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SAMPLE SAMPLE Client Contract The Anchor Project & Grainne O Kane


This contract is an agreement between The Anchor Project & Grainne O Kane . It outlines and explains the terms of engagement for both parties. The Anchor Project The Anchor is a 12 week project, three mornings per week, working exclusively with women with an offending history. The centre opens 9a.m. -1.00p.m. providing a safe and supportive space. From 10a.m. -12noon positive skills for living programme, brief interventions and hair/beauty programmes will be delivered. All clients will be supported with an individual care plan. The Centre is based in Tallaght, facilitating referrals from a wider catchment area. Supported by an Interdisciplinary Team, Sept 17th Nov 14th 2013. Service to you Doors open at 9a.m. 1.00p.m. You are welcome anytime between these areas for hospitalities. Programme work is scheduled between 10a.m. -12.30p.m., you can attend one, two or three programme sessions. A keyworker is available to you, to support you and develop an individual care plan with you. Keyworking sessions are scheduled for 40 minutes once a week. We welcome your support, contribution and input through out the design, delivery and day to day running of the project. Other services will be invited in to share information on their service and/or deliver workshops that you/group have identified as relevant. OR Doors open at 9a.m. 1.00p.m. You are welcome anytime between these areas for hospitalities Programme work is scheduled between 10a.m. -12.30p.m., you are required to attend all three programme sessions. A keyworker is available to you, to support you and develop an individual care plan with you. Keyworking sessions are scheduled for 40 minutes once a week, you can have additional sessions if you like. We welcome your support, contribution and input through out the design, delivery and day to day running of the project. Other services will be invited in to share information on their service and/or deliver workshops that you/group have identified as relevant. You mare expected to attend X. Keyworking The primary responsibility of the keyworker is to encourage, assist and empower the individual clients in their goals. This includes self evaluation, motivation, positive behavioural change and progression along the rehabilitation continuum toward a sustainable independent lifestyle;. A keyworker recognises the limitations of keyworking and is immersed in a strategic support network to benefit their client (s) with a shared goal to promote a better quality of life with and for the client.

You will be assigned a keyworker, who will meet with you for one 40minute keyworking session per week to design and support you with your individual care plan. Appointments It is our goal to support you with your appointments both with The Anchor Project and any other services you require. We will work with you to schedule and remember appointments, prepare for appointments, attend appointments with confidence to meet your goals. Visits The Anchor Project does not formally facilitate Home Visits. In unforeseen circumstances, as a one off with a clear understanding and consent of the client regarding the purpose a home visit may be organised and facilitated. Group Work From 10a.m. -12.30p.m. there are three group work sessions with breaks. This project works restoratively (building and sustaining healthy relationships). Participants are encouraged to inform the programme being delivered, how it is being delivered, attend programmes, participate and contribute in the group. Relationships All relationships associated with the Anchor Project will be professional. All relationships are with a view to supporting you and facilitating your engagement. It is our responsibility to ensure you are treated with respect and dignity within the project (centre, group, and one to one work), that you feel safe and secure in both the space and any group work. Relationships between participants in The Project: It is expected that when everyone is in The Project to work restoratively (to build health relationships), skills training will be facilitated to support you in working together and managing challenging relationships. Missed sessions If you attend regularly on particular days/every day and you miss a day without letting us know you will not be turning up for whatever reason, at a weeks or a minutes notice. Out of concern we will call you to check everything is ok. Probationary order requires . . . Termination of service This project exists for twelve weeks only. Under no circumstances will we refuse you engagement with the Project. After twelve weeks, your keyworking relationship and appointments can be upheld and any further supports we can put in place to support you after the project closes we will do our best.

Confidentiality Information shared in group should be treated with respect but can not be guaranteed to be confidential. One to one work is treated confidentially except in serious circumstances, for example if the life of the client or another is considered to be at risk. Any concerns, procedures would be discussed with you first. Staff in The Anchor Project are unable to advocate on your behalf with the court or with prison, all matters related to offending will be done in partnership with the relevant probation officer. Duty of Care Teresa Pesce, Family Support with Barnardos is available to you to support you with any parenting or child behaviour concerns you are interested in. This Project is bound by child protection legislation. This means any child welfare or child protection concerns will be reported to the Duty Social Worker, HSE. The threshold for child welfare and protection are very clear and our goal is to support you in your role as parents, which we believe is a challenging role. Professional Records The Anchor Projects records all relevant data for the following reasons 1. To evidence the work we do, to be transparent honest and genuine in our goals and professionalism 2. To be better at our work, to be clear, fair, focused and prepared 3. To evaluate whether this type of project is of benefit or not. Data Consent Form Attached Duty to Warn: harm to self or others Contact Person: __________________ Contact Person: __________________ Number: _____________ Number: _____________

Risks of Programme The final 30 minutes of the programme 12p.m. 12.30p.m. is open support. This aims to name any issues that have arisen for you and prepare you for any issues that might arise for you or other members of the group. Project workers are also available at any point throughout the day to take time out for one to one supports. Emergencies 1. If you have an emergency outside of The Anchor Project Hours but within Mon Friday working hours, please call Lisa Glassett or Liz Dunne. Outside working hours, emergency numbers include:

Samaritans 1850 60 90 Services Card (TDTF) 2. If you are contacted with an emergency, we completely understand your commitments and would be grateful if you let us know. 3. If you are on probation order/community return 4. If you anything happens you while you are in the project, do we have permission to perform First Aid Yes No Do we have permission to call an ambulance Yes No Contact details for you are: Contact Person: __________________ Contact Person: __________________ Number: _____________ Number: _____________

Staff Incapacity/Change 1. If you or a staff member feel the keyworking dynamic is not right, please name it either with the keyworker or with Lisa Glassett (Project Manager) 2. If there are any staff changes, as soon as we know, you will know either in group session or individually 3. Any views or concerns re improving the project, please direct to a project worker individually or in group or if you would rather discreetly say it to Lisa Glassett (Project Manager), we welcome your input Coordination of services The Anchor Project aims to help support you coordinate services that are available to you. A range of services will be introduced, any services you are interested in can be further explored and you have our full support in attending another service or bringing a group of services together to act as your care team. Consent Do you understand the client contract, what The Anchor Project provides, and what is expected from you Recap: The Service Visits Appointments Keyworking Relationships Risks of The Programme Missed sessions Coordination of Services Duty of Care

Duty to Warn Emergencies Termination of Service Staff Incapacity/Change Confidentiality Professional records

Signed Client: _______________________ Date: _______________ Date: _______________ Date: ________________

Staff: ______________________ Manager: ____________________ Lisa Glassett

Rehabilitation Client Folder by Grainne O Kane is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Ireland License. Based on a work at Tallaght DrugsTask Force & South County Dublin Partnership.

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