websites is easy when you have content writers building it for you. All you do is create concepts and find keywords which you feed to your writers. What helped me I learned how to do this by using a very incredible software that you can read more about here.

You can learn more from doing then from reading about it, but you need to learn what to do first. Theres a tone of work ahead of you and you will start getting results over the next week by utlizing the techniques I outlined in Affiliate Millionaire

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Over the next month if you stick to writing 15-20 articles per day and submitting them to you will have enough income to quit work by the end of 30-60 days which will continue to come in for years maybe decades. This is the most crucial part of your efforts. Just a side note: 40 articles will give you about 3-5 sales per week. So it could be a good excercise to focus on that and see for yourself. Then you can roll out your efforts once you see for yourself how well this works. Once thats achieved, you can commit to full time work on your internet business. You can expand that income 10 fold using the pay per click search engines to buy targeted traffic. Once these large network of income streams are set up they will work on automatic pilot to feed your bank account day in day out. When your income is substantial you can consolidate it by building large websites that concentrate on low supply low demand keywords that bring in on average 1 visitor per day per page. You will do better then that, but that is the minimum expectation. If you have any questions, please contact me at this address Best Wishes Nathan Stark

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Any questions you may have, please forward them to the address below. I cant promise I can answer all the enquiries sent, but I will deifinitely try. For business propositiions, writing requests and Joint Ventures for this product please contact Geoff Walker Communications Manager.

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