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Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Purpose Use this procedure to calculate the balance sheet adjustment. Documents noted during posting are calculated for the adjustment. The system calculates the adjustment according to the account assignments of the outgoing documents offsetting entries. G/L items, except tax and cash discount items, are regarded as offsetting entries. Trigger Perform this procedure when need to execute balance sheet adjustment. Menu Path Use the following SAP Easy Access menu path(s) to begin this transaction: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Periodic Processing > Closing > Reclassify > Balance Sheet Adjustment > F.5D Calculate

Transaction Code F.5D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Screen Flow

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Procedure 1. In SAP, start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code. SAP Easy Access

2. Double-click the Accounting node 3. Double-click the Financial Accounting node 4. Double-click the General Ledger node 5. Double-click the Periodic Processing node 6. Click the Scroll down button .

. . . .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

7. Double-click the Closing node 8. Click the Scroll down button 10 Click the Scroll down button . . 9. Double-click the Reclassify node .

. .

11 Double-click the Balance Sheet Adjustment node . . 12 Double-click the F.5D - Calculate node . You can also enter "F.5D" in the command field " " and click Enter " transaction. Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment " to go directly to this .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

13 Click the Company code edit field .

. .

14 Click the Company code possible entries button . Company Code (2) 102 Entries found

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

15 Double-click the 2632 list item .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment

16 As required, complete/review the following fields: . Refers to R/O/C a company code value when specifying
Tuesday, July 14, 2009


CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

a range. Field Example: 2632 R Company Code to 17 Click the Executebutton . .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment

18 Click the Backbutton . 19 Click the Exitbutton . .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Result You have executed balance sheet adjustment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


Work Instruction

F.5D - JPN - Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment

Scenario Instructions In this simulation you are required to: Execute balance sheet adjustment in SAP ECC 6.0.

Required Data This section provides the field data required to complete this exercise. Refer to this data sheet as necessary while performing the exercise. 2632 Field Company Code To 2632 Company code Value

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_F.5D_JPN_Execute Balance Sheet Adjustment.udc


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