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6 theSun | THURSDAY MAY 14 2009

news without borders

Man admitted for tests

after visit to Thailand
IPOH: A 51-year-old man who precautionary measures had cases admitted to hospitals for
visited Thailand last weekend to be taken. checks and observations as at
was admitted to Raja Permaisuri In Kuching, a woman who midnight on Tuesday.
Bainun Hospital here yesterday just returned from Massachu- Three of the cases were
after he developed symptoms setts, United States has been at Sungai Buloh Hospital and
similar to those of Influenza admitted to the isolation ward the other two at Tuanku Jaafar
A(H1N1), which has now been of the Sarawak General Hospital Hospital in Seremban.
detected in 33 countries. as a precautionary measure be- “The outcome of laboratory
The man was admitted at cause she displayed symptoms tests on four cases found them
12.40pm after he was found akin to Influenza A(H1N1). to be negative, while another is
to be suffering from flu, cough, Deputy Chief Minister Tan awaiting result,” he said.
fever and diarrhoea when he Sri Dr George Chan said the “So far, no influenza A(H1N1)
sought treatment at Taiping 55-year-old woman had cough, has been detected in our coun-
Hospital earlier, Perak health fever and flu. try.”
committee chairman Datuk Dr He said she was admitted Ismail said that according
Mah Hang Soon said. to the isolation ward at midday to a report by the World Health
As a precautionary measure, today and had been placed Organisation, three more coun-
the hospital conducted several under observation. “Clinical tries have detected influenza
tests to ascertain the cause of samples are being tested at the A(H1N1) cases, bringing the
his illness. Institute for Medical Research. total number of countries af-
“His blood samples have The results will be known at the fected by the pandemic to 33.
been sent to the Institute for latest by tomorrow morning.” The countries are Thailand,
Medical Research in Kuala In Kuala Lumpur, Health with two cases, Finland (two
Lumpur and the results are ex- Director-General Tan Sri Dr cases) and Cuba (one).
pected to be known tomorrow Mohd Ismail Merican said The WHO report also said the
(Thursday),” Mah told reporters in a statement the Health number of cases had increased
in his office. Ministry’s Crisis Preparedness to 5,287, including 61 deaths,
He said Malaysia was free and Response Centre (CPRC) with the latest eight fatalities
of the Influenza A(H1N1) but had been notified of five other in Mexico. – Bernama

placed at the academy to monitor a total of 81

trainees. – Bernama

briefs Chikungunya spreads to

two more districts
ALOR STAR: The Chikungunya viral disease
detected in the Pokok Sena and Pendang
More being treated following districts of Kedah has spread to two more
meningitis outbreak districts – Kota Star and Padang Terap.
PUTRAJAYA: The number of trainees from the Kedah Director of Health Datuk Dr
Road Transport Department (RTD) Academy in Hasnah Ismail said yesterday the health
Malacca being treated following an epidemic department had detected two cases in
suspected to be meningitis rose to 46 yesterday Kampung Baru in the Kota Star district and
from 38 cases the day before. several cases in Kampung Baru Naka, Kam-
Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Mohd pung Padang Kerasak, Kampung Tong Plu,
Ismail Merican said two cases were being Kampung Banggol Pong, Kampung Padang
treated at the intensive care unit (ICU) of Setol and Kampung Malau in the Padang
Malacca Hospital, and they were expected to Terap district.
be taken out of the ICU ward today, while the “Health teams are carrying out spraying
rest were being treated at the isolation ward. to control the spread of the vector-borne
“The 44 cases placed in the isolation ward disease,” she said in a statement.
comprise 39 trainees, one trainer, a woman Hasnah appealed for the cooperation of
who had contacted one of the trainees, two the people in taking preventive measures by
trainee radiographers and a trainee nurse,” he keeping their surroundings clean and getting
said in a statement here. rid of vessels in the open which could trap
On May 4, a trainee of the academy died water and allow mosquitoes to breed.
while on the way to the hospital and three She advised farmers and tappers to
were admitted to the ICU because of the wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
meningitis outbreak. Eighty-five others were to prevent bites by mosquitoes, which
quarantined. are carriers of the virus that causes the
Ismail said a medical team was still being disease. – Bernama

Why no takers for these PPR

low-cost flats
by Tim Leonard securing bank loans. been completed since 1999. “Many also complained that The PPR scheme was an
the units are located far from initiative to house squatter and
KUALA LUMPUR: City Hall is their original residence and longhouse dwellers officially
studying several measures to place of work,” said Ahmad identified in the 1998 census
solve the problem of excess Fuad. in temporary government-built
units in the People’s Housing “Those who had not made low-cost high-rise flats.
Programme (PPR) that have no an application for the PPR These were supposed to
takers. houses should come and see be built in the same locality,
Mayor Datuk Ahmad Fuad us,” he said. on renewable five-year leases
Ismail told reporters yesterday Ahmad Fuad said City Hall and rented out at a subsidised
that while many squatters is willing to look at the situa- monthly rental.
and longhouse dwellers have tion on a case-by-case basis Federal Territories Minister
refused to move into PPR flats, and will give priority to those Senator Datuk Raja Nong Chik
there were some 20,000 people whose parents had previously Raja Zainal Abidin recently
on the waiting list for low-cost lived in PPR houses and had urged City Hall to conduct a
housing in the city. since passed away. comprehensive study on the al-
He said many PPR housing Based on City Hall statistics, location on PPR units, and look
schemes have allocations to be as of the last month, there into issues affecting such hous-
sold to the residents but many were 3,668 units of vacant PPR ing such as the low number of
families have complained that houses. A total of 5,660 units takers, maintenance of lifts and
they cannot purchase these are currently under construc- facilities, as well as the safety
houses as they have difficulty tion while 27,729 units have of residents.

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