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To calibrate electrical instruments using Fluke 5500A Calibrator and Fluke 8846A 6-1/2 digital precision multimeter with the help of FLUKE METROLOGY Software

The Fluke Model 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator is a precise instrument that calibrates a wide variety of electrical measuring instruments. With the 5500A Calibrator, you can calibrate precision multimeters that measure ac or dc voltage, ac or dc current, ac or dc power, resistance, capacitance, temperature. The Fluke Model 8846A 6-1/2 digital precision multimeter is 6-1/2 digit, dual-display multimeters designed for bench-top, field service and system application. Flukes 8846A DMM is used to calibrates a wide variety of electrical sourcing instruments. The 5500A Calibrator is a fully programmable precision source of the following: DC voltage from 0 V to +1020 V. AC voltage from 1 mV to 1020 V, with output from 10 Hz to 500 kHz. AC current from 0.01 A to 11.0 A, with output from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. DC current from 0 to +11.0 A. DC power from 0 W to +11220 W AC power from 0 W to +11220 W, with output from 10 Hz to 1KHz Resistance values 0 to 330 M. Capacitance values from 330 pF to 1100 F. Simulated output for Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs). Simulated output for nine types of Thermocouple(T/C)

The 8846A multimeter is used for: 2 and 4-wire resistance measurements Extended 10 and 1 G ranges Frequency measurements to 300 kHz (1 MHz) Capacitance measurements from 0 nF to 100 mF Temperature measurement Both ac and dc current from 0 A-10 A Both ac and dc voltage from 0 V-1000 V

1. Interface Fluke 5500A calibrator and 6-1/2 digit precision multimeter to PC via GPIB port and serial port respectively. 2. Now switch ON these instruments and keep it for half an hour for warm up. 3. In the mean time, open the metrology software, METTRACK. C:\Users\user\Desktop\Fluke Metrology software\Metrack 4. Enter your username and password. (Normally username and password is fluke). 5. After login, add the details of newly arrived asset in inventory record and calibration record. Add Inventory Record

6. Generate the procedure (a set of established forms or methods or a set of instructions for performing a specific calibration) for the calibration based on specification of the asset, that we have entered recently using the metrology software, MET/CAL EDITOR and save the procedure. ..specify path for the above step 7. Start the calibration process using the procedure that we have created recently, for the corresponding asset and the master instrument, with the help of metrology software, MET/CAL RUNTIME. Note that, we have to select the correct asset number (a unique number) and the associated procedure. ..specify path for the above step 8. After the calibration, save the calibration report and take the printout in desired format. ..specify path for the above step

1) MET/CAL manuals: From PC C:\ProgramData\Fluke\Help\Manuals 2) Master instruments manual: From PC C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Master Instruments manual 3) Electrical Specification of DUT( Device Under Test) either from internet or from client itself


To calibrate pressure instruments using PACE series Pressure Automated Calibration Equipment, PACE1000 and PACE5000, using GEs INTECAL software.

A high precision Druck pressure indicator, GE PACE 1000 designed for test bench, bench top and panel mount calibration, test and monitoring applications. The PACE5000, measures and controls pneumatic pressures and displays, on a touchscreen, the pressure measurement and controller status. The touch-screen enables selections and settings in both measure and control modes. PACE1000 is a pressure indicator, which measures the pressure up to 700 bar (MWP is 870 bar). PACE1000 used for both pneumatic as well as hydraulic applications. Range: 0 to 700 bar PACE5000 is not only an indicator but also a controller. PACE5000 can measure and control pneumatic pressure up to 20bar Range: -1 to 3.5 bar and -1 to 20 bar


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