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H dQ loY, loY lTcdi ghiYX....? o.

Posted on: Sunday, 06 September 2009

HjdT AcnXwTlkX lTcdi gh JiY. Fv Hj bj dj. C gh lT liu AciQhX. lsY Accv JT hov lhi doiX. lT dXiu YT h hkiqiTi hcokij omihX hvdsY. loY moYdJj lT liu di ghiT kXw FiX djmb.

lJYikqqY Aclb hkJqY Bi k lTc AciQhX moYhY. OYjJYik atMOYjJYik D ghiX lT dXiYc Gl iQY. Fv Aci k kgv AYcl ghiv dYiYi AYtiik hY. O JjJiX Gl FqhtL.

Ac Jj ghiv YdTsgL DitiTu mX. JhkiX YdTsgL. C gL DitJTYX FmjaiJ. ClT fsh, odT h JrJq ljYi VoclX du OY. YdTs hkiv c Qk lT Jr hkik HrJ YjklX ck HjY. AYiY Jhk Dit Cmc Jx Yr JTXht. ghiT JT CYc ldjYhXv h Dit JhJjlYX.

DsY dsJw CY ooQkw bjq lqjYhi ghiX Dh. ghiT Ds djmbu Hj JriT h YjJimnl h AbJ ljlv B gh AYhhX dhX. h YJiY lv gh lT ctXc iQh LX. likJw, mhmcw, JlJw YTi kw lT ctXc

ltQhX. lT YlmX sV. Jr lT liY Fmj. Y lm mjiX dYli bjXi. hc:ohbc dJu ls lr l!. Cj OJw Ji gh Y DdYkY dji. Fv loYmoY dsiY GY a lT liYc AciQhXX. Fv aJw Otljl AciQh. AYiY Jr, Y, dTs, lT aJw Gl iQYX. Fv Y Jr, Y dTs, lT dTs, lT Jr gLw ltQhX. Aci ghiX kghv JYhi a J AYc Acoj lT ctX. Ac OYc lki YTow Dlc CTi. aJq AliT AbalYhj Jr~ Czu Y~ ihu dTs~ljXu lT~ Jfju. CYv Jr lT AY mnUhXX moYhY. GY ak li lTJw AYc AciQhi jYiv J lql JT O Yjk dcijX oJjY. AYT loY moY ctm ATc YYw ghik hsJqT cqk djhlb dkXh hY.

loY moY dJj ATqiT am lT Y Jr hkiklXhX dsiY. ALcJXv ATq dXiY FmjaiJhX. liJXk ATq dXilYX. Fv lT dTs gL ATq dXiw AlT ALc QkiY JrlX. Jjqk lTJqv lTJr gLiX ATq JljY. Gl mli kg gLhX CmcJx. AYJJ dtJt AlT ATq dY. C gL ATq dXiYv YX dYl dsisY. Fv Jhkii YdTs gL iYjJjXlmk ATq dXijYX loY moY ctamY. AY ajYq ljlihX BOjhY. loY moYdJj ATqiv dOJ OY Jr Yj

cijXhX. ATqiT lYv Jr lm lT lm BijX. bjq QckJq B lmqk Blmh. Cc ATq ctXh dsiY JjX kqYhX, ATqiv bjq lql J kgYcliXY. gX obcw lii opOjqv dJ OY AYdYhX. Jrlm QckJq lYk D ATqik dgYojJjXw dYJi iZnT li JTljJi OYcv ATq mJju AY opi. ATqiv obcw lici dXi nve lTgL Y gL BijX. Fv ATchJqk ATqiT lT JrgL nve dT. ATJq l h ATqiT Y Jr gL dX. YJr Abdu ALcalcX. AlT dOJ OiYv AY ALcalc dQii hsh lmo. Hlu, psJw h liu diY ClTiX. eVQ lT dTs hkik o lT lm d. lTc lki ATq anhX dsis. Gl lki hs ATq Biv B Lpv Okl AbJhijhX lmo. AY dk j ATq anhX loYmoY dsi. j ATq dXv B lk aYJw Yv ojOt JsihX dhX. csw YjTw mY cij. h, so, OJ csw ATqi AciQhX. Fv Js, l csw ltQhY.

lT dbc lYv dYc Fk dbchi OaljJ. AYiX loYmoY laLt dsiY. Hj Lp ot Fmjc JjXhi hsYX lYk c. hphcnki OzJi loYmoYLv Gr Aiv lYkcs dYda.

BmpodYoYgac LpnnUZl odYh oY ajhZdj Jhlmv dnU cQnT dc:

olt glco JjhOYjcagoiY OJ lY OvJlTekJ lh glnJh: FX ds lYv dYc Js C Lv dsiY.

lT cq dgLh AY CTYlmc BsgL Y AlT lYk hgL lj jYiv Jq d. AYdk lT cq dYhi gL GrgL CTYgL Yi hu lYv lilYX. lil ojl dJmc

JTljc htLl JTiX ds lYkJw. AYJ Y AliT c Aj Jjw AciQhiYjklcX BOjt C ctmw ckJiYlX JjYu.

hu lYkc JYJTr mX. H JYJX Cw dOjdOjkY. Aj JYJ CTw AJc dssw CTYlm JqkkX dTY.

Jq, lYv hYki F Y Hj QYik YTJwJX ctY. AYc ldjYhi OiYv B lv Yho oYJw aoglcJqi Yjh Ok loYlaLt dsi. Fv CY AlmohJcX obY.

dTj: Cw dkj Hj enci lTcT Ot dTj cts. Fv gL hY c li Cj dTjJw moY ciX cT dtJt c cmOijY. hYkYtikX dTj liY. hc 4,5,6,7 Jv ds hilX dTjiT c. lT GY ak ciX CjY B akX dTji ctY. dTjJw jckJqi hKqTJTi OlYX. YTJX hvj dXiYv Yk, YX, Jrv Fl j, ck Fc Cj dJw Hj BijX.

Hy lT liw AY Hj ac dbch. pzl lmo Acoj hcnmjj d gYqv ctYhX. gh, A, Qk, li, BJm FliX dgYw. Cli dk alj ATch lolc AYv Jiitij lTc F a. C F aci djdkYc F alYJqh. AnaLdkJt F diL Y lhY AYX. loY moY Jr ac Gs dbc cvJ. CzcX Jr a djdkdyY. AYJ Cz a Jr ac lls. lT ctw Cza hsiu dT. JTY Ak YrOiYhJX C gL. Jr a Dt DslThX AsilYX. AYJ Y C ak Ys lYkJq QckJq lTc BlmhX.

Hy Lp cJh AYck QlY fbs. Jr ac AZl Czac dbc ckJlt lago~Yrv hKkJqv DYiJ. YJr a AJx FX AsiTY. AYiY C a djdkY AalcX. oi AmhJY Fci ap mJjc Jrl Ai. lT ATq AJXv BJYX Dh. dQhs, JThs, YTil C gL lv Amghij ek. JXt, l HrJYc Hl OkJw, Qk ogjXJw Fl AJXv du dTYJ. JXmjc bt cYichi ihcX aX a Abdu. C gL JTYv k Hr LctX cTlu dTY. JTY iYy lbkh ctX dltcw aX a YjTu dTY. Ali Y Act XlyYiX JXY. hYii li oj kghJ YjklX aX a JhJjY. Ok LpqT atmc Y ak JXs. Cj glcqv Yholt dYl cYijij. oJjkg l GY dltcv GtTc Cj glcqklt hTJXs. aX ak Yj Lpqv oYJw huY kglyYiX JXTY. loYmoYcoj Gs dbc cvJ aX YdTs hk. CYc J hk F lls. CYj aJqv alYJqX a djdkYv Jhkiv cY F DL jocX ckJY. AYJ Y Gs dbc C ac Jkdy. Jhklmkhij glcqk oYdynaJw athtLJq AbhLXT JTilyhij. C gL Jq, JXt, odJ TJw Fl dv glck cloJqv BpYdlXY lj JXT. JTY dk hjJ jLw lrliJi O. hs J hki Atp dbc cvJ LpctX cTiv mYi DJl hYh, F Yjk DY JjXhiyJi O. dTs a Abdu Qkalci lyXcX. djoj ocp alY JTiX lyX alu. dh ac mjii diQcTlt lhi Agdi fbhlji Qlu Jri. Lpk BqJqT hcgl lj obcu Jrl C ac mjii

djdklt hlt hv Yr JT ogl dJTs. JlT~Yrv hKkJqv DY DJYi JXs. Fv dh ac AlLXlv glcv oYcmhij ek. gh moYdjhi Dn lmYcv Dn jLq Cj glcv dYli hsJi O. Dt ATc DslThX li. AYJ lT dTs a Abdci li alu ljQ. C ac oYJqhi Gs f Jvd JX. oYJw hYY JkMv li gLl AcLp Gs dhKhYX. AYJ Y C ac dbc cvJY. Jq, Jr YTil C av dTY. lTdTsu ak ctX dltcw ldY JnTc ajac pYli gl. oYJqv Jkpogl lqtYc JjXhi Yjs. lialc Atp dbc cvJiv onl ohbcl cs QlYhij BYJ ek. oYiT aX Dj a. C ak LpctX ldv oJ c ek. JfjcX Dj a Abdu. hcldj obcu Jrl Djac dhK cvJiv Lpklt Btahcoc DThJqi Yy. ClTi oYJw onlYJqiX JXTs. lT Jr a Cmc Jx FX llY. CmjX C a Abdu. moYi ATsiT dufkkX loYmoY C ac djLXY. ghiT Djic lqiv DqlJ Dt dthi Dw lbv Cmc JXc dbc cvJY. JjX ClT c li DdiLX loYdynu moc cTY FX lmo. Cmc JXv DqlJ Dt Jhkik alYJqT dYdltcekhi Lpcv Dt dac O. h aJq Ad Ak YrijX Cmc Jx lY. C ak atmch Lpqklt Dtokjij. JkaJqT BghK dktly lcap dJTly Bij. loY moYlhi f AnaJw AYYi dbch. Lpcklt Fmjl ohbcl onl J oY AnaLdkJji alYJqX. C alYJq ci gY dac OY

ghiT alcX loYlX. AYJ mjii QlYc Fmjc loY alc dYTYX.

C Jk Hy lT ctX Hs dXklY, lTJw BVfj dtlhXj AYcv QlljT hc oKc, onc Hs Jjw dkY. pzlOjhcoj dQhs Gs dbc c cvJ djs. driJk YLXYv dTc F gLhX alc. AlT alY lLpq lq Yqk cTy Hy ooJjhiy. ckJJq F JJq ocy Bjbc oaiw. Jkjv C YslTJqT dgl hiw AZl ckJJw dqlXw dQa BOjw hqi. Al Oy Hy cklqv hYhi HYyJiXiY. C C Al hsij. lTJqT jdJkciv dQhs AZl dtckic dbc cvJ lyYi JX. Cli iZlb Yi HjiY F Jj dct lOcc djJhX. JjX loY moYdJj Hs Jjw~dQhsiT c hYv JqiT Dijl, lYkJqv Y hXJqT Fl lj~JYhi opYJqXY. CY iZlb dkv otmjq Lpc AcgllahJYi JX. glc ctw AY Cmc JXkijX, AYiY lTJr hkiijX dQhs c. CY atmc Jr akhJX FX loY moYv AcmoY. dQhs C YjkX lTv C av YJq AkhjJq d lq YqlYX. ClT j YjJw dX lX lqc YjiJu. Jr ak dTs akhJX YjJw YqY. a HJrv FcilX Hj dQhs oJjY FX AT ll. dQhsiT Jr gikJX alYJqT lLpq OYq liY. Fv, Ali Y gihi otm cvlc dTY. DTY, ALgL lY Bi lLpq OYq dQhsiv liu dT. alYJw Yj Yq dtc Jt ctpY Jr a cilX. dQhsik ojdJm csi Yjv AlT Ys Os QckJw Dh. YhYJik dQhs lYoYi. Hj djhV BJYikJX hvjiT ctX. Hj fzlv c doj Dt hrlci dt lik ldj. AYckX hvji C BJY ckctXh ll OY. pzl lmohcoj hjXljT Blc dct DX dhX.

AYJ Y hjdiljT OYw dQhsiv dT. Bw al olbv FYiX lmohk hcnc alYJq Yk Aj ckcv. CY hcokY Cj OYw dYnU dQa Jtw cTiv AlyT Bw dct kgY YqTdJ. AciJw dQa Jtw Oljk Bl BlmTJi B LpklyT oYslc hcoJ lg pYllX dsiTY. Ok lTJqv JXT Yri gLqv dQhsJw d JXs. C dlXY Y ldjY ek DqlYiX JXs. Jo, Jqhs YTili ck dsl dQhs c cvJu dT. mjjv c hkcw cdYcv Cj CTqv Hy ly Dt ckcv. AYJ Y dQhsiT ch dol h Jjq mjii Cyk ldjY ekhij kgJ. Dij Js JqiJX dQhs lY. Yk J aldglhT FJ F BOjhjaiXYc ATc. JYJ j dqiijX. dQhsik hbli AT ds FmjalYi BciYci lYvqiv d hXJqT F j LXYqijJi lX. C JkMus lLYiv hcn QlY Gs otYJq Jknl csYX. BjLdjdkc dk dbchX BOj djdkcq. hc:Jmw Hrlu CYa Jjqv m JzJj alYjbc cTY Lpanw AJYc hcoJ nc Gs DYJYX. AYJ dQhsiT ctXk, YTt lbJw ogl drl JTfj fbYiX JXY.

C opOjv Hy lT liJ FY F J mhJjhX. AYJ AYc Yciw F lmq OY. lT ctXc hTii c Hy gh YilX YjTY. ck o AYky Jji F ok C hsrjJiX. Lp ctX kh Hy gh JXw ohi Hy JTf QlY ciYc DYJYX F Acn AsjX. AYciX AsiJ? AYci Ba mY loYl OjlJw, hkJw FliX. dTs gL DitY Jr gL YrYhi ghiX Lp ctXc Dh. AYdk Y ghiT hY hkiw DitYJX Jhk AZl YdTs hk. Fv ghiT ogl olmnYJw AYv loljT QlY anJjhi mgJjhi fbs F cj Y Asil JjhX. dTs gL cj dsYv c ldjYhi YrOiYXv LploJw JnY Yiij

BYJ ek. bccm, hcpc YTi anw JTf Akj. ghiT Y gLl Jr lT aJqw DitjX. Ac lv otmjq JTfc DJ. hsiv AJk hjX lj anekhi JTfc Acgl lj. Oyv LpctX iLhi Hy ghiT Y dTs gLw DitYijX. ch kg gh Cs dYJYJw DliijXh. Aciv ghi dJTiTY BlmhX. AYci ck aJqi hYkc ATs ctX. hYkc ATsiT ctXk loYmoY djhi Jjw mY. AY ahi f cv. hYv ctw dTs gi Y gi Jc J lX ctu. Cliw AjiTik Jcslv hYh Jr lTh hYk ctX cTu. YTt iZlb ghi dJTiTu Jri. gh YjT Jjv AcnU h hkJq ofYX. AYiY ghiT GYk hk ghXv AZl hsY AdtlhXv jLdV, AJkhjX, aja, llpgmc YTi anqX ek. AYiY Hj hki AYYi dbc Jk cvJ gh HyX. Cmc Jx AZl lT Jr hk hsj gh LpctXc AbhhX. JTfcZc oc chcw AY ldjY ekhij cvJJ. AJx AZl Y Jr hk hsYX LpctXc YjTYv gjgtYfv Dkk hcoJ dmq cihdmw AYlr JjXhJYiX JlyY. JhkiX hsjYv AY lk oYJq anJjhi fb. jLdVi hcoJ oMtnw JjXhi Yy. li hk AYiY lT dTs acX gmc DijY Fv mYanhij ek. AYJ Y Hj ac Atp dbc cvJ lX gh YjTY. dYloY lYdki hk dki A lT liYtX. BQlc Jk AYcv Jri JTf oYi ohbcl FmjlhijX dZhJhi djLXY. ClihX Hy glc Dhl AYdk Y Abhlh YtY. Dh Lp ctXv Dhhi ghi YjTY Blmh YitJ. C Jk Lp ctYiv YrkqJqT Jk YiX H c cvY. Ac Jk JTh JyYiv YrkqJqi Jch. AYJ Y dky lT lic loY YjTY sVcT OtX. LpctXc Blmhi obcw JlyYc oJjhX CjkY. dky l lol GYk Hy lm sVJX FX lm dTY.

sV cl lT dbc JlT HyY Yv F Jjw mXhX ClX djmbY. sVcT Ot lo lw Ok Jjw Dv cvJY. sV a, l lol GY hkJqkT Av lmqkT sV JT dJ YT Jjq djLXY. CYa Jjw ATcT cw Hy lolcT Ot JT sVJw lo moY Acmo. ck lm sV lolX Lp ctXc Gl AciQhiY. BOjhYcoj Cj glck AloJw otmjq l gl. ck lm sV loYlXv h lmqk sVJqT chcoj lT dbc JlT JhJj. Y gL sV Fv B lTc Fmjl bcl l gl. AciJw loYlk JlT dY lT akijX. lTav sV loY, lT liYcw lloi lXQ ojgwX Gl AciQ. Jr gL HrJ h h gL sV loYlv lT ctv AlTilt hcoK kghX BOjt dsiY. Cj loYlv dbc JlT dYc dYJ cfJw H Yi. lT ci aJ dbci JXkT dbc JlT dlYX. dTs gL sV lolX YjTYv dbc lYv Jr gL YiJX. Cj lo Lp ctXc hbhhX. CYlj h lm sVJw dhXhiyYv Cy dsl sVJqiv FdJj lT l ly F c. lT Jr aJqv sVJw Dv lTitiv bcl Fmjl ltb. lT dTs aJqkT sVJw JT dJ loYlXv AY lk JJqT dUc ckljc LXJjhX. laikTi Ditiij ek. Y Jr gLqkX sVJw DYv ClT dbclYv Jr akijX dY. AYdk Y dTs gLqkX sVJqYv dbc lYv dTs gLijX dY. Fv h LXekq anekq Cj lolc JX. Hy loYl ldjY aJqk sVJqT c Hy lTc FdJj obcl c. Y lT aJqkX sVJw DYv Y lm DdiLu dT. hs dbc JlT lT sVkJX oJjY. Fv Y gL Yt Hrlu Jri AliXYv YgL j ohgLq JY

hgL lYv dX. Jr dTshX sVYv dbc JlT Jr akijJi lX. loY moY dJj Hy loYlk cj sV Flu dT. dbc sVv c lolk JTu AlT c hy lriyY. lT Av B lol Hj hkJqi ATcTiX sVv c lri cQTY. ck aJqi hkJqi ATcT lr gL D cO Fc ji Yj. dbc sVv c loYlk JTc lr D c BJYX Dh. lT Jr hk AZl Cmc Jx hYv Jr a dJY lji gL DhX. AYdk Y Cmc Jx hYv lT a dJY lji gLl DhX. AYJ AY F C akT lolk dlmY DhhX. Jr a dJY hYv Y Jr hk AZl A Jx lji gL cOhX. Fv AJx hYv Y a dJY lji gL DhX. Y a dJY hYv YdTs hk AZl J hk lji gLl, Jhk hYv dTs a dJY lji gLl cOhX. AYcO F C gLJT lolk dlmY AhLqJjhX. dTs a dJY hYv lT dTs hk lji gL DhXk li hkii ClT c lT a dJY lji gL cOlhX. dbc sVv c loYlk dlmw DgL JT lX lriyY. sVJqT chcojX CYi Jjw djhtmYj lT liYc oJjl, AooJY obcw FYc oJjl djLX YvkJ JlTw dYc lkYh. lT Ditrv mjii c cti cT AYcO, cO gLw Hrl lX dbc sVv c lr HyY. AYiY LpctXc lo YjTw lriT cl LXciht.

Lpk Almobcqv HX JTc Jv. Jk ctXc mgl Amglhi YTJq fpY opYiv llj. (AcnUc lc Jm V. J. fkJn ljt) Ozc, l, hjhw, alay, hyY, dc, YJj, Jw, Ac, dYhK, Y, Cyh, Fl Jv ctu DhlqX. OzcTiv ct Jv bt, imo, atMio, dnT Fl dac OhX lmo. dYhK J Jv atMio Fmjl dac O. hyY, Y FlJX Jv ctYv ot hLq gl F JyYT. Jv Bc J AkjY mghX dsiT. Jv dXic YT lw YjTr Gs Jjw mY. CThv, J, Bc, Qkdlp Fl hk lX hj J Jv ctu dTY. alki, mmc, lr FlTqv cv hjq Jv ctXc AmghX. Yc, d, Fl JTJ dt lq, lTtJqv Oli DXiYhi lq Jv ctXc YjTu dT. Y hyY Ot JT hjhq Ot Jv ctY mghX. Fv Cyh, alay, dc, Jw, l F YTJqT h YTJw JtY AmglhX. JTY YJjT hY DdiL Jv ctX lthX. Hy l YTJ ct Jv bc. j lqT YT Ot Jv bcYj, h lqT YTJ ct Jv oc dnJj, ck hjqT YT Ot Jv imoJj F JyYT. Fv A hjqT YT Ot Jv dXiY hjXdah lb. Bs AYc hYi hjqT YT Ot Jv dXiY lmcm DhhX BOj lb.

Hj JTci AY Oh dsci hY Bodah Ow loanw Yr dsi lbhX.lo (ds)l BJY, cYw J AdJY, JT Ojl (aJqk BghKcdJj laJqk

BghK), oZcan, JXk AdJYJw, htlb, oYla, JT ALw AdJYJw ~ ClihX dbc anw. Cliv lol BJYJi anq OYjmJjX J, cYq AdJYJw cjv J, oZcan oZcdctctXiJ, JXk AdJYJw ctYiv h lj, htla an dmjoZdc J,oYlaan ajoZdcJ, ALw AdJYJw h oZdYJ djpj. Cliv lak Yjj anc djpjh. dqdXiJi ctlph. h djpjq BOjt ctamYi FlTi J. lol gYJjdc ogl AdJYJq gYJhi djpjJiX lY. loY djn mjo lj gLlX mkoZdc cTcX dhX. loY djnc Ok, AOk F j AloZJq. CYv OkloZiv mjo lj gLX mkiTY. loY djn mjo lj oZc JdTu Fqh. GY hokX (hT, CTl YT) mkoZdc cTcmY, B ho d jmikX loY djn mjo ljY. DapjXhi OhokX mkoZdc cTY liJ. Aw d jmii ljY CTl jmil. Lp atMOYjh, ohOYjh B lgQ JXw CTl jm Jrlmilj. AYcv Jrav CTl jmiv lX mk oZdu. Lp ctXc a JXw ctJrY JXXh. Avd Y, lT ci ckik Jr a DdiL. Fv JXJqk (la) atmchi Lp OhiY Dhh FsiX. loLpw ctu kXihi gh Y YjTJi lX.

dbc Lp Oqlc Ba dbc JTX. daJi DjqTi JXc jhY dbc cvJX. F gLqk Jtlj O DhhijX. Cr lTJqv Dj oZc JxJ ctYJw oJjYcv gsl f dsl Hj jYiv ljYcv gs OqlcX dbc JTY.

loYmoYv lmohlj Clj DXhs (VcL pw) ctw dYJ mX. pq VcL pq HXv Hj oJu

DdiL hsiX. DXcjY Jr dTs ciijX. ojal iYdZ FmjaiJ hYh BjLaiJ JTiX. djYchi lodjn okd cgam fl lochi BOjt lmn. AY ls BkjJ. loh GYX AYX fc. moYihi Ov DtY cihhcoj Hj datc AYYi Hj LjYJtnXJz Dij. oglJhi AY hkij. AYJY AnTaJqk YkYi DJXh. C Jzv c gYJ DtQ Ok Ykhi oald F YY BbjhiJ ckJ FJ dk ctXjYJq hv Bjbckil Jql Okhi hcnkiq JhJj djYc Lhokdq DTkTY. LpctXc oZc JXw AT JJqX m. C JiT OlT GY akX LpcZu liY AYc ek dsih. OlT Jriv aKl jLl, OlT ALc JXkXv oKcgll ekhJ. YX liYv ek Dh. cjY JXkXv oKcglw dsiX. dTsXv FmjhJ, liJXkXv hjXhX ek. lTXv dklb ActYZq Cmc JXkXv otcmhX ek. oZc ctXic DdiLJ dk hjYlXhX. dhj J AYhhi LXT. J DXhjYiv Amgekhl. J AT Yrw dJi, JsJi, OYiJi OY Amghi JjYT. J ATw d Yrk YrYlk LpctX CTi YToThX. J JsY lcm oOciX. J OjiY YhJhY oOciX. dmcw dtXdjpjhk Ok htLLq.a JYhi Jlb cklml OYjhi OhYv JJi lkJ AYj YjJi OX. atMOYjhi ghiXv YlT cqh dT. AY JrdTs cq 6~v HjgLh 8~v Hj gLh hYh YlT cq dT. iYj JjXlmk lYiT CjikbJ cq dT.

Y dTs hX Dit lTJr JXk hrl HrJilb oZk JhJjJ. l HrJJu h lriv lTJr JXk lhYcmn oJj dk d l, OkJsi, h akT l

ds JqiX. lT Jr hkiv dj dXiw djhlb JkoZk lT Jr CTX. lTJr JXv luhjw lqtY YsoiTJ.alkiw, dko onu Fl lv Oco lodJj dJJXT, fwf Fl l dmc djpjX. AljljT hYOjdJj LLQkh dXph lrlh oolh lTJr JXv Hj Jik JrTJ.

Vastu for Kitchen: Kitchen is a place, where you cook your everyday food. You must have to consider quite several factors, while constructing your home kitchen. You must be very considerable in placing the sink, location of the gas, refrigerator, gas cylinder, and other things.

Essential Vastu tips for your home kitchen:

The right place to set your kitchen is in the south-east corner. If you never find an apt position, then you can avail the alternative of locating it in the north-west corner Building kitchen in north-east, mid-west, mid-north, mid-south, south-west or in the centre is strictly not recommended, as they are out of vastu norms Ensure that the cooking area never touches the sidewall of northern or eastern side The right location to cook food is by setting it on the direction of east

Vastu for Pooja Room: While setting the pooja room, you must have to consider all the following vastu principles in order to achieve the holiness to your dwelling.

Place the idols of the God and Goddess in the right direction Stick close with the door placement Strictly avoid using the proscribed raw material while constructing the puja room Stick with the right number of doors and windows that are described in the vastu principles

Vastu for Bedroom: Bedroom is a place where you wind up all your worries and tensions thereby stay relaxed with pleasant memories. So, it is really essential to design your bedroom with great care sticking very much to the vastu principles. The direction, which you face while sleeping will badly affect your physical workout in your everyday activity. If you have constructed your bedroom with the inappropriate structure that stands out of vastu principles will badly disturb your sleep and make you to turn restless. Moreover, you often get clashes and misunderstandings with your betterhalf. Along with that, you might experience everlasting health troubles.

Essential Vastu tips for your home bedroom:

The right direction to set your master bedroom is on south-west Ensure to place your head positioning towards the direction of south corner. Placing head towards north is not recommended, as it will badly disturb your sleep Keep your bedroom away from setting diving idols Constructing your bedroom with the shape of rectangle or square is dearly recommended, as it bestows peace and good fortune

Vastu for Bathroom: Similar to other rooms, you must give close attention while you construct your home bathroom. The best location to construct the bathroom is the eastern part of the home. If you never find the right appropriate place to set your bathroom, then you can avail the vastu remedy by placing geyser in the south-east corner.

Vastu is basically a science of structures and completely deals with the directions. Vastu Shastra is a big field and one can find many remedies for the well-being. There are many things to be taken in to consideration while deciding to construct a building. Of the most important things, plot selection, plot size, and plot shape are extremely crucial. Hence, it is always advisable to take consultation from vastu shastra expert before purchasing a plot, site, flat, house, or any other building rather than taking his advice in the later part of construction.

From whom should a plot not be bought? The answer to this question is provided by vastu shastra and as per it, a plot, land, or site should never be purchased from people who became insolvent, troubled from leprosy, lunatics, or who are not in country, etc. Likewise, sites that are given in donation to temples, assigned to watchman of colony or village, lands possessed by charitable trusts, and sites with no title deed should not be bought. Also, lands holding boulders, worm hills, ant hills, skeleton, and bones should not be acquired.

In which direction should a plot or site face? The direction of the plots plays a very important role in its construction. Different directions are beneficial for various types of persons and organizations. Let's take a look on them. Plots which face the east direction are considered good for philosophers, professors, scholars, teachers, and priests whereas plots that face the west direction helps the people who truly support the society. Also, plots facing the north are good for people in administration, power, government jobs. The plots facing south are considered best for the business class and people who work in business concerns.

An extremely important factor where light is to be thrown is at the surroundings or environment of the plots. If the environment is not good, the resulting problems come in many ways. Hence, it is crucial to look at the following aspects:

It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.

A big canal or the river located on the north side and its water flowing from west to east is a good sign. The same way if the river is on the east side with water flowing from south to north, is also considered good. If there are mounds of Earth, big boulders, and hills towards the south west, southern, and western sides of the site or plot, it is good. Otherwise, it would affect the progress. It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb, or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back. Also, plots near to temples have a chance to affect the inmates. Plots having temple towards its right causes material loss, on the left causes sorrow and grief, and in the front it causes obstruction to develop.

Thus, keeping these things in mind, it is very important to consult an expert in vastu shastra before constructing the building as it renders happiness and prosperity ever through the life relieved from problems. Vastu Dosha is a proposed defect or deficiency in the familiar features of the eight directions and these directions have been empowered with characters based on an assortment obtained from the Panch-Maha-Bhutas. However, Vastu Dosha signifies spoiling the characters of the directions under circumstances. Also, such doshas are closely related with Panch-Maha-Bhutas associated qualities of mind, soul, and human body. It is possible to settle down the ill effects through 'Sadhana' or meditation.

Looking very closely, these qualities have the ability to provide a shield exhaling from the human soul that could protect the concerned person from ill effects of vastu doshas. However, this idea is especially effective when the human efforts are put forth for wanting obstructions made by the vastu doshas. Thus, meditation practices can serve the purpose as they are gaining popularity with innovative techniques in meditation.

Let's take into account the vastu remedies for flats and homes that are needed for the constructions that are made against the principles of vastu. At times, it happens that an act done by a man out of inexperience harms him a lot and such remedy seems to be highly impossible. Some of the remedies in getting relief from the problems are discussed below:

If a canal or river flows in any direction other than facing north-east direction of the home and having an anti-clockwise movement, it is better to set the statue of Ganeshji in a dancing state facing towards the west on the north-east area of the house. If a factory or a house has a wrongly faced boring direction, a Panchmukhi Hanumanji picture can be placed facing the boring's south-west. While entering in to the flat, if a bare wall is seen, either a statue or picture of Ganeshji must be placed on it as a bare wall signifies loneliness. Hence, it is advisable not to leave the wall without anything on it.

Swastika Yantras can be used in improving the energy circles in some cases. Moreover, a lot of care is required and should be managed under the guidance of a capable vastu mason.

Now, let's taken in to consideration the effects when particular rooms are constructed in a wrong direction. Firstly, a kitchen room would aptly be good in a south-east direction and the water tap in the kitchen to face the north east direction. On the contrary, if the kitchen faces the north east direction, it restricts mutual love and peace in the family. Moreover, the cooking direction should remain only towards the east and it would be better if the food to be cooked on the stone is red. Also, if a tube well is not fit at a desirable direction, it causes deficit of women, stomach, and sexual problems among the men. The remedy to this is to fit the tube well or well in the northeast direction and it has to be ensured that the place remains open at the house's lowest level. In case of toilets, it can be constructed towards the west or south with face facing the north or west during discharging stool.

Vastu Remedies are widespread in every particular area and one can best use of them by consulting with vastu expert before starting the construction of flats and houses

Vastu is an important concept that people consider while constructing their living and working place. It is quite obvious that you could never envision the supreme and heavenly energies with our naked vision. But you could sense the effects and influence of those supreme powers in several aspects. World is the biggest gift that is being created by God and everything stays good under the prominence of truth. Similar to every workout, the human life and living is governed by the supreme power of the dwelling position and construction known as vastu. Vastu principles are really important that has to be taken into the consideration, while you construct your house and living area.

Here are some of the essential vastu tips for home and office that will really help you to make a peaceful living!

Construct your house in such way it admits bright light into the main doorway It is really advisable to allow 5 doors of a maximum opening Setting television in the bedroom area is not recommended Keep the plants and water sport far from your bedroom Never split bed sheet and bed mattresses Set your house furniture in the form of circle, square, or as octagon Keep the corners bright It is good to fix an image of bright sun in the southern wall of the living area Construct your bedroom, where wind must blow from south to west Your house dinning hall must never get exposed to the entrance door of the house Setting a mirror in the kitchen room is not recommended

Do not place the mops and brooms in the kitchen It is good to keep the doors of your toilet and bathroom closed most the time It is good to set your windows opened towards out face Growing of pricking plants like cactus in your house is not advisable and recommended It is good to place the fish aquarium in the southeast corner in your living area It is good to stick a happy family photograph or picture inside your living room Growing of high trees such as Bangan, Thorny, and Pipal trees is not good and recommended Ensure that the lift gate is not set in face of the entry main gate of your house Building your house rooms in shape of oval, circle, or triangle is strictly not advisable Your house should never be in disturbed by any obstructive buildings Ensure that your house is good with right air circulation and water source Your latrine seat must be kept facing towards northern south It is good to sit facing the doorway, while you sit in your office It is good to set a mountain wallpaper behind you in your office Never keep a ladder that faces towards west or north, as it makes waste of money Never wear torn clothing or withered flowers as these will prevent the Goddess Lakshmi entering into the home Vastu Shastra is a wide field and there are lots of vastu questions arising in the minds of readers. For the people who are a novice let's make them clear what is all about Vastu Shastra with the help of few vastu faqs. Vastu Shastra is nothing but an architectural science followed from the past. It is the involvement of various principles in the construction of building and the way of living with peace in nature along with the environment, by equalizing the nature's five elements namely Space, Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Vastu Shastra can also be referred to as the SCIENCE OF DIRECTIONS that integrates all five nature's elements and counterweights with man and material. Also, it involves making use of the cosmic energy in the world for the benefit of vastu. Fine! some of the vastu facts are known! How would one come to know when there is a bad vastu? There are many symptoms affecting an individual when there is a wrong vastu. It creates continual sickness, constant tiredness, unnecessary negative imagination, always being pessimistic, and a tensed feeling withstands all the time in mind. Also, there would be downs in money flow, losses in business, legal or law suit problems, property disputes, lack of motivation, stale, continuous arguments with spouse and partner, and on the whole a feeling of bad luck pesters the mind. When these symptoms are felt, a proper consultation with a vastu shastra expert can be done with immediate effect.

The next vastu question posed by people is the time taken to achieve the results. Though it is not fixed period for all kinds of problems, the results may start showing its effect in 21 days or it may take more days too. However, the time may vary to obtain the results, but it is entirely guaranteed for good results. People have also vastu queries on the remedial vastu shastra. Let's learn what it actually means. This is nothing but the remedies that are received without demolishing the property of vastu and are similar to

vastu shastra remedies. They provide solutions to vastu dosha and improvise the living conditions of the people and bring happiness and prosperity throughout.

Are color, fabric, and type of wood very crucial in order to make better vastu? Though this may look weird, it is necessary to create a better vastu. In fact, this paves the path for energy to carry oneself freely and get settled in the place. Of the most important vastu questions asked frequently, people wish to know how the remedies have started to work for them. The results of the vastu will be really visible for them and they would certainly feel a difference. This can be understood with an example. If a person comes home exhausted from a tiresome job and finds his spouse, children, and family sitting relaxed, he would obviously be cool and comfortable. The same feeling would be felt in vastu with temperament problems, positive, patient attitude, cash flow in a controlled state, booming business, and lots more to be grabbed on. On the whole, it would be a sense of harmony for oneself and the people around him. Hence, the material benefits can be finely viewed obviously. Vastu Purusha Mandala is a vital portion of the Vastu Shastra and represents the diagrammatic and mathematical basis for design generation. Here, Purush depicts the power, energy, cosmic man, or soul whereas Mandala forms the generic name for any type of plan or chart that constitutes the cosmos symbolically or metaphysically, which is universe's microcosm. Vastu Purush denotes the emphasis of an area by resting his head in the direction of north-east which is a balanced thinking and his lower-body facing the south-west direction that signifies strength and stability. In the center is his navel, which depicts cosmic awareness, and his hand facing towards north-west and south-east depicting energy and movement. Vastu Purusha is embodied with space and vastu purush story says that he was taken birth from the perspiration of Lord Shiva. This is the time when demon Andhaka was killed by the Lord. Vastu Purush Mandal is identified with a plan, whether it is for offices, houses, temples, or other sacred structures. Symbolically it signifies three features of a structure such as the sookshma, sthoola, and para. Most of the vastu shastra texts speak about the 81 module plan for human habitations that are non-religious structures and 61 module plans for divine habitation. However, mandala is enclosed with an area of space and vastu purusha is finely enforced in to it to signify the birth of a form from nature. There are 45 deities who hold of vastu purusha with 32 in the external enclosures and 13 in the internal enclosures. Also, these deities are offered with fruits and food before the construction of any structure by an act of pleasing vastu purusha who bestows prosperity, health, happiness, and peace to the inmates.

Vastu Purusha Mandala concept goes outside the physical features of construction. When the modern architects discover the physical features of a structure in terms of ventilation, beauty, location, and sunlight orientation, the ancient scholars viewed in spiritual, metaphysical, and elusive characters of structures too. Moreover, the mandala renders an effective design module for positioning the different habitation rooms, their measurements that are related to a group of six formulae actually known to as the Ayadi Shadvarga. While looking on to this, the ancient scholars did give much importance to the convenience and comfort of the residents by means of sunlight and ventilation.

It is very crucial to place the deities in particular areas of the mandala while deciding to place the walls, foundation, columns, and pillars. The more sensitive and important structural area is the 'Brahmastana' or the important nine modules of the 81 module plan. It is in fact left opened as a courtyard in the residences or human habitation which holds a shikara pyramid related on the paramasayika mandala. The Brahmasthana is perfect as the holy place in the temples or the divine habitations.

Likewise, Vastu Purusha Mandala can be accommodated to the several design needs of temples, residences, offices, factories, sub-divisions, departmental stores, and many other constructionss. They are entirely designed for all human as well as divine habitations as stated above.

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