Bogle Lushington 1977 Jamaica PDF

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I John 5:12 "He

has the SON, has life.

Dear Christian Friends:

I cannot allow another day to pass before writing you* I believe you are longing to
hear from us, so here comes a letter.

First, let me say that we are still shel tering under the banner of the cross. Sec ondly, since we have made a vow to serve the Lord unto the end, I find that i t is the thing to do , so by the grace of God and with His keeping, we are determined to do so. Since you last heard from us, I performed three baj;tismal services at the Beechertown
Church of Christ and one at Clover Hill. We have also had an elder and a deacon ordained
at Clover Hill. Another deacon who should

be ordained

became i l l

so this

had to be
I t has

postponed until a later date . One backslider

also returned at Clover

been proven time and time again, whenever

there is a victory for the Lord,
launches a

the devil

new attack. We therefore

your prayers that

God will give

All of

all of us
the young

the courage to stand up having fully armoured

with the armour of God.


who have been

baptized at Clover Hill

(five of them)are living at c.^ite a distance

from the chiorch therefore cannot attend soiae of the services as would be desired. But so

far, they are determined; with encouragement

and prayers, they will continue. (Pour ot them are sons of one of the deacons.)

I have been involved in. activities pertain

ing to the church as well as some not direct

ly pertaining to it.

-Exgmples are: '

belie^fers -aiSd

gome "

weddings performed with

n^n-bolievers. For more than a year now I am president of a Parent Teachers Association group. I am also teaching at an , All Age Elementary School. This, last involvement Is one for which I am glad to two specific reasons: (1) I am able to deal vxith -/he

children at times as a<'minister and nbt ^ust. ^is a school teacher. (2) I can be helped finaneilly because our support from the
States has been somewhat unstable at times.

I do not knpw^ jfor ;jiow long-this will last. We have really found ourselves fulfilling the. role of this poet as. he said:

"Be busy, busy,- busy;

useful, amiable, serviceable

in ah'honest, unpretending way."

away from hoiao^specially when the children,

Mark and Opal,"are ill. However, she is always busy and does try to keep expenses down as best as possible.
Our All-island Churches of Christ Convent

Sometimes Rose is nbt able to

do a


ion was a success.

on the l6th and 17th October. Unfortunately

It was held in Kingston

I could not fulfil all my appointments there because of illness in the family. Thank you brethren for remembering us al
though you do not hoar from us as often as

w desire to write.

Please remember espec

ially at this time the brethren at -Glover Hill and Beechertwon churchQs. . My brother Arnold-still sickj Ve3i7a (Rose's ^sister) who is also ill 5 J'amaica in general and one-of your's and our*s beloved congregation-New
Castle Church of Christ, Indiana. May God

richly bless us all.

(Much more could say

but please allow this tp serve asareminder that by the grace of God, we are here.
Love in Christ, ,

Lushington. Rose, Mark & Opal

Balance as of 1-1-77
Deposits to Checking Account













287.12 963 .-66 338.00



Oct. Nov. Dec.

Checks to Lushingt on
Bank Service Charges

$3,67^1.. 60

Balance of 12-19-77

--$3.680.60 $ 321.7t)

(This balance is set aside for a return trip

to the States sometime during 1978, Lord



' Greensboro j.Church of Christ

. New Li sb on VChr i st i an .Church
Church of Cfcist at Greenfield Lord's Reapers, Ozark Bible College
Bbrderview Christian Church

Ridgecrest Christian Church

New Castle Church of Christ Rosalia Christian Church

John Manning (Lafayette, LA) Anonamous (Richmond, JN)

Valley Forge Christian Church

Bill and Nancy Clark . (Hagerstown, IN) Bill and Susan Brooks (Richmond, IN) Harold and Helen Smith (New Castle, IN) Jim ^ Ethel George (New Castle, IN) Christian Church of New Iberia, LA). Scottie Smith (Hagerstown, IN) Mrs. Erwin (New Castle, IN)


423 South 11th Street

Nen-Profit Organization U. Postage

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Pennit No. 35

New Castle, Indiana 47362

New Castle, IN 47362

Joplin, MO
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The Lord's Reapers Ozark Bible College


3 I) JI i .>j a a



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