TheSun 2009-05-14 Page11 Firms Struggle To Hire Skilled Professionals in Vietnam

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theSun | THURSDAY MAY 14 2009  11

news without borders

Anger over
East Timor
Firms struggle to hire skilled
advisers’ pay
DILI, (East Timor): The World Bank has been
forced to defend its consultants in East
Timor after the salaries of those hired by
the finance ministry were leaked to local
professionals in Vietnam
HANOI: About a year ago, 2,000 of the best
media, sparking widespread anger. and brightest from five of Vietnam’s top
Public outrage has reached boiling point universities were invited to take a lengthy
over generous remuneration packages of- multiple-choice exam for a shot at a job at
fered to foreign advisers in a country where Intel Corp.
half the population of about 1.1 million The giant computer chip maker had
people lives below the poverty line. broken ground on its biggest factory ever
The World Bank, however, says the sala- in Vietnam’s commercial hub, Ho Chi
ries are set by the finance ministry in line Minh City, and the US$1 billion (RM3.5
with internationally accepted market rates, billion) assembly and test facility, expected
and calls the publication of the contract to start operations this year, needed good
details a breach of privacy. engineers.
“I am concerned that the privacy of It was more than just another big
these individuals has been breached, in an project. The Intel investment would put
environment in which they are by implica- Vietnam on the global tech map and help
tion being identified as miscreants for ac- a rising star in the manufacturing world
cepting international market-rate salaries,” move closer to its dream of advancing up
World Bank country director Nigel Roberts the value chain.
said. But the results from Intel’s test cast a
Bank communications associate Aleta spotlight on one of Vietnam’s biggest barri-
Moriarty added: “The publication of the per- ers to achieving that dream: Its inadequate
sonal details of these well-qualified profes- and inflexible higher education system.
sionals is obviously a matter of concern. A fraction of the students passed the
“It could, if further fanned, have implica- written exam, covering physics, electri-
tions for their willingness to continue with cal engineering, maths and other topics.
their employment in (East Timor). Should They were given an English test and just
this occur, the net result will undoubtedly 40 made the final cut.
prove negative for development.” Than Trong Phuc, Intel’s country
The issue of contention is the salaries manager for Vietnam, said he was not
of international advisers employed as part The surprised by the results. A student
looks through a
of the Planning and Financial Management higher “Is Vietnam a literate society with good
microscope at a
Capacity Building Programme (PFMCBP), a education people with fundamental skills? Yes,” he
five-year project to strengthen East Timor’s said. “But do these people already have laboratory of a
finance ministry. system knowledge about chip-making in place? college in Hanoi.
On April 24, the Tempo Semanal news- remains a No. So we have to start from the ground.”
paper published on its website contracts throwback Company spokesman Nick Jacobs said
of international advisers working in the to the test was not designed for hiring
PFMCBP with annual salaries ranging from but rather to “evaluate the com-
about US$100,000 (RM350,000) to more
Vietnam’s petencies” of students and to be
than US$500,000 (RM1.7 million). pre-reform a starting point for dialogue
The opposition Revolutionary Front for days with the authorities.
an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) has when the Vietnamese news-
jumped on the issue to attack the govern- economy papers and websites Less than 15% of teaching staff at
ment of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. reported on the result, higher education institutes have a doctor-
“The main concern is the process of re- was though, and word ate, and that percentage has not changed
cruitment and transparency in the ministry small and quickly spread. in the past 10 years, Waite said. Schools
of finance. We have been asking questions centralised, The Intel tale soon have little autonomy to tailor curricula
but received no answers at all,” Fretilin ill-equipped became a go-to an- and students are rewarded for memorisa-
member of parliament Arsenio Bano said. ecdote in the foreign tion skills, not critical thinking.
“International advisers are employed on
for the business commu- “I bet very few graduates could give a
huge salaries in a country where half the country’s nity to highlight the correct answer if they were asked ‘what
population lives below the poverty line. It’s new education system’s is a market economy?’,” said one recent
irresponsible.” realities.” failings and one of the graduate who declined to be identified.
The PFMCBP is funded by the World big problems when in- “But you know what? They made us
Bank through its International Development vesting in the Southeast memorise the Investment Law which took
Association with support from donors. Asian country, a lack of effect in 1987.”
Consultants are recruited by the finance skilled professionals. The school system, like other facets of
ministry but it is the World Bank, along with Among Vietnamese, life in Vietnam, is also plagued with cor-
donors such as Australia and New Zealand, public debate has blossomed ruption. Plagiarism is reportedly rife.
that forks out the money to the foreign about what many are calling A student measures dragon-flies World Not surprisingly, the products of such a
experts. an education crisis, especially at at a laboratory. Bank. system are weak. Only 30% of university
An international adviser employed as a time when some argue education “ T h e and college graduates met requirements
part of the PFMCBP said the publication of reform should be a top priority as the system is for jobs, VietnamNet quoted the Ministry
the contracts had “put a lot of strain to our government tries to right an economy under enormous of Education and Training as saying.
already heavy and difficult workload.” buffeted by the global recession. pressure to respond by expanding access, Between now and 2015, the two biggest
Finance Minister Emilia Pires has The higher education system remains and there’s always the risk of expanding cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, will
deflected the opposition’s barbs on the a throwback to Vietnam’s pre-reform access at the cost of quality. Quality is of need some four million “high-quality”
grounds that the government is not liable days when the economy was small and real concern.” workers in fields such as information
for the advisers’ salaries. centralised, ill equipped for the country’s One huge problem is staff. Political technology, tourism, shipbuilding and
“All the foreign advisers plus some local new realities. credentials remain at least as important in finance. Based on the current level and
advisers within my ministry are actually “The demand for education at the post- the selection of professors as educational quality of training, at best 40-60 percent of
funded by the foreigners’ money,” she said secondary level is enormous. Demand bona fides, despite a clear need for better demand could be met, it said. – Reuters
last month, referring to the World Bank and way outstrips supply,” said Jeffrey Waite, qualified teachers.
donors. who follows education in Vietnam for the
“Sometimes we do not explain enough
about what we are doing, but that is be-
cause we are just too busy trying to get
the results and improve the lives of our Polls put Congress ahead as India’s vote marathon ends
people.” NEW DELHI: The ruling Congress- A projection by Headlines Today nata Party (BJP)-led alliance taking of smaller parties spearheaded by the
The World Bank’s Moriarty said the con- led coalition was slightly ahead of news channel also gave Prime Min- 183-195 seats of the 543 seats at communists and which could hold
sultants had “achieved significant results the opposition Hindu-nationalist ister Manmohan Singh’s ruling Con- stake. The poll was conducted for the balance of power, could get 105
which have been of widespread benefit to alliance in India’s general election, gress coalition a lead, but they did India TV and UTV Business. to 121 seats, the C-voter poll said.
the Timorese people”. but both groups fell short of a not give the basis of the forecast. To rule a party or a coalition re- Voting in nine states ended yester-
“Budget execution increased from parliamentary majority, early pro- Exit polls have had a mixed quires the support of 272 lawmakers day, the final round of a process that
US$76 million (RM266 million) in 2005-06 jections said yesterday. record in the past, given the dif- forcing the Congress and the BJP led began on April 16 to allow security
to US$550 million (RM1.9 billion) in 2008,” Two exit polls showed both al- ficulties of assessing an electorate by Lal Krishna Advani to launch a forces to move across the sprawling
Moriarty said. “This spending, along with liances would need new partners, of 714 million people, or more than frantic hunt for new allies. country to supervise the vote.
increased outlays on infrastructure and renewing concerns that a shaky coali- twice the population of the US. “We are looking at political The actual count of votes is
goods and services, delivered an estimated tion government will emerge at a time A poll by C-Voter polling agency uncertainty and horse-trading,” scheduled for Saturday and results
12% rate of economic growth. These results when Asia’s third largest economy is showed the centre-left Congress- Amulya Ganguli, a New Delhi-based from all the races to the 543-mem-
can be directly attributed to work by PFM- faced with a slowdown and instability led alliance winning 189-201 seats political commentator, said. ber lower house of parliament will
CBP consultants.” – AFP in neighbouring Pakistan. with the opposition Bharatiya Ja- The “Third Front”, a loose coalition be known that day. – Reuters

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