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List of Inequalities

1. General AM-GM Inequality (Cauchys Second Inequality). For positive real numbers the following inequality holds with equality iff . and n 8. Rearrangement Inequality in Exponential Form. Let have

. Then we

2. Weighted AM-GM Inequality. For positive real numbers weights such that , we have

9. Chebyshevs Inequality. Let ( ) and ( ) be two sequences of positive real numbers. If the sequences are similarly sorted, then If the sequences are oppositely sorted, then

3. Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality. For any real numbers the following inequality holds with equality iff all are equal ( )


10. Schurs Inequality. Let a, b, and c be positive real numbers, and n be positive. Then the following inequality holds ( , )( ) and with equality iff , or and permutations. -. Then the

4. Cauchy-Schwarz in Engel Form. For real numbers the following inequality holds ( ) with equality iff all are equal. 5. Hlders Inequality. Let , Then the following inequality holds ( ) ,

11. Jensens Inequality. Suppose f is a convex function in , inequality ( ) ( ) is true for all over. ,

be positive real numbers.

-. Similarly, if f is concave the sign of the inequality turns and p the following )

12. Minkowskis Inequality. For positive numbers , inequality holds ( ( ) ) and ( ( , ) for ( ) ( ) (

6. Rearrangement Inequality. Let ( ) and ( ) be sequences increasing or decreasing in the same direction. Then for any permutation ( ) of the numbers ( ) we have the following inequalities

Restatement: For nonnegative ( )

, one has ( and )) then

7. Nesbitts Inequality. For positive integers a, b, and c the following inequality holds

13. Harker-Kasper Inequality. If ( )

List of Inequalities
satisfies ( ) ( ( )) , , with 22. Milnes Inequality. For any real number ( ) are equal. ( ) and , , we have ( )( )

14. Loomis-Whitney Inequality. For any nonnegative one has the inequality

with equality iff all the 15. Carlemans Inequality. For each sequence of positive real numbers one has the inequality , ( ( ) and all ) and all or ) the following

23. Ptolemys Inequality. Given that a, b, c, and d are the sides of a convex quadrilateral and that p and q are its diagonals, then with equality iff the quadrilateral is cyclic. 24. Chebyshevs Order Inequality. If and are nondecreasing and , satisfies , then for any nondecreasing sequence one has the inequality ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

16. Bernoullis Inequality. For all holds

17. General Version of Bernoullis Inequality. For all , the following holds ( ) If , the sign of the inequality is switched.

18. kerbergs Refinement of AM-GM. For any nonnegative real numbers and one has the bound ( ) ( ) 19. (Bonus) Lagranges Identity. ( ) ( )

25. Vinces Inequality. Let be functions from the interval I into ( ) ( ) is nondecreasing for all such that . Let be an ordered sequence of elements of I, and for each permutation , - , -, one has the bound ( ) (
( ))

( ) and

26. Cauchys Third Inequality. For any positive real numbers one has the ratio bounds 27. Kantorovichs Inequality for Reciprocals. If then for nonnegative weights one has where and .

20. (Bonus) Brahmaguptas Identity. ( )( ) ( 21. (Bonus) Four-Letter Identity.

List of Inequalities
28. Proto-Muirhead Inequality. If nonnegative real numbers * + * +, one has satisfy 29. Weitzenbcks Inequality. In any triangle with sides a, b, and c and area A, the following holds 30. Mengolis Identity. For all , ( )

37. Carlsons Inequality. For real numbers ( ) ( ) ( )

38. Discrete Hardy Inequality. For any sequence of nonnegative real numbers one has ( ) 39. Newtons Inequality. Given that and that holds for ( ) ( ) ( ) 40. Maclaurins Inequality. (same given as above) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) such that for all for all 41. Power Mean Inequality. For positive real numbers * + and for nonnegative , mean of order r is defined as .

31. Hadweiger-Finsler Identity. In any triangle with sides a, b, and c and area A, the following holds ( ) ( ) ( ) 32. Shapiros Cyclic Sum Inequality. For positive integers a, b, c, and d the following inequality holds

( ( ) )

the inequality

( )

, for all

( ) , the power

33. Youngs Inequality. For all

34. Rogerss Inequality. For , one has the bound ( ) ( )

/ +

for all real s and t,

* { , we have the inequality

35. Hilberts Inequality. For every pair of sequences of real numbers * + and * + one has

42. Root Mean Square Inequality (AM-QM). For positive real numbers , we have

36. Max Version of Hilberts Inequality. For every pair of sequences of real numbers * + and * + one has

List of Inequalities

43. Hardy-Littlewood-Poly Majorization Inequality. Let f be a convex function on an interval I, and suppose for all integers . If the following hold: , , for all , and . Then ( ) ( )

49. Wei-wei Dual Inequalities. If for is a permutation of , then the two inequalities hold and

, and

44. Weighted Power Mean Inequality. For positive real numbers and nonnegative weights with sum 1, the weighted power mean of * + order r is defined as .

50. Abi-Khuzam Inequality. If A, B, and C are the vertex angles of a triangle, then ( ) for

. +

for all real s and t, * { , we have the inequality

51. Abels Inequality. Let * + and * + be sequences with , then | where *| | | | | -. Then | |+ ,

45. Weighted Jensens Inequality. Suppose f is a convex function in , the inequality ( ) ( )

52. AM-LM-GM Inequality. For positive numbers a and b with 53. Jordans Inequality. For all 0 1, we have

, - with nonnegative weights is true for all concave the sign of the inequality turns over. 46. Jensens ( Extension ) ( ) on (

with sum. Similarly, if f is Inequality. , then If

Hlders , and )

54. Order of 6 Means Inequality. For nonnegative a and b, we have HM, GM, Heronian mean, AM, QM, contraharmonic mean and

47. Triangle Inequality. If f is convex, then for any x and y in the interval defined by f, ( ) ( ) ( ) 48. Points of Maximum. If f is convex on , -, then * ( ) ( )+ ( )

55. Muirheads Inequality. Let numbers such that and Then for any nonnegative numbers ,


be real .

where the sums run over all permutations of *


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