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M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. First Semester MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. Discuss the concept of Management as Profession. 2. Explain the various characteristics of planning. 3. Explain the process of Decision-making. 4. Discuss the features of a Good Organisation. 5. Distinction between Formal Organisation and Informal Organisation. 6. What is Departmentation? State the importance of Departmentation. 7. Explain the characteristics of an Ideal control system. 8. Define staffing. Explain the importance of staffing in management. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 9. Management is a force which leads, guides and directs any organisation in the accomplishment of pre-determined objectives. Explain. 10.Planning involves a choice among alternatives. Do you agree? 11.What is Functional Organisation Structure? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.


12.Explain the term decentralisation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of decentralisation? 13.Define communication. What are the common barriers to communication? 14.What is meant by co-ordination? Explain the need and importance of coordination. 15.Explain the span of control. Discuss, if wide spans are ideal.



M.B.A. (P.M.) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. First Semester ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 16.What do you mean by organisational behaviour? Explain its elements. 17.What are the main components of attitudes? 18.Explain five personality model. 19.What are the factors affecting individual performance on motivation? 20.Explain different types of power. 21.Explain theories of group formation. 22.What are the steps for making communication effective?


23.What are the contingent factors in organisational design? PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 24.Explain personality theories? 25.Explain perceptual selectivity. 26.Explain communication network. 27.Explain theories of motivation. 28.What are the factors determining the resistance overcome these changes. 29.What is stress? Explain its causes and effects. 30.Explain organisational model. to change? How to



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. First Semester MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 31.Define Managerial Economics and explain its importance. 32.Explain the Scope of Managerial Economics. 33.Explain the various types of price elasticity. 34.What do you mean by price and Demand?


35.Discuss the Accounting view vs. Economic View. 36.Explain : (a) (b) (c) Linear isoquant Right angle isoquant Convex isoquant

37.What is profit? Explain the way for improving profit performance. 38.Explain Inflation and Deflation. State its difference. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 39."Managerial economics is economics applied in decision-making". Explain. 40.State and explain the Law of Demand. What are its exceptions? 41.What is Direct-cost and how it is differ from indirect cost? 42.Define a production function. Explain and illustrate isoquants and isocost curves. 43.Distinguish between economic profits and accounting profits with suitable examples. 44.Explain the current trend of Inflation in India. 45.Explain the nature and managerial uses of production function.



M.B.A. (P.M) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. First Semester QUANTITATIVE METHODS (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 4


PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 46.Explain the relationship between cost, volume and profit. Also explain the importance of relevant costs for decision making. 47.State the dual theorem and explain its implications. 48.Explain how variations in costs and locations affect transportation models. 49.Explain clearly various ingredients of a decision problem. What are the basic steps of a decision-making process. 50.Obtain the solution by using Gauss Jordan method for the following simultaneous equation.
x1 + 3x2 = 9

2x1 + 5x2 = 16 . 51.What is the probability of taking (a) (b) White ball Red ball from a bag containing 18 white balls and 8 red balls.

52.Simulation is a valuable tool in a situation where the mathematics needed to describe a system realistically is too complex to yield analytical solutions. Elucidate. 53.Explain how the linear programming technique can be helpful in decisionmaking in the areas of marketing and finance. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 54.Discuss the usefulness of quantitative methods in decision-making process. 55.A company has three operational departments (weaving, processing and packing) with capacity to produce three different types of cloths namely suiting, shirtings and woollens yielding a profit of Rs. 2, Rs. 4 and Rs. 3 per metre respectively. One metre of suiting requires 3 minutes in weaving, 2 minutes in processing and 1 minute in packing similarly, one metre of shirting requires 4 minutes in weaving, 1 minute in processing and 3 minutes in packing. One metre of woollen requires 3 minutes in each department. In a week, total run time of each department is 60.40 and 80 hours for weaving, processing and packing respectively. Formulate the linear programming problem to find the product mix to maximize the profit.


56.Use graphical method to solve the L.P.P Maximize Z = 2x1 + 4x2 subject to
x1 + 2x2 5 x1 + x2 4

where x1, x2 0 . 57.Use Vogels approximation method to obtain an initial basic feasible solution of the transportation problem. D A B C Deman d 11 16 21 20 0 E 13 18 24 22 5 F 17 14 13 27 5 G 14 10 10 25 0 Availabl e 250 300 400

58.The automobile company manufactures around 150 scooters. The daily production varies from 146 to 154 depending upon the availability of raw materials and other working conditions :
Production (per day) : Probability : 146 0.0 4 147 0.0 9 148 0.1 2 149 0.1 4 150 0.1 1 151 0.1 0 152 0.2 0 153 0.1 2 154 0.0 8

The finished scooters are transported accommodating 150 scooters. Using following random numbers


a specially arranged


80, 81, 76, 75, 64, 43, 18, 26, 10, 12, 65, 68, 69, 61, 57. Simulate the process to find out (a) (b) What will be the average number of scooters waiting in the factory? What will be the average number of empty space on lorry?

59.A business man has two independent investments A and B available to him, but he lacks the capital to undertake both of them simultaneously. He can choose to take A first and then stop, or if A is successful then take B, or vice-versa. The probability of success on A is 0.7 while for B it is 0.4. Both investments require an initial capital outlay of Rs. 2,000 and both return nothing it the venture is unsuccessful, successful completion


of A will return Rs. 3,000 (over cost), successful completion of B will return Rs. 5,000 (over cost) Draw a decision tree and determine the best strategy. 60.Explain joint, conditional and marginal probabilities.



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. First Semester BUSINESS LAWS (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 61.What is consideration? What are the essentials of valid consideration? 62.What is fraud and mistake? Explain their effect on contracts? 63.Distinguish between condition and warranty legal definition of warranty. 64.What is delivery of goods? Explain the rules regarding delivery of goods. 65.Define the term Bailment an Pledge. Explain its merits and demerits. 66.What is partnership deed? Explain its contents. 67.Distinguish between transfer and transmission of shares. 68.Explain Life insurance, Fire insurance and Marine insurance. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 69.Define coercion and undue influence. 70.What are the rights and duties of buyer of seller?


71.Explain the relation of parties of an agency towards outsiders. 72.Explain the fundamental principles of insurance. 73.Write a note on different types of dissolution of a firm. 74.Explain in detail the different kinds of companies. 75.Differentiate between memorandum and articles of association.



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Semester FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 76.What is Trading Account? What purpose does it serve? 77.What is a Contra entry? How is it distinguished from other entries in the cash book? 78.Explain briefly about Money measurement concept and Realization concept. 79.What are the different methods used for analysis of financial statement? 80.List out the various objectives of ratio analysis. 81.Write a short note on profitability ratios. 82.Distinguish between Funds from operation and Cash from operation.


83.What is single entry system? State its limitations. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 84.The summarized Balance Sheet of Shanthi Products for the years ended on 31.3.2000 and 31.3.2001 are given below :
000 Liabilities 31.3.200 0 Rs. (000) 500 31.3.200 1 Rs. (000) 500 Assets 31.3.200 0 Rs. (000) 180 210 30 50 200 170 103 943 31.3.200 1 Rs. (000) 200 276 45 50 190 195 98 1054

Share Capital General Reserve P & L A/c Long term loan Creditors Provision for tax

Buildings Plant

200 40 158

220 32 100 172

Other fixed assets Investments Stock Debtors

45 943

30 1054

Cash at bank

Prepare a statement of sources and application of funds after taking into consideration the following additional information relating to the yearended on 3 1.3.2001. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Dividend amounting to Rs.30,000 was paid during the year. Provision for taxation made Rs.12,000. Machinery worth Rs.15,000 (book value) was sold at a loss of Rs. 3,000. Investment costing Rs. 10,000 was sold for Rs.12,000. Depreciation provided on assets : Land and Building Rs. 5,000 ; Plant and Machinery Rs. 20,000. 85.Management Accounting provides immense help in management

decision making discuss. 86.A company is considering an investment proposal to install a new milling control at a cost of 50,000. The facility has a life expected of 5 years and no scrap value, the tax rate is 35%. Assume the firm uses Straight Line Method of (SLM) depreciation method and same is allowed for tax, the estimated Cash flow before tax (CFBT) from the investment proposal are as follows 9



CFBT 10,000 10,692 12,769 13,462 20,385

1 2 3 4 5
Compute : (a) (b) (c) (d) Pay back period Accounting Rate of Return NPV @ 10% discount rate and IRR. The discount factor is

Year :

2 0.826

3 0.751

4 0.683

5 0.621

Discount factor 0.909 :

87.Distinguish between Single entry and Double entry system of book keeping. 88.The following balances have been extracted from the books of Mr. SJ. Prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31st December, 2000 and a balance sheet as on that date. Debits Rs.



Purchases Computer Cash at bank Cash in hand Furniture Rent Bills receivable Trade charges

71,280 Capital 18,380 Creditors 4,000 Bills payable 2,838 Discount received 1,540 Sales 12,540 Returns outward 6,720 Rent due 920

60,000 13,000 10,220 22,000 60,720 11,432 320


Debtors Discount allowed Wages Salaries Returns inwards

Adjustments : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

34,156 5,200 1,800 16,780 1,000

Closing stock on 31st December Rs. 25,600. Rs. 6,000 paid to Mr. Red against bill payable were debited by mistake to Mr. Greens account and included in the list of sundry debtors. Depreciate furniture @ 10% p.a. Provide for doubtful debts at 5% on debtors. Goods costing Rs. 1,500 used by the proprietor. Salaries outstanding Rs. 12,000.

89.Discuss briefly the nature and conditions on applicability of ratio analysis for inter-firm and intra firm comparison. 90.The following ratios and other data relate to the financial statements of ShaJee Ltd. for the year ended 31.12.2006 Working capital ratio Acid test ratio Working capital Fixed assets to share holders equity ratio Inventory turn over (based on closing stock) Gross profit ratio Earning per share Average age of accounts receivable (based on calander year 365 days) Share capital (no. of shares) Earnings for the year as a percentage of 20,000 40% Rs. 0.50 73 days 1.75 : 1 1.27 : 1 Rs. 33,000 0.625 : 1 4 times



share capital


The company has no prepaid expenses, Deferred revenue expenses, Intangible assets or long- term liabilities. Prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet.



M.B.A. (P.M) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Semester BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 91.Defined mixed economy. Explain its merits. 92.Describe the charging value of Indian culture. 93.Briefly describe the role of public sector in India. 94.Mention the objectives of industrial licensing policy. 95.State the need for foreign capital. 96.What type of assistance provided by IDBI to industries? Explain. 97.Point out the main feature of Indias Five Year Plans. 98.State the reforms made to adopt liberalisation and globalisation. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 99.Describe the powers and functions of SEBI. 100. Briefly explain the problems of unemployment in India. 101. Explain the various financial assistance provided by the EXIM Bank.



102. State the role of fiscal policy in a development economy. 103. Explain the traditional functions of R.B.I. 104. Describe the reforms of industrial policy, 1991. 105. Discuss the strength and weaknesses of privatisation in India.



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Semester ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 106. Discuss various theories of entrepreneurship. 107. Explain the role programmes. and relevance of entrepreneurial development

108. Discuss the role entrepreneurship.






109. Entrepreneurs are made not born Discuss. 110. What do you know about Backward area development scheme? 111. Discuss briefly about entrepreneurial culture. 112. Describe reasons for slow progress of women entrepreneurs in India. 113. Discuss briefly various theories of motivation. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 13


114. What do you mean by innovation? How does the entrepreneurs behaviour helps in the innovation of new ideas and new products? 115. What are the main qualities of a successful entrepreneur? 116. What are the myths and misconceptions about the entrepreneurship? 117. Discuss various factors which motivate and facilitate entrepreneurs to undertake entrepreneurial ventures. women

118. What are the special programmes of assistance to entrepreneurship is implemented by the government to develop the needs of women, rural and small entrepreneurs. 119. Discuss the various environmental factors affecting entrepreneurship? 120. What do most of the EDPs provide to a prospective entrepreneurs?



M.B.A.(P.M) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Semester PROJECT FORMULATIONS AND APPRAISAL (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 121. What is the need for planning by Government? 122. State the functions of Project Management Consultant. 123. What is project? State the features of it. 124. How the backward integration is differ from forward integration? 125. What are the purpose and need for project identification?



126. What are the points required for SWOT analysis? 127. What are the promotional measures taken by Government India for encouraging exports? 128. What is BOOT contracts? State its types. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 129. Explain the concept of sectoral project opportunities. 130. How the project is to be classified? 131. What are the steps to be taken while identifying the project? 132. Enumerate the stages involved in project formulation. 133. What is Technical Appraisal? State the objectives and essential of it. 134. What do you mean by financial appraisal? State the reasonableness of cost project. 135. Enumerate the components of feasibility study.



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Semester PROJECT SUPPORT SYSTEM (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 136. What are the incentives and subsidies available to small scale industries in India?



137. How the marketing intelligence manufacturing concern?






138. Explain the functions of project and equipment corporation of India. 139. State the role of World Bank to the Small Scale Industries. 140. State the adoption of pollution control measures for manufacturing new products by a firm. 141. Who provides long term finance to the industrial units? 142. How the KVIC helps the entrepreneur? 143. Explain the features of venture capital. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 144. Describe the role of Government Department for Project Support System. 145. Explain the working of State Finance Corporation relating to Project Finance. 146. What types of incentives and facilities available to exporters? 147. Discuss the major activities of Technical Consultancy Organisations. 148. Briefly explain about the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Parks. 149. State the Executive Management's role in Project Support System. 150. Write a short note on : (a) (b) Export Trade Promotion Councils. Indian Investment Centre.






PROJECT PLANNING AND EXECUTION (2005 onwards) Time: Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 151. Define project management. List its characteristics. 152. Discuss the objectives of project. 153. Explain "Functional" type of project management. 154. Writes notes on: (a) (b) Project scheduling Time monitoring

155. Describe the needs of project cost monitoring. 156. Explain the various steps involved in project implementation. 157. List out the effects on project over runs. 158. What is project audit? Explain its objectives. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions: 159. Explain the functional areas of project planning. 160. How will you schedule to match availability of man power and release of funds? 161. Discuss in detail about project execution plan. 162. Narrate pre-requisites for successful project implementation. 163. Elaborate 'last control methods'. 164. Explain the various project reviews. 165. What is the role of auditor's in project audit?





M.B.A. (Project Management) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Third Semester PROJECT CONTROL SYSTEM (2005 Onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 166. Explain the steps involved in decision making. 167. Describe the uses of queuing model. 168. What is applied utility theory approach? Explain. 169. Explain the concept and nature of PERT and CPM. 170. Explain different methods of segregation of fixed and variable costs. 171. What are the main factors affecting the prices of computer programs? 172. What are the techniques available for evaluation of projects? 173. What is breakeven chart? How is it prepared? SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 174. Discuss different approaches of decision making. 175. Explain goal programming model as a method of project selection. 176. How can resource allocation and leveling be done through network? 177. United Automobiles Ltd provides the following cost details. Direct Material : 18 Per unit


X Y Direct Wages : X Y 24 hours @ 0.25 per hour 16 hours @ 0.25 per hour

Rs. 8 Rs. 6

Variable overheads 150% of wages Fixed overheads Rs. 750 Selling price : X Y Rs. 25 p.u Rs. 20 p.u.

State which of the following sales mix you would recommend to the management based on maximum profit. Alternatives. (a) (b) (c) (d) 250 units of X and 250 units of Y 400 units of Y only 400 units of X and 100 units of Y 150 units of X and 350 units of Y.

178. A project cash flow and abandonment values are as follows : Time (in Cash flow Abandonment value years) (Rs.) (Rs.) 0 1 2 3 4 5,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 5,00,000 5,50,000 3,50,000 2,00,00 Nil

At 10% discount rate p/v factor for 5 years = 0.909, 4 years = 0.826, 3 years = 0.751, 2 years = 0.683 and 1 year = 0.621. When is it advised to abandon the project? 179. How is marginal costing analysis useful for pricing decisions and profit planning? 180. Explain the information systems needed for project monitoring. DE





M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Third Semester PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 181. State the differences between 'Risk' and 'Uncertainty'. 182. Write a note on risk identification. 183. What do you mean by risk quantification? 184. What are the principles of risk management? 185. What is risk retention? 186. How do you avoid project failure? 187. Write a note on negligent risks. 188. Explain sensitivity analysis. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 189. Discuss the different types of risks. 190. Explain the steps involved in risk management planning. 191. Explain the different strategies of risk response. 192. Discuss the process of risk management. 193. Explain the factors that determine optimal retention risk. 194. Discuss the different types of risk exposure losses. 195. Write an essay on the risk adjusted capital budgeting. ______________





DISTANCE EDUCATION M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Third Semester PROJECT FINANCE (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 196. Briefly explain the institutional framework of project finance. 197. What do you mean by capital gearing? 198. Explain the terms : (a) (b) Global Depository Receipt Internal Rate of Return.

199. What are factors to be considered in economic analysis? 200. Explain the term project financing. 201. State the objectives of financial institutions. 202. Explain the concept of project monitoring. 203. Write a short note on judicious financing plan. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 204. Explain various methods of project appraisal. 205. Explain the following terms : (a) (b) (c) 206. Explain : 21 Break Even Analysis Return on investment Security margin.


(a) (b) (c)

Public Issue of shares Debentures Public Deposits.

207. Describe various schemes of assistance provided by IDBI. 208. Write modern innovative technologies in project financing scheme. 209. Write an essay of managerial and technical aspects of project appraisal. 210. Describe the role of the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction in rehabilitation of sick industrial units.



M.B.A. (P.M) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Third Semester PROJECT CONTRACTING AND CLEARANCES (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 211. Bring out the salient features of Turnkey Project contracts. 212. Briefly explain the principles of project contracting. 213. State the parameters of effective negotiation. 214. What are the delivery terms of contracts? 215. Explain the process of arbitration. 216. Point out the duties of an agent. 217. Explain the significance of EAR insurance. 218. How do you obtain approval from Pollution Control Board? PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) 22


Answer any FOUR questions. 219. Explain the obligations of contractractors and those of clients created by project contracts. 220. What is bidding? Discuss the stages of bid-evaluation process. 221. Discuss the essential contents of a good tender document. What matters are finalised in a standardised tender form? 222. Describe the INCO terms as used in project contracting. 223. What is meant by closure of contract? State the activities involved in closure of contracts. 224. Write notes on the following : (a) (b) (c) CAR insurance. MCE policy. and Electronic Equipment Insurance.

225. Elaborate the procedure of getting clearance for establishing an export oriented unit.



M.B.A. (P.M.) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Third Semester E-COMMERCE APPLICATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT (2005 Onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 226. Write short note on Information Superhighway. 227. Explain any four electronic commerce application services. 228. What are the security issues in e-payment systems? 229. List out the benefits of electronic funds transfer. 230. Define the concept of E-Cash.



231. What are benefits of EDI for international trade? 232. State the objectives of market research. 233. Write short note on intelligent agents. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 234. Define E-Commerce and describe its presence in various sectors in India. 235. Explain the mercantile process model from the view point of Merchant. 236. Discuss the benefits of e-marketing. 237. What is EDI? How does it build up relationship between organisations? 238. Discuss the importance of information filtering. 239. Explain the concept of payment processing through Credit Card. 240. Write short notes on any TWO of the following : (a) (b) (c) Encryption methods VAN Electronic Directories.



M.B.A. (P.M.) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Fourth Semester PROJECT EXPORTS (2005 Onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 24


241. What are the advantages of project exports for a nation? 242. Explain the role of EXIM Bank in the promotion of Project Exports. 243. Discuss the features of International Environment and its impact on marketing project exports. 244. Describe the essentials of the exporters wise analysis. 245. What are the benefits of Turnkey Projects? 246. Explain the documents involved in Project Exports. 247. Explain the problems faced by Indian Project Exporters in overseas markets. 248. What are the major sources of project exports finance? SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 249. Describe the methods of contracting in the Indian Exports scenario. 250. Discuss the performance and pattern of project exports in India. 251. Explain the promotional measures and incentives of project exports. 252. Discuss the methods of project appraisal used to appraise a proposed project export. 253. Explain the institutional framework existing in India to finance project exporters. 254. Examine the current Indian consultancy exports scenario. 255. State the policies of ECGC in promotion of project exports.






PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (2005 Onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 256. Write notes on the application of software relating to project. 257. Discuss about the processes involved in closing a project in PRINCE 2. 258. Explain the PRINCE 2 processes in controlling a stage. 259. Discuss about the supporting techniques with respect to BS 6079 standard. 260. Discuss about the major BS 6079 planning steps. 261. Write notes on adaptation planning with respect to Euro method. 262. Explain the acquisition process in ISO 12207. 263. Write about the UK National Vocational Qualifications. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 264. Critically examine the need for project management softwares. 265. Discuss about PRINCE 2 project organization with a suitable example. 266. Explain the project procedures available in PRINCE 2. 267. Discuss in main elements of project management dealt with by BS 6079. 268. Explain Acquisition planning with respect to Euromethod. 269. Discuss in detail about the supply process in ISO 12207. 270. Discuss about the Association for Project Management.





M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Fourth Semester DISASTER MANAGEMENT (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 271. Explain fire accident disaster. 272. What is event management. 273. Compare any two disaster identification technology. 274. Write short note on : (a) (b) Geo informatics in disaster Quick reconstructions technology.

275. Explain Man-Made disaster. 276. Discuss the different types of droughts and high light its various casuses. 277. Explain the classification the causes of landslides indicating the places where they could occur in India. 278. Write a note on Disaster Recovery. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 279. Define disaster management and discuss characteristics of different hydrological disasters. 27 major causes and


280. Define Risk and discuss the Risk Management process. 281. Explain briefly management. about guiding principle for health sector food

282. Explain the need of organising medical camps. 283. Describe the nature of floods and differentiate between structural and non structural measures of food mitigation bringing out the significance of preparedness and response in disaster management. 284. Write a note on the Orissa super cyclone of 1999 and discuss the action taken by the Government. 285. Write a note on the Impacts of global warming.



M.B.A. (P.M.) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Fourth Semester SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 286. Explain the contribution of SSI to Indian Economy. 287. Discuss the role of small business in industrialization of India. 288. Explain the factors that determine the working capital requirements of a small scale industrial unit. 289. Discuss the role of women in small-scale industries. 290. Explain the problems faced by small business as regards managerial expertise. 291. Describe the role of SISI in promotion of SSI. 28


292. Write a note on Industrial Estates. 293. Critically analyse the new policy governing small-scale industries in India. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 294. Explain the growth of small business through industrial policies. 295. Critically examine the governmental policies and programmes affecting small scale business. What changes are required to improve the lot of small scale sector? 296. Discuss the institutional framework available to small scale industries for financing of fixed and working capital. 297. Explain the contribution of SSI interms of value of output and employment. 298. Describe the main problems faced by small scale industries in India. 299. What is a District Industries Centre? Explain its functions. 300. What are the various incentives offered by the State and Central Governments for promotion and growth of small scale industries in India?



M.B.A. (PM) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Fourth Semester PROJECT PREPARATION (2005 onwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 29


PART A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 301. Describe the demerits of case analysis in Projects. 302. What is project? Explain the importance and need for project? 303. Write short note on SWOT analysis. 304. Describe the importance of project Report. 305. Enumerate the importance of PERT in project analysis. 306. What is CPM? Explain its significance. 307. Explain briefly the time and cost monitoring in project control system. 308. Write a note on project disaster. PART B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. 309. What is project life cycle? Explain the various phases involved in it? 310. Discuss the features of case analysis? Discuss the various steps involved in it? 311. What is meant by Network analysis? Distinguish between PERT and CPM technique of network analysis? 312. Write short notes on : (a) (b) (c) Project identification Project contracting Project risk

313. What are the salient features of private and public sector project? Bring out the difference between them. 314. Briefly explain the issues related to project implementation.



315. Explain the content of project report.



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