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The Minutes of the Official Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, County of Union, State of New



INVOCATION AND FLAG SALUTE The invocation was led by Deputy Mayor OMalley, followed by the flag salute led by Daisy Girl Scout Troop 40693. MINUTE APPROVAL On motion of Commissioner Campbell, seconded by Commissioner Adubato and passed, the minutes of the Workshop Meeting of May 20, 2013 and the Conference and Official Meetings of May 21, 2013 were approved by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None PAYMENT OF BILLS On motion of Commissioner Kalnins, seconded by Deputy Mayor OMalley and passed, the bills were approved for payment by recorded vote. Said bills, totaling $5,342,795.73 are on file in the Office of the Township Clerk. Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None MAYORAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Girl Scouts Silver Awards Melanie Smith Meg Cui Morgana Haub Elizabeth Garcia Gold Awards Melissa Ruppel Olivia Luppino Annalee Gallo Julie Milea Marilyn Jacobi April Eisenhardt

Green Business Certificates Joanies King Farms Strength and Fitness Club Certificates presented to Cranford High School Varsity Baseball Team on State Championship 2013 Police Department Awards Ceremony Police Chief Mason presented merit awards to various members of the Police Department. FIVE MINUTE RECESS INFORMAL MEETING Mayor Hannen opened the informal meeting portion of the meeting and asked if there were any questions or comments. Mark Smith, 35 Wade Avenue, discussed Cranfords form of government and feels its current form makes Cranford a special place. Spoke in support of Ordinance No. 2013-14, which rescinds Ordinance No. 2012-38


that provided for a referendum to voters for the establishment of a Charter Study Commission. Feels Ordinance No. 2012-38 was adopted inappropriately and discussed the fact that consideration of a charter study was conducted on two (2) occasions, both under Republican majority. Feels a change in the form of government would not resolve the issues facing Cranford because he believes these issues were created by certain leadership, not by the form of government. Also feels annual elections are necessary to strengthen the voice of the people and prevent political influences. Thanked the Township Committee for moving forward with the introduction of Ordinance No. 2013-14 and stated that he is hopeful it would be adopted. John Hrebin, 414 Cranford Avenue, spoke in support of Ordinance No. 2013-14. Feels an annual election of the Township Committee is needed. Michael Venditti, 145 Eastman Street, feels voters should have the opportunity to decide if the Townships current form of government should be reviewed. Feels the potential for identifying a better form of government needs to be explored. Discussed Cranfords rank in New Jersey and commended the Township Committee for a job well done. Rosario Fico, 416 Brookside Place, discussed his support for the establishment of a Charter Study Commission. Stated that he read the previous Charter Study Commissions report and feels more research of the different forms of government is needed. Discussed surrounding communities with different forms of government which he feels are run successfully. Feels with more consistency and strong administration, Cranford would be a better run town. Rita LaBrutto, 104 Arlington Road, spoke in favor of Ordinance No. 2013-14. Feels the issues facing Cranford are not related to the form of government, but to the individuals who are elected. Stated that she has followed this form of government for several years and does not feel there is an absence of accountability. Believes there is a substantial cost in the studying and/or changing of the form of government and does not feel this is the proper time to introduce a Charter Study Commission because of the current issues facing the Township. Robert DAmbola, 11 Morse Street, spoke in opposition to Ordinance No. 2013-14. Feels it is worthwhile to investigate other forms of government to determine if there is a form that is better for Cranford. While some residents feel it is not the right time to consider a change in the form of government, feels the time may never be right. Also feels residents should have a voice in this matter. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Hannen closed the informal meeting portion of the meeting. 2013 MUNICIPAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2013-216 Commissioner Kalnins opened the public hearing on Resolution No. 2013-216 and asked if there were any questions or comments from the public. Hearing no comments, Commissioner Kalnins closed the public hearing on the amendment to the municipal budget. The Township Committee commented on the amendment to the Municipal Budget as follows: Deputy Mayor OMalley Feels difficult compromises were made to reduce the budget. Stated that funding for capital projects and the position of Facilities Manager was deferred. Commissioner Kalnins Explained that the overall capital budget would not be reduced. A reduction of $25,000 that was made would be offset by clearing out other capital projects. On motion of Commissioner Kalnins, seconded by Deputy Mayor OMalley and passed, the following resolution was adopted by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Resolution No. 2013-216: WHEREAS, the local municipal budget for the year 2013 was approved on the 26th day of March, 2013, and amended on May 7, 2013 and WHEREAS, the public hearings and amendment on said budget have been held as advertised, and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend said approved budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of CRANFORD, County of UNION, that the following amendments to the approved budget of 2013 be made:


CURRENT FUND BUDGET FROM Anticipated Revenues: Total Section A: Local Revenues 1. Surplus Anticipated Total Surplus Anticipated SUMMARY OF REVENUES FROM 1. Surplus Anticipated (Sheet #4,1) 6.Amount to be Raised by Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget: A) Local Taxes for Municipal Purposes including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Total Amount to be Raised by Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget 7. TOTAL GENERAL REVENUES 8. General Appropriations: 8. a. Operations - within "CAPS": Administrative and Executive: Other Expenses Township Committee: Other Expenses Legal Services & Costs: Other Expenses Public Buildings & Grounds: Other Expenses Road Repair & Maintenance: Salaries & Wages Total Operations within "CAPS" Total Operations including Contingent within "CAPS" Detail: Salaries & wages Other Expenses Total General Appropriations for Municipal Purposes within "CAPS" Operations Excluded from "CAPS" 8. c. Capital Improvements - excluded from "CAPS": Capital Improvement Fund Total Capital Improvements-Excluded from "CAPS" h-2. Total General Appropriations for Municipal Purposes Excluded From "CAPS" o. Total General Appropriations-Excluded From "CAPS" 1,733,500.00 TO 1,763,500.00 1,733,500.00 1,733,500.00 1,763,500.00 1,763,500.00 TO



22,878,148.22 34,454,953.74

22,697,148.22 34,303,953.74

160,800.00 25,500.00 490,000.00

120,800.00 20,500.00 479,000.00

429,500.00 1,487,449.00 21,658,234.00 21,658,234.00

424,500.00 1,422,449.00 21,532,234.00 21,532,234.00

12,456,459.00 9,201,775.00

12,391,459.00 9,140,775.00



125,000.00 125,000.00

100,000.00 100,000.00

8,254,945.52 8,254,945.52

8,229,945.52 8,229,945.52




l. Subtotal General Appropriations (Items (h-1) and (o) 9. TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS

32,828,659.52 34,454,953.74

32,677,659.52 34,303,953.74

Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None ADOPTION OF THE 2013 MUNICIPAL BUDGET AS AMENDED On motion of Commissioner Kalnins, seconded by Deputy Mayor OMalley and passed, the following resolution was adopted by roll call vote: Resolution No. 2012-217: (See Budget Insert) Commissioner Kalnins discussed the portion of the tax increase related to the municipality, the school board and Union County. Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley and Commissioners Campbell, Adubato and Kalnins Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None ORDINANCES Final Reading and Public Hearing Ordinance No. 2013-09: The Township Clerk read by title only Ordinance No. 2013-09 entitled, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART III, CHAPTER 250, ARTICLE III, SECTION 11, BOARD OF HEALTH LEGISLATION; SANITARY STANDARDS; STANDARDS ADOPTED BY REFERENCE; RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD TO INCLUDE GREASE TRAP REQUIREMENTS. Said ordinance having been advertised and posted in accordance with law, Commissioner Campbell opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Commissioner Campbell closed the public hearing. On motion of Commissioner Campbell seconded by Commissioner Adubato and passed, said ordinance was adopted by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Ordinance No. 2013-10: The Township Clerk read by title only Ordinance No. 2013-10 entitled, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 219-63 OF CHAPTER 219 REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY (1988), BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XIII AND INCLUDING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ROADWAYS AS INDICATED IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND DESIGNATING SAME AS PARKING PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES (Lincoln Park East). Said ordinance having been advertised and posted in accordance with law, Commissioner Campbell opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Commissioner Campbell closed the public hearing. On motion of Commissioner Campbell seconded by Commissioner Adubato and passed, said ordinance was adopted by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Ordinance No. 2013-11: The Township Clerk read by title only Ordinance No. 2013-11 entitled, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 219-65 OF CHAPTER 219 REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY (1988), BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XV AND INCLUDING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ROADWAYS AS INDICATED IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND DESIGNATING SAME AS PARKING PROHIBITED CERTAIN HOURS ( Lincoln Park East). Said ordinance having been advertised and posted in accordance with law, Commissioner Campbell opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Commissioner Campbell closed the public hearing. On motion of Commissioner Campbell seconded


by Commissioner Adubato and passed, said ordinance was adopted by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Ordinance No. 2013-12: The Township Clerk read by title only Ordinance No. 2013-12 entitled, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 219-63 OF CHAPTER 219 REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY (1988), BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XIII AND REMOVING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ROADWAYS AS INDICATED IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND DESIGNATING SAME AS PARKING PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES (Lincoln Park East). Said ordinance having been advertised and posted in accordance with law, Commissioner Campbell opened the public hearing. Elizabeth Sweeney, 8 Wadsworth Terrace, questioned why there are different section numbers for Ordinance Nos. 2013-10, 2013-11 and 2013-12. Township Clerk Rowley stated that the section numbers are correct and explained that separate ordinances are necessary because they are listed under separate sections in the Townships code. Hearing no further comments, Commissioner Campbell closed the public hearing. On motion of Commissioner Campbell seconded by Commissioner Adubato, adoption of said ordinance was CARRIED to June 25, 2012 by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Adubato and Kalnins Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None

ORDINANCES - Introduction
Ordinance No. 2013-14: The Township Clerk read by title only Ordinance No. 2013-14 entitled, AN ORDINANCE RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 2012-38 THAT PROVIDED FOR A REFERENDUM TO VOTERS TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CHARTER STUDY COMMISSION. The Township Committee provided comments on Ordinance No. 2013-14 as follows: Commissioner Kalnins Discussed the history of Cranfords charter and the charter studies that were conducted on different occasions. Explained that the Township Committee form of government was appropriate when the Township of Cranford was established. Discussed the positive results of another municipality that recently changed its form of government. Feels a majority of residents would support a change in Cranfords form of government. Explained the process if a Charter Study Commission were to be established. Deputy Mayor OMalley Spoke in support of the current form of government and for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-14. Feels the Township Committee form of government is effective for Cranford. Stated that a change in the form of government could result in the establishment of wards, which he feels could bring a decisiveness that may not be in the best interest of the Township as a whole. Discussed the Charter Study Committee that was established in 2008, stating that this committee concluded that a change in the form of government was not necessary at that time. Feels it may be necessary to review the form of government in the future, but does not feel it is necessary at this time. Commissioner Adubato Discussed her opposition to Ordinance No. 2013-14. Explained that Ordinance 2012-38 does not provide for a change in the form of government, but allows for voters to decide if other forms of government should be studied. Feels Ordinance No. 2013-14 is taking away the voters right to decide if the form of government should be studied. Commissioner Campbell Provided a brief history of the Township Committee form of government, stating that it is the oldest form of government that exists. Feels the Township Committee form of government is the underlying structure of Cranfords community. Feels rescinding Ordinance No. 2012-38 is not taking away the voters right to decide if the form of government should be studied because voters have the ability of initiating the question themselves. Feels no evidence has been presented indicating that Cranford has a


problem with its current form of government and stated that he would be voting to repeal Ordinance No. 2012-38. Commissioner Kalnins Explained that Ordinance No. 2013-14 is only being introduced this evening, not adopted, and that residents would be provided with another opportunity to comment on this matter. Encouraged residents to visit the Rutgers University Center for Government Services website, which provides a description of the various forms of government. Feels residents have expressed an interest in changing the current form of government on several occasions. Commissioner Adubato Reiterated her previous comments concerning the purpose of Ordinance No. 2012-38, explaining that it does not provide for a change in the form of government, but for the establishment of a commission to study the various forms. Believes the purest form of democracy is to allow the voters to express their views, and does not feel it is right for Commissioners to take that opportunity away from residents. Commissioner Campbell Feels the Township Committee is not taking away the rights of voters on this matter because voters have the ability to initiate a question on the ballot on their own. Deputy Mayor OMalley Feels the issue being faced is how often the form of government should be studied. Feels the Township Committees agenda is too great to be visiting this issue so often. Mayor Hannen Expressed appreciation to the Township Committee for their comments, but feels Ordinance No. 201314 should move forward on introduction in order to gain additional public input. Said ordinance was approved on first reading on motion of Deputy Mayor OMalley, seconded by Commissioner Campbell, and passed by the indicated vote of the Township Committee: Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioner Campbell Nay: Commissioners Adubato and Kalnins Abstained: None Absent: None RESOLUTIONS By Consent Agenda On motion of Commissioner Kalnins, seconded by Deputy Mayor OMalley and passed, the following resolutions were adopted by consent agenda: Resolution No. 2013-218: RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, IN THE COUNTY OF UNION, NEW JERSEY, DESIGNATING A $4,500,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE, DATED MAY 23, 2013 AND PAYABLE MAY 23, 2014, AS A "QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION" PURSUANT TO SECTION 265(b)(3) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford, in the County of Union, New Jersey (the "Township"), intends to issue a $4,500,000 Bond Anticipation Note, dated May 23, 2013 and payable May 23, 2014 (the "Note"); and WHEREAS, the Township desires to designate the Note as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, in the County of Union, New Jersey, as follows: SECTION 1. The Note is hereby designated as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" for the purpose of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. SECTION 2. It is hereby determined and stated that (1) the Note is not a "private activity bond" as defined in the Code and (2) the Township and its subordinate entities, if any, do not reasonably anticipate issuing in excess of $10 million of new money tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) during the calendar year 2013. SECTION 3. It is further determined and stated that the Township has, as of the date hereof, issued the following tax-exempt obligations (other than the Note) during the calendar year 2013, viz: Amount $9,350,659 BANs 503,230 BANs Dated - Due 2/1/13 - 1/31/14 5/22/13 - 5/22/14

SECTION 4. The Township will, to the best of its ability, attempt to comply with respect to the limitations on issuance of tax-exempt obligations pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; however, the Township does not covenant to do so, and hereby expressly states that a covenant is not made hereby.


SECTION 5. The issuing officers of the Township are hereby authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the original purchaser of the Note and to further provide such original purchaser with a certificate of obligations issued during the calendar year 2013 dated as of the date of delivery of the Note. SECTION 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Resolution No. 2013-219: BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the Mayor and Township Clerk be, and hereby are, authorized to execute an agreement with Garden State Fireworks, Inc., P.O. Box 403 Carlton Road, Millington, NJ 07946 for the display of fireworks in connection with the Township of Cranfords Fourth of July Celebration. Resolution No. 2013-220: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford on this 11th day of June 2013, that the Mayor and Township Clerk be, and hereby are, authorized to execute an agreement with the County of Union for the use of Nomahegan Park for the Fourth of July celebration. Resolution No. 2013-221: BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held June 11, 2013, that the following alcoholic beverage licenses be, and hereby are, renewed for the term 2013-2014: RETAIL CONSUMPTION LICENSES 2003-33-001-004 ODonovans Pub T/A Kilkenny Restaurant & Pub 112 South Avenue, East Cranford Hotel, Inc. T/A Cranford Hotel, Inc. 1 South Union Avenue Spirits Cafe, Inc. T/A Ye Olde Rathskeller 523 Centennial Avenue The Office of Cranford, LLC T/A The Office Beer Bar and Grill 3-7 South Avenue, West Victuals & Libations LLC T/A Garlic Rose 28 North Avenue, West P & J Jacobs, Inc. T/A The Riverside Inn 56 North Avenue, East Primavera Liquors, LLC. T/A Caf Lia 117-B North Union RETAIL DISTRIBUTION LICENSES 2003-44-003-005 VNR, LLC T/A Breen's Liquors 21 North Union Avenue The Butcher Block Market & Deli, Inc. T/A The Butcher Block 209 Centennial Avenue WSBFB, LLC T/A Cranford Wine and Spirits 6-20 South Avenue HOTEL/MOTEL 2003-36-016-003 Apple Seven Hospitality Management Inc. T/A Homewood Suites 2 Jackson Drive










CLUB LICENSES 2003-31-013-001 Cranford Lodge #2006, B.P.O. Elks 951 Lincoln Avenue, East Capt. Newel Rodney Fiske Post No. 335, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. T/A Cranford VFW 479 South Avenue, East


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Alcoholic Beverage License 2003-33-009-004 issued to Victuals & Libations LLC, T/A Garlic Rose, be renewed subject to the following condition, in accordance with the Code of the Township of Cranford: "Restaurant - Conditional License"; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the NJ Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Resolution No. 2013-222: BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford be and hereby authorizes the establishment of the Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School Committee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said committee would be responsible for assessing the current walking, biking, and drop off conditions at schools throughout Cranford, assessing the ability for pedestrians to get to points of interest, ensuring that Downtown Cranford is readily accessible for pedestrians, and ensuring the accommodation of modes of transportation during future road construction; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following members be appointed to the Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School for a term ending December 31, 2013: Rebecca Hoeffler Patricia Pavlak Kathleen Prunty John Hrebin Lynda Feder Sergio Capozzi David Monte Bohdan Lukachewsky. Resolution No. 2013-223: WHEREAS, due to delays in receiving billing information and the conversion to a new software system for getting the sewer bills printed and mailed, it is necessary to change the payment due date; and WHEREAS, as a result of the above, sewer bills were not able to be mailed in time for the March 30th payment date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to extend the due date for sewer bills that were previously scheduled to be due on March 30, 2013 to a new due date of thirty (30) days after the date of mailing of said bills. Resolution No. 2013-224: WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford wishes to purchase certain goods and services from an authorized vendor under the State of New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Program; and, WHEREAS, the purchase of goods and services by local contracting units is authorized by the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J. S. A. 40A:11-12; and, WHEREAS, Dell Computers Corp, One Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas 78682 has been awarded New Jersey State Contract # 70256 for computers and servers for the period 10/17/2007 to 08/31/2014; and, WHEREAS, utilization of this contract represents the best price available; and, WHEREAS, the purchase of computers and servers totals a cost of $18,350.30; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the N.J.A.C. 5:30-5.5(b), the Chief Financial Officer has certified that sufficient funds are available and appropriated for this purchase charging $15,850.30 to account number C-04-13-003-101-280 and $2,500.00 to account number C-04-11-030-102-280. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held June 11, 2013, does hereby approve that Dell Computer Corp is hereby awarded the contract for the computers and servers for the Township of Cranford at a cost of $18,350.30 under State Contract # 70256. Resolution No. 2013-225: WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford wishes to purchase certain goods and services from an authorized vendor under the State of New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Program; and, WHEREAS, the purchase of goods and services by local contracting units is authorized by the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J. S. A. 40A:11-12; and, WHEREAS, SHI, 290 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, New Jersey 08873 has been awarded New Jersey State Contract # 77560 for software license, maintenance, and related services for the period 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2015; and, WHEREAS, utilization of this contract represents the best price available; and, WHEREAS, the purchase of software license, maintenance, and related services totals a cost of $31,950.00; and,


WHEREAS, pursuant to the N.J.A.C. 5:30-5.5(b), the Chief Financial Officer has certified that sufficient funds are available and appropriated for this purchase charging the amount to account number C-04-13-003-101-280. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held June 11, 2013, does hereby approve that SHI International Corp is hereby awarded the contract for the software license, maintenance, and related services for the Township of Cranford at a cost of $31,950.00 under State Contract # 77560. Resolution No. 2013-226: WHEREAS, an application has been filed by Christopher J. Quigley, 5 Normandie Place, Cranford, New Jersey, for a limousine/livery service vehicle license for Quigley Transportation Corporation; and WHEREAS, the submitted vehicle license application form is complete in all respects, the fees have been paid, and a favorable recommendation has been provided by the Chief of Police; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 48:16-13 et seq. with respect to proof of insurance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford does hereby approve, effective June 11, 2013, the issuance of a limousine/livery service vehicle license to Christopher Quigley (dba Quigley Transportation Corporation) for a license term ending December 31, 2013. Resolution No. 2013-227: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the resignation of Andy Lanset as a member of the Cranford Housing Board, Inc. be and hereby is accepted, with regrets. Resolution No. 2013-228: BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held June 11, 2013 that Michael ONeill be, and hereby is, appointed as Communications Officer within the Police Department, effective Resolution No. 2013-229: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held June 11, 2013 that Dorothy Baniewicz be, and hereby is, appointed to the Cranford Housing Board, Inc. for an unexpired term ending December 31, 2013. Recorded vote: Aye: Mayor Hannen, Deputy Mayor OMalley, Commissioners Campbell, Kalnins and Adubato Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Hannen announced that Professor Ambrosios report would be posted to the Townships website on June 12, 2013. Mayor Hannen opened the public comments portion of the meeting and asked if there were any questions or comments. Gregory Sgroi, 109 County Park Drive, discussed his experience in local government. Believes having qualified elected officials are more important than the form of government. Feels a change in the form of government is not necessary. Mark Enz, 8 Cedar Street, discussed the issue of potholes on West Holly Street and requested that the Township Committee address this issue. Rita LaBrutto, 104 Arlington Road, asked if the Township Committee could discuss the contents of Professor Ambrosios report. Mayor Hannen feels it is appropriate for citizens to read and interpret Professor Ambrosios report for themselves. Ms. LaBrutto requested an update as to the status of the transcripts of the April 22, 2013 hearing. Township Attorney McCarthy explained that a transcript was ordered and the Township is awaiting receipt. Mayor Hannen stated that once the Township receives the transcript, it would be posted on the website. Robert DAmbola, 11 Morse Street, feels tonights meeting was a good meeting and commended the Township Committee. Barbara Krause, 20 Pittsfield Street, stated that she agrees with Mr. DAmbolas comment with respect to the meeting this evening. Feels the Police Department awards are particularly important and feels reassured that the Cranford Police Department has brave men and women serving and keeping its residents safe.



Mrs. Krause also commented on the introduction of Ordinance No. 2013-14 and discussed her support for Cranfords current form of government. Feels the Township Committee form of government avoids the potential for empowered politicians. Feels the issues before Cranford resulted from weak leadership and believes this issue has been addressed with the appointment of Mr. Hartnett as Township Administrator. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Hannen closed the public comment portion of the meeting. PROFESSIONAL COMMENTS Township Administrator Joseph Hartnett Provided an update regarding the grant program in connection with the U.S.D.A. National Resources Conservation Service for the removal of debris from the Rahway River. Informed residents that the grant has been approved for the Township and the project is moving along rapidly. COMMISSIONER REPORTS/COMMENTS Commissioner Lisa Adubato Provided information concerning various Cranford Public Library events and programs. Announced that registration for all summer reading programs is open. In addition, the Cranford Public Library would be hosting A Musical Tribute to Molly Picon, the First Lady of the Yiddish Stage, on June 12, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Cranford Community Center, and the Steven Spielberg film Through the Eyes of a Child on June 27, 2013 at the Cranford Community Center; Reiterated comments made by Mr. DAmbola regarding this evenings meeting. Explained that the awards that were presented this evening not only recognized the individuals for their efforts, but also served as a reminder as to why she is proud to be an elected official in Cranford; Extended congratulations to the Girl Scouts Silver and Gold Award recipients, the Cranford High School Baseball Team and coaches on winning the State Championship, and the Police Department for their accomplishments; Discussed the Ewings Sarcoma fundraiser, Call for a Cure Concert 2013 to be held in the Cranford High School auditorium. Provided information for those interested in attending; Announced that the Cranford High School Graduation ceremony would be held June 25, 2013. As such, she is unable to attend the Township Committee meeting scheduled that night. Extended congratulations to all of the graduating seniors and thanked the teachers, administration and staff for their efforts. Commissioner Andis Kalnins Congratulated the Cranford High School Baseball Team on winning the State Championship for a second consecutive year; Congratulated the Police Department and commended the award recipients for their efforts and bravery; Discussed the Township of Cranfords bond rating from Moodys. Explained that the rating was based on Cranfords stable operational expense and the moderate debt balance, and would help Cranford receive a better rate when refinancing bonds; Discussed the $375,000 needed for the study of the proposed detention basin at the South Mountain Reservation. Explained that an appropriation was included in the State Budget and is awaiting approval; Discussed the status of the sewer bills, explaining that bills would be mailed shortly and that Resolution No. 2013-223 authorizes an extension of the due date for payment; Announced that the Recreation and Parks Department is currently holding registration for summer programs. Provided the website address for those interested in the programs being offered; Discussed the Chamber of Commerce networking event to be held at the Atria Senior Living Center. Announced that Freeholder Kowalski is scheduled as guest speaker and provided information for those interested in attending; Discussed the Chamber of Commerce Classic Cruisers Nights event to be held downtown; Discussed the Jaycees Annual Fishing Derby to be held at Echo Lake Park on Fathers Day; Discussed the Jaycees Firecracker 4 Miler to be held at Nomahegan Park on July 4th. Provided information to those interested in participating; Discussed the Jersey Central Arts Studio Plein Air Event and thanked Deborah Leber, Robert Puhak, David Leber, Anne Occi and all volunteers for their efforts. Commissioner Campbell Extended congratulations to the Cranford High School Baseball Team on winning the State Championship; Extended congratulations to the Girl Scouts Silver and Gold Award recipients. Stated that he is proud of the service provided by the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of Cranford; Discussed the need for a municipality to have a strong Police Department and congratulated and commended the entire Police Department and emergency personnel for their efforts; Discussed the Memorial Day Parade and feels the event was a great experience. Also discussed the Historical Societys participation this year, which he feels was a great addition to the event; Discussed the Jersey Central Arts Studio Plein Air Event. Feels it was a worthwhile experience and encouraged residents to participate next year;



Commended Police Captain James Wozniak on receiving the Dr. Edward M. Cox vocational award, to be presented later this month. Deputy Mayor Edward OMalley Discussed the accomplishment of the Cranford High School Baseball Team on winning the State Championship for two (2) consecutive years. Feels Cranford is well known all over the State because of these accomplishments; Discussed the Girl Scouts and their achievements that help build the community and establish role models; Discussed the Green Businesses and their role in the community; Commended the Police Department for their efforts. Discussed the fact that the Police and Fire Departments must be prepared for the worst every day and always rise to the challenge; Discussed the Jersey Central Arts Studio Plein Air Event. Feels this event has a positive impact on the community and thanked those involved; Discussed the presentation of A Musical Tribute to Molly Picon, the First Lady of the Yiddish Stage, to be held at the Cranford Community Center; Discussed the Lenape Park Bio-Blitz event and encouraged residents to attend. Feels it is an extraordinary opportunity and discussed various programs that would be held in connection with this event; Discussed the Cranford Historical Societys garage sale to be held at the Crane Phillips House later this month. Mayor Thomas H. Hannen, Jr. Discussed the intersection improvements proposed for Hillside Avenue, Centennial Avenue and Myrtle Street. Informed residents that the Union County Freeholders approved $820,000 for this project, which is scheduled to begin shortly; Stated that he is proud to serve as Chairman of the Township Committee and extended his thanks to all who help make the Township of Cranford what it is today. On motion of Commissioner Kalnins, seconded by Commissioner Campbell and passed, the Township Committee returned to Room 108 to continue with the Conference meeting at 10:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Date: June 11, 2013

Tara Rowley, RMC Township Clerk

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