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About the inner life of plants

from Gustav Theodor Fechner

Leipzig 1921 Publisher of Leopold Voss Content. Foreword

I position the task II Attack of the general task III. The question of nerves IV Teleological reasons V. Character of the plants VI. Plant death and suffering VII The question of freedom VIII Growth, winches, bending, twisting of plants IX. Stimulus movements of plants X. Teleological arguments against XI. Examples from the teleology of the plant world XII. Position of the plant for animals XIII. Unity and centralization of the plant organism XIV For more information about the constitution of the plant soul XV. Comparisons schemes XVI. Colors and scents XVII. Resum XVIII. A few Random Thoughts

I confess to have carried some concerns to keep quite dreamy appearing, lying in the peaceful nature areas subject that I will treat folgends at a time for discussion, where the great desire and response time of each, even the otherwise peaceful, attention and interest taken so prevalent and in relation to the objects of so much greater importance to complete. Do not ask me, then, that you begin to hear the never-before-heard in silent most time whispering of flowers now to the sound of the wind, able to overthrow the ltestbewurzelte tribes believe, ensure learning at a time when the loudest human voice finds it hard to come into play or to assert such. This document also has been a long time and located ready idle. However, I once read, like some kind of numbness soft voices are being heard so much the better, the louder at the same time a drum is agitated. The shock that stunned a keen ear, awakens the sleeping. Now I am well aware that the drum of the time is not stirred in favor of the quiet voices of the flowers, but they could not come in good stead listening to these voices? As long as our ear was deaf, however, or rather how long it's been that numb hand made, and is not now to be easily stirred back of these lost voices of early youth, the strange and new it in the noise into sound or fade it? Yes I am too bold, if I think it possible that the unheard, silent game that will unfold here, will many sound like a pre attacked chord from a fresh youth, in the knowledge must one day flourish as in doing from the grave, in with the already audible roles sinking the old days? To this view, by which I tried to encourage myself, came the thought that, since after the first impulse of displeasure has become the zeitgeist, if not appeased, but somewhat diminished in its power, and the longer duration of the movement itself already here and the need for change and rest points caused a coming back to quieter interests may appear here and there acceptable. Is not some even of those who addressed the buzz in the world of men hard, even once like a short time looking for a haven in a different world, in essence, that meets quietly nestled at his feet, which pushes none of it himself, none of the other , and speak only as much as he wants to leave themselves they speak? In such a world I want to take the reader and himself wants the little creatures come forward and make their interpretation, that after all the people found its representatives, including this Vlklein its not devoid. Only those for whom it is welcome indeed need to accept the invitation. Perhaps you find the searched word title of this document, but it is found in fact merely. Since I wanted the same vorzusetzen to short term a proper name, I chose a long time between flora and hamadryas. That name seemed to me to botanical, this somewhat too stiff antiquarian, to stop merely on the life of the trees. At last Flora was on the title, as in Uhland myth of Thor (p. 147 152) the following passage I encountered that seems to me to contain so much graceful that I do not fail me, it herzusetzen altogether, especially since they are so many contains detailed reference to the content of our writing. "Nanna, Baldur (god of light) wife, the flower, the flower world, coinciding the

best time with Baldur light domination But first speaks the name of her father Nep (nepr), button, bud,. Daughter of flower button is the flower ... In Saro flares Baldur's love for Nanna when he sees her shining beauty in the bath, and the undressed, bathing Nanna, overheard by Baldur, is that of the light-developed, frischbetaute bloom, and the poetry of antiquity the most delicate flowers shine thinks never different than the dew .. bathed With the decrease of light also the richest duftendste flowers life comes to an end as Baldur's corpse is carried to the funeral pyre, Nanna bursts with grief, this expression is otherwise customary for the broken heart, but it is particularly suitable for the zerbltterte flower . From Hel's abode (the underworld), where Nanna bored with Baldur, it sends the goddesses Frigg and Fulla gifts, the former a woman cloth, the latter a gold ring. Frigg is the goddess who presides over the conjugal love, so she gets the veil which occurs elsewhere as a badge of housewife. Fulla, Frigg's servant and confidante, the virgin fluttering hair is fully grown spousal Virgin, so you befitting the engagement ring. veils and gold ring, which Nanna still up sends from the dark underworld to memory, . are probably nothing but flowers of late summer How to Thiassis eyes and Orvandils offset toe under the stars, and by Friggs hausfrulichem rocking a constellation Swedish Friggerock is named, as well as floral or plant names of the gods were taken from: Baldur's brow, Ty's helmet, Thor . Hut, Sif's hair, Frigg's grass, it now may be stringed Frigg and Fulla veil gold finger to the colorful play of Norwegian wild flowers is famous, a short but hot summer they can more rarely in abundance and diversity flourish ... - As the gate other goddesses of the beautiful and fertile season, Freya, Idun, Sif, is a friend and accepts their work, as it must also be the death of Nanna, the fairest ornaments of the earth, protected by him, go near, and he expresses his defiant displeasure by he her nachwirft the dwarf Lit running his feet to the fire. lit (litr), the color, the rich, fresh fusion of early summer has to descend, when Baldur and Nanna to ashes. " As it is now the purpose of this document to let the plants in a common god animated nature appear as an individual share this animation again partake and in particular their traffic with the light god Baldur to signs or shorter and easier to resolve them their own soul and their traffic with the light of mentally construed, because otherwise the German essence taper now, again selbstwchsig and, oh just beautiful wants to strip antique braid, it seemed to me the old pagan wlsche having to soft flora of the young German goddess Nanna probably .Has it already for a long time the former had their foot in the grave all the herbaria, and soon the whole ancient alien will probably be passed into the coffins of the story to rest. A native spirit world, God would again divine world, let it go forth from the home ground and Nanna mean by precedence in the new period. The possibility of a valid solution of our problem assuming perhaps it may seem but many that would not such a big effort should be made to, as happened here. In fact, I still have to go put it, whether the interest of other me is so far able to follow than the own love has led me to the point. Meanwhile, since it is the foundation of a serious view was, here, now still as well as the common scientific opinion has totally against it, and the article did various pages and sites presents, had too short a

treatment not meet the purpose. You may soon find, moreover, that the question with which we are dealing here, not so sporadic interest has, as it would seem perhaps for the first sight. Whether the plants are animated or not, changes the whole view of nature, and it decides this question many others. The whole horizon of observation of nature expands with the same affirmation, and even the way which leads to bringing to light aspects, which do not occur in the usual approach. Schleiden says in the introduction to his work on the plant (p. 2): "I tried to show how the botany almost all the deepest disciplines of philosophy and natural science related closely and like almost every fact or larger group is capable of facts so well in botany as in all other branches of human activity the most serious and stimulate important questions and to lead the people from the sensual to the datum unsuspected supernatural. " You will probably believe that when looking at the material side of plant life such meaning may pride itself to the contemplation of the ideal side so it will take longer to complete.Allow me, therefore, to employ those words only with the change in my writing that I, rather than to pursue the superfluous that present themselves reference points of our subject for philosophy with fondness, rather search of to encounter only to large call this with the utmost restraint will, I believe, in fact, that the moderation would rather earn you here in this relationship. A few words here about the following inputs of the Book! What has contributed to, to enlarge the scope of this document, was the desire to connect with an explanation of the reasons for our view of a statement of the factual circumstances which promise ever to be relevant for the decision of our question. Common ground is the point of been from which this compilation tries here, if it should be otherwise deemed valid only contribute to the interest which already otherwise have the impacting facts here, to multiply, but also apart from this is likely the small collection of them, as material for any thoughtful consideration of plant life at all, many not be unwelcome, have been and I have this interest, without exceeding the reference to our subject, but given a little richer material than the mere sufficiency required for the same would (cf . especially the 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th section) by qualified botanists are, of course, instead of an increase, only find one use of their treasures here it could be but here only to do. What will be the last success of this font? I Entschlage me all poetic illusions, I think, the following: A young woman of my acquaintance has not all the cogent views. You are now probably trouble, by making the best explanation of why to teach them a cogent. She listens to the reasons or not, and simply says last: "even if" and remains of the opinion. My reasons may be good or bad, you will probably say: "If too!" But, though! - I do not harbored some hope that it might at least be the feeling of the young girl to be bribed, which, as now are young girls who always precedes the

understanding with her, so I would certainly save all the trouble. But should be able to do so, after all reasons would sound excellent. Under the young girl but I mean the young time. d 24 August 1848.

I position the task.

While admitting both a ubiquitous, all-knowing and all-ruling God, who claims his omnipresence not only near or above nature, as of course loves him to take the common view in unexplained contradiction with itself, an animation of all nature is hereby precisely through God already granted in some way, and there is nothing in the world fall out of this inspiration, neither stone nor wave, nor plant. Or should loose about Spirit of God in nature than putting our mind in our body, not just as just as our spirit forces dominate the forces of our body?Then he would only less the same Lord. Meanwhile, if, as though by far do not all do such a divine Allgemeinbeseelung nature admits, you see but not indiscriminately absorbed the souls of the people and animals in it, but facing in the same to others with independent individuality souls, she sees linked as they are by the general, highest divine unity, but also their subordinate unit to the other soul units compared to the same child; urges and sensations, probably more than that, thoughts and volitions, have for themselves, in such a way that, although the omniscient spirit that lives and moves and has in all, and in which all live and move and are, therefore directly know each other but they just do not know it, and that very fact reveal their individual divorce. And you can now ask whether the plants zukomme a match; whether they, as individuals combine animated for themselves, feelings or impulses and probably even more to the unit itself, the most immediately accessible knowledge of the omniscient God, but inaccessible to the knowledge of each another entity, unless by mediating conclusions. If this were so, then the plants would with the people and animals form a common opposition against stones, water and air shafts and other so-called dead things to know for himself anything about yourself, feel no sensations and (perceived) shoots a associate entity in itself, but subject to the provisions only in connection divine soul of the whole as to act as co-sponsors. But it can also be different. Perhaps the divine soul acts in the plants as parts, members of the general nature only as our soul in some individual members of our body. Just me, the spirit of the whole, feel everything that happens in it; none of my limbs but voraussetzlich feels good to yourself. And so might also taken from one's own soul the plants out of the question, if only God would know of what goes on in them, not they themselves. Thus the nature would at least be considered for general and divinely inspired, and the question would still quite undecided whether the plants to pay for itself as inspired. Only those animation but we always mean when we ask for the plant soul. Of course, the question of whether the plants are animated have to stand out more sharply if, as is the usual mode of thought appropriate, abstracted from an animation of all nature, or even denies it. Then the animated creatures in the midst of the rest of

nature appear at all just like islands in the general ocean of soulless dead, and the question is even more determined than before: we want the plants to the animals and people on these nocturnal ocean lift the soul light or with stone and bone sink into the same? We can already see from these considerations volatile, but the touch our subject so deeply that equal threaten to take us very far, the preliminary discussions on the same. Discussions on the general conditions of God and nature, body and soul seem to have been preceded to lay the foundation, more specific regarding what to individuality, psychological unity consciousness and its various stages to understand from the outset to to make necessary. Only herewith the task would appear thoroughly prepared to attack. But who is not already tired of discussions like, and who would rather keep that last won? In fact, how much profound things has been said so far in such discussions, but it has much better served to deepen the objects of the same in the dark as to clear light to lift. Taking this into consideration, I would rather a priori waiver of such depth and afford more likely to try to get down to it, it may just go as far as build up from it. One can also probably pick a flower without having to dig the root, and like the flower, is also probably of spades, she lifts later from the deep, lasting for transplantation into the right of the garden bed. And so, just be an attempt to Beiseitlassung of Verfolgs that only battered considerations and all the far back-border discussions at all, the following to by most direct reference to technical, to be little dispute and the general formulation of easily accessible points, answer the question gain as much of a similar mental constitution of the animals and plants such as unesrer could even be thought of without trying to determine it also sharp and can, in how far we have to think even the animals are similar in this respect. A field very clear observations can not be where we undertake to speak of the psyche of other beings than ourselves, except in so far as we may require us quite analogous, since it is nothing to anyone other than his own soul to bids to present on how it may fro in a foreign. And if the fact comes to us in good stead in respect to the animals that may be at a higher level than we probably believe what they play on the lower to include with, so it's another if a lower level, such as the animal Sensual to stand up for completing the whole, or used as the basis of a higher and this only comes to an end. So we humble ourselves in from the front, to be able to win more than adequate proof approximate notions about foreign areas soul. Meanwhile, an attempt can be of interest, but to bring it in such a approach as far as possible.

General II Attack of the task.

Usually denied to a similar mental constitution of plants such as people and animals simply because one of the former where the latter does not take the physical organization and expressions of life similar enough. And in fact, the analogy of the physical is the only thing available to us at the end other than your own to Mental commandments, as it is a peculiarity of every soul, other than to itself can be seen

only by external or physical characters, for their interpretation are ultimately nothing other than the analogy with what we find attached our own soul commanded. Even general philosophical considerations by which you would like to try to deal with this subject are, but they must always be based on this analogy, because, even if one a priori wanted to instruct a certain significance and position in the world organism the plants you but not entirely out of their could include visible, outward behavior, whether they are just meeting this significance, which are required elements in the world body. I close it but that you have soul like me, just the fact that you look similar like me, you behabst externally similar, talking, etc., of shape, construction, color, movement, sound, louder physical signs, from what I can immediately see your soul? I'm just in all that into it, involuntarily of course, but it is always something Into Laid. The animals see us though already different from humans, but they move, nourish, procreate, nor shout at similar occasions we like to do, but not all, all of this, but several things from this. Accordingly, we recognize them also a similar soul; draw only from the reason but considering the occurring differences. But in the plants we deduct at once the whole soul, and if we have to do it right, this will also give law can only establish the fact that they are built for us and the animals are analogous to dissimilar to dissimilar behaben. Of course, if this is required and must require analogy to find the soul, but they can not require in all things and unlimited. Otherwise I would every man who looks and behaves somewhat differently than I have been authorized to consider inanimate. He's just different animated than I do. How unlike me is in most pieces of the worm, as he behaves differently, but I also think that even for animated for animated differently than me. It will therefore depend on whether the plants can not also miss the essential character of inspiration to us and to the animals that are still analog in regard? But what are these essential characters? That the decisive factor that will make the transitions from the animal kingdom to the vegetable kingdom at once jumped from Beseeltsein to Unbeseeltsein or one can get lost in the other? I think it has made it convenient and this never discussed enough. For what has been put forward in this respect, seems to me to have the mind to justify once preconceived view as their right to examine quite a lot more. You can generally about the seemingly decisive impression of appearances, which can find no soul in the plants, however, because he can find none at all. But in such a way the sun is long gone around the Earth, the immediate inspection taught so, who could doubt what everyone saw, but is now rather the earth around the sun, after some getting determined its position in to change thoughts. Now, just as it would perhaps also just waiting to change our standpoint mentally to perceive the soul of the crops on their inner positions, which escapes us at our external. But nothing heavier than capable of lifting people, once to put all of himself into another place, and not just themselves, but what this place deserves to look there too. There where he does not find himself again, he believes nothing to find. Anyway we can, because no one asks for the evidence thoroughly the soullessness

of the plant, not yet proven to keep them thoroughly. In experiments, however, to make our ideas cogently about this, we will mainly two things are right to have the pleasure of which of course completely forgets the ordinary observation, thereby but also all partiality reveals: first, how the fact that we of the soul of the plants do not perceive the slightest right, but not the slightest against the soul follows the same, because quite as much then would as my follow against my brother and every other being, the soul itself from it: and secondly, that if plants as look much different and behaben as humans and animals, even humans and animals look so different to each other and behaben is that you can not only ask, but also must, whether this difference can not go further without prejudice to the animation. And in fact, in order, straight away to express the view that their reasoning is the task of the following, it seems to me upon closer inspection everything that you could ask fitly be essential for expression of the animation to be still found in plants as well as in animals and all the difference between the two in construction and lifephenomena but only suitable to the former on a very different, the animal kingdom complementary field of animation to move but not on the general field of animation beyond. And if some deny the souls of plants because they do not know what to do with it, so I would call it, because I otherwise a large unfilled gap in the rail to stay natural. Is yet to only superficially address some key points, the plant quite so well organized, and according to a quite so self some tarpaulin, one way in to some idea, organized as the animal only organized according to a very different kind of canvas , you do not even dare yet, the plant deny life, why one speaks to her now but soul, since it would be so much closer to this common basis of life to think of another plan of biological organization even a different plan of the soul organization belonging . What is the last term of life without soul for meaning? If we plant the rotting seems dead, for it is precisely what distinguishes the living from it? It is only another way of process dead, their growth and flowering, as their rotting? Is not the contrast between living and dead plant very similar to that between live and dead animals? But the importance of this contrast should be as different as heaven: the process of living plant an empty soul complication compared to the same empty soul rotting in disrepair, the process of the living animal at once a soulful entanglement over empty disrepair. Yet the complication in the construction and the processes of animals and plants is quite analogous. Even the foundations of cells is observed quite similar in both the cells together in only two different groups, stretched into each melted as it but even in any other animals, any other plant are different for themselves, and the mode of origin of the whole cell building from a single ancestral cell by a similar strange process of cell multiplication is very similar in both, so what natural scientists do not know that a sperm and an egg are just two different forms of the same thing, also the way to procreate is so similar in both 1 ) that Linnaeus could even setup the whole system of the plants on the analogy of their sexual relationship, even a play of forces that have been mocked each calculation according to the tenets of our physics and chemistry can be found in two very similar again.


Prof. Schleiden me Start hopefully not too hard because of this statement.

"The food material enters the living plants with strength in the air, and his ascent one can not compare with the slow and gradual sucking of fluids in the dead plant tissue. Light exerts both on the rise of food juice than on the quantity of the living leaves evaporated water a significant influence, and on the other hand seems to be the same organs after their death did not act; alive decompose the leaves with the help of light, the carbonic acid gas, dead, they did not change it, the chemical transformations that during life. proceed in the plant tissue type are quite different than those which are produced on dead plants by external powers, often the latter are almost the opposite of the former Development in the length and width of orgasm, which precedes fertilization, and the awakening of. active life in the embryo, which fell equally in the seed, are just as many phenomena that can be derived from any single purely physical cause, and that we, vital partly by the analogy with the animal kingdom, partly taught directly by looking at the plants, only excitability may expect. " (DecandolIe, plant physiology IS 19) But is that what is quite analogous to the general phenomena of structure, life and weaving, so be very unanalog in the most general, what we can see just from this most general of structure, life and weaving the characters simply, because we remember only, it is to us nothing more than that exterior to Commandments to infer the interior. Instead be based on this general agreement in the essential points, but we adhere to differences in particular, and speaking of the plant's soul down because they will no also presents all the details of animal lives, what it just might justify the conclusion that her soul not all details of the animal soul presents. The General has for the General, and vouch for the particular individual, but as we look at the plant now, shall we mean a difference in the most general of the psyche of the difference in specific characters of the physical, decide the same between being and non-being. That souls can be organized according to the different tarp or under a variety of forms, people show with so many different characters and plants, the animals with as different instincts. So rich abundance biological designs, so rich, the wealth associated soul designs: one depends on the other. Now the nature of the animals the possibility of different plans of structure and life in the corporeal not yet exhausted, but just in the plants a whole new realm added, which reason can then accept us territories, in transitions to these at once that they with Soul Plane the creation of associated remained in arrears, the possibility of such should ever be less great than in corporeal, since we otherwise the field of mental formations probably richer than the hold of the material. Perhaps the reluctance phenomena of plant life itself by its very nature a psychological interpretation? But why should it be the souls that may be running, screaming, and eat, do not give souls blossom still, smell, the slurping of the rope her thirst in the bud shoots her urge in contact with the light still satisfy a higher longing? Not know how far the petite built and decorated figure of neat plant should be less worthy of a soul, I do not know yet what the running and screaming would have to be before flowering and fragrance for a franchise expected to be carriers of a

mental activity and sensation to cherish, as the shapeless shape of a dirty worm? Does an earthworm us soulful as a forget-me? Seems to us to be dark burrowing under the earth to reveal more of free impulse and sensation when her aspiration Empor over the earth in the serene realm of light, her restless order, and view Rub? But vain the plants are new to us together, organized, decorated, well maintained. Just where we see the institution made to gain something quite new in the soul realm, and a more careful establishment, we have this institution are at once nothing more to throw away an entire half because it does not look like the other. Now that the plants are like countless empty homes.The nature probably had enough material to build these houses, but not enough spirit to inhabit it. After all animal souls bricked their homes, they knew with their abundance of cell wall stones not to start something, and the rest in nachffendem related pastimes to the empty plants worldwide. But rather I mean if they had ideas enough to make the plant forms, they also had ideas, di souls enough to put them in these figures, because last one is probably hanging on the other. Maybe you say, egg, if God soul touch is widespread throughout nature, which view it was placed in the foreground above itself, so yes the plants are therefore not empty soul that they have no soul of its own. The general spirit blows through them then. But how's vertrge with such absorption in the Allgemeinbeseelung that each plant is prepared for himself minutest detail and placed in such sonderliche form, as should also be something very special in you, through you, for her, happened: that their form and manner be determined individually and detaches from the outside world, and such a weight is placed on it to always renew and repeat, however, otherwise the round forms and modes of flow in this indifferent outside world and go. Hereby give does not occur in the plant of the deliquescent sea wave, the back and hergestoenen, any shape and any relationship to mating stone towards much like the animal on which we can perceive no other sign of his Loshebung from the bottom of the Allgemeinbeseelung? Of course, the omnipresent Spirit is blowing through the plants, but just like all other creatures, which are therefore not their individual autonomy cash. This is God's most beautiful life, weave in individual creatures. The plants can only penetrate Spirit of God in general, it does not make a living as a rock and wave, and robs God himself part of his liveliest activity. Not living our spirits the strongest and most beautiful in his most individual creations? Except that he does not incite what the divine spirit, self-conscious, self-sentient spirits to produce. This God is Allah. After all, I ask: if you give both the expression of an ideal combination as an individual diversity linked concise vital phenomena in the plant looks like in the animals, what more do you require to also see this sign and expression of a living individual soul, but once there you can not see the soul itself? There was talk of it, but clear! Perhaps the plant can not in fact give more character, but it is only ever possible to give more? Herein may not be up all possible, as far as they are essential? Like many you will not have to wait for the simple basic fact of inspiration from the outset, since everything must serve to express special Special modes of animation.

I believe that the oak could easily all the arguments that we might turn from particulate points against her soul against ours turn back. How free it drives branches in all directions from birth to leaf by leaf and adorned with new, born of their own. We stop just outside jewelry and must leave our bodies, as it is again. You can also think this is just how can make of soul. We run free in nature around, they do not, we act more on other things than us, but speaks the irregular loitering a down feather in the air more for their Beseeltsein as the steady work of a being from a fixed point of view, the work of others more than the work itself? But if we know that we were not going empty soul drifting about like the fluff, how do we know it? But only because we are those beings themselves. And if we do not know of the plant that they feel their drive to push yourself, why do not we know it? The answer is still just as close: because we do not have this plant itself. For the same reason, but also the plant could be as meaningless for our goings-on in the world and keep empty soul than the spring. Although, they had reason and observation, it could our actions for specific purposes, our going remarkably according to certain rules, could find that it is not so pure randomness of external drives depended on how the doings of the spring. But this brings you to stop so we won, for not pushing the plant to express certain purposes, according to certain rules that are independent of random effects? But you will be much more inclined to turn their behavior according to certain rules against her Beseeltsein. We leave this for now, I'm sure later (VII). Is not it the most common talk of the world that it is the soul that the body build itself as a resident? But nothing gives a better example of this than just the speech itself grow plant, which we can only becomes visible from the outside of the building plans be built inside the essence of course, as this is no different for the construction of humans and animals. A better example, they are, however, even as a human and animal itself, the soul the body builds up only in the secret darkness and only occurs with the nearly finished building the light; why we also believe that they fully execute the construction only in the dark unconsciousness. Quite different is the plant. She brings nothing cope with, is just beginning to build right after it came to light that creates continued midst, even as a result of all the life-changing stimuli, even the highest, what she wants, flowering. But why should we give the life of the plant does not want compare a embryonic life, as some do. Rather obviously, this has been the intention of nature, there should be souls who lived their lives more in the creation and design of their own bodies, and others that it held more in work outside their lives, one aspect of the complement of their lives through each other, of (VIII) will give rise to further considerations us later, so I break it here. It seems to me that we should not just be wiser in our assessment of the status of plants in nature than the North American savages distinguish which to distinguish instead of male, female and neuter gender in language, animate and inanimate objects, but now to the busy nature of animals and trees, expect to inanimate herbs and stones. How ridiculous to say that we are so much smarter than the savages seem to us to set the dividing line between trees and herbs of life, merely because the trees greater and longer life than lead the herbs. How ridiculous, a spirit will say, which is still slightly higher than the ways of the Indo-European base to set the limit of the

vagina Inspired One between animals and plants, simply because the plants otherwise known as the soul enter their animals. The kids want when they are small, do not usually allow a goose apply for a bird. The goose flies and sings not so. What we are different than those small children when the plants we do not want to apply to animated beings, because they do not speak and walk. The farmers see ghosts at night, notwithstanding any are there because they have heard from childhood of spirits around at night, we are different than those farmers if we do not want the ghosts by day, who are in the flesh as seen because we have heard from childhood, they would not be there. In fact, it is the same superstition, but in the reverse direction, want to see ghosts at night, are not there, and ghosts in the daytime does not want to see the show in person. A philosopher who wants to prove to us that the plants have no soul, it will certainly never be difficult. Since most philosophical systems have grown even with due to the assumption that the plants have no soul, it is of course also the most recyclable can conclude. But you know that, as much as the philosophers like to give the impression that everything a priori to prove they have to top themselves this standpoint, the proof only by increasing climbing from below can enter. But they are determined at the Dawn of down a lot more of the prevailing general views from when she arrived at the summit, still like to confess himself, and compliance of the philosophical views on the point in question, therefore, does not prove more than just compliance the common views about what I'm talking the same. Of course, that ever any system to itself to be cogent, must demand the lack of Pflanzenbeseelung must find reasons again in its connection, but what is shown most recently with all these reasons, when can set up a different context, the cogency of his hand to his calls for the animation of the plants and thus again to find reasons for white. Finally, it will ask which system-wide by other cogent reasons. That is now ours, which is capable of living to survive by making a world of souls alive, will make more beautiful than the opposite systems, which buried this whole soul Empire in night, should brighten from the outset, and when the beauty is not the weapon of course , so that the common truths prevail, it does matter to the linkage of truth and beauty in the districts with the highest to those with which the victorious general. Hereafter, philosophical designs levied on foreign systems here, even a little weight can have for us. One example may suffice to give a specimen of such objections and to do, as far as one can take the short, because we do not want our Vorsatze be unfaithful to avoid philosophical discussions rather than to lose ourselves in it. The philosopher is, for example, on the basis of any antecedent considerations a kind of diagram on how life force, soul, spirit behave to each other, which two latter he maintains strict to divorce, as it happens in life. It seems to him this ratio from the point of a certain level survey, and by requiring a representation of the different stages in the real nature, it comes from the plant world itself to a spirit and soul to be empty stage. Man as peak represents the totality of all lower levels, and it includes a higher starting. He has accordingly about life force and soul nor the spirit or

reason. The animal, one step lower has to be content with life force and soul, the plant, even one step lower, with the mere life force, the crystal is missing then also the life force and is really dead, merely succumbed to the mechanical process. The scheme is clear and nice and takes very good, although I do not therefore say that it is all the philosophers, each may have its own, but all the same, it all comes to the same thing, the natural observed none of them all, and an example is as good as the others. We adhere to the given, I think, that the schema of an inanimate life force itself has only emerged from requirement of inanimate plants and otherwise has no root in the real world, so you can want nothing to prove from his acceptance backwards for inanimate flora. Are you this assumption, so you lose nothing, you only win because soul where previously none had. The plants are now no longer subordinate as soulless beings animals pure: but next rank as a different kind souled beings, or subordinate only to the nature of the animation, in which there are still ways in fact, are not exhausted in the animal kingdom, as more to show, the scheme will be different from the above, and if we set it up only after that, can exclude as good as the above. But it is now also allowed the possibility of another scheme not lead us to consider it immediately for properly, without checking whether the real behavior of the plants which also corresponds to, especially since I believe that from a strict schema of a pure step - Arrival and superorder ever can be no question here. The convenience, sharpness and neatness, which is in the above scheme proves itself against its accuracy, for daily and hourly nature makes her noticeable researchers that their convenience, sharpness and neatness is different than the the inserts his. Although maybe it is just some philosophers who concede the plants most easily soul, but then of course, only by taking the soul of everything that she does to the soul. There is nothing more common than wooden iron in philosophy. When I speak my part of soul, individual soul of the plant, I understand explicitly not an idea or ideal unity among them, which I see in the diversity of their structure and life, although I am this may point to the self-sensing and aspiring unity of their soul essence and must; but I ask myself this one at that. A soul will carry me in itself not merely a reflection thrown into another, be it meat and wealth of vivid sensations and impulses. Not what I have of her, but what I do not have of her, she does to the soul. The idea of what another may seek or find in me wants me indeed itself does not suffice as my soul. So what does it helps the plant if anyone still wants to see as much unity idea in their construction and phenomena of life and then say, inasmuch as it has soul when they taste it for neither, nor feel, nor could smell it. I do not mean it with the soul of the plant, as some think with her, it seems to me that not kind to her. But not so, as if what we expect for the life of the soul in the plants there is, but only potentia how to express themselves, latent, always sleeping. Sensation and desire to sleep, not just sensation and desire, and if you our soul can call in sleep soul yet because they still bear the conditions of reawakening feeling and desire in itself, it would never be mentioned soul where never before would such an awakening. I therefore write to the plant soul, I may indeed admit that this soul can fall asleep as good as ours, but not that they always sleep, then it would seem to me still unfair to

want to talk about soul of the plant, as if I wanted to speak of the soul of a corpse, has been in the sensation but at least once awake. Meanwhile, not only the philosophical, the common Views contact unanimously against us, and this agreement seems the first sight of a much greater weight must for us as believe that the finding philosophical whose root we even partially oriented itself in the common although the influence of the whole is certainly a mutual. Who among us find it to think in a soul of plants, and awarded them here such, it will look at the most as a very idle test. Now there are certainly not intellectually developed root of this agreement is based, a feeling that all equally imposing itself by itself, it is rather, and of the well, no one knows how it came to him. But even this seems to indicate that it has come from nature itself, that deep in the nature of the thing itself lies the reasons people are so involuntarily and his views generally have beenpushing. Many, one can say, and from different sides like to point out what we summarize unconsciously, without it clear confront us in detail. But the more certain we can count on a view that has played into nothing preconceptions in the preamble. You must flow from a higher source than human error comes from, and if any where, here the saying is valid, that the people's voice is God's voice. Not seem to us the belief in our own soul dereinstige continuance therefore only the more certain that he has not only been necessary mediation of fallacious reasonings through to generally to spread among even the crudest of all mankind? So sure, we believe that our soul will live one day, so surely we must also believe that a soul of the plants do not live now. Because both belief is equal to quasi-natural kind This approach has a lot of light, and right boundaries of course also their right, but one must exercise caution in it, otherwise a lot of false belief might want to justify a result. One needs only to Moses and the prophets, to read Job and the Psalms, we find that the ancient Jews who still regards as preferred tools of God's revelation, for many centuries, just as little faith in a future life of their own souls, as we are now at a mental life of plants; them was all of the death, and whoever them from a life after death, a resurrection would have wanted to speak, would have been well kept for even more foolish than he who now speaks of the soul life of plants . Now this was also the voice of God as long as it was the voice of the people?But it is the soul later resurrected from the grave of Sheol with them, a trstlicherer faith has evolved and has become the voice of the people, and this we hold to God's voice. So also the soul of the plant, which is still in the grave, according to our belief in a future resurrection faith one day, and this belief could also become the voice of the people, and the general belief which it is rooted, regarded as the voice of God. Of course, that also would have to change so many things in connection, but I also hope and trust, for nothing less cheerful than our present, against all the soul in nature blind and deaf, and therefore itself soulless view of nature. The warning not to put too much weight on the ruling in our agreement about the soullessness of the plants appear so cogent when we realize that what is in this respect national standard on us, it is by no means universal. Many millions of Hindus and other raw people really keep the plants for inspired, because they do come from a very different view of nature. Now we may indeed in respect to all things that lie

beyond the natural, be much smarter than the Hindus and those other rude people, if it is not, is reversed in respect to that which falls into the range of natural life, wants only one question be. Sakontala says in the famous drama, "I feel the love of a sister for this plant", so it literally takes leave of a plant. In the ancient book of the law of the Menu 2) , which is still now enjoys an authority over all human in India to find locations as follows: Chapter I, 49 (P. 11) "The animals and plants, surrounded by multiform Darkness, because of previous acts have inner awareness and feel pleasure and pain." Chapter IV, 32 (P. 124) "Every householder must be something in justice and fairness, without harming his family, for all sentient, animal and plant-like, keep onbeings."

Hindu Code or regulations to Cullucas Menu's explanation, the Engl transl. by Jones, from this into German by Huettner. Weimar in 1797.

Chapter V, 40 (P. 168) "grass plants, animals, large trees, amphibians and birds, which because of the victim have been destroyed, arrive in the next world to sublime births." Chapter XI, 143 (P. 420) "If someone once unvorstzlicher way fruit trees, lots of herbaceous plants, up running plants or those that grow after being cut back, assuming that they were in bloom, when he damaged, broke down, he must hundred sayings of Beda predictions. " 145th "If someone willfully and skin down uselessly grass species, which are angebauet, or which grow of themselves in the forest, he must serve a cow about a day and only take milk." 146th "By these penances the human race can reconcile the sin of sentient creatures added vorsetzlichen unvorsetzlichen or damage." 3)

in the XI. No. 143 and no. 145 fixed penalties are among a number of others, which are fixed for killing animals. Namely 144 refers to the killing of insects which live in cereals, fruits and flowers.

In Meiners, history of religions (IS 215), I read the following passage: "The Talapoinen in Siam stretch the commandment, just do not hurt and kill both plants and the seeds or the seeds of plants and animals than people, because they believe that everything living, was also inspired destroy you!. a tree and break the branch of a tree as little as they maim a person., you do not eat unripe fruit, so as not to destroy the seeds of the same, much less cores themselves to this rigorous

abstinence, it does not seem to them illegally, the one to enjoy what life had forfeited without their fault, and even the flesh of animals. " (From Loubre, Descript. Du royaume de Siam. Amsterd. 1700th L p 81) I do this only occasionally remember the Hamadryads the elderly, if they have a belief in actual animation of trees no longer want to mean in later times, but could surely only come from such a condition. The rude people is indeed anything at all inspired by nature. The Egyptians also worshiped plants: "haec Quibus nascuntur in Hortis numina" says Juvenal (Sat. XV.). Carus has THEREFORE wrong to say (Psyche. p. 113): "neither in our nor in any other language has ever been the talk of the soul of the plant." Even among us moderns incidentally it is not missing entirely of examples of such who believe in a soul of plants. Percival holds the assets of the plants, their roots from the place where they find the most appropriate food, their leaves and stem to extend up to the light, for an act of the will, which could not be thought of without sensation. (Transact. Soc. Manchest of.) FE Smith also believes that the plant sensation and what is the consequence of a certain degree of happiness can not be denied that they perform on a stimulus movements, such as in their leaves and stamens. (Smith, Introd. To botany. 2 ed 5) Bonnet, Vrolik, F . Hedwig and Ludwig also tend to go to award the plants sensation. Martius sets the plants not only soul but also an immortality same. (. Martius:.. Immortality of the plants, a type; speeches Stuttgart 1838) - I know this script in detail. As our being able, after so many and so loud speaking voices of the people to keep our negative voice nor infallible? But now occurs to add that we even punish these negative vote by any other affirmative voice within us lies, by a voice much more than natural voice can be viewed as those, I mean the voice of poetry and a thoughtful mind . While we deny the soul of the plant, we need anyway continually in poetry as in life, pictures of the plants as if they were inspired, feel comfortable addressed by their lives. We certainly do not believe with the understanding of it, but despite this, a lot unbelief manifested in us spontaneously within the meaning of this belief, and it would probably do more if we do not always thought it was still a mistake. And now I say, this is rather the nature of the ideas instilled by our continually breaks new ground yet. For indeed something Anerzogenes these ideas, due to an approach to nature Anerzogenes that the original and immediate way of conceiving it, probably very remote is, but do not they have grown out of such self, as it will represent the objection, since they would otherwise have to stand out even more definitely than with us at people that are even closer to the state of nature, but now it's vice versa. So much indeed is to concede that it had much easier to lose the soul of the plant than the animals from the eyes in the removal from this state of nature, because the analogy of the latter with us remains much more direct and closer, but this is only favoring not critical to the way that now our feeling is in this matter. The impression

of soullessness, the plants seem to make us so suddenly, rather stirred at least as much by the way here, as we have learned to look at them as what they really look, and just this manner of spiritual meditation, we take them what we should give them that, because of the spirit would be to find the spirit even where the eye does not see him. In fact, how can we be surprised if we did not think to think of a soul of the plant, as we of youth of the plants have to hear talk as might be of the same spirit of the question. We do not condemn the plants differently to death than the Mohammedans, Christians to hell. What is true of parents, teachers, in the mosque, in all the streets as a foregone conclusion, how should beifallen the young Muslim mind a doubt? He sees the Giaours condemnation written on the face. So we the plants the soullessness. Raff in natural history (p. 12) I read the same as the definition of the plant: "a plant is a plant that grows from the earth and lives, but has no sensation and can not move from one place to another." And teaches you the child is not so in express words, but you behave so that it probably sees the difference you make between plants and animals in terms of animation. Instead, you'll even tell the mother to her daughter: Look, my child, the flower is also pleased his life, which God gave him, like you, just in a different way, all flowers have souls, though not as intelligent as the people, but quite lovely, and you have no flower in mere wantonness tear. Although a garland or someone to bring a bouquet, you can do it, because the animals too have souls, but God has yet destined to be eaten by humans, so he has the flowers also determined to give their lives to to adorn human life so that, each must fulfill his destiny. - You let the teacher say to the boys in school: The animate beings share in the main, into two classes, those which are rooted in the earth, the plants, and those which are able to disregard move about, these are the humans and animals. The plants we are indeed dissimilar than the animals, but as they grow but living like this arise and pass away in nature as much is done for the purpose of its maintenance and reproduction as for the animals, and even from these and those other reasons, we must consider them just as well as the animated animals. But the people did not believe at all times, see, you kids, in this respect we are much more than formerly. - You'll even among those under which the child grows up to be the soul of the plant just put so little into question as the soul of the animals, and it is the child never occur to the question whether the plants could also be inanimate; yes because they also in regard of us do not think of such dissimilar animals. The name alone is enough now to prove the animal soul. What never occurred to the people as a child, would you not think as adults when the plants grow, bloom, continue to smell like the childhood. So then once the person. So one is mistaken, though. we derived our present local and disbelief in the inspiration of the plants due to natural agencies, because one can derive it from adequately no good reason, and he has come to us, we do not like, you get it wrong, if you can find it justified thereby. Probably some thief comes in the night and robs us of what we should possess cheap, and is therefore not in the right. And we see only closer, can also probably find the hole yet, through which he entered. First, there are, as I said, influences of education, which we owe to those unbelief,

but there remains the question of what has introduced him into this yourself? My opinion is to be sought in the lower back lying ground of our present approach of the plants, that man is going over the initial state of nature, where he still held after a boundless analogy the whole acting nature of divine inspired and alive onto itself on the right target is gone and now attracts far too narrow limits to the analogy. Where the whole of nature is regarded as divinely inspired, as it is much easier to recognize individual souls as special figments of general inspiration, as where, has risen as with us, the divine animating spirit from nature about them, and lifeless they has left behind. Since he took the souls of the plants, and if we did not feel our own soul, and not of us down to the monkey and the monkey to the worm thread of similarities, too plainly fortspnne we would our soul and animals as well deny how the plants. Because our current principle is acknowledged throughout as little as possible soul in nature. Science, art, religion, education of youth have first penetrated with this approach to nature, learn all the spheres of faith and knowledge of the deepest engagement. Change it, change is a world. But we must remember that the most developed knowledge, only consciousness, often returning to the state, with the development of knowledge has begun, we are of our current approach to nature is not allowed to attach far too much weight, but that they are such an advanced appear. Maybe that's why it's just the point of redirecting closer just like that. When the man finally learn to see that God, notwithstanding its height and dignity, able to enter into nature, from which he had not even dissolved for the rude people, without thereby in us visible union externals and details thereof to be working and therefore extinguished without the individualities of his being in it, so also the soulsubstance common allwrts individual designs from her Borne out easily find recognition. But on such prospects, we can not now be based, but rather it must apply itself only to open doors and windows to it, and such a little window should be writing this by opening up the prospect into a soul blossoming garden. The previous considerations it which let me put almost more weight on factors that are likely to retune the warped sense of man as to the position of plants in nature, rather than intellectually developed reasons are namely, as against the soul of the plant oriented view, we have to fight, even based on feelings rather than cleardeveloped intellect reasons are. The latter, however, we are not allowed to entschlagen us, and especially considering the other grounds shall not entschlagen not to give them their apparent weight, what they win but only in that it suggests the already preconceived belief about their weight. Now all of these reasons, I am against the worst first pick, but the very reason perhaps the most likely weigh at most. He wants us otherwise, are always in a way that we wanted it as easy as possible to keep as a stumbling block in the way. Some philosophers are indeed easy fly out about it; harder some naturalists who go in nature, are not used to fly over it. Here is a compilation of the following sections still to be done objections: 1) The plants have no nerves (III). 2) They have no free voluntary movement (VII).

3) They lack a central organ, and generally anything that would require the expression of a soul-linking unit (XIII). 4) You see them ruthlessly trampled, mowed, cut, and generally defenseless and at destructive interference of any kind. But I am reluctant to believe our feeling that this could be the fate of sentient beings (VI). 5) You seem so completely on purpose fulfillment for people and wildlife calculated one another's world service provided, that you can search not even own soul and self purpose in them (X. XI). 6) If already give the plant-like animals only ambiguous character of the soul, not in the actual plant more of the soul can be speech (XII). 7) It can be for one of the animals different, yet lower soul as absolutely no zulnglichen ideas foothold (XIV). The main aspects, which shows the completion of these objections can be found summarized briefly in the final-resum.

III. The nerve issue.

Undeniable that, when discovered, only those protein-like filaments, called nerve in the plants, the difficulty to grant them soul, would appear much diminished for many. Now I connected of course, that nerves are necessary to the soul, even in some cases only the fact that the plants do not soulless prerequisite, but it is not this circular reasoning alone that comes into play here; rather mainly following observation: If you destroy that, known composite made from the finest nerve fibers brain of a human or animal, we hereby also destroyed all external conditions and phenomena of their mental life; likewise you can cancel by fragmentation or destruction of specific nerve matches the assets to special sensations. But give the animals no sign of soul and feeling more of yourself after having destroyed their nerves, so the plants can be a priori have no soul and feeling, because they have no nerves from the outset. The nerve hereby prove just that, at least in our earthly life of this world, essential conditions for Beseeltsein or tools are what the soul needs to express himself under the terms of this world. Nothing may seem cogent than this conclusion, and nothing can be untriftiger. I sit him the following answer: When I download tear of a piano, a violin, a lute, all strings or destroy it, as it is made with the sounds of these instruments, I like hammering it, knock how I want: it created uncontrolled noise , a real sound, even a melodic or harmonic sequence or combination of sounds can be absolutely no longer produce; likewise can be canceled by tearing away of special strings the assets to special tones, so obviously the strings are essential conditions for the production of the sounds, they are so to speak, the nerve of those instruments. And from this now quite as follows as before that the flute, fife, organ from the outset of the sounds especially the melodic and harmonic combination of tones, are unable, because they have no a priori strings.

The comparison is quite appropriate info away as we create here a means to objectively sensations, compare with means to generate subjective sensations, with perhaps some can require compliance from the outset. The violin is another, the body sensations themselves through their play. The body is sort of a violin, the strings feels the inner game of their own. But now, when I see that the flute but really, despite my beautiful circuit, sounds are, objectively generated sensations, to have no strings so I do not know why not the plant should be able to generate subjective feelings, without having nervous . The animals might as well just be the stringed instruments, flutes plant instruments of sensation. Then, of course, also would have to provide both sensations differ as subjective as the sensations which strings and wind instruments produce, difficult to define, but it could still equal in both loud and equally melodic or harmonic unit may be linked to psychological sensations. It is not clear, in fact, why nature should less be varied means at their disposal to bring about self-perceived sensations stand out as our art to bid, produce of other perceived sensations, since it otherwise nature in its means is richer and more varied than we , otherwise we see the same general purpose nature by the greatest variety of means to reach different principles loves. In humans, four-footed animals, birds respiratory tools form an inwardly at the gills animals a turned-outward tree, we move away by continuing the legs, other creatures walk through contractions of the body away as the leeches, other reels are continued by batting movements, how many infusion animals, etc., which is all done by totally different principles. The ideal purpose of obtaining by local changes, what is needed for life, but everywhere the nmliche. Should really the nature stand still as stiff about to make spiritual organization of biological organization only means of nerve gangs? On the contrary, because they seem to me poorer and more helpless than usual in this case, I expect that there will be in addition to the animals, where they carried out the plan of mental organization with the help of nerves, another area where it in otherwise have done. What is for ever in the egg white matter of the nerves so wonderful, they only made them suitable carriers or intermediaries of mental activity? I think the fiber of the plant, once you've fibers requires quite as well suited, and he will be more than adequate but just for the disposition of the plants, and the protein for the animals. Everything will be considered in its context. The sun is neither nervous nor of protein can be fibrous, it would burn everything, maybe there's those of platinum. Perhaps there is not even there, because the nerves are certainly just simply a means to organize in given connexion sensations in a particular way, which can be represented by other means elsewhere. A raw sound gives himself the piano case without strings, so is every body at all on the break, so like every movement bear in the world maybe something mental in itself, and now it is just about the conditions to add this to mean that this contribution not only in the general rising divine life, but also a creature of benefit to come. According to the terms hereof we shall have to ask especially, but it is a priori unlikely that merely nerve should be to fit, so that even the thread form is essential to do so. Is it really true that the whole world is a carrier, an expression of the Divine Spirit, we will indeed have to ask where the nerves of God

begun, and we see that but some of the distant world body without long cables between them to a self- system are linked by light and gravity, we shall be able to directly above the other built-in cells of plants more so a coherent work, as one must call it as an expression of the work of a soul, trust, since the characters through the whole building respect rich acting forces yes there are obvious even in the whole design of the building to light. You can ask the previous analogy to the other side, the same sense are with her, and it might be useful, yet to do so in some instances. We are now here much at once rejected analogies, and that alone can also not prove anything, it can be but a rebuttal refute it, and explain the way in which this article would be to hold, in various forms. The flames of our lamps and lights burning by means of wicks from threads twisted together. Our soul flames also. The sun, a gas flame burns without wick. So it will probably be able to give soul flames that burn without wicks from threads. Lights and lamps with wicks certainly have their convenience: they are easy to carry there allwrts, gas flames do not, but why burn it less bright, and they did not even turn benefits? So the animals are portable, the plants fixed soul lamps. Why should the world be lit only with portable lamps? Every great room is even more enlightened fixed as portable lights, but the world is the largest hall. And in truth, we can compare with the flames actually quite souls, because without them the world would be quite dark. It's just again the comparison of the subjective with the objective, as in the instruments of sound. How much money is there anyway to install and maintain an objective light, and now we want the nature of the freedom to attach the subjective soul light and maintain, restrict quite close to the center of the nerve wicks? The spider catches its prey by means of a network of fine, long threads, without the power to do anything to catch. Similarly, with our soul. Only with a network of fine nerve fibers it is able to catch feelings by overheard what affect these threads from the outside world. But why do all spiders such a network to catch their prey? By no means, there are those that take it directly from an ambush. Thus, the plants could know to take their feelings without nervous system directly. If we do not see the spider in her hole, and see no power, we mean of course, probably, it was just a hole and not a spider there. But the network is not the spider, but the spider makes the network or also probably makes no power and can therefore still be a spider. When someone sits in the car and drives, you only need to cut the strands, which the horses are attached to the car, so the car stops, the horses run but who knows where. But is therefore a sensible control of the horses I see the domination of the body by a soul here, merely by means of long strands possible? Only insofar as it will be necessary, as the handlebar sits in a separate box as our mind, of course, only as it were, in the brain box. But you let the handlebars to sit on the horse itself, it only requires a short, little eye-catching reins, even if he is pretty set on the horse with his knees, whip and tongue, he does not require any reins. So the plants could now be creatures of the soul where the rider sitting directly on the Gliederbaue of the body controlled by him, as he only by strands of a separate part works out for us. Like analogies could still bring as many! And why should they, as they are drawn

from the general property maintenance of a stock of nature, must give way to the most limited aspects analogy, after you missed soul in the plants, because you nervous, a special agent of the soul, missing in them? - But you can still get these analogies by a much more direct observation to help. We see that breathing, juices running, metabolism, nutrition in animals with the help of nerves, called ganglia, nerves, vonstatten go, in plants, there is no such nerves, but go breathing, juices running, metabolism, nutrition still as good vonstatten as in animals, so it is, as you said, the whole life of the plant is only just. But the plant can breathe without nerves and nourish yourself, why not feel well? It looks just here in the clearest, so irrefutable that the plant is placed in many other means, which is placed with the animals in nerve-effectiveness. The plants go though, except the ganglionic nerves, and even the brain and spinal nerves (Cerebrospinalnerven) from, and only to the activities of these wont you keep linked the activity of the soul, but goes into the plant without ganglionic nerves something visible before, what with ganglionic nerves in animals goes on, why should not something invisible can go in front of them without Cerebrospinalnerven that only those in animals goes on? The approaching we keep the nervous system usually results in profitable, container and head of any fine imponderable material force substrate or agent to be, which so to speak is the connecting link between the soul and the coarser body, which the impulses of the soul by means of yourself forterstrecken to the body and the sensations from the body zurckerstrecken. I will not defend this idea here nor reject, but we want to apply it, it is no embarrassment to rediscover the game just such an agent without nerves in the plants. We initially did not know how the plant makes, with its relatively simple cell block cornstarch, sugar, tannin, various acids, alkaloids, perfumes, dyes, toxins, fats, resins, etc., etc. to produce mucus from inorganic materials; each plant produces something else with a different building, but without that we can somehow understand how the different arrangement of cells, fibers, tubes can cause this, a sure proof that here just a little more than just fibers, cells, tubes effectively are. More so now that really lies at least with in its imponderable agent, for it speaks of the fact that, with such is already in ordinary chemical phenomena that go beyond the organism vonstatten in games; electricity is generated in part, acts the part produced in the chemical process back, and it will have no difficulty rather be the largest call, even in the unusual chemical phenomena in plants such presupposed in games, (or the game) only as of the agent (or game ), which dominates the ordinary chemical phenomena may differ, as both phenomena themselves are different. But is reason to believe that the generation of nerve agent, which nature it may be, related to the animals with the fact preceding chemical processes, and it feeds back, so that the structure and arrangement of the nervous system and for the distribution dissemination of the same seems important. So the conditions of production and the play of such a fine agent that could serve the soul as middle term, you want to such a demand, one misses in the plant body, just as in the animal body; same only the conditions of a controlled dissemination or distribution as the requires minor work a soul could with the nervous systems seem to be missing. But since we do not know in the least what makes the nerves themselves

suitable, potential nerve agent to conduct isolated, yes it even now seems hard to explain to us, Spiral and other fibers of the plant can be quite as capable, a similar agent to conduct isolated, if it's what we think is still very questionable, such as in the line should require animals in a similar sense. Basically, the whole assumption of an imponderable agent in the nerve is only a hypothesis, which we can certainly connect with a certain probability of phenomena, but it has here no interest, to be based on, but only to show that if one will be based on the plant, as well, the conditions for an orderly games of this agent, as one may think it necessary to the soul as the animals, but want to replace that of any of other forces for the game of such agent will always be transmitted on an analog viewing. Instead here to lay some basic assumptions of what we do not know anything, it would certainly be best to draw conclusions from successes that clearly in mind. We see quite minor successes in the plants. The juices run in a certain direction, the flower rises according to certain rules over the plant, the leaves sit down after a certain rule to the extent, certain cell rows fill the order with them, others with those materials;, consider on many colorful flower leaf the whole regular drawings, which show that the colored juices take certain paths, or the colors of processes to specialize in a very specific way. All this speaks in any case for an ordered interplay of forces, like these forces and their support hot as they want, and the plant is in the animal not to; also followed each plant a different order than the other, as each animal with other things nervous systems, Nevertheless, the plant has none at all. So rather than lack of order of prevailing in the plant forces, as they may be called to close by the absence of the nerve, should be inferred conversely, of the existence of the order on ordering conditions of these forces, and it is not then let challenge that one knows this but still not the approaching. Just a proof of our ignorance, not their absence can see it. I do not want to bring in stop that yet taken in some lowly animals, especially the polyps, which settle sensation and voluntary movement, no one decency, yet still have no nerves can be discovered. Indisputably one would reply: it will be discovered once again, they are just fine, transparent, isolated, as it would be up to now succeeded. It may be true. I have neither interest nor reason to doubt it. The same excuse circumstances then also at the plant open, but I am far from being able to use it, it its not needed, the view that only by means of nerve sensation is possible principally depends only on an arbitrary hypothesis or the wrong conclusion: because nerves in animals are needed to sensation, they are everywhere this necessary. What you can do however, when I oppose to the other end, because the plants have no nerves for sensation, they have to be something else. A conclusion is worth as much as the other, that no one is any good for themselves, it depends on how you can further support him. One might think, and really, especially frherhin much thought to make the spiral fibers (spiral vessels) of plants with representatives of the nerves. Oken says in his Philosophy of Nature II, p 112 outright: "The spiral fibers are for the plants what are the nerves of the animal can be called justly plants nerves, and I am pleased to be able to put them in this law.. They require the movement and excitement of the

organic processes ", etc -. my part, I do not think that in the very different nature, so, how should it subsequently, in some ways just the opposite organization plan of the plants against animal of true representation of the nerve may be mentioned by any organs; any analogy will remain very incomplete. As it is now but give all the differences a side of the mismatch between two organizational plans, so always likes to be told, the spiral fibers are the in the plant, which is still most of the nerve fibers in animals, it may be, that this compliance still may be held in geringerm extent than between the pipes of an organ again did not comply and the strings of a piano, which seem to correspond in some respects than tongebende body but all in both instruments, from the other side but, because the solid body of the Self-tinting the whistle in the organ is not as it is but the fixed strings in the piano, namely those tones just from the inward air with a little pushed, while conversely mittnt initiated by the strings in the stringed instrument air. This impossibility of a pure implementation of the analogy taken into consideration, then it can always be of interest, but at the same track as far as practicable, that is, as the data to be in the experience itself. And we find the following particular points of comparison between spiral fibers and nerves. The spiral fibers, spiral vessels, the plants form like the nerve fibers from a merger of aligned cells and make like this, really fine tubes represent only that they only carry air in developed condition, while the nerve fibers or nerve tubules appear to contain a liquid nature . The spiral fibers extend in a continuous connexion through the plant, never branch out, but the greater bundle give only small bundle of fibers from the We bend by itself. Their position is centrally against the other species of fibers and cells of the plant, by each spiral fiber bundle is surrounded by such, preferably of elongated cells (fibers), as in animals, there are preferably tubes, which run in the vicinity of the nerve. The number and arrangement of the spiral vascular bundles is characteristic and significant for each plant by the construction of the whole order is in connection shall take effect on the whole to the more powerful and close more so together, the higher the level at which the plant is, while the lowest plant has been able to discover anything about it. An important function must be settled them according to their peculiar construction and their position in the plant of it, but as with the nerves of the animals, this in no material speaks from power immediately clear. The plants are highly skilled physiologists of different opinions about it, and the specifics Sweetest admit that we know nothing about it. Goethe says of the spiral vessels in its display of the Recherches sur la structure intimate par Dutrochet etc. (Collected Works Vol II, p 55): "The spiral vessels we consider to be the smallest divisions, which the whole to which they belong, completely are equal and regarded as homoeomeries notify him of their peculiarities and obtained from the same back property and determination., it will have a self life attributed to the force, in and of themselves individually to move and accept a certain direction. The excellent Dutrochet calls a vital Inkurvation to approach. these mysteries, we find us here not invited. " We also find us to approach these mysteries further here not prompted. You can see anyway that the present nature secret here, like all Nature's secrets, including the

whimsical interpretations is not lacking. Let us now in the following two sections the anatomical aspects of some teleological and aesthetic aspects over which, if already touched briefly in the general preliminary discussions (section II), but there could not find their full development. One may also find little evidence last end in the considerations of the kind, it seems to me the more convincing to lie in it.Anyway, it was in the following manner that myself first developed the conviction and ruled.

IV teleological reasons.
I was once on a hot summer day on a pond and watched a water lily that had their leaves spread smoothly over the water and open flower basked in the light. As it should be exceptionally well this flower, I thought that emerged at the top of the sun, down in the water when they empfnde of the sun and swim a little. And why, I wondered, should not they?It seemed to me that nature would not have built a creature of such conditions as beautiful and carefully to it merely represent as an object of idle observation, especially since wither thousand water lilies without being someone considered; much more struck me as the thought of, they have therefore constructed the water lily, the most pleasure that can be draw from the beach in the wet and lights at the same time, also a creature coming to the fullest extent benefit to let through feel pretty pure from him. How beautiful appear under such condition the whole life of this flower 1) . Did she lifted day on the open flower on the water (sometimes up to several inches height), it includes the same night, when she has nothing more to look in the light, it tends to settle and is it true what I read, is they did so back in the water to re-emerge from the morning wet bed. The lotus flower is to do the same, yes even at night come down so deep that they can with the dipped arms in the water does not reach: in the morning she gets up, and as the sun moves higher it rises higher with the stem out of the water . We no longer believe in mermaids, sleeping in the bottom of the water and rise in the morning to bask in the light, but the seal itself has so but acknowledged that such a life would have its charms; nature has probably the most well known and from the seal made a reality. Certainly raise and tend not all flowers so in exchange, although it still do many others, but need it for all to do? Find not just now in bloom and buds shoots, in the enjoyment of dew, air and sun enough, each in its own peculiar way?

. Linnaeus (Disquis. de sexual plantar 1760) says the following about it: N. alba qnotidie mane ex aqua tollitur, floremque dilatat, adeo ut tempore meridiano tres omnino pollices pedunculo aquam superemineat. Sub vesperam penitus clausa et Contecta demergitur. About Horam enim quartam post meridiem contrahit florem, agitque sub aqua omnem noctem, quod nescio to cuiquam per mille annos notatum to sit, id est inde a theophrasti AEVO qui hoc obseryavit in Nymphaea Loto .... Scripsit autem Theophrastus, Hist plans. IV 10, Loto ea, quae sequentur: "In Euphrate caput floresque Mergi referunt, atque descendere usque in medias Noctes: tantumque Abire in old, ut ne quidem

demissa manual capere sit: diluculo your redire, et magis ad diem brine. Oriente jam specially undas emergere, floremque patefacere: quo patented facto Amplius insurgere, ut plan from aqua absit old - Idem prorsus mos est noatrae Nymphaeae albae (Decand. Phys II 86)...

So I thought now on, nature has also probably built differently just about the mountain plant and put in other place as the freshness and purity of the mountain air and whatever else the mountain may yet have differently from the pond, one being to quite pure, to get full enjoyment. Is not it, I told myself that Waterlily really quite peculiar but just for the water, set up the mountain plant on the mountain, or we wanted to reverse it, we could not, and say that the water was all the water lily, the all mountain set up for mountain plant? It is true, in butterflies, the fish are already beings who enjoy a life of air and water, one can ask why not others? But how else built, furnished! But already mehrerlei butterflies fly on the same mountain, but already mehrerlei fish swim in the same water! Makes the other one obsolete? Each wins but after his special equipment and peculiar behavior of other sensations and impulses of the same element. Now the water plant, the mountain plant behaves quite unlike any fish to the water, was very different from all the butterflies to air and light, like all other feelings and instincts so it will also be able to give to them! The fact itself that the plant a butterfly, the butterfly but a plant has opposite, both will have different in nature and makes different sensations possible for them, because if the butterfly from flower drinks nectar, he can not have the same feeling of as they carry. Or will you also want to say, the sensation of the plant will thus unnecessary and unlikely that yes but the butterfly has already feeling like? It would be as good as to say that the transport of the lover and the loved the sensation of a those of the other unnecessary and unlikely to do, since we see that for the same shares in the lively exchange ratios also each page the same vivid sensation of wearing . The latter is narrower than the contrast of butterfly and flower, but this can carry nothing more than for them to now also require a further contrast of sensation. That is indeed the largest ever art of nature, to let everyone else draw from the same Borne by the potion changes with the cup. Each being is, as it represents a differently-designed screen that winkles accordingly other sensations from nature, and what makes a choice is still for countless others. So after all, like the animal kingdom all have been taken from nature itself, what it is receptive, so probably still remains as big a half of the plant kingdom. Now it seems to me also not difficult to guess the point of completion, which rules here. Man, the animal runs here, there, scattered between all sorts of pleasures, experiences, touches all sorts, which is far apart. This has its advantages. But we see only in the human by itself, we also recognize the benefits of this one-sidedness. In addition to the hiking and traveling also the home settling has its advantages, which must not be lost, there are many silent and related spheres of influence who want to

be lived through and experienced, the benefits but, hang thereon, can not with those advantages at the same time in equally be achieved, and who wants to be right up on one thing, it can not at the same time on the other. Therefore, one travels, and the other sticks to the soil. As in the human realm, as in the kingdoms of nature. The people and animals are the traveling, the plants, the stapled to the soil individuals in the world, those determined to seize the distant remuneration of sentient nature and striving, to exhaust them, the category of specific conditions in a given circumference sentient and striving, then but it can not go through because each run leads beyond the fixed position, but only by growing. You omit this second side of life, and you have the omitted half of what is needed, so that everything will be used in nature. We see how nature can no lumps lost feces, it probably bicker three four beings so each waste and the waste of the waste used them briefly examines the use to push to the limit, - we should not trust her also, that they related to the running conditions of use will be added, but because the use of only standing there with the running together all use? An animal infected only once the nose to where a plant is always fixed, runs superficially towards the earth, in which the plant is grown deep, breaking only it were here and there in the direction of individual radii in the circle that a plant and filling it up constantly, in the same conditions but it is less able to exhaust the circle of relationships with his feelings, which the plant must seek to exhaust probably because it is even banned in him, and is able to exhaust because they once is furnished to him. I saw the other day my wife a plant with the root ball from the flower pot stand and admire it as the plant the root ball so completely rooted to the finest, had wanted to savor every inch of ground, and as under the ground, it was above the earth. Only the plant was moved to branches apart, and then they had the gaps filled with leaves and branch moose that could not get through unenjoyed little air, and at the tips of the branches they still held, moreover, the blue flowers against the light. I commend it to me, nature, if it's just as well really benefit the plant, but what vain effort and vain trifles, when the flowers and trees were growing just as deaf frills. It would be quite work for nothing, and repeating over and over in so many forests and fields. It should only be for our benefit, it would have been better, it would grow the same logs and planks, tables and chairs instead of the trees. Now it is also gaining only the right meaning for us that the plants crowding so closely in space, however, the animals only by one between them back and forth. The space would not be so exploited when the related effects and sensory circles empty spaces would leave between them, and instead they are interwoven even in the juxtaposition still into each other, he would be but use as little right when the Movable yourself the space to movement would wither, so eating even one half of the animals the other, just to clean up again, and this is self-cleaning set with instinct and feeling in relation. Developed and used in such a way that nature in the greatest possible manner all their wealth, their wealth. But their main wealth is like a Russian domination in a wealth of many souls belong to the soil. How sparse would ever be scattered sensation in nature after removal of plants

from the kingdom of souls, how few will strip only as deer through the woods, as a beetle flying around the flowers, and we should nature really trusted to a Such desolation is, it, blowing through the breath of life from God? How different this is when the plants have souls and feel, not like blind eyes, deaf ears in nature stand in her so many times sees himself and feels as souls are in it, they feel, for how else God who hears the sentiments of all his creatures in a certain interaction and harmony, when the instruments are no longer available to each other in long intervals? Where one experiences at a concert of the poor people, they will now find it in the rich God? Is not it nicer, bigger and wonderful to think that the living trees of the forest itself as soul torches lit against the sky, as they only give Light to our stove in death? And therefore they should only grow so resplendent in the air? The sun itself can not make the world bright, without souls who feel their lights. How seelendmmerig so it would be sonnenbeschienensten in the forest, when the sun is unable to shine even souls of the trees. But can they, as a forest is like a living fire of God, who helps him brighten his nature. And the tree will one day really burnt, just as it escapes even last. Externally visible in flame, while inwardly glowing for God and for himself Of course, we can only imagine the way and we see nothing but directly from those flames soul of nature, but since we can think of it, why we did not want it? It also forces us no one aufzutun our outer eye from outer lights to warm us on outer flames. Why do we Use it? Because we like it so much better than sitting in the dark and cold. Well, in a dark and cold nature we sit, when we do not want to open up the inner eye of the mind before the inner flame of nature. Like it though someone better not to do it, who can resist it? And yet how much is what it should defend ourselves! Let us review once in connection throughout the life cycle of plants: as the juices sources such REGSAM in it, as it pushes to drive eyes and twigs and make restlessly on themselves, how they in the crown to heaven, and with the root the depth seeks, even powerful, without being their meadow someone there delay or how to get there, how they greet the spring with young leaves, the autumn with ripe fruit, a long winter sleep, and then begins to create from Fresh, the drying, the leaves and hangs in the freshness she straightens; refreshed themselves on ropes, as a creeper umherkriecht to seek the support, - like the flower rests quietly hidden only in the bud and then comes a day when it opens up to the light, how it smells emanate starts and enters into exchange traffic with butterflies, bees and beetles, such as the sex is in her brisk, morning they are opens, the evening or closes before the rain, turning the light, - and it seems to me that it is still difficult for us should, all this swelling and swelling at the inner and outer circle of life change so rich to think in vain, barren, empty for the sensation. Of course, there are no signs of the sensation of a man, a cat, a sparrow, a fish, a frog, a worm, what we see here, there are signs of the sensation of a fir, a willow, a lily, a carnation, a moss. But the spiritual life of the plant should not repeat that of the animals, but complementary. And it is not enough analogy in those signs of life even with our own to even see the plants as our soul mate? We were not so overly proud of our legs, that we hinlaufen about them and they prostrate occur when there was enough back to have legs to even one soul priority to run. Yes, the plants could run

and scream like us, no one talks to them from soul, all those varied and delicate and quiet character of the soul, they give of themselves, do not weigh as much to us as those coarse, we miss them, and but the plants are probably just dumb for us because we are deaf to it. But we tell himself from a plant that is in the drought, they look sad, she panted, languish. But because we should feel more of the mourning, the panting, longing that plant than themselves, that we may look quite happy there, while she hangs the leaves and is about to pass? It seems to her but after all the characters to go closer than us. And why do we never tell just from an artificial flower that they anlache us as a living, be it ever so similar to the living? Why else than because we sense a soul only really laughing at this and not that? Christ rebuked the Jews who demanded signs and wonders to believe, we are not worse than the Jews, we really see the signs and wonders of a living soul, and yet do not want to believe in them? What else do we want to see in order to believe? We now lead us once all moments of life that a circle closer before our eyes and hearts to where the flower bud opens up. As previously urged all in the life of the plant back to that moment, and it seems apart on a powerful, sudden, glorious surprise them when starting out now what they merely sought only in the dark, developed, without quite knowing which it applies, receives at once in open cups as a gift from above in full castings, an example of what will be once received for our work at the higher of the higher, when the soul is breaking even our body. Or are we now compare it with earthly events! Probably doing the flower against the light differently than what appears like a colorful flower also on human body, as the eye opens for the first time against the light? She folds her well sealed, packed together in the bud leaves else apart as the butterfly its only sealed, packed together in the doll wings? It seems as if nature has just given us in the eye and fracturing in erupting Butterflies real sensation in the on-and flower erupting outward signs of feeling, we were the only sensation sealed thereinto laid? As if nature is not more powerful and richer and deeper gifted with sealing force would be when we, we could give her something that she wore not much heart intimately in it, not all of our densities even only a pale reflection of their feelings would worein course our self is not received with incoming, but alone. So much feeling, as we like to think ourselves into the blossoming flower, she has certainly least, even more certainly, anyone who does not feign a sensation she has deeper and more powerful than any other they can not watch it. However, I do not mean that it is only in the heyday of that sensation of the plant wake, which is probably some who believed it to be quite generous, have granted her. And moreover, it was a pretty dark thing that little feeling, what would life there, probably darker than our darkest dream images. But the strength and clarity, for now set aside, why should not believe that when the plant feels in bloom, it feels even before flowering, when I do not doubt that the butterfly which feels as a butterfly, I already perceives as a caterpillar? The plant before flowering state is but a way in a similar situation against their future state flower. It only wake with the flowering shoots new meaning and life in it, which give all previous overgrown, juices and forces a different direction and use, which then of course her whole life is another

condition. To make a small digression, are flowers and insects, especially butterflies, ever quite strange parallel at the same time and complementarities, except that the flower, still retains its former life level by exceeding the same as a base among themselves, while the butterfly his earlier life stage completely stripped, or rather, has lifted with him and in him. The plant soul to her body builds as a staircase whose summit is the flower that remain untern stages, the butterfly flies apparently his former level up, but carries it basically up into the air and makes it just as to a higher, therefore it disappears as deeper. The caterpillar lives of the herb that is her picture, the butterfly of the flower, which is his image. So both close, butterfly and plant, only together from their life circle. A reminder of the hereafter may make it again. The caterpillar is that with which she has worked in lowly state, raised to higher level in a higher light realms again, so man like the circle of life, in which he lived here, even one day lifted to higher state find, but as the butterfly then may wander over a thousand other flowers, it may one day be with us. The plant likes it hurting when the caterpillar eats away at their leaves. You certainly thinks: the evil caterpillar! But then when the butterfly comes to flower, it may do you as sweet as it does him. But the plant had not previously fed the caterpillar with pain, the butterfly could not bring her some day desire. So we can think that what we sacrifice others in this life with pain, once returned to us in the future life in joy of angels. But if we thought ourselves, the flowers in the garden no longer empfnden just like paper flowers, it would also certainly nothing with these and other beautiful images, these images would be even paper flowers. How much would remain unenjoyed in nature, if not the plant cup the cup would be to draw it, we can, which themselves do not drink from these cups, of course guessed difficult, but some of it is still open to us enough before it from our standpoint be overlooked. To sum up briefly drawn from their life circles a few points more closely. What animal makes a dew drop something and it shakes it off and hides from the rain. Also we scold, we have to wade in the ropes, planting umbrellas on to protect us from the rain, the plants, however, are as sported umbrellas to catch him every leaf spreads to makes you feel even hollow it; just the flower, more destined for a life in the light, is inclined to conclude against the rain to after the more beautiful to open again, and the whole plant is after the dew and rain of refreshing characters. But all this is nothing to us. What we call refreshing the plants should only be a beautifying expression for the swelling of a spongy cellular tissue, its rain and dew merely there to make disgusting wet. The farmer would be of course also about the rain, because otherwise he comes to his harvest, and we do, because we had rain clears the dust and the Nature gives a fresh view, but that is only indirect pleasure, save us not the question by beings also look directly at dew and rain. But now both fit together in the most beautiful. The farmer would be because of the rain and promoted the growth of his crops as a remote means of his desire is, well now, the seeds of their own prosperity will just look right there. We would be delighted if the dust from roads and fields is washed

away, and it is again a distant center, our desire to promote, what grows in these pathways and in these areas, will be immediately pleased that the dust is washed away by himself . Nothing prevents, to think, once it no nerves need to feeling that when the dew drops in the morning is on the plant, they like feeling a beam spot cooling, and when ascends the sun to the Sonnenbildchen it like a beam spot feel the heat, and then feel it gradually wegleckt the dew. A cute game of emotion, which can not take place on a flat animal fur, so this just shakes fur from the dew drops, so does the plant their hands hollow hand. The splendor and magnificence, which has the beperlte meadow outside for us is, I think, merely an outward reflection of the soul joy that she has inside. It's so much nicer to think that it was so, but now I can not find the slightest obstacle to think that it was so true. And why should we prefer to tell a soul for drink water by itself, if it is up to us to make a soul drink of water? As with dew and rain, it may be with the wind. It would be much more of it blow away in vain if the plants no more than we have discernment of his labor. So they protect themselves with no houses, no coats, no hiding place, however, but are freely outside, bend and tend to sway and tremble in the wind. That they are rooted in the earth, the same is still a very different amplifiers attack on them than on us, until the shock reaches the roots and leaf trembles and roars. I mean that the plant probably still like this carry a stronger sense, as if the wind takes us through his hair. Our hair is dead parts of ourselves, the leaves of plants but living, our soft, structured articulated parts are not as suitable for receiving the shock and propagate through, as their rigid stem or stalk. We only have a small drum in us, which is firmly stretched and trembles on the air waves. The plant is drumming through and through such an eardrum to the wind, and we hear the sounds outside the whistling of the wind through the leaves of the trees as the plant likes the different feel on the inside. You remember that no one hears it but us, when we chew a hard crust of bread while we inwardly very much to hear it. Even in seemingly calm air when it snows, we see up and down the snowflakes flying back and forth. What we feel of this air movement? We have no organs to do so. The plant is probably very institution on, the slightest movement of air brings but a slight vibration and bending her out, working through the whole thing, because not only the vibration, the bending does it. Here is a leaf bent so a way will also constricted, and the juices have throughout the whole plant, be it so little, go different. The wind rustles through the woods more, even taking ourselves quite involuntarily feel the spirit of nature rustle through.And in truth now the trees and flowers of a great soul harp strings have come played by the wind. Each string has a different sound to it, because each is built differently to it, and God will hear the general game in itself. Think of the fragrance. Further How sweet it seems to us, but all will be lost scent, which not coincidentally comes in a our noses, this little part of us, however, the flower is quite censer? Everyone feels there is something indescribably Lovely, Lovely in the scent of flowers, but it remains for each an indescribable minor matter, we cost more of its loveliness, as we know how to enjoy it, and not one minute we like the nose of a flower hold, we are fed up and move on, on and on, however, smell

the flowers, as they would have to meet a stable business. Is there a smoke brought a sacrifice to God? But what can serve God a sacrifice that is not brought to him by a soul? Inexplicably, more than half in vain everything when the fragrance of flowers, not much more for its own sake is merely to of others, not for its own sake because, if what we are facing are the flowers of life as externally, enjoy his candy more than a further accents of of what is enjoyed in the flower of life itself. Who ever heard sing a sweet song, of which the one who sang it, no longer felt as the one who heard it, especially if it is not a kindred soul? So we will not even think that the flower the inner Development and outflow of the sweet scent of her heart with greater fervor than we feel his outward inflows? Now pour a cup yet also this fragrance in a thousand other chalices, and a chalice receives it back from a thousand other chalices. As an invisible mist the scent from flower to flower, and the wind still blowing him far beyond hedges and brands. Is this too vain? Not only is hereby fully explain why the flowers smell on and on, however, no one goes in the garden? Go to one another so that they themselves, however they seem to have been determined. Each flower soul like by what comes from the other flowers at her window, receive a perception of what is going on in each other flowers soul as the words we hear, produce corresponding feelings in us, as those with whom they others speak. Words are also excited ended only from the interior sensual messengers, why it should be less fragrances? Words for us, fragrances for the plants, which of course does not know now to be transferred to intellectual things like words, but there is only one into thinking with and of other souls, not a feeling? Although there is also odorless flowers, but not too dumb animals? Certainly we see no special nose to smell the flower, but how it is built entirely as a chalice, emanate fragrance, it appears quite built to receive it again so freely and widely and openly and simply spreads it. Let us remember only that we do not know in the least what our own inner nose area capable of smell, why should not the inner surface of flowers just as well be capable? With us and the animals, the organ of smell is hidden, for this we have in the convoluted turbinates special devices to increase the odor-receiving surface, the plants were not required of such artifices, just because the whole flower is open for receiving the odors. What more self-fulfilled one main purpose, it can always be done in a simpler clearer form than what other things must be subordinate as a side part. The smell takes us to the taste, and why we should not plant these trust in their own way, as so many would remain ungeschmeckt in nature, if it's not just the plants tasted? Man, the animal enjoys herself only plants and animals, the plant enjoys everything that people and animals do not like, so most like what they despise the most. So we have here again a Supplementary, except when the animals still able to taste the plant, and only one-half, if they can not. Now we see, moreover, that each plant depending on its nature, a selection is made among the nutrients. For the same ground several plants absorb Miscellaneous, the doctrine of crop rotation proves it into greatness; trials of Sciences have demonstrated on a small scale. Not every plant tastes the same as any animal does not taste the same. Of course, the plant has his teeth, no tongue, but is not every root fiber, every leaf, which she licks and food

costs, a tongue? Because we know that it is nourished by the leaves as well as by the roots. And why chew the food, if they know how to deal with those without teeth? One says: that the plant feeds on dead inorganic substances, speaks not so sure that she can carry off a lively sensation as the animal that already enjoys become organic substances?The plants which provide only the dead to transitions into life before, but this process is even still on the intermediate stage between life and death. But I ask: it does not reveal more vitality, make the dead to life, converting the living? The plant makes raw earth, water, air, and rotten materials magnificent shape and color, the animal has only a few left to do, and then to convert the already fallen prey to the life of a substance in itself. But everywhere we see that, depending on the organism something strange occurs, the greater the life effort will be needed to cope with it, the more inclined it is to arouse sensation. So, I mean, we have the laws of our organism are looking to look not less but rather more sensation in the assimilation of nutrients in plants than in us. We finally summarize what may be the highest for the plant, the light in the eye again. Also our eyes are sensitive to the light, this is not unenjoyed, although the plant was enjoying any of it. But how different it may be enjoyed by the plant whose life culminates in the light of life? Who of us likes to look at the sun with straight eyes? Not the sun, only what it considers, we dare to look at. Yes, if it seems to us on the vertex, we put on hat or cap. It is similar to the animals as a whole. Even the eagle by flying to the sun, pulling his eyelid over the eye. The flower is happening but totally against the light on, so is the light opened, and the light shines on them, the more, the more it opens up, however, we close our eyes more so, however, and it thrives wonderfully and happy is if you only afterwards again, the refreshment of rain and dew. But let's leave all that again do not apply to much. It should only be beings who see besides the sun off, allowed to bask in the sunshine of the waste. But rather I mean, who can only look away next to the sun, just proves that it is a minor matter you shine more than the one who wants to see straight into it. It is true that the plant again not an eye, built like ours, not devices that an image of the objects and does not derive as in our eye. But why do they need it? It has just not to run after the objects, not long after as we do. We must of course be guided by an image of the objects. To her everything comes by itself what it needs. But instead of the objects which the sun shines, it would be bescheinenden the sun itself, and to be at the same time even the sunlit object. Instead of letting a colorful picture of the objects to paint on, as happens on our retina, they painted themselves in the colorful sunrays these incarnated, so to speak, in itself. Light plant, forcing it color from; cook it in her nectar and fragrance, it ferments, it swells everything in it, they kindled in him an increased feelings of their own screened existence, and herein also the effect of a Supreme about yourself inherent in it. She looks by looking into the sun, so to speak, their God face to face in the fullness of his glory, and the sun is indeed truly a shining eye of God, in which she looks and what he looks at her again. Even Schelling said the plant would have consciousness, they would adore the light as their God. Well, she has no equal developed consciousness, as our's, but they may

gain a sense in the beam of the sun as it rises above its usual sphere before us as the inclusion of the divine in the mind. - The following do pretty remark I read in Hegel's Philosophy of Nature (p. 425): "In the evening, when you step on the morning side on a flowery meadow, you can see a few, maybe no flowers, because all of the Sun are facing, then emblazoned on the evening side all full of flowers Also in the morning on the lawn when it's early. we see coming tomorrow, no flowers, only when the sun casts, they turn toward the east. " - Is not quite as if the flowers of the meadow were common evening service and then, with his face still turned against God, fell asleep? But God will not let her sleep, they always fall in its Search and find their joy in going along with him. So he goes at night secretly behind her and she wakes up in the morning with a general bills and asks where I am? And every head turns, until they found him, and now goes Daily with him. It is true that not all plants with the flowers look straight into the sun, as there are many who tend to, yes some of it, they open or close the evening and the morning before the morning there. Think of the Queen of the Night. 2) But it is also not to say that every individual and every kind in Flowery bring it to the highest peak of the light life, the highest of its kind in reach of only a few people. As there are few who turn their whole soul to God, how few will earn one day to see it whole. It is enough, but that the opportunity should be taken in the flower kingdom, to go to the biggest and most full enjoyment of light, but nowhere else. Some flowers may be too sensitive to the light, as some nocturnal animals, but the fact itself that each flower is this different and peculiar behavior, as every person and every animal is peculiar to behave against their sense stimuli, suggests that light is actually such a stimulus for the plants.

The Queen of the Night Cereus grandiflorus, opens oneself at 7 clock in the evening and closes around midnight, with this unique flower it is dismissed. The flower of Mesembryanthemum noctiflorum hand several days in a row to open at 7 clock in the evening and closes at 6 or 7 clock in the morning again. Also there are other like flowers. (Decand. Physiol. Plant II, p 27, 28)

How much more importance may have the light for the plants than for us arises out of the direction they take against it, including the fact that there is so much more powerful alters their whole life process as our own. We do not grow differently, we do not breathe differently in the light as off the light. Without a trace and ineffective slides the sunbeam through our skin, the eye is only sensitive to subtle charm. But the plant over its entire surface feel the charm of light, such as the lack of this stimulus. He it is who they turn green, it is he who makes them flourish, for without light every herb remains pale, wants to develop any flower. Without light, increasing its evaporation, the herb stops air of life to give, the shoots are long and narrow and pale, instead of strong strong and bitter substances produce only bland and

sweet. Any other color beam has another effect on the life process of plants. The flower guy leading a life in another light as the green herb, it breathes differently in 3) , it is colored differently, otherwise it unfolds. Now we find in ourselves, that the more important and necessary is an appeal for the preservation and flourishing of life, the more also depends on its mediocrity, lack or abundance of the normal way of life or the emergence of special needs feelings from that with the lack or abundance life of stimulus related, the more certain every amendment of the stimulus is perceived at all. Thus we can assume also that the light will have the most significance for the sensation of plants, in a different type of flower as the leaves.

The bloom consumed oxygen in the light, while the herb developed such.

One could indeed argue that the fact that the flower is so open and safely presents the sunbeam, talking just the most against a significant sensitivity of the same for the light, for that we have blinded our eyelids close to the sunlight, applies to us just as the clearest sign of a great sensitivity for it. But we see closer, so it is taking a greater insensitivity only a greater conservation of sensitivity, which we recognize in the plants. In fact, the lighter endurance of sunlight on the part of the plant depends only that her with her allverbreiteten excitability of the light is not even for a single location, such a light concentrating apparatus is added as us in the lens apparatus of the eye. By this image of the sun with power on our retina, only with us irritable for the light spot focused, we feel of course a huge glare, the plant offers without such a magnifying glass to the light irritable everywhere represent, but it is precisely for this reason the over-stimulation of a single place not easily subject. We are thus in a certain sense they do against a serious disadvantage. Because we have the ability to perceive light, lost greater part of our time, only a bit of eye, the piece had now come to the aid of artificial, so we got the lenses of our eyes, this will help but slightly again much, however, and it took again artificial remedies. For the simple open free movement of plant with the artificial light was needed, however neither Collection nor anxious protection and Korrektionsmaregeln.Of course, that trick of the eye, we have merely to collect values from other things than light, and to arrange it in the image, but only for us, it is this value that no one would be for the plants. After all, you will say, but how, the highest, to claim what would surely only the plant, which is still standing in any case lower than we resolve an appeal of our sensation, and now they will do so much stronger and richer feel than the people and animals! So yes it would be rather higher than we, and we should be there, rather, the only hints of this and that the feel what she feels all sides, fully. And in fact, I believe that the plant is greater than we are, just a lowly kingdom. Precisely because it lacks a higher spiritual life, may be the lower, the meaning of life flourished to such a degree of development at her, we lack. With us the meaning of life is to serve the higher life only in the plant it drives his own business. It is a mistake if we think that the nature of a creature par excellence in every relationship is deeper than else. Does it's all over, it's just to raise the lower

level to a peak for yourself. So the turtle flies over yet in some ways the eagle; she smells the water without seeing it, and the woodworm white and feels much better than humans, he is just there, that even the wood will taste, whereas the human tongue blunt 's. I mean, the plant lives as valid and unfinished with earth, water, air and light, that they may well be very open-minded for the sensation of all changes therein; stir but really all in their life process inside. But as they are not far does with all of their actions through the room, it may with its sensation not go far through time, not before, nor after, nor to think, do not think at all, but then living in the present , sensual and receiving striving against. Also shows in some images you may leave. I interpret this position the plants here only, it will be later (XIV) more about it and can say it. It is certain that if we want to save only a few traces of feeling for the plants remain of the strongest and most beautiful reasons for their soul even trace; yes it would no longer be worth the effort even to speak of it. Because that one looks so well that these strongest and most reasons are the beauty and binding force of a selfrelated rich vibrant view of nature, which we incur when we a developed inner life in all its relations, where the human and animal life, a gap , emptiness and incompleteness can know additionally add to it. And how big would this gap if they did not fill the plant kingdom. This is only natural to full flower, but we want to wrest from her the fullness of the leaves and leave only a few stamens. And be it even that we were perhaps a little too much in the plants, so it's just a cheaper fee for that one certainly too little for so long sought in them.

V. Character of the plants.

Each plant seems every one against another in the light of a living individual character differences, which certainly distinguishes itself better in the immediate impression that can distinguish words. Consider Auricula and Primula, they are of one sex, and each makes it a whole other face. Ivy and wine appear related, and yet what a different character! Now even remote Detached: a rose, a lily, a tulip, a violet; - an oak, a willow, a birch, a fir, - how shall put it all so determined. And yet each is so completely agree with the character, so completely out of one mold. Plant everything in a delicate and fine, in a lush full of everything else, all in a strict and rigid, in another all soft and pliable, which is a divisive and again and always divisive, divisive and spltend again, the other degree is' and simply stretching; Although opposites in many place, but this well tied back to a general impression. All of the words but not reach it last, and how many plants is it, for whose character we will stand no word aptly to bids, while he yet again expresses itself in the most definite sense of our intuition. It is herein do something very similar in character as an expression of different people, so that even quite arises the tendency for mutual comparison of himself. So the rose is compared with the blooming girl and the blooming girl with the rose, the lily is like a white angel among the flowers, and we compare the pure angelic girl happy again with the lily, so remember the vain Queen and the tulip , a humble kid and a violet, a strong man and an oak tree easily and willingly together. (Think of Freiligraths poem: the revenge of the flowers.) Vain, however it would be to try to

find all plant characters reversed in human characters, or, flowers, trees are just no people, only here and there we remember a predominating reference , but the peculiarity of the other neither expresses nor fully revealed, but it it does not come on, but that any character drawings of plants and people confront each other as equals in the whole and with such vivid reference points in detail. Now the character expression in man is nothing but the outward expression of his inner soul essence. The unit and individual peculiarity of the human soul pulls himself together in this expression, comes to the surface, is reflected in a different soul into it. As we come to an analog expression in plants without something analogous, what expression to accept; expressed to find the unit and individual peculiarity of nothing here, a mirror image where nothing behind to see here? They say it is the expression, a reflection of the divine idea, which appears here. Well, yes, but it is a divine idea where nothing behind it. Just that not merely in a general spirit Broken Hendes that a self is there, unfolding by itself is alive, shaping, representing the character of the plant must be kept extremely. In fact, it behaves quite differently in this respect with the plants than with our artwork and appliances. Even in these, they should themselves represent nothing but lifeless, you can of course something individually find characteristic and what makes them appear from one mold, something Fine, Petite, Ponderous, Bold, Elegant, nasty thing to a spiritual or psychic of the same character recalls. But we know it has planted over from the hands of the people there, and it carries the human character, because it is assumed his character. But the plant has made himself or has been made by God as man; her character expression can not therefore relate to an alien, but only in a peculiar soul, because God is the creator of shareholders souls. This is related, that the interest which we take the flowers in life and in poetry, a much livelier, is cozier than what we assume a statue, a painting, which after all may claim any higher more spiritual interest. With what care and love some girl pulls her flowers in a pot at the window, and it pours, and it washes off the dust, and turns it to the light, and asked the gardener how to make it right so, a Auricula or Pelargonienzucht makes many a similar pleasure as another one pigeon breeding. Statues, paintings to decorate our room probably form our minds, but even not so live with us. It is said that the resemblance to the actually living seduces us, plants grow and drive, it looks like from life, pictures and statues do not. And in fact that explains, but at the same time makes the difference, not deceived us, but leads us. Just because the plant life grows out and drives, the painting, the statue does not arising merely by a different hand, one can's assume also in respect to the soul, the soul that is inside the statue is merely a stranger, in the flower is a own. Nature has just the advance before men, that their works of art, ds, animals, plants, themselves are living. Everyone is welcome to, that if the child is just as alive and feeling talented as the mother was not the mother might also have no living love and joy in it. And it seems to me to lie in the same link that we could not care with so much soul for the flowers to us, as we do, if they had not even so much soul undisputed but they still have far

more than our interest for it betrays but because the flowers are used only to us afar off, as we could so easily understand the expression of her soul as the mother of the child. But there is still so much because of it to also build the circuit for several can. Will not go into the mind of all that? Well, we prove to him that he involuntarily but does. Even philosophers have, without the thought of a real soul of plants under set, which in its nature independent of character and bustle of the human mind by the analog of the plants described, so yet again found the expression of the one in the other. "Just as the plant," says Lotze, in his treatise on the conditions of artistic beauty (p. 55), "developed from their germs all parts of her figure with his own inwohnender driving force winds and clouds and they never make it something else, as their purpose was, so is every single soul rests entirely on himself, a whole cast of the whole, which can indeed break outside influences in her strudel, but not change in its essential core. " - Well then, I say, when the mind is so in and out drives like a plant, why can not I just be a mind that driving the plant? And ibid (p. 38) states: "With the same inclination of her formative impulse, which sprang from the simple shapes of leaves, only to an ever higher ground of their work, the plant develops the more spiritual forms of the flower and even the combined outlines of the fruit, as well as any development will have to be ever considered as a gradual enrichment and deepening of an original thought in itself. " It would be easy to find in other philosophical writings parallel passages to the past, which I only just presented themselves unsought in now to read. That they originate from a writer who is accustomed to associate at all sensible and thoughtful consideration to sharp results, like the way we talk to it that also mind and spirit come together in more than a random manner. In humans and animals depends on the characteristic physiognomy which belongs to them, also a characteristic of various internal construction, a characteristic order and way of life processes. Economy requires a different mind at all a different body economy expressed or carrier, and the general shape of the train indicated only externally, the peculiar cohesive and final unit of this inner eye on the economy. And just as it is with humans and animals with the plant. A human artist though probably leads all its forms, as characteristically different they may be, with hatching in the same manner from, each different plant form but, like any animal form, internally differently hatched out with cells, fibers, tubes, otherwise also run the juices; otherwise the forces act. And not only between different species, such as oak, willow, tulip, carnation such differences occur, but even between different individuals of the same species; less clear than between species, as well as Negro Negro, from mouse to mouse less clearly ruled out as a negro from the white, mouse, rat or lion. Now the whole plant body as everything the soul needs to represent both uniform and variously; why should the soul itself is missing? Of interest, the character variety of plant individuals of the same type the following remarks seem to me in respect to others Candolle's (Physiol. II, p 21): "Regardless of the caused by the species natural causes to change the heyday, there

are still others who seem to depend on the individuals themselves; approximately in the same way one perceives significant differences between individuals of the same species in the animal kingdom, which are apparently subject to the same influences in the table Adansons. 1) , we see that certain vulgar Fliederstruche (Syr.) flourished when the sum of the heat was 620 degrees, 830 degrees, and that others needed;. further that certain Esparsettestauden (Hedys. onob . L.) flourished after 1100 degrees of heat, and others not until after 1400 disputed that those differences stirring frequently ago by differences in the locations of the plants,., such as from a protected or even cheap from north winds capable of a flowing past the roots watercourse etc ., in some cases, these modes of explanation but seem quite inadmissible It is, for example, rarely that one in a squat with Rokastanienbumen walks where all the trees seem to have the same situation, certain individuals should not notice that sooner annually. or later than the rest of adding foliage and sooner or later bloom. In my time tightly stood in the botanical garden at Montpellier two Rokastanienbume next to each other and therefore in the same conditions as possible, yet flourished one of these trees before any other of the Ganges and the other at the very end. I know a Rokastanienbaum near Geneva (at Plain Palais), which is one months leafy all the years before, and to as much earlier flowering than all the rest, yet without any peculiarity of its location could explain the earlier development. A similar observation find themselves I set down in a book, which is not as demonstrating common among scientific works A witty stranger says in his Souvenirs (the Mmoires de Constant beige prints, Volume VI page 222.):. "I would accuse me of life, when I opportunity unused to tell an observation which I repeat every year when I find myself at the beginning of spring in Paris. Among the Rokastanienbumen of the Tuileries, which rise above the dome-shaped statues of Hippomenes and Atalanta, there is one whose leaves developed before that of all the other trees in Paris. On this tree I make now already at least 25 years, and I never catch him on a negligence. Yes, want something more to say, as some people I spoke of this tree one day, so I showed them the nmliche observation in the manuscripts of her grandfather written, the name of the site you could see that quite the nmliche tree was meant I had observed. "

The calculation of the degree of heat is conducted in a peculiar way (Decand. II 16), which it is not necessary to discuss here where there. merely a comparison of the General to do.

Also here is the following remark by Fritsch in his treatise on the periodic phenomena in the vegetable kingdom P. 62: "One does not often two nuclei of the same species, which appears to be the same voice, which two organisms develop, one of which weak and feeble, after a short time powerless fades away, while the other strong and vigorous developing and expressing influences resists, regardless of both nuclei are developed under the same local and climatic conditions and an equal care from the hand of nature or of human partakers were hidden. deep are the causes of these phenomena, and their research is related to the question of what plant life there,

so intimately together that long you might remain unrecognized influence on the evolution of plants. " What I run far, I only went only in fleeting trains through the soul, when I looked at the flower standing water, which gave the first occasion for all this considerations. And it was as if I saw the soul of the flower ascend even in a low mist from the flower, and more and more the fog, as the study of particular designed, and finally got the fine form of the soul clearly, even glorified, over the flower. You probably wanted to climb on the roof of their once thriving home to enjoy the sun better than in the house, there was the unseen believers are surprised by a human child. In truth, it seemed to me in all that I set out here; Institute so much, so much demand, and finally so much character and symbol of soul and feeling to rest of the plant, that I began to ask myself seriously, where is now are the grounds upon which they could be denied her, and I was astonished to find it but as weak as a whole. Probably be made an objection after the other one, the usual notion wanted to get right again; everything yet so different in flower than in humans and animals! It was like bad beetles crowded around the flower, and it seemed strange to the end shape that threatened them, the usual place to waste away, making an attack, and this sometimes pulled back shyly before. Now, of course, soul, inside is actually your place! Let everything out there buzzing around your house, unaware of the resident; inside you, no one can harm you. But as long as I am here, I will stop the enemies.

VI. Plant death and suffering.

I was hard at first to the idea, but as a little dies a natural death of all of the meadow grasses and flowers, ears of all the field, Of every tree of the forest, like everything that falls under the sickle, the scythe, the way and I asked myself: nature should have only as many creatures endowed with sensation to let all die a horrible death? But rather, they are merely to adorn and benefits for otherwise there is not, than to adorn themselves and grow to eignem purposes? - The same objection first met me when I spoke to a friend of my belief in the soul plants. No, he said, that would be too bad if the plants as animated beings, everything would have to let them to do, and could not even make an attempt to run away! Meanwhile, I looked the other hand, just as in the same countries where there is no more grass and tree dies a natural death, no hare, no doe, no sheep nor ox nor horse, yes, more nearly no one dies a natural death. For whoever will call it such, if man is tormented by cruel disease to death. You may try this, entering with the preponderance of human culture, circumstance to put the visitors as you want, but an objection to the sensation of creatures that are subject to this fate, you can not draw from it. Nature has created countless creatures with the ability indescribably varied pleasure, but to each asset, to live with pleasure, so does the risk of death linked with pain. That the plant can not even make an attempt to avoid impending doom, however, seems to us bad, but only from our point of view. If the soldier, captured in rank and

file, highlight the cannonballs closer and fall to man by progressively man looks so bad that it has seemed good though. He feels the ball more, perhaps even more than when it really hits him. But when the reaper comes through the field, so the ear does not know about his approach and the cut feels only when he really hits; otherwise and the man of many a fine imposed by a higher being destiny will suddenly hit him over, without his zest for life had been clouded for a moment through his foresight. This Unbesorgtsein the plant may even itself purely as a nice side of her, present, given up, life appear as a substitute for the fact that they must of course also higher pleasures that depend on greater foresight and allround view to miss.Because it is believed that it was better to mute mouse when the cat murders playing, so that they feel a hundred times already death before she suffers him as if she is killed by a blow of her paw? And what is our re Always run away from the dangers of death much different than repeatedly Weghuschen under the claws of a big black cat, of which we still know that we will finally succumb to her. Otherwise makes you look at the situation for the plants easy to bad before. Like countless trees and herbs still die a natural death in the wilderness, how carefully fruit trees and flowers from us are themselves kept in the garden. And if all the trees of our forests are finally defeated, there is a lot to prolong life, as has the average man. All fields are finally cut down, but what has yet to lose the wheat straw has become too? Has won it but before fertilization and good care of us. The grasses in the lawn mowing rather be shorn like sheep when slaughtered, because the floor of the grasses is not a yes, is excited only to new krftigern shoots. In general, when we tear off parts of the plant, which has not the same meaning as when we break away from us, because the plants are different than we are equipped to drive the stronger the cutting or tearing of individual parts other. Assuming a plant some flowers, which like the others arising therefrom fruits are formed only so complete. How this can be useful for trimming the portability of fruit is known. So you will not have so much to heart as picking a flower or breaking a branch. Also suffers from the plant initially something of it, it will be like. Using the suffering of the people, which serves wholesome to drive him to greater activity, which often avails him through the consequences more than the suffering harm directly - In addition one must consider very doubtful whether the plant when it also feels, the cut and the Cancel equally with pain feels like the animal, since all other terms of organization prevail here nor there. The ratios of the Schmerzempfnglichkeit are not yet elucidated. Even the animal does not feel the cut at some parts, but are just the main support of his soul activities. You can cut off large pieces of the brain without pain arises while suffering the mind and soul of other activities there. And even this does not suffer if you do not cut away too much, even by the other parts then represent the function of the removed.So you can also destroy an eye, and the man still looks excellent with the other. And so you will be able to tear off a single flower of a plant, without it probably feels very much the plant either directly by pain or other suffering, when their only other equally beautiful flowers remain, the engine in this is all the more increase. If one were to take their course, all the flowers, so it would be sad. But the people, it is also often sad, and you will not require that the plant had it better than

humans. The concern that we do not walk through the green more, view the mowing any lawn more, pick no more flower could not find disturbing touches us through the thought that this sentient creatures a suffering being done, will appear this way at a very reduced . But we are in such a relationship not so sentimental as well sometimes we want to imagine ourselves, and it would be just to save ourselves uncomfortable feelings that we wanted to write the plant no feelings - basically the whole point of objection - we would have expected it to something that is not actually there. Let us remember, as it not challenging us to know that we probably crush a thousand little animals on each walk, we without the least fit of painful emotions eat our meat, cook big pots cancers; hunt deer, rabbits, deer , shoot birds or lock in the farmhouse; insects gore for the sake of collection; flay frogs for experiments; beat in the air with his stick by mosquitoes; pour ants with boiling water, shake beetles and crush; flying on sticks with Fliegenleim to death leave you hangin. Most everyone scolds but only to what he himself is not wont to do in this regard. After this we will now probably can expect that we will make no great inconvenience and the thought of the woes that we want to add the plants in the pursuit of our purposes about. The man knows how to set up the like. He verspart his compassion for animals to cases where he has just no benefit to them or to kill pests, or just come as another benefit to himself this good. Since this compassion can sometimes be lively enough. And just as it would be even with the plants. Whether this is a laudable side of the people, need not to be examined; enough, it is, after all, and may thus be necessary in the natural concatenation of things. But if a person really learn to treat the plants a little gentler, because where there is no purpose commands to hurt them, it would be a disadvantage? I mean, quite the opposite!

VII The question of freedom.

The plant has no arbitrary free movement, it seems many already proof enough that she has no soul, and therefore feeling 1) . Because, they say, both feeling regarding a soul, and voluntary movement, starting from sticking together much, where is not one, the other can not be. The plant follows in everything that happens to her, pure laws of natural necessity. It may be a more complicated event than in unorganized areas, but so necessary, the plant grows in the order determined by earth, water, air, light and internal arrangement conditions of the seed direction as the planets go their way. A soul but wants freedom, self-determination.

How Autenrieth says in his views on nature and life of the soul p.332: "There lives a great organic empire of plants, without a trace of freedom or choice in the utterances of his life, without signs of existence of a soul"; and S. 223: ". Consider the plants, which can be attributed not Beseeltsein in their utter lack of any trace of free will"

Perhaps not everyone is so keen that objection. The necessity with which the plant grows, and with the planetary system is moving, but many do not appear equally valid, without that he therefore like to keep the plant for sufficiently free to keep them for a soul. But the more the objection loses its sharpness, it loses weight. What last one requires a peculiar kind of freedom to still find soul? No matter how you summarize the argument, we seek to fulfill the same in each version following manner. We will have to beware of all, do not our whole subject is misleading, the Confused, lost to enter into the strife, which the whole doctrine of freedom, the concept of freedom at the top, is still biased. The poor, plain silly plant soul would be bad to mute and probably themselves keep getting lost when suddenly so much erudite philosophers presented to them, and everyone began to examinieren in his way, whether and what she knew of the freedom and own that he himself explains just for the sole soul-making. What to say? She understands nothing of all questions. But I take it and wear it neatly out of the scholarly circles out from under the animals of the forest and field, with whom she gets along better, and ask a few simple questions to them, which is know to answer it well. In fact, it should be possible to keep everything clear and simple, and for this it to spoil neither determinist nor libertarians if we stay sharp only at the point at which it can only arrive after the whole system of our considerations, namely to show that the plant is worse off than the animals with regard to any of the actual circumstances which may be relevant in assessing the freedom to be provided in another form's. Who then explains the animals for free, and the plants will need to explain for free, those who not declared free, and how many are they who love the animals settle true freedom, then such is certainly not ascribe to plants, but also the animation can not demand of them, as he calls it not also of the animals to do so. Thus, the plant remains in all cases as good soul like the animals, one may define, deny or admit such and so far you want freedom in his peculiar philosophical interest; enough only that the usually with the words freedom, arbitrariness in the animals find themselves in respect set the tone for the plants, if not the same, but in equivalent. But let us beware to sum up the experience even as interpreted, since it is only a question of rather to draw from the experience of the interpretation. From which we infer as to the freedom of the animals that we care as much about their Beseeltsein to call again? From the fact that we as the animal and walk there, flying, screaming, see Foraging, without that we find sufficient inducements to outside, it looks a bit from the inside out, we can not calculate. But now we see a plant its buds, branches, blossoms float soon as soon as there, to this or that direction, we find that without sufficient external inducements to or could calculate any interior. Who wants to prove a plant, why this is the way its leaves and branches? The freedom manifests itself here of course in a very different sphere of activities as conducting the animals, but even within the animal kingdom herein is considerable scope instead. That depend on the plants more of a coercion by external inducements as the animals will not be claiming, as we see different plants under the same external conditions behave differently as well as various animals. But a plant has never quite

the same way their branches, leaves and flowers driven as the other, even if it was quite similar. Of course, it remains within any certain general, more or less of certain rules relating to its nature, but also as each animal, and it can only run as his legs, just eat as it's beak has grown. Of course, the plant is co-determined by the motions of growing, bending, folding its parts that makes them, by external stimuli, light, air, moisture, soil, but also as each animal.How much its movements by the Temptations and push back the end of external stimuli are also determined; just not alone, as even at the plant. Of course, one might think, the plant possible that effect of external stimuli, taken together with the conditions that are internally under construction, the establishment of the plant, its behavior under certain circumstances, all very necessary, but again very well with the animals. Because it has less complicated internal conditions such as the plant exhibit, express their access to everything that would be able to perhaps explain what can not be made dependent on the outside alone? On the contrary, it has even more, which explains the possibility of common ground and still mannigfaltigerer verwickelterer activities with him. Will you therefore deny in this way the plant freedom, so you can while there certainly, and I myself am completely of the opinion that there is no obstacle to do it, but it is quite the same way, which leads to them also the animals deny, and as yet still feeling the animal instinct and feel, so you will be able to concede that even the same plant as well. Freedom in the highest, in the moral sense is not disputed at all, no one want to enclose neither the animals nor the plants, if not out of this freedom was all necessary conditions in the world is to be in greater demand than even some of the moral freedom itself as inner need to know to take. Certainly in any case is freedom, arbitrariness in ordinary lower senses not so anxious to be taken thing that, in a backlying might need to think about picking up their appearances are not without danger of conflict with higher interests. Even a madman who shoots hinrast in blind, we put it in, if it is not tied up, but to give it that basically something from the inside out Necessary end drive him and talk to him not feeling sensation from. I think what you have to ask much for a creature in terms of freedom to ascribe soul to him, is actually just this, that it feel to drive at certain activities than his own. This is sufficient.Whether the drive then this feeling is caused by necessity or not, you can still investigating, but as the round will be the answer also, pull no evidence against the existence of the soul of it. Only a double view of the nature of free dnkenden soul can emerge from it. The hungry fox grabs the hen, that he does it, perhaps quite necessary for its establishment and existence of the hen due, maybe not, because I decide nothing, even though I'm on my part the first opinion, but it comes here just nothing it on. That he feels the urge to grab the hen as his, in a similar sense as a person who is subject to a sensual appetites, this feels lust as his makes his actions always arbitrary, freely lower, vulgar sense, as for a souled being is his call, but also suffice. May therefore also the plant of necessity without any greater freedom of their leaves and branches drive to where they the same just drives; wofern they also just feels as her own, feels necessary, end in itself, as the animal just to drive to when it's claws-extended fans, puts his feet while running, it also drives their

leaves and branches in the same spirit free, arbitrary, and where would be a sign that this is less the case for the plant, but rather the shape of the bustle is settled , anything analogous to the animals. Has not even the commonality of the term drive for us, the animals and plants on a Community out there? In shoots wants something out of us, or do we want even our present state out; inform the soul has the feeling but whether the engine a being completely swept along, which is not grown to take for the purpose, like us, or, as the plant grown can not be completely carried away, it drives you to extend beyond themselves to all sides, where there is something to gain for them, that does not change the nature of the shoot, and the feel of it, in both cases be the same strong and alive. It has the same contrast of when you think to yourself that the plant, rather than a game of friendly forces to be extended to where a stimulus or she drives the inner life force impels them would get strained or bent by an external force. Then no sense would undoubtedly be present in their own instinct. It is the same difference if our arm is stretched by a play of forces we are even, or another man stretched him, the former case is associated with a feeling of one's own drive to the latter is not. Why should it be any different for the plant? In addition, both cases may be subject to the same necessity, if one is only the element of coercion from the inside and from the outside otherwise. These observations do not in artificial light, but bring in truth only the objective relation clearly to the fore, which is clouded in the ordinary way of looking through the circle that we already hold the plants already for soulless towards the animals, so their doings from the outset of the point of a soul need looser grasp than that of the animals. However, shows at putting away all preconceived opinion that the need is not in the least proven as in animals at all in plants, so probably they may be with them but that this probability the animal and the plant relates to the same, and even so it proved to be would that nothing is proved against a drive by soul, if not to the same categories of dependent origination necessary or not necessary. Last believes every being free to act when it acts according to his pleasure, because this is related to the feelings of the shoot together for a cause. But it delights in this or that depends itself on its physiological and psychological means. The most direct and decisive, the character of the action of free shoots or for pleasure in the animal speaks of the fact that it reached an expenditure of internal forces him favorable living conditions, which seeks to escape unfavorable. By running it for food, it feels, what it does run then. Why believe less that the plant when it grows for food, feels, making it grow there? Attracted only externally makes it so little as the animal. The animal drives of hunger, the desire for good taste, why should the plant less hungry if their food is lacking; taste it less whether or not they find congenial congenial food? The effort to find the right food, are in any case not lower in the plant than in the animals, and very similar, except that the animal away entirely pushes the food, the plant parts of continued pushes the food: that the plant does not is passed through eyes and ears in their search, but by tentacles, they ausschickt on all sides. In fact, as far often stretches the plant roots, as she crawls around with it to find fertile soil. Where they are now is such, as it were, she suggests to her home, she

leaves the dry places, so often it seems to smell good ground to great lengths to find and through narrow crevices in walls or rock the way there, however, after the part the barren soil rooting underdeveloped. There are notable examples of it. It has even cases where the whole plant has thus moves from the spot and came to speak on the jumps of the animal. They do not prove more than where it will stop, but they prove the same thing quite clear. "Among the Ruins of New Abbey, Galloway Shire is a kind of maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), which surpassed even the wall, but forced by lack of space or food, they sent a strong root of the height of the wall, which contained the soil firmly sat down and was transformed into a strain, and after he had loosed the remaining roots of the height of the wall, the whole tree of the wall was sticking out and independently The tree was in this way from its original place, Lord Kainer commemorates. appearance, and the fact is undoubtedly true - a gooseberry bush, which stood in a corner of a garden in a meager, sandy soil, sent a branch in the direction of the better soil from which its roots einsenkte on the way there,., the original Busch died down, and the plant went forward to the better soil -. At Lake Como, at the Villa Pliniana, hanging roots are also perceive that crawled down the face of the rock, and tribes have become. " (Murray Fror. Distress XXXVIII. P. 278) It is not disputed, however, the plant can really smell the good earth from a distance as little as an animal can smell something from a distance, without anything from the length reaches him, if only for face or smell, or else the animal must as long groping walk around until it finds what suits him, as it then remains there. How to be with the plant, perhaps is it a musty haze that attracts the plants into fertile soil, perhaps, and more likely to send them so long to old pages its root fibers until they made good ground, then take them in strength to branch out and the other one go for it, and so it may seem as though the plant smelled good ground from a distance. The matter is not yet fully brought to terms. But which way it may be, on which the plant is her food, so they know to find those yet, even among animals there are very different ways of doing this. One can say, however, if one of such shape a plant looks to send their roots long and thin barren soil for food, the physical appeal of infertile soil on the appropriate counteraction peculiarly equipped plant sufficient already to explain this success on a purely physical way; it was not necessary, nor to seek a reason in the soul and drive it. But this is just another turn of the throw with the lack of freedom, and the same response heard it. Of course, you can say so, that one can only say it again in humans and animals quite well, if you want to interpret the phenomena afterward, and the whole plant may prove just as little, even if it is evidence, in short, the prior thing remains the same again for both. I also believe that with a view not usually so reprehensible seems that every spiritual down here also his bodily expression is directly itself, the opportunity to explain something just from physical or bodily mediations, the possibility of the declaration of intellectual reasons, not at all contrary, the basic mental demands yes but then also expressed in the corporeal. Who now will move to the position of wanting to be anywhere else but follow the expression in the corporeal, as is the view of the scientist, it can then, of course, but

he must so that the soul, which is also aware in the physical expression of other selfnot want to deny. Also, even my desire to long for a piece of bread, a biological process must indeed belong in the head, which stimulates the arm to move, we know the same is excited in the act of will from the brain. Now it could also come up a physiologist to deny the act of will of the soul, because he could make his point that the arm movement by physical processes depending in which the will expresses itself directly in the head, and he further back from the physical Facial appearance of the bread and the physical state of hunger of the body and the peculiar condition of the brain, which took place before the will could look related. As a physiologist he does perhaps all right to put it that way, but the man has another side than to the physiologist that this probably has to be unseen, why not also the plant? We can certainly physiologically blame everything on their inner bodily movements, but should not it therefore when these movements equally purposeful for them to show how the people. The substantive reasons that we like least supponieren the physiological connexion to love in such cases, but then we may just apply only as an expression of support or psychological reasons for a psychic connection, which is itself supported by that physiological. But of course there is a fundamental error of all our current view of nature is that we believe the spiritual can only always before or behind the bodily nature, but not directly to walk in his shoes, and as we always push one in the context of the other, we lose the connection that each has both in it than one in all the others. But I know very well that I will not change this here better. No matter what one may think about it, it is sufficient to note here only getting the real and crucial for us to point that all the prerequisite ability to explain purely physiologically at the plant everything so long can not prove anything against the working of a soul in it as a prerequisite same way in animals at very same reasons, there is, conversely, the cogency of this condition in plants is an entirely hypothetical as well as in animals. The release of some specific examples of how the plants are looking through a game of internal driving forces under the conditions of life corresponding to enable, will serve to explain more the previous. Professor Schwgrichen told me how he used to receive the message from the Mansfeld that a big excessive new Kryptogam been found with scaly stalks in the local mines, which probably grown to a length of 30 cubits beneath the earth upwards, without, however, to the back of the daylight to penetrate. Whatever it was, upon closer examination? The underground stem of a under ordinary circumstances a few inches tall plant, a Lathraea squamaria , it was common ground reached by the by chance a piece of the huge depth. Now the stem aspired to the light and grew and grew more and more, because he could not obtain it. Is not that, like someone whose whole effort is directed towards a definite goal, if he can not reach it, into the indefinite afterwards continued working until he finally reached it, or exhausted? Of course, it is not clear of the plant have envisioned what she wants, what she knew about the light? But they will have felt what they do not want, that does not remain under the ground, where they could get no leaves or flowers. Get out of this state, they will have driven. But why why grow up? How they knew that they could deliver

from the earth in which they initially still remained? But how does it know because the caterpillar that she has to cocoon to come out of its present track condition which might not comfort her? Only we do not know's how she knows it. Caterpillars and spiders but can feel the urge to pull strings off to achieve the purposes of the nature set them, how should the Lathraea, when she pulls herself up, be trusted to be a similar feeling on an occasion of falls under the same viewpoint. Mustel placed a jasmine floor ( Jasminuin azoricum ) in a flower pot behind a board that several holes (each 2 inches square in each 6 inches away from each other) had. The first stems grew into the light through the hole next to him. Mustel board and turned to pot, so that the grown through branch was turned away again by the light, because the light of the stalks grew through the second hole to again. Mustel repeated the process, and so the stems grew gradually, from one side of the board to the other back and herschlingend, through all the holes through (Mustel Traile de la veg. 101 II). Lock an animal, a human, and he escaped safely through the first or most convenient location hole that you can open, lock it again and he got away again through the most convenient location hole, as surely as it does the plant here, it unless it associations chains. That the plant is no less safe, perhaps even safer, does that speaks against it or ensure that it is as safe as we just feel the need of light and air of freedom? Would they even behind the sills, I would much rather believe that they did not care about the light, but now you feel because it forces, it should be any less sense? Glocker saw. as a densely packed on the edge of a forest in the bushes Stachys recta after barely a few inches vertically driven their stalks into the air to distract almost at once under a right angle and turning in the horizontal direction of the spot where the light through a small Opening of the bushes invaded reinforced, and in this horizontal direction they kept growing until it had reached the limit of the bushes where their outermost part, now had the full enjoyment of light, the vertical direction upwards accepted again. (Glocker, author of the action of light on the plants, p 25) Warren saw a potato foothills in a basement, which was only a little light through a small hole to pull 20 feet wide across the floor after this opening. (Mem of the american academy of arts and sc Vol II LI) That the plants in these experiments the light, not the air ENGAGED proves particularly the observation Tessier that if you install two openings in a basement, one of which is open and the air, but not the light allows access, the other with is provided a glass window, which allows the light held in the basement resistant plants stretching towards the latter opening, not against the former, (Lamarck et Decand. Florentino franc. 198 TI) We call it instinct, which teaches each animal to establish his movements so that its right living conditions are good to him, we do not know in what way teaches. What we all have different external appearances of an instinct in those aspirations of plants? Each animal is different because of his instincts, because it is different, each plant also does it. I bring some examples.

All the plants that grow in the ground, just push their roots down, the mistletoe does not bind to this need. 2) Why it served her well? It is rooted on other trees, and not just on the top, but just so much on the sides or the bottom of the branches, in which case you may even be necessary to drive the root upwards. And so she's doing well, by, as always, the surface of the branch may be directed against their rootlets perpendicular drives. Yes you hang a mistletoe seeds on a thread in a line distance to the side on a branch, so you can feel the rootlets even from this distance, where the road is, and is directed against the right or left, depending on whether the branch is. Of course, there is now growing and vertically against a wall of stone or iron, in which it still finds no food, and sow it mistletoe seeds on the surface of an iron ball, they all strive with the rootlets to the center than they could find in this direction what serves them. Their instinct deceives here. But that is different than when the hen wants to hatch eggs of marble, and the quail bird whistle instead of the cry of the female follows? The instinct is everywhere linked thereto, to be guided by physical impacts, and therefore also for circumstances to be deceived by it. Indisputably knows Mistelwrzelchen the branch at all the only way to see the wall from a distance, that air and moisture, and light and heat now from this side to act differently from the other, so it it no longer takes place at too great a distance. In general and on average in the circumstances of the instinct is still routed properly through these effects, because its equipment is calculated to, but like everywhere in generally appropriate facilities may in individual cases where the normal circumstances operate, even once an inconvenience arising therefrom. We now find this at the instincts of animals, so we can's of course where the plants do not want to have different.

Dutrochet in s Recherches

Also, the Moose, a quite different sort of plant sex as the mistletoe, drive their rootlets in any direction, always perpendicular to the surface on which roots them because they also grow on trunks and branches: but the other plants are so obstinate with the direction of their roots downward, that they after repeated reversal of the vessel, which is then filled it has sown as often redirect the direction of the rootshoots. Basically, the plants behave in general this only against the large grains in the globe as the mistletoe above mentioned attempts against the small ball, from which they have sown, by driving them round their roots to the earth to its center. Now we see that it is the nature of whether the ball is large or small, it does not depend on the size of the ball, but has for each size of ball their beings who know how to behave, however useful. On the previous one will be able to overlook how untriftig is what Autenrieth argues against the soul of the plants in the following way. 3) "Sometimes," he says, "although also shows the plant itself visible movements in some of their organs on the outer appeal, but only to such a stimulus, which has been cast on them, they may not like the animated animal, and choose the ones that are not yet there for them against a wet sponge extends toward a creeping plant their expiring tendrils, however. only after the water vapor have already been acted on, a thirsty animal also examined

as water, where there is none. "


views about nature and life of the soul, p 332

Now, however, also sought the Lathraea the light on before such acted upon, and the Mistelwrzelchen explores the area where the roots want it before it reaches such. But that they are destined by their inner nature and the establishment and influenced by external influences, is quite analogous to the animals. Perhaps makes the remark: Much going but also in us useful vonstatten like blood running and movement of the digestive organs, metabolism and nutrition, without that we feel something, so could therefore also in plants the doings of the roots and else to use, without feeling the shoot to take place. Be it. However, the movements of the digestive, blood overflow. etc. have, if not perceived itself, but then the only purpose to make us sent to other broad feelings and to receive, yes, it might not actually be the same for us the purpose of speech when they served merely as us throughout insentient bodies to receive. So put yourself in the hustle and bustle of the roots is no special feeling tied to the shoot, but we would have to assume that this would be the purpose of obtaining in other sentient beings in the plants. It is possible that there really was that all activities of the plants in the ground in a similar way only, so to speak, grant a soul dark foundation for the bright feelings that attach themselves to the bustle of the plants on the earth, as we also accept such a dark area into a bright areas against us, but these bright sensations even then we may not want to deny, not to blame the nature to have created beings acting without appropriate purposes for them. But now it's not even cogent to say that we perceive nothing of our circulation, digestive movements, etc., in clearly separate sensations they usually do not perceptible, whereas the overall normal force and life is essentially connected with the normal process with the same subject shows. You let these events suddenly stand still, and it's just as suddenly with all of life, not only in general but also in every sensation peculiar, because as the basis of life itself, this must be received with in any particular sensation. But if it is attached to show the ordinary course of those processes not certain sensations, such as contrast, occur immediately when something out of the usual track comes out in it. We then feel heat, cold, anxiety, fear, pain, cramps, hunger, thirst (even last-named in a normal return), whichever it either way goes about in our guts and in the systems of our circuit. So even assuming the plant did not feel anything special when their roots always find just the food, for which the plant is calculated on average, this would not exclude the possibility that if she wants anything to meet these conditions, it is now in a needs feel. Finally, the activities of the roots can not with the movements of our digestive organs and blood all together, if taking place in the interior of operations with respect to already recorded in our fabrics, but that buzz is makeshift obtaining external conditions of life in the outside world inside. All such activities are with us but under the rule determines perceived shoots.

Put it all on the most cautious, so it seems to me to be only the question of whether the root drive of the plants under normal circumstances, in more general or more particular way is involved in the sensation of the plant, and I will here mean decide sure, but all the evidence that he was still involved in the process and certainly more so the more the plant has to seek their normal living conditions only, so we see them do so in this case a special effort to find these living conditions. In respect to the bustle of the plant above the ground, the following section will go into further discussions, which engage in the past.

VIII growth, winches, bending, twisting of plants.

The considerations of the previous section led on to lead the growth and activity of plants in root, stem, branches, leaves, etc., as far as it presents itself as a means of satisfying their needs to put a soul into their work relationship. Here rises a counter-argument that seems important. But we ourselves have neither a specific sensation of our growth, we still feel an urge to grow one way or another, but our growth process is quite apart from our consciousness, as is now the same process at the plant at once respect win consciousness? I reply: our growth and the plants are actually two not quite similar things, although the word, but, as will soon be seen in more detail, just all the points do not have in common is that critical to the question of attachment of soul phenomena need to be. And even with us and the animals of the growth process can not be regarded as absolutely indifferent to the life of the soul, since the processes of nutrition and circulation, on which he depends, are not indifferent like (see the previous section). Rather sudden halt of normal growth would certainly be felt in a changed life and probably depressed mood from us. Only separates what the growth process contributes to normal life, not in a special sensation of. But if, as we have seen, but turn down the nutritional and circulatory process with special modifications to certain sensations, hunger, thirst, frost, heat, etc., then there is no reason to keep this less qualified to be related to the growth process. But just in animals, it is less established on such modifications, but this in plants more so, as we will see soon. It will be here on the growth process of the plant is not something completely new, alien subject, but only to the most salient and peculiar kind development that he actually wins the plants, a particularly salient and peculiar kind evolution of the soul contribution he anyway already provides, knotted. Let us remember that the plants will not repeat the animals, but complementary. Only the general conditions of mental life will always be maintained the same for both, in especial must not require the agreement. Plants want to reach by the free growth, which aim to achieve by animals free local movement, and so establish themselves in those naturally and analog feeling moods and impulses of soul growth movements such as these to local movements. The intended purpose in nature the means and the different type of resources linked to a different feeling in

regard to the achievement of the purpose. We are going through now, once the main differences between the growth of plants and animals, and we shall find that we in fact dealing here with much more diverse things, as you might believe in using the same name for both, and find the same time that the differences really lie in the direction required by us. l) The growth of the animals is left blank for the main form nothing. A dog has a tail, four legs, two eyes, a tongue, all this in the same place, in the same number, only switch finer conditions. So if the animal feels no impulse to grow either way, so it's about because it does not. An apple tree against bifurcates soon with two, now with more main branches that can be fix under various angles, in different heights, each road driving again speak any branches, branch horse, now even leaves either way, without number, order to have direction by requiring a fixed rule. This is just released for a drive, which is yet to be lured here and there by external events, sensory stimuli, while in the animals instead the possibility of different locomotion is released. The animal charged through its growth as it were, only a prescribed form, which must then be used for further design of his life to him, at the plant, the design of life itself falls along with the growth, and for that reason can not this in a way determined maintain prescribed form. It still takes to the provision of zutretenden conditions with respect to which the plant has to behave. Yet not alone of these. For an internally-fitsviolence principle receives but, as we pointed out earlier, for each plant despite all the freedom of their growth an even externally visible inalienable basic character determined. But that is quite the character of the soul, that it does not give the whole thing a dominant guiding principle in all its diversity and freedom of expression. 2) according to the previous growth of the animal depends little on the season and time of day, weather and other external conditions, it is still growing continuously in its prescribed manner, but it is different on the season and time of day and weather and external circumstances. The plant grows against different after year, time of day, weather and other external circumstances. So behaves the plant waxes such as the animal action. The winter is their time sleeping because they do not grow, it grows faster during the day than at night; rapidly at right alternation of heat and moisture, as if it is always too hot or too humid. And not just faster or slower, also different with each other weather; different in every other solar position, otherwise on any other sites. The individuality always reserves its right when different plant species, and even different individuals of the same kind, and even different parts of the same individual always grow characteristically different even under the same external conditions. Prof. E. Meyer in Knigsberg has convinced himself that a rapidly growing up stem on the day grows almost twice as fast as during the night. An Amaryllis josephinae extended her straight leafless flower stem within 12 days by 21 inches Rheinl. The increase in length was 6 am clock, noon 12 clock and 6 evening clock always accurately measured, and was in the 12 mornings together 6 "9 '", in the 12 afternoons 7 ", ie on days ever 13" 9' " in the 12 nights but only 7 "3 '". Quite similar results obtained in Dr. Palm observation of the hops and the bean (Fror. distress XLI.

p. 218). Comp., the experiments of E. Meyer of barley and wheat plants in Linnaea IV p 98;. Mulder on the sheet of Urania speciosa and Cactus grandiflorusin Treviranus' Physiol. II 145; Grafe of the flower stalks of Littaea geminiflora in Flora, I. 1843 S. 35th. "Between of dry rock, on puny, sunny limestone appears Carlina totally acaulis: gets them a little loose soil, like she rises, in the good garden land can no longer recognizes her, she has won a tall stem and is then Carlina acaulis caulescens. " (Goethe, metamorphosis of plant grow Collected Works XXXVI, p 126.) - The Georgina is a very inconspicuous plant in a wild state in which you want to hardly recognize the stately ornamental plant our gardens. - The influence of culture on the growth of garden plants ever known enough. Eckermann in s conversation. (Third band p. 101) Goethe tells of experiments, which he employed to make the most appropriate wood for writing an arc located, with the following interesting remarks occur to us. "On this occasion I was told (by a Wagner) that between Ash and Ash is a big difference, and that in all types of wood very much arriving at the place and on the ground where they grew. I learned that the wood of the Etter Mountain as have timber less value; that against the wood possess from the neighborhood of Nohra extra strength, so as to car repair, the Weimar teamsters who made in Nohra, had a very special trust I made during my further efforts to experience that everything. grown on the winter side of a slope wood is solid and approved by straighter fiber as the growing on the summer side. Nor is understandable. because a young family growing up on the shady north side of a slope has to look only light and sun up why he have, sun eager to continually strives upwards and climbs up the fiber in a straight line with. A shady as the formation of a finer fiber is low, which is very abusive to see such trees, which had such a free state that their southern was suspended for life the sun, while their northern side continually remained in the shadows. If such a strain in parts sawed before us, we notice that the point of the core means is located in the middle, but much to one side to. And This shift of the center is due to that the annual rings of the south have significantly more developed through continuous sun effect and therefore are wider than the rings of the shady north side. carpenter and Wagner, if it is to them to do a solid fine wood, so choose rather fine the developed north side of a tribe, which they call the winter side, and to have a special trust. " - Remember you are here is that not the mature, but growing, while it takes place, be regarded as manifestation of life of the plant. The tree leaves his life behind woody, is not only the wood, but the activity which allowed the wood to take this route, be envisaged. Depending on the tree grew differently, he will have experienced other engines. In the same conversation Tl III. P. 146 says Goethe himself on another occasion: "The oak grows in the thickets of the forest zoom, surrounded by major neighboring tribes, their tendency is always going up, going to the open air and light after the sides it is just weak. branches drifting, and also this will wither and fall off again in the course of the century. Has she finally reached but to feel with their top up outdoors so they will calm down and then begin to spread to the sides and a crown to form. sole it is at this level already have their mean age beyond her many years of

driving upwards has accepted their freshest forces, and their quest to prove now on the width towards powerful, will no longer have the right success. Tall, strong and slender-stemmed they will stand after completion of stature, but without such a relationship between stem and crown, to be beautiful, in fact -. Grows its turn, the oak in damp, marshy places, and the soil is too nutritious, it is they, in what belongs room early many branches and twigs float on all sides, but it is the reluctant, retarding agents are missing, the gnarled, Stubborn, Jigsaw will not develop, and, seen from a certain distance, the tree is a weak, linden-like appearance to win, and he will not be pretty, at least not as oak -. Grows at last on mountainous slopes, on scant, steinigtem soil, it is indeed in excess appear jagged and gnarled, but it is their lack of free evolution, they will take care of early in their growth and falter, and they will never reach that of her one say., it holds sway in her something that was able to put us in amazement - A sandy or sandy soil mixed, where after her all directions powerful roots is permitted to drive, seems to be at her best. And then they want a stand that gives it's space to include all the effects of light and sun and rain and wind from all sides in it. comfortable in grown protection against wind and weather, nothing will come of it, but a hundred years of struggle with the elements makes them strong and powerful, so that after completion of their growing presence inspires us astonishment and admiration. " Hartingh says after tests at the hop plant, "The growth of the peculiar stems of the same plant, although exposed completely same express influences, is not only not the same, but it also takes no regular behavior true in their daily extension - It takes place. beginning of growth a day instead of increasing acceleration of growth that is independent of expressing influences. " (Wiegmanns Arch 1844. S. II 41) 3) An animal grows out soon by its shape as it stretches more changes, instead of continually grow, it finally runs away. A plant grows her life long resistance continues, stop growing and to make himself the new growth is, you stop living, instead of hands and feet again and again to reach out to create something new or to get something new, it stretches to always the same purpose new branches and leaves from; remodel place else, they just continued gehends by itself. - Consider an ear of corn, as they incessantly growing up in the early spring, and when it subsides, so catch their grains to grow, and if nothing wants to grow, it withered; she is straw. Consider (Calla), as always grows out a Aronsstab a leaf after another from the center, it is an inexhaustible funnel, from the sources of the leaves, and he continues it until the last moment - Consider a tree, as he Every year a new annual ring attaches, and new buds drives from this new branches; however the old leaves fall, they do not have to drive it, it seems life purpose. - Yes we consider any plant that casts the spring, it grows all summer, upwards, sideways, above the earth, under the earth, always making something new in itself. Some plants make it incredibly far in Long life, as many a man is able to witness many works in large and long life. Only the plant appears to be much more than the work itself or the context of the works, what they created, as man, although he himself more or less transformed basically in all his work to the outside with, and also the plant by turns out, many a changing feeds into the outside world, which is

accounted for in their own purposes. As everywhere in nature, there's also no absolute differences. Who does not know the examples enormously thick trees that grew thousands of years, probably even boast to stand still by the creation of the world here, and have not become weary to designate each year by an annual ring. "The famous Castagna dei cento cavalli ( Castanea vesca ) on Etna must be a thousand years old. The baobab trees ( Adansonia digitata ) on the green foothills are taxed according to their thickness and the number of annual rings on a few branches to 4,000 years old and upward. The Riesenzypresse ( Cupressus disticha ) to Santa Maria del Tule, two hours east of Oaxaca in Mexico, has a circumference of 124 Spanish foot, so 40 feet in diameter; expects you each annual ring to 2 lines, so the tree is nearly 1500 years old; historically sure he's older than the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. The age of the great dragon tree ( Dragaena Draco ) of Orotava on Tenerife is even determined to more than 5000 years, and he would be by ordinary calculation of the Jewish myth almost witnessed the creation story . " (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. II, p 629) Some plants grow slowly, others quickly as slow and fast are among the animals. "An alga, the everlasting bladder thread has been found by sailors 1500 feet long, and Hr. Fanning, the owner and curator of the botanical garden to Carracas, indicates that he some years ago a kind of convolvulus to within 6 months not have drawn less than 5000 feet, which would be an average of 24 feet on l l day and night. " (250 Murray Fror. Distress XXXVIII. S.) A well-known experiment is that it strips from a flowering ear of rye, the dust bag and the top part of the straw is in water where other anther step out in minutes and the filaments up to 1 / 2 inch longer. "After an approximate mathematical reasoning form at a very fast growing fungi, the Giant Puffball ( Bovista gigantea ), 20,000 new cells every minute. " (Schleiden, the plant. P. 43) 4) In humans and animals covered the summit of life until the time after completion of Wachstume or completed development of all organs in plants of the peak of life coincides with the development of a new body, the flower itself together, and the whole growth experiences while remarkable changes. What may prove better than that in the plant is unlike the animals, the activity of the growth and development of the institutions not only provide a means to achieve the purpose of life, but a means to achieve the purpose of his own? Some (though not all) plants show a remarkable increase in the heyday growth engine. The so-called centennial aloe ( Agave americana ) southern Europe, for example, brings in three or four years, and in the greenhouses in temperate regions often 50 or 60 years before they begin to shoot up and bloom, but then drives she suddenly in a few months a flower stalk, which is 15 and 18 feet long. After flowering the main plant dies and remain only Nebenschlinge. Thus the driving

force of all life and bloom is exhausted. Pours the soil in which the plant roots while pushing the stalk, it pulls the water so strong in itself, that it already with an audible hiss want to see disappear. Drives the plant but no stalk, remains the infused water, which is excessive for the moistening of the soil in which vessels are on the surface. We know that even the plants in bloom need more water than usual, so many that need to be kept very dry otherwise, as the cactus want to be the heyday soaked required. - The Agave foetida or Fourcroya gigantea was cultivated in the Paris garden for nearly a century and was only shown during a slow and moderate development, as they at once in the summer of 1793, which was quite warm, soon began to shoot up in 77 days to 22 1 / 2 feet, the average daily 3 1 / 2 inches, on some individual days but almost l foot. (Decand. Physiol. II, p 34) 5) The animals remain the organs after they are fully developed, in the liveliest metabolism by, will always remain composed under the same form of new materials, which even applies to the bone. The functions are the strongest vonstatten in the fully developed organs. In plants, however take the organs, according as they are formed, more from the metabolism and the lively activity out, and the new zutretenden substances are only used to form new organs; remain the old organs more like residues of previous live-action left to allow new or fix itself, or they fall off. So shall the wooden body of the trees, according as it is formed, from the vibrant exchange with the outside world more and more out, the tree may even be internally hollow, and still drives continued externally alive, the leaves show all the phenomena of life, the weaker, the older they are, and from last fall to make new place.Age the organs of the animal, even though wilt, but only by the whole animal ages, fades, fades forever. Not so with the plant. This difference is, like all considered here, only relatively, because no organ of all living plant from lively activity falls but certainly out, but he is throughout characteristic. Duhamel said on trunk plant a seed of the horse chestnut 1 1 / 2 inches in height by a certain space attached fine silver wires into 10 equal parts. In the autumn it had all those away from each other and to the more, the closer to the upper end they had been attached. In the second year, when the new engine had 4 to 5 lines long, he was referred to in the same way, and the result was the same that in the shoots during the first year the disclosures sign no further extension. This part was done, so to speak, agreed. Similar observations were made by Hales on wine floors. Duhamel also dug next to a tree, a young a pole provided with a pointer whose peak corresponding to a character that was attached to the bark of the sapling. The pointer always drove right away to meet the characters, although the tree had grown considerably, however, in its height. - Once completely lignified parts expand at all neither more nor thickness in length. Growth always affects the younger fresh parts. - Duhamel took silver threads through roots, which languished in water alone, or referred to them from the outside by means of colored varnish so that he could easily recognize the features. In general, the result is that all the characters had kept their distance from the neck to the root showed how these might have extended themselves, proving that the roots continue to grow only at the top, though, as other large trials have shown this not

merely approach is done by outer cells at the top, but rather takes place within a small section at the top of elongation. Still some interesting things about the growth of different plant parts is given in Treviranus, Phys. 11th 152 ff An excerpt from new studies on different conditions of growth of Bravais, Hartingh, Mnter, Grisebach and Graefe found in wiegm. Arch 1844. II 38 6) If you cut the tail of a lizard, a leg off, they replaced it again, a worm replaces her head, feeling her horn again. Where an animal can not replace something, because the shape is garbled. Growth of the animal is on it, just only calculated to obtain a required shape and, if necessary, to replenish. But a plant never produced a cutaway Branch, a cut-away leaf in his place again. But it drives for another, even otherwise well-designed elsewhere, and their growth is not just both to provide certain organs to work as it is supposed to be the work itself.What is grown, is a past, to continue to live there myself, it must itself continues to grow. 7) The plant is generally a tendency to develop their parts in a spiral shape and to provide, but the spiral is an unfinished form in nature, while the design of animal forms are completed more in it is based. This also proves that the growth of the plant's exhaust system is designed to complete in less than a certain end result of the animal. Although the difference is again only relative, because there are also in the animal kingdom spiral forms (in spiral snail shells, horns, etc.), which now depend on any unlimited Wachstume, and also in the plant reaches the spiral tendency not everywhere and through everything, but shows the same relatively rare in the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, but much more common than it would seem for the first sight. In the twining plants, the whole stem of the whole tribe winds spirally round a support, with some trees spiraling into itself (see further), the leaf position usually runs in a spiral winding around the stem, which has recently been given to in-depth investigations occasion ( see XV). warts of Mammillarias have a helical position, some flowers are before the flower spiral-wound ( aeativatio contorta ), some fruits, such as sword beans, or parts of fruits, like the scales of pine cones, show tendency to spiral rotation or position, and the ferns curl up in two directions at once from a spiral rib, then from the bent-resilient lateral direction, the whole existence of the Oszillatorien is spiral; older thread branches of Lycium Europaeumtend to Spiral winding, the stems of Italian poplar turn, stung by an insect, spiral, on a long potato saw all eyes in a spiral sequence from the left to the right hand ascending, some plants are equipped with hair papillae, which are clearly in spiral lines, busy. - Inside the plant, we have the system of spiral vessels (see page 35), in mosses, liverworts, Charen and ferns the spiral spermatozoa, in the cells of Chara take even the cornstarch beads a spiral position on; also have the liquid flows that one in the cells of Chara noticed a spiral direction, etc. - Numerous cases of spiral tendency in plants can be found in Goethe's treatise "On the spiral tendency of vegetation" (. Collected Works Volume 55 P. 99) collected. The legally spiral winding of some flowers prior to deployment ( aestivatio coutorta ), as of some fruits especially cf. Brown in the flora or allgem. botan. Times. of in 1839. P 311

8) The plant is able to draw inorganic substances in their growth process to accomplish it, however, is able to feed only organic substances to grow and the animal; those building a new living form on this it only rebuilds. Elsewhere shows that the assimilation of the substances in the growth processes of the plant plays a very different role than in the animals. On the whole, the various plant offers is a fairly similar food, but it they are able to generate the most diverse substances in what particular acts of all living activities presupposes that can be associated with peculiar rules of the common sense and good. Conversely enjoy the various animals, although the variety of food, but rather produce all the same and all over without comparison less numerous substances as the plants. The substances, which contains the same plant, are just like the external phenomena of growth depending on the season, location, age and other circumstances very changeable, the best medicinal herb acts at the wrong time, collected by the wrong point of view, nothing, however, when animals like not makes much difference. Is there still even plants that change with the sun during the course of the day their constituents very noticeable in the morning sour, bitter taste in the evening. "The leaves of Cotyledon calycina Red ( Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb .) in India are by Hayne morning as acidic as sorrel, tasteless at noon, in the evening bitterly. link to confirm this and noticed the same thing with Cacalia ficoides L ., Portulacaria afra Jacq ., and Sempervivum arboreum L. " (Gmelin Theoret. Chemistry 1829. B. II S. 1802.) There are known cases where the simple placing an almond tree did bear sweet almonds, the bitter almonds previously supplied. (Liebig, Chem letters. P. 173) Most similarity with the plant growth still expected growth of the fetus in the womb have, provided that the same as the plant builds its organs from the beginning itself. This similarity, understood superficially, has now of course once again led to an equally superficial objection to the sensation of plants. Ftusleben same plant life, plant life, so the same Ftusleben. Not including the plant, not the fetus feels. So you are done quickly. As if it were not to observe a difference in each side of the analogy out of the side of the resemblance. The fetus is formed under the influence of alien life force that draws its material from a foreign life Borne, grows as a product and part of another body under the most uniform effects of a strictly observed Plane, the plant grows on its own, is preparing itself its living substance that grows thereof in freedom under the wechselndsten effects of the outside world, though not without a plan, but in the freest development. So instead of plant deny the analogy of their growth with that of the fetus sensation, rather one should not assume from the outset such an analogy. The less cogent the comparison of plant life in general with the Ftusleben may be, as a particular part of the plant's life with much greater justice takes this comparability claim, I mean the life of the plantlet in the seed while it is still worn by the mother plant. Even here, namely, the whole plant system developed in rootlets, stems and Blattfederchen, which is the development of the fetus inside the egg while it is still contained in the mother's body as similar as possible. This little plant in the

seed may indeed own feeling as well as missing the fetus but when the fetus such gains after discharge from the nut body and break the egg in the free traffic exchange with air and light, why the plantlets less so under analogous circumstances? Maybe it is not unhelpful to meet the rashness of conclusions in this field yet, with this note. Set, the analogy of the life of the plant arising Ftusleben would be so pervasive that it really could build something, you have a right to infer from the absence of self-perception in the plant? - Not yet, but just could just as well be reversed close to self-perception of the fetus it. The assumption that the fetus had no independent sensation, is itself just nothing as a condition which, as likely as it may appear to us, but as yet unproven, can not serve to prove or disprove another. They say the experience gives us the proof, we recall but no more feeling from the Ftuszustande. But what man also remembers only what he felt in the first weeks after birth? Did he therefore felt nothing? The less we can expect that man whose remembers what he felt about before the birth, but also the less a proof of the lack of memory of this feeling against the shop have the same pull. The memory itself forms just now with the birth of, and if we are the plant also attach no real memory to discuss later (XIV), it stands in fact herein with the fetus quite on the same level, the plant led the inner life of the fetus and the fetus of the plant. However, I am far from wishing to rely on the assertion of a real independent sensation life in the fetus something, I say only that one on the opposite assumption as little can build something, because each assumption must be here about only justified by other broad considerations. Besides the growth movements hitherto considered the plant are not even many other movements in folding and unfolding, lifting and lowering, bending and rotation of its parts to bids, which are not to be confused with growth movements, though of course, like everything related to the organic processes, also be related. But we can also distinguish the animals a double, which corresponds to the double form of plant movement so to speak. The animal can change its place altogether, but merely bring another individual parts of his body into different positions, turn, turn, however, it remains as a whole in the place. The former, it appears identical if the plant is located, among themselves, further grows on into space, without, however, as the animal thereby to free himself from the starting points throughout;, letzterm if without fortzustrecken, through new approaches to already gained brings in new locations. All parts of the plant above ground are capable of such movements, the whole stem, the whole head rotates in many to the light, in others the stem wraps around pillars, the leaves stand out in the freshness and fall in exhaustion; the petals unfold in the morning and lie down together in the evening: the stamens of many flowers tend to be when the time of fertilization come from the pistil, there are leaves, the flies begin by compiling shoot around it. Some such movements take place only under the influence of specific stimuli, others have no such if the period of development of the plant urges it; each plant behaves differently is, some is so sensitive that it folds the sheets with every touch, here are these, there those parts more articulated, irritable and mobile. There is in all this an inexhaustible diversity. Now we raise the more interesting it out where the relationship is on

instinct and feeling the next, or the similarity with animal movements is greatest, always wisely, that we do not expect unlimited similarities. The plant is a light-thirsty creatures, and it is sufficient for her not merely to be directed by the growth of the light, which we saw examples above, it applies in general all means, which are her bidding, and in quite suitable location to bring its opinion. Even the most sober researchers similarity herein have the instinct of animals found, although most certainly not just a similarity. So Decandolle says in his Pflanzenphysiol. II 874: "Everyone has noticed that the branches of the grown in greenhouses or in rooms plants, the windows turn, that the branches of forest trees aspire to the thin places that grow on walls, plants show a desire to turn away from them, and that the plants in general, as if to seek as a result of a special instinct, to the light shine. " Of the leaves, it is especially the top, which seeks the light. Is it a plant or a branch of such an artificial situation that the leaves instead of her top then her bottom turn to the light, so soon makes the petiole or, in his absence, the base of the blade rotation, which the natural location makes himself ( Bonnet). This tendency is so powerful that Knight, a vine leaf, the underside of the sun shone, and which he had in any way to come to the inherent location obstructed, looked almost make any attempt to turn the light of the right side. Several times, after having for a few days the same in a certain direction to approach sought and covered by back diffraction his rag almost his entire bottom so that it spread back out and moved away further from the glass house window in the opposite direction to the light again to approach (Treviranus contrib 119). Dutrochet told in Rech see p. 131: "I saw that if you're looking to escape this umbrellas by averaging the upper surface of the leaf of a standing in the open air plant with a small sills covered, this journal, which is not always the same, but always are of the type as they have to carry the easiest and fastest to use,. thus it happened soon go through a lateral bending of the petiole, sometimes by a bend of the same petiole to the stem was the board too large for the sheet would have less can get away so bent the petiole to the earth, so that the side reaching under the board light could hit the sheets. " The same naturalist covered the terminal leaflet of a bean leaf (from Phaseolus vulgaris ), which is known to have three leaflets, with a small sills. Now, since this was able to escape because of the brevity of his special papers stem not by diffraction of the same cover with the boards, so this was done by the diffraction of the common petiole. "If," says Dutrochet, "see how much funds will be used here to get to the same end, you will be tempted to believe it holds sway here secretly a mind, which selects the most appropriate means to achieve the purpose. " - That way it really an addiction to light, the board is not an escape, which comes into play in these experiments, shown by the fact that in repeating the same in the dark, no expressed desire to escape the cover with the sills. In young leaves, the inversion is faster than older - Even entire tree branches can by the tendency of the leaves to turn round, to be brought out of their situation. (Dassen)

in wiegm.Arch 1838. II, p 159) After Bonnets and of other tests when a sheet attached so that it can turn its upper surface the light in any way, but is forced to turn to lower the same, so spoils the leaf; yes the corruption spreads from there to the branch out. So it's really a congenial living conditions, which seeks to win the hand with his right position in the light. Dassen (Fror. N. distress VI. P. 51) has recently made experiments by which he thinks he can prove that the movements of the leaves, which were attributed to the influence of light in the former, in fact, does not depend but that the leaves at all have the tendency to turn one face up, and always strive to take this position, and what manner of circumstances prevail in regard to light, heat, moisture. In fact, it would appear from his experiments, that such a tendency, apart from the influence of light takes place; however, want the above experiments and other Dutrochets but not be entirely explained by Dassens conditions. For us, the discussion on this subject is less important, since we these tests should only ever be used to show how the plants strive to put themselves through purposeful movements in natural unfit conditions in a similar way as the animals, and it is indifferent basically whether these conditions are something else related to light or gravity or. Among the flowers, the sunflower has certainly earned its name no less than by their tendency to follow the position of the sun in the course, through their sun-like appearance.Kircher has yet Athannsius even a sundial proposed to establish this. The facility will be the following: In the middle of the bottom of a large, partially filled with water, tub going to be a spike mounted and attached to this a handsome piece of cork so that the same calm on the water and can rotate freely around the top. On this disc you attach a sunflower together with the root in the vertical direction (you can also let go of the stalks through the cork). From stem to let yourself go down to the refreshment of the plant some woolen bands in the water. They surround it, the flower with a metal ring on the inner side, the number of hours after the latitude of the place are listed correctly, so that the stuck in the center of the clock pointer can show such belonging. This device, imagine now the morning in the open air so that the north side of the same was returned by the sun. The flower is now following the same course rotate and thereby show the hours. Of course, this is just a gimmick, because the sunlight is he not alone, which determines the position of the sun flower, you can also see sunflowers enough, do not look to the sun, like an animal in his positions and movements also not exclusively by a stimulus is determined. However, the sun is in any event a major stimulus to this position on the flower like many other flowers influences. (VergI. the reported remark of Hegel, p .. 54) Many herbaceous plants also move its trunk and its branches somewhat after the course of the sun, such as Lupinus luteus , Reseda luteola, Sonchus arvensis and others (Van Hall. Elem. bot p. 28). So clearly in the cases stated previously, the tendency of the plant parts is towards the light, so there are also cases where the light is rather fled, is just like in the animal

kingdom of some animals, and in certain circumstances, the same stimulus fled, the other the Search under most circumstances. Mohl writes (on the building and the winds of tendrils p. 26): "A particular oddity show the tendrils of the vine and of the Knight of (Philos. transact 1812 p 314...) Cissus hederaceaby not as other green parts of the plants turn to the incident light, but from the side where the light falls, turn away. This phenomenon is all the more striking because the flower clusters of the vine, from which tendrils emerge, this fleeing not show against the light. This bending back before the incident light is reflected not only when the Rebenschlinge are in a room that receives only one side to be light, but also in a very striking degree of vines, which are grown in the open, where the tendrils of a more or less show the direction of north, or if they are drawn on walls, are executed against this ... That this circumstance facilitates the Embrace of supports, it is easy, but that this direction is due to the influence of light, you can see it that the vines to avoid even at very detached shoots of vines from the incident light, that if one is a shoot of a vine under an open window, the tendrils back against the empty space of the room to turn, and not sideways against the wall of the window, the only body that stands near -. This fleeing before the light seems only the tendrils of Cissus and Vitiszuzukommen, at least I could (Mohl) to the tendrils of Passiflorae of Cobaea , which were grown in greenhouses, which invaded the light from one side only, never notice that they either zuwendeten the light or the same fled the same I noticed also. Passiflora coerulea , Pisum sativum, Lathyrus odoratus , of pumpkins, which I moved into my room, although the stems this plant is strong arc against the light, but the vines were uniform in all directions out. " After Dutrochet now flee the stem tips of hop ( Humulus lupulus ) and bindweed ( Convolvulus sepium ), the radicle of the germinating grain mistletoe likewise the light. After Payer do the same, the roots of cabbage and white mustard, as you will notice if you sow the seeds of this plant on cotton floating in a glass of water. As the stems bend toward the light, the roots turn down the light, so that the plant is a S represents. The roots of Sedum telephium contact but not by the spread from the direct sun light. On the roots of cress but is neither widespread nor direct the light where the light but also acts on the roots, but the angle of inclination of the roots is always less than that of the tribes. (Comptes rendus. 1843rd II 1043.) Among the most interesting expressions of the life instinct similar plants are those which the twining plants in prospecting show their support, particularly what Mohl has been good outcrops (in s treatise on the winds of the vines). A plant which has received from nature the determination to spiral around a prop, a piece extends from the earth hervorkeimend, just straight up, but then leans in Fort waxing the upper part around so that he was the wagrechten towards approaches more, however, remains the lower upright. Now, this vertical part begins to rotate about its axis so that the fibers assume a helical position thereof. It's like a string, which is held at the upper points and rotated with the other hand to himself, except that in the plant the attachment is given rather below the rooting in the ground, and the rotation through its own life force of the plant occurs. Of course, the bent part of

the horizon is led around in circles, and by means of tactile motion seeks the support of the plant. Is not it succeeded in single circles to find one, so she repeated it probably several times while she stretches above the organ of touch with Fort growing more and more. It might in a circle of larger radius are a support that was lacking in the smaller circles. But finds the plant in such a way no, they are trying to, it is too heavy for her to get the feeler become too long on the ground, lies down from the ground and crawls out so long until they have a Support place. Does she now found such, they realized it immediately, because they will now hear at once to crawl farther, and now runs around the prop in the air. She realized none of it, and liked it you do not, mounted the prop to run, they would run anyway byway in the sequel to the previous direction where she's had so much more convenient, not to strive against the seriousness needed. The looping of the support then also stop the rotation of the winding stem around itself (which makes the fibers describe a spiral line) on how you can convince yourself when you pull with ink strokes along the winding stem, these remain the axis parallel ( Mohl p. 111). Of course, you can represent the success again like that, and really cares for him as present, the physical appeal of support to the plant to drive them running up, sensation is not behind it. But it's the same old story. With the same rights could also be considered the upward through the squirrel on calibration tribe as only slightly more complicated game of the stimulus of light rays that fall from the calibration tribal eye of the squirrel, and the calibration strain itself to the more complicated institutions and movements in the squirrel, so basically appears still less explicable as a dry floor can irritate the twining plant for up-country skiing, as as the light that comes from a tree, and the living tree itself may be irritating to the squirrel. And if in a hypothetical case, as in others consider as the success, one now has him in a not to be regarded as in the other case just like that. But I refer to previous discussions here about. The plant is now winding its way up to the summit in the air. If they got to the top, what will she do? The rest is over; thus the need for it to be renewed and the plant starts again at the beginning as to look for it. It only grows back a bit in the air, then turns back around and starts again to grope in circles to find another post. Some of the writhing plants have the peculiarity just right, and others, umherzutasten just left in a circle, and then squirm and always in such a direction. You put a rod on the left next to the button to the right of a squirming a plant that seeks their support, and they can not find it, even rather moving away from it. This one has argued against the existence of an instinct. Because, they say, the instinct would leave the plant to remember the near-floor, instead it moves away from it. But the case only proves what we already know otherwise, that instinct is bound in its expressions of natural plants. The key of course has no eyes, and even the hungriest not see a piece of bread, which you hold behind his back, not even the blind when you hold it it's nose. But when he told an instinct that it could to give him something to eat, so he would also grope to find it, and while the bread can so easily

miss, as the plant missed the restraint, if it is due to its investment not to look through movements of the nose, but the arms, what he needs. Many plants entwine dead, as living props, the dodder ( Cuscuta ), just come forth young, distinguishes between the two, they only umwindet living. 1) Why it has such other instinct than other plants? Their living conditions are just different. The other twining plants by tendrils up, but still remain rooted in the ground and absorb food from it, even without the support will bear such. The dodder but makes after they have germinated in the soil of the same completely wrong by their in adhering roots die and now they still can merely from the living plants by rootlets that her inside drives to take food, and what their half, and a dead stock. The living stem of her hand is covered with tight turns, she sucks him off, he often dies from it. How now will help the plant? At dead they can not find food but more. It now begins to expand their turns if they might thereby can capture another greenhouse.

Although Mohl (On the Fabric of the winds and the tendrils p 127 131) says that the Cuscata are lifeless body, such as dry sticks of pine wood, glass rods, tubes silver, as well as to living thread (stem but it relates to this statement older specimens that have rooted already in other living plants and then can draw from these walking away food, however was Palm, (About the winds of the plants p. 48) that the dodder never to dead bodies overcomes, and he offered her is a lot of dead or inorganic bodies of various kinds as props, and never wanted to be something about it was at the same loops in living stems The apparent contradiction between the two specifications should be solved so if one assumes that palm. experimented with very young plants, for in this relationship are Mohl (but not many) trials with those of conformity in Palm He says (p. 138 of his letters): "Whether the young, leavened only from the seed. Cascuta Europaea an exception makes (from the winds to all sorts both dead than living stems), I do not know for certain, some experiments that I did to her, seem to confirm, but I did not have the opportunity to be put in proper number, because all the seeds of Cascuta, which I sowed repeatedly, not aufgingen, and since the young specimens, which I dug outdoors, all perished, except for the one with whom I was doing the experiments. Besides this specimen, which was still in the seed coat, and which was around 2 inches long, I stuck a brass wire so that it touched the plant, after 3 days, this had not wound in the least to the same, nor is she writhed around a small rod of fir wood soon as I but in addition. a living hives had placed so that they touched her stems, she writhed within 9 hours for the same. "

The latter remark I do not find in Scripture Mohl was communicated to me by Prof. Kunze. On the right-and left-winds of twining plants neither sun nor moon, nor a position to comment on the influence of light. That a kind of right, winds soon soon left, Mohl had never occurred. Reach so far his observations, to overcome the species of a

genus, but not always a family in the same direction. The majority of the vines winds left. After the light at the creeper set is generally less than other plants (cf. S 142). Even at night and in complete exclusion of light making their circular motion, or twist to their faint supports (Mohl p. 122). Already noticed the influence of the youth makes itself felt in the winds of plants. The circular movements, which makes the stem of a creeper, made only in the young state thereof; afterwards he is solid, woody, and now can no longer wrap around supports, even if you bring those directly in contact with him. The trunk of some trees can wind around themselves without support in the straight upward waxes, although these turns are drawn only long and usually not even make an entire round. If there is nothing special to look here, you will have to see this not just as expressions of a certain instinct like the efforts twining plants to find a support. But there are points here that are of interest, as long as they remember the semi-legal, semi-free style, as in the human and bestial develop and express facilities. The wood can say is behaving here but not wooden, but turns and hugs, to express inner drives and how well it can hold befitting the organic basis for the development of a soul. It happens namely the winds even after a simple, dead, everywhere and for all in a valid manner rule itself, but as it were by a living liquid rule following some individual differences in the nature of the crop, and partly to external circumstances amendments to a anbequemt all of us never to be calculated manner. You take a walk around Leipzig by the avenue, which consists mainly of lime and horse chestnut, and look at something carefully the Rokastanienbume it, so it is in pretty much know all the deep cracks in the bark and lofty Rindenwlsten same of some length the characters spiral rotation significantly. (Particularly striking among others, several of standing between Barfupfrtchen and theater trunks. Where no significant cracks or bulges present, traces of spiral rotation still show many times in the oblique to the axis of the trunk towards the small cracks.) The spiral rotation increases everywhere consistently from Left to Right (the opposite observer) in height. The rotation direction is so so hard at the Rokastanienbaume determined by a stalk like a writhing herbaceous plant. However, the degree of rotation is different for the same, even if adjacent strains. At the same lime avenue you noticed, however nowhere definite signs of rotation. If you continue to Rose Valley and considered the tribes of hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus ), which are abundant in it, so most will also reveal no decisive sign of rotation, in some but takes it in a very clear, yet so, that occur equally well logs where the rotation from left to right, as when it rises from right to left.I counted at a larger 20 walks against 14 strains of the first strains of the second kind, the preponderance of the former against the latter, but just the fact that at a certain district occurred just left tortuous trunks, so where had to the development of this direction prevail particularly favorable circumstances did; while I met otherwise left and right-handed in the most irregular and among exchange twice had the case that two oppositely wound strains were standing next to each other, the

apparently grown under very similar conditions. The Oaks of Rose Valley show nothing of rotation. Combining these various cases, we shall not find the following result valid for the development of systems of animals and humans. Administers an investment in a certain direction very front, nothing has more power to run them: where but the system is not chosen because it proposes to difference of external circumstances this or that direction of development, but are such that from the outer Calculate circumstances alone could. After Goethe's statement also overcomes the birch exception spirally from left to right up to the summit, but you would not by memory than the columns of the tribe recognizes.Detached birch logs show the spiral rotation far more prominent than those that stand in the thicket. The same mentioned that after forstmnnischen information TO PROMOTION under pines cases where the stem from top to bottom accept a twisted, winding direction, you have believed because you like trees on the Brane found an external action by violent storms was the cause; but like you find in the densest forests, and repeat it to the case, a certain proportion, so that l to about 1 1 / 2 pC, on the whole the incidence could be expected.Even in ancient chestnut trees and trunks of Crataegus torminalis comes after Goethe, the spiral rotation before (Goethe tot. Works Vol 55 p 123). I even found a Maholderstamm (Acer campestre ) rather tortuous. Many species and individuals of trees but at least show memorize nothing of rotation. Among the movements of folding and bending, which make the plants Entwickelungsgange their lives by itself, is the development of the corolla and the flourishing of their closing, or other change in position of the parts in the so-called sleep of plants vorzugsweisem interest. But you do not forget to set its sights on the flower stems and the leaves. It very graceful proportions are found here, which of course leave us a meaning for the inner life of the plants only guess more than that we could really follow. We remember the progress associated with the sun moves up and down movement of the water lily and lotus from night to day. How does the water lily in the water after Linnaeus, it makes the Huftattig ( Tussilago Farfara) except the water, ie it closes at night, the flowers and cuts them down, similar to the sleeping man who closes his eyes and bows her head. In general, the lower the flowers is not uncommon at night, although not anywhere close to the flowers, how many flowers the other hand, close, without lowering himself. Each makes it in their own way. For many, the nature of the position of the flower stalk with the period of flowering time is due. The poppy bears the bud deep cut, as long as it is not yet in bloom, but stiffly erect, when she has blossomed, regardless of the flower but heavier than the bud, like a virgin her head modestly tends to make it one day up carry as a woman proud and to boast with her jewels. - At the Hyacinth, who wants to flourish, all flower buds are pushing close to the parent strain together like a closed fist and still see green like leaves, as if even the smallest glimpse of what will come to be held by them. But when they bloom, a bend as much as possible from the other as to quite independently of air and light, and what else is there, can enjoy, and the green turns into lovely color. - The Euphorbia oleaefolia Gouan can hang over their heads

through the winter and announced by their sichaufrichten (after Draparnaud) the return of spring at (628 Decand. 11). - In the genus Phaca and some other legumes , the Blumenstielchen rotates such that the upper fruit seam which opens itself, is used to lower and consequently makes it possible to precipitate the seed during the maturation of the sleeve. (II Decand. 623) Of particular interest is the protection extended to some plants during sleep by the position of their leaves to the tender parts by passing through the erection of the leaves around the stem or the tip of the branches either form a sort of funnel, among the young flowers or protected leaves ( Malva Peruviana ), or by the uppermost leaves descend and the young shoots an arch form ( Impatiens noli me tangere ), or by the leaflets of a compound leaf be folded up so that it the flowers between to include. ( Trifolium resupinatum and incarnatum ,Lotus tetragonolobus and ornithopodioides others) Still a lot more about the so-called sleep plant s in this sections attached additions. It has bends like how they make the parts of plants, by unequal humidification, or to explain unequal heating of the fibers at different sides of the stem. How little the meantime sufficient evidence not only as unequal behavior of different plants in the same circumstances, which is quite analogous to the contrary, just as different behavior of different animals in the same circumstances, but also quite strikingly the case of Vallisneria spiralis , which stems even under Water spirally on and rolls. All previously mentioned movements of growth, bending, turning, curling of the plants to be slow relative to the movements, which humans and animals can make. Man, the animal quickly stretched his arm, the claw grasps what it seems useful, and pulls it back just as quickly. What are rapidly changing movements in handling, running, jumping! None of this in the plant. She stretches slow its roots, its stem rises only slowly, only gradually creeps up a prop, seemingly sluggish follows the stimuli that act on them, and remains constant in the layers that they once believed. Yet herein lies no reason to weaker feelings and instincts to close with her, where strong emotions and instincts can express precisely both strong internal changes and movements as in a large extent, or great speed outward motion, in which the latter refuse at the fixed and narrow sphere of action of the plant was little reason. Consider a person who thinks deeply, how it works in his head; safe, although we can not see it, it then flows back and forth in the numerous fine nerve and vascular channels, which form his brain, what would they because otherwise, but outside you see nothing. How deep often feels inside the woman, and how little it shows it often externally, not that nothing of bodily stirring in her, but rather the tears might want to force out the eye, a cramp you may go through all the links, the heart wants you might shatter, yes, there are cases that it really jumped at inner emotions, through the mighty urge of the blood, but all that can be done without any visible external movement. Like internal changes are even a lot more essential expression of feelings and instincts calculating them, as all it can be, if the comment itself are offshoots of those outside. If someone lash out angry at the other, is not the movement of his arm, that in which the emotion is expressed directly physically, but

something that is stirred up by the wrath of the brain, and places the arm only in motion through the medium of the expiring of the cranial nerves . You can hold the arm, and the anger lasts only increased continuously, you could keep the movements in the brain, one would look for the here below held exchange-relatedness of mind and body, hereby the anger itself, it proves at once, as when the excess of Wrath apoplexy causes, all movements in the brain and all the passions falter at the same time. So point is not expected to see fairly strong external movements to close on strong instincts and feelings, but the inner movements are to be considered, which, however, according to auffordernder occasions and purposes can turn out into outer movements, but it not always do. We can make a conclusion by us itself, it is way less the size of the inner movements per se, as the size of the changes in which they themselves uneasy or in whose production they are understood to be, with which the strength of the feelings and perceived depends shoots together. Everything goes in the ordinary tracks in us here, although blood and nerve spirit may run fast enough, so we carry nothing but a general sense of life about it, but any particular change or each striving to what it was by an external sensory stimulus, either by internal events, is brought forth, immediately we feel more vividly, the greater the force is active in proving evocation of the change. We take this into account, which is certainly generally cogent, if a lot is still missing right on the thorough clarification, we will not miss the characters vivid sensations and lively perceived shoots himself in the outside so low appearing movements of the plant, because these externally small movements associated with a wide range of playing internal changes and a big urge to make such changes together. We know that every voluntary flexion and rotation of the parts of plants with amendment of the juices run and probably even finer, the Chemical cross amendments is related. And what may belong to modify the shape of the plant from the inside out so in all directions and continuously, as is the case in the stem upward waxes, the buds and flowering shoots of an inner urge. Yes, the experience proves directly the strength of this urge. The sap that rises to able by the force with which he does it, large water and raise mercury column, and the root that descends able to penetrate heavy mercury, and penetrate through solid earth, by germinating peas, couch grass and the like solid ground is often lifted in clumps. Now we see but the so up rising by force or low-growing, juice does not break the light covers the buds or suckers into which he enters, raw, so this force is to further driving out of the buds or suckers, developing leaves and flowers even related. "Everyone knows that when the vine is pruned to the cut surfaces, in which the wood is exposed, out flows of water, and that when not trimmed trees, the juice does not flow and serves to develop the buds. Hales wanted to know with which force the food juice rising in the trunks. To learn this, he adapted to the upper end of a seveninch long vine on a pipe and passed it so carefully with putty that the urgent from the wine floors water could not flow and, therefore, driven by the tribe newly flowing liquid from the bottom, had to accumulate in the tube at a first attempt the water 21 feet climbed,. during one second was 38 inches lifted in the tube above Grommet

mercury from the wine sticks out urgent water. in this case must be sufficient raw food juice to the driving force, the pressure of 2 1 / 2 endure atmospheres. According to Hales' calculation it is 5 times stronger than the force which drives the blood into the leg artery of a horse. " "Senebier rises against Hales' experiments doubts that are based on the fact that if the food juice really climb with the strength in the air, which is attributed to it by the cited experiments, it is extraordinary that he could by the weak closure of a bud be stopped. now but (says De Candolle) is evidently not the buds cover alone, which stops him, but the fact is also the fact that the juice to the development of new parts is applied and that since he does not flow to the plant, a large amount penetrates through the root. (Decand. Physiol. I. 76) If you have a seed of the fragrant pea ( Lathyrus odoratus L can germinate.) over a filled with running mercury cup and it holds by an easily imaginable device, as Pinot aimed According to experiments, the rootlets of that seed being perpendicular to the ground and penetrates .... mercury into the one, although the latter is much heavier than that "(Journ. T. XV de pharm 1829 p 490;. Annals of greenhouse customer band IV H. 4 S. 408 409 . Comp Ann.. of the natural sciences in 1829;. Revue bibliographique 129 130). "If hyacinths grown in small pots, so you can see the onion often raised considerably above the earth, borne by the rootlets, which seem to them lengthened. Even with palm trees observed this peculiarity of growth. At Martynezia caryotaefolia HBK the stem is sometimes 2 lifted feet above the ground and rests on the colliding rootlets as on supports. nmliche This is seen in Iriartea exorhiza and I. ventricosa Mart . " (Treviranus, Phys. 157 II) These phenomena depend on the fact that the roots when they extend in their quest, down, meet an obstacle, by raising the crop help. One can see from these examples that the combined strength of root growth is sufficient to uplift whole plants. "When applying for support a vertically-stretched string, so you have the creepers, whose stem is not too thin, the force straight direction of the string through the pressure they exert on him by nestle against him to change so that it is also wrapped around it as the stem assumes the direction of a spiral line. " (Mohl About the winds of the tendrils p 113) Dassen put freshly cut branches of Faba vulgaris , Oxalis stricta, Lupinus albus and Robinia viscosa evening at 6 clock on water, so that at least some of their leaves (the virtue to merge the plant sought sleep) completely with the rear surface on the same exaggerated. "At once seemed the leaves to exert their powers to take the nightly directions. So curved the leaves of the former type, in order to detach from the surface of the water, but could not cancel completely. The second type made the same motion through which the Papers fell on its side. The leaflets of the third kind could not get loose from the water, but pressed the point where they were attached, so far down that they were almost the same direction as out of the water. The last of these species could the leaves do not move because of the resistance of the

water down, but lifted by the retroactivity common petiole something in the air. " Through further experiments Dassen found that each of the leaves of Faba vulgaris 3 Gran can pick more than is necessary for the movement to close the blade. (Wiegm. Arch 1838. I. 218) Are themselves externally the changes experienced by a plant in a given time by the growth, not as insignificant as it may seem to many. A tree that shoots in spring, working on a thousand sheets at the same time, each continuing to grow at any moment, and now the whole big change in the eye because of their makes as great distribution course not noticeable, because it is only slightly for each point. But the large sum of small changes but the whole is something very Considerable. Imagine that the tree all the material he receives, and all the power is distributed to the growth of the whole, only ever use it, hervorzutreiben sheet at a time, this would be finished sheet, another would begin to elsewhere, to grow as well. This would appear to us much more as arbitrary expulsion, forming, and yet is merely the formal distinction exists that the plant, instead of at one point, at all points at the same time exerts the same freedom, force and matter distributed on all sides to take them each on preferably a place to focus. The soul of man and animals, even without always to be encouraged again by new external stimuli, engaged in a game of continuous changes, which in one, our view of course withdrawn, but probably achievable through circuits, restless Games biological processes, especially in brain expresses. I recall briefly the fact that yes a game with the other stocking, as well as on the other hand animation grows with it. But this restless moving game also leaves lasting changes. The spirit builds itself through its activities more and more, organizes ever finer and richer, but he can not help but at the same time by doing his physical basis. We must of course again more follow with mental and bodily eyes, as it were finer and finer leaves, blossoms into form in the organization of the brain, according as the mental organization such drives, they go on to fine that they can not track the microscope but if a disease they destroyed, they destroyed with the creature of this world and the spiritual leaves and flowers. What we see now go here in our spiritual areas most clearly by virtue of our selfconsciousness, in the corresponding physical areas but virtue onto the most hidden of the shutter in front of our own senses on, we see reversed in the plants in the spiritual areas for us again is most hidden, by virtue of statements of our consciousness against her, go in the physical but the most open in front of him. The plant develops the physical design process, to be with her continuous, voluntary flow of their inner life builds, outcrop freely in front of us, spread it clearly before us, the leaves, flowers drives open to the outside, which our brain indeed quite anedrer form drives hidden inside. Is indisputably linked to the latter driving a higher spiritual, sensual soul in that one more process, but in respect to the continuous progression path to both is the same. And this is a fact of importance. A soul will always have something to do. So it not also lacks the soul of plants resistant pastimes. In a sense, nature has distributed the expression of the soul in Ocular movements

between the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom only different. The people and animals hide in it all the immediate physical expression of their soul movements, but show strong, lively, individual movements (in the limbs and facial expressions) foothills outwardly therefrom, which now indirectly apply to us all the clearer signs of their mental activity. In plants such scattered, lively foothills internal motions occur back for the same unfold in a continuous silent play on the surface much more from the direct expression of their soul-life and weaving. The difference is, of course, as in all of nature, only relative. This must never be forgotten. In fact, lacks even the plant kingdom relatively rapid and striking movements, especially as a result of the stimuli occur (which in the following section the speech), not entirely. But even without irritation occur in some plants and in some circumstances, with the appearance of voluntary movements. Here are some movements of the sex organs of plants, of which we in the 11th Will speak sections, various movements in areas of lower plants, which in the 12th Section should be mentioned, and the movements of Hedysarum gyrans , of which the end of the next few additions (p. 127) will be discussed. About the plants sleep. Here is the interesting and important thing about this subject. For more information about see in the textbooks of plant physiology, such as Treviranus II 750; Decandolle II 25 - Particular detail is a Dutch factory of about Dassen, in Hons. in wiegm. Arch 1838. I. 214 358th II 159 - From more recent papers compare Dutrochet Comptes Rendus in 1843. 11th989th and Froze. N. No distress 13 and 14 of the first volume. Foe Comptes rendus, 1846. T. XXIII, no. 12th (Fror. hardship No. 13 of the XL band...) - Fritsch in the Abhandl. The Bhm. Gesellsch. of Sciences in 1847. 5 Follow. 4 Band. The phenomena of the so-called sleep plants generally consist of a modified position of the leaf or flower parts or both from day to night. The phenomenon of such amendments is reflected in no particular order or genre, or a particular construction of the plant bound, but rather comes from the diverse plants, but in some families more than others, in front, but on the type of plants and plant parts occur here different positions a. In general, one can perhaps speak as a rule that the plant parts as possible return in the absence of light on the situation, which they had in the bud state, and that this situation is considered more accurate, formed the younger and more delicate is the leaf, in elderly and coarser the differences between day and night are lower in perennial and leathery they fall away completely. Sleep of leaves. By far the most common and the most striking phenomena of plants belonging here with compound leaves come, especially from the class of legumes and Oral ideas before. The time at which the transition from the daily falls in the direction of nocturnal and vice versa, based on the rise and progress of the sun and is generally much more controlled than the opening and closing of flowers. Here, however, we

must not ignore that plants that have been transferred from other climates into ours, to continue in general, the time to open their leaves and close to which they were accustomed to do so in their own country. Therefore we see in our greenhouses 6 evening clock, the middle of summer, some plants the leaves close, although neither light nor heat is then changed while the morning for their usual time open also in winter the same again, although it is still completely dark. Our patriotic Whereas plants depend on the sun. Just hang the changes in the direction of the sheets with the health of the plants together, and especially with the music itself, the stronger a plant is, the more controlled and less dependent on expressing influences find the daily movements instead. The leaves in autumn old, then change the movements, listen to all, or lose the reference to the former. In particular this is true of the plants that are kept during the winter in homes where then the leaves usually show no or hardly any noticeable difference between day and night.Young leaves have before their perfect development throughout the direction that they accept only later in the night. In the first period of their development, they show the diversity of the movement in the highest degree, both by rapidity of movement than by greater perfection in execution. The position of the leaves during sleep anlangend so sleep easy leaves either so that they that they are backward approach from the horizontal position, as the most natural, straighten up, or (more rarely) the stem, which by the way both at various plants in very different just happens. The former is found to a greater degree at Sida, Abutilon , horteusis Oenothera mollissima, Atriplex, Alsine media and several Asklepiadeen , to a lesser degree at Mandragora officinalis, Datura stramonium, Solanum melongena, Amaranthus tricolor, Celosia cristata u, a - the latter will be at Hibiscus sabdariffa, Achyranthes aspera, Impatiens noli tangere , a Triumfetta and a few others. - Of the plants with compound leaves some sleep so that the leaves from opposite sides of the main petiole merge upwards ( Lathyrus odoratus, Colutea arborescens, Hedysarum coronarium, Vicia faba ), or reduce and merge down, so that either the tops touch ( Phaseolus semi erectus, Robinia pseudacacia, Abrus precatorius ) or sub-pages (all Kassien). Finally, also the leaves can according to the length of the main petiole tile shape laid on one another, and this happens again, either forwards, so that the top of the rear leaflet the bottom of the front partially covered ( lndica Tamarindus ,Gleditschia triacanthos , several mimosa), or backward, so that the leaflets bend back toward the base of the petiole and each front is approaching the top of the rear ( Tephrosia caribaea ). According to the composition of the leaves and compound movements can occur. Thus, for the pinnate leaves, the leaflets and the common petiole, at the bipinnate leaves even the special petioles move especially. However, there are only a few known examples of leaves that have more than one moving part. The movements of leaves and leaves of many (though by no means all) plants, especially those with compound leaves, with particular involvement is a small swelling (leaf cushions,pulvinus ), which is located at the base of the stems or stalks. The very interesting experiments and results appearing Dutrochet's and Dassen's about the mechanism of this effect, however, have been found by the experiments of Meyen and Miquel no real confirmation. (Wiegm. Arch in 1839. 88th

Meyen II, Physiol. III. 538). Believes to have identified Dassen (Wiegm. Arch 1838.1. 223 325), that the motion to change the juices run and the formation of carbon dioxide hang together. Moisture carried in the general direction of the nightly (Dassen). About influence of light and heat variable results have been obtained in accordance with the type, intensity and duration of exposure or deprivation and the nature of the plants. In most cases, the moving blades do not seem to accept by mere privation of light sleep state, but instead found it in some cases. (See above experiments in wiegm Arch., 1888. I. 225) It has even been observed cases that in bright sunlight the leaves came close (in Robinia and Mimosa pudica by Sigwart, Reil's Arch XII. 33rd in Oxalis - and Lotus species by Dassen, wiegm Arch 1838 II 216), which some have called a nap... The leaves of some plants are not particularly sensitive to certain weather conditions, so that they even proposed to weather indicators (see below plants barometer). Of the sensitivity of some leaves against mechanical and other stimuli, the following section is. Sleep of flowers. At irregular flowers, especially the Scitamineae , orchids, Labiatae, Personaten, Papilionazeen no symptoms of sleep have yet been observed. In some flowers, the sleep just expresses the fact that, while they are erected on the day, return at night to the horizon or even to the earth with her opening it. ( Euphorbia platyphyllos, Geranium striatum, Ageratum conyzoides, Ranunculus polyanthemos, Draba verna, Verbascum blattaria, Achyranthes lappacea, Thlaspi bursa pastoris, Alyssummontanum, Monarda punctata, Heracleum absinthifolium , particularly abusive coltsfoot Tussilago .) This lowering is not due to relaxation in the meantime, for trying to raise up the drooping stems, so they quickly back again, as if they were in a stressed condition. - Most commonly the flowers sleep is the fact that the open on day flowers close at night or put together; also occur some flowers where inclination of the flower stem flowers in connection with the closing occurs (as Nymphaea alba and coltsfoot Tussilago ). Ray flowers sleep so that the beam backwards either to the flower stalks approaches (common chamomile, chamomile etc. types of Anthemis and Matricaria ), or that the edges of the beam at the top inward roll ( Gorteria pavonia ). Certain plants are there, where the closing or rolling of the petals instead of at night rather the reverse takes place in the bright sunshine, and again in the evening spreading occurs (the species of Mirabilis , of Silene and Cucubalus , especially the large flowers of the latter two). The rarest occurrence is that the whole edge of the corolla is curly, as if it were withered, so that when you see such a flower in the waking state, you should not keep it for nmliche ( Commelina coelestis, Mirabilis jalappa andlongiflora , Oenothera tetraptera , etc.). Some flowers are expressed in their opening and closing, especially atmospheric, influences significantly with dependent and not observed all these motions at fixed time. Linnaeus, who has very carefully studied the plants sleep, she called meteoric (see below plants barometer). Andre open in the morning and close in the evening, but the time of their leavening and closing varies with the waxing and waning of the

days. Those he called tropical. Still others finally open and always close at certain fixed times. This he called quinoktialblumen and brought them as far as he had the opportunity to observe yourself in a table, on which he (his Flower florae Horologium ) founded (see below). Comparing with its established Upsala observations to those who Decandolle hired at a number of plants in the vicinity of Paris, one sees that the Aquinoktial plants such as Papaver nudicaule, Nymphaea alba, Mesembryanthemum barbatum, Anagallis arvensis in Paris the same hour as in Upsala their flowers opened. Similarly, R. Pulteney was confirmed the same except for some variations in the repetition Linnaean observations in England. Even in a hothouse, wherever the nmliche degree of heat is maintained, and even when the shutters are closed, open and close the quinok-tialblumen to the ordinary time. Flower Clock. For convenience of drawing up a flower clock you have made the suggestion that this plants arranged on a serving Kreisbeet, after the time of opening and shooting of flowers to plant (with the entrance on the north side). The necessary data (after Reichenbach), which you certainly can not keep to the point, the applicable hours. I. Plants whose flowers open in the morning: From 3-5 clock Tragopogon pratense L. - From 4-5 clock Thrincia tuberosa DC (L. Leontod. tub.); Helminthia echioides Gaertn.(Picris echioides L.), Cichorium intybus L., Hemerocallis fulva L., Crepis tectorum L. - From 4-6 clock Picridium tingitanum pers. (Scorz. tingit L..) - From 5-6 clock oleraceus Sonchus L.; leontodon Taraxacum L.; Barkhausia alpina monk. (Crepis alpina L.); crocifolium Tragopogon L.; Rhagodiolus edulis Gaertn. (Lapsana rhagod Scop..); Convolvulus sepium L. - After 6 clock sabaudum Hieracium L.; Hierac. umbellatum L. - From 6-7 clock Hierac. murorum L.; Barkhausia rubra (. Crepis rubra see Hostia monk), Sonchus arvensis L., Sonchus palustris L. - From 6-8 clock sinuatum Alyssum L.; leontodon autumnaiis L. - After 7 clock Lactuca sativa L.; Nymphaea alba L.; Anthericum ramosum L. -From 7-8 clock Geracium praemorsum Schrbr. (. Hierac. praem L.); Sonchus alpinus L.; Hypochaeris maculata L.; Hedypnois rhagodioloides W. (Hyoseris hedypn L..); Barbatum Mesembryanthemum L. - After 8 clock piloaella Hieracium L., Anagallis arvensis L., Dianthus prolifer L.; Hypochaeris glabra L. - From 9-10 clock Calendula arvensis L., Portulaca oleracea L. (After another 11 clock.) from 912 clock Drosera rotundifolia L. - After 10 clock Alsine rubra Whlnb. (Arenaria rubra L.); Mesembr. crystall. L. - From 10-11 clock Mesembr. linguiforme L.; nudicaule Papaver L. (After another 4-5 clock); Hemerocallis flava L., Hemerocallis fulva L. - After 11 clock Ornithogalum umbellatum L., Calendula chrysanthemifolia Vnt. - From 11-12 clock Tigridia pavonia pers. (Ferraria Tigr.). II plants whose flowers open in the evening: At 5 Clock Mirabilis jalapa L.; Pelargonium triste Ait - From 6-7 clock Cereus grandiflorus Mill - From 7-8 clock Mesembr.noctiflorum L. (After another 10-11 clock.) III. Plants whose flowers close up in the morning: At 8 clock leontodon Taraxacum L. - At 10 clock Picridium tingitanum L., Lactuca sativa L. - From 10-12

clock Cichorium intybus L., Sonchus arvensis L. - After 11 clock Tragopogon crocifolium L . - From 11-12 clock oleraceus Sonchus L. - After 12 clock Sonchus L. alpmus IV plants whose flowers close in the afternoon and evening: From 1-2 clock Hierac. Umbellatum. L.; Barkhausia rubra Dec. - After 2 clock Helminthia echioides L.; Hierac.murorum L.; Hypochaeris maculata L.; Geracium praemorsum Schrbr. - From 2-3 clock Alsine rubra Whlnb. - After 3 clock Thrincia tuberosa DC; Anagallis arvens. L., Calendula arvens. L.; Calend. chrysanthemifolia Vent. - From 3-4 clock Anthericum ramosum L. - After 4 clock sinuatum Alyssum L., Nymphaea alba L. - After 5 clock Hieracium sabaudum L - After 7 clock leontodon autumnalis L. - From 7-8 clock nudicaule Papaver L. - by 12 clock (midnight) Cereus grandiflorus million (Reichenbach, the plant clock. Leipzig, Voigt and Fernau, 1846.) Plant barometer. Rain is expected if Hibiscus trionum L . does not open, and when the chalices of Carlina acaulis L . close; when Porliera hygrometrica L ., Oxalis acetosella L . and most other species of this genus, fold their (combined) leaves, the stalks of clover directed upwards; Lapsana communis L . the flower closes at night, Draba verna L ., Ranunculus polyanthemosL . the leaves stoop; Anastatica hierochuntica L . the branches spreading; Ranunculus repens L ,. Caltha palustris L . pull together the leaves, smell the birch strong, the Konferven relate with green skin, the shade dried, sewn with linen flowers of Asperula odorata L give a strong smell of itself,. Galium verum L. expand and also smells strongly, the stems of the capsules of Funaria hygrometrica Schreb , which, when it is withered, are wound bent back and forth, grow and stretch (especially when the capsules are emptied). - Stellaria media . dill aimed at sunny weather in the morning at 9 clock their flowers in the air, unfolds the leaves and stays until noon awake, with impending rainy weather, but this does not happen, the plant then hanging down and the flowers remain closed. - Calendula pluvialis opens 6-7 clock in the morning and usually maintains clock up around 4 pm to be awake. If this happens, it is likely resistant to weather, but she's sleeping after 7 clock in the morning still continues, it is expected to rain before nightfall. Some species of the genus Sonchus show for the next day in clear weather when the flower head closes at night, in rain, when it stays open. - Pimpinella Saxifraga L. behaves in this respect as Stellaria media dill. - Anemone ranunculoides L opens its flowers in rainy weather;. Anemone nemorosa L. bears its flowers nodding in cloudy weather, with sunny weather upright - If the color of the lights Ellern as usual, cold and frost is to be feared; see it is darker, so enters thawing wind. (Reichenbach, the plant clock, p.12) At Robinia pseudacacia , some Lupinus species, mimosa dealbata andCaesalpinia pulcherrima one has seen the closure of the flowers in a storm. (Dassen.) Movements of Hedysarum gyrans . The Hedysarum gyrans ( Desmodium gyrans ), whose movements I mainly under Treviranus Physiol. II 765 describe, is a small shrub with leaves gedreiten, the terminal leaflet is stalked and oval, the opposing side but leaves linear or lanceolate,

almost sessile and many times smaller than the terminal leaflet. Only this page leaflets show a striking movement, while the terminal leaflet shows just the ordinary movements of the so-called sleeping and waking. It expresses this movement of the lateral leaflets in an almost continuous alternating rising and lowering of the same, and is more lively vonstatten, the greater the air heat and the stronger the plant; therefore interrupted at a considerably cool weather, but lasts else in the shade, as in the light, day and night, even in winter hothouse continue. If you pour cold water on the branches of the plant, the movement stops immediately, but may be due to warm water vapors readily recover. Also, the plant is equally paralyzed, except when exposed to the warm home of normal temperature. Putting a plant 2 or 3 hours in the dark, the result (according to Humboldt) an acceleration of the movement when it again afterwards exposed to the light. The terminal leaflet is moved by the wind, so listen to the movements of the lateral leaves. Mechanical stimuli, EDM, magnetic, volatile spirits, which brushing the leaves with oil, the ligation and cutting of the stem have no influence on the movement. Most of it is Broussonnet the time of fertilization. The upgrade of the leaflets is slower than the descent basis; But in general the motion is not uniform but has occasionally something and then proceeds as accelerated by a shock, continued for a few moments to a greater extent. Commonly, when a rising flakes, drops the opposed, but this is not always the case and very often no relationship between the two movements so that the papers may abut one and the other moving. The movement does not depend on the integrity of the plant from, because even if the main petiole abgelset of floors, even if it is cut away from the leaves of the upper part, it endureth for a while and we are assured that a leaf is still moving as it passes through his handle is fixed to the tip of a needle. (Mirbel.) The actual motion of the tool is the swelling of the stalks, so that the lateral leaflets residences on the main stems. The Hedysarum gyrans incidentally seems to be not alone with regard to these movements. Mirbel noticed that when leaves of Hedysarum vespertilionis , instead of being, as usual, consist of three leaflets, which is not unfrequently the case, the two lateral leaflets similar movement, but infinitely weaker than that of Hed. gyrans have; Anyway Hedysarum cuspidatum W . and H. laevigatum Nutt . and H . gyroides seems to happen something like. Besides those voluntary, independent of the influence of light, movements come to Hedy. gyrans also influence the light-dependent movements before, but which do not affect the lateral leaflets, but the main stem and main leaves and the last have no direct relationship. This movement is in an upright in a low-light and the decrease in the darkness. It occurs in the joints, whereby the sheet is connected to the handle and that the branches. The sensitivity of the plant to the light is so great that after Hufeland observations already the reflection of the sun from a about 20 steps away wall a strong erection, as the holding of sunlight by an opaque body and a passing of the sun cloud a low sinking the sheets caused. At full midday sun and the concentrated sunlight through a magnifying glass Hufelandstrae noticed a tremulous motion of the main leaves and the whole plant. (Also Dassen says it's known him a plant whose leaves so quickly turn to the light as Hed gyrans. , and gyroides .) The

moon light, artificial light, chemical and mechanical stimuli had no influence on that movement, but probably caused electric sparks a lowering of the blades.

IX. Stimulus movements of plants.

You touch a stamen of Berberis flower (Barberry, Berberis vulgar L. .) to its a pestle side facing down with a needle or the like, you can easily see him top against a quick movement against the pestle to make, and after some time of return themselves to the first layer. One the incentives from each lobe of the gaping scar (the end part of the pistil) of a Martynia annua or Bignonia radicans or some species of Gratiola or Mimulus (eg glutinosus ,aurantiacus, guttatus ), on the inner side with a needle, a pen or let fall a drop of water on it, then immediately closes and opens the scar after a while by itself. You touch the formed from the coalescence of pistil and stamens of natural downward curved Genitaliensule of Stylidium graminifolium , adnatum or corymbosum. At the slightest touch, it stretches the lower part of the curve straight and fast by the height almost to the opposite side, after which slowly returns to its former position. You touch the compound leaf of a sensitive plant ( Mimosa pudica ) on the thickened stem end, or will shake the sheet (or the whole plant), so it puts his papers together immediately and tends herself backward against the stem (A delicate sensitive plant pulled even at vibration Earth by a passing horse-rider as frighten the leaves together.) gradually returns back here on the natural situation by itself. There are more examples like (of which later) for now suffice this. Who can take only rough resemblance to the animal kingdom, the soul of the plant, for these, the animal so similar, stimulus movements always appear besonderm of weight. Even the most superficial analogy they can point to sensation. Imagine. Our side the weight of this analogy to what must have general considerations for us, way back and give opponents that they could one proves little or nothing Can be but if you even want to have a soul in the plants, apply all kinds of mechanical modes of explanation to these movements, as though equally well to the analogous occurring in the animals, or they do depend on a as it were dead life force, the course itself is only a term is dead. Is important that such stimulus movements throughout the exceptions are only in the plant kingdom, and the soul to us to be not only an exception in this realm. One has but the reasons for the plant soul did not only individually, but put in connection, and if such general considerations probably already have them appear so then can serve to little details to be proven resounding support. So, I mean, it behaves with those stimulated movements of plants. When the Gauls in their invasion of the ancient Rome senators markets sit still in their chairs saw (Livy v. 41), they also seemed to be the same no living creatures as they sat silently, up to a Papirius the beard plucked, as suggested by this letter to him. Well doubt no more Gauls. Thus, si licet parva magnis componere , it is with the

plants. It lacks basically nothing to the essential character of the animation, just sitting still makes us concern. But if we pick one or sting, and it beats out suddenly, so we should convince the well completely. Does not hit any of, so now we have to remember that, even when it happens, it's basically more than we can desire. In general, the plants are again not set up to be made known their feelings in striking movements, they react to their life and sensation stimuli in quieter way by the way they set up their growth, their color, their material form then what we know examples enough have learned and will learn even more. But nature has a plan of what they want zuerteilen the animal and plant kingdoms, also crossed again after so many respects with all keep apart, in the main, unaccustomed and unwilling to draw strict boundaries, of which we later (XII) many examples will offer, and we find this is basically just a slip more in that way, as the plant sometimes behaves towards sensation stimuli. Moreover, these movements give a very good confirmation of the previous observation that the plant does not need so many nerves, to which the animal has need. Because in fact the nerves are essential and necessary for all stimulus movements of animals in games. Demand but the plant is not for the nervous stimulus movement, so it will not require the same for stimulus perception. - So, these movements are us in many respects of importance. Of course, can say that the fact that these movements without nerves, such as going without muscles, to prove just best that they, therefore, if this is not also those are to indicate perception of the stimulus movements of animals of very different nature, someone . And certainly both are very different in respect to the means by which they come about. But I will repeat once again what I have said in discussing the question of nerves that nature loves to achieve similar purposes by various means? If the stimulus motion but even without all of the polyps detectable muscles and nerves, is there any such thing but in them, it's from what occurs in higher animals active in the stimulus movement, very different (see Siebold, I Comp Anat. .31). Last nerves and muscles but also only made from cells as the entities that are involved in the irritability of plants originally. So so different are not even the means. What should be more important than the comparability of funds is that the stimulation of plant movements in any case show all important vital peculiarities of the animal. Then applies at all analogy, and what else should apply here, so must the sensation that builds on the appeal of animal movements, as well as for the analog plant mitbeweisen. So let's look a little closer this match now. 1) A special peculiarity of the animal irritability is that it is addressed by stimuli of various kinds in a similar manner. A machine moves even when it hits, but not when it burns, dabbed with sulfuric acid, treated her an electric shock, whereas twitching a limb of an animal about the same way, which appeal einwirke also pointed, and the optic nerve feels light like real light work out or a blow to be done in the eye. So it is with the Pflanzenreizbarkeit. A sensitive plant is due to mechanical vibration, combustion by means of fire, chemical stimuli of various kinds, electrical sparks, sudden access full sunlight after zuvorigem stay in the shadows, quick transition to both the heat and the cold, sudden Allow free air after long closure caused to the

same movements, only those that fail according to the strength of the stimulus and the sensitivity of the plant stronger or weaker, more or less extend far. Similarly with other irritable plants (see below). 2) A solid match in the mode of action and intensity is the same stimuli is indeed between plants and animals can not expect to occur as early as the animal kingdom itself differences in this relationship. But examples of meaningful partial compliance is not lacking. In this relationship appears to be particularly important that the galvanism, this so peculiar life charm for animals, a similar role is able to play (even in respect to the distinct effect of both poles) even with the irritable plants, and that strong electric shocks here and there, the irritability destroy. The irritation of the plants by galvanism is of course complicated by the poor conductivity of the plants, and therefore do nothing with simple chains, and even in respect to the column effects contradict the observer, but Wet has shown (Gilbert Ann XLI 392nd.) Such as the attempt sure to Berberis and with perfect exclusion all mechanical stimulus succeeds like this: You bring a Berberisblume by an inserted in her arm pin with the positive pole of a column of about 40 pairs in connection or makes them with their stems in a glass of water, in which hangs down the wire from the positive pole of the column, and then pushes the petal to the irritation of the thread to be exposed to dust a bit of wet paper, and if you only avoids any impact and pressure, everything is still quite quiet. Then you put the pieces of paper on this wire to the negative pole quietly. Now immediately jumps to the associated stamen pistil about, often the neighboring filaments at the same time or in the next few moments. The direct light touch of the upper end of the flower sheet itself with the negative Poldrahte (at the end of the chain) without the intermediary of the paper has the same success with irritable stamens; less constant success is when the surface of the leaf is touched directly flowers. Also the introduction of the flower by the stem scar and chain is usually fruitless. A reverse application of the poles, where namely the impact negative on the stem, the positive on the petal is less effective; provided then with flowers that have already been attacked by tests or by prolonged standing the stems in water, sometimes after closing the chain the movement of one or a few times absent, or occurs also probably only a few moments after the closure. This corresponds info Muskelreizbarkeit away the animal, as well as the usual irritability of frog legs twitching, the lively and persistent, if the negative metal on the moving items, the positive is applied to the nerve. A motion upon separation of the chain could also be analog as frogs, are not observed. Berberisblume was the fresh-picked, at least not affected by repeated stimulation, the electrically stimulated stamens only needed 2 to 2 1/ 2 min to remove from pestle again and again to be irritable. The destruction of plant irritability by strong electrical shocks Humboldt to the stamens of Berberis observed (ug author M. and N. II 195), and Wet a similar influence of water and alcohol at the same perceived as irritability to which the frog legs. The debilitating effect of narcotic poisons should after some attempts (eg by Miquel and Dassen at Mimosa in distress Fror May 1839 207,... 1838 wiegm Arch II 358,.. gardener of Mimulus , etc..) opted for hold, but the attempts by Goeppert (..

Pogg in Ann XIV) seem to speak more decisively, however, although it has little effect on Mimosa admits. Certainly after attempts by Marcet, hunters, Goeppert, Dassen that the plants are killed by cyanide, arsenic, mercury, camphor and others (used in dissolution or vapor form on verschiedentliche way). (Compare Treviranus, Physiol II 724;. Bouchardat's experiments in particular, where among others the great harmfulness of all mercury compounds is shown even in the smallest quantity s, in Comptes rendus 1843 11 p 112...) 3) An irritated animal part versa in case of failure of the stimulus gradually by itself to its former state back, but slower than the irritation occurs. So concludes an oyster irritated their shells quickly, but it opens slowly, the green polyp runs irritated together quickly, but extends only gradually. The same is found, and quite consistently, in all stimulus movements of plants. The rapidly moving parts return by itself, but much slower in their former position back as the forward movement happened. 4) In animals, the irritability or more often by prolonged irritation jaded or exhausted, manufactured by rest again, if the irritation has not been exaggerated. Likewise, in all irritable plants. Even phenomena of habituation to stimuli have been at Mimosa others observed. A Berberisstaubfaden is only about 5 to 8 minutes, the sex column of Stylidium 12 to 15 minutes after stimulation anew irritable by repeated irritation but the irritability is quite exhausted. Even with a sensitive plant, the movements are so slow and incomplete, the more times in succession to carry out such was the same. What can be interpreted as habituation, appearances are as follows: Desfontaines observed at a sensitive plant, which he carried with him in the car that they initially closed by the shock, but finally remained despite the continued movement of the driving, open, as if they had become accustomed. After the car kept for a while, and then went on again, the leaves closed again, and then opened while driving again. Dassen repeated this experiment by a sensitive plant 3 / 4 made long hours in a rocking motion, the blades closed, but after 1 / 2 hour, reopened. After this experiment, the leaves were motionless for a good hour. All of a sudden all the leaves began to lower itself, and when she straightened up again, irritability was made in them again. In Dionaea muscipula this habit does not seem to occur, since the lobes are not open as long as the insect is caught in between. Morren observed in the irritable pen ofGoldfussia anisophylla that when the plant from the hothouse warm (25 R.) in a cold room (2 to 10 R.), brought a long tent seemed the irritability disappeared, after 12 to 48 hours but the plant had become so accustomed to stay cool that now held the same irritability than in the heat. 5) The degree of irritability of the animals depends partly on the state of health from the same, so it apart from some nervous diseases) with the same Lebenskrftigkeit increases (partly age, sex ratios, season, weather, external factors have a great influence on others. And again, as in irritable plants. Hegel (Philosophy of Nature p 480) says the stimulus movements of plants not to

suggest feeling: "The externality of the causes of irritability but prove particularly the observations of Medicus that several plants in the colder climes afternoon and on hot dry weather did not , while the morning after heavy dew and throughout the day are very irritable on gentle rain, that plants of warmer climates express their irritability only in blue, and that all plants are most attractive most when the seed dust just matures and the pestle with a shiny oils covered. "- I understand now not well how to herein are arguments against an importance of the plant stimulated movements of feeling or sensation, as in all the vegetable irritability only, safely standing with sensation in relationship, irritability of the animals (especially the lowly) in analogy 's. Recall, for example, to the different behavior of the frog preparations depending on the season and other circumstances in galvanic experiments. You could hold causes itself to remove objections to the psychological importance of the plant stimulated movements so that they contribute to open the character of physical necessity in itself, and that they cut themselves nor to cut plant parts (eg, cut branches of the sensitive plant, scars of Mimulus go) right, if not, apart from what has been stated in the past to accomplish the former objection, even here only similarities with animal subject stimulus movements, which are safe with sensation in relationship. An unexpected ray of light or needlestick compels even our eyes, our limbs as well as a twitch and sensation from the needle tip to the Berberisstaubfaden. Will, where it comes into effect, however, may suppress this movement, but he does neither they nor the sensation. In young children, where authentic will ever not yet come into force, stimulus movements almost take on the character of involuntary movements. Plants and they also behave very similarly children (see XV). "When lightly rubbing the back of the hand, the fingers when rubbed the back of the forearm, the arms and the same method on the shin stretch the legs in young children immediately, while tickling the inner hand causes an instantaneous curvature of the fingers." (V. d Kolk in Fror. Schleiden and hardship Oct., 1847. No. 75. P. 135) The stimulus movements on the other hand, cut plant parts are analogous to the stimulus movements that can be observed in truncated frog legs, tails, salamanders, etc.. You unless of course presupposes that the cut animal parts holds sway even no sensation, could this far turn against us when they said that stimulus movements, if they do at all can occur without sensation, also can not point to sensation. And in fact stimulated movements of plant pieces are so little sense to interpret these pieces, with animal motifs as it is the case, but then also ensure as much sensation at all plants on this plant, as it is the case with all animals. One must not only compare wrong. We do not claim that the stimulus motion in itself make sense, but only that they serve the body of sensation or a related thereto shoots in context. The mechanism then of course this can also remain in the separated parts. Here are additional, some more notes on the hitherto known examples of plant stimulus movement: Stimulus movements of stamens. Besides the common Berber Eating Do you have an irritability of the stamens

perceived: at the North American Berberisarten with pinnate leaves, Berberis humilis and (Mahonia Nutt canadensis .), but not with other Berber ideas as Epimedium, Leontice, Nandina; - in some plants of the Cactus Cisten and family name: Opuntia vulgaris ficus indica, tuna DC (Cactus Opuntia ficus indica, tuna ), by Medicus also at Cereus grandifl. hexagon . and peruvian. although this Treviranus could not find confirmed; also Cistus helianthemum, apenninum and ledifolium (Helianthemum vulgar . Apennines and. ledifol .) in the hermaphrodite flowers of some Centaureen, especially Centaurea spinosa, ragusina, cineraria glastifolia, eriophora, salmantica . Isnardi, Led pulchella . (In the latter was particularly striking success Treviranus) - finally on Sparmannia afrioana (a Titiacee). About some very interesting phenomena on stamens of different plants, but instead of irritability, and she was probably pushed depend on mechanical or other causes (to Parietaria, Chenopodium, Atriplex, Spinacia, Urtica, Humulus , Morus, Forskalea, Genista spartium, Indigofera, Medicago, Kalmia , etc.) Comp. Treviranus, Physiol. II 739 (Opposite Wet's attempts toParietaria and Urtica especially wiegm cf. Arch., 1836. 100 II) The stamens of the common Berber Eats smoke can still be set in motion when you cut them or the upper part of the pistil of the flower that has sepals and petals removed. Prevents they are at the moment, where they were exhausted, the expression of their movement, they remain unchanged after in its first position. In the plants of the Cactus and Cistenfamilie the irritability designed so that when you cross strokes with a straw or the beard of a spring on the filaments or blowing on them, the same make a slowly rotating and curving movement, which opposed ever after direction than that which gave them the shock occurs. This movement is more lively, the warmer to a certain degree, the atmosphere, but does not have the same speed as in Berberis and is not brought about by mere vibration. - The irritability of Centaureen seen most vividly in disc floret, which are only just blossomed. The filaments move here when touching the anthers together, not always the same, but only one or a number of seconds after contact, and return after some time, but gradually, in their previous position back, which can be repeated with success irritation. Here, too, favors heat the air irritability. (Treviranus, Physiol.) Morren differs closer 5 movements of the flowers of Centaureen. "L) If you lightly touch the flowers before the emergence of the stigmata, they make a move towards the center of the composite flower and back 2) then takes an out throwing the pollen third ) The stigmata penetrate out. 4) is Touched now easily the flowers or the stigmata, thus making them a rotating motion. 5) man Irritating finally the stigmata, then the anther pulls down and then rises up again. The first movement is caused by . fortziehen a shortening of the inner filaments of the stamens ago, which have grown to the flowers, and the flowers with the pestle, the second and third are produced by the regrowth of the stylus, and the fourth is also a result of the shortening of the grown filaments, which in turn done, and it is also the. fifth in all these cases it is therefore the stamens, which produce by their irritability movements. " (Wiegm. Arch 1844. S. II 128)

Stimulus movements of the pestle. At the mere stigma of the pistil stimulus movements have been observed especially in several genera of Personatenfamilie with double-lip scar, which above ( Martynia annua, Bignonia radicans , and gender Gratiola and Mimulus (listed in their most species) with a short description of the phenomena. Medicus want this irritability also on the double lip scar from Lobelia syphilitic, crinoides and CRinUS have noticed, however, to which observation, as he himself admits, is a more than ordinary attention. Moreover stimulus movements are still on the scar of Goldfussia anisophylla and Goodenia, at the Genitaliensule S tylidium and the cap-like attachments on the ovary in Pinus Larix (larch tree) have been observed. Throughout this irritability seems to be related to the act of fertilization. The double lip scars of Personaten this is info remotely the case, as the pollen on the stigma gelangend, is closing its causes and recorded and the Dons to view the pressure on the liquid content of the hoses outgrowing pollen to contribute, herabzutreiben this content to oak (?). On the irritability of the scar of Mimulus gardener has recently hired especially careful tests. (Gardener, experiments and observations on the reproductive organs in the perfe. Plants. Stuttgart., 1844.) Cut off and get them in damp sand behaved as unabgeschnitten. Vibration does not it, but probably chemical stimuli, such as sulfuric acid. By morphine or Strychninl oil (mixture of morphine or strychnine with oil) the irritability is weakened and finally destroyed. Castration had no farther influence on the irritability than that by the time the flower and so is the scar was extended. One effect of the own pollen on the excitability takes place only at the time of conception ability; chemical stimuli act but also save the time. In Goldfussia anisophylla (otherwise Ruellia anisophylla ) can be expected when the flower opens, bent the end of the stylus, which has the form of a top to hook bent tapered wire over the stamens out, so that the scar, which is only one side of the stylus in a certain length extends away from the tip of directed convex toward the sky, and the concavity of the hook is turned against the stamens. But if anything touches the stylus, or you blow it, or plant shaken, or of warm (25 R.) brings air quickly into cold (-2 R.), then the curved end of the stylus aligned perfectly straight on, soon as straight as an arrow, sometimes slightly curved like a Flamberge, and sometimes (but rarely) is the pen of a lateral movement to the right or left, forward or backward. Yes when thermal irritated the stylus to curve even in an arc to the opposite side so that the stylus is then almost immediately on the corolla with a fine grain surface. Until the voluntary return to their original position probably goes about 1 / 4 hour. The experiment can be renewed often. The sensitivity of the pen begins no earlier than the opening of the anthers and lasts until the flower has faded. It shows itself in cut flowers, even in isolated pencils, so good, as if they are still on the plant, brightness or darkness makes no difference in the success of the experiment. The purpose of the motion stimulus is obviously the execution of pollination, as later (XI) to discuss in more detail. A voluntary movement could not be perceived. (Nouv. Mm. De l'Acad. De Bruxelles., 1839.)

In the genus Stylidium, whose movements are so short stimulus mentioned above, is the pillar, which ends with two anthers and stigma, to be considered as an intergrowth of two filaments, which include a stylus. It has a double S-shaped curve and is bent down on the under side of the flower border in the natural state. Morren's investigations of eye.StyliD.graminifolium were closer to the following: The movement of Sulchens is only by virtue of the mobility of the curvature at the base instead of the same. In conclusion, the buds irritability is not, it does not begin before the opening of the anthers and shows up in full force only when they have begun to strike back at the sides, what they do during the fertilization period. If the Antherenapparat is withered, listening to the irritability. In general, the movement is only irritation, but on very hot days, especially at noon time, Morren also often saw that the little columns of freely straightened (slowly, in about 1 / 2 min, whereas stimulation very quickly) and also of himself returned to his previous position again. Is the small columns once erected, one searches in vain it due to its low position, it rockets through elasticity by itself in the air. The irritability is unchanged also cut small columns, even in the cut out of the small columns curvature of the base piece. (Nouv. Mm. De l'Acad. De Brux. 1838.) On the irritability of the cap-shaped attachments, which at the base of the ovary of the larch tree ( Pinus Larix ) sit (Don, apparently erroneously, considered stigmata), Don reported as follows: "I took a branch with non-fertilized flowers, shook the pollen of the male catkins of another branch also, which stigmata found it completely filled with pollen, and could now easily notice how the walls of stigma is gradually pulled together to perfect union, which apparently has the purpose of the liquid contents . pollen bubbles to squeeze and the same to drive through the narrow passage to the oaks After fertilization, the walls of stigma expand again, soon it withers and can now be seen with the empty pollen bubbles filled you cut a branch with female flowers before fertilization. from, we are astonished to see how long the stigma remains open and in perfect condition. " (Ann. of the sc., 1828. XIII 83.) Stimulus movements of other flower parts. When, with Stylidium to a natural family belonging, also neuhollndischen genus Leeuwenhoekia is that joint, whereby the fifth tip of the crown articulates with the pipe, irritable, so that it touches, or otherwise irritated, leaving its natural lowered position to quickly erect and covered with its hollowed plate Genitaliensule the property. Also, in the genus Caleya the lip seems to have some irritability, and for some types of Pterostylis and Megaclinium falcatum Lindl . - In several species of Mesembryanthemum , the petals set on when you put a drop of water on the stamen. - In Bellis also makes a sudden alignment of the beams produce leaflets, but only after the stronger impression of the ether. The bell-shaped flower ofYpomoea sensitiva closes after Turpin immediately by folding in at the slightest touch of her nerves. - An Oenothera tetraptera Hedwig observed a sudden wilting of the corolla near its breaking when he had carefully cut open with a penknife the cup part of it still enveloped. Stimulus movements of leaves.

Of plants with simple leaves irritable until now only Dionaea muscipula known. Plants come with composite irritable leaves much you know until now, only under the Oxalideen andlegumes before. From 33 to 36 plants belonging here, which are known so far only one has the symptoms of motion closer Oxalis sensitiva , Averrhoa carambola, and the most careful of Mimosa pudica , or sensitive plant investigated. For some, the irritability is just lazy. Here is a list of known so far: I Oxalideen: Averrhoa Bilimbi L., A. carambola L., Oxalis L. sensitiva, 0 stricta, 0 acetosella, 0 corniculata, 0 purpurea, 0.carnosa, 0 Deppei (the latter after six Morren) . - Legumes II: Aspalathus persica Burm. - Nauclea pudica Desc. Aeschynomene sensitiva Swartz, A. indica L., A. pumila L. - Smithia sensitiva Ait. Mimosa casta L., M. L. peruambucana (Desmauthus diffusus Willd.), M. asperata L., M. pigra L., M. quadrivalvis L (Schrankia aculeata Willd.), M. pudica L., M. sensitiva L., M. viva L. Willd. -.. Desmanthus lacustris Dec, D. Willd natans, D. stolonifer Dec, Dec triquetris D., D. plenus Willd, D. polyphyllus Willd.... -. Acanthocarpa Acacia Willd this even after allotment two not exactly certain types of Aeschynomene and after a Decandolle Acacia from Senegal. (Wiegm. Arch I. 347 1840 1838 162 II..) - After Mohl also join in Robinia pseudacacia, viscosa and hispida by shaking the branches, the leaves somewhat. He believes that this irritability of the plant tissue is more common than we previously believed. (Botan. time., 1832. 497 II) In general, all known plants with irritable leaves love the wettest places, and some, like the Desmanthus species are almost aquatic plants. All, with the exception of occurring in the warmer regions of the temperate zone Dionaea belong to the hot zone. Most are herbs, shrubs and a few trees. All stimuli bring in irritable leaves only a close, never to open out. In compound leaves occur irritable same directions, which can be caused by stimuli, in a state of sleep, of free will. Dionaea muscipula is sparingly found in the swamps of North America. The leaves are spread out in Rose shape around the flower stalk her on the ground and have the anterior end of a divided by an incision at its end in two semi-oval lobes rounded, reddish annex, connected almost solely through the midrib with the other sheet. The same is studded with small, somewhat fleshy glands, the lobes are also provided not only at its edge with bristly lashes, but each of them also has surface in the middle of its three upright very small spines. The surface of the cloth sweat from the glands of a juice, which attracts insects, some of which seem to be very eager after. Hardly, however, an insect has the usual spread sheet or attachments lobes of Dionaea set, then fold this (in seconds) Upper forward together, the lashes of their edges intersect each other, and the spines help to hold the animals. The more the insect resists, the more the flaps close to each other, only if it behaves motionless, they open again, and it will again when it is not, however, died. The same effect, which is brought about by the stimulus of an insect is, but also generates as by contact with the finger, a straw or leaves of neighboring plants. Curtis found sometimes that the fly was caught encased in a slimy substance which seemed to act as a dissolving agent in the same, after which he assumed that the trapped insect serves to feed the plant. The irritability of the plant is related to the temperature of air in relation. Even with Drosera

rotundifolia and longifolia want to like as in Dionaea have observed, only much slower movements, but others could not find this phenomenon here confirmed. Oxalis sensitiva is common in Amboyna including parts of India. The abruptly pinnate, ovate leaves about 12 some counting leaves of this plant lie in contact or by throwing some sand grains together so that the lower surfaces of both sides abut what they raise in ceasing irritation after some time. Close itself when the plant is approached and the ground shakes.Even at night and on rainy days they are closed. In the morning they are in a state of the most powerful erection and not as sensitive to mechanical stimuli, as at noon, where they merge with the naked already breathing on them. Asterism asterism is in Bengal, the Moluccas and the Philippines because of planted fruit tree. The irritability of the feathered leaves here is kind of trgerer so that it usually takes only a few minutes after stimulation. The lower leaves when you touch the petiole, down, so that the opposite sides of touch with its lower surface almost. Mimosa pudica , sensitive plant, with bipinnate leaves. The leaves, the leaf ribs, the main petiole, the branch itself, have each his special move, the virtue of ordinary plants as well sleep occurs, may arise as a result of stimuli. The papers is that they put themselves forward tiles one above the other, that of the leaf ribs, that they approach each other, which they incline of the petiole that he reverse applies to the stem, and the branches to the top. In this state of contraction is of the plant even at midnight, in a state of maximum expansion, however, where all the parts apart, on hot summer days the morning in bright sunlight. Each of these movements as a result of stimuli can occur even without the other, however, this is preferably of the movement of the leaves, leaf veins by the petioles rarely move without consulting with those in work. Directly from the mechanically stimulated contraction of the parts go out and propagates to the more larger or smaller, the stronger was the irritation. The time which a sheet needs to make the state of dispersion, changes of less than 10 minutes up to 1/ 2 hour, and this is not opened with the regular sequence of such portions happenings as closing. The irritability is located preferably in the joints, which is the main stems and this the branches connected to each leaflet of the midrib, each of the leaf ribs; thereof, a light touch, insonderheit a white dot at the articulation of each sheet with the midrib, suffices to produce effective, whereas the blades just touch causes the contraction info far as it is connected to a vibration propagated to the joints. Truncated branches, especially set with the cut in water, retain their irritability. Also sleep in the night the plant is still irritable; opens and closes itself under water still, though more slowly. But in the air and the day she moves on liveliest and the more so, the stronger it is and the higher the air temperature. That (as claimed Decandolle) already the cotyledons of germinating M. . pud are irritable, Dassen was not confirmed; also have young leaves before the earlier adopted the dark green color, little mobility. Gone yellow leaves are not very irritable,

but less noticeable than when using chemical stimuli is mechanical (Dassen). With the development of new leaves and flowering, the mobility decreased significantly in the next-standing leaves, the ripening of fruits hearing on the motions. Applied stimuli often extend their effect far beyond the site of their application, which is especially clear when you burn a leaf gently, for much more than the heat is sufficient to put the sheets together. This effect requires the propagation time by remote stimuli from the leaves later put together to be the approach. After Dutrochet the propagation velocity in the petioles is 8 to 15 mm in seconds l, in the stem at most 2 to 3 mm, though it is not so for Dassen accurate determination possible. On the manifold stimuli to which the mind responds plant, see above. The influence of the same stimulus, but at different levels according to the different states of the sensitive plant, so that often different to the observer. Mechanical stimulation by wounding have no movement to follow, unless they are associated with loss of juice or shake, as you can see because often arise movement when cutting into a sheet, but not when this gently (after Dassen) with sharp scissors happens as effective chemical stimuli has been recognized include: chlorine, liquid ammonia, nitrous acid, sulfurous acid, sulfuric ether, essential oils, as a vapor or liquid with the leaves of Mimosa pudica contacted. You can extend their influence very far. How can the fact that it brings a strong acid gently on a leaf, without connecting it to a concussion, cause all related leaves close. Camphor destroyed the sensitivity and kills the plant without the leaves close. - Combustion by fire is one of the strongest stimuli. Dassen helped himself to be especially effective, thin, soaked in wax cotton threads. With the very same small flame he could bring young leaves of movement, which had to move in any other way. After the sudden entrance of a cold, which was below the freezing point of a branch of a sensitive plant saw Duhamel du Fay and this is just more open than before, with its leaves, then re-open and close very quickly. - Galvanism seems, because of poor management of the plant, difficult to influence, so the observers disagree on this UPHOLSTERY. When burned the roots with concentrated sulfuric acid, or a flame, not the least movement occurs in the leaves (Dassen), but rather when applying dilute sulfuric acid (Dutrochet) where absorption is still possible.
Man berhre das gefiederte Blatt einer Sinnpflanze (Mimosa pudica) am verdickten Stielende, oder erschttere das Blatt (oder die ganze Pflanze); so legt es seine Blttchen sogleich zusammen und neigt sich selbst rckwrts gegen den Stengel, (Eine empfindliche Sinnpflanze zog schon bei Erschtterung der Erde durch einen vorbeireitenden Reiter die Bltter wie erschreckt zusammen.) Allmhlich kehrt auch hier die natrliche Lage von selbst zurck.

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Everything the life of the plant is disadvantageous, eg submerging them different under water, brushing the leaves with oil or alcohol, the rarefied air of an air pump, too cold like warm atmosphere, prolonged deprivation of air pollutants type, the carbonate, nitrate and nitrogen gas, weaken or destroy the irritability. By poisons the Mimosa is killed before the leaves are reached by the poison, and "one can (says Dassen) explain the effect only from its effect on the whole plant, which is different

to the poisons, since narcotic limbs limp in corrosive poisons are stiff. " Everywhere one notices here is that the natural movements later than the stimulus movements disappear (by sleeping and waking). (Comp. by recent experiments on . Mim pudica : Meyen in S. Physiology III, 473; Dassen in wiegm Arch 1838.1 349; Fror Miquel, N. distress no 9 of the X band Gppert in Pogg..... Ann., 1828. 252 XIV)

X. Teleological arguments against.

We have previously made various purpose considerations in favor of the plant soul asserted. But it is my last crush all these considerations by the simple counter speculation that the plant but serve too much and clearly for purposes other than that of fitly end in itself could be the same speech. We can be developed first and foremost for his full weight to the argument. The construction, installation, life and death of the plants go completely on purpose in relationships for human and animal kingdom, and this is quite pointed at them. Without plants starved everything, everything verkme in helplessness, and the man had not bread, not potatoes, not linen, not wood, and hereby are not home, not ship, do not drum, not fire, and hereby does not heat in winter, no heat for the pot, not glow for the metals, and hereby do not ax, do not plow, not knife, not money. Without the plant, he would not even meat, no milk, no wool, no silk, no spring, no leather, no suet, no lard, because where has all this until the animal? And without all of this he would not trade, not craft, not art, not writing, not books, not science, in short, he had nothing but the bare life, and this too will soon no more. Thus man needs the plants and many other particulars to this they are created, and what man does not need that needs the animal that is itself partially used again by the people, but also has its purpose in itself. Any plant that serves the people not directly granted certainly one or several animals at the same time food and stay, and even still in disrepair million each fed infusoria. The plant satisfies enough of the purpose, by making all of this, and it explained it well enough, which is why it is there. The whole infinite variety of plants and their products will just mean nothing else than the equally great variety especially gearteter needs in human and animal kingdoms prefabricate partly to provide some direct enough. Soon we see a plant variety, often intersecting, useful services for animals and people imposed very soon calculated on a main power plant for humans or animals. But both shows equally that the determination of the plant has just to be working only in special purpose services for other often on the same plant at the root of the worm, the leaf for the caterpillar, the flower for the butterfly, smell and color of the people, the fruit of his palate and stomach, the herb nor for his cattle. No less than 70 different species of insects alone are to live on and from the oak. This still singing in their branches the bird and climbs the squirrel, the pig reads the falling fruits on the dormouse seeks protection under its root, man tans with their bark, timbers from their tribe the keel of his ships as the bars of his house, and is warming the house on their branches. So all this zerfhrt a tree so to speak in power for another purpose. On the other hand, consider the benefit of the flax, wine, hops, so many Arzeneipflanzen like

her especially for a specific primary purpose, the people, are calculated. Indeed, even the vain pleasure of people is still high enough, construction and special plant life specially to subordinate its satisfaction. Because the nature of the women created vain, they also created a special plant to the services of this vanity. Just as it is, the mulberry plant had to be mixed so that even silk could from her spinning, and it really just for this purpose to do with her, proves the beige passed only to their destruction and for a taste of feeling rewarded silkworm . Tea and coffee would surely not so strangely mixed substances, unless the people are so whimsical desires had been planted then. And everywhere, when the plant is prepared for that, done what they intended to make people or animals, they will ruthlessly destroyed the grain immediately mowed, pulled the potatoes hit the tree, the roasted flax. Nowhere, it seems a shame about the nature of a plant, if it is to meet with them a purpose for humans and animals. After all, this can only be the meaning of the relationship between animals and plants. Man and beast were destined to bring soul, idea, purpose in nature, which is now required course material to the carrier and to the achievement. Thus, the ideal but would not get too caught up in the material itself, would burden this, was by far the largest portion of material ingredient and work that required for the purposes of the ideal, laid in a peculiar world in which the physical load and effort easily is supported because it is not considered therein. If the man and the beast all so would like to look after higher things are never develop the purely earthly, material themselves have to get ready with their own bodies through own activity and from the beginning of what is handed to them already prepared by the plants freely in people can, and even the animals have stunted its free tails on the ground. Now enjoy humans and animals are in part identical with pleasure, what else only would create cumbersome, partly remains only the last edit on to turn out of the hands of the plant already prepared Outdated, and here they are then at the same time the most favorable conditions for the operation their ideological factor. The whole existence of the human and animal kingdom shows so having regard to the plant kingdom as a base, but you can not ask the carrier he the higher and even still contained in what he intended, on to a free , effortless losers His uplift the soul di here. Should also have the chandelier lit by wearing the light? Yes, it would not be called after the plant to the purposes souled beings entirely subordinated shows require an abundance and an impossibility at the same time that they have now also use for themselves? Must it not rather for them, as for the animal and human world, just be the Gnstigstmgliche that they do not even even know the value of a life, learn not even imagine the joy of a life that would be determined only in victims of others to be working? Just as she is, she is the award purposes without resistance, is determined to meet them, hereby give best serves this performance, and it takes us to nature and not to be sorry, to use it. I have the development of this objection given so much game, because doing a truly wonderful big and beautiful side of nature unfolds that also exceptionally accurate, careful, to be most individual extending convenient means of an organic empire pious of the other, but of course just only one side, and herein lies the

Untriftigkeit the objection and hereby he makes us forget and lose a wonder of that miracle. Because the greatest wonder of nature is but the fact that each of its essence in each district, made by all other beings appear, at the same time remains completely on own purposes, one is always the other, after the other relationship only when andres him again used, and all weighed engages in such that the whole is preserved and alive. So let's leave the plant matter how carefully constructed, be set up to fulfill the purpose for humans and animals, so altogether for such purpose fulfillment calculated what it does! The whole assumption is fundamentally wrong, as though hereby as a caring, fully accurate calculation of the structure, the establishment of the plant for own purposes not vertrge. Each view of the chain of natural beings who intentionally terminates in one-sided view, is sufficient to show this purpose concatenation. Dog and cat must serve the pleasure or the benefits of the people, but why they have less desire and striving after self? The cat eats the sparrow, but the sparrow is therefore not merely for the cat because, the sparrow eats the caterpillar, but the caterpillar is therefore not merely because of the sparrow, the caterpillar eats the plant, why is now the plant at one time only for the caterpillar and what is backward, be there? I find nothing in the nature of what the desire, the descending this ladder, forbid, even descend into the flowering plant, because this looks like a stage of stone and iron? The plant serves other purposes, it is true; justice demands, therefore, that serve their purposes other again, and the nature of these exercises justice, as will be shown in detail. But then the plant must be able to have purposes, and this can only be a being with a soul, I do not exactly my purpose in the sense of Hegel's purposecategories, but if only purposes, as they are now just has a being for something a drive feels, and probably when it reaches such. Can have as many make so many others at the same time a plant, as we have seen the example of the oak, so is it not both an excess of fulfillment of purpose than to find the surest indication that one may have never thought of the main purpose. Because so much can they afford so many others at the same time, there is yet to believe the next that they, above all, give yourself some will be able to afford. Because they do but even the next, they will be able to afford this, and also the best in the best context. The main purpose will be to look up words herein. All those purposes, they met for others, but only shatter; attach to individual appearances, offshoots of their lives. However, the oak is bound to be a feast, whole, good stuff, has himself together completely. And this is quite related to organic action areas should correspond no coherent purpose in it field? It was missing when the oak come no particular purposes. Who does not believe that when a star emits radiation in all directions, something light and accordingly collected in himself? But let the oak beams from a dark nucleus send. If some plant only made appears to satisfy small, probably even erroneous tendencies of the people, so that should in any case the best prove that what they appear merely made can only be the least and least important of the what they really made is, or our view of nature is a very undignified.

You mean but that nature will lay the material work for greater half of soul empty entities to facilitate the soulful thus, one should however consider that, according to general arrangement of nature at all substantive action is only that which is down here doing the soul can express. So do not work would save the soul, but soul for the work would be saved if the objection was right when, what else could go with soul vonstatten, but it should go without such vonstatten. But to every work and effort is also a reward of work, know how to make a retaliation effort is. The King and scholars themselves have to work with brain and pen, for the peasant and artisan, however, with more arm and planing works. But this feels so good and strong as that of the strain of his work and enjoys the reward of as much of his work. Feeling and enjoyment is just fine and there developed, coarser and simpler here, as it is the work and the substance of the work and the workers themselves. But the farmer can feed the king and still feel what he is doing to nourish it, the plant will be able to feed the beast and still feel what it does to nurture it. All the reasons by which the soul prior to planting in favor of the state of humans and animals has been agreed, would be necessary, in fact, also, they deny the peasantry in favor of prior scholars and gentlemen. It is said about the problem, but our tools are to have no purpose and things which merely serve purposes, why not also the plant? But just putting together our tools can, as with early reflections, best serve to show that the plants covered by another point. Our tools live and move and do not grow out of themselves like plants, they have everything on hand, shape and addition of us, so they can demand anything of purpose for themselves, and the work that is being done with them, they do not ourselves, we are the ones who do, so can only do we demand the wages of labor, the plants but if they are tools that are themselves living, working in and with and in and of itself tools as we can, So also make similar claims as we are, as we are instruments of God, in God's workshop but has no tools each side alternately to serve the other one, but. This now we come to the second page of our subject, which completely overlooked the objection or has looked through the first side than swallowed as she is swallowed rather in the most beautiful order. And herewith the facing against the soul of the plant argument will return to their advantage fully. The plants serve humans and animals, but conversely the people and animals have to serve the plants, and the plants that made soulless, this would also make people and animals soulless. Only because we used to measure everything to us and our needs, not in the same kind of services are available to the plants as they are, we do not make it as a service. With the same rights, as they say, that the people and animals eat and eat the fruits of the field, one can in fact say that the fruits of the field feed on humans and animals again, for all of what's going on humans and animals, is over again in the plants, and must go into them so that they grow and flourish. They rip people just not as alive, as we do with them. You wait for what's going on from us until it comes to them, expect our death before they take possession of our whole. This patient is now interpreted

them as inertial resistance and dead passivity, but with good reason, because they are not really sensitive to everything that they prove indeed the very fact that it all when it comes to it, but accept and greedy joyfully grow thereby. It just depends on this patience at all with their Gebanntsein to the soil and their, so to speak, female character towards the animals together. Waiting but also a queen, that you bring what she needs: it is indeed certain that she does not need to wait, a lot of hands are busy even for them. So now waiting for the whole plant, that the animal body dissolve themselves to build their bodies, the flower waits until the insect come to her to help her in fertilization; waiting for the seed that the sower and take him to the land sown , the insect and man do so safely, certainly first on their account, but nature has the insects and people just set up so that its own sake becomes a because of you both. If the nature or let the plants with animals argue about what the other one needs to do this because so much of it? She has preferred to leave in peace and give and take here interlocking, so that not all dissolve into discord. So now they allowed us to plant at will for our purposes to use without the plant also can only defend themselves, but even against our will, we must serve the plants again, and we can fight some more about it? The manure and rotting corpse it is not only what the plant is used as food by humans and animals benefit. In a secret, unknown to most people rather they must transport the plants to make the most important important things that they themselves have. In fact, how well you believe that a plant that grows in pots or outdoors, is so great? The soil seems hardly to diminish. Also allows a plant burning low ash back. Certainly much does the absorbed water, but little soil and plenty of water makes nearly no plant. As strange as it may sound some, it is certain that it is mainly the breath of humans and animals, from which the plant was built, which creates its fixed scaffolds. Noticeably all solid which remains as a coal burning plant, the plant draws from the carbonic acid of the air (and thus laden water), the same creature that escapes as foam of champagne. This carbon dioxide is exhaled by humans and animals, absorbed by plants, and transformed the resulting deposited carbon in their substance, but the oxygen (whose connection with the carbon specify the forms carbonic acid) is returned to the atmosphere. "Certainly," says Dumas, "contained the patch of ground on which the acorn sprouted centuries ago, from which has arisen standing before us mighty tree, not a millionth of the carbon that the oak has now. The rest, ie all , is carbon, it has received from the air. " (Dumas, statics of the organ. Ch) Boussingault found that the fertilizer has been used on a Country Good for one hectare of ground, only 2793 kilograms. Containing carbon, which made the 8383 harvest but kilog. In another country, the good harvest even included 7600 kilograms. Carbon more than fertilizer. Thus, the excess must originate from the air. The same hired an attempt which set in pure gravel and basted with distilled water peas, so that had to take their food only from the air, yet developed, leaves and seeds contributed.(Ibid.) How eager the plants absorb the carbon from the air, the following experiment

proves Boussingaults. He found that "vine leaves, which are introduced into a balloon, the all aufsaugten in the carbonic acid contained by the same air passed when one could also rule out the airflow yet so fast. Similarly saw Butcher from the rhizomes of the full juice felled trees, the carbon dioxide escaping into huge amount. " (Ibid.) In winter, our breath freezes to flowers in the window, shoot the vivid flowers in summer meadow on it. God, they say, the people breathed the soul, conversely, it can be said that people breathe to the body of a plant. People and animals must therefore breathe and live, so that the plants grow and live, so the lungs of humans and animals can be almost regarded as organs which have to prepare the plants this necessary of life need. We keep cows and prepare us the milk in their udders, the plants are kept by God people and animals to prepare them for the carbon dioxide in the lungs. The cow itself by eating the grass helps with their breathing new grass build, it only eats the old leaves, ie the products of previous life activities of plants, and, as previously recalled, has the ready for the plants do not do much more mean, they breathed it from the fabric to a new life activity, as in the transformation of that half-spiritual substance in biological, the main task of the life of plants, which just makes them grow, green, live. Could be here now not even say that nature has most of the substantive preparatory work, all the Zermalmungs and digestive process of coarse materials to the animal unloaded from the plant, so to speak, the plant is merely remained the nice, light hearted task from the ghost-like creature that emerges as the final product of that rough process to build the daintiest, sweetest body always new and decorate, Bildnerin and painter in one, and it has not even have to struggle to budge. Here, the ideal floats not quite in the vegetable kingdom, and the rough is not based entirely in the animal kingdom? Although the breath makes it not alone, much to the atmospheric carbon dioxide also contributes to the burning of wood in, for what drew the plant from the spirits of nature in life, is the death of the plant as a fiery breath into it back, but only to the growth of new plants , to rejuvenate the plant world. The whole plant will die but once. In this respect, we can settle the meaning of angels of death for the plants to humans. We paint the death with a scythe, and for them it is accompanied by bodily sense and style, a higher being destructive to the individual, but of the whole serving of renewal. By the plant draws from the breath and the food products of the fire, she has of course to do the same in return for it. Would take it not to the carbonic acid from the air, this would more and more corrupt, because the carbon dioxide as a product of breathing or burning themselves can no longer serve to fan the breath or fire and entertain, rather stifled both where the air with too much carbon dioxide lade. Now, however, the plant by withdrawing this gas its carbon, it again the vital air (oxygen) ago, which was originally used for breathing and burning, and replaced by returning the same this always fresh and ready for maintenance of life and the atmosphere fire. How do plants and animals complement their purpose services.The plant breathes the carbonic acid, which exhales the animal and the animal breathes oxygen,

which exhales the plant, the plant decomposes the carbonic acid and increases the solid material, the carbon it in to build her body, the animal the oxygen combines with the carbon of the body and are available in gas form from this link in order to dispose of a spent material. Both, however, is necessary for maintenance of the life of both. After all, it will always remain possible of course to say yes, so that the man could have wood, the tree had only grow and reproduce, and thus man can have bread, had blossom the grain and bear fruit, and that the man of the always would find pure air to breathe, the herb had become green in it. But it will always remain as possible to reverse it and say that the tree, the corn grow the herb, green, blooming, could bear fruit, the man and the animal had to only produce the fertilizer and the carbonic acid of the air, had man again the old wood burning; had to grow as human beings and animals and feed off that they do everything in life, and could thus provide suitable decay products for the plants even in death. Well it would certainly everyone will find highly foolish to seriously believe that the beautiful and artful device of man and beast was only there that their waste, the plants benefit secondary and destruction products, but you can not see because it all equally foolish to believe that the plants are so beautiful and artfully decorated and built only therefore to ensure that waste, conversely, the animals are secondary and destruction products of this beautiful building benefit, especially as far the most benefit is the same in destruction products. But in fact this is the approach with which we usually keep us satisfied. The vine is there so that we crush his grapes, the tree there to that we chop it into logs and place in the oven, the coal there to the caterpillar that eats it and we cook it. Or do we want on the aesthetic impression we make the plants are still alive, still place a lot of weight? The plants enjoy yes but also alive with their green and blooming as the eye of man. But how many plants go by without ever making an impression on a human eye, and before man was on the earth, many thousands were already grown by plants on Earth, the green certainly raised no aesthetic feeling in the mammoth and cave bear. And for what else you hereby declares the plants than for corpses plastered or whitewashed tombs by its vivid attributes to outward appearance nor the purpose to rejoice through outer plaster, however, her entire content of which is dedicated only to the destruction? This approach seems so pointless that I only want to keep the plant for not soulless to ihrerwillen; also is our natural feeling far away, to agree, as discussed several times already. Does man by cultivating the whole world had nothing more to do than to participate to this, he has certainly in some respects right. But the rose, dahlia, which from a crude, simple greenhouse to a beautiful resplendent flower in thousands of varieties is grown in the course of this cultural development, has probably also right when she says anything and the man himself had, this is only their cultural development rotated; without the people there would never be such a beautiful fullness, so rich a change can come with her, and the man had to cultivate, to cultivate it. Also, the grain of the field may be right when it says it's all been bent on bringing it to its parent company beautiful ears, and man only prepared but by nature tool to guide the plow and the field to his order to favor, so that the greatest number

of ears could get undeterred by foreign invaders in the smallest space. Yes is not perhaps the man himself again sown as from higher spirits and drawn as the Georgina and the field of grain; death is not the breaking of a flower, a battle mowing a field? I think it is with humans and animals, and plants with nothing but sun, earth and moon. The moon appears to be the meaning of Untergeordnetste in planetary systems, such as the plant in organic systems in our earthly world. But who looks at the moon, but sees the earth and the sun revolve around the moon, sees himself at the center of it all. If you like the sun, says you're wrong, you, together with the earth, turn around me. But they both are wrong, or both right, as you want. Basically, each turns the other, depending on whether one takes the view on one or the other, on absolute positions but one turns to the other as little as the others, but all around the common center of gravity, which comprehends the whole system represents. Thus, all life revolves around God, but God himself who, with his unit, the life and activity of all his creatures. One focus is just nothing without the force that pulls against each other every part of the Heavy. Some bases his belief in the former continuation of the human soul that God would surely have the human body is not built with such extraordinary art and furnished with such the smallest continuous expediency, if not in favor of an eternal soul, weird, if you can believe it have set up the plant body with such great care and usefulness favor even from no soul.

XI. Examples from the teleology of the plant world.

The cutest same time and aptly dismisses that in the position of the animal and plant world against each other one-sided purpose of consideration have obgewaltet granted indisputably the ratio of teleological reciprocity between insects and plants in the pollination business of the latter. 1) Who is not irksome to us by some detail follow, the following is some interesting fact with respect thereto. The discussion of this material may, after all, already been said in the previous section to be short, however, but also offers some peculiar consideration in the

Comp. especially on this subject: Conrad Sprengel, discovered the secret of nature in the construction and the fertilization of flowers. Berlin 1793.

It is known that the essential condition of plant fertilization is that the pollen (pollen) from the anthers (anthers), ie, the end parts of the stamens (filaments) on the stigma (stigma), ie the end of the pestle were possible to. The anthers are attached but always at a certain distance from the scar, 2) also found in some plants still rather special circumstances which make it difficult to transfer to the stigma of the flower dust. To bring those still about, now nature has taken manifold and strange events, among which the establishment of the instincts of life and many insects play a major role. Wherever the fertilization business by the plant itself by virtue of the construction and the position of its parts could not be completed duly, insects are ready to provide temporary help by communicating through their movements in the

flower the transfer of the dust of the anthers to the stigma . Not just bees and butterflies, many beetles (from the genera cetonia, Elater, chrysomela, Curculio , etc.), half-beetles and lacewings participate here.

Most of this is the so-called Monzisten (monoecious plants) and Dizisten (dioecious plants), where here the stamens and pistils in different (respektiv male and female) flowers are included. The difference between both is that the male and female flowers on the same plant are located even in the Dizisten in Monzisten on different plants. To Monzisten include, but are corn, melon, pumpkin, gourd, larch, hazelnut, etc. to the Dizisten spinach, hemp, Bingelkraut, juniper, etc.

In many flowers several ways to help insects for fertilization, such as the shield flowers, the euphorbias, but done in many merely a kind of insect this business, "because," as Conr.Sprengel puts it, "the rest are either too stupid to know where the juice is hidden, and how they can get to the same, or if they do, are either too big to crawl into the flower can, or too small to crawl into when they should touch the anthers and stigma. " Thus, according to Sprengel Nigella arvensis only fertilized by the bees, Iris xiphium however only by bumblebees, both in a very certain way - in Pennsylvania also makes a very small species of hummingbird, bumblebee bird called, for the fertilization of some plants of the same service as insects, nourished by the nectar of the flowers in the tubes he einsenkt its long pointed beak and deep, and he flies from one flower to another and back again. (Kalm, maturity in d north America II 354) The following circumstances are now taking odd in respect to this purpose, a performance together. To cause the insects to the visits, this honey containers (juice cup, nectaries) are added; also have some insects, like bees, the instinct to collect pollen itself. The flowers then just sweat from most honey juice when their stamens and scars for pollination business are proficient as Schkuhr (Handb II 84) in Tropaeolum, Delphinium, Helleborus and L. Ch Treviranus (Physiol. II 390) at Anemone , Chrysosplenium and Saxifraga have specially observed. The honey juice commonly found at the deepest, most hidden places of the flower, so that the insects can not get to him, without entering and hatch out to touch the fertilization parts and bring the pollen to the stigma. By small hairs of a suitable position, the nectaries are usually protected against the rain and therefore the dilution of their juice, but without the hairs block insects from entering. A sticky texture or filamentous texture of the flowers whose very dust favors attachments to the body of the insect. Other hand, is found in the living insects on flowers everywhere either a furry coat all over the body or brush-like Frespitzen, or brush-like brush-like tuft of hair on the feet, or a peculiar organization of certain parts, for the purpose of stripping the pollen easier. For example, consider the hairy thick body of bees and bumble bees and other insects like bees and also the vehemence with which they

move in the flowers. When the nymphs under the Tagschmetterlingen who visit the oftenest flowers, but stay on them long, you will be held trained forefeet brush shaped plaster paws, their automatic movement, while the butterfly sitting on the flower, easily has the success that hairy on his chest hanging clean off residual pollen, so that it falls back on the flower. Not without a purpose is also the fact that Aristotle noticed and later observers confirm that the bees visit only one type commonly flowers from their excursions (msg the Imperial schles Gesellsch 1823 174th..), Where the pollen itself easily between different , but, as required for the purpose of insemination, plants like can be transmitted. As supportive may be argued that the latter finding the first is facilitated by the peculiar color, partly also the smell of the flowers and the developed facial organ of insects. Often the way to the nectaries nor definite stains (juice times) to the petals as shown especially by signs are. Although I hardly think that this fact and so many other great weight has when he Conr. Sprengel attaches discovered in its secret nature, but has its representation of this object because of the love with which he looked upon their interest. He says about the following (p. 15 of his writing): "If an insect, attracted by the beauty of the Crown or by the pleasant smell of a flower has gone to the same, so it is either the juice immediately aware or not, because this is located at a secret place., in the latter case his nature comes through the Saftmal to help. This consists of one or more spots, lines, Dpfeln above figures of a different color than the crown has ever, and therefore stands out against the color the crown weaker or stronger from. Located anytime there where the insects must crawl into when they want to get to the juice.'ve Regular flowers a regular, irregular an irregular Saftmal. When the juice container from the port through which to crawl the insects is removed, then pulls the Saftmal which begins before the opening therethrough until the juice holder, so is the insect to a safe guide. Has a flower several inputs for juice holder, it also has just as many Saftmler. When a flower more juice holder has that ring standing around the ovary, or indeed only one, which however in the form of a ring surrounding the ovary, and its juice, the insect can not eat differently than when it goes around in circles around the same and its proboscis often put into it , so the Saftmal has an annular shape, and leads the insect going around in circles. " "On the occasion of the juice again I must speak of the diversity of sap flowers, which, based on the time of day in which they flourish. Just as there are insects around raving only by day, and those who pursue only the night of their food, as well There are also day and night flowers flowers. " "The day flowers break up in the morning. Many of the same close of the evening, or reduce, as they stood upright on the day, or it's another change before them, from which one can conclude that they are intended only for daytime insects. Some close on the first evening and the following morning not open again, so bloom for only one day, and most bloom for several days. " "The days are adorned with flowers Saftmal, although not all." "The night flowers break of the evening During the day, most are closed by the

same, or withered and unsightly, which it is evident that they are not intended for daytime insects Some flower for several nights,.., The common evening primrose ( Oenothera biennis ) blooms two nights. " "The night flowers have a large and brightly colored crown, so they fall into the darkness of night insects in the eye. Is her crown unsightly, the defect will be replaced by a strong odor. A Saftmal other hand, does not take place in them. Because would for example, the white crown of a flower a night Saftmal of another, but also bright color, so would the same in the dark of night does not stand out against the color of the crown, therefore, be of no use. Had she but a dark colored Saftmal, this would not fall into the eyes, hence its equally useless than that. " Almost comically naive the exam, which the author appears at about the purpose facilities Nigella arvensis with itself hires (S, 285 f font), where he seeks to interpret the smallest details teleological. He wonders including "Why is the last flower just as great as it is, not greater, not smaller?" Answer:. "Because nature wanted them to be merely fertilized by bees, therefore, as it had to take the measure of the same to the body of the bee Had the flower diameter twice as large, stood the anthers and stigmata twice as high, and the bees would run around with them, without touching them. Had they but half as large as the anthers and stigmata stood half as high, and the bees would not touch you in a convenient way. In both cases would thus fertilization is impossible or highly annoying. Especially so big the flower had to be that, although the bees can almost, but not quite freely roam among the anthers and the Stigmaten. fact that the nature of these flowers have appointed only for the bees and they'll just fertilize them, is highly probable. hinbegeben I was often on the ground, on which the plant grows in warm weather, but not other insects on the flowers seen as bees. " " Stapelia hirsuta "he says S. 148," stinks just so like sluts, so the meat and bitch fly, where this smell is very sweet, attend the same and fertilize. bees and bumblebees are the same not visit certain, because such a odor detest. " Here is some more specific information about the taken at the location of the nectaries purpose considerations of Reichenbach's pamphlet on the conservation of the world (p. 27): "Consider the Honiggrbchen and honey shed very easily formed in the ranunculus, the flowers are open spread, and the entry of insects is easy, just the pits themselves are deep at the base of the flower, as where the stamens about it . hinbeugen The buttercups are insects depend from the Department of beetles with half a wing-coverts, while the lowest Staphylinen, Anthophagen, Omalien, also the smallest butterflies, there is, from the family of moths, gold glossy kophoren and magnificent in the small Adelen While this small. creatures seek the Honiggrbchen, they raise the Filaments in the air, so that their anthers touch the outstretched in the middle of scars, the way they stay in flower when it closes, and then sit directly on the anthers and scars, often as often, that they fill the whole flower. The umbellifers the nectaries glandular nature, not very hidden lying, and their flowers are placed in a plane, so that from a moderately large body many can be touched at the same time,

therefore here already larger insects, langfige Lepturen, bees with hairy body and beetles bees similarly formed, which, on the whole body equally hairy brush, a large portion flowers an umbel act at the same time, so the flowers leaves are small and lying flat, scars and dust bag but are long and protrude above the surface. Where the nectaries are but more hidden, as well as the construction of the flower is the insect appropriate, their body is in contact with them. Lip flowers and tubular flowers have their honey vessels also deeply basically, at the base its tube, the stamens sit on the inside wall thereof, and the dust bag to lie to where widens the tube, and thus it is possible that the especially on the front part of her body hairy insects with her tongue touch the nectaries, while her fur-covered chest piece the seeds dust wipes off of the anthers, and teaches the creeping out of the question later asked stigma. way it is also possible that even the Bombylien who visit these types of flowers, primroses, Pulmonarien, ghouls and the like, while before they flower floating without putting on them, suck the honey carrying copulation. " Although, as it is elsewhere in the habit of nature, not to rely on one means alone, and to let in more agents for the same purpose only that soon this soon predominate, fertilization is at most plants, even without the aid of insects by the rest of the facility possible, but will use this useful everywhere, and for some movies of which the emphasis is placed on this means really much. Therefore, some foreign flowers remain unfertilized with us because they have come from the southern hemisphere to us, and now its time of flowering, which is our winter time, still adhere to our greenhouses, where there will be no insects, which help their fertilization could. Some may be fertilized in their country of an insect, which does not reside in our region. (E. Sprengel, ENTD. Walking. P. 44) Even with indigenous plants can here make related observations. So remarkably attentive gardener that does not fix well in melon and cucumber beds, which are considered closed, fruits, because the insects are held and the heavy pollen can not reach for on the scar. Even with the kinds of iris, Malvazeen, the elder ( Sambucus ), violets ( Viola odor (.), the mistletoe augustum Abroma ), the Aristolochia species ( aristol. Clem ., and sipho ) should have happened fertilization only with the help of insects. (Klreuter, Forerunner. Msgs 21 32 70 Second cont.) In particular, but are here to calculate the Asklepiadeen and orchids. I share here with the following specification of Schleiden: "Especially in the two major plant families, the Asklepiadeen, which belongs to the Syrian Milkweed, and the orchids that adorn the same end with its magnificent, colorful butterflies and whimsical constructed insect blooms the moist, warm shade of tropical forests - in these two groups of plants especially reveals the decisive intervention of insects for propagation of plants. With them the pollen of each dust bag is glued together by the bird-lime-like substance into a mass, and hangs the nectar-seeking insects so hard that they do not throw him can., the honey container mounted in a manner in the flowers that the insect to reach the same, necessarily closely must roam past the scar, and so the pollen is brought to his place. Often you can see on the Milkweed flies crawl about that have a large number of such club-shaped pollen-masses attached to the legs, and in some areas the bees fathers know a peculiar disease of their industrious

creatures that lobe disease which consists in nothing other than that so many pollen masses of orchids on the forehead of the bees have tacked that they are unable to fly and they go about it is based. (Schleiden, The Plant. p. 70) In some flowers, the process made even in a particularly strange way, so at the Dutchman's pipe ( Aristolochia Clematis ). Here is the flower of a bulbous bottom, top forward initially closer, then against the dull edge of the tongue-shaped mouth again to another tube which is filled before fertilization within with hairs, all of which are directed downward. The anthers sit without stamens below the ovary, and even of them could come from no seed dust on the stigma. After Conr. Sprengel crawl but once the flower has opened, small gnats with feathery antennae ( Tipula pennicorais ) into the flower tube and the downstream block their hair this way back. So they swarm around in the bulbous portions of the tube until they have with their feathery antennae thereby stripped the seeds dust of the dust bags and placed on the stigma. Often they appear of all powdered, if you cut the flowers in time. No sooner is the fertilization happen, so you can hear the engines of the juice from the flower crown on the hair dry up and fall off, and the little flies are redeemed back from their prisons. Now consider this case seriously, can you really believe that sentient creatures are captured here in favor of numb to stay locked up for so long, until they served their purpose for the latter? In the genus Eupomatia any connection between anthers and stigma through the barren inner flower-like filaments is abolished, but is produced by insects that consume those that make perfect stamens but unharmed. (R. Brown, Verm, bot. Schr I. 140) The interior of the irritable stamens of Berberis is undisputed calculated the fact that the filaments are caused by contact from insects or the like to move to the pestle. In another way, is the also easily insects inducing stimulus motion of Genitaliensule of Stylidium or the stylus of the Goldfussia purposes (see above). In Stylidium the seated on the Genitaliensule anthers removed in a state of maturity of the scar, rather than to approach her, and pour out their pollen on certain hairs that grow abundantly on the top of the column, but in the low-bent state of the column under the scar is. Now fast the column by touching an insect or similar in height, so not only can thus the dust easily be thrown out of the hair on the scar, but also after the hair is in a strategic position, the dust of flowers on top of the scar to drop. (Morren in Mm. De l'acad. De Brux. 1838.) In Goldfussia is the movement of the stylus to bring the scar with some hairs of the corolla in contact to which the pollen from the anthers to the stigma placed on unfavorable to falls partly by himself, partly brought by insects.Morren often saw little ants penetrate into these flowers, get pollen on the hair and cause the movement of the stylus (Ibid., 1839. P. 17). The relationship of stimulus movement for sexual function seen in both plants is especially clear that there is only irritability during the same time. A similar equality of plants with animals as teleological in their mutual relations, we see the peculiar functional facilities for the plant again. It is guaranteed in this

relationship for the maintenance and reproduction of plants just as well as for the animals. The fact itself that the animals on the one hand indeed act as a help other, but only as a help, the very back occurs even under circumstances when reproductive processes of plants to the game, refers to a self-importance of this process for the plants. Among several agents to fulfill the stated purpose, the animals are just one too. And other means to the same end, are arranged not less ingenious than the use of some insects. But all this would take on the character of an empty gimmick, if you wanted the plant attach any other meaning to serve purposes other than just. While someone might say it is not but in any case empty gimmick? Is not everything we call this expedient, but actually only half the improvement of a whole inconvenience that had to be greater, depending knstlicherer means it needed to eliminate them? Would it not have been the easiest and hereby convenient if the pollination of the stigma of the pistil for fertilization even need to leave the pollen right on the scar or just grow in their area, rather than to bring it into separate anthers and often the difficulties of transfer to accumulate, to be then only special tools needed to bring it into existence yet? Who says so, proves that he has ever the spirit of the teleology of nature poorly taken. Quite as you could just say it would not have been the easiest and most convenient hereby that we grow the apples in the mouth nature would rather that they only gave us hands to long from afar or sat us down the houses rather only to provide us with senses and mind, to build them ourselves? Why they left us at all to do something left myself? The answer is, simply because the desire and Seek of all that which is not thrown us immediately ready, our soul and expresses feeling and striving to express, and so many there are, what we must have, without even have it so many ways of feeling and aspiration of the soul are possible. Through this observation and by them alone get the manifold resources it had applied the natural to put the purpose of fertilization in plants into the distance, and yet to be achieved through intermediate effects, a reasonable interpretation, but also simultaneously herewith proving the rule of a soul in the plants, for works not a soul in the plants, it is indeed no such move and then but artificial reaching the fulfillment of purpose without any meaning and seriousness, but they have soul, so is any other kind of displacement and ex post achieve the purpose also display a different felt need and another Spiet of satisfaction for the soul. From this general point, the following examples we will be more meaningful, which certainly can not be expected that we can specify this same meaning closer to the psychological well in detail. In general, we see that the plant may be more passive attitude in the fulfillment of purpose, among others, participates more automatically; similar to satisfy the needs of the people of luck and skill in relationship have different content. Happiness closes a coincidence, but by chance it rains to the flourishing of each harvest. Wind and gravity are taken into account in such a way that they have the scar to throw the flower dust. The success may be missed in part, but even if not all the pollen reaches the stigma, so this is the abundantly available in such that it not

necessary, probably would be against the purpose itself. At Hibiscus trionum Klreuter 4863 pollen grains counted in a flower, of which sufficed in the best season 50-60 for fertilization. In Mirabilis Jalappa was all of 5 anthers of 293 pollen grains from M. longiflora 321, but in both cases, to a perfect 23 fertilization pollen grains sufficiently. The effect of gravity can be found drawn in the following manner. With upright flowers the pistil is usually so short with hanging flowers contrast so long in relation to the stamens that the anthers the pollen in a must as distribute scar in the other case on top of the (necessary, some folded). While it is not the case everywhere, but followed the natural relationship like this. Pretty show among other things the Aloearten belonging to the plants, where the pistil protrudes beyond the stamens, the use of this agent. For them, the flower is blossoming before as after flowering in the air, but just depends on the time of fertilization. The same is also found in Asperifolien as Cerinthe, Borago, Symphytum, Onosma , Pulmonaria , manyLiliazeen , such as Galanthus, Erythronium, Lilium, Hemerocallis, Fritillaria, Convallaria others The same meaning is when, as often in monoecious plants, the male flowers are at the upper end of the ear, such as in the genus Arum , or the male ears (kittens) are above the female, as in sedges ( Carex ), cattails ( Typha ), etc. That the wind on the pollination business takes part, you will not doubt if one recalls how he often pollen continues to tremendous amount, which is then reflected from sudden rainfall in the so-called sulfur rain. In many plants, the transfer by wind or insects even easier because the flowers are neighborly to put together a flower head, or umbel is an ear of corn. So do not go too much pollen is lost. Flourishing cornfields seen at sunrise, when a gentle wind blowing, wrapped in a thin mist, ie, causing the pollen of open flowers, which, driven by the clapping of his ears containers from this phenomenon. Also, attentive farmers want to have perceived that the grain is not abundant fruit attaches, does not make fuller grains, as if the heyday of a brisk wind blowing.Pines, Taxbume, juniper and hazel, poplar, willow, when they are loaded with pollinating catkins, shaken or moved by the wind, filling the air with a cloud of dust, which keeps the slightest wind. Particularly important is the help of the wind and even at Monzisten are (more at) Dizisten, as mentioned in the former the male parts of the female separately on the same plant, the latter on separate plants themselves. In one of Treviranus with Mercurialis perennis experiments carried no fruit was formed when the females 220 male and step away from the building and were also separated by bushes of them, however, it occurred when the distance was only 30 feet. (Like watching Jussieu in two pistachio trees.) In the experiments of Spallanzani all ovaries of were Mercurialis annua fertilized when the female plant located next to the male was tight, less if it was something from her, and not even at a considerable distance ( Treviranus, Phys. 391 II 393). And the wind proved to be a helpful element in fertilization, could be thinking whether not the water has been used by nature to do so. And in fact, although the

application of the water carries particular difficulties which we shall speak later, but nature has known them to overcome in some cases, and as we see in Ambrosinia the rain fertilization used by the spathe filling , the pollen produced below the scar at the right height lifts, with Vallisneria but the water in which the plant grows, perform the female, the male organs. One can see the effect of the water has been taken from above and from below, in the vertical and horizontal directions in claim. The process in the Vallis provides otherwise interesting situation represents what it's worth the effort to get to know. "The spathe of Ambrosinia .'s designed boat-shaped and swims on the water by the piston, the wing-shaped attachments are adherent to the spathe up to a small hole, the spathe is divided into an upper and untern space in which untern are solely the anthers, the upper a single ovary. Pollen can not otherwise get to scar, now that rain as the lower and upper half-chamber fills, causing the floating pollen is raised to the level of the scar and hoses can drive here. " (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. 450 II) The Vallis is an increasing in the bays and channels of southern Europe aquatic plant with separate gender (Dizist), which lives, and by means of numerous roots attached to the ground at the bottom of the waters. In the females the flower bud sits on a long, coiled in youth stems, but afterwards the stretches, so that the flower unfold on the surface of the water, and so the fertilization on the water can proceed. After fertilization, the happened to her arm shortened again by placing his screw threads together again. In this way the young fruit is returned to the bottom of the water and bring to fruition the seeds there. The behavior of the male plant in the fertilization of Vallisneria has been previously decorated something fabulous, and you can find such representations even in more recent writings repeatedly. "The flowers of the male plant, it says, are, as long as they grow, retained on short stalks in the bottom of the water, at the time of maturity but but even off of their stems, floating on the surface of the water up, drive on you are opening around and pollinate the female flowers, they make there, "(Autenrieth Ans. p. 254) It is even claimed that the secretion of the male flowers successes of the stems by a violent movement (Goethe's Collected Works . Vol 55 p 129). According to recent studies, the curators at the botanical garden at Mantua, Paolo Barbieri, but is this really the following behavior: the male individual has a straight shaft ausstrebenden, which, once it reaches the surface of the water at its tip a vierbltterige (maybe dreibltterige) spathe forms, in which the male reproductive organs (stamens) sit attached to a conical flask. By piston and reproductive organs grow, the vagina becomes insufficient to envelop them, so it is divided into four parts, and the reproductive organs, peeling off to thousands of the piston, spread floating on the water, looking like silver white flakes, "which according to try the female individual to speak and aims ". But this rises from the bottom of the water by the spring force of its spiral stem subsides, and then opens on the surface of a three-part crown, which you will notice three scars. The flakes floating on the water shed their Staminalstaub against those stigmas and pollinate them, this is done, then the spiral stalk the female pulls back under the water, where now the seeds contained in a

cylindrical capsule, go to the finite maturity. (Goethe's Collected Works. Vol.55, S, 127) The Clear "effort and commitment" of the male parts to the female flower the way out would have probably also located only in the imagination of the observer. I do not think you need to natural expressions of life of the plant zuzudichten something to recognize remarks to her soul. Even with Serpicula verticillata L., one occurring in the waters of the East Indies plant with separate sexes, remove the male flowers when they are breaking up close, from the open spathes off and swim to the female, while the tips of the folded-back Cups and petals rest. (Roxb. Corom. II 34 t, 164) An automatic Contribute to the fertilization of the plant business is partly by means of a peculiar way in which the growth process proceeds, partly by means of voluntary movements of the reproductive organs. Some upright flowers where the scar on long stylus is so high above the (often unsupported) anthers that fertilization seems impossible to open the anthers when the flower bud yet but is close to breaking. Then open the anthers are located close to the fully developed scar. Only after breaking the stylus extended. Thus, in Proteazeen, Kampanulazeen , manyPapilionazeen , the hermaphrodite flowers of Syngenesisten in Nymphaea, hypericum, Argemone, Papaver, Paeonia, Oenothera, impatiens, Ocymum, Canna etc. (Treviranus, Phys.378 II) In other plants, the initially distant reproductive organs move by the growth of flower parts together gradually so that fertilization is possible. The voluntary movement of the reproductive organs anlangend, it is most often the stamens, which gradually move the time of fertilization to the pestle, pour it on the stigma of the pistil their pollen and then return to their position. In other cases, the pestle moves to the stamens, and in still others both looking alternately on. (Cf. Above Treviranus IlI Biol. 349 V. 204 Treviranus, Physiol. Growths d II 379) To the first class, where move towards the stamens to the pistil include: Cactus Opuntia, Fritillaria Peraica, Hyoscyamus aureus, Polygonum orientale, Tamarix gallica, Ruta graveolens and chalepensis, Zygophyllum Fabago, Sedum telephium and reflexum , Tropaeolum, Lilium superbum, amaryllis formosissima , pancratium maritimum, Parnassia palustris, Geum urbanum, Agrimonia eupatoria , various types of Ranunculus and Scrofularia, Rhus coriaria , Saxifraga tridactylites, muscoides Sax, Sax Aizoon, granulata Sax, Sax cotyledon etc. For the second class, where the pestle moves to the stamens are: Nigella sativa, Sida americana, Passiflora, Candollea, hypericum , Oenothera, Hibiscus, Turnera ulmifolia etc. The third, where mutual exploration takes place: Boerhavia diandra , all types of Malva, Lavatera , Althaea and Alcea (Treviranus). The stamens of some plants observed in their move towards a pestle for regular follow: In Lilium superbum, amaryllis formosissima and pancratium maritimum approach the anthers succession of the scar. In Fritillaria persica they bend alternately to the stylus out. In Rhus coriaria two or three stamens but insist describe a quarter circle and bring their anthers very close to the scar. In Saxifraga

trydactylites, muscoides, Aizoon, granulata and cotyledon incline two filaments from opposite sides against each other over the scar, and spread after they have scattered their dust, again, to make way for others. In Parnassia palustris , the male parts move to the female in the same order in which ripens the seed dust, and indeed, when they approach the scar quickly and at a time when they take off after the fertilization of the same again, in three paragraphs. In Tropaeolum depends on the initial downward curved stamens in the complete blossoming one after the other in the air and leans after the anther has dropped her dust from the scar down again to make another court. Finally, the nature is smarter than we are. "What may always be the difficulties in fertilization (says Treviranus), the nature, if it is only in the unlimited use of their funds, which is not true for example of cultivated plants, such white overcome by either one of them is in use, or by linking them more. And so we often see the pollen, which is revealed by its shape and color, on the scar, without being able to specify the means by which nature has brought him there " "Link looked at Valeriana dioica all scars covered with pollen, which could be brought only by the wind or by insects. At Lilium Martagon gain stamens and stylus only after the opening of the flower her training and maturity., the sideways curved scar is then of the anthers removed, and yet, "says Treviranus," I saw it at 12 flowers, which gradually developed under my eyes, richly covered with reddish pollen, without my having to specify, as I never use the this method of natural insects looked busy, and the plant was protected from the wind by their booth. Similar observations can be found in Klreuter and Sprengel. " Besides the main purpose to give the touch of the flower dust with the scar, there are also secondary considerations, which may be considered in fertilization, often on very strange way satisfied by peculiar facilities under construction and life processes of plants. The pollen or pollen is actually small, fluid-filled blisters, which, gelangend on the stigma of the pistil, grow into a long thread-like hoses, which grows with the length of the pestle through into the cavity (ovary cavity) and its liquid content the ovule, the inner ansitzt in that cave, fertilized. Of course this can not be done when the pollen bubbles have burst already and have rid themselves of their liquid contents. This danger is given by the contact with moisture by the pollen grains are inclined to suck those which swell and burst, and both dew and rain, especially as the natural position of many aquatic plants take such a risk. Against this maybe the pollen of some plants may be protected by a waterproofing wax-like coating, since we are in some cases the water even when fertilization transactions have involved helpful to see, and this alone is at most one of the means to eliminate the danger. In other cases, can not get to the pollen danger by the flower behave in an appropriate manner to the water or moisture, or set up their growth accordingly. So many plants close their flowers crown when it wants to rain, and many also do it at night to avoid the dew, others bend at nightfall the Blumenstielchen around so that the opening of the crown is turned down. The common Balsam ( Impatiens noli me tangere ) even at night hides its flowers under the leaves. In many flowers

fertilization under the protection of special ceiling is, as the vine and the Rapunzel species, the butterfly flowers, lip flowers, Katyptranthes species 3) , etc., in some plant species, fertilization already takes place in the not yet broken flower bud instead, eg . the bells flowers and butterfly flowers, or happens at the moment of breaking even, and this is only for dry weather. Not infrequently makes the change of the position of the flowers by the wind, which commonly accompanies the rain, that this can not penetrate, of which CC Sprengel displayed in the S. 165 Beech given a vivid imagination. Nevertheless, many moisture penetrates to the inner parts of the flowers, the fertilization suggests most fail, so regnerischte weather is so frowned upon by the farmers in the blossoming of fruit and grain.

When wine floors and Rapunzel species ( Phyteuma ) form associated with their tips petals of this ceiling, at the Butterfly flowers ( Leguminosae ), it forms the flag ( vexillum ) in the Labiatae ( Labiatae ), the upper lip of the corolla, at the Kalyptranthes types the cover-shaped calyx, etc. (De Candolle, Phys. pp. 11 82)

Of particular interest however, are the agents, which are used in some aquatic plants to perform the insemination of exclusion of water. The Wassernu, Trapa natans L ., germinates at the bottom of the water and developed in the youth of this, but when approaching the heyday so swells the petiole to a cell, stuffed with bubble. This bubble-shaped petioles are a kind of leaf Rose approached side by side and lift the plant to the surface of the water; flowering takes place in the air, and the flowering period is over, the bubbles fill (under absorption of air) again with water and sinks the plant back to the bottom of the water, woselbst, she brings her seed to maturity. (11 Decand. 87) The Utrikularia types together provide an even more sedate facility represents the roots, or rather the submerged leaves of these plants are extremely highly branched and with a lot less rounded hoses ( utriculi ) occupied, which are provided with a kind of movable lid. Among young Utrikularien these tubes are filled with mucus, which is heavier than water, and the plant is retained by this ballast at the bottom of the water. Now, when approaching the heyday, the plant secretes air which penetrates into the tubes and the mucus also drives by the lid is lifted, and if the plant is thus equipped with a lot of bubbles that are filled with air so raises them up slowly and floats on the surface of the water last, so that flowering can be performed in the open air. Is the bloom time expired, the root begins again, secrete mucus, and this takes in the hoses the place of the air, thus the plant is heavier, sinks to the bottom of the water and bring their seeds to the same place to maturity, to which the same are to be sown again. (II Decand. 87) In other aquatic plants, the purpose is achieved easier by the fact that they do not flourish rather than to have their stems reach the surface of the water, such as the most Potamogeton - species, mints ( Mentha ), water Eggen ( Carices aquaticae ) Hedgehog heads ( Sparganium ), etc.

Able even under water at some plants fertilization but protected against the water to go on. The sea grass ( Zostera marina ), for example, is fixed by its roots at the bottom of the sea, and can not extend sufficiently to reach the surface of the water, but that it also blooms in a sheet fold ( duplicature de feuille ), the Although side is open, but a certain amount of the plant retains even the discarded air so that in the cave included male flowers to the female flowers are immediately surrounded only by air, not water. On water crowfoot ( Ranunculus aquaticus ), which, although actually flourishes in the air, but the bloom is easily exposed to the danger of high water to be submerged, is also made provision for this case. Ramond and Batard found in lakes suddenly growing the flowers of this plant submerged by the rising of the water, without any disadvantage for fertilization.This depends on the fact that the pollen comes out early to the anthers, while the flower still appears as a closed and spherical air containing bud. August de St. Hilaire and Choulant have the floating water plantain ( Alisma natans ) and the cartilage herbs ( Illecebrum verticillatum ) noticed similar phenomena. (II Decand. 84) No less teleological interest as the fertilization process of the plant has also sowing the same represents by the concern of nature to secure their stock of plants souls continue gehends, as clearly appears therein; although the measures taken in this respect, for the most part not directly with feelings of plant can be placed in relation to themselves, than those which affect the fertilization process. "Not Calculated" says Autenrieth (views of nature and the soul life p. 257), "the concern of many mammals and birds, the boys once they no longer need their help to expel from themselves, appear, that's not when all in a place gathering remained the thrifty food last, at which the cultured human race through his guilt so often suffers for all commands when the dehiscent capsule of European yellow balsam, the Impatiens noli me tangere L ., seems to be calculated by means which the seeds are thrown outside, or as the mechanical form of the tick, which some seeds are provided in order to temporary animals to hang out and to be carried by them in the distance, or the manifold formation of feather crowns of many seeds to the wind to be carried away and scattered, that purpose have evidently. " This remark is gaining interest when we see how under circumstances where the potential prosperity of the seed is limited to a very specific location, devices can also occur, which rather prevent the tolerated the seed, and act to that same right in the close to the parent strain will fixed. An example given here belonging to the Manglebaum. The Manglebaum, Rizophora L ., grows at the mouths of the rivers of hot Erdstrichs and shallow sea shores, but only in the mud, and so far as the same is alternately covered with the tide by salt water. The seeds could neither deeper into the sea, yet continue to thrive inland, so they are now already established by their growth for immediately there to firm footing where they fall away from the mother tree, and therefore also as favorable ground, as occurs for this, can expect. At the bottom of the fruit of this tree flowering in fact gradually produces a hollow fleshy plant, the seed

of a quasi-holding into the open land on which this emerges more gradually with the help of a shaft. The almost cylindrical, last about 1 1 / 2inches long stalk removed the seeds more and more of this land. The seed itself is oblong about 10 inches long and at last, towards its free end becoming thicker and heavier, but there he ends with a pfriemenfrmigen tip. Ripe, he hangs vertically down from the tree, but also its connection with the stalks is always relaxed, and at last he falls off of this. Due to its severity, he now enters with his head stuck up pfriemenfrmigen an inch deep and is maintained in the same of himself in the swampy ground. But he had taken to his training on the tree, sprouted within its shell and already developed a significant root almost a whole year. So he can almost immediately also hold on to. Jacquin saw those seeds itself 3-4 foot fall of the same deep water on the floor and then stand up in this, and he found that in such depth that were rooted shot up again to trees. (Dict. of sc. T. XIV style. Rizophora, 387) After Schblers remark the seeds of aquatic plants are usually heavier than the water, coming so by falling out of the case, directly on the ground where they can germinate, while seeds of most large trees are easier, so when on water surfaces fall, swim and be fed by wind and current, the neighboring shore. (Kastner Arch X 426) The corn grows safer than covered only sprinkled on the surface of Earth. In regard to this, the nature gave the seeds of wild or flight Haber ( Avena fatua L ). following device. The guard hairs of the same are buckled in the middle as it were at an angle, half-turned as a rope, half straight. The seed is fully ripe and dry, so the lower part of the awn is very hygroscopic. Wet it turns on itself, and is thus alternately the seed on top of the lower end of the awn and to hereupon again to lie more because the latter through its unwinding of just stretched again. Thus, the grain makes necessary a step at a time on, because the direction of the hairs on grain and fine spines a fort pushing only one direction, against the not provided with the awn end, allows the awn, but not walking backwards . With alternating rain and reentry of drought creeps on this kind of partnership on the flight acres around until he arrives at a stubble or clod of earth where he can not come on, but now is also covered by this obstacle to germinate. (Plant system of Linnaeus XII 43.) You do not forget that everything that is communicated here, only individual examples of individual areas of plant life are where the rule of the purpose principle seems particularly striking way just for our opinion. Wanted and we could watch the plant life on all sides and in all its details, we would undoubtedly discover that the same expedient sway everywhere and find the combination of all purpose tuning considerations even more wonderful than we can for any details to appear.

XII. Position of the plant to the animals.

The objection: The soul can not reach down from the animal kingdom in the plant kingdom, because you can already go to the vegetable kingdom gradually descending from the animal kingdom and are very ambiguous in the vicinity of the latter. The plant kingdom stand the whole deeper than the animal kingdom, but have the lowest animals Significant nothing more of soul, stay for even lower standing plants no

choice than just nothing. Eg polyps are already half-plant-like nature. You sit, at least mostly, with a stalk firmly on the ground, push twigs, shoots, flowers, etc. How many seemingly obscure and imperfect, but are also already in them the signs of inspiration! Can this still so moving, soft animals at most enclose a dark, gloomy soul rest of you now, how is the very rigid stiff plants ever get a bit of that, so to speak, only woody polyps. Among the lower creatures there are quite a few in which one argues today, whether they belong to the animal or plant 1) , and this coincides with the dispute together, whether to find signs of the soul in them or not as ambiguous these characters are here. If you then doubt whether soul where the decision between animals and plants still varies, no doubt, that not a soul, where the full decision has been made to the plant.

These creatures are among others the Bolvocinen, Klosterinen, Bazillarien, which lists Ehrenberg among the infusoria and describes, while it refers Siebold (Comp. Anat I. 7) in the plant kingdom, but Eckhard (Wiegm. Arch ., 1846. H. 3) again assigns the infusoria. In particular, the Bazillarien (respectively diatoms, desmids) is much controversy and vacillation. Siebold, Kutzing, link, Mohl, Unger, Morren, Dujardin, Meyen they consider vegetable, Ehrenberg, Eckhard, Focke, Corda for animal. (Wiegm. Arch 1837. 24th II in 1843. 372 II) Klosterinen also be explained by Meyen, Morren, including Dujardin for vegetable.Likewise, the views of Sciences of the animal or vegetable nature of the coloring matter of the red snow several times (contrary to eg vegetable by Unger and Ehrenberg (after Boigt and Meyen animal). The Oszillatorien be of Ehrenberg, Meyen, among others, the algae , calculated by Unger to the animals. latter also tends to Schleiden. Various creatures, which have been included among the polyps because of its lime content, namely Corallina, and the related Galaxaura, Halimedea, Udotea, acetabulum, Melobesia, etc. Jania has Kutzing (d Anat Tange p. 8) listed as algae, and thereby left undecided whether the sponges of animal or vegetable nature. Affected in the sponges and Spongillen is otherwise often fluctuated. Spongillen The particular be of Dujardin and Laurent (.. Wiegm. Arch II 1839 II 1841 197 411) for animals of Johnston and Hogg (Ibid., II, 1839. 197 1841 1843 409 II 363 II..) for plants explained. millipore be viewed from the link and Blainville for inorganic paragraphs of carbonate of lime, therefore referenced in the mineral kingdom, declared by Ehrenberg and Lamarck for zoophytes, of Rapp and Philippi for plants. (Wiegm. Arch 1837. I. 387)

Meanwhile, it is just important to take this argument cogently, it turns entirely on the opposite side. What gives us the right first and foremost, in the polyps, infusoria, including soimperfect, but merely to find just basically simpler animals dubious traces of soul? Instead of characters in a dark, murky residue of my soul, I can see only the character of a simple and sensual the same game with them. The great susceptibility

of these lower animals for different stimuli, the clear discernment, which they have for the vibrancy and determination of their movements, the specific direction that they give the same for certain purposes, which thereby be perceived character of arbitrariness, the firm's reluctance to the interventions they encounter in their natural conditions of life, the struggle in which she confused herself, all this speaks against a very indecisive, dull, unconscious nature of life in half set Hendes same soul life. We see the phenomena of life closer to the polyps only, and it may be shown that the apparent vagueness of her soul, in fact, depends only on the real vagueness of their consideration. If an outstretched Armpolyp (Hydra) affected, or the water in which it is located, shaken, he suddenly pulls a small lump together; certainly a sign lively sensitivity. He goes to the light, and provides you with multiple polyps through a glass, one finds after some time all depend on the light side. So the polyp has mehrerlei sensations. He is extremely greedy, eager snatches around for prey with its tentacles, and two polyps often argue about the same. The characters are still vivid desires. He selects and distinguishes very determined between his diet by simply enjoys animal foods, plant foods rejects, also under the animal food he makes differences by not taking particular polyps of their own kind, even if you starve it and it spread to his dropping arms while he takes creatures that he likes to eat at the first touch. This shows clear discernment (Trembley). What is after all the essence of polyps other than a pretty educated sensibility, although perhaps nothing more? The whole soul of the same game revolves around this gratification sensuality on the shortest possible way. But sensual feelings and desires can be the most violent and most determined, and the simplicity of the game in which they are understood, tends to favor their strength and determination. You only look at the simplest and crudest people. They have less violent and decisive desires as the most civilized and educated? Dark you can certainly call such a living soul in so far as the higher light of reason is missing. But the light of sensuality can burn so brightly in its way as the higher light of reason, such as fat burning as bright as ether, and a low standing light illuminated the small room over which it extends, just so vivid. What is true of polyps, also true of infusoria, as far as we, in their smallness, the same way of life can follow. They show some of the liveliest movements with all characters of animal capriciousness, and if not all are so REGSAM, so there are also sloths among the higher classes of animals, and you can, as discussed earlier, even in the vivacity outer movements are not the only measure Search for the vibrancy of inner feelings. Common ground so easily traced up to certain limits, the simpler and more sensual soul life of these lower beings do with their simpler physical organization. Nature has passed from man to the lowest animals a large scale in this relationship, but it's just not scale the strength and clarity, but the complication, the amount and importance of the spiritual life, which is hereby passed. Both should not be confused as it does happen in the above arguments one.

In a way (only properly understood) can be organisms take as a machine, but which, unlike generate our artificial machines that power to their machinations in itself, and support the production, such as use with consciousness, penetrate with feeling by them, take them to the indirect services of an external soul, intended for immediate services of an inner. Moreover, they show similar ratios greater or lesser complication as our machines, and depending on it the case, as they satisfy more complex or simpler purposes only. Well the easiest coffee grinder painted their coffee but still not as good as the quick press done their complicated printing business. And I think if any of our machines that which it is responsible, fully led by our own power and with its own consciousness, even the coffee grinder would still know their business so well that, with feeling penetrate to the quick press. Not the decisiveness or intension, just what is called level of consciousness, would be lower, if the simple purpose also calls for a lower berschauung. As we may think here best to us now, it will really be in dispute with the organisms. To the increasing complication of the organization, an increasing amount is not hanging strength and determination of consciousness. Occur in the intricate organizational relationships to relationships in addition, lower and higher relations, which are missing in the simpler organization, and because they are missing, also lack the awareness to do so. But the consciousness of the simplest and lowest relationships can be so alert, vigorous, active, determined as the top, so easily decided and lively, because any complication consumed power, and where it disappears for the organic, they will also disappear for the mental . So set, the plants would actually even easier organized as polyps and infusoria, so it would still be no binding reason, their soul for less awake and alive to keep this as the animals themselves, the shows themselves awake and alive enough. It only prove for an even simpler and lower nature of their soul life. But now can not even be admitted that the most highly developed plants are easier to organize than the simplest animals, and therefore the plant kingdom in this account stands entirely under the animal kingdom, though, on the whole, considered the relationship between the two realms remains correct if nowhere in the vegetable kingdom, the organization has progressed to such a tangle as in the higher classes of the animal kingdom. In any case, however, the plant kingdom rises like the animal kingdom of the ambiguous intermediate realm where you do not quite know if bird or plant back to greater complications, and so this can not explain other than the conclusion that increasing the organic tangle development activity of the soul, rather than from the intermediate realms from further sinking of the plant kingdom, but through the same thing when, rising again after the other direction. Which comes the following observation to help: after undoubted results of the geology of the fossil world worms and shellfish in the world were rather because as Amphibian, this rather than birds and mammals, this more as a man, in short it was, on the whole, considered the creation of any lower placed higher above every animal of the class, and indeed probably to many thousands of years. Within the plant kingdom is reflected on the whole, a similar progress of creation from lower to higher-ranking organizations. So should the plant kingdom are absolutely under the animal kingdom, one would have to assume is necessary that the plant kingdom, on

the whole, considered, incurred prior to the animal kingdom. But nothing is more certain than that this is not the case. Rather, all the results of combine geology meaning that the plant kingdom in any case was not before the animal kingdom there; rather one could doubt whether it might not be created later But the most probable is their simultaneous emergence. The lowest plants formed with the lowest animals to the Community starting point of the organic creation, and there arose the same in both empires. Did she like it now in the animal kingdom, if we measure the height of the inner complication always, bring the whole higher, but the maximum height to which they put it in the vegetable kingdom, but is far higher than the lowest in the animal kingdom. And if the plant kingdom remained at level of development throughout in arrears, on the other hand, it has gained wealth of external development throughout the precedence. Represents the plants as rigid, the rigid body points, moving towards polyps, so that sounds very certainly to their detriment, but it can and must provide it with greater rights differently. The polyps (especially hydras) are soft, almost uniformly appearing masses in which only a careful dissection tedious some separation of organic elements recognizes that higher plants classified in the finest and clearest in cells and tubes of different form and function, imbued with flowing juices, and drive so vivid leaves and roots for food, as the polyp stretches arms then, only much wider and more. - Must not already be appearing each as an absurdity from the start it when the baobab with its thousands of years of age, his enormous growth in the trunk and branches, and the equally rich outer wealth is to be as careful internal development of its parts lower on the ladder of creatures than the miserably small raw shaped from the Raw polyp or even tinier, so simply organized infusoria, which are melted to the mucus again after a short period, from which it seemed only just built? - Loves the smallest infusoria still have a gut and not the largest tree, but has not had any tube in the tree, which leads the juice from the bottom up, in a sense the importance of such intestine? The baobab tree is a tremendous organ, while the smallest infusoria a whistle. And so unspeakably more effort to mass, strength and organization should have made the nature of a soulless as a souled being? So how does one cope with reasonable teleology? Or will they say here: the baobab tree is still profitable for the monkeys? It would be just like trying to say that Peter's is profitable for the pigeons who sit on them. I think about this is told in previous sections already enough. Basically, one has long come back from wanting arrange the organic creatures of the pure schema of a staircase, it's not in the animal kingdom for himself, it's not in the vegetable kingdom for himself, but it's also just as little in the position of the plant and Animal Kingdom each other. The concept of amount of an organic being in relation to another, is in general a rather vague and ambiguous, and it is likely to find though that after most relationships, according to which one may measure the height of a creature on the other, the animals are an average over the plants, but it is still not all relationships, nor will it apply as between all animals and plants. The whole speculation that the plants therefore even less claim to have soul than even the lowlying animals because they are even deeper than this, from the start hereby loses all her foundation. Sure they will be even lower in some respects, but in other respects

indisputably again much higher: indeed, one can argue that each organic being is higher than any other in a certain sense well. The point of his education was just the, a certain kind of purpose with this type of device to be the most perfect and achieve the most direct, but now the instincts and emotions of this nature are also the most perfect and most direct on the reference for this purpose, to the need of its fulfillment, the suffering must be with his miss, pleasure in his achievement, set, otherwise the whole purpose game would be a blind and deaf. - From this point of view, which is our subject just the most important, not really a general gradation of beings can be set up, or can be every being at the head of a special series of steps, which give his special purpose is taken to the main focus point. Now, one can certainly distinguish between the amount or value of the ends themselves, but also so again according to various criteria. Last you can try in order to still have some by Cross to set up a series of steps by the subordination of the general over the particular the purpose, and this coincides with the above applied and the usual arrangement underlying point of the greater or lesser involvement of the organization probably about together . There may be creatures who, through joint consideration of many purposes at the same time a more general, to meet this overarching purposes are capable of, and now the independent and immediate fulfillment of each order must suffer through The additional consideration of the remaining restriction. On the whole love such creatures now probably perfect, in respect to the individual but for that very reason so hot as the imperfect beings that have to meet, or preferably just the individual purposes. The best example is the same as the person in whom it is safe apart on the linked fulfill as many purposes at the same time, and this can be achieved in all the best. However, he has not so fast legs, not so sharp eyes, not as retentive claws like many animals, only the combination of all of this is so low that he does as a whole and indirectly achieves more with weaker detail than the animals that he specifically and directly inferior. Of course, also mainly by means of his mind, but the mental organization depends everywhere along with the physical. The is no other principle. Meanwhile, it is also no longer needed after all the essence of a sequence set over and under each other, as many purpose areas coordinate, others engage with each other, and the detail in fulfillment of a purpose after all its moments can easily gain a more general meaning than that, so to speak, only very sketchy fulfill several purposes. So after all, the simple concept of height gradation remains unadquat to represent the complex relationship in which the organisms are to each other. And how this concept also for arranging thereof will try to help yourself, the plants will not let this put quite nice with the animals, and even if it is the case, but only a lower sensual, but not a soul to ascribe them therefore leave. Of course, to when the difference in animation between animals and plants is eliminated, and the many creatures of twilight guided dispute what you have them actually expected to animals and plants, win a new twist or a turn that he made earlier more often lose. So far, often became the soul (arbitrary sensation) even considered as a distinguishing feature between animals and plants into account, without being able to certainly decide differently about the existence or non-existence of the soul as by external signs, whose cogency itself depended only on the condition that only the

animals are animated. But the plants are so well animated than the animals, such a distinction at all falls away. There is now so much interest but no longer can prevail, hold between animal and plant kingdom a strict partition and want to make dubious creatures entirely within or beyond this partition, as previously the case. The subjective passion which the dispute over whether animal has it plant, often gained undisputed hung himself only on the condition that it was at this same time existence or non-existence of an objective wellspring of passion. Fades that requirement, only the uerlichere interest remains to win for the classification difference between animal and plant their biological relationships to fixed points, what relationship you still should go from the beginning of exaggerated claims, if you look at the uncertainty of all classification Prinzipe-remembered for is already within each of the two areas of organic and sees no reason why this uncertainty should not spill over from one sphere to the other. In fact, all but this reason has ceased to exist, and it is conceded the plants like the animals souls. For as long as this is not the case, you could certainly feel the difference between inspiration and Nichtbeseelung had to speak in a corresponding striking differences's biological areas, the permit no bridge. I think there will always be arbitrary to a certain extent, what and how much you want to remove from the creatures of the intermediate realm in one way or the other. The least arbitrary will take place when the naturalists of the concepts of animal and plant starts, as they have been formed in the lively use of language, and to fix only the uncertainty investigated, because otherwise everything arbitrariness would be like, but it is hereby shown that but in the end he does not escape the arbitrariness. Because in life to those terms have available for a Complex features usually occurring together without strict delineation of this complex decision and a main feature, mainly the higher animals and plants have been considered. But if, as is the case, this part of falling apart, the characteristics of these complexes in the intermediate realm and already in the approach, partly to mix and spill over into each other start actually, there is the decision about which feature or which tighter complex of features yet recent rash should be the choice of the name and position within or beyond the required partition between animals and plants, just not in the nature of things or the many other particulars of language, but purely in the subjective judgment of the scientist, or the direction he wanted to give his classification principle arbitrary, and yet not for others is may be binding. And what he wants to choose as the main distinguishing feature, or what complex of features he wants to choose, and how cogent distinction may then appear in adversarial position to the higher levels of the plant and the animal, it will nonetheless occur in the border kingdoms still ambiguous and doubtful cases where even the single feature somehow begins to waver. Two main distinguishing features seem to mainly recommend and have also been most frequently taken into use, the one to the other relates to the construction, the manifestations of life. According to the former, one declares a creature of animal or plant, depending on whether its food more by inner or invaginated surfaces (intestine, stomach, what a mouth part) or outer bulged surfaces (leaves, root fibers, and the

like) into the substance of the body receives, after the other, depending on his life expresses itself outwardly more freely through translucent locomotion of the whole or part, or by mere growth. In fact, the plant and animal kingdoms ruled in its higher levels by the combination of both features very determined, but both have features of its terms and the nature of the organism to absolutely nothing Distinctive how sufficiently shows also in the intermediate realm, because invagination with protuberance , locomotion be combined with growth in the same organism partly true in time can change so that you always probably can not say what to draw than most characteristic into consideration, also depends the feature is hergenommen of construction, not as essential to the life of the statements hergenommenen together that always TO PROMOTION both in conjunction. The impossibility of reaching a restriction to these two features to sharp distinction has, then let others take to help: whether "change the outer body contours by voluntary contraction and expansion of the Krperparenchyms" in the movements (Siebold); whether eyelashes whether Feet appear as motor organs; like the multiplication takes place, whether this or that chemical circumstance exists. - But what of the previous features of this applies no less. None of these features has the purpose of sharp distinction between animal and plant completely sufficient until now. And the fact that it falls impossible to distinguish plant and animal kingdom by physical features sharp, can be regarded as an argument now reverse itself, that also in respect to the psychic no septum between the two exists. The lack of a stomach and a similar internal organization of the animal at all, appearing in free locomotion of the whole or of parts occurs frequently enough, so with the Oszillatorien, algae spores and even the p 184 Note the listed creatures on the dispute, whether animal or plant there. The only plant see here, tell of course, but their movements were not really voluntary movements. But what this arbitrary and thereof to mention, is far more of a thing, as determined by individual views of the observers have been aperfu as fixed characteristics.Not merely the outward characteristics, even the philosophical concept of arbitrariness is something so staggering that it is difficult to establish an exact scientific distinction to this, as it has tried Ehrenberg to do with the following: "The movements of animals (he says) have the Purpose of arbitrary spatial movement, the movement of seaweed seeds, etc. have not the purpose of the random change of location, but only to the individual rotation and development of tense form. these have, it seems clear that more by appearance (stimulus)-related plant, that the more by heart (will) related animal character. existence and lack of mouth and intestine differ sharply both formations. " (Abhandl. Berl. Akad d from d W. J. 1833. Gedr., 1834. P.157) Elsewhere leads Ehrenberg as a feature of the animal nature nor the multiplication by division, which plays but also creatures are counted from the other Algae. How prinziplos you at all to depart in the experiments, animals and plants, varies, like others seen from the following: Meyen said the Klosterien etc. with reason for plants, because he found in them cornstarch, but now they said, it could indeed Animals cornstarch contain; Unger said the mobile algae spores reason for animal foods because they apparently freely moving, namely by means of Eyelash organs,

but now they said (Siebold), it could plant move so and have Eyelash organs, too. So they say what you want, just to save his system.Siebold (Comp. Anat I. 8) lays on the voluntary contraction and expansion of the body as a characteristic of the animal a lot of weight, but this is causing (Ibid., p 14), the presence of the mouth and stomach as insignificant to explain and speaking of animals, with their whole body surface (ie outer space) suck in the food material (as the opaline). So it applies to neither mouth and stomach, yet seemingly free locomotion (when not associated with contraction and expansion) more. Feature as the animal The above-mentioned and justified in the nature of a fixed difficulty distinguishing between plant and animal complicated by the way, especially in small organisms, even with some difficulties of observation, part of the interpretation of the observations. Whether stomach, intestines if present, is often very uncertain, often not even to decide: Self Ehrenberg (first exerted by peers) famous feeding method of infusoria with dyes is not anywhere more recently recognized as a key way to do this. (. Siebold Comp Anat I. 15 ff) Meyen often describes something as ordinary plant cell (in s algae genera Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Staurastrum ), which Ehrenberg (in s Polygastricis) called the stomach, so the concept of a plant cell with an opening and a stomach with a mouth could possibly run into each other here and there really. Siebold says Ehrenberg's stomach in part by drop under the skin covering. Whether local movements caused by an interaction of life forces, or by external mechanical causes (such as the Brownian motion), or the nature of the movements of camphor on water, leaves them not always easy to watch, and the various requirements of the observers also determined here mostly the interpretation. But suppose a cause of nature came into play recently so we now have met the last awkward question of the differences of the life process from inorganic processes at all. As well as the strings vibrate the vocal cords, a spore could move by ejecting an essential oil to water (as Schleiden previously suspected), and still have a vibrant hot and animal movement. Indisputably lawful sharpness and distinctness of each science and related mainly to the exact character of the same, but it does not seem exactly to look for such even where it is not in nature itself, or to seek a way as not in their . Determined because of course nature is everywhere, but why not, as probably would be convenient for such completed general concepts and types of our philosophy. General terms and all types of nature fall into each other, but we like to cut only the diameter of the system by the folded seam. I would, because I have not even man, not allowed by the times, here on mitzusprechen, if not just to me seemed very many men of the times this subject than men to be taken by the times. After the subjects for nature once divided, also the nature is to serve the same. The fact remains in any case that the similarities and assaults between plant and animal kingdom at all are piling up more so the deeper one descends into two kingdoms, and so can the occurrence of an intermediate limit where the difference is really quite staggering, in themselves have nothing strange . To some extent can these two have both found due in the term of the increasing

ease with which descend in the animal and vegetable kingdom growing assimilation, but occur even attacks in characteristic peculiarities of higher levels of the other side when approaching the undecided range limit from one side a . How much Stengliches, Branched, sprout end, rank end, leaved, flowers similar, Spirales there is the lower limit of the animal kingdom, one might say, the animal kingdom here masquerade play in disguise as the plant kingdom.Conversely, losing in the lower levels of the plant kingdom, the plants sometimes their branched laminar type, occur here roundish shapes, such as in the fungi, there structured forms, like the preserves on (which are at least vague approximations of the higher animal). Consider further the similarities, which lower animals win with plants in that they share in a similar manner without detriment to the life and can be multiplied by division, and conversely, lower plants (lots of seaweed) floating boy birth (of which more below ). It has been recently discovered wood pulp in the case of several fairly low standing animals (in the guise of other salpenartigen ascidians and tunicates) and, conversely, the fungi are known because of their wealth to the animal-like substances, etc. In respect to the similarity in shape of the lower animals with higher plants, consider for example (about the copper plates to Ehrenberg's great Infusorienwerke) the similarity of the Vortizellen with branched flower-bearing plants, where they even use the name animals flowers. But is particularly rich coral-like animals of the class to similarities with plants. Be well suited to provide this to the light, I share this with the following (verbatim) Excerpt from a narrative that gives a natural scientist (Dana) of these animals. Everywhere expressions (here highlighted in press), reminiscent of vegetable. "The composite construction of the corals is a consequence of their bud formation from which emerge all its varied forms. Some of them, as the madrepores, Gorgonians, Astren etc. are well known and have been generally, if not kept for the most common even for the single forms, and it prevails, however, under its forms an immense variety, and some grow than convolute, a cabbage head like leaves, others are of delicate, ruffled, irregularly arranged leaflets. The surface of each leaf is covered with polyps flowers, through their growth and secretion, it has emerged. No less is similar to an oak and Akanthuszweige, with mushrooms, mosses and lichens could locate. The vessel madrepores resting on a cylindrical base, which is completely covered in the living condition with Polpynblten, they consist of a network of branches and twigs, which gracefully extends from its center and is covered all over with colored polyps brood. The domes of the Astraea are quite symmetrical and often reach a diameter of 10 to 12 feet, and the Poriteshgel be about 20 feet high, and there are columns and club-shaped, and corals of various shapes. " "Each composite Zoophyt springs from a single polyp and grows by continued budding of a tree or a dome produced a 12 foot diameter scoring Astrastamm united about 100,000 polyps, each. 1 / 2 occupies Qu inch, and for a Porites whose animals

hardly l Lin. wide, the number 5 would be 1 / 2 exceed million. At her words an equal number of mouths and stomach to a single plant animals are connected and contribute jointly to food, bud formation, and enlargement of the whole in are also among connected laterally. Again, there are others that never produce buds and live in individual cases as soon as a small cup, sometimes as shallow bowls, etc.. " "The polyps of a composite group differ according to the nature of their attachment to one another either they are connected only at the base, where each presents a single arm, and the whole thing will win a tree or shrub-like appearance;., Or they are the side to tip each other connected to form moderate (moderate?) forms. In the former case, small cups to levy for each separate polyps, the only other flat cells, as in the gorgonian, where sticking out the polyps, but their cups are missing. " (Dana Schleiden and Fror. Distress 1847. June. No 48) You may remember the great similarity of the coral animals with higher plants but concerns only the polypifers whole, not the individual polyps Animals (Animal flowers). It is true, but why should we compare the individual animal flowers with whole plants, as they rather just show only analog relationships with individual plant flowers. The question whether to display the individual polyps flowers and various plants flowers as independent individuals, returns in both rich in the same way again, and the same reasons which have led, in spite of what one can distinguish the individual in the whole plant and the whole plant even to see her again as a parent, are bound to be individual, more or less in good stead throughout the polyp floors. It arises as well from a single egg as the plant from a single seed, his form developed by a fixed idea, but with a certain freedom, each polyp is related to the other by animal matter together (especially when going through on Edward's investigations of the the calcium structure by extending animal organization takes into consideration). But it seems not even to direct mental interaction of the characters limbs of polyps sticks to be missing. Me in this regard the following statement Ehrenberg (in s large infusoria works p. 69) about the famous ball animal, particularly interesting volvox globator appeared, which, if not belonging to the coral animals, but also a kind of polyp floor of many individual animals forms that are sitting in circumference of a sphere, connected by thread-like tubes: "If one does something blue or red color in the water under the microscope, we see very clearly a strong flow around the balls This is a consequence of the overall effect. all individual animals that take as herds of animals, birds, trains, even singing or dancing people and masses of people a common rhythm or a common direction, often means to be yourself without command and without the will clearly conscious. It all swim polypifers, and cozy as the colder judgmental naturalist recognizes this as a society instinct, which consists of strength and resilience for common purposes, a state that requires a spiritual activity, too low to strike not entitled can only be seduced. never one may also forget that all individual animals sense organs own, which are comparable to the eyes, and that they therefore do not blindly turn in the water, but our judgments as citizens of a distant world to benefit from a large range sentient existence, so proudly we behave like us, share yourself with us. "

The whole question of the relationship of parent and subordinate individualities of physical and mental side is at all up to now still very dark. Also one must not forget that still remain major differences between them at all similarity between plants and polyps sticks, and you can not do without great caution conclusions by analogy from one to the other. It is possible that the plant but a lot more to being bound unit would be as a coral growth. At least I am not aware that one of coral growths so resolute character of the interaction of all the parts than we do in the 13th Section will meet in the plants. Using the above two features, one would have to say from the coral plants, the whole plant is a plant in which it had polyps in individual animals. Although the surfaces with which food is consumed (the stomachs of individual polyps), everywhere invaginations, but there are indentations that are found to protuberances of the crop, as, conversely, in higher organisms, which to be regarded as animals in all, it bulges (villi) are what stand out, so that the food is taken from invaginations (intestines). Considering the exceptionally great changes that often occur at the same creatures both in the animal kingdom as vegetable kingdom during different periods of life, and in some very low in the animals, such as jellyfish, even more striking, as are even in insects, so it can last after all have nothing incredible that a creature could change the character of animal and plant themselves in such a change of life periods. That actually occur at lower creatures amendments in this direction, it is according to Examples equal to leading no doubt just about arguing as yet whether this is going well so far, to really a actual animals an actual plant, or vice versa to make , which will allow in consideration of the above considerations no other decision than by arbitrariness. 2)

Compare the transitions between animals and plants in particular the following scriptures and treatises: Unger, the plant at the moment of Tierwerdung. Vienna. In 1843. - Kutzing, about the transformation of the infusoria in lower forms of algae. Nordhausen. 1844 The same in Linnaea. In 1833. - Siebold, Dissertatio de finibus inter regnum animale et vegetable constituendis. Erlangae. In 1844. - Meyen in Rob. Brown, Miscellaneous Writings. Edited by Nees v. Esenbeck. IV pp. 327 ff and p Plant Physiology. Thuret, Recherches sur les organes locomoteurs of spores of algues in Ann. the sc. Botanique. In 1843. T. XIX. - (A compilation of previous observations is found especially in Ktzings writing, and in more detail by Meyen in Brown's writing.

Schleiden (Grundz. I. 265) says of course in his usual gruff, but science zealous manner: "Only in fantastic mysticism ailing science, but not a clear, understands itself natural philosophy can come to such reveries that creatures soon once animal, soon one may be plant. Would that be possible, one would still much lighter one being sometime soon fish, sometimes even birds, or soon beetles, soon to be Rose, and then

all of our science would be foolishness and we would do better to grow potatoes and to eat, but would also not so sure that they would not become mice and ran away. " I would, however remember a word of what Grabbe, via bold, but of a certain page aptly says in one of his plays: "the devil is closer to God than the mite," which is about the same arguments: an angel can be easier in a vicious than turn into a mole. What can be said with some truth here from the extremes highest development in two opposite realms will have to apply more so from the extremes lowest development considering the greater simplicity, they will be closer and easier to transform into one another as the extremes deepest and highest development in all kingdoms for themselves. The facts themselves to the'm dealing with are as follows: That some algae (easiest aquatic plants) can pass into infusoria, and vice versa, has been at earlier stages have often asserted and questioned repeatedly, since there are now so accurate and reliable observations about particular by Flotow and Kutzing that the advantage currently certainly is no longer on the enemy side. But while certainly the remains of small animals (von Flotow embarked) way out, for the very reason that they turn into plants or arising from such to explain to plants. The small vesicles, from which the red coloring matter of the snow is ( Protococcus nivalis ) were considered by the first observers of the same (Agardh, De Candolle, Hooker, Unger, Martius, Harvey, Ehrenberg) for microscopic plantlets (algae); Ehrenberg succeeded even to observe the propagation of plantlets originating from the Alps in Berlin, as he sowed the submitted samples in the winter of 1838 on snow. The plantlets propagated see in countless numbers, the Mutterkrperchen appeared quite the same, but were in the youth not red but green (a phenomenon which is reflected in many dyed red algae), and bore no trace of animal character, but probably a fine-grained, lobed nucleus and rootlets floor itself, which Ehrenberg found himself causing them under the name Sphaerella nivalis should be numbered among the seaweed. Meanwhile, other observers found as Voigt and Meyen, that this red coloring matter rather afforded the shapes and movements of infusoria, and they explained hereafter for animal. Shuttleworth finally differed partly infusoria, some algae in it. These contradictions, which seemed to indicate the effect that the observers had several matters going on, but resolve themselves by the very careful observations, which Flotow at one, the red-dyeing matter of snow very related, but instead of snow, found in rainwater plantlets or animals, Haematococcus pluvialis made. This consisting of microscopic, extremely delicate, spherical, shiny, red blisters, initially told a merely natural vegetable, but turned into sinks under appropriate circumstances, through various intermediate forms clearly traced in an infusoria ( Astasia pluvialis ) with rsselfrmigem (sometimes even gablig split) sensor and signs of voluntary movement to, which one has reason to be seen in plant and animal state of red-dyeing matter of snow just different stages of the same creature (especially since Flotow Astasia pluvialis to Shuttleworth Astasia nivalis is used in the red snow) . Since Flotow holds for granted, "it could of Haematococcus but just be either entirely animal or whole plant, "he says now of

course, the moving H." have only the sham nature of a Astasia accepted ", regardless himself the all-animal character the movements admits. (Nov. act. Acad. Leop. Car. 1843rd T. XX. p. 413) From Ktzings observations show that the infusoria Chlamidomonas pulvisculus even multiple changes is capable of that made him a decided algae species, Stygeoclonium stellar , evolve, but that also other developments arising from it, which also bear a definite algae character in itself, although they can also be taken as in quiescent Infusorienformen claim to part of the outward form. (There are namely tetraspora lubrica or gelatinosa, palmella botryoides, Protococcus and Gyges species as different forms of development to the fore.) Following the same infusorium transformed Enchelys pulvisculus in a Protococcus and most recently in a Odzillatorie. (Ktzing, about the transformation of the infusoria in lower forms of algae. Nordhausen., 1844.) In a number of algae ( Zoospermae ), both structured than unstructured, and even other lower plants (fungi, Nostok), it has been observed that their nuclear grains (spores sporidia of some seeds called) from the mother plant bursting forth for a while make a voluntarily appearing infusorienhnliche movement in the water (as you can because some forms recognizes among them, which has really been described by Ehrenberg as infusoria) then begin about a couple of hours to fix and to germinate, so now a greenhouse as arises from the mother plant. Although this nucleus grains show no inwardly animal organization, but rather externally if you notice similar to them or lash eyelash-shaped organs, than what else play such a large role in the movements of the lower animals, in particular, many declared infusoria. How strange these phenomena exclude yourself, you might from the following passage in Unger font: see "The plant at the moment of Tierwerdung". After being in letters to a friend, the phenomena of Vaucheria clavata have "if you followed me this far, so you can not possibly your expectations high so excited that not, has described to the exit of the sporidium he says (p. 2l) However, what I will tell you further, even surpassed the wildest flight of fancy. Yeah, it's really a miracle, so different from the general laws phenomenon that one might suspect that nature rather allows a poetic freedom here when once the veil withdrawn from processes that they may daily and hourly million times practiced only lightly mode and still exerts: - Deep and serious is the importance of procreation in its individual steps, but truly wonderful one may then call if the generated shortly when the two natures are different other than the producer, as can be seen just in the present case. More interesting are these symptoms when you hold them together with all analog, which fall within the stated animal kingdom. The eggs (or rather to call for newer views embryo) of many (probably all) of those lower animals, which in a broad sense are called zoophytes for their hard sitting and plant-like stature, that have a very similar basic organization as that seed grains of algae, also move only for a time with free eyelash bodies in the water and attach themselves until later, continues to grow plants like that. It is the most perfect analogy between algae and zoophytes place in this regard. And even in some higher-ranking animals come up to certain limits

before similar conditions. From the numerous observations and information on this subject I will follow some of the most reliable: The small alga Vaucheria clavata Agdh . ( Ectosperma clavata Vauch .) covers, united in many individuals, in the form of small cushion-shaped grass, the surface of the stones rapidly flowing shallow waters of the Central Europe. It represents a branched tube of undifferentiated state developed in 37 / 10000 Vienna. Inch dia. represents, which owes its green color to the inward chlorophyll. Now, under normal conditions a cross-wall appears at the top of Endtriebe in the originally simple hoses, and of the related upper division goes from a unstained, muco-granular substance to form a to the original skin conformal hose (Sporidium) the right to which is composed of a ciliated epithelium. In its interior, only a small trace of organization can be seen. By swelling of the maturing sporidium simultaneously with the dilution of the tip of the tube nut by resorption (extension) these bursts, and the sporidium squeezes through the narrow opening of "arbitrarily" and finally even with rotating movement. This process takes a few minutes. After exiting the sporidium has a birn or ovoid shape which gradually varies in a regular oval, or ellipsoidal. Freed from the parent hoses "she rises only in joyful rapid movement in the water and in different directions, revolves around a similar infusorium." The movement is in a constant direction from left to right, while rotating progressive. With a vibrating cilia uniformly occupied epithelium produces the same. If one does something divided dye into the water so you can see the vortex to make the cilia. Moments of stillness alternate "at will" with movements from that last through the entire 2 hours.Is most striking how the sporidia in these movements carefully avoid all the obstacles as they sent through the tissue of the rungs of Vaucheria drag and dodge each other, therefore, never takes place on or crashing. More or less round of mucus, coated with chlorophyll, rather irregularly distributed, as much crowded in the front part lying in the buttocks, are the only recognizable with security bodies, which have a significant proportion of the inner nature of the sporidium. With the cessation of the movements of the ellipsoid changed into spherical shape, all cilia disappear suddenly, without knowing where they come, the green color is distributed uniformly, and the glass-like transparency of the epithelium transforms into a delicate homogeneous plant membrane. In less than 12 hours, the bladder extends through direct outgrowth at one or two places at once, and in doing so are the phenomena of germination. The development of the hoses proceeds rapidly. On one hand it forms a root structure, making the plantlets settles, while the other extension is extended, branched and that within 14 days at the same sporulation. - Hot water even from 20 R acts on the moving deadly sporidia, however causes a temperature which is the freezing point of water at first, although a break in the movements and even the vegetative life phenomena produced, but without killing. Light deprivation has an accelerating effect on the cessation of the movements and the germination is prevented. The galvanic current has similar effect as the infusoria, a weak anesthetic and causes irregularity in the movements, a stronger effect immediately death. Mineral acids, alkalis and most salts have been fatal in very small quantity. Were in a concentr. Made solution of

sulphate of morphine happily floating germs, the same heard although initially to move on, after a short but they began their movements again, but originally danced around in such a strange circles, as if they were in a state of anesthesia, and after came a few minutes rest. Even stronger had Opiumertrakt, even the smallest dose, dissolved in water, paralysis brought forth in the motions, and death. In concentr. Cyanide least with equal parts. Diluted water that used to perk floating sporidia were suddenly motionless. A recording of dye, as infusoria, settled cause in any way. (According to Unger's writing. Tierwerdung of the plant at the moment) Thyret also in the spores of Conferva glomerata and rivularis, Chaetophora elegans var pisiformis, proliferation rivularis and Candollii Leclerc dependence similar phenomena of batting or whiplike organs specifically demonstrated. (Ann. of the sc. 2nd Ser. T. XIX.) " Achlya prolifera (a hormogonia) has two types of spores, larger, are formed in smaller numbers in spherical sporangia and smaller that develop in large numbers in the unmodified filamentous end links. By the end members separates the time of Sporenreife a small cover, shortly before advised the spores in a teeming movement, a wirtliche, often significant location change occurs. This movement takes after leaving for a time continued and finally hear on what the spores often germinate after a few hours., when such end member is emptied, usually growing a new such element, starting from the next partition, in that inside, often the available remaining older not completely filling up. Also in this new limb formed again spores which then have to pass through two openings at its outlet, and sometimes fluctuate around a long time between two cell walls until they come to the second opening., but it also happens that they do not reach this second way out and make the older tube within at least the beginning of germination. " (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. I. 264) "The embryos of Campanularia geniculata ( Sertularia geniculata garbage .) are elongated cylindrical or pear-shaped, completely enclosed by a delicate skin tube-like body without mouth opening and without the slightest trace of an organization within. Their surface is covered with incredibly numerous fine cilia whereby they are put in a position to make rapid movements, such as infusoria swim around in the water, and seek that place, which is for their further development most appropriate. According to this short infusoriellen condition they obtain a disk-like shape, attach themselves to an object and drive a tube-like extension which is not even different in the beginning of that of the germinating Algensporidien in form. thus the animal will not enter into the second stage of his life, in the polyp stage, one where only formed after the hand the organs of reproduction are -. Quite so it is with the embryos of Medusa by Ehrenberg's, Siebold's (.. contrib z Naturgesch, invertebrates Gdansk 1839), and preferably after M. Sar's observations Medusa aurita and Cyanea capillata (Arch. f . Naturgesch. 1841 p.9). soon as the same leave the mother arms, they are little more than point large, oval or pear-shaped, slightly compressed bodies, no mouth and no trace of organization within. Their body is soft, consists merely of a very fine-grained tissue and appears within, a large cave of the same shape as the contour of the body to have sealing standing cilia cover the whole surface of the body evenly and allow the same to execute movements on all sides and in the way infusoria -... The

swimming they often revolve around their length axis and the blunt end precedes. was only after the period in which they infusoriellen life expired, they attach themselves to the front end, get down a stalk-like projection, while an area surrounded by tentacles depression appears on the opposite surface which widens the mouth and stomach, and thus they become polyps, drive the branches and propagate both by this than by transverse division, only the products resulting from Ouerteilung boys attain the shape and organization of Akalephen. (Unger's letters page 88 .) "The Vortizelle developed a stem splits (and sheds its skin?), Developed back eyelashes, comes off the stems, rambles, draws (after second molt?) The back lash again or loses it, and sets himself to re- excrete a stick to make a family tree and constantly repeating the same. " (Ehrenberg s works on infusoria p.290) According to Burmeister, the Cirripoden, namely Anatisen, the hatch out of the egg front two muscle loose tentacles with suckers, side three pairs of bristles endigende, partly forked forked feet from cornea, crystalline lens and black pigment-existing eye, and swim around freely; but have they fixed with the suction cups at one point, they grow by a fleshy stalk and toss with the skin, the tentacles and eyes, while the double pairs of legs and are often transformed into feathered, curved tendrils. (Burmeister, contributions to the history of barnacles. Berlin., 1834.) After Nordmann female Lernaeocera cyprinacea as it comes out of the egg, the ordinary form of other cancerous parasitic animals, namely a few feelers, two pairs of legs and one eye, she has but to their future residence a fish searched with the help of these organs and with its front body is sunk deep into his flesh, her body transforms the disappearance of those organs in a simple cylinder, and you can at the same even recognize neither muscles nor nerves, while the digestive organs educate yourself further and the reproductive organs develop.Now it is up to her death in the dug out of her depression to plant similar to absorb nourishment from the flesh of the fish and the male which seems to feed on their Kote, but incidentally reserves sensory and motor organs to produce young. (Nordmann, Micrographic contrib for Naturgesch. Invertebrates. Berlin., 1830. Issue II, pp. 123 ff) Except for such movements, which indicate only a temporary state of development of certain lower plant organisms also various strange phenomena of motion of different and not sufficiently recognized importance in developed lower plant organisms even occur that can remind animal phenomena and can fluctuate, sometimes even if you do not rather here to speak of animal than plant. "Most are striking the phenomena which the Oszillatorien a small algal species (held by others rather for animal nature), show. They appear as short threads from more wide than long cylindrical cells strung together, filled with green fabric and verschiedenartigem, partly liquid , partly granular content. The tip of each filament is somewhat tapered and rounded, often water-clear and colorless. Unless they vegetate lively, these threads a threefold movement, an alternating smaller curvature of the front end, a semi-pendulum-like, semi-elastic bending back and forth the front half and a gradual rise. these movements are observed often all at the same time, often individually., you have (says Schleiden) something strange, I would say weird in

itself. " (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche II. 549) Includes one Oszillatorien into a dark room and can enter through an opening light, so all Oszillatorien pull out after opening and disappear from the rest of the dark space of the vessel. (Vaucher, Hist. The conf. D'eau douce. 171) For more information about the movements of the Oszillatorien see in Meyen's Physiol. III. 443 "Tear it from a Spongie (some of the animals expected) fragments of the slimy substance from, so show this to Dujardin initially motionless under the microscope, but with adequate lighting can be seen at the edges rounded transparent projections which their shape in each change moment by expansion and contraction. sometimes to even small fragments of 1 / 100 to1 / 200 mm slowly creeping move to the glass through those processes. D. wants this phenomenon in Spongia panicea, Cliona celata and Spongilla have observed since 1835. too He looked at the ragged edges of the cloth Spongilla threads emerge of extraordinary delicacy, and swing with lively undulating movement so that they to a small isolated masses locomotion, different from that described above, caused. " Speak against the animal nature of Spongillen thereby excited now, apart from the lack of a stomach, the Hoggs observations that the Spongille get their green color alone by the influence of light and this revoked lose, evolve in the light gas plants are similar to acids behave so wiegm. Arch in 1839. II, p 197 , 1841. II S. 410) In the deciduous and liver Mosen, Charen and ferns develop in the cells of their socalled antheridia or anthers (whose meaning is not, as such denied) spiral threads (in each cell one by Thuret in Charen also probably two), which, when the cells are under water, make a vibrant movement around its axis, even after tearing the Zellchens this movement for a long time in the water and continue to progress here. It has these spiral threads with the so-called spermatozoa (sperm) of animals compared (even thought to see bristles or sensing tips in mind), but of course will have the right reason to settle them a same function. For details, see in Meyen, Physieol. III, 208ff. Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. II 48, 66 77th - Wiegm.Arch 1837. I. 430, 1838. I. 212 II 85 In 1839. II 45 , 1841. II 423 The molecular movements, which make the balls of pollen content after leaving, do not seem to earn according to recent research interest in what they were previously attributed to them inclined. (Compare Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. 303 11)
Unter den niederen Geschpfen gibt es ziemlich viele, bei denen man sich noch heute streitet, ob sie zu den Tieren oder Pflanzen zu zhlen 1) ; und dieser Streit fllt mit dem zusammen, ob Zeichen der Seele bei ihnen zu finden oder nicht; so zweideutig werden diese Zeichen hier.

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In most plants from the families of Charazeen, naiads and Hydrocharideen and the fruit stalk of Young Haussmannien in each cell is a simple on the one hand ascending, descending on the other side current one by color, consistency (sliminess) and insolubility in aqueous fluids of the remaining water-clear cells juice to observe various liquid is thus particularly visible in some, that they, the beads contained in the juice (starch, chlorophyll, mucus, etc.) continues, but is most recognized clearly

enough for themselves. (See details in Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. II p 256)

XIII. Unity and centralization of the plant organism.

Everything would be quite good, it will be said, if only the organism of plants also really such a unity, centralization, such a sweeping link exchange and followrelationship of all parts and sides of its structure and life, such a merger and circulatory functions showed how of the people and animals in order to find the corresponding expression of the unity and power of a soul can. But it is not. What is the plant basically but a bunch of external spliced cells, where something is, what a unifying focus of dominant importance represented, hinwiese on everything from the might receive all wheel drive, like the brain of the animals, where some of a thorough, all linking power and life itself UPHOLSTERY? Because the outer formal terms, to the enclosing form is not yet in force and activities for the whole plant is sufficient to bind. No part of the plant but cares very much about what is going on in the other. Tear a piece of her and it's a plant, it grows to be continued, and the plant from which you torn it also grows on as if nothing had happened to her. That does not look like concentration by the binding unit of a soul. So much music, so many individuals on the tree; actually as much cells as much as individuals, and it has no limit. We hear a botanist from the drawer above: "Every cell," says Schleiden, "feeds on itself and by its very nature in other ways." (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche. II, p 464) "The independence of the life of the individual cells can go in and on certain cellprocesses that are the life of the neighboring cells and thus of the whole plant without any meaning," (Ibid., II, p 464) "The diet of whole plant exists only in the diet of their individual cells." (P. 466) "The plant is essential as such only in the morphological link physiologically independent elementary organs." (P. 470) "The cell we can as a small, independent, living organism See for yourself. From its surroundings, the same material absorbs liquid food, the same he is by chemical processes that are constantly active inside the cell, new materials ... In the rain match the absorption and excretion of substances, the chemical formation, transformation and decomposition of substances is the whole life of the cell and - since the plant actually is nothing but the sum of many cells that are connected to a particular shape also the life of all Plants. " (Schleiden, The Plant. P. 41) "Every single cell, as it leads a separate life of its own." (Ibid., p 47) Can say more than we listen to it here by an expert: the plant as a whole is for nothing, all the cell? Although the plant is organically us alive, and it is, but it is only as a whole, the nature of the organism, national, rising in his part. She's grown out of the ground, still grown on the ground like a hair on our heads, and their processes while regsamer than the hair, not unlike a gland of our body, in which all kinds of materials for the purpose of the whole being processed. So in the plant air, light, solids of the outside world are processed in a peculiar manner for the purpose of the

whole. Who wants to see a Leberdrschen a soul for himself, the more reason there is such a find in the plant? So let at least the plant organic hot alive, let him have an idea of its creation and design of, but if it is not yet a be final for himself Organic, a self-circling to zurckbeziehendes on yourself alive, can the idea which is subject to their being and life, are not wanted in a soul itself immanent principle. The divine spirit may carry in the fullness of his world of ideas, the idea of the shape of the plant life in itself, but it is only his life, his idea, not even your own life, own soul, which is given to the plant. How different all this with the animals! Closes around the animal organism in itself from, is set to be circling in itself, refers allwegs back up. As you can tear yourself away for nothing, and plant, and where and how to losreie something, it feels the whole thing. One whole and exist only with and through each other as they are. Like any of the other acts each back again through the mediation of the other in the circuit to itself. Where the ruling center lies, and it was also that it was up to no single points, but it is sure one of the effects available, which binds the whole thing and all forces to submit to him. I have tried to exhaust all that can be said in this sense, yes, I knew what could be told more and say blow Enderes in this sense, I would have liked to say it, because I did not dodge the objections, but would like to meet them. Maybe I've already said, but even more than some will even want to say, you need this then just subtract. Is not everything in this cogent and clear immigration and kept apart, so this would not be our fault, because we try to reduce it to the Compelling and clear, so it will come on by itself. Why then ever ask him?Because he is ever provided. To tell the very words of an opponent, I run the following argument from Carus (psyche p. 112) to that found mainly in the sense of the previous objection, although engaged to some extent in other places already given is. "The plant kingdom is based through and through, as in each individual plant, as well as in the diversity of its forms, much to endless repetition of a basic form, it is through and through cell block itself to infinity repetitive, and therefore from each cell again possibly bringing forth the whole, and for that reason also the concept of totality never totally conclusive.1) Even the layman, without being aware of the higher ground deliberately, therefore separates parts of the plant from other ideas and feelings than with a beast: he is those who speak always always take a piece of work, and this for a whole. A hand cancel a flower done with lust, replace a limb of a living animal will be him every painful. 2) The plant has from that reason, no guts and no in the sense that when animals of different organs - it can not therefore, in contrast to much heterogeneous nascent organs, such Urgebilde how the nervous system remain, - in short, it is essential, only a multiplicity of units, it lacks such inner center, as the animal, and although they can not be without a certain totality, the concept is the same never completed such as in the animal kingdom, whence it again follows that the concept of higher and lower organization, which so clearly in the animal kingdom reveals himself, in the vegetable kingdom always very imperfectly expresses itself (it will always remain in dispute, which you should consider as the highest plant),

another time it follows that by the plant is a truly centralized system and thus a perfect bond of unity and wholeness lack of any kind of consciousness in no way can be discussed here. If we THEREFORE accustomed to call by the name of the soul only that idea, in which any consciousness has really evolved, it is clear from the above clear of the plant that can not yet be said to be given her a soul. "

I do not see how that possibility to contradict such more Abschlusse, as when we see this possibility preferably made to certain cells of the parent body in animals, especially since but no one can really from each cell of a pear tree or a carnation again a produce pear or a carnation, has demonstrated. It seems to me that the conclusion of a majority of cells to the totality and the ability of this or that or every single cell to reproduce the whole thing in isolation from the whole, are ever in any significant UPHOLSTERY each other.

Comp. here on p 20 22, 68 ff

Closer IS shows that at previous immigration things required by the plant to the soul that are not found in general or only apparent in animals, and has no reason to require as much to existence of a soul, some missing things but the just as well to find basically in plants as in animals, albeit in a different form. The animal is first and foremost as well as the plant a heap of externally linked cells. You know that there are even nerve and muscle fibers annealed and partially oriented fused cells, and has been able to find only the greatest analogy between plants and animals in this respect. Where is he in animals cells within this cluster, the central point they charge in the plant?In the brain? But the brain is merely a tissue adjacent to and between each other by continuous fibers, never a point where they converge. Or is the whole brain itself to that central point? Usually one thinks so, although it is slightly big for a point, but what you can not dispute. But there are enough animals that only scattered instead of a brain, albeit linked by nerves have ganglia, and yet reveal the workings of a soul in it some very educated, useful prevailing instincts. The insect is measured though a brain in, it is a ganglion, which is located in the head and on the go, the main sensory nerve, but it is often smaller than other ganglions of the same insect, and you cut him with its head away so hear the signs of mental activity does not occur. Listen to this: "The arthropods (insects) make after removal of the head movements, which will activity require. Decapitated flies and beetles fly and walk after surgery often quite wide and long., You not only move due to external stimuli, but alternate with exercise and rest, and that is evident in this exchange no fixed type, and the rest does not seem mere consequence of fatigue. A decapitated blowfly was sensitive to tobacco smoke, which is not necessary to refer to a sense of smell, however. placed on your back, they sought to sit up, and when her because this was not possible, a pointed piece of wood was put off for support, she took this first with one foot, and she followed suit

the other legs sent. Decapitated wasp sting in a way that their desire to sting can hardly be denied because the sting of the animal is not about completely mechanically pushed and pulled, but the animal seizes the Fussen an object, holds him and stabs into it. similar saw Treviranus. Such things movements are not 3) reflex movements, because they take place without external stimulus, they also have little resemblance to convulsions, which Grainger as she conceives. because they lack the one hand, Twitching, convulsions which is the self, on the other hand they seem to track applications, which are given by the idea. " (Volkmann in Wagner physiologist. Wrt Art. Brain. P. 576)

The word is not missing in the original by misprint.

The nervous system of Asterias consists of a nerve ring, the 5 ganglia are distributed symmetrically, one of which is as much as the other value, but is this animal moves so well with all the signs of the soul unit as one that only a main central organ has. Now I say: if the souls unit consists of a distribution of 5 ganglia, it may just as well with a distribution of 100 or 1000 ganglia are, and where nerves are not at all necessary, are made with a distribution of millions of cells, we just see, it does not depend on the required centralization. It is not disputed, however, the Zusammenklumpung the nerve mass in the brain in humans has been important, but it will just have to be another than to require the unity of the soul. Since it probably will not apply to the brain, so you go further, and seek (as Carus) the expression of the linking, centralizing unit throughout the nervous system. But it stands to but that when the plants denies such a unit, because they are a mere agglomerate of cells that can not be found in a system the expression of such a unit, which is just a mere agglomerate of fibers. Only if the nervous system itself darbte a central point, the animal would have predicted a centralizing in it, but that is not the case. By the way, you can, if it's just to the contrast of a more internally provided system to do more externally provided systems in the organization, also found in the spiral fibers of plant something that has a central position against the other form parts of the plants, and if to date found in the simplest plants no spiral fibers, which corresponds only to that one found in the simplest animals have no nerves.Sooner we get attention, how much analogy ever have the spiral fibers with nerve fibers, but are also not inclined to put more emphasis on this analogy, as happened there, because we unauthorized all the demand for a central system or central organ for Beseeltsein for a hold. The most striking example is perhaps that no central agency that also no returning into itself circulation of juices as a carrier, express or condition of the unit, the rule, the conclusion of the soul is essential in itself can give us back the polyp. Let us recall earlier mentioned facts. Has a Armpolyp quite extensive and all its tentacles spread, and it is touched with a needle, or shakes the water, so he pulls at once in all its parts by a small clot together. It takes quite like this, as the effect of the whole body of the polyp dominant, all parts thereof in a causal relationship linking soul with

which one may put even the others listed above characters peculiar, appropriate to themselves related activities of the soul of the polyp in conjunction . Now, I say absolutely not, that the polyps are philosophers, but I maintain that the self is a poor philosopher who wants to deny the polyps decisive, independent, unit linked to feelings and impulses of various kinds for such characters. But what is his organization after the polyp? A simple tube, which is up to now neither vessels nor nerves has been able to discover any safe, provided at one end with hollow tentacles. After all, one may perhaps discover nerves, or what you in some species kept for polyps, really worthy of the name, but a central agency and a cycle you will certainly not discover. But can be as much self-contained and coherent sensation, and without arbitrariness central organ and circulatory exist, it may even cease to exist without it because they can not be bound by it then. Is not it strange it is that, since one but usually even than the whole variety of corporeal linking principle considers the soul, one the other hand is so inclined, nor the clear emergence of a singular point or organ in this manifold to a particular expression of their unifying force require? Consider the figure in a kaleidoscope, each ray of colorful star in it means as much as the other, even in acanthus leaves of the Corinthian capital was means any lateral leaflets much as the other, it is not a part there, which the unifying idea of the harmonious impression of the whole, but must be present, represented particularly, it is the symmetry of the whole binding justified. Nor here, but when the idea of an object, you will be able to require the soul of a subject a tangible proof of their unifying force in a particularly excellent parts. Of course, you can refer to the colorful star of the kaleidoscope to the center, in the acanthus leaf on the axis of the blade as the unifying, but on such a conceptual center is not missing the plant, it is that one of the node from which was the root down, the stem rises upwards, it is that one wants to refer to the axis of the whole plant is already made of their normierender meaning yes in botany such a fuss was. I think it is with the body as with the world. God reigns as Omnipresent throughout the world, binds, links everything, without his being required appearing in the middle of Central Sun, and only to a non-material force center (focus) of the whole can be conceived, but this just as well between the suns into space as in one of them could fall, and would be found just as well, all the suns would be quite the same. Only if they are really not quite the same, which means larger and weightier sun of course also more and more important than the smaller and lighter. So it is in our smaller body no single institution to whose existence the government and unifying force of the soul binds, it exists everywhere in the body as well as God in the world. And if in a womb individual parts gain more importance than others, a supremacy against the other, then it is also only a higher development of the soul against the state where everything is the same, mean, not only imply the existence of the soul, and in the plant is not lacking in such parts, be it that we deeply on the spiral vessels, or want to reflect externally on the flower, which, if it is not from the beginning of there, but from the beginning of the Will, and Will this have the whole life process gives the plant its direction.Yes this direction, which take all the parts and sides of the life of the plant process from the beginning to the production of flowering, proves from the

start Untriftigkeit the best of all those allegations that the plant is nothing but a bunch of loose cells relative to each other. It would be just as if a beautiful dome could blossom out of a pile of sand and stone itself. Only too common, however it themselves only imagine the soul as a small physical being in the larger physical construction, where they of course also a special little stool is subject to their seats to speak of because of the whole of the body and is then gather the required permit. One thinks about the soul as the queen of a hive who sits in a particularly excellent location of this floor, and around which the whole household of the stick turns. But we maintain the image, the soul of the hive is actually but not only in the queen, which would be a hive where there is nothing but a queen, he is only one main thing in it. In each cell, where a bee sitting, sitting rather something of the soul of the hive. And when the queen of the hive, however, is distinguished from other bees how our brain or a part thereof from other organs, this is no longer the case in the anthill, but also where things get united and organized as in hives. Well, I say, if the animals are monarchical hives, the plants are Republican anthill. A republic but their unity as well as a monarchy. While us the unifying principle seems more secure and more stringent represented as in a monarchy into a republic. But that depends on what? Certainly only that every person is already in itself a monarchical system with the brain at the top, thus also a human society is now more equipped to handle themselves off in a monarchy, a republic to complete unity.But the ants prove that this is not related to the nature of the Republic. And you do not see any reason why it should harder nature, an ideal unit to move into a pile of misshapen cells than in a bunch of diverging ants. After all, one has to take on the question of the outer expression or the biological conditions for the core unit in the plant does not take into consideration whether in the plant somewhat similar to agglomerate as the brain in animals, or a similar central position against the rest of the body takes as its nervous system, for those lumps and this system are closer looking so good even a highly composite as the cell construction of the plant, and as we have seen, is clump not even in every animal something so together, and the node is the ever find any conceptual link to massive node or central strand. A network with many nodes may be carriers of the psychic unity as a scourge to a single node, which brings together many threads running so well. In contrast, a radical interdependence of all parts and activities of bodily interaction and atmosphere but you will have to ask them to appropriate services for the individual as an expression of the linking and referring back to itself souls mastery. For such we also true in humans and animals as an expression of the soul unifying rule. Let us now see whether it is lacking in plants. Which, although far as the side of expediency, so here is over already traded in earlier enough. But the presence of a drastic change still requires reference to the above proof of his allegations. It is a mistake very first and foremost, when you think the external shape of the plant, which surrounds the whole cell block according to a uniform plan just is

merely something external to it, which does not come into abutment when it comes to the question of whether an inner living exchange relation between the forces and activities of all individual cells exists because this is only the outer form of externally apparent opposite effect of internally coherent interaction of the set of all cells themselves, and not as had ohnedem may arise, just as it is created. If only a tulip bulb in the ground has never worn anything but a tulip on the ground, who can deny that the forces that form on the plant in the ground, in genauestem connection with which work, which to her about the earth form, the cells of the onion and the tulip in their arrangement and function are dependent on each other? By simply explains the essential plant "for a morphological link physiologically independent element organs," one in fact does nothing but a contradiction in adjecto commit. And who will really believe what one would believe hereafter that a cell, for example, starch, sugar prepared in connection throughout the plant, increasingly on their particular type, the same would be able also out of this relationship? Are there plants that consist of only one cell ( Protococcus ) and still vegetate, to which they seem to put weight so would be neither logical nor empirical fact that a plant cell can exist independently for themselves, because they just in a particular case, it it is set up to be able to draw the conclusion that the plant cells, even when they are no longer for themselves, nor can exist, and exist independently for themselves, while the direct experience rather shows that they can not. Would it indeed true that you can tear yourself away parts of a plant, without causing the rest of the plant slightly changed by so want this as a direct evidence against the dependency of different plant parts and their functions of each other, but it looks closer to teach so the experience just the opposite. Who does not know the wine section, the pruning? I cut off a branch here, pushing for a new from a bud that would not otherwise driven. I take a tree all the leaves, under certain circumstances may even stem and roots go, I cut off the roots, go trunk, branches and leaves one, sometimes not, and it put out new roots that would otherwise not driven, it is like the lizard, which you cut a leg, she has one, so no one drives them, they did not have one, it drives one. That of course does not notice the influence of minor injuries at the plant, of course, but why he is not missing. For as sure it feels a tree in a significant change if you take away all the leaves, so he will certainly have to feel it in a smaller ratio only change if you take away one. Here follows a series of facts that the drastic change reference that. By the parts of the plant from the bottom to the top, as from the top down, as exists from the axis of the side sections, and vice versa, is used to explain in various forms, Schleiden says (Grundz. IS 218): "We notice easily that in the individual cells of Chara that skewed towards the green beads are complemented by round the following cells to a perfect spiral, just as often finds a strange connection between the spiral deposits two adjacent cells instead, so that the not very attentive observer seems to continue the cycle continuously. " This fact would not be tolerated by all the above statements Schleiden. Linnaeus observed that a tree, nourished superfluous in another vessel, several

consecutive years may bring forth branches from branches, since the same, enclosed in a narrower vessel, quickly wearing flowers and fruit. - Here you can see the influence that the type of rooting has on the crown of the tree. Knight has observed that all pear and apple trees, which had been freed from the outer parts of their bark, wood in two years more leveraged than they had stated in the previous twenty years (Decand. II, p 812). - Here the influence of a change in the outer parts of the inner are visible. Dissolving of the circumference of a branch or tree an annular strips of bark from (so-called magic ring), so he wears above abundant flowers and fruits that ripen the latter faster, throws earlier from its leaves and thickens more in the wood as below that section (Schleiden, fundamentals of Deutsche II. p. 503). - This shows the influence of brought forth only a small area of vegetation change on the whole tree. If a graft is placed, for example, from apricots, plums on a trunk, the plum stem clothed gradually with growth rings of apricot wood (Ibid., p 803). Here you can clearly see how changes not merely attached below upwards, but also top-mounted down effect changes. "Taking a tree in winter, standing with his roots in the earth or in a vessel containing water, which is only a few degrees above freezing, and brings one of its branches (excluding him from standing in the cold strain break) in a hothouse, which is heated up to 12 or 15 (C?) so designed that its leaves and flowers, while the remaining refrigerant in the standing tree seems yet fully solidified. (Decand., Phys. IS 76) Here we see that the increased activity, which has been caused by the heat in the branches, has the intake end backward stimulated activity of the roots to supply the juice to drive the industry: "for," says Decandolle , "the water that developed these buds do not come out of the hothouse in which they live, but from the earth or water surrounding the roots, I have convinced myself that the water in the vessels in which the roots are submerged, decreases. Knight concluded by the remark that the strain in the circumstances described freezes more easily than usual, with the same results. The lighter freezing proves namely, that in the trunk beneath the housed in the greenhouse part contained more water than usual " If a tree trunk one takes its leaves in May or June, all buds located in the axils develop on the spot, as you can notice in the abgelaubten for silkworms mulberry trees, and even if after a hail that in the orchards all leaves struck down, hot and humid weather occurs. (Decand. II, p 482) If too many branches are next to each other, the weakest are being starved of the strongest, if too many fruits originate close to each other, so thrive only those whose growth is most vigorous, and go the other based (Ibid., p 484) - During the development of new leaves, the movements of plants sleep at the nearest bystanders leaves unregulated and very slowly, even in some plants (eg Lupinus ) at the time of development of flowers and fruits case. (Dassen in wiegm Arch 1838 IS 216..) - In these cases we find a relationship between neighboring sides of the same plant. A remark which has often been made, in the Compt. explanatory. , 1835. II From Jaubert repeated 360, namely, that also can be found on the side where the branches

of the trees are the most powerful roots. He says he did this very often found in the Sologne when grubbing of trees. - Here there is a special relationship between certain parts of the tree and some other parts of the same tree, as well as in animals like special relationships often occur. Mustel insured from his own experience, that all the other flower parts die as soon as you cut the petals, when a flower starts to unfold, you take away the same, however, later, the embryo seems to attract only more so. - Since you have sympathy and antagonism in the same samples (Mustel Trait de la VEGET I. 178.). After Gardener (Vers and observability. Across the reproductive organs of the perfe. Growths., 1844.) If fertilization of the ovary is not chipped, fading the cup and takes a morbid reputation, but has the fertilization of the ovary occurred, he shall receive several days, depending on the type of plant. - This shows a similar sympathy in the reverse direction. It has been invariably observed that vines with red grapes in the fall to get purple leaves, those with white or yellow but yellow grapes. (Decand. II, p 707) - Here you can see how the color of the plant parts occurs after a reaching through the whole thing coherent plans. It is common ground for such facts can not be denied that the plant is a tightly bound by reciprocal relation of all the parts in themselves individual, as well as the animal. When we speak of a radical interdependence of all parts of the plant, we have the course not to be understood as whether a direct action at a distance vermchten the cells at the root tip expressed on the cells of flowering. No, just only with the help of the other cells of the plant takes place their relationship, as is the same case in humans and animals. The parts of my foot and my head interact only through the mediation of the other parts, and in this case there are more and more distant relationships. We know the forces that mediate these relationships, so little in the animal as in the plant completely, but their real existence is in any case well clear in the plant as in animals. Some exchanges are members of our knowledge, however, really before, but one must not want to see the whole thing in it, but only moments of the whole. I remember this: According as by evaporation of the plant above moisture is lost, it will have nachdringen from below, as the oil nachsteigt from below into the wick, according as it is eaten up. Swelling somewhere on a cell or fiber, they will have to work through pressure on the entire rest of the system, is a way somewhere locked, the juice is looking to make it through the rest of the rail system, a portion broken away, the juice in large quantity the rest of the benefit. The laws of exosmose and endosmosis like this even more access than we know. - One may ask, what can such a hydrostatic-hydrodynamic processes have any importance for the psychic. But if we see that faster or slower or otherwise running in our head and body in accordance with the blood, be it even only by virtue of all mechanical disturbances in the vascular system, even thoughts run and moods can learn the most important influence, and if his run increased, resting , so we ourselves also are able to ascribe

importance to the psychological very well the mechanical moments of the juice run into the plant, where it is always free to put the freedom of the mechanical with the unfree side of the soul in relationship, because in fact the , which depends on the thoughts and feelings of the mechanical side of the blood run into us, something very unfree is in us. The previous thing does not prevent but also every cell of the plant in some way lead their individual lives. It is just one of a higher individuality child life. Goethe expressed about this in his Metamorphosis of Plants aptly enough of: "Every living thing is not individual, but a majority, even insofar as it appears to us as an individual, it remains to a gathering of living independent beings, the idea of the system, are equal, but the appearance in the same or similar, can be equal to or dissimilar. " One has only to the phenomena of individual cells life is not one-sided focus his attention, as if by a general cross-reference their activities thereby somehow excluded. To the drastic change living UPHOLSTERY all parts of the plant we will have to call for a continuous progress regarding the successive appearances of the plant life on each other as an expression of the dominant spatial and their temporal and linking souls unit. Also this is not missing. In fact, as well as the flower of each plant stands with its roots in wech same thing border relations of form and function, at any earlier stage of development of the plant has a conditioning one for each sptern. The current state of the plant is to serve me a popular word, as it were always canceled in the following, ie the current is not, however, receive proceeds through its effects in the following. It is also, as our present activities of the soul in the following effects will continue, even where they do not show up again in conscious memories. And if the soul activities are supported by physical activities, just depends on one another. Examples of this sequence relationship of the former to the later processes in the plant are already partly in the above, since the interaction and sequence relationships actually exist in the organism only with and through each other. I add just add some where the last page of the relationship is striking considered. To this section belong especially the periodic phenomena of plant life, to the extent they are independent of the periodicity of external influences, by an earlier state before seen here appears to be due to its late appearance of resistance. "Nowhere," says De Candolle (II p. l8), "is this a result of the periodicity or the habit of speaking decisively from than if you naturalized plants of a hemisphere in the opposite. Puts you our fruit trees in the temperate regions of the southern hemisphere, they continue for some years through continuing to bloom time, which corresponds to our springs, the reverse takes place when you put certain trees in the southern hemisphere to Europe ". "It is often the case that a tree that bore in one year many fruits, or remained the fruit sit on the very long, the year after or not bloom little. In southern Europe it has been observed that the oil crop fails, when the olive ( Olea europaea ) can be too late sitting on the trees, the latter circumstance is to blame, that the olive tree bears fruit only a year after the other one, however, Go and pick the olives off early so you can harvest every year. ".

The phenomena of habituation are moving here, which has been observed in the sensitive plant and other plants (see p 181). One consequence of this habit is that the sensitive plant, although they kept in rooms together puts the leaves at each vibration, but this does not, in their natural state, open air. Link says in this regard: "In the wind the leaves of this plant fall together, but addressed regardless of the wind again, and at last so accustomed to it that it no longer affects them." One misses in the plants a circulation of fluids, so have those as already noted, polyps, and other animals as well little, and undoubtedly is of the same as of the predominance of a central organ, it just means a special way the whole thing is tied to the unit can mean, without the only way. The essence will always be a place around the juices running in circles such a circle of relationships that, as the phenomena in the root win influence in the leaf and flower, also hinwiederum this is the case backwards. So that it was but to teach the above examples amply. But how, they say, can not cut the plant into a hundred pieces, and each of these pieces, made the cuttings to continue growing? Can you split the soul in about a hundred pieces?How should one think that? It is true, as it is much easier to imagine the plant has no soul, so one avoids the difficulty to think how they will behave in the cleavage. But I think the nature cares for our ease or difficulty thinking like, not. You can not even cut the polyp into a hundred pieces, and each piece is a new polyps? It will be said again: what do you beweisest with the polyps, which we ourselves admit hardly a soul? And I'll remember back to his contraction in contact with the needle tip, its voracity, its quarrels over the spoils, its choice between food, its sensitivity to light. But of course, it's just us too inconvenient, the polyps inspired to think, so we overlooked like the most. But we are fortunately not refer to the polyps alone. Even an earthworm can be cut into two pieces, each is a new earthworm. How are we to think here? The earthworm is an animal that has already vascular and nervous system, digestive organs and muscles trained. There are hundreds and thousands of other animals in which one finds the same thing. Even in those days I read in Froriep Schleiden and notes following recent attempts with the Nais serpentina employed. Schnetzler slashed repeatedly individual of this species into three or four pieces and unequal received from these almost always an equal number of living individuals. At one taken from the center, consisting of three rings pieces he took several days all signs of life true; circulation lasted and with her respiration, "feeling", movement, etc. In the moment of cutting the muscles locked both the intestinal tract as the major vascular strain, and thus prevented the escape of food juice; gradually the connections between the spinal vessels, and the Bauchvene set forth again, and so became gradually the cut piece to the new individual. (Froriep Schleiden and hardship 1848. Jan. p. 35) "Then," says Schnetzler, "seem the chemical and physical forces that cause the visible phenomena of life of the individual being, in all rings of a Naide to have the same energy, how indeed the whole family is characterized by the lack of locality for the animal functions, so that a whole animal as it were imagining a bunch

of individuals in a latent state. " So a scientist draws the conclusion from those trials, "that a whole animal as it were a bunch of individuals in a latent state imagines," in other words, that the plant is quite similar in this respect. And yet moves, eats, the Naide like an insect or leech ever lived with such a clear sign of independent sensation. Themselves to insects up like you can follow, though indistinct. A wasp, intersected between the chest and abdomen and thereby divided into two halves, nor is the front part, bites and manifests all actions, from which one can infer arbitrariness, but also the cut abdominal writhes still varied and checked when the touched him with violating alternately in all directions moving sting; also can both halves live on for days.(Autenrieth, views. P. 435) Now it is true, an animal from higher classes can not cut any more into two or more pieces is so that it survives, but is the birth of a proof that it can divide itself into several pieces like. Among the lower animals, but there are some who while they are still at the first stage of development, even of itself split so that they disappear by decay into several new continuing living individuals of a different stage of development, which grouped either together remain, and so soon form a colony (aggregated ascidians), or to separate completely from one another in order isolated fortzuleben (Kampanularien, jellyfish, etc.). One may find all of this so hard to explain as you want, but why we can say the polyp, earthworm, the Naide, the insect, the woman who gives birth to a child, etc., were not being with a few soul? I argue here that can not even take care of this difficulty. We merely ask: can the plants as much unity of the soul attribute as animals in which they have never doubted? What about the separation phenomena, so it is with the Verwachsungsphnomenen that you could assert against the soul of the plants in a similar sense. It has lower animals by half and cut the halves stitched together from different individuals, and under appropriate circumstances, they grow together and get to behave like an individual. It would be impossible for now to indicate how the soul acts in this case. But since we hold nothing proven in animals by such phenomena against the soul, as we are there in plants? It is true the like can be found in the vegetable kingdom to a greater extent before in the animal kingdom, but that can only prove that nature will bring the situation to which we are concerned here, has just in the establishment of plant preferably for training, while the facilities of the animal kingdom are less and subject only to suitable for how they approach those of the vegetable kingdom more in the rest. Anyway, have what we find in animals which, suffice to protect us from the hasty conclusion as to not tolerate the like with animation. One might say that nature the plant-like animals just presented as clues in this regard. If one says that the plant organism is to be regarded only as a throughout be Hendes

element of the whole organism, comparable to a gland, which resulting in the materials of the greater organism into which it enters, processed in and back out there, so you can not see from, could be said that respect of the plant, not zukme the animals as well. Of course, it is not rooted in the ground, but it is rooted just as necessary in the ground outside world as the plant, for lifting it into the empty space above the earth and the air circuit, and it still dies more than a plant that you with the root plucked, and it is so good in a constant exchange circulation of substances and activities with the outside world understand how the plant. In general, however, it does not contradict the individuality of a being, at the same time as a member of a more general order of things to appear.

XIV For more information about the constitution of the plant soul.
It may seem bold and rash to speak of the way the plants are motivated, detail, while the more general claim that they are inspired, yet only considered a daring hypothesis. But the attempt to justify this hypothesis must be based himself with on the possibility of humans and animals to the present the inner life of the plant so that it neither as a repeat next to it, even as impossibility or futility of another appearing out of the same; which will remain always recognize that any attempt to enter into further, is subject to difficulties, which are unlikely to be from the same place a lot more weight than just this, to have demonstrated proper ways. From this viewpoint, the following more here running some earlier given hints is to look at. These hints were there, the plants due a richly developed sense of life, a more developed than even the animals; refusal but with higher mental ability. Such a conception of mental life can plant some objections from the outset, in pursuit but some comments on. How can you say is not what we declare the level of the plant under the animal, but rather the level of the pet of the people? The animal is shortened compared to the human reason and understanding, so what is it like sensibility, the same thing that we want to also be just the plant. By ourselves but the plant should complement rather than repeat the animal. But the animal is in fact not so pure sensual being than what you would like explained. What the animals trespass against us, of course, is common sense, selfawareness, the ability to general relationships mentally summarize, reflect the ability of himself to make confident conclusions, but they have not yet memories of the past, foresight of the future, which, even where with respect to Paranormal, but still not even something sensual, because the sensuous is only with the present. Who does not believe that a cat creeping to the dovecote, imagines before, what they want to do there, and the pigeons reminding her she looked into flying there? But can reason, self-reflection are stunted and soul are still powerful and active, why not those advantages and Review? Thus we come to the only conceivable for us lowest level of consciousness. And has the nature of the animals, the Niederste shown with the Higher without the highest manifold in various directions, so is of itself to the

assumption that it would have also reserved for the lowliest independent representation for a particular realm. The system of nature seems to require that separate training and the relative simplicity of the plant satisfies her. But, they say, the essence of the soul life is but precisely to carry forward and reverse temporal relations in themselves and set, let them cease, the soul is life itself can be eliminated.A soul level as that on which we want to put the plants can not exist by the very nature of the soul. But you confused zweies. Although each includes pre-conscious and looking back in time and temporal relations of the soul, but not vice versa is needed for the soul of such a supply and return gaze to prove alive in temporal relations. Suppose someone escalates, he thinks consciousness with neither the past nor the future movement, but he feels the motion of swinging in an unconscious UPHOLSTERY between before and after. Another soul is rocked, carried by the river a melody. He thinks consciousness neither to the past nor the future sounds, but to spin a continuous thread which unemployment felt the last tones by the presence already in the direction of the following continuing. So could not the plant life of the soul in the river so sensual sensations then weighed without mirror images of carry forward or backward in time? With us, however, can forward or reverse major reflection at every moment to such sensual soul game to enter, but they must not. Why should it not being able to give, where they also can not do it after it is already being, where the even higher general allround view, are linked by the many memories at once, resigns? In short, if we ask what is to strip the plant left after even the animal has stripped the reason, there is here something whose stripping is even necessary to leave the soul in its simplest unwrinkled way represent themselves. And therefore if, as is the case, really miss the character of foresight and memory of the plant, we have not, as usually happens to miss the soul with her: but we did not miss those signs, we would rather miss a possible soul level. That we awarded the plants frherhin instincts, does not contradict that we now deny them the foresight into the future. Because also the instincts of humans and animals, to the extent they are pure instincts, though reference to our future, but nothing of a developed consciousness of the future to which they are directed. Or who seems to have believed that a caterpillar einspnne with consciousness of why they do it according to the intention of nature, that a new-born child before it cost the first time milk, the milk already presented, on request, and the movements which must make it to go to. Currently there is a felt need rather what it drives them; nature has mentally and physically, so set about the child and his relationships, both internally and externally, that the child not knowing even how, so, just to the actions is driven by the fact that lead to the fulfillment of this need. Only after once genossener milk, once an accomplished act, which it passed for the purpose, it is now the same recall and use this memory for its future actions, but because once it has the

capacity to do so. Thus forms at all, according as the person grows, the pros and review and, consequently, the actual pros and reflection that Ansichselbstdenken and the judicious want more of, he moves away more and more from the very beginning state of pure leavening in river sensual sensations and instinct-like instincts, by any of the assets of conscious and deliberate application recurrence leaves to be made and other experience in similar conditions. But we see that man that state of pure leavening in the river sensual sensations and instincts at times approaching very back, in the short time probably can sink back into it all again, see further, that different people depending on their different educational state, at all only very different level than him raise a Botokude relatively little, a philosopher very much. This actual relativity eye collectively, we can then avoid difficult to draw absolute limits in the position of various beings to each other, which recognizes the nature of nowhere, by saying the animals are such beings, where the self-confidence to the minimum, the plants, those which where still also the conscious ago and looking back in time, and everything that depends on it, come down to the minimum or rather not yet awakened by lack the conditions for development, it then centering, aligned if not the one and the other beings also appeals from have the higher areas, which I believe, in fact, without that first bit counts, claiming to want it and perform.Certainly remains just that, you can leave if the person temporarily depress the higher capacity at a minimum, to sleep without his soul ceases Justice to rule in menial tasks, yes he as born child even begins, even beings be conceivable must, where such a condition is permanent, the development or not but disproportionately less thrives to a higher level. This increasing development within the meaning of the life and activity level is then itself not excluded. Voraussetzliche the lack of on-and looking back to the time when the plant is not disputed in teleological relationship to their fixed position in space and thus limited their living conditions, as I pointed out earlier. The animal must be able foresights in time, because it has far to pursue purposes is remote in space, is not to miss the target movement. Instincts can be calculated only once for all specific conditions of life, what half the child's instinct to seek the breast, if not every time a breast darbte himself, - but they are no longer sufficient, where the conditions change as the adult animals . The plant remains, so to speak, always attached to the mother's breast, she would have been given the pros and allround view only as a diverging addition. But nature takes as little beyond the requirement of the purpose, as it is left behind. The organic due to lack of pre-and review the other hand, may be related to the plant with the lack of proper circulation phenomena, which in its turn depends on the lack of nervous system and vascular system. It returns to her nothing back into itself. All they receive from the outside, only reason that she seeks to take even more from the outside, and that it seeks to take it differently as before is, and this causal relation of the ancients suffices to later times, a mental continued receipt of the psyche, which it is linked to entertain, but in the physical features of reflected nothing is visible, which is represented as an expression or appropriate psychological support.

With the memories and foresights into the future of the plant must of course many other things are missing; missing anything in particular that builds itself only on the basis of such.Here is the whole idea of life itself, not just thinking about things, and that would be out of her but, to a certain extent also the ideas of such self One can be easily induced to put the weight on the wrong point here, namely that the plant is able to receive images of objects of the outside world due to lack of eyes. But also by means of the ear, but does not provide the images to representational notions of things can win. The blind man knows so well from an outer world of things like the seer, and has, recent surgery, initially no profit from the image of the world that falls into his eyes. To be held with the objective representations enrich it, to confuse him only the present, he has to close his eyes to be as good as previously navigate. The world appears to his mind first only as a marbled color panel in which color is much more than color line is only line that introduces the green patch still no forest, no red rose. One can say that the images that fall into his eye, form him from the beginning nothing. Why that depends now? The fact that he still has to learn nothing of memories inside wear. Not the green that I see on the wood, making it the forest or is more than a small contribution, but that it grows, is shade, cooling, furnace, the bird sings in it, the hunter goes in; everything that is not in the the mere sight of the green spot is. Only by an overall impression of memories of this and like the view of the green stain added to the sensual image is again painted with this spiritual color, is from the sensory impressions of the green spot, the objective idea of me representational forest. But has a being no memories, so there can be no tie in with the impressions it receives. And so is not so much the lack of eye ground that the plant has no objective representations, rather than the other justified impossibility to have such, may count among the reasons that you are given no eyes, because the images of the objects but only by means of their interpretation and meaning memories may gain benefit. Want the world, after all, on a part of the plant reproduce as well as on the retina of our eyes, and perceive the plant as well as we the colors and patterns of the image, it would remain just misunderstood for it as the newly operated blind, and since it would not understand, so of course it was shorter, the image and the camera obscura to omit, to allow sunlight to shine fresh off the naked plant, and thus to achieve other benefits that attach themselves to the greater simplicity. Any complication harm where they do not use. Now the objection raised slightly, so all representational notion Once, then, given the changing external influences mental life can not be thought of as an individual independent at all, but leads back to the idea of leavening in the river of Allgemeinbeseelung. But we hold only, rather than on arbitrary conditions to what we can learn about ourselves. I think we will then travel safer than if we focus on constructions a priori leave in the head. Became mere experience can not do for ourselves, because we ourselves not as pure sensual beings, as the plants are voraussetzlich. But as we see in ourselves, that grows and decreases or remains unchanged, depending on the side of sensuality increases or decreases, we can probably make a conclusion which must in which, even if we do not reach, Extreme

occur. A palpable example may lead us. Think several people, such as Hegelian philosophers, the philosophy, and several others towards them, such as Hottentots, conceived us in feasting.Those should delve into considerations about the beginning and end of the world, so spiritual as far back, forward and look around as possible; rise in this very sensual enjoyment of eating and drinking. Now you can say, however, the Hottentots give themselves more unequal the outside world as the philosophers, for food and drink is certainly something extrinsic to the very thought, but not in the least more than resolved through like this. Rather, every Hottentot his sensual pleasure quite well for themselves, as each his Hegelian philosophical thoughts, yet feels quite as well as a being in itself. Of a Hottentot tastes nothing directly of what the other tastes, and a Hegelian know nothing directly of what the other white. That is quite the same. And even without that the Hottentot ever even said I taste, would be something in it that tastes, and something that no one else mitschmeckt. Anyone who doubts that it is also in animals that? The divorce of individualities thus does not depend on the level of their spiritual. They now go on the plants at the border; leave them in the sense of life constantly rise as it the most sensual man maybe even at times not quite can, they are nevertheless, since the Sinnlicherwerden absolutely no loss of individuality, also depends in turn no loss because can learn. Against this one says: what the Hottentots receives the individuality in their meal, is not unprecedented in its sheer sensuality, but is something about addition-reaching, not actu during animal enjoyment, di potentia in actual utterance, but, ie the possibility of expression of existing, if it could be expressed in other circumstances with them and would. The Hottentots and even the animals are but even more than purely sensual beings, and only by the higher they stand off from the bottom of the Allgemeinbeseelung. Well yes, in this sense, but I also maintain that the plants are more than purely sensual beings; potentia can be much higher by looking at them as you want, it would take just yet of adding kick the inner and outer circumstances which the Hottentots zutreten still need to make once the higher significantly outside with him. The Sensual can be put anywhere as the basis of a higher things, which, if not actu , but potentia is there. I just mean that the actu , which even at Hottentots weak and rarely occurs in plants now so weak and infrequent as possible. Tracks, momentary awakening may even be there; nature cuts from absolutely nothing, and I therefore do not claim that the plant is cut away, the Higher smooth as you can cut away the flower of a plant smooth, but only that this flower in her still remained in unentfalteter, rarely or hardly be opening bud, however, the leaf growth of sensuality proliferates vigorously. But because I do not much of ambushes of potentia consider when it comes to representation of what is, not what could be the possible entrance of conditions, so I declare the plants for pretty pure sensual beings. Potentia would last stop nothing even settle a stones nor reason. Individuality is characterized by certain features of the previous. Possible that the notion of some philosophers individuality so not true. But it is here at all not matter

up or refute a specific definition of Individuatitt, but to just simply want to save this so called thing for the plant, which is probably the flat to the interest in this question is really about. Who requires a higher spiritual self-conscious individuality from the outset, it is certainly at the plant can not find, but still can not find a sentient creature in it for themselves. If you ask: what could it have for purpose and meaning to place beings in the world who can think neither about himself nor about their future or past, the river sensual sensations and impulses are revealed will-so stands a very similar question open to the animals. For even if the ideas of the animals more and more clearly in the time before and fall back than that of plants, appears yet so little actually reasonable and prudent that we, the value of intellectual scrimping just to the rational and prudent, the Animals must also consider foolish additions to the world how the plants. The thing wins equal a different meaning when you can not merely as individuals opposed summarizes the souls of animals and plants, they are of course also, and the world as a collection of such individuals a god but against them, but all the souls of plants and Animals as subordinate moments of God's spirit is present itself, linked in its general assembly, because then all the wealth and diversity of the souls God will benefit, but not so their folly meets him, they face just as isolated individuals, each itself, and apart from thought of their connection to God, have. And what could well prove to assume or force that, if we so fragmented against each other feel the same fragmentation for God is in all the associated splitter such as fibers of a living tree? The previous thing is to actually demonstrate only mkelnde against various objections that the independent existence of a soul level, as we hold the plant for, was at all possible and fit into the plan of a general spirit realm. That this was really the soul level of the plant, is probably due to all of the previous discussions. We have found equally diverse and, as we think, fully valid character of a sensual soul-life in plants, on the other hand, as we are not a sign that higher up meadow encountered. In details, in detail, we find according to the general conditions, which are founded in the nature of the soul itself, Concord, but otherwise the durchgreifendsten differences between the mental life of plants and animals; differences hanging it mainly that the plant on the sensuality all, the animal has to rely only partially or more in a minor degree. This represents now the plant throughout lower than the animal, but it is the sensuality of the plant is higher than that of the beast, because it assumes precisely here that the importance of the full sphere of life, the animals only on the child page. The sensuality of the animal is the serving, often dirty maid to a higher power, the sensuality of the plant a free country girl who has his pot and cooks itself, and yet still take care of their finery. Close to all characters on the meaning of life the plant has with the animal side of the dual sensations and instincts in common, as well as the drives are there in similarly stimulated by feelings here or triggered. We see the plant on the allure of nutrients, air, light, props, etc. buds, leaves, flowers, twigs drive, turn, bend, twist, their flowers open, close, etc. The whole interplay of feelings and impulses arises but related as a much simpler in plants than in animals represents, thus the same much

simpler legalism. The teleological reason of this lies in the limited conditions of life of the plant, the organic base in the greater simplicity of the building. The sensation stimulus has never so many and varied resources to members through its effect on the plants as in humans and animals, where the brain is immensely complicated inserted between the action of the stimulus and the decisive move. Rather, it is the exception in plants only a brief interaction between what they suffer and what it does, not so simple that the reaction is not widely nor would the internal device with limited and modified, but throughout a much simpler than in humans and animals all more perfect. As the light touched it, so they flourishes, like the air it touches it drives. Triggered by stimuli to the drives, we also look like instincts in animals occur, depending on specific moods of the common sense that may be build on internal organic Zustndlichkeiten and operations. Just as the soul of the people and animals while they are awake, is engaged in a continuous river of life expressions, we also have reason found to accept this also in plants, only that this ongoing activity is expressed here in a sensual areas, and is rather worn by one of the outside world as an interior world facing bodily processes. The constant rubbing of the plant view, Ansichgestalten, Umsichsuchen, Sichfrben, offers clues to the idea. Because the body is the carrier of plant once so too can the automatic changes and tendencies of this body are soul, as a sign or expression of the corresponding activities of their soul. But the soul of man and beast is subject to sleep, which is outwardly manifested by cessation of all automatic expressions of life. According to a cessation of the analog plant soul must be subject to similar sleep in winter. It has become only the exchange between sleep and waking in the larger plant, whichever is the smaller animals in the cycle of nature, or rather, of predominant importance. Also the change between winter and summer is namely for the whole of existence of human beings and animals is not without significance. In winter, the man approaches always something the dormouse, and likewise for the plant to switch between day and night is not without significance, only much smaller than the difference between winter and summer. Thus here also animal and plant life add in a remarkable way. One can make the following observation in mind. The great period of nature depends on rotation of the earth around the sun from the small of the Earth's rotation around itself, the plant life is more about an appearance, and especially just around the Sun, the animal life more of themselves, and the Sunlight is known for its life-process of more minor importance. Again, however, no absolute divorce. Prove the dormouse and so many other winter sleeping animals that the animal the big period can win a meaning similar to the plant because it also confirm the possibility of such importance at all, and so there may also be some plants, where the sinking of the vital activity can assume the importance of sleep during the night, during what is usually called plants sleep during the night, probably only comparable to a rest, as rest of the people working in the countryside in winter. In connection with the game simple and sinnlichern soul in the plants of course,

only a simpler and more sensual soul interplay is also can exist between them. Indeed, one can question whether such exists at all. It is now likely to earlier discussions, that a means is provided to the fragrance of the flowers, which of course does not seem like cause our language, transmission of thought, but probably from emotions and instinctive Mitgefhlen, as well as the animals to the analogous period of the reproductive process of odor is significant in this respect, and although he disputed, as indeed the whole sense of scale, gains a very different meaning than in the plant here. I still think something about the 16th Portions to say. You can not think of any other communication medium, which connects to the previous one. Each sheet by it moves, shakes, depending on its shape and its approach to the air in a different way, and this vibration propagated to other plants, hence a different vibration will also tell them again. It can even explain clearly to an analog phenomenon this. Have we drive around with a stick or a shovel in the water, we will look at the waves propagate differently depending on the type of movement and the moving body, we use water instead of air, instead of stick and shovel the moving leaves, We essentially the same. It is certain that similar waves produced in air as in water, and every other wave suggests otherwise on the body that you encounter. For us, the sound is conceived in her voice from the inside out, with plants of fragrance to communicate the internal states of others, with us is the light beam from the outside and flies without us from one to the other, to let see the one as the other looks, so with them the wind and the air shaft. Meanwhile, such analogies can nevertheless provide only very distant allusions. The simplicity of the inner spiritual life of the plant according to the relations discussed so far fits in very well with an external manifold of the same by other relationships. Really lie in the outer Vielartigkeit suggestions, which is subject to the plant, the diversity of its various parts and the multiform way she reacts with these against those sufficient reasons, on a variety of sensual sensations and instincts to close with her. Light, heat, humidity, vibration through the air, in contact with insects, influence the food and breathing fabrics, everything works in a peculiar way to the plant. Roots, leaves, flowers and the flowers, the petals, the male and female reproductive organs are each built in different ways and behave any different from those agents so that no one can replace the function of the other. Through the flowers, the plant can not feed, but rather they want to be fed, and conversely it can accomplish its roots by the fertilization process, produce no seed. The leaves breathe oxygen in the light and produce green color, the flowers consume oxygen in the light and produce bright colors, fertilization parts more of it than the petals, the male parts more than the female, and the lower surface of the leaves behave in breathing and against the Light other than the surface.There are plants whose leaves (when crushed) stink, while the flowers smell pleasant, such as Datura species and people Amerien and the white lily (Decand. II, p 770) also differ in taste the different parts of the same plant very often, which requires different kind chemical activities. And so it goes through a lot of details.

According to these differences in construction and occupation of parts of the same plant can not be solely a succession, but also to a concurrence of different sensations think at the plant, for from us is using different built and therefore different from the stimuli against acting parts Different not only in sequence but also perceived themselves. Common ground that we will not be able to expect that the plants bear of the same stimulants of sensation also just the same sensation as we them, that they, for example, from the fragrance that comes to them, just the same sensation of smell, from the shock that hits same sound sensation as we have. Only a certain analogy may occur, we do not know how far.But already we find that the animals according to their different construction of the same stimulants and generally different than we are stirred. What one smells good and tastes, the other resists. Because the way of sensation depends not only on the nature of stimulant, but also on the nature of the excited, and what should the nature of a kind sensation that is already in a being, once again repeat the entirely different way. Thus the sensations of the plant dislike very different from ours, and it may be as little possible for us to imagine that their true nature, as someone who has never smelled a rose, is possible, the peculiar smell after presenting the rose a carnation or a violet. On the other hand, it must surely with all diversity in the construction of the essence, the communality of the same stimulant also get something common in all of them dependent feelings, so that it may always remain allowed us by the action of light, preferably on our own perception of light to, etc. . thinking That the plant is not built like artificial sensory organs still has nerves, as we have to awaken us to have no doubts about the previous comments have stated instead of sensations in the same. The following considerations can help support those earlier. Even within the animal kingdom varied shape and decoration of the sense organs exceptionally and always in relation to the life of the animal. Since the plant has to take place to move around the room and find their way through it, need to grow only through him and to make more of themselves than in the outside world, so you could, as already noted, eliminated the artificial establishment of our higher senses, because it is based in fact just waiting to orient ourselves through pictures or Abklnge the conditions of the outside world in this. The lower senses of smell, taste and Getastes are also with us very simply furnished (with us at the same time the latter is an example of the spread over the whole body surface area), and even those higher it will be in accordance with more than the descent in the animal kingdom life in general is simplified. THEREFORE we must conclude that an artificial construction of the sense organs is not all essential to produce sensations, but merely those suited to the service of higher functions of the soul to make it, if its higher the functions of the soul of a being always the same with further inter-relations with the outside world is in nexus . Therefore very simple eyes already in some insects are found, the organ of hearing, we a labyrinth, in some animals is a very simple bag, so the polyp goes to the light, without even have eyes, and you notice that he also otherwise one of the pflanzenhnlichsten animals. As the principal of the sense organs seem to last only had the nerve to leave, but

our previous discussions have already shown that they can be considered necessary to only in the establishment of the animal just because the plant other else, including the animal nerve needs, such as breathing, juices run stimulus movements, etc., is able to perform without nerves. Basically only the beginning and end of the nerve is also essential for the animals at the sensory perception. The route of the nerve between its peripheral nerve ending in the sense organs and their central nerve ending in the brain or ganglion acts merely as conductor and could be shortened without thought without affecting the sensory sensation. Where to now no brain, no nervous node for the service functions of higher soul needs, it will not also require such feeders so. What separates out in humans and animals in central and peripherisches and give herewith a the sensual excess of higher development of the whole permit, yes of organic side conditionally, may be where the whole of life should remain just decided in the sensuous, do not require this divorce and hereby the nervous system itself disappear, but what merely restores the link between that divorcees. I am not saying that the line through the fibers of the nervous system is something quite indifferent. On the contrary, an interaction which may occur in the brain, which is directed into the individual nerve fibers, and this interaction is related to the higher core functions. But where it's at these higher psychic functions not to do it then just do not even require this interactive guide. It would not now at places substantiate this idea further here and want to perform. If you want a short, albeit very grain of salt have aufzufassendes scheme, so we can say: the body of the animal is like a bag, with its sensitive area is within, now it requires special approaches for what the sensation of touch from the outside is to get inside, because everything can not be access, these approaches are represented by the individual sense organs with their nerves, but turned over the bag, it requires no special access more, and the whole surface is the sensation open freely; Such uninverted bags are in a way the plants. And there are reasons to explain this. Namely, otherwise the plant behaves in respect to the recording of the outside like a vice wendetes animal and has often been compared with it;, the animal is namely due to internal surfaces, intestines and lungs, air and food materials, and serve the movements of the limbs, the food just because hineinzustlpen. The plant takes it all on by external surfaces, which can be compared with the inner villi of the animal's outward swept rootlets of the plant, the outward leaves with the invaginated lungs; serve the movements of the limbs of the plant itself in the exterior evert. But this ratio takes place in terms of gross materialism, it is more than likely that it will also take place with regard to the finer sense-impressions as the organs of senseperception to some extent be linked even directly with the organs of nutrition. Regardless, it just only has a scheme of what we put up herewith is some significance to him, but maybe that's why settle, because even within the animal kingdom for himself in a situation of opposites the sensation organ great weight is laid, unless in the upper classes of animals the nervous system is more the upper or dorsal side, showing more crowded together at the bottom on the bottom or side of

the abdomen. The greater contrast between the animal and plant kingdom seems to be based only on the resolute opposition between inside and outside. When the plants provide through their absorption into mere sensuality among humans and animals, as they stand against in the education of sensuality stage after already given hint probably both. The following circumstances are united in support of this view: First place, we find the stronger, already developed within the human sensory perception and sensory drive, other things being equal, the more a person completely surrenders himself to them, mention the more advantages and reflection and selfreflection there. It prevails in this respect almost a certain antagonism ob at unentwickelsten to higher spiritual relationships peoples senses and instincts are still the sharpest developed. You do not understand music of a higher character, know no painting to judge, but it almost hear the grass grow, fight with the eagle to the sharpness of the eye, with the dog at the edge of the odor. Among ourselves, people with the least sensual art plant facility to higher reflection and vice versa. Even for each individual, this antagonism is confirmed. A person who is undergoing deep reflection, sees and hears is not what is going on around him, and a man who completely surrenders to a sensual enjoyment or drives, it can not think, or if something makes such as hereby escapes at the same time something of the strength of the sensible. So if the nature of the plant has failed the higher psychic functions, so this can be justifiably very well take so that they in them the sense of life to an unfolding and flowering has just want to bring that to achieve at Mitrcksichtsnahme to the higher functions are not have been possible. Looking forward to the bright colors of the Wild jewelry or the dance of a rushing bars, how much more will the plant can have joy because to brush with color in bright sunshine and the rushing of the wind clocks back and herzuwiegen. The savage is but each and every musical jewelry something other than color and sound, the plant knows no meaning to make it, she's quite the sensual pleasure of it, they only ever loses enough of what she already has it, always want more of it, and so it makes more and more new green spaces and dancing leaves, and finally it is also the sick and bursts into flowers, with a whole new color jewelry, now comes instead of the wind, the insect, bee and butterfly, and encourages deeper feelings within her. Of course, the absence of the higher functions alone could not speak for the larger and higher development of the lower, if the stones are missing even both at the same time; alone can partly the fact that the plant is shared with the animals in the area of organic life, it are not unlikely that this law of antagonism, which penetrates within a portion of this area, will spread to the ratio of the two parts, part, all previous teleological considerations to the same point out, some of the direct effects of plant life even in this sense. The plant is the effect of all sensory stimuli much more naked and exposed and reacts with strong activities against life than we do. Recall how much stronger the

light alters their life process as in ours, how much more it is subject to vibrations in all parts, how much more susceptible it is to the influence of air and moisture, how much more important the scent for them than for seems to us, as she herself is able to cope with the inorganic assimilating what we can not, and the. resistant to change their own shape One could argue that the lack of artificial sense organs as the animal, ask the plant if it does not ermangele therefore also the sensory sensation, but always in the same subject deeper than the animal. Only it is not, if they do all their burrows for much longer appear as a sense organ as the beast, and those affectations are not necessary for the service of the senses, but of a higher life in the animals indicated. It is nice to find school books for children, but only if they want to be or even more than children. The pure nature does the child rather abort. Such textbooks are the eyes and ears for humans and animals, the plant does not need it because they have nothing to learn. Your child's nature is therefore designed so beautiful and pure. Instead of the child to become a man, it is the blossoming of the child equal to the angels, which operated its nature only child in a higher light. What is better, a map or a pure and simple painted sheet of paper? In itself, certainly the latter, the child would be more to it, but by learning to understand the map, it is about the joy out of the paper sheet. Well, our eye painted us as the world map and it teaches us understand our minds, but it's also made with the pure joy of color. The plant does not need a map because it does not have to travel, they did so only receive the colorful sheets of paper instead of her, but now receive the full pleasure in the contrary holds as long as the color resist holds, because if the desire for the colors not resist holding, the plant raises the colorful bow himself away. That the plant perceives something of their own color, in fact, we will cross to the inside and peculiar for each color effect that is manifested in the production of light color, have no doubt (cf. XVI). Also, it is proved by the greater importance that has the sense of life in the vegetable kingdom as in the animal kingdom, the animal's senses, so to speak, almost done, as the basis for its higher evolutions, will notice, during the life of the plant shows himself intended his base continues to sense quantitatively and qualitatively expand ever higher. The animals is sensuality specified as a done deal, abandoned the plant as a first abzumachende. Each new sheet can be viewed more as an organ, which it presents to the sensory stimuli, and in the flower closes last still a very new and higher realm of sensuality. This wins the sensuality of an immanent purpose, they did not in animals, wins an inner life, you'll love the animals.The sensuality of the animals is merely the door, the room of the plant itself, which is lived. Again, although not an absolute difference. Quite ready gets but the beast his sensuality not, the sexual sensation develops later; quite like it on the other hand, as has been repeatedly admitted, the plant does not remain limited to the senses, and exceed the sensuality especially in bloom, the idea of a higher . So the heydays touch in both realms. In this meaningful, yet gentle touch you now have certainly want to find nothing but the coarsest similarity. It awakened a sexual sensation in the plant at flowering

time, and that was all that ever wake up in it. But basically the inverted world would be. Because if the animals forming the onset of sexual sensation the peak in the development of sensibility, he can not make a start them, which nothing would go ahead in the plant. The animal saw, heard, smelled, tasted, felt it even before reaching sexual maturity. The sensation was a flowering of the understory of sensations before, is leaning against the processes of nutrition, breathing, and the action of so many sensory stimuli. How can you find in the plant flowering of those feelings, and yet those who want to deny same undergrowth, while eating, breathing, sensory stimuli in the plant before their game even drive yet much more powerful than in animals.It confuses the trace of a higher soul light that wakes common ground with the flower of the plant, with a hint of soul light at all. Our stupid eye is capable of the splendor that falls on the summit of the plant soul life, to not close completely, but now all you see is this highest gloss, weakened even to the inconspicuous dots, but stays on all the beautiful design of the plant soul life takes us to night . My opinion is only applicable in the higher plant of the sexual process, and laid in a particular stage of evolution more than the animals. In this, the Sinnesentwickelung breaks with the sexual maturity from there breaks a new wreath more beautiful sense out activities, and the whole meaning of life rises to a higher and pointing beyond themselves level. One might say, the plant brings it already here below to the third higher heavenly life, what we expect only in a hereafter, and of whom we think the bliss of love as a foretaste. And for that reason is also the flower as some hints for our future life, as beautiful as the butterfly symbol, as I mentioned already earlier, except that they are of course merely a sensual picture of it. Thus the plant is yet again a sense much more increased in humility than we have here your befalls a cure, we expect only. Even here below these children come into their kingdom of heaven. Basically it just thoughtless, even while recognizing the spiritual life of plants, but want to see reduced to a sleep or dream-like state. We see the plants only sharp, we will find it all just speaking against such an assumption. How has the state of the continuously acting out of themselves and creating, standing with all sensory stimuli in the liveliest conflict plant also so no similarity with our sleep, where the interactions with the outside world rather rest or are reduced to a minimum, nothing new is created, but only the old is fortgeleiert. Only the state of the plant in the winter can be compared to previous observations with our state of sleep to some extent, but since this may, it can not at the same time in the summer. None of this to say that basically even seem all nature as a dreamer, as with half-closed made eyes, one should imagine that missed the long, bright daylight they would half-difference of their creatures, they soon open their eyes and yet continues still asleep could be as much life force put on an oak tree, just to let them to sleep half millennium? And this creates oak during which such gigantic works in themselves, from themselves Tut also like man in his sleep? While there will always be possible in some sense, the expression of a sleep or dream life to defend you, if the higher faculties of the soul are in a sleep or dream. But this is not a real expression. Because in our sleep and dreams are broke not only the higher, but also the sensual assets, perhaps even higher than the

fallow. For memories that form the output of the higher faculty of the soul, but continued to run even in a dream, while the senses are completely closed. But in the plant senses are fully open, and memories do not run. How can you last speak of a dream, where no guards is from the dream shall include the substance of memories? Is very well without waking dream not dream without waking. So to say that the plants live a dream life, and nothing more, as they say the same thing as there is a shadow and nothing throws him. It is a nonsense, and hereby the plants should be brought to their meaning. So far we have always pursued the life of the plant only to bloom able surely as spoken of, as if there was nothing on the flower stand out, and in fact may here the culmination of this life, the same conclusion occur after the ascending side and have less interest to pursue the same on the descending side. But such a page exists, and meaningless we can not hold the same for the plant, it is that we think of the great wealth of material and life force, which is used from now on, even to the development of the fruit is that it is the large expenditure of suitable facilities, just grab the case like the fertilization process space. Who holds the flower of course, already blind to the light, will only see deaf nuts in all fruits, but for us who recognize only the brightest period of their spiritual life in the heyday of the plant, the matter must be different. Man, when he is about the heyday of life beyond that is not yet dead, and his life from now on simply gaining another direction and meaning. Until then more found on the care of yourself and the immediate present, but never very much reflecting on themselves, for each drive outside of receptive and responsive hand alive, it starts from now on, to consider the future and the past more, more einzukehren in itself to provide for posterity, to work for a posterity. The splendor of life goes out, the significance increases susceptibility to mere sense-pleasures resigns, the organs to gradually wither, for it ripens more so inside. An analogous expression we will have to take analog external phenomena in the plant, except that everything that falls in human self-consciousness bright, here more will fall in feeling and instinct, but may be enough but determined and alive. It may start some kind of contemplation of feeling in the plant itself, however, their responsiveness to external stimuli decreases as we supposed to really see the organs gradually wither and develop a kind of instinct which impels them to her own life in the formation of young plantlet in the seed abzuspiegeln back and vorweisend or reproduce. (Recall that the seedling is really already prefigured throughout its system according to rootlets and Blattfederchen in the seed.) One would like to say that the education of the young plantlet in the seed represents the first and only real thoughts in her head, where the memory of her entire life dark summarizes and also expresses concern for the future of another, her same being. Our thoughts attach themselves to yes bodily processes in the head, the left changed something in it. But so indistinctly the seedlings appear in the seed against the whole plant so indistinct like the memory of his former life, which is the soul of the creation of the new plantlet now be against the whole past life of the plant itself. But, but also our memories only faint images of reality.

Let it not be that the analog process of formation of new beings in humans is accompanied by consciousness. It is just as with the growth. For this process, the plant has a very different meaning than for the people, what is to be supported in this, is there at the top, has gone over to the head of the plant. As flowering is just the tip of the growth process in the outward direction, the fruit and seed formation is only the way back in a continuous inward direction, a retreat of the growing plant in itself now is the growth in general support of the soul movement in the plant, it will probably be this as well in the continuous inward than outward direction. Even the introduction of the fruiting process itself incidentally shows the most significant difference between plant and animal, that there is a fully coated in one and the same being self-reflection process, here is a split between two process. This can be very important for the mental. Plant and animal kingdom are to just not here too repetitive but complementary, and what is going on in the animal in the darkest unconscious and only trace amounts in the phenomena of providing reminded of what always takes place in the vegetable kingdom, which forms at the plant just the main point of their conscious life. Extremes meet elsewhere often enough. Here, this contact will also hinted strangely enough in outward appearance. In fact, one may only keep for a game external similarity, but still it's own, like the fruit, as well as the head of the people, is generally above, is often surrounded by a kind of hard cranium, the seed is in the shape of the brain often deceptively similar to, 1) and the upper classes of plants two cotyledons, just like the brain in the upper classes of animals has two hemispheres, yes as a matter of substance has protein-like in both.

I remember the wlsche nut, but the similarity goes further, if one remembers that the lower animals have smooth brains.

XV. Comparisons schemata.

Some have probably tried to describe the relationship between animals and plants by a single word, simple scheme, or the identification of a relationship between other objects at once sharp and to the point. I think this is my turn to be impossible. General expressions, simple schemata, visual comparisons can only ever be useful to represent a complex relationship to certain pages or casually meeting. So plants and animals each after a certain relationship polar conflict, but in how many ways they agree but agree, after a certain relationship to organize such steps with each other, but to other relationships, the order will operate, according to certain relations, the plant used as a it can include animals, but conduct in all its details can not be it. You can plant a line, the animal called a ball, how to name a more oval face, another more round, but one that has drawn the true physiognomy of both correct, or they can be derived from this general pattern? You can plant and animal with the concrete object or that compare how one can find a head more an apple, a pear more similar to one another, but in how many ways such comparisons still remain behind the back always correct in how many they attack it out? Finally, the relationship between animals and plants is by nothing but aptly, sharper and more comprehensive

to call me when you say that, it was now just the relationship between animals and plants. It found this relationship to the totality of its moments found nowhere else so again as between animals and plants. The nature repeats itself nowhere quite. On the other hand, there is always a certain need instead to consider complex relationships in the corner, to compare related areas, and using a valid method for both positioning as use of schemata and comparisons could be for the survey as a whole, highlighting and context the essence, the view of relationships between different natural areas, large benefits expected. Unfortunately, we find such a method that actually satisfied the prospect of these advantages, not before, they can not do here, and would they created, we would be able to apply in a thorough manner difficult, since such applications on a closer detailed discussions, as here can find space and deeper botanical and zoological knowledge, as at our disposal, would be based. So we place the following samples not too much weight, not even to serious intent in comparative and schematic view of the relationship between animals and plants. Only here and there like Ernst by looking through the game. Also, a side of the game namely this object has, which is able to deal with at least the spirit, if it is not already interested in scientific rigor. Enough known, though almost entirely poetic interest serving, is to compare the plant, especially the flowers, sometimes with children, sometimes with women. Both seem to be very different comparisons, since they find a node in the fact that women always remain children themselves only against the men. By the way, both hold the same subject from different angles. The points of comparison of flowers with children are that they regarded the earth as their common mother, still hanging on to her from her suck the food, that they can accommodate all needs, not run into the distance, that they lovely, friendly, innocent look, no one to do something physical, wear bright clothes, and, we believe, are still caught up with her in mind as sensuous as it is the soul of a child. The highest to which they match it with their children's minds, small dolls - Bschekindchen, ds the young plants already wrapped to weigh containing seeds and bushes, not knowing, but knowing well what that means actually for adults. Everyone will think of Schiller's song in this comparison: Children of the tapered sun flowers decorated the hall, etc. what course of our challenge the comment that much more the poet was biased as the flowers in the night, as he explained trapped in night, and it was not only the touching was necessary with human fingers, pour them life, language, soul, heart, after this has done a lot more powerful fingers. Also the beginning of a beautiful song by Heine, which does not sound nearly as Heine, you may remember, he says to a child: "You're like a flower,

So sweet and beautiful and pure, "etc. Somewhat less poetic, however it takes from when Hegel (Naturphilos. p 471) says: "The plant, however, as the first subsistent subject that still comes from the immediacy, the weak, childish life in him itself is not yet up to the differences. " Each in his own way! But probably even more numerous points of comparison has the character of the femininity of the plants dar. The plant remains as the woman is always banned in their tight circle of life, she only leaves torn away, while the animal roams as the man unbound into the distance, but she knows in her narrow sphere of action to take advantage of all the best, following certain senior instincts, without to bring it to each of the higher intelligence of the animal, and this, as the woman is the man, the more foresight and allround view and transformative intervention in the outside world about leaving. The plant remains, as the woman is the man, always subject to the will of the animal, but it is even in the best situations, which shows the butterfly to the flower, not against. She talked like scented with their neighbors. It provides for the food of the animal, bake bread (in the ear), prepares vegetables for the same. Your favorite business remains up in the heyday of her life to be beautiful decorate and always show their new and beautiful shape. But there is even some flowers that stand up like the women in white stoneware and later dress colorful, surely clothe several times. 1) But after the time of young love gone, the plant is dedicated to a new profession. Now she raises the colorful tinsel aside, and her first and only thought is the care for their young children, to which she cherishes and bears, and after they finally detached from it, they still stand around a long time.

"For example, has (to mention only the most striking examples) of the Chamaeleon Cheiranthus a whitish flower that is lemon yellow and finally red later, initially with a small purplish hue., the petals of Stylidium fruticosum R. Br are pale yellow as they arise, but later they are white with light rose-colored paint.'s flowers Oenothera tetraptera L. are initially white, then rosy red and almost red. Tamarindus indica L. has, according to Ms G. Hayne, on the first day white petals and on the second yellow. The corolla of Cobaea scandens Cav is the first day of greenish-white, the day purple.. The Hibiscus mutabilis L. offers in this respect a curious and instructive phenomenon dar. Its flower is in fact the morning when broken ( naitre) knows about noon it will be red or crimson, and last, when the (sun is down, it is red. climate of the Antilles that color change is regular. (Decand., Physiol. S. II 724)

One is reminded here of what Schiller says: "The man must go

Into hostile life, must act and strive And plant and produce, Erlisten snatch, bet and must dare to hunt Luck .... There streams The modest housewife, the mother of the children, and have dominion as in the domestic circle, and teach the girls and the boys forbid, And stirs without end The busy hands, and the multi-win With ordnendem sense. And fill with treasures the fragrant shop and rotated to the purring of the spindle thread, and collects in the cleanly smoothed Shrine The shimmering wool, the schneeigten flax, and adds to the good luster and sheen, And rests not. I do not doubt it, since poets always something else mine as they say outright what the sagacity of the boom is left to determine that the poet hereby really only the relationship between animals and plants does want to represent as best fits everything. Teaching and weirs, the rain of hands and some other may indeed many seem less fit, but it is, as in all such cases, only the right interpretation. Each little plant has yet since it was still hanging in the seed on the mother plant to learn from her how it grow, not to grow, the endless rain of busy hands but expresses aptly the endless stretching of sheets from the Umsichwirken and work of plant thus to prepare the materials for the animal services. The treasures in the fragrant chests are the many delicious substances which the plants cells, as in compartments of a cabinet, collects, with the turning of the thread around the spindle spinning the spiral vessels and other generating spiral formations is meant bringing the plant resistant is busy. With the shimmering wool and flax schneeigten is targeted to cotton and flax, and with the luster and sheen on the shimmering colors of the plant. After this artificial interpretation might simply following graceful Rckert poem is so like better, which he characterizes the female flowers so beautiful way: The flower of the submission.

"I am the bloom in the garden and have to wait in silence. When and in what way you tritst in my circles. Are you coming in the beam of the sun, HOW I thy bliss unfold the bosom still, And keep your eyes. Are you coming into dew and rain, I am made your blessings in love shells summarize, do not let him dry. And you fhrest mildly round about me in the wind, Thus, 'I'll tend me, Saying, I am your own. I am the bloom in the garden and have to wait in Sille, when and in what manner you will walk in my circles. " (Total Rckert poems IS 98)

As a country girl children and also the flowers (Poems, Vol II, p 97 Total) are characterized in the following lines from Rckert Amaryllis: The spring boil out of winter travels the dew that his children should drink, he agrees to the morning song, the merry tines. , and decorates his green house with flowers grinding. Awake, my heart, let your gaze wander after flowers waving on all corridors ! country's girls are, for the right and left steh'n cleaned it, after which you want to access? " Plants with insects have a striking similarity to some individual parts, partly on the conditions of their metamorphosis as a whole, 2) given to us earlier remarks to some reason. 2) Comp. here about others Linnaeus in s Metamorphosis plantarum sub Pres. DO Car. Linnaei proposita a Nic. a Dalberg. Upsaliac, 1755, in

Amoenitat. acad. IV p. 368th

Already in shape and colors show great similarity between flowers and butterflies, so that you do not often downright compared the butterflies come to life with loose flowers. Ape but some orchid flowers butterflies all the way, and the name butterfly flowers to a large class of plants (where vetches, beans, etc. belong) will also prove a similarity here predominating. But the interest of this external similarity increases greatly by considering the already repeatedly touched lively exchange ratio between the two, where the female character of flowers particularly striking is revealed. The flower is like a butterfly sitting quietly, awaits the visit of swarming and a similar proportion as we are also in the insect kingdom itself, such as between little woman and little man of the locust beetle notice. That, lacking the power of flight, must remain on the ground, it sits quietly in the green and lures only by bright shine on the little man. This has similar luster, but probably lighter eyes than the little woman, looking the same on in the countryside. Thus, the colors of the flower from the green splendor shines forth, and decorated with the same colors shine, but brighter looking eyes, the butterfly look on them, which attached to the ground, can be only be looking for. Like butterfly and flower are directly similar, both also unfold in a similar manner even from a similar structure, where they slumbered closed and folded until long at earlier stage of development. Who did not really between the bud from which the flower, and the doll from the butterfly breaks, both to proceed in the Community realm of light, also find a physical resemblance? Indeed, even the stalks by, slowly growing up, pushes out a sheet to the other, the stick may not be quite incomparable, the creeping up, one leg to the other pushes forward. It retains only the plant, as noted earlier, always visible, however, the insect revoking its earlier stage of development in itself. The air-conducting spiral vessels which pass through the entire construction of the plant, and, of course, branched, air ducts, which pass through the whole body of the insect, also establish some relationship between the internal organization of the two. Anyone who takes a liking to similar comparisons, the relationship between animals and plants in the animal even in the ratio of more clumped nervous system to the more branched vascular system, or in the plant itself in the ratio of more centrally final bloom to the freely branched stems and sides find. But with what could be last not find comparison points! It would be tedious and useless at the same time, pursue them everywhere. Although there was a time when almost the entire task of natural philosophy was sought in the pursuance of such similarities. I'll be the last to want to conjure up again. To various interesting observations noted earlier, the peculiarity of the plants give rise to a tendency to spiral formations and positions of its parts. In addition to the nectar they prepare to first and foremost a symbolic gimmick to donate even a few moments attention, so think of the spiral encircling the leaves stems and through the

entire length of the plant to the flower (pistil, stamen and petals) are forterstreckenden spiral vessels that contains the flower, the butterfly seeks nectar, and the healing powers that inwohnen, usually in poisonous and bitter substances of the plant. Then the flower might not be evil compared with the expenses of running a snake entwined stems bowl of Hygeia, in which their toxic substances at the service of the goddess of healing Vice snake hineinzngelt above his head, the butterfly but sitting on the flower, with of soul searching in the nectar of health, but to reach it, only to have to move past the leaping head of poisonous snake, ie only through the intermediary of medicinal substances to be dangerous art of healing leads to health. Next: You think so general spiral tendency of the plant compared to the more predominating tendency in animals in the form of running back and circulatory motion. Then one can say that the plant is directed in the design and interior motion processes more on the form of annual (apparent) movement of the sun in the sky, which is a spiral known, the animal more of the daily movement of the same, which is noticeably a circular excluding or strictly represents only one turn of the spiral annual path of the sun, and you may be, remember that even in sleep and waking, the more the annual plant, the animal follows more of the daily period. With regard to other things could also say the plant is directed more to the movement that a point on the surface of the earth, the animal after which makes the center of the earth as it revolves around the sun, provided the movement of the points the surface of the earth as being composed of the rotation of the earth on its axis and its course around the sun, is also a spiral. Meanwhile, these are only relationships that could gain meaning only through knowledge of a causal relationship to science, why is no prospect for now. Even from a very scientific point of view can the spiral tendency of plants hold and establish the representation of a type of plant after a certain respect it. Do we share here very briefly the main results of the investigations about Schimperschen with: The scheme of all perfect plants hereafter be represented under the form of a square to the bottom stationary axle, which according to specific mathematical laws of the side radii (leaves) out. The law of their position on the axis indicates the significant differences in shape of the plant, but always appears under the form of a spiral line, which winds around the axis and in particular paragraphs sends the peripheral radii. We call such a cycle of the spiral part thereof which by some radius (leaf), counting so far runs until he is back to a radius in the same, the axis parallel line, which is the first, gets, the question arises: l) much radii (leaves) has to pass through the coil in the circumference of the axis in order to pass from the lower-limit radius of the cycle on the top, in how many portions of the cycle is therefore divided by 3) 2) how many rounds, the spiral in one cycle to make to go from the lower to the upper limit radius of the intermediate radii. Both the number of rounds of the spiral than the portions in a cycle for each plant species is now constant, but different for different types of plants, and therefore are generally characteristic of the species. Not every number sections and rounds but is possible, but the numbers can only be taken from the following series:

l, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, whose law is easy to find. The first two digits of which are namely the first natural numbers, the third number is the sum of the first two, and so ever of any subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding it. It is thus the number of sections of a cycle, for example, 2 or 3 or 5 or 8, but not 4 or 6 or 7 be, and the same is true of the number of rounds. The number of portions to the number of revolutions of the helix within a single cycle or by a particular law is associated. For example, the number of sections 2, as is that of the revolutions always l (which we express 1 / 2 ), the number of sections 3, as is that of the rounds also l (ie 1 / 3 ) is the number of sections 5, the orbits of 2 is (ie 2 / 5 ), and at all the possible conditions are:
1 / , 1 / , 2 / , 3 / , 5 / , 8 / , 13 / , 21 / , 34 / , 55 / , 89 / , ... 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233

what the law is again easy to find. The numerator of each fraction is in fact the denominator of the second fraction immediately preceding.

If a radius in the interval between two limiting radii of the cycle, then it is naturally divided into two sections by; Two fact, it is in three sections divided, etc., even in l section is more than the number of intermediate radii. So much sections have the cycles of a plant, so much of the axis parallel lines there, where are ever leaves the extent of the plant.

The accuracy of the presented here Schimperschen view is certainly not universally admitted, especially by the constant numerical values of previous fractures as a general rule be disputed by several researchers. Also the Bravais brothers have taken a completely different way to represent the spiral tendency of the leaf position in law. Naumann considered the quincunx as the fundamental law of the leaf position. Mathematically exact position relationships are not at all on the plant, and only by a correction back to the observations Beiseitlassung of the exceptional cases, acceptance of failure and like the appearance of such a complete regularity comes out as to show the plant according to some representations.Anyway, is the approach of the blade position to a de facto legalism, which can be attributed to the spiral type, but without the organic freedom is thereby completely eliminated. A clear presentation of the results of the investigations Schimperschen, which underlies the previous one, can be found in Burmeister's History of Creation (2nd ed p 340). For more information on this subject see in the following publications: Dr. Schimper, description of Symphytum zeyheri etc. in S. Geiger Mag Pharmacie. Vol XXIX. P ff - Dr. A. Brown, Comparative study of the order of the scales on the cones, etc. Nov. Act. Acad. CLNCT XIV Vol I. p. 195-402. - Dr. Schimper, talks about the possibility of a scientific understanding of the leaf position, etc., communicated by Dr. A. Brown. Flora Jahrg XVIII. no 10 11th 12th (1835),. - L. et A. Bravais, Memoires sur la disposition of gomtrique feuilles et des inflorescences, Precedes the travaux d'un rsum of Schimper MM Brown et sur le mme sujet, par Ch Martius et A. Bravais. Paris 1838. Of German Walpers. Breslau. In 1839. - Bravais in

Ann. the sc. , 1837. Part bot. I. 42 In 1839. Part bot. II l - Naumann Pogg. Ann. In 1842. (2nd row). Vol 26 S. l (Hons. in wiegm. Arch 1844. II, p 49) Next the position of the side panels to the axis particularly the transformation, which often experienced the same with each other, attracted the attention of naturalists to be newer. We give the characteristics of the newer plant morphology following the same short presentation of a botanist by trade (link in wiegm Arch. 1842.II. p. 164). "The task of the modern morphology, the manifold differences under which the plant is located, due to a basic form, or rather inferred. It is a method in botany as applied by the crystallographer in mineralogy by of he more or less specific basic forms derives the various minor characters, which occur in nature. Plants have but instead of the crystal faces real terms, from which first made the axle parts, and on which the sides are as members themselves. Funds whose use is made, how further to contract and expand, remove and approach, fused and but delicate and become coarser, etc., they, to bring forth those derivation, are now, that in mind you enlarge the parts to reduce and completely absent (avorter) can found in nature by observation. Particularly, it was found that turn the sides into one another, and that one can watch the leaves as the basic form, from which all the other parts come to the sheaths of the embryo. This is the metamorphosis of plants, you now, a new fashion according to which Goethe calls in France, as has sometimes called it in Germany., you should actually be called the Linnaean because they already fully recited Linnaeus. " It is easy to consider that the above method of producing the discharges permitted by their nature to do anything out of anything. And in this subject and arbitrariness has been practiced sufficiently. The transformation of the side pieces into one another but remains a very remarkable and significant phenomenon, what one may read the more in Goethe's writing on plant metamorphosis. The most common and most important meaning of the relationship between animals and plants seems to me several times already touched unlike their Entwickelungsrichtung internally and externally to have. Will shortly be told: the animal grows more into himself, more from the plant out, that is divided, more folds inward, these more outward. Although this distinction is not absolute, but so that you can see in the Entwickelungsgange ambiguous between empires but that is overweight in the animal kingdom throughout more of the first, like in the vegetable kingdom on the second page. In fact, we are animals and plants in their more perfect partners stages facing each other: Completed the animal externally more compact in quite firmly certain shape, with a few once and for all certain external approaches and also certain blunt impressions of uniform lumps of the body, however inwardly Glienicke horror into the higher animals always rising from the lower multiplicity of organs which again are divided into ever finer and finer subdivisions and finally follow the latest most intimate

modifications of the freedom of the soul moves itself, provided that the innermost organizational conditions to improve their skills in connection with the training of mental and emotional systems in the course of conscious mental life the finest. In the brain, the last fibers through even shooting each other like warp and woof of a fabric, as in the continually growing inward and decays last nothing remains but due to grow by themselves, or decays to the already Zerfllte after another new direction.On the activity and development of this inner crossings then the higher life of the soul is made. The plant contrast to the peak of her life inside her over and over again just monotonous Gemeng of fibers, cells, tubes darbietend without significant breakdown of internal organs, in contrast, is an inexhaustible and from the lower to the higher plants, of the tribe of the branches from these to the branches of these to the leaves, auswachsend of this even after the leaf ribs ever increasing abundance of diverging outwardly moldings, cohesive last shoots outward voraussetzlich with the freedom of their soul urges. Also this until the final entanglement, although in a different sense than before, thriving, by the branches, the leaves between each other by growing and so the arbor crown form, the leaves themselves caused by the fact that the leaf ribs, always fine branching off to finally meet, elapse. This idea gaining an increased interest if we put them with that schematic in relationship, after which the body of the animal like a sack behaves, whose sentient area is within, which the plant as such, where it is memorized by then the whole ratio is attributable to the contrast of invagination and evagination this bag. Really, the inner and outer branches of the plant and animal organization can very well take as input and protuberances gehends continued to dwindle and everting it. And one can observe that in general the nature invaginated shapes bulged shapes of partly parallel, partly himself to face additional importance loves, such as lungs and gills; genitalia masculiua and feminina. Here we have carried out this contrast on the whole, between two realms. The stlpende hand has taken their attack on the non-sentient surface of the bag in any case, and so the sentient surface of the animal is buried in the inner invaginations that merely the plant on the outer protuberances. (Of course itself is only the contrast of sentient and non-sentient parts of the organism grain of salt to take.) The closed bag of the animal first and foremost juts into itself, so that duplication occurs, like a sleepyhead who sits on his head, the sack of the plant, however, the inner double averaging is long drawn out. The invagination of the animals is the intestinal canal, the protuberance at the root of the plant. The einstlpende movement in animals is done with such force that bursts above the cap, and the mouth is formed, while at the bottom of the cap to contract the anus. The intestinal tract of the animal is then slipped into the salivary glands, the liver, the pancreas; side - lungs and genital invaginations of the bag are feminina. However, it is the bag of the animal actually a double sheet, and the inner leaf does not follow the comment. But it has come off the voice is open and has put together on the smallest possible place to the folded within itself the brain and spinal cord, whereas the outer leaf has a skin to its invagination of the intestinal tract as far as exaggerated as possible. This creates a large cavity

between the skin and intestinal tract, in which the nerve sheet is folded, so the gap does not fill by far. In order to prevent too great a void that skin is now proficient lined with a cushion of flesh and tissue, and to give the whole support, with fixed braces, ie bone, stretched held the cotton wool with wire nets well sewn, and thereby also sewed the nerves sheet to the skin and intestinal sheet. In addition, the breaking away of the nerve sheet from the skin and intestinal leaf nerves are still frayed remained seated as flakes on the intestinal sheet as connecting fibers to the skin sheet and the ganglia. In the plant, no such separation of the bag is visibly distinguishable in two leaves, and the everted Pflanzenbalg easily stuffed with fibers and tissues. The vegetative and sentient leaf fall here into one. And this is a difference, the differences in the direction of the input and added protuberance occurs even meaningful to that dispute but is in such teleological causal relation thereto. Basically, however, it is not everywhere a real hand, but the schematizing idea which makes all Stlpbewegungen displayed. It folds, strictly speaking, absolutely no skin on or off, but it formed cells gradually in such situations, grow so and so absorbed that gradually the sight of wrinkles wicked in the sight of something or outwards Pleated transformed . The success is ultimately the same, but of a different process, which as we ourselves accomplish in reality and Ausfaltungen A-, A-and protuberances. Although I must confess that the view of the way in which behaves the nervous sheet is slightly fictionalized, if it is more drawn from a bold return interpretation of the final storage conditions as an accurate reflection of the real Entwickelungsverhltnisse, then what must prevent their great scientific interest In contrast, I settle the general contrast of initial and invagination between plant and animal seems very decided. The continued advances protuberance at the plant only to the peak of their lives. There occurs a moment one, the moment in which the stamen or pollen the stigma of the pistil touched where the plant, so to speak, fight back against itself, and now begins by growth of the pollen tube into the cavity of the ovary, a previously only implied Einstlpungsproze, going away through the whole fruiting. The second oscillation of the life of the plant is thus at all in the opposite direction than the first. When animals this is not the case, because at the very beginning of the process of life here takes the direction of more inward, but relatively reveals an equivalent also in animals in the fact that the animal but grows to manhood externally even in size, but later is further developed only more internally Ever have to the validity of the scheme do not want to expand beyond borders valid. In the areas of the lowest organisms, approaching the intermediate realm, protuberances come in many animals before, but the contrast is higher we climb the more clear upward in both realms. Even in the higher animals are the opposite limbs, nose, genital masc, the mammae, the hair protuberances, the other characteristics of the animal kingdom.

Let's take a look at the importance which must have the previous contrast to the psychic. If the soul is something in particular and of their determination also finds a particular expression in the physical carrier and calls, we will not have to assume that the specific determination of the soul which expresses itself in the animal body, nothing, but now also a soul definiteness opposite Type confront. The plant soul will be something only after other, in some ways the opposite direction Evolved; something from the outside world Substituted Faltetes while that something in yourself Remember Faltetes. That the inward turning, so to speak, more leads the soul to himself, lets get back on itself, is pronounced in the scheme that the sentient surface by virtue of its folding strikes back against itself, making inner touch, yes finally intersections between you enter so that it can enter the sensual effect Lively in new covers. In plants where the sentient surface puts on outward, this is not the case, because if even branches and leaves in their all-round divergence finally also entangle, they remain thus still largely out of contact, and when they finally into individual leaves and allerwegs touch in the veins, then it all just puts together, or anastomoses, without at once to thwart the contact itself, as we see in the animals' brains. The animal life retains a dimension of inwardness before the plant up front, and for this reason it remains in the plant more in easy sensuality, to the descending direction of life and the direction of the fold-engages in the plant specific place, which is now also common ground greater importance for the plant wins. But she does not speak as from the outset the whole life of the plant as the animal is, so to speak, only to umbiegende tip, which expires and that the animal turns to some extent. The plant bears, as it were, a small animal only as a crown, jewelry, and top of the pyramid on top of their structure and life, and, moreover, a sphinx, which is the essence of the animal only in the mystery while the animal from below is what it is equal to the next Memnon the pyramid. A similar fundamental contrast as within the organic between animal and plant design, can also be in the far field of nature between organic and inorganic design itself locate, except that he goes back here to the elementary building, however, he goes there on the plan of the whole . The organic creatures, whether animals or plants resulting from elementary parts that grow inward and fold in to the inside and disassemble, and the inorganic, the crystals, to unfold from those that grow outward to the outside and consolidate. To be considered as parts of the elementary cells, the organic namely, hollow, liquid-filled vesicles, the walls become thicker from the outside so that the lumen of many very disappears with time. It seems inward formed by folding in prominences, finally partitions, which divide into multiple cells. The crystal contrast arises from a solid Urkristall within a liquor thickens through approach from the outside, folds, so to speak, outwards into corners, points, edges, yet without abandoning its soundness; using it instead of always new cells are hineinzuerzeugen to fall into this, as to be always bubbly, always in itself is rather new to the previous einschachtelt subsequent crystal case, and so a growing compact whole.

Strange how such simple oppositions in education plans, as we noted between animal and plant, organism, and crystal, but can deflect in results, so reach out all over the character of simple opposites, carry very different levels of development and complication. Compare the immensely complicated organisms with the ever so simple remaining crystals, and organic animals again comparatively so complicated with so relatively simple plants. The development of inward obviously has a very different, more concise and at the same time more meaningful for the life of the soul than the character to the outside. A very superficial scheme of course, only with respect to the most general and the most superficial morphological conditions, but not all of the interest and the bar well after some direction capable of offering represent as follows The roundish, secluded and usually elongated shape of the animal body is similar, viewed against the plant, throughout more of the ellipse, where the heart and mind may imagine the focal points around which everything revolves life of the animal, the shape of the plant, however, by virtue of their double and opposite upward divergence into branches, leaves and flowers, down to the root broadcasts, more of the hyperbola, and we use the simplest case of a top unbranched, only one flower-bearing stem, the flower is up to the peak point of life itself represent upper Hyperbelhlfte, and the endpoints of the plant axis, the stigma of the pistil and the tip of the tap root will take the place of the focal points between which oscillates all the life of the plant, the two junctions from which the flower on top and the root of extends below the apex of both Hyperbelhlften, the leaves finally reduced to their average horizontal direction, the direction of the axis side going into space. The intermediate realm between animals and plants, between spheres and linear forms swaying, then represents the cases where ellipse and hyperbola by greatest possible simplification of their equations (without something infinitely would) go into spherical and linear forms, which can be done in several ways, making the protean nature of twilight related. Known, the hyperbola of the ellipse formed by the fact that you think put a wrong head size is in the direction, which harmonizes with the fact that the plant can be grasped in a way, as used animal. Also you can take the descending side of the plant life, where you can see them into the more ellipsoidal fruit, the flower, with such a provision in relationship. This scheme is gaining interest, if it is allowed to beat it into the symbolic. The number of possible ellipses has the border, but opens the parabola, which, though of a page still falls prey to the very finitude of the other against the infinity. Known, namely, the ellipse turns into a parable, if you the one focus of the ellipse moves out into infinity, or what is the same is said that the major axis takes the same infinite. If now through the realm of the various ellipses the realm of still prejudiced very finitude animals represented, means the parabola, as the upper limit of the ellipses, the upper limit of the animal kingdom, the human, which, although with a side quite as well as the animal rooted in the earthly, but opens from the other side against the Heavenly. Course, is not really his brain, the one focal point in infinity, but it can be

kind think it includes subjective. This suggests to specify the schema into the symbolic. The parable could instead be viewed as the limit of ellipses, hyperbolas as the border, but in a different sense. In passing the ellipse parabola is clear from a very finite being an infinite to one side, the animal goes into half-animal, half angel, in the transition of the hyperbola in parabola is reversed, with the loss of an infinite half of a two-sided infinite being a one-sided infinite being. Thereafter, the person may just as well as a as a as can be viewed from the sky in the earthly, but with the loss of a heavenly half, planted plants from the earth to heaven rearing animals. The comparison of the animal and the plant with ellipse and hyperbola can be a more scientific interest than it has under the previous presentation, winning by setting the following reference to the general principles of mathematical morphology, which I content myself here with some suggestions. The general shape difference between organic beings (animals and plants) and inorganic nature (crystals) is based, briefly summarized, the fact that the former are limited by crooked, the latter by flat surfaces. The curved shapes of the organisms go through all the degrees of the spherical shape (approximately oriented in some seeds, fruits, eggs and invertebrates) to the most complex shapes that are not capable of precise mathematical calculation or representation in formulas, which of course basically of all natural forms at all is because even the crystal faces are, strictly speaking, only planar surfaces. If one abstracts from small irregularities, such trifles is neglected. But also for the consideration of the most intricate natural forms can be an exact mathematical point win by asking which under given simpler forms they are most similar, which allows more accurate determination of measurements and calculations, such as asking what a ball given human head is most similar to, or, if you want to go further, which ellipsoid, or if you want to have the presumption even higher, which body areas with the third or fourth order. Also you can copy single parts and surfaces thereof subject particularly those viewing. Now, according to the planar surfaces, or surfaces of the first order, second order surfaces, ie those which have to averages or projections conic sections, the simplest. And so would, if you asked what type conic section the shape of the plant, and what type of conic section the shape of animals (for an average through the major axis or projection on a their parallel plane) is most similar, quite accurately for the former the hyperbola, find the latter the ellipse; yes it would, mathematically speaking, for each particular plant, and each particular animal can specify the special hyperbola and the particular elliptical that they are most similar respektiv.
Zuletzt wird das Verhltnis zwischen Tier und Pflanze doch durch gar nichts treffender, schrfer und umfassender zu bezeichnen bleiben, als da man sagt, es sei nun eben das Verhltnis zwischen Tier und Pflanze.

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Although from those of the true form could yet so far lasting determination, apart from their toil, hardly a scientific and practical useful result expected. In contrast, it

seems to me the principle established here viewpoint of mathematical morphology for classification and probably other general references to promise useful, at least interesting results when the simpler separate forms of animals and plants, or parts where the approximation is not very different from the reality would be removed, applied, and this is already at least in respect to the screw housing (including by Naumann) done with success. But unquestionably deserves an extended treatment of the subject. Especially seeds, fruit and egg shapes want, partly because of its simplicity, partly because they contain the whole plant or the whole animal already in a nutshell deserve attention.

XVI. Colors and scents.

The colors and scents of the plants are something for us so beautiful and Lovely, for the plant itself so momentous that they occasionally what we said about it probably deserve after all, a few words of special consideration. Consider the plants away from the Earth, what would it still be seen on the yellow desert sand, gray rock rocks, desert snow and ice fields. So bare tree in winter looks so bare saw the whole earth. The plants are what weave her beautiful green dress, to the joy our eyes are delighted, refreshed, what it can itself healthy. We also make our clothes mostly from plant materials, they color with vegetable dyes, as does the earth, and our dress is a dead, the earth has a dress made himself living substances dressed with vibrant colors, a dress whose mesh weave itself to color itself, renew itself, an ever-fresh, never aging dress, just enter its Disposals our own dress. Strangely, however, that the dead attracts a lively gown, while we put on living a dead dress. But this is not perhaps a peculiarity which is just only in our views, not in nature? Is the earth also as dead as we keep them? Certainly we can believe that, where desire and intention of lying down, jewelry colors this earth without desire and intention is to be made. Only we have to know not just desire and intention to establish a just rule of God over nature, but also in nature. The generation of color does not depend in any case by the plant alone from, they are probably their special living conditions to her, but are outside, on their larger, more general, of the whole plant world reaching. And so can you, pointing to these general reasons, say the sun is he that goes across the sky that seems about all herbs, whose rays brush the earth turns green and colorful, yes, the sun itself appears just like the fist of God, these rays brush leads, daily back and forth to the surface to paint, until Lenz in silent strokes, then with ever stronger, greener trains. In fact, we know that everything greening of the plants and flowers of all dyeing is carried out only by the stimulus and under the influence of sunlight, without this myself something of substance to hergibt as little as the brush color. But how does this color is taken? From the shell color of the sky, for we know that the air, the bill represents the firmament, fabrics supplies from which the plant colors evolve, not the Earth. This provides only a rough surface, as if the canvas, do so. Mainly it is namely the carbonic acid and the oxygen of the air, which are involved

in the production of vegetable dyes, of the Earth go but preferably mineral constituents in the plant over. The effect of sunlight in color of the plant is thereby the effect of a brush so similar that it is very local. For a preserved part of the light is white, while the rest of the plant is green. One may ask why as the main color of the earth now just green, why not blue, not red, not yellow, not white? Well, even the sky is blue, and gold is already the sun, and red is already the blood, and white is the snow already, and so would you, playing with another image, also say the golden sun and the blue sky only do together to witness the green plant color as her child, the red in the blood, and green in the juice but are designed to complement each other, as the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom have ever else to complement each other after so many relationships, you know that is that red and green are really relative optical complement each other, that can be mixed together to form white. As the organic life has gepalten on earth, also the heavenly gift has split through which it grows and flourishes, and the gentler parts of the softer color, ttigem fallen the ttigere. Of course that answers the previous question not but rather extends it then: why now just this distribution systems throughout the natural colors? And I say further: for no other reason is probably the earth just to be green than just why the kingfisher blue, just the canary yellow, the Flamingo is just red. It should, among other world bodies also give a green just now, in the main, has hit the ground, why just this, then of course not specify. Other world bodies are for a different color. But one has really thought the reddish color of Mars stir of a red vegetation on him. The circle of the question is expanded again, pushed back the statement, but any forcible return of the explanation is but itself a statement piece. But we can not go to infinity. Should really the green color of the earth be completely random? But then why begnne just where the green of the vegetation stops, the green of the sea? At first everything was even covered with the monotonous green glaze color of the sea. But as the country grew and wanted to have color again, it covered the creator with the body color of the plant world and took back to green, and even from the heights of the land the glaciers trickle water down green again. Such as sea green country, beginning as at the end of the green water. This seems to suggest then that it was really the same except in a very green skin of the Earth, as well as on the whole blue shirt. On the nature wants one unchanging color, the change they moved to Little. The clouds of heaven are not blue any more than the beasts of the earth green, but those such as these only run individually by air or by land. We are going to look at the individual relationships of color to plants and single plant over so remains strange that the green of the herb as mainly plays as a lack of flowering, although not without exception to both sides. The blooming with green color styles typically do not have pure green, but only a dirty yellow-green or gray-

green, and many seemingly green flowering plants, such as the family of grasses, often have not so much as a colorless green colored glumes. Pure Green is in fact very rare in flowers before (Schbler). Of leaves and there are even some red piebald, many are young and most are yellowish red or yellow in wilting. There are even whole plants, which are no part of green, and these are curiously all the parasite crops, ie crops that take root on other plants, so the Orobanche, Lathraea species Cytineen, Cassytha and Cascuta species that Mono tropics and leafless orchids (De Candolle). This contrast of the green herb and the different colored flowers hangs with a contrast in the mutual expressions of life. The non-green flowers swallow from oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide under the same circumstances, where the green leaves einschlrfen carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen gas for it. Likewise, nature has shown is stubborn, that pure black does not occur in the flowers, even if show the darkest spots on flowers, you probably want to keep for black at first sight, on closer examination nor a particularly kind light colors. Decandolle says about this in f Physiol. II, p 726 "The black seems to be no color that would be the flowers of course, but the flowers, in which Black encounters, usually originally yellow flowers, which turn into a very dark brown are. Latter seems at least in the blackish parts of the flowers of Pelargonium tricolor Curtis and Vicia faba L . (broad bean) to take place. The same is true of those brown or black flowers whose color is a very dark red, as we eg Orchis nigra space. seen. " The translator Roeper commented: The seemingly black spots in the corolla of Vicia faba L. are really very dark brown, as can be clearly seen using a microscope. .. The seemingly black hair on the Bltenhllschuppen the Protea Lepidocarpon R. Brown. appear, playing at high magnification and transmitted light, dark violet, the indigo blue. They are mixed in part with yellow hair and are surrounded by yellow hair. " It is alleged that neither pure white vorkomme at the flowers as pure black,. Using the whitest flowers for themselves, when they are viewed on colored paper, but in contrast, still racking staining revealed (see De Candolle, Physiol S II . 723), but I suspect that the occurrence of subjective complementary color (which is lively eyes for some than for others) brought this deception. At the few white flowers standing me just at the present season to bid, I could not obtain confirmation of the claim. If there has already split the white light between animal and plant kingdom so that the animal body, the red, the plant body, the green was given to it, it is remarkable to see how now the greenery within the plant kingdom split again by the in scratched still united contrast of yellow and blue in the flower apart occurs. Similarly, namely, as among men, a contrast between blond and brnetter hair, skin and eye color managed, after which they are. Speak in two classes but returns among the flowers an analogous contrast between yellow and blue flower colors again The fact is the

following: Schbler and Frank have been shown in a special treatise that one can divide the flowers into two major series in those yellow as the basis of color (oxidized or xanthische row), and in those in which blue is the basis (deoxygenated zyanische or row). Flowers, belonging to the first series, can vary depending on the variety or species only in yellow, red and white, but not blue, flowers, belonging to the second series, however only in blue, red and white, but not yellow, so that both lines meet in red and white, but divorced in blue and yellow. So there is no blue cactus, aloe, roses, ranunculus, tulips, Mesembryanthemen, dahlias, etc., but only yellow, red and white, they belong to the first, the xanthi's series, on the other hand no yellow bell flowers (Campanulen), geraniums, phlox, Anagallis, asters, etc., but only blue, red and white, these are zyanischen series. Although some exceptions to this rule occur, as, for example, are some yellow varieties because among all the members of the series zyanischen hyacinths, but these exceptions are rare. The genera of plants belonging to the xanthine's series are, far more often inclined to form acidic materials as the genera belonging to the zyanischen series, however not infrequently characterized by peculiar, the body often potent, sharp, bitter and narcotic substances are. Although you may not see any rule ausnahmsfreie herein. On awaking the year, most flowers are relatively white, yellow at the close of the year. It is as if there the snow of winter, the sun of summer here expressed a aftereffect. Detailed studies on the relative distribution of flower colors (of the German flora) under the different months of the year, see Fritsch Abhandl. over the period. Phenomena of the plant kingdom in the Abhandl. The Bhm. Gesellsch. the Wiss. , 1847, pp. 74, made known. We now close the budding of plants coloring anlangend reference to the soul phenomena, the plant may be due to lack of eyes, however in the same way as we do, neither perceive the beauty of their own color nor those of her neighbors. Because whether it is already receptive to the light stimulus, but the herkommende of different parts of the room light colors mixes indifferent to every point of its surface and blurred as a general bills. But why should we keep losing their own beauty to the flower? Certainly not, she wins those only from other sources and is sure to win more here than we can ever have of it, so true any of what he creates himself, beautiful and meaningful appears at the moment of creation, as another, which it then is commanded, like it by the way also both appear the same. In fact, the generation of the color depends intimately with the active life of the plant process together, which is excited by the external light, but it is only through our own reaction to this suggestion the color. Of course, we can not swear that the plant become aware of their green and red and blue in the process of production in the same color sensation, as we in the external intuition, have more reason to doubt it, but prevents other hand, nothing, something similar to . thinking If the person who has everything, what happens on earth, after the main moments to reflect in himself, not even reflect those

of the psychic life of the main plant in it? Certainly, in any case, the plant has to produce the different colors as different sensations, the same as we at the sight, and as the production of each color is related to her with Various internal changes. In a way, like the produce of nature's colors with the produce by our imagination can be compared. The plant, one can say that converts light into fantastic colors. The light is white or any colored on the plant and they feel its influence in any way, but they are not so again, as they receive it, but rather it has only served to stimulate a self-creative activity in it, making the color is generated, and this activity is now indisputably accompanied by a feeling of self-creation. Thus, our imagination needs while the sensory stimuli from the outside world, but only just, to thereby be encouraged to internal self-creations that highlight what is received in a different form and with a feeling of self-activity from the inside. Also, even the white flower, although it seems to reflect back just changed the light does not behave passively towards the light, as rather the whiteness of the flowers is also based on active processes, which the flower virtue of the light in only increased fullness and purity reflects how also the human imagination, the conditions by which they can have been suggested, pure and beautiful reintroduced bears in the artwork and bring even more so to the fullness of clarity. The flower makes only themselves to this work of art. Where we could watch the white light of the fuller and more beautiful than the white lilies and other white flowers? Animals and humans are stained of course also on the surface without it occurs to us, this dyeing processes under a similar meaning as defined in the plants. But there are between the way the color of the plants and the animals is made, similar differences between the growth instead of both (cf. VIII), so it is also equally entitled to make an entirely different meaning to it, which I not again eingehe here in special designs. For more information about vegetable dyes in physiological and chemical terms s, except in the textbooks of plant physiology in Fechner Repertor. the org. Chemistry. II, p 832; excerpts from the recent Abhandl. von Mohl, Pieper, Marquart, Hope, Berzelius, Decaisne, Elsner, Turpin, Morren, Hnefeld in wiegm. Arch 1835. II 186 , 1836. II 85 , 1837. II 35 In 1838. II 32 In 1839. II 80 In 1840. II 91 Now even some of the scents: The scents of the flowers seem to play against their colors only a minor role, since not even all the flowers are so talented. And if it is true, as we indicated earlier, that the fragrance of flowers mainly has the determination to effect a release of emotions or instinctive Mitgefhlen between different plants, so this probably explains. The color production in plants is related to the development processes shareholders soul, but this is of course important and necessary as the interplay with other souls. Also among the animals living there are socially and lonely living. The fragrant plants represent us the former, not the latter smelling. And the plant likes the nature of their limited sphere of life and to the fact that the sex is already united in each

individual for himself, the mental intercourse with their peers throughout require even less than the animal. The animal itself teaches us that the smell is really able to serve the mental sensual intercourse, owing in particular also for the analogous period of the reproductive process. This is always important for the interpretation. But this traffic takes place in animals all over without comparison more by voice. And so far as to do some other relationship you can say: the fragrance takes on the plants of a similar meaning as in the animal's voice. The equation points there mehrerlei. From inside the voice comes from inside comes the scent, and both are at the same time the finest and safest character trait for that from which they come. As you can see even in the dark any more people on the tone of voice, every flower in the dark, so each variety of flower, of the fragrance. Both features, seemingly simple in itself, but vary in different shades and thus designate as many nuances of organizational complications, whose highest, entwickeltstes product they are. Each bears were the soul of the being from which it comes, on his wing from there. Common ground that there would only matters the organ of smell pretty fine form, not merely to distinguish each variety, but also of each individual hyacinth or carnation or of any other of the odor. Our olfactory organ is mostly practiced not only in this respect, some common ground not so set on it by nature, like that of the flower may be because we do not regard this distinction as close. Different but also the negro very well physiognomically the faces of his countrymen who look to us all about the same. The lower animals that have not much to say, worms, insects, are silent throughout, and so the lowly plants, fungi, lichens, odorless. While some insects bring forth exceptional noise, but only by outward rubbing, buzzing, drilling, and the sounds do not come from within, and so exceptionally fragrant, some fungi, lichens, but the smell does not come from flowering. As the voice does not sound too stable at the creatures who have such, but, rather, by way of the creature and other circumstances soon more day, sometimes more in the evening, half more at night, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, most in the whole to the time of the reproductive process, everything is in accordance with the scents of the plants, and this is the best proof that the floral scents are not merely simply distilled mechanically by the sun's heat from the flower juice, as if the flowers small stills for essential oils, but that the flowers really for external and internal demands on their lives such develop. If the heat of the reason of the escape of scents, so would all the flowers most of the day and smell to be exhausted in the evening. Now it is true that lip flowers and Cistus, the myrtle and orange bushes fill the air of southern Europe more so with their scents, the hotter it is, but there are other flowers that are almost not the day smell and starting to smell at sunset, just as the nightingale sings songs in the evening, and there is almost not a single flower, the smell only during the day. Yes, in general seems great heat of the sun to reduce the tendency for more scents, like animals in heat sleepy (Decand. II, p 764), which does not prevent the way, to believe that they

do appear helpful in preparation for the fragrance development at night could. Especially with all the flowers are mourning colors such as Pelargonium triste W . Aiton, Hesperis tristis L ., Gladiolus tristis L. , etc. throughout the day, almost odorless and at sunset a smell ambrosial smell out. In other plants the smell is weak on the day and the evening is stronger, as in Datura suaveolens Willd . ( Datura arborea Miller ), Oenothera suaveolens Desf ., Genista juncea L . etc. The Flowers of Cereus grandiflorus Miller ( Cactus grandiflorus L .) begins at 7 clock in the evening to open up and start simultaneously to spread their fragrance. Senebier narcissus flowers will have trained in deep darkness, which as much as other skates (?), Whereas one in Cacalia septentrionalis noticed that the sun's rays flower elicit an aromatic odor, which disappears when one keeps the same, and re-appears when you overshadowing the body away. With the smell of orange blossoms with slight modifications during the flowering period lasts uninterruptedly. Coronilla glauca smells only in the daytime, and also in Cestrum diurnum the smell at night is much weaker. In many flowers, the smell changed after fertilization. (Decand., Physiol. Wiegm 11, p 763 and 768. Arch 1840. 90th AD) The fact that the main means of transport is related to a lower sense as in the animals depend on the plants like it, just that the whole plant is at a lower level than the sensual animal, such that all the sensuality of the same but in a higher level than the animals expire, both right there together, the smells to have modified this site. We note that even dislocation of the functions are even often even within the animal kingdom. Hand giving the bird in its beak, with several animals, the breathing tool is used with a leg, etc. Also has indeed, as noted, the smell but some already facing the same function in animals as in plants, only in a more subordinate degree. You may like the colors the fragrance still attach the other function to attract butterflies and other insects to flowers (see p 219), but has nothing to find herein the previous contradictory. The natural look everywhere to make several things at the same time with a single blow.

XVII. Resum.
1) The original natural view of the people, and the characteristic and aesthetic impression which make us the plants immediately, there is much more for the soul of the plant, as those of us ruling, based on instilled ideas popular opinion against the same (11 V .). 2) The plants are to us indeed throughout dissimilar than the animals voices yet but just the main basics of life still with us and the animals so agree that we, even if a large difference in the type of animation between them and us are not entitled to the fundamental difference of animation and Nichtbeseelung to close itself (II). In general, such a relationship is the complement rather than on both sides, that the soul life of the plant fills gaps that would allow the people and animals (cf. prev chapter). 3) That the plant neither nervous nor similar sense organs to sense how the animals proves nothing but to their sense, since they also different, what the animal nerve and

particularly gearteter organs need to without nerves and other organs only in another form contribute assets; ever but the conclusion that the particular form of animal nerves and senses to sensation was necessary based on untenable reasons (III. XIV). 4) The entire teleological view of nature designed a lot more satisfying when one attaches to the plant soul, as if it denies them by a large amount of conditions and facilities in the natural gain thereby a vibrant and full of content meaning that otherwise dead and idle appear (IV XI.) or are an empty gimmick. 5) That the plant kingdom serves the purposes of human and animal kingdom, but can not speak against it Wielding ends in themselves, as in nature to the service of others and for their own purposes, not at all incompatible, also shows the animal kingdom as well the purposes of the plant kingdom to how are reversed (X XL). 6) When the plants appear as animated beings put bad by having to put up with a lot of wrong people and animals, without being able to defend against it, but this seems just as bad, if we place ourselves on our human point of view, very different, however, when we consider the plant life of its own internal connections. We also put this immigration ever more weight on than he deserves (VI). 7) When it is claimed that the plants have no soul because they have no freedom and voluntary movement, so not really paying attention either to the facts, which have such freedom in the plant but recognize in a similar sense as in animals, or required by the plant something you can not find in animals by real freedom of but also with animals probably can not speak (VII). 8) If the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom boundaries by an intermediate realm together, where the differences between the two are ambiguous, but contains both the imperfect plants than animals, this intermediate realm, can the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom not simply as to an inferior subordinate, as they would rather of the between kingdoms through the higher plants begin to rise again. This and the fact that the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom in Genesis have the same date of creation, suggests that one will not simply subordinate to the others in regard to the animation (XII). 9) Missing are the signs of centralization, linking unit or separate accounts in the plant organism as a condition or expression of the unity and individuality of the soul, one sees again not on the right points, or demands things from the plants that are in the animals not found (XIII).
3) Da die Pflanzen weder Nerven noch hnliche Sinnesorgane zur Empfindung haben wie die Tiere, beweist doch nichts gegen ihr Empfinden, da sie auch anderes, wozu das Tier der Nerven und besonders gearteter Organe bedarf, ohne Nerven und hnliche Organe nur in anderer Form zu leisten vermgen; berhaupt aber der Schlu, da die besondere Form der tierischen Nerven und Sinnesorgane zur Empfindung ntig sei, auf unhaltbaren Grnden beruht (III. XIV.).

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10) It is likely that the mental life of plants, a purely sensuous is much more than that of the animals, which, if not reason and self-consciousness, but still memories of

the past and anticipation of the future have, during the plant life probably in survival with the presence rises, therefore, without going up in the Allgemeinbeseelung. But instead of the less developed sense of life of the plants than would be the animals, it may be more developed (XIV).

XVIII. Still some occasional thoughts.

After I finished work, I will sit down in front of the door and a bit of a chat to the other. Do well I remember what an impression it made on me when I for the first time out of the dark room without a blindfold over the eyes in the blooming garden came after several years of eye disease That seemed to me a sight beautiful about the human addition, each flower shone towards me in a peculiar clarity, as if they throw some light into the outer light of its own. The whole garden seemed as if transfigured myself, as if I do not, but nature would be reborn, and so I thought it only applies to open the eyes fresh to let the natural grown old are young again. Yes you will not believe how new and lively nature confronts the man who himself 'confronts her with new August The image of the garden accompanied me back into the dim room, but it was only in the dim bright and beautiful, and I felt at once an inner light as the source of the external clarity to see the flowers, and colors to be seen in mentally affect the only appeared in the exterior. At that time I had no doubt that I could see his own soul lights the flowers, and thought in strange ecstatic mood: so it looks in the garden, which is behind the boards of the world, and all the earth and all the body of the earth is only the final fence to this garden for the still standing outside. Imagine once before you had a half long night at the North Pole spent, and in the long time almost forgotten, like a tree, a flower looks just always barren snow and saw ice fields, and would suddenly into a sunlit from mild light blooming garden added and stndest about how I, first in front of a line of high dahlias, you would not find it too light and wonderfully imagined behind this jewelry, this glory, this joy is something more than common Bast and water? Faded that bright image, like so many things in my outer and inner eye did that first time with a kind of showers that are no longer fall within the abgeftumpften the daily enjoyment of the light sense, the plants were, how my eyes got used to re- to the ordinary, earthly, vacuous, vain creatures that they are all up in the dreamy views of the water lily, the flowers soul alive again introduced myself and reminded me of some business, I now met. But certainly an echo of that first time was there, and so, I think this book would hardly have been written, was not one day when my eye out into the night and then suddenly returned back to the light. Now I have spent many an hour with what pleased me so in a few bright notes to the mind, and to make clear the understanding and other mental accessible, and many senses, not without effort it cost me if I want to achieve it. How much was it because apart and merge again. And I had only taken the spirits of the flowers, they caught me

now grasp, and did not let me go again, and forced me to many different backwishers to remain in their service, and if today I spun the tow, the They hung me to the distaff, I was new to it tomorrow. So the thread has become so long. But now I am happy to have wrapped the end around the spindle, and folders just finally a few straps on to flutter into the open, with dark and light colors, just as it offered the day of the seriousness and serenity character of the whole work. I went to a funeral today for: A preacher stood at the tomb on the hill freshly excavated earth and talked about the spell (Kor I. 15, 36-37): "That you sow is not quickened, except it die: And. which you sow is not the body that shall be, but bare grain, namely wheat or the other one. " Two long palm branches removed from the coffin, leaning inside the railing that surrounded the tomb, and blew with green flags high above the black bars addition, a lot of wreaths, also previously adorned the coffin, hung around the bars. The loud speakers praised the virtues of the deceased, however, a bee flew around the wreaths, leis, but how buzzing angrily, looking at all the flowers, in no more finding what she was looking for, because the sources of the fragrance and sweetness were dried up; but a butterfly swung, unconcerned about the withering of his former joys sources, on the churchyard wall into the distance. On a wreath I saw droplets hanging to get it fresh, and want in a few eyes tears that dry well there and here soon, and then withered flowers and memories. A weeping willow over shadowed the neighboring grave, but their roots reached bitten into fresh grave, and it should seem new and not to grieve for nothing. A white board, wound of green ivy, called the gender of those who gathered here with their fathers. Thus the plant world celebrated with the funeral of a man. It occurred to me as I looked at the how much unconscious symbolism but into play here in the conscious of the people, and then, as it is peculiar that while man is the death of the plant itself takes so little to heart, they ensure become so involved in his death. But is also the fruit of the lemon and herb rosemary with to the grave, but some green garland follows the young girl in the grave himself with, but must always die a tree to include with his body the body of the people, and to decompose it. Now, however, knows nothing of the plant that in what they mittut here and suffers with the death of a human soul is, as man does not know about or want to know, that come with the plants and plant souls into this game. Yes does not interfere at all the life and death of people and plants allwrts confused, and yet know and greet the souls of both kingdoms not like people who inhabit one and the same great city, crowd confused and driving without racing each other and to greet. Is not that a sad fragmented nature of the soul realms? Yes sad when it is the way we imagine it mostly. But I think a higher knowledge will give it well, that the people and plants and all souls fate thinks interrelated, so sets himself in relationship. For this knowledge it will be less about how the branches of palm trees, wreaths, flowers, trees, bees, butterflies, outwardly exclude the coffin and the grave, but as the souls of the palm, which made the branches, and the flowers that go with the grave, and to exclude the trees that stand around the grave, and the flowers that grow back over the grave, and the bees and butterflies flying around the flowers and the human soul in its way home. And how knowing this essence the spectacle seems genehmsten on, it will

be ordered by him in seeing face to face. But we see everything only piecemeal as through a glass darkly, and when a symbolic ray of light which falls into our soul, we mean even now, it must have fallen from our soul. Although not always play flowers, plants the same role in the death of people like us. Savages slaughter instead of flowers, plants, rather, horses, sheep, dogs to the grave or sacrifice them to the grave. But there's just like lying. A great lady befitting's not at all to travel without a child entourage in foreign country. So shall also the mistress of the earth, the human soul, do not travel without retinue of other lower souls into the kingdom of heaven. Now she takes here animal, plant there with souls. But why in our souls just plants? Is it about it, that in Christianity although of a paradise garden beyond is mentioned, but not in animals? Now every human soul should also bring their contribution to souls of flowers. To animals, it is not to do. Only the butterfly should fly with symbolic, it would like the flowers in the garden even on high souls otherwise be too lonely, and the sky is supposed to be a heaven for them. Among the Greeks it was a little different here than at home. Since body and bodily life itself still had a thriving importance to them, as they laid the body of the man himself as a flower on top of the wood, and tree and body went together in fiery flames skyward to the abode of the gods. With us, where the view of life and life itself is woody, it also includes the body like a dead worm in the dead wood to feed other worms, and shall only externally flowers on the coffin and the grave. So it went from life to the point of death so much nicer with the Greeks than with us. But only so much nicer sensual, however, probably much nicer for us thoughtfully approaching Here I think of the beautiful Festival of the Dead, which is celebrated annually in Leipzig John. As anyone who has someone sleeping in the churchyard goes, he still thinks in love, go to his grave wreaths, and he who has none to crown, goes to see the wreaths and garlands ends. Since everything is on the otherwise deserted farmland colorful and lively and urges confused and comes and goes, a vibrant society of nursing. Only in the evening's is also up again silent and empty, leaving only the wreaths to wither mindful of their determination. How much beautiful garlands and wreaths can be seen there. As at a ball the living want to beat the jewels, so try it now the graves. But the most beautiful flowers and wreaths soon we forget, the individual who can remember? Only a simple clover Blmchen I can not forget that we met on a green grave lying lonely after so many richly decorated tombs. The soul was certainly different from the others that the modest flowers gave its place among all the rich ornaments. I would not like to close with grave thoughts, and I remember now like it, as the plants do not just assume tiresome, but also joyful Begegnissen the human world so much part and like the person owes them so much of his lust. Is not to say, the whole plant kingdom loop around like a beautiful arabesque and between the human kingdom through? The man himself grows out with all the splendor of his garments, and especially artful device as half his body from the bottom of the plant world, and

grow again from the top towards the flowers and grapes long afterward the hand, the longing mouth. And over all this hovers the most beautiful fragrance poetic relationships. Where there is a festival that is not embellished flowers where a poem, which they are not borrowed images where a gift whose value they vermchten not to multiply by ornament?The myrtle brings the garland to decorate the bride and the flowers come from all gardens brought to lie at her feet, the doors entwine themselves with colorful Blumenbehngen, let them through, and the wedding bitter boasts of the bouquet in his hands, on the flowers on table to wait again, and in the evening at the dance even as some flower on the chest and in the hair. - The Laurel managed the best honor, Forget reminds you of remembering; snowdrops attracts the children for the first time in the green forest, the first button says: Now the autumn comes, the Linde covers a green roof over the table in front of the home, the oak calls the Germans still in a strange land as their countryman. The pine cones and throws away their passes with golden apples and lights, and even how much beautiful gifts in the hall. So they now may also be the most beautiful in this holy Christ, the most beautiful, the best of the best to bring the poorest most.

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neuem Aug' entgegentritt.
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Ja man glaubt es nicht, wie neu und lebendig die Natur dem entgegentritt, der ihr selbst mit

All plant but in lowliness of their stay the memorial that it is a plant of God and before God, that his freedom is only in the band and they should only need the associations.

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