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What is coalition? D: A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government What is coalition government?

D: Several political parties must cooperate to run a country or region Key concepts Aim: To make the community a better place to live Organized groups of people who have come together for the purpose of accomplishing a goal that is common to all parties involved. maintain their own separate identity May be formed to address matters of common concern to some sector of the community. may focus on improvements within the community o homeless persons in finding work o Provides transportation for senior citizens. In most instances, a coalition will disband once the goal that drew everyone together has been attained. In other situations, the coalition may evolve into a permanent structure in its own right, establishing a new association that continues the work begun by the coalition. The coalition is a great way for allies from many different backgrounds to come together and work toward the realization of a common cause. Once the goal is met, the parties may choose to maintain some communication as a result of the rapport established during their work together. This keeps the door open for the formation of another coalition at some future date, in the event another matter of common interest should arise.

Pros Has the best opportunity to promote real issues and solve everyday problems. is seen by these people as the most accurate representation of the peoples will can lead to greater unity because members of varying backgrounds and ideologies must come together and agree to create policies in the best interest of all not to one particular group An effort to bring the country together

Cons Some people believe that a coalition government is inefficient. increase the risk of underhanded deals and increase corruption members who are very argumentative

Conflicts within governance due to conflicting ideologies of the two parties - weakening government

Benefit a larger proportion of individuals than a single party government

Examples (People's Alliance) (Pakatan Rakyat) (informal political coalition) : Peoples Justice Party (PKR), Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) Barisan Nasional (major political coalition): the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), and the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) (three largest religion and race-based political parties)


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