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This question pertains to feminism as a whole. Feminism and its sub-movements are detrimental to females... Do they recognize this?

To elaborate, imagine a world in which EVERYTHING among the sexes were equal (ex cept of course, the sexes themselves). These are some of the horrors women would face in this type of world (note that since feminists claim to be oppressed by men, this scenario implies women have "risen" to the same status of men, and are therefore treated as such): First and, due to the relevance to the feminist rallies of today, foremost... th e overall percentage of rape cases would drop exponentially... This would be due to the perception of a strong, independent male as virtually unable to have sex against his will. If he doesn't wish to partake, he could simply fight his way out of it. There's no way a strong, independent man can be overpowered. The same would apply to women: consent would not be a factor since if she did not wish t o partake, a strong, independent woman could simply fight her way out of it. The re's no way a strong, independent woman could be overpowered. In the workplace, though pay would be exactly equal, women would be viewed as in capable... You have a set number of days off from work each year... Sick days, v acation days, whatever. If a woman becomes pregnant, in order for prenatal care, the woman may need to miss some days of work. These will be taken from the tall y of days you can miss without punishment. (Remember, women are basically treate d as men in this world of absolute equality.) If she misses too many days, fired ; if her productivity drops too low, fired; if any type of complication develops which impairs her, she can expect to be fired after a short while. Women would be expected to work in as robotic a manner as men: every day in, quota met, out, rest for the next day's session. No exceptions outside of the tally of days tha t can be missed. Generally, women would be inferior to men in sports. So instead of things like N BA/WNBA, it may turn into Winner's Bracket NBA and Loser's Bracket NBA. Men woul d out-perform women in so many events, it may create slurs and insults to women. Getting insulted for making a living: if it happens to men, man up! If it happe ns to women, then woman up! Women would be TRULY objectified. As said in the first point, if women don't bre ak free, they would be considered to have wanted to have sex (based on today's m ale standard). Women's support groups would generally not exist, since women wou ld be living at today's male standard. No financial support for children since w omen would be just as capable of providing for the child as any man. And no time to raise the child in order to be able to provide for him/her. Add on that a wo man will be fully responsible for her actions at ALL times: angry wailing while on her period, pica cravings while pregnant, extreme irritability on menopause.. . they may also get you fired for some unknown reason, just as some men tend to get fired due to their habits in their personal lives. Note that in all these scenarios, if women get even the most minute taste of pro tection from those events, and if men are not able to receive the same protectio n, it would contradict with the biggest goal of feminism: equality among the sex es. Even if both sexes received the protection, but men didn't use it while wome n did, it would violate "the spirit of the law (as interpreted by XXXXXX XXXXXXX X)", therefore removing the protection. Of course, this hypothetical would would be a terrible place. Even I, a male, wo uld not want to live there due to the (true) oppression females would face. The truth is, however... that's the world we live in. The only thing is... women hav e layers, and layer-forming layers of layers of protection from that oppression. However, feminists call that protection "oppression".

To restated the question, do feminists recognize their goals will hurt females m ore than help them? Remember, feminism died a long time ago after causing a HIGHLY similar scenario referred to as "Prohibition". Why do feminists want to cause another disaster li ke that?

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