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Historic Preservation


What is historic preservation?

Historic preservation champions and protects places that tell the stories of our past. -National Trust for Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation seeks to: 1) Save and protect at risk structures 2) Encourage knowledge and discussion on the significance buildings hold in our history 3) Preserve these buildings for future generations

Types of Preservation


Importance of Preservation

Preserves sites for future

generations to understand and appreciate Fosters learning Catalyst for redevelopment of blighted areas Encourages community involvement Architecturally significant structures are saved

The tradition of historic preservation arose out of a keen interest in civic education as well as the realization that a common past would further the idea of a national community. Birmingham

Why is historic preservation happening?

Urban Renewal Oklahoma Citys Pei Plan

Cities see historic

structures as stumbling blocks to redevelopment Buildings do not fit into plans Buildings no longer serve their original purpose

Sought to demolish

large sections of downtown Entire recreation of a new downtown Wanted to draw people back from the suburbs Destroyed many historic buildings

Pei Plan proposed demolition map

How to get involved

Local Organizations
Retro Metro OKC State Historic Society

National Organizations
National Trust for Historic

Preservation American Cultural Association

Get out and see your city!

References Ainsworth, Gregory. (2001). Preservation, Conservation and Heritage: Approaches to the Past in the Present through the Built Environment. Asian Anthropology, 10(1), 1-18. Biddle, James. An Evolving Ethic. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. 18 Sept. 1979 Birmingham, Rebecca. (2010). Smash or Save: The New York City Landmarks Preservation Act & New Challenges to Historic Preservation. Journal of Law and Policy, 19(1), 271-305. Cloonan, Michele V. (2007). The Paradox of Preservation. Library Trends, 56(1), 133-147. Edwards, Hunter S. (2009). The Guide for Future Preservation in Historic Districts Using a Creative Approach: Charleston South Carolinas Contextual Approach to Historic Preservation. University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2(20), 221-271. Utley, Dank., Brikman, Bob. (2005) More Than Bricks and Mortar: Preserving Historic Courthouses in East Texas. East Texas Historical Journal, 43(2), 32-49.

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