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Introduction The earth would be a very cold and safer place to live on if there was no greenhouses gasses trapping

heat in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect has warmed the earth for over 4 billion years. Greenhouses gases keep the earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. It is happened when gases in the earths atmosphere traps solar rad iation (heat from the sun) when it is reflected back from the earth. In a one line simple sentence, the greenhouse effect is the result of infrared light not being able to transmit back through the atmosphere into space after it has been radiated to the earth from the sun.

The Causes Deforestation One of the man-made causes of the greenhouse effect is deforestation. Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also, due to the disappearance of trees, photosynthesis cannot take place. Deforestation is rampant today due to the burden of our needs on land. The levels of deforestation have increased by about 9% in recent times. Also, the burning of wood causes it to decay, therefore releasing more carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere.

Burning of Fossils Greenhouse gases can also be released into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels, oil, coal and gas. These materials are used increasingly and rampantly in industries. Most factories also produce many gases which last for a longer time in the atmosphere. These gases contribute to the greenhouse effect and also increase the global warming on the planet. These gases are not naturally available in the atmosphere. Therefore industries are also a major cause of the greenhouse effect.

Electrical Appliances Other man-made causes of the increase in the greenhouse effect is the emission of greenhouse gases by electrical appliances. Even the humble refrigerator in the house emits gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect. These gases are known as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and are used in refrigerators, aerosol cans, some foaming agents in the packaging industry, fire extinguisher chemicals, and cleaners used in the electronic industry. Some processes of the cement manufacturing industries also act as a cause towards the greenhouse effect.

Population Growth Population growth is an indirect contributor and one of the major causes of the greenhouse effect. With the increase in population, the needs and wants of people increase. This increases the manufacturing and the industry process. This results in the increase of the release of industrial gases which catalyze the greenhouse effect.

Conclusion Actually there are many ways that we can help protecting and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, whether it is by modifying lifestyle choices, by participating in community action, or contacting policymakers. Individual choices can have a dramatic impact on global climate change. Reducing our family's heat-trapping emissions does not mean forgoing modern conveniences; it means making smart choices and using energy-efficient products, which may require an additional investment up front, but often pay you back in energy savings within a couple of years.

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