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INFORMATION FILE Contents: Introduction to Anchor Statement of Purpose Services Provided Staff Structure Service Charter Page 1 Page

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Introduction to Anchor The Anchor is a 12 week project, three mornings per week, working exclusively with women with an offending history. The centre opens 9a.m. -1.00p.m. providing a safe and supportive space. From 10a.m. -12noon positive skills for living programme, brief interventions and hair/beauty programmes will be delivered. All clients will be supported with an individual care plan. The Centre is based in Tallaght, facilitating referrals from a wider catchment area. Supported by an Interdisciplinary Team, Sept 17th Nov 14th, 2013 Statement of Purpose The aim of this project is: to facilitate a safe welcoming environment for women to want to attend, to create a space where women can belong to have skilled staff available to listen, care and encourage women in their lives to have interdisciplinary team to support women with individual care plans, and supported links to appropriate services such as housing, family to have fun

Services Provided Hospitalities, Key working, hair, nail and beauty training, brief interventions, introduction to services that women want to hear from, open support group Staff Structure Programme Manager: 0879044663 Project Manager, Project Worker Project Worker Housing Outreach Family Support Trainee project worker Hair/Beauty Trainer TDTF Rehabilitation, Grainne O Kane TPP Lisa Glassett WRENS Mags CARP Liz Dunne SDCC Suzanne Carrick Barnardos Teresa Pesce Volunteer CARP Trish Independent contracted trainer Emily

Service charter : Service user should expect

An assessment of individual need Access to all of The Anchor Projects specialist services, where appropriate

Full information about service options and involvement in making decisions about the service you receive

An individual care plan where appropriate, which is discussed and reviewed with you

Full consultation in any decisions or contacts/meetings made on your behalf

Full consultation and preparation for any care/case team meetings in advance, if any such meetings are required.

Respect for privacy, dignity and confidentiality and a full explanation of the confidentiality policy, including times when information may be shared

An effective complaints system which will help us maintain standards

Information about self -help and user advocacy groups Involvement in the planning, delivery and evaluation o f The Anchor Project

People who use The Anchor Project have a responsibility

To treat staff and service users with dignity and respect Not to be violent, threatening or verbally abusive Not to use discriminatory language or behaviour Not to supply, display or take illicit drugs or alcohol on or near the premises or other premises associated with your treatment

. To attend in a suitable state to engage and participate in services

To be given a quality service of a consistent standard that is appropriate and responsive to the individual's needs.

7. Complaints procedure All complaints should be directed to Lisa Glassett, Project Manager. Lisa Glassett or if appropriate a project worker will support you with naming and advocating your complaint verbally and written (complaints template). A formal receipt of this complaint will be given to you within 3 working days. Lisa Glassett will consult with both you and Grainne O Kane, Programme Manager regarding your complaint within 5 working days, with a view to a formal response. The Anchor Project is committed to a restorative practise methodology which all staff have received training and all participants will receive training in October 2013. Where possible, all complaints will be discussed in a restorative circle. 8. Medication policy All participants and staff are expected to take any medications before or after the project; if there are any medications you would like to be minded during your attendance at The Project this could be accommodated if medications are required during Project attendance, please discuss this in advance with your key worker, so we can best support your privacy and dignity. 9. Behaviour Policy All staff and participants requires appropriate behaviour demonstrating ability to engage and participate. If you need help with this, you are welcome to explore this with your keyworker. Appendices Complaint report form

COMPLAINT REPORT FORM This form must be completed for any type of complaint. NAME (SERVICE USER):








Rehabilitation Client Folder by Grainne O Kane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Ireland License. Based on a work at Tallaght DrugsTask Force & South County Dublin Partnership.

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