NASA Changing Space-Time With Vortex Energy Blasts

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NASA Changing Space-Time With Vortex Energy Blasts

Posted: 120 days ago

A researcher into strange atmospheric phenomenon has gathered evidence that the American space agency NASA is conducting incredible experimentsperhaps in conjunction with mysterious HAARP activities. He believes that scientists have found a way to punch holes into spacetime. Christopher Everard, a British film director and author, is a man on a missiona man who is attempting to bring to a disbelieving world evidence that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has embarked on a series of high-energy experiments that rip holes in spacetime with intense spheres of raw energy catapulted through man-made vortexes, or wormholes. Everard is collecting eyewitness accounts of the experiments being conducted in the upper atmosphere across the globe. He also notes on his Facebook page peer-reviewed studies that are appearing at the official NASA website and at universities and research labs that tie into the experiments. The quest to create Star Trek type propulsion systems seems to be the next great mission of NASA as chemical rockets and off-the-shelf space technology is being taken up by private industry. Wormholes have already been created in at least three countries, Everard claims. Witnesses have seen and photographed spiral vortexes over Australia, Russia and China.

The Australian vortex may be tied into HAARP activity and U.S. experiments, whereas the Russian and Chinese high-energy vortices may be revealing those nations own exotic space drive high-energy physics experiments. Mathematical model of a space-time wormhole Allegedly, some of the science that supports these ongoing experiments can be found in breakthrough research papers such as: Assessing Potential Propulsion Breakthroughs. New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications, Edward Belbruno, (ed.). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [PDF] Another is Quantum Vacuum Energy: Study of Vacuum Energy Physics for Breakthrough Propulsion. More on breakthrough propulsion physics can be found here. Officially, notes Everard, NASA has discontinued its research into the applications of warp and wormhole technology. NASA supposedly pulled the plug on sanctioned projects back in 2009. Everard is convinced NASAs affecting space-time Yet, Everard contends, the technological research continues, handed off to military black projects being worked on by secret divisions of Pentagon military defense contractors as the breakthrough technologies went black. Everard claims that high-definition satellite photos of Area 51 reveal the ongoing experiments linked to developing space propulsion from vacuum energy physics. Everard is working on a detailed report of the projects that is scheduled to appear in a future issue of Feed Your Brain Magazine. To those that are skeptical of Everards claims, he invites them to visit Harvard Universitys Wormhole Research program whereaccording to Everardthey are following the Lorentzien type funnelled wormhole approach. NASA also has also provided a peek at current research with its Glenn Research Center page asking the intriguing question Warp Drive, When? At the other end of the spectrum, American science fiction writer Sylvia Engdahl, believes that such claims are feeding into a new Space Myth thats spreading across society. Her 16page The New Mythology of the Space Age disputes many space-age myths and links science fiction to many of the claims current researchers make about rogue planets, ancient astronauts, secret exotic technology, and more. by Terrence Aym

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