Working Principle of Solar PV

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The main objective of using photovoltaic cells is to harness the energy of the sun and to make use of this energy for various purposes and in a variety of settings. And to reduce the pressure on other manmade sources of energy.

Introduction - PV system:
The word photovoltaic is a combination of two words, photo that means light and voltaic that means electricity. These cells can convert solar energy into pulses of electricity are used commonly in a number of devices, which are placed contiguously in solar panels that could populate residential terraces and roofs. A large number of these can be configured to generate large amounts of energy for large scale applications and city wide usage. The main advantage of solar cells is that they are a source of clean, green and renewable energy for both commercial as well as domestic applications. When it comes to remote locations, solar energy represents a huge advantage as well as opportunity. These mountainous or desert regions or even space are places where conventional energy cannot reach, leading to a situation where solar energy becomes a viable alternative. There is really no dearth of solar energy that can be tapped to meet the needs of the earth in a clean and non polluting way. The only thing that comes in the way of tapping this energy on a very large scale is technology which is still evolving. Today, technology has come to a point where water heating for homes and pools can be managed by using solar energy. The angle, placement and the number of cells in panels determines the amount of solar energy that is trapped. For optimal results, it is best to have the solar cells face south wards at an angle of 15 to 40 degrees as per The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

PV cells convert sunlight directly into electricity without creating any air or water pollution. PV cells are made of at least two layers of semiconductor material. One layer has a positive charge, the other negative. When light enters the cell, some of the photons from the light are absorbed by the semiconductor atoms, freeing electrons from the cells negative layer to flow through an external circuit and back into the positive layer.

Energy Flow in PV circuit:

Sun The source for heat energy Solar panel To convert the solar radiation into direct current electricity. Inverter To convert DC to AC. Battery To store electricity. Electrical panel To distribute Power grid To transport current. House hold house hold appliances In a PV circuit, the solar radiation from the sun is converted into direct electric current which will be inverted into alternating current in inverter. This current will be stored in batteries or will be used for house hold appliances, also this can be transported to another places using power grids.

Use of photovoltaic cells:

Photovoltaic cells can be used in residential, commercial, and industrial environments . Photovoltaic cells are used for everything from operating solar-powered calculators to heating air and water in homes and businesses. People who live in rural areas can benefit from the use of photovoltaic cells if they do not live close enough to a power grid to use conventional electricity. Industrial applications of photovoltaic cells include energy production on satellites and space probes, since they cannot access conventional electricity sources from space.

Different types of photovoltaic cells:

Monocrystalline Silicon (m-si): Most efficient commercially available module (11% - 14%) Most expensive to produce Circular (square-round) cell creates wasted space on module

Polycrystalline Silicon (p-si): Less expensive to make than single crystalline modules Cells slightly less efficient than a single crystalline (10% - 12%) Square shape cells fit into module efficiently using the entire space

Amorphous Silicon (a-si): Most inexpensive technology to produce Metal grid replaced with transparent oxides Efficiency = 6 8 % Can be deposited on flexible substrates Better performance in low light conditions that with crystalline modules

Types of PV system:
Stand Alone Systems: The unavailability of sunlight radiation during bad weather and night hours is unable to transmit or supply power during the need hours. Hence this mismatch between the electrical load and the electricity produced is to be balanced and utilized as per application (DC Load or AC Load) requirement by using an energy storage device. The system designed for this kind of application is defined as Off-Grid Connected or Solar Stand-alone system. This system is used mainly in isolated areas where it is not possible to connect to the electricity network.

Advantages: Works in remote locations

Protection against power failures

Grid Connect Systems Instead of storing solar power in batteries and then using it at night time, the same power can be directly fed into the building level grid (or back-up power supply) with the help of a reliable grid-tied inverter which synchronizes with the power network.

Requires much more powerful system Designed for worst-case scenario Must produce more power than average consumption Significantly more expensive

These systems are not only much more cost-effective; they are also user friendly and require almost negligible maintenance for the product life of more than 20 years. And clubbed with the fiscal benefits available in terms of accelerated depreciation, you can achieve break-even on your investments in a quick time and after that enjoy almost free power for life. Advantages: System does not have to cover all electrical needs at all times Requires less surface area for panels and number of batteries Less expensive Disadvantages: Does not prevent grid power failures

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