Ibp Minutes 8 May 2009 (Revised)

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IBP Building, Imus, Cavite


Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Officers of the Integrated

Bar of the Philippines – Cavite Chapter, held on 8 May 2009, at the IBP
Building, Imus, Cavite

Present: Atty. Rosemarie Carmen V. Perey, President

Atty. Renante C. Bihasa, Vice President
Atty. Racquel Crisologo-Lara, Secretary
Atty. Miriam S. Clorina, Auditor
Atty. Simon Peter D. Victa, P.R.O.
Atty. Ramon S. Esguerra, Director
Atty. Angela Lenin E. Paycana, Director
Atty. Jinky Y. Anarna, Director
Atty. Andre Dy Ignacio, Vice-Chairman, Legal Aid Committee

1. Call to Order:

The special meeting of the IBP Cavite Chapter was called to order at
exactly 6:25 p.m. after determining that there is already a quorum.
The meeting was presided over by the President, Atty. Perey, while
the Secretary, Atty. Lara recorded the minutes of the meeting.

2. Agenda for the Meeting

2.1. Testimonial Dinner and Induction of Officers

Considering that Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno has accepted the

invitation to be the keynote speaker, it is final that the Testimonial Dinner
and Induction of Officers shall be held on June 19, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. at the
Island Cove Hotel & Resort, Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite.
The Officers, however, are expected to be at the said venue at 3:00
p.m. Formal attire is requested for all attendees.

Atty. Perey proposed that the theme for this affair shall be “IBP
Cavite – Striving for Excellence”, which was duly seconded by Atty.

Thereafter, the following members were assigned to the following


Ways and Means – Attys. Saquilayan and Victa

Food and Beverage – Attys. Saquilayan and Lara

Physical Arrangement – Attys. Sumagui and Paredes

Ushering – Attys. Anarna and Paycana

Program – Attys. Perey and Bihasa

Publicity and Promotions - Attys. Victa and Espiritu

Special Assignments –

List of honorees & new members, IBP pins – Kristine Cipriano

Leis, corsages & tokens for special guests – Atty. Bihasa

Certificates & plaques – Attys. Sumagui & Villanueva

Registration forms/guestbook & Oath – Kristine Cipriano

Photos and Video recording – Atty. Perey

Name cards – Atty. Jojo Bihasa

CTMO coordination – Atty. Saquilayan

To defray the expenses for the testimonial dinner, the Board

approved the allocation of the sum of P100,000.00 from the General Fund
and the sum of P50,000.00 from the Special Fund. Atty. Lara shall prepare
the appropriate Resolution.
It was also agreed upon that solicitation letters shall be prepared by
Atty. Perey for Congressmen Abaya, Barzaga and Remulla, Gov. Maliksi
and Vice-Gov. Campana.

Each officer shall also undertake to enlist two (2) sponsors to raise the
minimum amount of P4,000.00.

2.2. Planning and Team Building Activity

It has been agreed upon that the Planning and Team Building
Activity shall be held on May 22, 2009. Balay Indang and Island Cove were
suggested as venues. Atty. Clorina was assigned to inquire from Balay
Indang and arrange for reservations if available. If not, Atty. Paredes
would verify the availability of Island Cove. The Board shall be informed
of the final choice of venue by next week. Each officer shall shoulder the
board and lodging costs.

2.3. Atty. Albert Villaseca’s request for formal endorsement as

Register of Deeds for the Province of Cavite

The Board approved the endorsement of Atty. Albert Villaseca for the
position of Register of Deeds for the Province of Cavite.

3. Other Matters

3.1. The Board resolved to retain Evelyn Dominguez as the

Chairperson of the National Environmental Action Team.

3.2. It was also agreed upon that the separate lease contracts
with Atty. Evelyn Dominguez for her law office and with
Merlina D. Bautista for the Café Esperanza shall be renewed
for another year. The Board designated Atty. Perey as the
official signatory for both contracts. Atty. Lara will prepare
the corresponding Resolution.

3.3. All officers and directors were reminded to regularly check

their e-mails for notices and updates.
There being no other matters to be taken up, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Prepared by:


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