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Myrbdl Myrpomh

HaMisparim LaDebarim
The Numbers of the Words
by Craig Wm. Peters

Enoch Walked with Elohim Treasures of lawlessness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death. Mishle/Proverbs 10:2 Name of hwhy2involves unifying His Word. The closer we grow to hwhy, and the more we learn of His Word, the more we realize nothing in the Scriptures is contradictory: His Word, His will, and His ways are perfect.3 And it is always of the greatest edification when we see seemingly disjointed parts of His Word being connected, being made one in ways we could have never imagined apart from the Hebrew misparim/numbers. When pondering the opening text, one may or may not recall the life of the prophet Enoch. However, the Hebrew misparim (meaning numbers) make it clear that hwhy Himself did remember Enoch when inspiring Solomon to write these words in what we now know as Mishle, or the Book of Proverbs. We will study that evidence momentarily. And one might wonder how relevant the walk of Enoch is for those who are living in these Last Days. The righteous Enoch (hereafter Chanok) not only walked in uprightness during his sojourn on the earth, but that prophet also foretold of our days and the burning vengeance of Elohim which now looms ever larger on the horizon. While this fiery retribution is spoken of throughout the Prophets, the words of hwhy through Isaiah are especially insightful for helping us to learn why His burning wrath must soon be known: 3 The earth will be utterly emptied and utterly laid waste, for hwhy has spoken this word. 4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away, the lofty people of the earth do languish. 5 The earth also is polluted under the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore, the curse has devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are found guilty: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. Isaiah 24:3-6
Genesis 26:4-5 The Shemaseen in Deuteronomy 6:4-5is mentioned by the Mashiach as being the Greatest Commandment in all of the Torah. Matthew 22:35-38, Mark 12:29-30 3 Psalm 19:7-10, Romans 7:12
2 1

a Part of fulfilling the Shemaof hearing the Voice of His Spirit1 and unifying the

As the heavens begin to consume away with fervent heat, earthly cataclysms will likewise mount, and hwhy will fulfill His solemn Word to burn up4 the lawless works and the lawless devices/inventions of man which are now corrupting the globe worldwide. Impact from burning space rocks,5 solar firestorms of brimstone,6 volcanoes,7 earthquakes,8 and tidal waves9 will give the Most High the final and ultimate say over all those who think that His standards of morality are merely optional. At this time of approaching apocalyptic judgments, only righteousness will deliver out of death. So it is believed we may learn very much from Chanok, who was translated that he should not see death.
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Chanok Walked With Elohim Brief though it may be, the Scripture text regarding Chanok and his walk with hwhy must be one of the most instructive and awe-inspiring in all the Book of Genesis: And Chanok walked with the Elohim: and he was not, for Elohim took him. Genesis 5:24 And the writer of Hebrews comments on this text as follows: By faith, Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and he was not found, because Elohim translated him: for he had witness borne to him that, before his translation, he had been wellpleasing to Elohim. Hebrews 11:5 Returning to the Hebrew text of Genesis 5:24, this Scripture appears as follows:

Myhlah - ta Kwnx Klhtyw

the Elohim with Chanok

And he walked

Myhla wta xql - yk wnnyaw

Elohim specifically him took for And he was not

The Inspired Numerics for the first four words of this Scripture are seen directly below:

4 5

2Peter 3:10-12 Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:25, Revelation 8:8 6 Genesis 19:23-25, Job 38:12-13, Psalm 11:6, Isaiah 30:26-27, Malachi 4:1-3, Revelation 16:8-9 7 Psalm 104:32, 144:5, Isaiah 64:1-2, Nahum 1:5-6 8 Psalm 82:5, Isaiah 2:18-21, 24:19-23 9 Luke 21:25-26

(pv) 174 =
13 10 5

12 1 5

22 1

11 6 14 8 11 12

5 22 10 6

Myhlah - ta Kwnx Klhtyw

40 10 5 30 1 5 400 1 20 6 50 8 20 30 5 400 10 6

(mv) 1047 =





=================================================== (fv) 1221 = 137 424 123 537

Notice the full value (fv) of this phrase is 1221. The number 1221 is, in itself, rather amazing; it is the product of 11 with 111: 11 x 111 = 1221. We believe this shows us Chanok walked in the fear of hwhy. This is so because the fear of hwhy is especially featured in Tehillim 111 as the beginning of wisdom: The fear of hwhy is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all they that do them: His praise stands to the age. Psalm 111:10 The Hebrew text of Psalm 111:10 appears as seen below:

hwhy tary hmkx tysar

YHWH (is) the fear wisdom The beginning (of)

We say the fear of hwhy is especially featured in Tehillim 111 because the place value for the beginning of wisdom is exactly 111:
5 13 11 8

22 10 21 1 20

hmkx tysar
wisdom The beginning (of)

And, 37 + 74 = 111 (pv). It is not a coincidence that the phrasehmkx tysar/the beginning of wisdom adds to 111 while also appearing in Tehillim 111. By this, the Spirit is calling our attention to the beginning of wisdomwhich is equated with the fear of hwhy.10 While there is no doubt Chanok walked in the fear of hwhy, it is wonderful to see the number 111 connected to this prophet. And there is more even still: the writings of King Solomon also relate to the righteous walk seen in the life of Chanok, the ancient.


For more details, see the study Psalm 111 and the Beginning of Wisdom:

Solomon Writes of the Prophet Chanok We are further amazed to see that, whether he knew it or not, Solomon actually wrote of the upright walk of Chanok. In Mishle/Proverbs 10:2 (which is our opening text), we read: Treasures of lawlessness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death. Mishle/Proverbs 10:2 Just looking at Proverbs 10:2, we may or may not recall the life of the prophet Enoch. However, the Hebrew misparim make it clear that hwhy remembered Enoch when He inspired Solomon to write these words. While the truth of this proverb matches the outcome seen in the life of Chanok, we are further amazed to see that, whether he knew it or not, Solomon actually wrote this of the prophet. The Hebrew text of Proverbs 10:2 appears below:

twmm lyut hqduw esr twruwa wlyewy - al

from death delivers but lawless- treasures righteousness ness (of) profit No

We now note the numerics of the last portion of this text (remembering that Chanok was translated and, thus, delivered from death):

twmm lyut hqduw

400 6 40 40 30 10 90 400 5 100 4 90 6

(mv) 1221 =

486 from death

530 delivers

205 but righteousness

The misparim value (mv) for this phrase from Proverbs is 1221, yet this number exactly matches the 1221 seen earlier, the full value (fv) of the phrase, And Chanok walked with the Elohim (1221). This is more evidence that the Scriptures are Elohim-breathed, and having emanated from His infinite wisdom and foreknowledge, His Word is replete with the awesome nature and prophetic character of the Most High. Chanok Prophesied of Our Days The prophet Chanok spoke of the burning judgment of hwhy which would come upon the earth in these Last Days. In the letter by Yahudah/Jude, we read his quotation from the prophet Chanok: 14 And of these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, Behold, hwhy came with ten thousands of His qadosh ones, 15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the irreverent of all their works of irreverence which they have irreverently wrought, and of all the hard things which irreverent sinners have spoken against Him. Yahudah/Jude 1:14-15

When this same Presence of hwhy came down upon rh ynyo/Har Sinai/Mount Sinai, the mountain smoked, burned, and shook.11 And Peter warned of the very same Presence of hwhy that will descend upon the earth and the fiery, fervent heat by which the heavens and earth will be cleansed, thus, preparing them for those who have shown they will live in righteousness: 10 But the Day of hwhy will come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in set apart living and reverence? 12 Looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the Day of Elohim, by reason of which the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 But according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness. 2Peter 3:10-13 The writer to the Hebrews likewise warned that our Elohim is a Consuming Fire and that, at His Presence, the heavens and the earth will both burn and quake: 25 See that you refuse not Him that speaks. For if they escaped not when they refused Him that warned on earth, much more we who turn away from Him that is from heaven: 26 whose voice then shook the earth: but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more will I make to shake not the earth only, but also the heavens. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain. 28 Therefore, receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have favor, whereby we may offer service wellpleasing to Elohim with reverent fear and awe: 29 for our Elohim is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:25-29 In the days of Noach, water destroyed the earth, coming from above and below.12 In the days of the coming of the Messiah, fire will destroy the earth, coming from above and below. The burning Presence of hwhy will soon cleanse the earth by fire, and the cataclysms that shake the world will be beyond anything ever known in the history of man. In light of this, the escape from death procured by Chanok is not only quite relevant, but it is prophetic of what will occur in this time of apocalyptic judgments in the Day of hwhythe day of reckoning as Elohim cleanses the earth by fire just prior to the Kingdom of hwhy being more fully established worldwide for the Millennial Reign of eSwhy the Messiah. This will be a 1000-Year epoch of peace, joy, and prosperity. But before that Time, when hwhy arises to shake mightily the earth, men
11 12

Exodus 19:18, Hebrews 12:18-21 Genesis 7:10-12

will throw their idols of silver and gold to the moles and to the bats.13 But for most people, it will be too late: their lawless treasures will not help them escape the vengeance of hwhy El Shaddai, the Consuming Fire.14 Only righteousness will deliver out of death. The Consuming Fire and the Birkat Kohanim/Aaronic Blessing The prophets have asked the question regarding who could abide the fierceness of the burning wrath of hwhy when it had once come upon the earth. The prophet Yoel/Joel said it like this: And hwhy gives His Voice before His army; for His camp is very great; for He is strong that executes His Word; for the Day of hwhy is great and very terrible; and who can abide it? Yoel/Joel 2:11 Nachum likewise asked the question: The mountains quake at Him, and the hills melt; and the earth is upheaved at His Presence, yes, the world, and all that dwell therein. 6 Who can stand before His indignation? And who can abide in the fierceness of His anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken asunder by Him. Nachum/Nahum 1:5-6 Both prophets were given the assurance that those who seek hwhy by fasting and humility,15 those who take refuge in Him,16 will ultimately be delivered. Yet along with this, we have another answer to their question and it is directly related to the deliverance and blessing which hwhy bestows upon His (obedient) people. Through Mosheh, hwhy stated He was a Consuming Fire and the context of this title related to His burning jealousy over false gods: 23 Take heed to yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of hwhy your Elohim, which He made with you, and you make a graven image in the form of anything which hwhy your Elohim has forbidden you. 24 For hwhy your Elohim is a consuming fire, He is a jealous El. Deuteronomy 4:23-24 In Hebrew, the words Consuming Fire looks like this:

hlka sa
consuming a fire
13 14

Isaiah 2:20-21 (compare Revelation 6:15-16) Isaiah 33:14-16 15 Joel 2:12-18 16 Nachum 1:7

And the misparim value for this title, or aspect of His nature, is 357:

= hlka sa = Consuming Fire 357 = (5) h + (30) l + (20) k + (1) a + (300) s + (1) a
Yet we also see this Consuming Fire in the lines of the Birkat Kohanim, what is known by many as the Aaronic Blessing:

and He guards you


He blesses you

and He favors you

to you

His face


He shines


for you

and He puts

to you

His face


He lifts

As for the Consuming Fire (357), notice the progression seen in the Hebrew text. Line 1 has 3 words, line 2 has 5 words, and line 3 has 7 words:

KrmSyw hwhy Kkrby Knxyw Kyla wynp hwhy ray

(Line 1: 3 words) (Line 2: 5 words) (Line 3: 7 words)

MwlS Kl Msyw Kyla wynp hwhy asy

Here the Consuming Fire (357) is seen blessing His people, placing upon them the fire of His Name/Spirit. Yet there is a great, prophetic connection between the Consuming Fire (357) and the Mashiach (358) of Elohim. In Hebrew, the word for Messiah is Mashiach, and this word has a misparim of 358:

= xysm = Mashiach/Messiah (mv) 358 = (8) x + (10) y + (300) s + (40) m

It is difficult not to notice these two values (357 and 358) are just one apart. Many believe17 Yochanan, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, the cousin of the Messiah, was actually in line to be the high priest of Yisrael in the days of eSwhy.18 As such, Yochanan was a priest and a prophet. Not only would he be the one to speak the Birkat Kohanim/Aaronic Blessing over Yisrael, but he would also be the one to recognize the Passover Lamb.19 Yochanan is also the one who speaks to connect the Consuming Fire (357) with the Mashiach (358), and he warned all Yisrael the Messiah
17 18

(and this writer agrees) John 1:29,36


would (eventually) come upon the world with relentless, inescapable, burning judgments: I indeed immerse you in water to repentance: but He that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: He shall immerse you in Ruach HaQodesh and fire: 12 whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshingfloor; and He will gather His wheat into the garner, but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire. Mark 3:11-12 If we do not submit to hwhy so that the blessing (357) of the Messiah and the impartation of His Spirit burns up the dross within us, He will have to burn it up later with the unquenchable fire.20 Far better to submit to the will of hwhy, now, and be cleansed with the fire of blessing, than to be purged later with the fire of judgment. All of this is still more significant when we realize eSwhy the Messiah has been exalted to the Right Hand of hwhy as the High Priest forever after the Order of Melchitzedek. This eSwhy is the Consuming Fire (357) and He is also the One who pronounces the Name and the Blessing21 (357) on His people that He might deliver them from the fiery wrath to come.22 A Final Word Through the Inspired Hebrew numbers, we are more fully equipped to fulfill the Shema, to unify the entire Word of hwhy, to understand and to teach it is all one: All of Scripture is interrelated, and there are no contradictions. The Hebrew misparim/numbers truly provide us with the Commentary of hwhy over His very Word. And by the Spirit, these numbers and number relationships reveal to us still more of the Mind of hwhy. All the prophets of old upheld the Torah of hwhy and these men were moved by the Spirit of the Mashiach that was speaking within them.23 Those who have the Spirit of the Messiah in our days will not only uphold the Torah as the Constitution of His Kingdom (a Constitution still valid and authoritative across many eons of time yet-to-be-seen in the forthcoming 1000 generations24), but they will also have the Spirit of Prophecy moving within and upon them. And this is most fitting since the Torah of hwhy reveals that which is, and that which was, and that which is yet to come. t C.P. 7-18-2013
20 21 22

Numbers 6:22-27 1Thessalonians 1:10 23 1Peter 1:10-12 24 Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 105:8

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The author of this study is a Messianic writer who ministers the Word of hwhy, in part, through free articles provided to feed the Messiahs sheep worldwide. He believes the Spirit reveals the Hebrew misparim/numbersgiven in the inspired ALEF-BEITprovide us with the Most Highs very own Commentary on His Eternal Word.
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Personal Copyright 2013, by the author. Version 1.0 Completion Date: 7/18/2013

This document may be freely copied and distributed, if it is left unaltered and in its entirety. It must also be given away without cost to recipients, and it may not be included in any publication without the authors written permission.

hwhy El Shaddai will rebuke anyone who

copies these truths for republication and/or who subsequently attempts to reproduce and sell them. Isaiah 55:1-2, Micah 3:11, 1Peter 5:2 We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor.25 Many have turned reverence and the worship of hwhy into a means of great, personal gain.26 We assert such things were never meant to be.27 Hence, this copyright is intended to allow for free distribution of the Word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations: This document may be copied and distributed (or freely printed in its pdf format after being downloaded from the Internet): 1. If it is left unaltered. 2. If it is left in its entirety. 3. And if it is given away at absolutely no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10 Neither this article, nor any portion of this article, may be included in any publication which is sold. This stipulation applies regardless of the nature of the organization or the nature of its sales, meaning: profit or nonprofit. Further, whether an organizations publication is of a religious nature, or otherwise, this stipulation still applies.
25 26

Zechariah 7:10 Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2 27 Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17

With the exception of our first stipulation (i.e., the one specified under the first bullet point giving permission to photocopy the work in its entirety), publishing any portion of this work without the authors written permission is strictly prohibited. For other free documents which are offered to provide encouragement and edification from the Word of hwhy, please refer to the following websites:
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The Gospel of Shalom To obtain a free copy of the book, The Gospel of Shalom, as well as many spiritual songs of immense edification by Renalee Colon, see the following website:
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An Excellent Translation of the Scriptures ISRV is an acronym used for the INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH VERSION. This acronym has been used in the current document to indicate we have quoted a Scripture text from the excellent translation produced by the INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH. These believers have published a most helpful and edifying version of the Word of hwhy which is entitled The Scriptures. For those wishing to make further inquiry, the ISR website address is:
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The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts appear on the following page >>


The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts (All Charts are Read From Right to Left)

Misparim Value (MV)

Place Value (PV)

1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .. 17 18 19 20 21 22



1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 20 . 30 . 40 . 50 . 60 . 70 . 80 . 90 . 100 . 200 . 300 . 400 .


A letters place value, or what some people call the ordinal value, is simply obtained by finding its numerical order, or position, within the ALEPH-BEIT. So, from first to last, we have ALEPH = 1 while TAV = 22. Below are provided more compact Place Value and Misparim Charts which readers may wish to print and cut out so you may more readily confirm the calculations in this document as well as finding the MV or PV of any Hebrew word.
--------------------------- PLACE VALUE (PV) CHART ---------------------- (11) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a (22) t (21) S (20)r (19) q (18) u (17) p (16) e (15) o (14) n (13) m (12)l

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISPARIM VALUE (MV) CHART ---------------------- (20) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a (400) t (300) S (200)r (100) q (90) u (80) p (70) e (60) o (50) n (40) m (30)l


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