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Vol. 131 No.

19 Friday, July 19, 2013

90 cents + tax
nancial support of the
Government of Canada
CanadaPeriodical Fund
of theDepartment of
7he Hlaaedosa 7rlbuae wlll close for holldays
oa Irlday, Iuly 19th at 19 Nooa aad wlll resume regular
buslaess hours oa Hoaday, Iuly 99th.
7here wlll be ao paper oa Irlday, Iuly 96th
ocal band Sister Reign
was listed as one of the
top 8 competitors at the
Boots and Hearts Country
Music Festival. Tey will
be competing on the Sir-
ius XM Front Porch Stage
this summer in Bowman-
ville, Ontario. Te group is
composed of Minnedosas
Heidi Kornik and Jodi Mc-
Te Emerging Artist
Showcase will take place
on the August long week-
end while fans cheer on
their favourite act. People
are able to go online now
and vote in advance for
their favourite performer
a maximum of fve times
each day. Over 200 art-
ists applied from across
Canada, but only the top
eight fnalists were chosen
to compete on the main
stage. Each artist had to
submit a video showcas-
ing their talent and the
Emerging Artist Showcase
Team picked the top eight
T e names of the
judges cannot be dis-
closed at this time; how-
ever, the artists will be
performing on Saturday
during the day with the
winner performing again
on Sunday.
on Page 2
Sister Reign
strums into
the Top 8
Delgaty Clydes a winning team
Photo by Darryl Holyk
Minnedosas Brad Delgaty took frst place in the six horse hit ch class Sunday afternoon at the
Minnedosa Agricultural Societys 131st annual summer fair.
ou couldnt have asked
for a better weekend
for Minnedosas Annual
Fun Fest and Summer Fair
than last weekend. Dur-
ing all the events that took
place, you were more likely
to need sunscreen than
an umbrella. People from
all over Manitoba came to
attend this years festivi-
ties. From parades to com-
munity meals and tem-
porary shopping centres,
the weekend was a quite
frankly, a summer blast.
Te Kiddies Parade
was the frst event to kick
of the weekend, flled
with minions, and co-
lourfully decorated bikes,
scooters, and wagons!
Tat night held the Rotary
Clubs annual super and
Each of the events
that took place during the
weekend were well attend-
ed, including the Lions
Club Pancake Breakfast
early Saturday Morning,
Te Fun Fest Parade, as
well as the Street Market
and Jam in the Park.
on Page 8

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