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Exam (film) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Exam Exam.

jpg Theatrical poster Directed by Stuart Hazeldine Produced by Stuart Hazeldine Gareth Unwin Written by Stuart Hazeldine Simon Garrity Starring Adar Beck Chris Carey Gemma Chan Nathalie Cox John Lloyd Fillingham Luke Mably Pollyanna McIntosh Jimi Mistry Colin Salmon Music by Stephen Barton Matthew Cracknell Cinematography Tim Wooster Editing by Mark Talbot-Butler Studio Bedlam Productions Hazeldine Films Distributed by Independent[1] Release date(s) June 2009 (EIFF) 8 January 2010 (United Kingdom) Running time Country Language 101 minutes United Kingdom English

Exam is a 2009 British psychological thriller film written by Simon Garrity and Stuart Hazeldine,[2] directed by Stuart Hazeldine and starring Colin Salmon, Chr is Carey, Jimi Mistry, Luke Mably, Chuk Iwuji, John Lloyd Fillingham, Pollyanna McIntosh, Adar Beck and Nathalie Cox.[3] Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plot The film is set in present-time United Kingdom in an alternate history. Eight ca ndidates dress for what appears to be an employment assessment exam. They enter a room and sit down at individual desks. Each desk contains a paper with the wor d "candidate", followed by a number, from one to eight. The Invigilator, a repre sentative of the company named DATAPREV, explains that the exam takes 80 minutes and consists of one question only, and that there are three rules: do not talk to the Invigilator or the armed guard at the door, do not spoil the paper and do not leave the room. Not obeying the rules will result in disqualification. Plot Cast Release Reception References External links

After the clock starts, it turns out that the question papers are blank. One can didate is immediately removed from the room for spoiling her paper by writing on it. The seven remaining candidates realize they can talk to each other and work together. "White", who is arrogant and rude, suggests nicknames based on physic al appearance: Black, White, Brown, Blonde, Brunette, and Dark, refer to their s kin and hair colors, and Deaf is for one candidate who does not pay attention to the others. The candidates use the lights, bodily fluids and fire sprinklers to try to reveal a hidden question on the paper, with no luck. White takes control of the group but really works against them, engineering the disqualifications o f Brunette and Deaf. White then taunts the others, saying he knows the question but will not tell the others. It is revealed that the company in question is responsible for a miracle drug wh ich a large part of the population are dependent upon, after a viral pandemic. B lack subdues White and ties him to a chair, calling him a distraction to the gro up. White says he is infected with the virus and needs his medication, but the o thers do not believe him. Brown suggests Dark is actually a plant from the compa ny, while demonstrating much knowledge about the internal workings of the compan y. This leads Brown to torturing her into revealing that she works for the compa ny but is still applying for the job like everyone else. Just then, White goes i nto convulsions, proving he has the disease. Dark asks the unseen Invigilator fo r help and is disqualified. Brown tries to destroy the medication that White brought for himself, but Blonde retrieves it and gives it to White. The others release White and demand to know the question, but he suggests the explanation is that there is no question the company is going to hire the last remaining candidate. This triggers a fight bet ween White and Black for the guard's gun, which White wins. White forces Brown t o leave the room, at gunpoint. However, before Blonde leaves, she turns off the voice-activated lights, allowing Black to attack White. When the lights are turned on, Black is dead from a gunshot, and Blonde is hidin g in the hallway, with just one foot still inside the room. Before White can kil l her, the clock runs to zero. White addresses the Invigilator, proclaiming hims elf the best candidate, but is disqualified for talking to the Invigilator; it i s revealed that Deaf had earlier set the countdown forward by a few minutes. Wit h only Blonde left, she remembers that Deaf had been using his glasses and a pie ce of broken glass with an exam paper earlier, but had been ignored. Taking the abandoned glasses, she finds the phrase "Question 1." on the exam paper, in minu scule writing. Blonde realizes that Question 1 refers to the only question asked of them by the Invigilator: "Any questions?" She answers, "No." The Invigilator and Deaf enter ; the Invigilator reveals Deaf is actually the CEO of the company and inventor o f the cure for the virus, which can also heal any wound. The bullet that hit Bla ck contained this cure, and he awakens, healed. With the drug about to be releas ed to the public, the company needed to hire someone who was not only able to ma ke tough choices but who is also compassionate, which Blonde had demonstrated th roughout the exam. Blonde passes the exam and accepts her new job. Cast Adar Beck - Dark Gemma Chan - Chinese Girl Nathalie Cox - Blonde John Lloyd Fillingham - Deaf Chukwudi Iwuji - Black (as Chuk Iwuji) Pollyanna McIntosh - Brunette Luke Mably - White Jimi Mistry - Brown Colin Salmon - The Invigilator

Chris Carey - The Guard Release Cinema Poster for Exam The film premiered in June 2009 as part of the Edinburgh Film Festival[4] and wa s then part of the Raindance Film Festival 2009.[5] It was released in UK cinema s on 8 January 2010.[6] On 11 February 2010, IFC Films acquired the rights for the US release[7] where i t was released as part of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.[8] The DVD and Blu-ray were released in the UK on 7 June 2010.[9] There was no theatric al release in the US, but IFC Films released the film via video on demand on 23 July 2010[10] and on DVD on November 16, 2010.[11] On Sept 4th 2012 a stage adaptation of the film opened in Manchester, UK. Adapte d to the stage by Craig Hepworth, Richard Allen and Stuart Reeve and Directed by Hepworth and Allen. The play produced by Vertigo Theatre Productions opened to positive reviews and a sold out run. A tour is now planned

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