Bogle Lushington 1978 Jamaica PDF

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I John 5:12 "He who has the SON, has life. .

Dear Christian Friends:

Seasons Greetings to you all at this special

time of the year.

We continue to give honor to God through our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us so much. The

tide against righteousness is rising high, but

still there are those here in Jamaica who are

labouring in the field for the Lord.

long time now, but we are still here on the

battle field for our Lord.
Personallv Speaking;:

A new-letter has not been sent you for a

I have been very much involved in a number of church and community activities, especially
since the latter half of the year.

First, my ministry with the Beeche Town

Church of Christ continues: basically one

of three weeks gospel services and Dr. Leland Tynnell of Winston-Salem Bible College, one week, we had thirteen additions to the congre

Sunday a month. The brethren are keeping fine. Secondly, we are doing well at Clove Hill, in spite of the devils* plan. With our efforts gation.
week. camp.

We were happy to have him earlier in

He stayed in my home one

the Fall with us.

I took him back and forth to and from I served in camp one week this year.

Brother Tynnell was able to see some of our problems here and share also how it was possible for him. He has also brought report
to churches in the states^ Thi;rdly, I
filled in at the Ocho Rios Church of Christ

a couple of Sundays for the minister Canlton Mullings who was away for a fev/ weeks. Fourthly, I assist as a volunteer teacher in i program launched by the government to help those who can't read, etc... Also there are i
number of schools and churches that have

special programs at this time of the year, I am being called upon a lot to assist in
some way.

The Clove Hill Church will be having a

Christmas Program on December 24th.

Home and Church;


There have been much sicknesses among

our brethren as well as in my family this


These have caused some set backs,

but the Lord is still gracious to us.

Please continue to pray for the family, the church and Jamaica in general. Mark and

Opal are growing well. 5 months.

(Sometimes brethren

from the states send toys for them-we appreciate this very much. Mark is 4 years

Opal is 2 years 9 months).

Materially Speaking;

We are not materially inclined, but the prices of things here are very high; traveling is also very expensive. We there fore certainly appreciate your spiritual and material support as the Lord helps you to do.
It is difficult to state exactly how much money i t will take, prices of things are unstable so-do just what the Lord helps you
to do.

We are thankful for every thing.

We still

realize that this world is not our home,

I have made a covenant with the Lord, so

with the cooperation of family and brethren we shall be doing our best in His service.
May God richly bless you all.
Yours in His service,

Lushington, Rose, Opal, & Mark

Pinancial Statement;

1-1-78 Check book balance: Deposits from giving:

Jan 78 Feh 78 Mar 78 141. 00


Apr 78

May 78
Jun 78

Jul 78

201. 26 Oct 78 300. 51 Nov 78 584. 48 Dec 78 317. 60 TOTAL

Aug 78 Sep 78

343. 11 300, 00 558, 43 198, 46 691. 23 780, 00 278, 21


Monthly Avg

12-31-78 Check Book balance:


Over the past three (3) years, designated

travel offerings have been set aside in a high interest savings account for an antici
pated August 1979 visit to the states.

Savings account balance:



Recently Canlton Mullings, Evangelist from Ocho Rios, Jamaica which is only 20 miles from Lushington*s ministries indicated a

minimum of $500 per month was needed by Bogie

to be effective in the Lord*s work due to

recent high inflationary trends in Jamaica.

We at the New Castle Church of Christ are

asking you to join us in this opportunity to see this need met by the summer of this

year 1979. The specific need then is to average $500 per month beginning June 1979
which is Si09 more per month than was given in 1978.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported the work of
our Lord Jesus Christ in Jamaica. Address Updates;

address for Lushington T. Bogle News^

We also need your help to update mailing

Letters. If you have a desire to assist us, you may help by sending us available old phone books for your town, an address of anyone interested in receiving News letters,,
or send us a list of the towns in which you ohftck address if we. send you a list.


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