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theSun | FRIDAY MAY 15 2009 15

business KLCI
Hang Seng 16,541.69 517.93 KOSPI 1,380.95 33.57
SCI 2,639.89 23.88 S&P/ASX200 3,723.40 132.70

KL market summary MAY 14, 2009

Share prices end lower as investors cash out FBMEMAS 6,757.92 -79.36
SHARE prices on Bursa Ma- moved between 1,019.10 consolidation after the recent COMPOSITE 1,011.99 -10.85
laysia closed lower yesterday, and 1,012.00 throughout the run-up. INDUSTRIAL 2,242.96 -8.41
extending their downtrend as day, with losses were driven Losers outnumbered gain- CONSUMER PRODUCT 304.06 -3.33
investors continued to cash mostly by finance-related ers by 558 to 141 while 201 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT 79.79 -1.33
out amid Wall Street’s weaker stocks. counters were unchanged, CONSTRUCTION 195.45 -4.04
performance overnight, deal- “Finance counters were 363 untraded and 55 others FINANCE 7,995.21 -73.40
ers said. not be favourable as most suspended. PROPERTIES 685.41 -11.61
The dealers said the Wall investors stayed on the side- Of the heavyweights, PLANTATIONS 5,080.26 -57.14
Street downtrend, attributed lines, awaiting the announce- Sime Darby advanced five MINING 291.81 -4.05
to gloomy US retail sales re- ments of major companies’ sen to RM6.55 and Maybank FBMSHA 7,055.81 -80.65
port, dampened Asian stocks, financial results,” one of the rose two sen to RM4.98 FBM2BRD 4,655.21 -78.04
resulting in mounting doubt dealers said. while Bumiputra-Commerce TECHNOLOGY 14.68 -0.46
over immediate recovery. Phua Kwee Hock, techni- decreased 10 sen to RM8.85 TURNOVER VALUE
The KLCI, which has been on cal analyst at SJ Securities, and Tenaga Nasional was flat
a downtrend since Monday, said the market saw some at RM7.25. – Bernama 2,6926bil RM1.8946bil
Sanyo reports US$976mil loss
TOKYO: Japan’s Sanyo Electric Co yesterday reported

US currency bill tempts

a net loss of US$976 million (RM3.4 billion) for the past
financial year due to falling sales and restructuring costs
but said it expects to break even this year.
Sanyo, which is being bought by its bigger rival Pana-
sonic Corp, said net losses reached ¥93.23 billion (RM3.13
billion) in the 12 months to March, reversing the previous
year’s profit of ¥28.7 billion (RM964 million)

protectionism: China
It was the first time in two years the Osaka-based
electronics maker had fallen into the red.
Operating profit tumbled 89.1% to ¥8.28 billion (RM278
million) as sales fell 12.2% to ¥1.77 trillion (59.5 billion)
amid the global recession. – AFP

Mitsui official gets 5 months jail

BEIJING: China rejected claims it policy, and usually confines itself to forward. SINGAPORE: The supervisor of a former Mitsui oil
has manipulated yuan exchange rate general statements. Spokesman Ma US lawmakers have complained trader convicted of concealing US$81 million (RM284
policies to tilt trade flows against the stayed to that course. that China has manipulated its cur- million) of losses from bad trading bets was sen-
United States, saying yesterday that “The Chinese government has nev- rency, but President Barack Obama’s Rising tenced to five months jail in Singapore yesterday for
proposed legislation before the US er engaged in so-called manipulation Treasury Department declined to abetting the scam.
Congress could stoke protectionism. of currency exchange rates to obtain formally label China as a currency
talent Mitsui & Co, Japan’s second-biggest trading house,
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokes- international trade benefits,” Ma told manipulator. pg 17 shut Mitsui Oil Asia (MOA) after the Singapore office
man Ma Zhaoxu made the statement a regular news conference. Previous efforts to pass similar raked up the losses in naphtha trading up until Nov
in response to Congressional moves “Making groundless accusations legislation have failed. 17, 2006.
to curb China’s exports unless Beijing over exchange rates will only encour- The US trade deficit with China Takayoshi Wada had pleaded guilty to three charg-
realigns its exchange rate to make age US trade protectionism, and this widened to a record US$266.3 billion es of helping his then-colleague, Noriyuki Yamazaki,
those exports more costly, which would be of no help in really resolving (RM920 billion) in 2008. But the gap in making false entries in the accounts of MOA. Wada
would help narrow the two countries’ the problems.” has narrowed slightly in the first three had faced up to seven years’ jail as well as fines of up
trade gap. The bill appears to have slim chance months of 2009, as weaker demand to S$10,000 (RM24,2000).
The legislation would require the of becoming law anytime soon. amid a recession has cut China’s Yamazaki was sentenced in February to five years
government to impose anti-dumping Senator Debbie Stabenow, one of exports to the United States by nearly in jail. – Reuters
and countervailing duties on imports the legislators who introduced the bill 11 percent.
from a country whose currency has on Wednesday, said it was uncertain US Treasury Secretary Timothy
been “misaligned” for a long time. when or how the legislation would Geithner will visit Beijing early next
SIA Q4 net profit plunges 92%
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has advance since she had no commit- month for two days of meetings with SINGAPORE: Singapore Airlines (SIA) said Thursday fourth
no direct say in trade and currency ments from Senate leaders to move it top Chinese officials. – Reuters quarter net profit dived 92% on year to S$41.9 million
(RM100 million) as the global slump hit passenger and
cargo demand.
Net profit tumbled by US$486 million (RM1.7 billion),
SIA said in a statement, as revenue fell 19.1% to US$3.32
Asia stocks drop, US retail billion (RM11.6 billion).
The carrier said “the decline in passenger and cargo
sales dent rally carriage accelerated in the fourth quarter.” – AFP

HONGKONG: Asian stocks fell Ratings agency Standard & Sony posts first loss in 14 years
yesterday as weak US retail Poor’s said in a report on Asian TOKYO: Sony Corp announced yesterday its first
sales underscored the long road economies yesterday that it annual loss in 14 years and warned it would stay in
to economic recovery, prompt- was too early to say the global the red this year as the recession cuts demand for
ing investors to take profits economy has bottomed. televisions, cameras and other electronics.
on winning bets in equities, The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific The Japanese giant posted a net loss of ¥98.94
higher-yielding currencies and shares outside Japan dropped billion (RM3.5 billion) for the year to March, a dra-
commodities over the past two 3.3% and looked poised for matic turnaround from the previous year’s profit of
months. its biggest one-day drop in six ¥369.44 billion (RM12.4 billion) The maker of Bravia
The retreat in Asian shares weeks. But the benchmark was televisions, PlayStation game consoles and Walkman
tracked an overnight drop on still up some 19% since the start music players logged an operating loss of ¥227.78
Wall Street after retail sales of the year and 45% from its year billion (RM7.6 billion), against a year-earlier profit of
unexpectedly fell in April, sug- low struck in March. ¥475.30 billion (RM15.9 billion), as revenue tumbled
gesting that consumers were still On Wednesday, the S&P 12.9%.
struggling from job losses, falling 500 shed 2.7%, and futures on Sony said it was impacted by the weak economy, a
home prices and tighter credit. that US stock index were down stronger yen and the falling value of its investments.
Futures on Britain’s FTSE slightly in Asia. But the net loss was smaller than its forecast for a
100 were up 0.5% in early trade, Japan’s Nikkei average fell 150-billion-yen shortfall.
while futures on Germany’s DAX 2.6%. Hongkong’s Hang Seng “The business environment has been extremely
were little changed. index shed 3.2%, with HSBC severe,” Sony’s chief financial officer, Nobuyuki
“US retail sales point to a and China Mobile – the two big- Oneda, told reporters. – AFP
continued slump in the world’s gest heavyweights in the index
largest economy,” said Y.S. Rhoo, – leading the decline.
a market analyst at Hyundai In another sign that investors Deflation worsens in Ireland
Securities in Seoul. were taking profits, open inter- DUBLIN: Retail prices in recession-hit Ireland slumped
The dollar edged up from a est in Hang Seng futures fell on 3.5% in April on a 12-month basis, official data showed
four-month low hit the previous Wednesday after reaching its yesterday, as the eurozone nation was plagued by its
day as investors had gradu- highest level since Oct 8 – at worst deflation since the 1930s.
ally shifted funds away from the the tail end of last year’s slide to “The last time the Consumer Price Index was this low
safe-haven US currency and into five-year lows. REUTERSPIX was in the second quarter of 1933 when it was minus
riskier assets. Oil prices pulled The dip in open interest and 6.9%,” a Central Statistics Office (CSO) spokesman said.
further away from a six-month fall-off in volume signalled that 15,000 jobs off the line ... Ireland, the first eurozone member to fall into recession
peak reached this week. market players were taking chips A PEDESTRIAN speaks on a mobile phone near the British Telecoms as a result of the global financial crisis, has suffered a
Analysts said markets were off the table and were reluctant Tower in central London. British telecoms operator BT said yesterday run of falling prices, or deflation, on weak consumer
likely seizing on the poor US data to chase the market higher. it will axe up to 15,000 more jobs after posting a net loss of £83 million demand.
to take profits on positions that “Even though money is con- (RM440 million) for its 2008-2009 year. The heavy job cuts, outlined in an “Consumer Prices in April, as measured by the
were made on hopes that global tinuing to come into Hongkong, annual results statement, amount to 10% of BT’s workforce and follow Consumer Prices Index, decreased by 0.8% in the month.
growth was slowly picking up. it is not directly flowing into the major problems at the company’s struggling Global Services division. The This compares to an increase of 0.1% recorded in April of
That optimism drove up Asian stock market anymore,” said group plunged into the red after a “challenging” year amid a spreading last year,” the CSO said in a statement.
shares more than 50% at one Linus Yip, strategist with First global economic downturn. It had enjoyed net profit of £1.737 billion “As a result, prices on average, as measured by the
point from their low mark in Shanghai Securities in Hongkong. (RM9.2 billion) in the previous 2007-2008 year. CPI, were 3.5% lower in April compared with April 2008.”
early March. – Reuters – AFP

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