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Uj JL^ S b

P(;; 2 7 19BS

THE CHDRCH OF CHRIST James and Sarah Redraon

P.O. Box l67ii Nassau, Bahamas

January, 196$
Dear Christian Friends,

This year 1961^ ended somewhat like a whirlwind.

It was ny intention
Too many things

that the December newsletter be a surame.ry of the whole year*

were suspended in mid-air to make any conclusions possible.

First of air I would like to announce that James Christopher Redmon

was born on January 9p 196$.

Sarah and Chris are coming along very well

thanks to many answered prayers. We are so thanksfUl to various groups who sen;^ packages of baby things. It is such a great joy to see how the cares for every need. ^

As 1961^ began we were in the pcocess of purchasing a, boa^ for interisland travel. Gifts flowed in and the purchase was made. Throughout tha year we have made various minor repairs and at the present time are replac ing one of the engines. As soon as the weather breaks now we should be
on the sea.

In many ways 1961i was a standstill year.

half of the year we were just holding our own*

Early in the spring we took Thus,

Vfe were all ttankfUl for the

a trip home and left the Spencers here just holding on for ten weeks ,

Then in August the Spencers made their journey home for four monthsu

trips home and the chancc to report to our churches, but we are even, more thankful to have this responsibility behind us. Incidentally, the Spencers
arrived back in Nassau on Christmas Eve on a plane with a bad landing gear. There was an anxious hour of circling with fire engines racing up and down the runway before they decided to come on in. We swallowed our hearts again as the plane taxied to a halt on the runway to have its landing gear locked
by hand.

Early in the year we were doing our best to minister to Cuban refugees as they arrived. All of these have long since gone to the States and no
more have arrived.

Now we have added an effort to minister to the Haitian people. last couple of newsletters have described this area of activity.


As usual our summer was veiy busy. We had six young people down from the States to help in our D,V,B,S, program.. New attendance records ^re
set both in Grantstown and the Grove,

Our four hospital services a week went along smoothly throughout the
year Tdthout any significant changes.

At various timss duming the year we have made improvements of both

church buildings. 'Je have gone through oui* v&coTds in an effort

to check up on a long list of **unknown. poi^eons".

All along we have been

checking on the various possibilities of buying a house infTteswi oiT

James and Sarah Jtedmon Nassau, Bahamas

Corresponding Sec.
Route 2



Milledgeville, Ga.

0.. pp,^.rj

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s; sess:.

As re hegan our series of correspondance Bible Study we thought tub were beine


re-evaluptp nn-n Q-tro+rr>

"icjgxodx xnousana,

system, our energy, our finances and our opportunities

it means we must


In the

energy over the old hand-me-down, A.B, Dick with a dented drum.
f>ne new year vatn the

forvrarrto''unriPr^^+^'^^''\'^'" ascending a church out in Oregon has stepped

much of our anxiety removed.

correspondence study program. Thus we begin

In Him,

James and Sarah Redmon



DEC 2 7 13B5

CHURCH OF CHRIST James & Sarali Redmon

P^o. Box 176^

Nassau, Bahamas

Feb. 1965

Dear Friends,
Since we are running a month behind schedule on the news

letter ' this" is a financial report for I96I4., It also contains a 1?reakdown of expenses for the last six months of the year. The first six months expences were accounted for in the June 196Ij.
newsletter. Due primarily to our trip home our list of con

tributors is extra long.

The trip in the spring and the purchase,

plus repairs and upkeep on a boat have substantially increased

our expenses. Our salary moved up another $50.00 a month to cover the additional member in our family. We got a running start
so that all hospital and doctor bills are paid up.

Our greatest need for increased funds in I965 will be for ^r interisland travels .' We now have over I300 contacts on the
surrounding islands and need desperately to begin followiup trips.
The boat is all ready to go. The weather will break next month. We are simply praying that the Lord will provide the mea ns for

us to go.

It is our next' big step.

dividuals and groups for helping us in our labors throughout the


One thing is certain, we owe a big,THANK YOU to many in


1. 2.

Summer program Publicity & receipts

Mimeograph machine


. .'i, , .
; ?-

. 87:02


;-r: .

Boat upkeep & repairs

Correspondence lessons
Mission extras


Personal designated Christmas gifts


10^.80 7^^.02

, ,


AltaVista Church of Christ
Austell Christian Church

' '

Berkley Church of Christ Capitol View Christian Church

LaGrange Christian Church Whiting Church of Christ

15,00 17:00 L"

18. U6
--t' .

Cleveland Avenue Christian Church (Bible School)

East Columbus Church of Christ Priscilla Circle-East? Columbus Church of Christ East Point Christian Church Elm Grove Christian Church


100.00 100.00

250.00 37-00

60.00 225.00 80.00

First Christian Church, Bremen, Ga,

Women's Circle^ First Christian Church, Bremen, Ga.

First Christian 6 hurch. Lake Butler, Fla First Chra/ tiah C*r\ui3chj Milledgeville, Ga,
Grant Park Chris aji -Church


Grapevine Chrisvj ?vn Ohurch

Gres lio/Ti Park Cl. .,. bian Church

Maple ih'ove Church

North Shore Christian Church Owensboro Christian Church Plesant Hill Christian Church




Poplar Chapel Bible School

Powell's Point Christian Church
Savannah Christian Church

Christian Crusaders class. South Side Christian Church

Southwest Christian Church

60.00 50.50 117.57 85.00 275.00

Friendship Bible School Class, Southwest Christian



j;anes & Sarab. Rodmon % Mrs, J. H. Mc Kenzie

Route 2, Box 357 Mllledgeville, Ga.

Lydia*3 Circle, Southwest Christian Church

South. Side fih4istian"'Chuctih

60.00 76.80
120,00 80,00

Beginner's Department, South Side Christian Church

Sprague Street Church of Christ Weiner Christian Church

West Side Christian Church


Live Oak, Florida (Boat)

Philothean Class, East Point Christian Church Willing Workers Class, Grant Park Christian Church
Bethany Christian Church

5O.OO 920

District Women's Council of N,E, Mississippi

Junior 5 Boys Class, Chase Avenue Church of Christ " 5.00 Hardwiok Christian Church (Missionary offering'fDom Jr. ' . HI. Week #2 ijl;!! Friendship Class, Jonesboro, Ga, 5.00 C hristian Hope Church of Christ 25,00 First Christian Church, Jonesboro, Ga,

Richard H. Dye Robert Earl Miller

Mrs. Roy McKinney

55,00 50,00

James C, Redmon Eldo Rlley Robert Hoenlg Edward Ballard

Garold Blakely ,

- .


30,00 -95,00 5.00 *25,00


Ila Skelton
Dean Hughes


Bernard Warren Opal L, Edwards Gene Grant

Alfreda W, Silvernall Zola L. Chezem

: - . ,.1".'

25,00 5,00 59.00

10^00 10;00

Joe H, McKenzie
Mrs, Alice Stepp

: *


Mrs, Cox Mrs, Carl Wilking Houston George Donald G, Hart

Mr, & Mrs. Hartsell Essex

7.00 55CO 5.00 50,00


Mr, & Mrs, James Blakely

Evelyn Oawthon _


Remember, if you have any questions about income or ex penses please write and ask. Any perspn newly acquainted with our work may not be familiar with living cost but there simply is-n't space to repeat them here. It is always possible ghat we s; could make a misbaxce. in listing the amount of your gifts. Pleas help us correct any such errors.
In Him,

James & Sarah Redmoir

."I /'


% k

<in ^955

CHaRGH OP CHRIST James & Sarah. Rodmon

P.O, Box I67I4.

Nassau, Bahamas

March 1965

Dear Friends,

The winter is over. Here in the Bahamas this means that we switch from warm weather 'to hot weather. It seems lately that

Nassau is becoming the "Hollywood" of the Carrihean,

ally have ''Flipper" around here.

usually comes at Christmas but for the sake of a movie it will

"Beetles'" and now a "James Bond" group is ovor*

V/e periodic-^ Wo have just gotten "rid of the


be held again this Easter, For the most part these movie groups come and go and no one pays any attention except the newsman,

new laws, two police boats and patrol planes have stopped the

As you know we have be6n holding a service on Sunday after noon for the Haitian people. The government was once helpless as fEW? as keeping the people out of the Colony, Now, though

flow. For a long time no action has been taken tov/ard rounding up and deporting any of these people but now they arerounding them up 200 at a time to send them back, A year ago Haitian

labor was fe.OO a day but now it is $10.00,

signs of slow progress.
who are't in jail because there is no room.

In spite of the ups

and downs and uncertainties our labor among these people shows

It is a bit like'working with prisoners

About once a year I like to remind you of the relative cost of living in Nassau, Recently I read that in the U.S. living

$^50.00 per month to live on.

the dollar.

costs take

of evi?ry dollar earned.

on the dollar.

gasoline f|p25.00 a month,

Then there'are utilities$55-00 per month and

Our food cost averages |li.2^G0 a month or 25^ on

Don*t forgot a missionary has car re

Our rent is #112.00 a month or 25sz^

Here in Nassau we receive

pairs, doctor bills. Insurance, medicine, clothing and household

items just like everybody else.

galloA for regular.


To show a few representative prices gasoline costs

Milk is

per quurt and eggs are 82^ a


ment produce market which a^Jls- fo3? the

Locally produced things are also high;" In the govern

jjx*o 72/

James"& Sa^ah Redmon

% Mrs, J.H. McKenzie Route 2, Box 537 "

Milledgeville, Ga.

per dozen and bananas.are 7^ per pound*

You have to buy your

more for them, to ripen at which time you have to gobble the whole 10 to 50 pounds down in a hurry before they spoil.

bananas green and a v/hole bunch at a time then wait a week or

for 720 and six small grunts go for $1,00. while sells for 80^ per pound is cheap,

costs ^5.60. Half a grouper head $1.I|.0. "A jack 10''^long sells '
At this rate^chicken

Maybe you would like some native fish,

A five pound grouper

We have three great needs right now 1. Living link support for each of our "two children

2, 5,

Monthly support for outisland trips. Money to cover the rebuilding of one boat engine.
been a year now since we v;ere in the States. At

the particulars on any of these projects.

that time we used our opportunity to visit part of our sponsoring churches, ^:/e did not have opportunity or time to raise badly needed additional funds, If you or your group could help meet any of these^three challenges please let us know. Please write for

It has

In the face of high prices that are forever moving higher we have found our income falling off. Our pledged income does not equal our regular expenses and thus we lean heavily on spasmodic gifts. For the last throe months we have hit rock bottom. This

unless our financial picture changes we won^t even be eating next

month, Ploase keep us in your Prayers ,

next month v/e are scheduled to begin trips to the islands but

In Him,


Surtih, Hoclmori

UJ jui-

DEC 2 7 196B

CHURCH OP CHRIST James & Sarah Redmon

P.O. Box 167!^.

Nassau, Bahamas

April 1965

Dear Friends, This has been one of those months that has just disappeared because it went by'so fast. We requested prayers for us as we faced a financially distressing period and it appears that your prayers are being answered. Prom various sections there is a

string of interest so continue to pray. In the interest of mak- _ img some vital contacts I took the opportunity of visiting the
Southern Christian Convention which was held just two hours away

in Clearwater, Plordia. It was a week of great encouragement and refreshment to me personally and I am so thankful to South
Side in Springfield for the ppportunity.

In the midst of depressed feelings I was overjoyed to share

in the victory of three souls baptized int6 Christ on April 11. This year we had a special piaster program and a packed house of
over 80 persons. We took this as an opportunity to receive a
special building fund offering*

One of themost distressing parts of our ministry has been

to labor'among the old people at the dilapiadated Prospect Hospital, This month they moved into beautiful, fully equipped,
modern facilities. It was a transformation like going from

earth to heaven. Everything was left behine and everything new put in its place. Every bed, wheel chair, walking sticks, and every stitch of clothing was left as they moved to the opposite
end of the island. We are now in the process of working out a new system of service with the head nurse. We have already been told that we will not be allowed an opportunity fob a worship service since we do not represent one of the four major religious
bodies but we hn^vo been assured some area of activity,

V, B. 3,

Vacation Bible School time is coming soon. Your V, B, S, offers a good opportunity to help us. This year we arc again offering a series of devotional object lessons to help add in terest where the Bahamas is the mission project". If you are in terested in these please write immediately. This year we will have another group of Bible College students to assist in our suimner program. Our stepped up pi'ogram costs extra and we de pend upon your V, B. S, oi* cnmp offering to mnk/^ ond^t moot;.

James k

Sarah Redmon

^Mrs, J.H. McKensie

Houte 2, Box 557 Millodg3Yj.lle_, Ga,


It was in May I962 that Mr. & Mrs. A L, Payne left Nassau
after selling ear and furniture to minister to the Bathany Christian Church near Carrollton, Georgia. Nov/, three years later they are to arrive hercJ' to work in the mission. The fol lowing will givo the reader am idea of the long contact and interest the Paynes have had in the work.
The first trip to Nassau-was in June, 1953 ^ week revival meeting. Following a period as recruits the Faynes ar rived in Nassau as missionaries in April,, 1955* After six months of service the Paynes returned homo in October, 1955 care for

Mrs, Payne^s sick father,

'//hen Floyd. Hughes passed away in 1957

the Paynes recruited funds fo return to Nassau and arrived in

November, 1958.

In i960 tho Paynes spent six montha traveling

extensively in the Stat>^'s raising funds for a proposed white con gregation in the Palmdale section of Nassau, VlTaen the Paynes

visited Nassau for a one week meeting in October, 19^3 they an

nounced their plans to come back as missionaries and now follow ing eighteen montha red'aitmont they will arrive to begin work.-

In Him,


and Sarah Rodmon

jux- ^ b

DC.2 7 1956
i-v ;...-; ^
" "i

-' 4 '

Chdrch of Qirist
James & Sarah Redmon

P.O. Box 167(4.

Nassau, Bahamas

Dear Friends,

We are now making our plans and preparations for a very busy summer. We will have four Bible College students to assist us in our V.B.S, We, have .some huge crates to construct our shades from this year* . We hope to make t'heiri storalole ' so that ^ we will have this worry over for several years to ^ome* Remember your V.B.S. can help us pay for ours.


^his tias been the first month for the Paynes to be back in

They are now settled in the some house that they moved

out of three years before. This was very fortunate since houses are very hard to find here. The-Paynes stayed in our home while we helped them get their belongings through customs, unpackedand arranged. Because of the increasing burden of the corres pondence lessons Kd has 'turned the responsibility for the Grantstown church over to the Paynes. He will also work into the rotation system with us on the hospital services.

only did they arrest and doport half of my group of Haitians, but^ they scared 0II the Haitians until.they aro afraid to come out of their houses. ' We were neVer tdiught-in school how to evangelize an outlaw nation; In spit^ of all .the various problems we ere
moving ahead.

The police have been very stiff competition this month.



Amazing as it may seem the correspondence

We are reaching into new settlements every week^

lessons continue to


ment is"'approximately 2,000 now.

series on the Book of Acts. . The next series, a.ij'.ei doctrinal..studies geared to bring forth a' committment,.to Phrislt. Fray.with us as,this work goes fc^;^ :rd, The main burde'h ^of respohsibil'ity of'this'now rest,s on brother Spencer. Grading papers is pretty well a full
time job; ' . . - -

Several have finished'the first

Out* financial picture is not bright yet. Many of vou have sent special gifts ,tbis month so that we have been able to keep-going. We aro' still waiting on the Loi^d^ for regular monthly support, to, keep us on the move. We are so thankful for ,all of you. who ha ve' helped.
Please continue to pray for the Lord*s work here.


, -T? ii^Greasingly aware in the Grove of our need for a' new ' biillding. A;groat deax of our audionco has been young people* It has been hard to bulQd up a building fund with the offerings child ren bring but we have done pretty well. We are not ready to build
yet but ew have reached the'place where we muat make more definite

out of prcportionv All of this has prompted a ntmiber of adults to take interest- in the church even though they realize it is going to cost them, i/Vhen a building is constructed it v;ill be a gre^.t victory because they will see they can. do pomething big without: oisiside support; - Wo liave absolutely no idea of this be5ng a mi?!s5<yn churbh ' forever. It may take a little longer but God^s plan will work, POSTAL SYSTEM

struction firms in an effort to drtermine how to get the most foi* the leaste L-;lke everything else, building costs in Nassau are all

plans as to design an5 cost,

I have been meeT;:lng with various con

The postal System her has been -a continual spurce of amusement

and aggravation," Our whole contact with the outside world is

through the mail,

Vvg depend upon,It for our nonoy and our news

>; 1-




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we a re^ We though you'might he interested in knowing .how the system here "works"( ?) , I .-

We depend upon" it'to lot our family,: friends^ and churches Impw how

the terrible parking problem downtown^ only, go to check our, mall at nighty There is no delivery sef'vice* Much of our mail is, act ually just a li-ttle piece of.paper. If it says 'package notice, . . we have to take it, durning certain hp\lrs, to the exact opposite side of town to the Parcel Post Annex . The'red tape there may take anywhere from'a half hour to half a day. Another slip might, read "postage-due", This means a s pecial trip'to town in day time traffic to"pay on a letter someone has sent with insuffieient postage. ; Other slips read "registered letter* or dutiable
letter" and each n0t4.ce takes, a special procedure and a special
trip .to a different place ., .:r: _ . '
r<-. 1

, Right in-the-middle-oif -Nassau is the Post Office^- Because of_-

stamps in the Post Office,

Recently in an effort tO; improve service they quit selling

We go a blo.ejc^ ana^a

Now we cdilect our mail at the Post "7 :'

away tO: anQthe,r building to buy stamps and mail vltte.i^ home>-i:|/:;,i? b^;^:
variably out of the strjnps ybu want and they only pick up tha;-- ' mail posted there once in ,a while, There are braftch Post Offices around town but these aire in-

Offie and inail; cw... locai mail there

Ed gets a newspaper from Oregon but more often tha'h not he

gets his wrapper with somebody elseVs paper and at least two times
i t wasn't even in English.

"Don't misunderstand me.

collect it.

We love to get mail^

It is juste, a


little frustrating to have to spend your i^all time trying, to

But don''t stop writing to us

In Him





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Lo-fcA. ^ J#


James & Sarah Redmon

P.O. Box l67l|.

Nassau, Bahamas July & August

Dear Friends,
This is always the hardest time of the year to write a
newsletter because we are so crowded for time, Wa have just *

finished our V,B,S,. All previous records have been shattered.

The Bible School at Grantstown closed with an average of lll|..

This was in spite of two very rainy days. Each year our
classes are held outdoors so'we have to construct some sort of

shade from the scorching sun. It was a hot job building these out of pine poles and packing cases. Then we had to tear them

down and move them over to the Grove for the next school, The Grantstown school set a new record high for a single day with


Our record high In the Grove had been 110 but our first
We finished the two'weeks with an

day this year was 111,

averages 6f'126 and a new record high of I56,

Those of you who

have V,B,S, In your ehurch know that this la quite a job for five teachers and one helper.
Thanks to a special gift from the Cocoa Beach Church in

Florida, Ed Spencer and I were able to make a

trip of Eleuthera,

quick survey

Eleuthera is the next island on the East

of us. It'is about 100 miles long but seldom more than ij miles wide. The sea'very nearly cuts It in half at a place called Glass Windows, Plnapple were being harvested and it
was our first ehance to see them grow. There is a lot of We rented a small

farming and even a large dairy which looked so strange as eompared to this rocky Island where we live.
northern two thirds of the island.

car and by going from morning to night were able to see the

developed of the outislands and has always been quite prosper

ous. They even have eleetricity nearly everywhere.

long the road and slept with the Inosquitos and sand flies but we were able to visit ll^. settlements, Eleuthera is the best

This meant that we ate a-

The United

States has missile tracking stations all up "and down the is land with several hundred American personnel. We already have Invitations * to hold Vacation Blb!J.e Schools in a couple of the correspondence course as our contact. There are nearly 1,000 on Eleuthera taking the lessons now. Our greatest hindPray with uo that the Lord will xmlock hearts to this challenge^
FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY TO JULY I965 has only been in the last month that we have gotten a breather- from the financial strain. We have been so very thankfui"fer" a great number of interested persons and groups that have pro vided special offerings to keep us going^ We are also thank
have broken this listing, down to show our Ixidebtedness to the
special gifts.


At the present time wd

must be satisfied with

ranee to outisland expansion is lack of financial resources.

The first six months haye been a struggle.

In fact. It

ful that sovoifctl gau.psi hove now jModgod-regular suppor-^, 'I


Jranos & Sarah Redmon

% Mrs. J. H. MoKonzio Rt. 2, Box 337 Millodgeville, Ga,






Pledged Support Special Gifts

te27.r5 2^5.78


Pledged Support Spetjial Gifts

Pledged Support Special Gifts Pledged Support Special Gifts




180.00 50.00

To attend

Convention (Prom South Side)

Pledged Support


Special Gifts

Pledged Support Special Gifts"


Week of Camp to eover V.B.S, Material & trans*portation.

. 275.9U

Prom Coooa Beach foy Eiouthera trip

B, 1,

Expenses Trips to U.S.


Boat Expenses

Salary received to date

77-Ss $2,.59U.28

106.50 297.50


Thus we stand $1'^6.00' behind

hope to "break even,

on salary.

Luckily we have

had gracious creditors hero. We are having extra expenses now witk our summer prdgram but when everything is totaled up we

A Bdhamian woman came by transfer and a Haitian man was immersed. The fellow's name was Elimemo Orelien so It is no

wonder he calls h^self Joseph John

PleaSe pray for the

growth and stetjfastness of tho saints hero.


i-'James & Sarah Redmon

"3 b

CC 2 7 im


James & Sarah Redmon

P.O. Box l67li.

Nassau, Bahamas

September (lisr
Dear Friends,
What a thunderous monthl We have been watching hurricanes

zoom past us for three summers now but this one came right in.
We had already relaxed our watch since Betsy had passed us by.
Then the announcement camo that she was coming back and wo had half a day to prepare. The wind was howling plenty by the time
we had the church buildings secured., chu.rsjh members checked

out, and all other proparalilons completedc

The "freight train"

roared past our house all night and all the nex""j day^ With the winds still raging wo wont to "check on o\ir ou.ildings and some of the more helpless members Trees and wires covored the ground but miraculously the house stood. Other than minor

things our churches were safe, our people were safe and"we all
survived. The last hurricane to hit Nassau was in 1929. Wo just hope it takes that long for the next one to come. We certainly appreciate the prayers that ascended on our behalf.

There is no logical reason why the ll^O mile an hour winds

shouldn't have carried us all to sea but God answers prayer.

Once again we had the opportunity to visit one of the islands. This time it was to the home of the superstitious

systems called Obeah.

The narrow little island is 85 miles

long and we were ablo to see most of its length. We were gone four days and traveled over 500 miles on the boat. Most of the people are moving away to find jobs because the farming is
so hard,

^e spent one night ashore with the family of one of my

members. They had just acquired the settlements first re frigerator and offered us a cold drink of water. They only

filled the glasses half full so we could "dilute" it ainae it

was 30 cold.

The trip back was something else.

All along the shore

Then there were the

the faawners had brought their produce to send to Nassau to the market. There were watermelons, muskmelons^ okra and cases of
coke bottles filled, with canned tomatoes^


One white (?} so^, one goat, ten slieep, a little

Prom: JaiTios & Safah Redmon

% 'irs,


Rt, 2, Box 557

Mllledgovlllo, Ga,

pig in an orange crate^ a cardboard box of native chickens and

bags and bags of land crabs.

Barriing tXe night aa v/e ware

crossing back to Nassau it rained. The sheep smelled, the sow broke lose and a great big fellow chased crabs all over the boat. These land crabs, incidentally, have pinchers up to six
inches long.

Wo have seen the island, talked to a number of the native denominational preachers, and now we have a basis for making any plans we might have for Cat Island.

In looking back over these who have comiS to surrender to Christ this year I noticed an amaz ing thing. We met'nearly
everyone of these persons through some extra activity. Most of them came through contact either at the hospital or the French services Since the last report there was a lady

from Grantstown baptized, a young man was baptized one night after class in the Grove, and a patient from the hospital was

immersed just a few days before the storm.


Pray that we will

continue to do the little extra things that lead people to


We have been visited durning the last month by relatives.

Sarah's sister, her husband and son were here with us a few
days in August. This is the first time any of Sarah's family could see Chris, This month my brotherj who preaches in

Atlanta, spent a woek with us.

Sherry was three years old in

August and Clriris will be nine months old next-month. He has beon walking ^ince ho was seven months old but he doesn't have any teeth yet.

IK him;

J&nos & Sarah Rodmon

Luui/i' 3. b

THE cmmcH car christ

2 7 1^66
James and Sarah Eedmon

P.O. Lox X674 Nassau, Bahamas

Bear Frienda.

Winter is here. It has dipped below 70 for the first time this year. Before winter is over it may even go below 60, Betfiy; oo freoh in our mind last month, is nearly forgotten now. The trees and bushsi? hftve put on fresh leaves, the power company has unscrambled the wiros aud "Uhe garbage collectors have hauled off the triish piles. Now Nassau ia ready for the Tourist Season
as if nothing ever happened.

There have been some interesting political developments imfolding dvu*ing the year. The opposition party, known as the P.L.P. has been passing through a period of upheaval. The leader of the P.L.P, tossed the gold mace, tradit ional symbol of authority, out of the window of the House of Assembly in a pre-planned effort to incite a riot. Following this deed the party members left

the house to make speeches.^ The "riot act" was proclaimed and the crowd dis
persed in short order. Then the P.L.P. sent .a delegation to the United Nations to complain about the apportionment of seats. After the U.N, returned an unfavorable verdict several members of the party wanted to return to their seats

in the House, They expressed disapproval of the "mace tossing" incident and the complaint before the U.N. The party leaders decided that they should not return
to the House, Three of the members decided to go back anyway and so they were

removed from the party for two years. As a result a third party was formed. It is bad to make much judgment on politics vtoen you are in another country but it

is rather Interesting to observe and speculate (to myself) v&at the end result
will be.

Once again God has brought forth fruit for my labor among the Haitian people. Two men were baptized into Christ this month. This brings to ten the number of
additions in the Grove this year. It seems Satan is always busy making subtract ions as he leads souls astray, I am noWtaking a course in French being offered in a night school program here to make me better prepared for contact with the Haitians. I feel a continual urgency since they are here today and may be gone tomorrow and the opportunity to refach them for Christ, gone forever.

All the various areas of our work are prospering. Our schedule of activities now runs like this. I am responsible for the hospital services every third week
now with the addition of Brother Payne to the rotation.

Bible School

10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship Haitian Worship Youth Meeting Worship with T.B, patients Evening Worship
MONDAY French Class


a em.

3M p.m. 6:30 p.m

7:00 p.m. 7:30 p,m. 7:00 p.m.

Bible Study Hour (Hospital)

Combined Bible Study Hour

A:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.


Visitation & Counseling

(Geriactrica Hosp.) 2jOO-j4iOO p#m

Combined Prayer Meeting


7s30 pn

Study Class (Haitian)

7i30 p,m.

(Continued on Back Side)


I still assist Brother Spencer in handling the Correspondence Coizrse. This means of reaching people all over the Bahamas now has an enrollment of
well over 2,000, At this papers like etc. We do expensive. point I might montion one need* We use left over Sunday School "Straight", "Junior Life", "Four and Five", "Svjiday Story Time", not have to pay customs on this material but postage is quite We have about run out of our present supply so if you live in

Florida or Georgia, (where the postage would not be too prohibitive)

send us a bundle SOONJ


In Christ,

Jim and Sarah Redmon

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We associate a broom with Halloween and witches, but I doubt if anyone knows why. This month I ran into some interesting tales about the power of a broom among the


They broke into a house (one room) and there was no place to hide. One

A couple of months ago the police were raiding all over town to catch up a bunch of
woman just stood up in the comer and held the broom, straw up, in front of her and the

police "couldn't" see her. The explanation was that she "knew something about that." Evidently there is a whole system of superstition connected to a broom.. They claim it is very dangerous to. leave your broom outside your house at ni^t because a broom can


"It could teij...som9.body anything you have in your house^ A broom knows plenty

thing you know BrottLer...Redmon^" I didn't know but I told Sarah to be sure and keep ours in the house from now on, I also learned if you have unwelcom.ed guests in your house, just stand the broom upside down and sprinkle salt in the straw and the visitors will soon go.
So remember, a broom may be more helpful than you thinkl

In Christ,


,/Jim and Sarah Redmon



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