Class Demonstration of Audio-Lingual Method

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Legaspi, Nicholette Jeanne Pancho AB Linguistics and Literature with Professional Education IV

July 8, 2013 ENGL 114 (TTh 10:30-12:00) Dr. Maria Russel Pielago

TEACHING DEMONSTRATION Teacher: Good morning, class. Today, we will be listening to a dialog between two native English speakers. Please listen very carefully, because I wont translate the dialog into your native language, Cebuano-Bisaya. If you do not understand something in the dialog, refer to my actions; I will try to act out the dialog as we go along. (Plays the dialog for the first time) Teacher: OK. May I know if everyone was able to follow the dialog? Was somebody confused at some parts? I will replay the dialog. Please pay attention now. (Plays the dialog for the second time) Teacher: OK. This time, I will repeat the dialog line by line. I will model after each line. Please repeat the line after I do the modeling. (Plays the dialog for the third time but in fragments) Girl: What did you do yesterday? Boy: I went to see a movie. Girl: What did you see? Boy: I saw "Star Wars". Girl: Was it good? Boy: Yes, it was very exciting. What did you do? Girl: I went to eat with my family. Boy: Where did you go? Girl: We went to Sizzlers. Boy: Was the food good? Girl: Yes, it was good. Teacher: Very good, class. Now, I would like to ask the all the boys to say the lines of the boy in the dialog and all of the girls to say the lines of the girl in the dialog. Let us begin with the girls. (Class will play their respective roles and repeat the dialog) Teacher: Excellent, class. This time around, I would like you to switch roles. All the boys will say the girls lines in the dialog. All the girls will say the boys lines in the dialog. Let us begin with the boys. (Class will play their new roles and repeat the dialog)

Teacher: Fantastic! We will now move on to the second major phase of the lesson. We cannot just repeat the dialog over and over again. I will now lead you to a single-slot substitution drill. Focus your attention on this line: Boy: I went to see a movie. (Shows a picture of a play) Teacher: A play. I went to see a play. Please repeat after me. A play. I went to see a play. (Shows a picture of a musical) Teacher: A musical. I went to see a musical. (Gestures for the class to repeat the lines) Teacher: Good job, class. This time, I will only be giving you the cue phrase such as A play and A musical. You will put the cue phrase in its proper place. (Shows a picture of fireworks) Teacher: The fireworks. (Gestures for the class to say I went to see the fireworks.) (Shows a picture of stars) Teacher: The stars. (Gestures for the class to say I went to see the stars.) Teacher: Very good. Now, I will no longer give you the cue phrase. You will come up with the cue phrase from the pictures I will show. Let us begin. (Shows a picture of a concert) (Gestures for the class to say I went to see a concert.) (Shows a picture of puppies) (Gestures for the class to say I went to see the puppies.) Teacher: Superb, class! That is all for today. Thank you for your active participation. Next meeting, we will have a multiple-slot substitution drill with the same dialog. Please prepare yourselves for the third major phase of the lesson until then/

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