TheSun 2009-05-14 Page07 Parents Upset Over No Mask Directive

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theSun | THURSDAY MAY 14 2009 7

news without borders

Parents upset over ‘no mask’ directive

FACE masks have become an issue week, the school and its parent-teacher erwise. For the safety of our children, the meningitis outbreak was under
at a Malacca primary school located association distributed face masks to I have urged them to wear face masks control.
300m from the JPJ training academy about 200 pupils and teachers on Press Digest while outdoors,” he said. Furthermore, he said, meningitis
which has been hit by a meningitis Monday. by Kong See Hoh Deputy Education Minister Datuk is not caused by virus but by bacteria
outbreak. However, the school stopped the Dr Wee Ka Siong said the ministry infection which spreads only through
The question being “debated” is pupils from donning the masks follow- was acting on the advice of the health close contact. As such, there is no
whether the pupils should be allowed ing the directive from the education row for the latest development. For department which decided that the risk of the pupils getting infected by
cover their mouths and noses in view department on Tuesday. the safety and health of the residents, I pupils need not wear face masks. the meningitis bacteria affecting JPJ
of the epidemic next door. Tiang Dua village head Chiang will urge parents to stop sending their He said the ministry was worried trainees at the academy.
Following an order from the edu- Kwang Woo said he was baffled by children to school for the time being that the wearing of face masks would Meanwhile, Education Director-
cation department, pupils of SRJK (C) the department’s directive. “Lives are should the meningitis outbreak at the create unnecessary panic among the General Datuk Alimuddin Mohd
Tiang Dua have decided not to wear at stake, will the education department academy worsen.” public. Dom advised parents of Tiang Dua
the protective masks in school but take the blame should anyone come The villagers cannot be faulted for “If the pupils wear masks, the press not to stop their children from going to
worried parents in the village, once hit down with the infection?” he asked. being apprehensive over the meningi- will surely take pictures of them and school over the directive.
by chikungunya, are not happy with He said any preventive measure tis outbreak as some 80% of them were play up the story. He was worried that a boycott
the department’s action. taken only after the pupils are infected victims of a chikungunya epidemic “Panicky parents will stop their would lead to disciplinary problems.
The village head has even threat- would not serve the purpose. some time ago. children from going to school,” he “The experts have pointed out that
ened to call for a boycott of classes for “Wearing the face mask is a basic In fact, according to Chiang, some said. meningitis bacteria will only spread
the safety of the pupils if the meningitis precautionary measure, and it will elderly villagers have not completely Malacca education director Isa Abu within a metre of the infected person.
situation does not improve. not affect the pupils’ lessons,” he said, recovered from the disease. said the department issued the order As the school is quite far from the
According to reports in the Chinese adding that the department should not “Although the Health Ministry on the directive of the ministry. academy, parents should not worry
press yesterday, following the menin- have issued the directive. says meningitis cannot be spread by He said the Health Ministry has (about the safety of their children),”
gitis outbreak at the JPJ academy last “I will call the school head tomor- mosquitoes, Chinese sinseh think oth- assured the Education Ministry that he said.

Koo won’t withdraw from contest Break-in at Abdullah’s service centre

PROMINENT entrepreneur Datuk do his best to fight for their welfare. take place.
Koo Yuen Kim, who is contesting On the other hand, he said, if he does He said he will hold a press confer- BUKIT MERTAJAM: The service ransacked,” Ayub told a news
the top post of the Kuala Lumpur not get their support, he will accept ence today to brief the media on the centre of former prime minister conference yesterday.
and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall defeat with an open heart. coming contest. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in Police have arrested five
(KLSCAH) on Saturday, says he will Koo faces incumbent deputy presi- Meanwhile, KLSCAH deputy treas- Kepala Batas was broken into by suspects, including three teen-
not withdraw from the contest despite dent Tan Yew Sing in a straight fight. urer Zhou Shou Han said a group of a group of men on Tuesday. agers, to help in investigations.
the obstacles he faces. He also made it clear that he has no members who were stripped of voting Penang CPO Datuk Ayub The suspects, aged between 15
He said he will not waver in his deci- agenda in contesting for the post apart rights because they did not pay their Yaakub said the incident, be- and 27, were arrested in their
sion, and since he has announced his from a desire to serve the members. annual subscription fees on time lieved to have occurred between homes around Permatang Ber-
candidacy, he will not back down. “As such I hope my opponent is not would meeting to voice their dissat- midnight on Monday and early tam, Kepala Batas.
“Since I am in (the contest), I have afraid of losing. Let’s have a fair and isfaction. yesterday, was discovered by an Police also recovered various
to be prepared. I cannot withdraw half- transparent contest and leave it to the He said these members will also employee at about 7am. items reported missing from the
way,” he said. members to decide the winner.” attend the annual general meeting on “The employee, who was office such as a television set,
Koo told Nanyang Siang Pau that if He urged Tan to disclose the del- Saturday and would appeal to have their about to start duty, saw the cash and several office equip-
members give him the mandate, he will egates’ list in order for a fair contest to voting rights restored. office door ajar and the interior ment. – Bernama

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