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ISBN 978-1-60089-102-1 All rights reserved Copyright 2007 by J. W. McKenna This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. Sizzler Editions/B&D A Renaissance E Book publication

Chapter One
I thought I was the one ultimately in control. How wrong I was! Now it's too late and my life is ruined. And it was mostly my fault. My wife was only partially responsible. I guess events just spiraled out of control for both of us. But let me back up and explain a little about us. We first met in college and I fell for her right away. We dated for years before I finally asked her to marry me. Now we're both thirty, married five years, no children. We're too busy with our careers to start a family, although we said we planned to some day. For now, she remains on the pill. My wife, Cindy, is a petite, beautiful blonde who keeps herself in good shape with regular exercise. She has natural C-cup breasts and keeps her pussy trimmed into a cute little triangle. She's sexy and energetic and I used to love making love to her. But over the years, what with work and money pressures, I guess our marriage had become a bit dull. We probably have made love maybe twice a month in the last year. I'm about five-ten, curly brown hair, and probably average in most aspects. How she wound up with me, I don't know. But I like to think I treated her right. Little did I know. All in all, we were a typical American couple, both working hard, living beyond our means. Cindy works as a teller in a bank and I am a middle manager in an office supply company. Maybe we were striving so hard for the things we didn't have that we didn't pay attention to the things we did. My world turned upside down one Friday in May. I had come home early from work and was surprised to see Cindy's car in the driveway. It wasn't like her to leave work before five-thirty and I wondered if she was feeling ill. Parked in the street was a car I didn't recognize. I didn't pay it much attention as I went inside. I started to call out her name when I heard noises coming from our bedroom. With a growing horror, I went to the partially opened door and pushed it wide. There, on our marital bed, Cindy lay under a muscular black man, getting royally fucked. There's no polite way to say it. Her knees were wide apart, her heels resting on his hips and she was thrusting in rhythm with him, making little noises in her throat. If she saw me, she didn't react she was far too gone into her pre-orgasmic state to have cognitive thought. I stared as this man continued to plow her. His thick black snake plunged in between her creamy thighs, drawing moans and gasps from her. Cindy's mouth was half open and her eyes seemed glazed with pleasure. Clearly,

she wasn't being raped. The man noticed me but he didn't stop his movements at all. He just smiled at me. Ha, I thought, smile at this! and I went to the nightstand next to the bed to pull out my pistol I kept there. I had to come close, no more than three feet from my cheating spouse and I could smell the heavy scent of sex. This close, it was hard not to make a mental comparison between the size of his cock and my rather ordinary one. It was not only long, but thick and Cindy was enjoying every inch of it. The man made no move to stop me as I pulled open the drawer. But the gun wasn't there. "Looking for this?" he asked calmly, sliding my gun out from under the pillow to his left. He never stopped fucking my wife and she never stopped her vocalizations. I staggered back a few steps, but he didn't pick up the gun. He just grinned at me. "We're almost done," he said casually. "Why don't you go wait in the living room and I'll be out in a minute." With that, he returned his attention to my wife. I stared at her, thinking she would come to her senses and push him off of her. Maybe she would beg my forgiveness. But she did nothing she seemed helpless under his onslaught. Her entire being seemed focused on his cock that was plowing her pussy mercilessly. Although he was bigger than I was and in better shape, I might have hurled myself at him except for a rather embarrassing fact: I was getting an erection. A huge one, in fact. It shamed me that I would be turned on by such a sight and I also didn't want him making any comparisons himself, for he would find me wanting. Up until this point, mind you, I had always believed I was of "average" to "above average" in size. But I had nothing on this fella. So I retreated. I went and sat on the couch. I should have left, but I found myself mesmerized by the sounds of their love-making. Cindy made increasingly louder noises as she climbed toward her orgasm. Certainly, she made noises when we made love, but listening to them now, I wondered if maybe she hadn't been faking it a bit for me. The noises I was hearing were full-throated sounds of pleasure, unmistakably genuine. Finally, she climaxed, a long, shrieking coda that made me wince. Why I continued to sit there, I don't know, but all I could think about was fucking her myself, after he was done. My rock-hard cock sure wanted to. Was that sick and twisted or what?

Ten minutes passed and the black man came out, fully dressed in a suit, the collar of his blue dress shirt opened at the neck. I could tell he was two or three inches taller than me and probably outweighed me by forty pounds. He had close-cropped hair, white teeth and he looked a little bit like Jaime Fox. He carried my gun loosely in his left hand. That concerned me was he planning to shoot me so he could keep Cindy all to himself? He sat in an upholstered chair across from me and lay the gun casually down on a small end table. I hunched over a bit more and mentally willed my erection to fade. "I'm Darnell," he said. "I suppose you have a lot of questions." His voice was quiet, cultured. It was obvious he was well-educated and probably wealthy. I guessed Cindy met him through her work at the bank. I nodded, unable to speak. It surprised me that he seemed so damned calm about it. "Cindy and I work together at the bank," he said, confirming my suspicions. "The minute we spotted each other, we just felt this incredible attraction. I can't explain it any better than that. We both seemed to know, in that instant, that we would get together. Can you understand that?" I nodded again, for I had felt the same way when I first met her. She's a very sexy woman. We had made love on our second date. I couldn't get enough of her until about three years into our marriage, when the lust began to fade. The irony is, I knew Cindy had a strong sex drive it was stronger than mine. Up until this moment, I had always felt I was enough man for her. It was hard to realize that because I had allowed myself to become complacent, I had created a situation in which she found it necessary to satisfy her needs by having an affair. I also felt anger toward her she could've come to me and talked about it, before running to this stranger. I found my voice. "So, are you two going to run off together?" I felt strangely calm, contemplating the end of my marriage. Perhaps I was just numb with shock. Darnell shook his head. "No, man, it's not like that. I don't want to steal your wife away." "You just want to fuck her, right?" He nodded. "That's right." "I'm not going to stand for that." He pursed his lips. "That's up to you. And her. Anytime she tells me it's over, then it's

over." "And if I tell you it's over?" He just shook his head. "So you don't care about the fact that she's married. Or about her mind or her hopes and dreams. She's just a body to use." He shook his head again. "I care about her. More than you might think. She is an amazing woman. But I'm fully aware of the situation here. We're simply enjoying each other's company for a while. How long that lasts is unknown." He stood, leaving the gun on the table. "I think I'd better go, let you two talk things over." He moved toward the door. I eyed the gun. "Maybe I'll take that gun and shoot you before you make it across the lawn. Or shoot her." He turned and cocked his head at me. "I don't think you will. For one, you aren't the type. And two," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of copper casings, "I removed the bullets." "I have more." "Yes, I figured. If you're that determined to ruin your life as well as hers or mine, I can't stop you." He jiggled the bullets deliberately in his hand for a few seconds, then scattered them on a table near the door. "I realize this has been a shock for you. For that, I apologize. We'll talk later, OK?" And he left. I sat there, frozen. I heard his car door thunk close and the engine start. As the sound faded away down the street, I rose on shaky legs and went into the bedroom. My erection had eased, but only a little. I was still powerfully turned on and I wondered if maybe I was a little gay. How else to explain my visceral reaction to what I had just witnessed? Cindy lay sprawled on the bed in a post-coital doze. Her nipples were puckered and soft and the downy triangle below was damp. I could see a large wet spot between her legs and the image of Darnell thrusting into her leapt into my head. I closed my eyes and forced it away. She saw me and stirred, trying to blink away the glazed, satisfied look on her face. "Brian, I'm so sorry" She pushed herself up on her elbows.

"Don't," I said, holding up a hand. There was nothing she could say that would make me feel better. In fact, I realized with sudden clarity there was only one thing I wanted. I began to strip off my clothes. That seemed to get to her, for she watched me with wide eyes. She seemed to know not to say anything, that I wouldn't take no for an answer. When I was naked, I roughly grabbed her and pulled her down under me. She spread her legs and I thrust into her at once. She was slippery and hot and it drove me wild. I became a madman, thrusting and grunting, knowing that I was thrusting into her pussy that was full of Darnell's seed. I wanted to prove something, and I'm not sure what. My efforts were not in vain, for Cindy responded and began her vocal encouragement. Mentally, I matched her energy and volume to what I had heard earlier and found she seemed to be enjoying me as much as she had him. We rode together toward the heavens. I was pounding my cock into her and she had to hang on for dear life. When I climaxed, it felt as if all my energy passed from me to her. My own seed shot into her. The power of it stunned me and I collapsed over her. Cindy clung to me and gasped in relief, murmuring her love for me. I was too exhausted to be angry, so I just accepted it. My thoughts were all jumbled and at that moment, I wasn't sure how I felt. By all rights, I should be furious and perhaps that's why I had made love to her so forcefully. But I was also pleased that I could make her respond the same way Darnell had. After a few minutes, I pulled away and lay there, watching her. Her breasts rose and fell as she regained her composure. Finally, she sat up and adjusted the pillows behind her, then leaned back against the headboard and gathered part of the sheet around her. "Please don't hate me," she began. "I don't hate you. I'm very disappointed, but I don't hate you. How could you do this?" "I know. I'm terrible. I can't really explain it. The moment I saw him, I knew we would fuck. It was like bigger than both of us." It was the same thing Darnell had said. "I've felt that way too, with some of the women I've seen," I said, "but I've never acted on it." That was only partially true most of the women I was attracted to probably wouldn't have given me the time of

day. "If you felt it the way I did, you would've." I stubbornly shook my head. "I don't think I would've. I like to think I would honor my marriage vows." Cindy had the decency to look ashamed. "I'm sorry, Brian, I really am. I didn't want to hurt you." "Well, you have." She tucked the sheet up under her breasts and I had the sudden urge to take her again, but I was spent. "I think you're just saying what you think you should say, as a man and a husband." "What does that mean?" "Come on, the way you just fucked me? That was all lust and" she seemed to search for the right word. "Anger?" "Yes, maybe. You've never made love to me like that before." "I was always respectful of you before, that's why." She nodded. "But sometimes, I don't need respect. I just need to be fucked." "Raped, you mean?" She shook her head. "Not really. Or maybe yes, I don't know. There's just something about the raw power of it that's intoxicating." "So you liked Darnell better because he's more powerful?" "Don't make this a comparison. I don't love you any less. But yes, he represents something forbidden. Animalistic, maybe." "And you need that." "I think all women need that." "Oh, so now you speak for all women?"

"I know you're angry. You have a right to be. There's no way to explain this away. I just hope you understand that Darnell and I, well it was just something that overtook us." "I'll remember that the next time I go out and fuck someone." She put a hand on my arm. "And I wouldn't blame you. If you have the chance, go for it." I was shocked. "So you'd just throw away five years of marriage, just like that?" "Not at all. I want to stay with you. I want to make love to you. But I also understand that what I did was very wrong and that you have a right to get even, if that's what you want." It wasn't what I wanted, although I toyed with the idea for a while. "And what if I did that and found someone I wanted to run off and marry?" "This isn't about marriage, Brian. It's about fucking." "Sometimes, it's hard to keep the two apart." "I know. But I want you to know: I have no desire to run off with Darnell." She says that now, I thought. Will she change her mind later? "So I can fuck anyone I want. Great. But no matter what I say or how I feel, you're going to fuck Darnell again." She studied me for a long moment. "Yes," she said simply. "He's like the alpha male in a romance novel can you understand that? When I read those books, I can imagine how it might be to be taken by a man who comes in and sweeps you off your feet. I never thought it would happen to me." "I thought I swept you off your feet." "You do! That's why I married you. You're a good husband and provider. And I know you'll make a great dad. But Darnell, well, he represents a fantasy of mine. It's fun to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in it." Despite my anger and shock, I was beginning to understand her. "Because if the fantasy became reality, it would ruin it?" "Exactly."

"I don't really understand why." She paused. "I think it's because it would just be too intense. I couldn't take it. It might change me." "Change you?" I imagined her becoming some sort of wild sexy beast. "Yes." "Change you how?" "When I'm with him, I find myself obeying him. I'm not sure I can explain it right." "Obeying him? Like if he tells you to jump off a cliff, you'll do it?" "No, not like that. Mostly in sexual things. What to wear, how to behave, when to make love, what to do in bed those kinds of things." I didn't know quite what to make of that. She certainly never obeyed me in the same way. I decided not to press that for the time being, although I was determined to explore it later. "So let's say, for the sake of argument, that we had this 'open marriage'. How long before one or both of us would become insanely jealous? Or find we like someone else better?" I shook my head sadly. "There's a reason why society tells us to be monogamous." "I know. I would hate it if you left me for another woman." "Then why flaunt this in front of me? What man could stand this?" "I'm trying to be honest here, Brian. I could lie to you and tell you I'll end it. And it probably will burn out on its own, eventually. But I'm not prepared to say no to him right now. When he looks at me, I'm helpless to stop him." "How long has this been going on?" "Just a couple weeks. We've only fucked three times." "Oh, boy. Lucky me." She changed the subject. "You must've liked seeing me fuck him a little bit." "Why? Because I fucked you like he did, afterwards?" "Yes. And it was wonderful. Come on, tell me you weren't turned on."

I shrugged. "I don't know why that was. I can't explain it." "Well, I loved it. You can fuck me like that anytime." "What, you mean, after Darnell is done with you? Sloppy seconds?" I felt my cock rise again and I shifted my thigh to hide it. What was wrong with me? "Yeah," she said simply and reached down to encircle my semi-hard cock with her hand. It stiffened further. I wasn't ready to give in. "What if we decide to have a child and you go off the pill. Are you going to keep fucking him and risk having his baby?" She leaned forward, touching my face with her free hand. It felt good. Both hands felt good. "I wouldn't ask you to raise another man's baby, Brian. I don't want to get pregnant by anyone but you, when the time comes." So there it was. The choices lay before me. She wasn't going to stop seeing him, but she wouldn't allow herself to get pregnant by him. I could leave her, although that's not what she said she wanted. And it certainly wasn't what I wanted. I could fuck other women and I could probably bring them home to fuck in front of her, if I chose. And I could fuck her after Darnell did, becoming a vicarious alpha male in the process. My head swam. Too many choices. None of them seemed right, yet how could I explain my erection? Clearly a part of me wanted it. I hated to admit it, but I liked seeing Cindy fucked by another man. Was that weird or what? An idea came to me that at first I rejected as just too strange. But it wouldn't go away. My cock told me it was the right decision, yet I hesitated to suggest it to Cindy, for it would put me in the position as a knowing cuckold. But she knew me too well and asked, "What?" "Well, since you aren't going to stop anyway, I thought of a compromise, of sorts." "Yes?" She sat up and her nipples hardened. It took all my willpower not to jump on her again right then. "You can fuck Darnell and I can fuck other women but only in each other's presence." She looked surprised. "You want to watch?"

I grimaced. "I don't know. Maybe I'll choose to leave you two alone and go in another room. But I reserve the right to watch. And, of course, the same would go for you, when I brought someone home." Frankly, I didn't know who I'd want to make love to, except Cindy. "Wow," she said, leaning back against the pillows. "Wow." Then she stared at me. "You won't get jealous and freak out on me?" "Not if you won't get jealous on me when I'm fucking some big-titted bimbo." A smile came to her lips and then she burst out laughing. "It's a deal." She shook her head. "Bimbo. I'd actually like to see you with a bimbo." I wasn't sure how to take that. Did she know I really had no desire for one? Was I just playing into her hands, being a fool? The future flashed before my eyes and I could see myself watching or listening to Darnell plow my woman as I sat alone and dateless, just waiting for my turn. Was that really my destiny? At the moment, I didn't care. I yanked the covers off of Cindy and she squealed as I pounced on her. I drove my rock-hard cock into her and fucked her just as wildly as I had moments before. She climaxed noisily and it made me feel like a man again.

Chapter Two
As we had agreed, Darnell came by Saturday night. We were both polite he even shook my hand. I don't know what Cindy had said to him, but he clearly understood we were testing the waters of our new relationship. Cindy, wearing a conservative skirt and blouse under her apron, gave us each a peck on the cheek and left us alone while she busied herself in the kitchen, making us dinner. "I'm sorry about the shock, man," he said. "But I appreciate having me over like this." I shrugged. "I thought we should talk." He nodded. "I know." Small talk seemed to be the safest way to begin. "So, you met her at the bank?" "Yes, I'm a loan officer." Cindy was a teller. "Isn't that against the rules?" He smiled. "Are you going to turn me in?" "I'll think about it." "So this just started when you spotted her across the bank?" "Yeah. I'd never felt that way before. I must admit, this is all new to me." I wondered about that. "You mean, you haven't done this before?" "No way. Oh, don't get me wrong. I've snuck around before once in a while, but I've never come right out like this, you know, with an arrangement like this." "It is very strange for me too. I'm not sure I like it." "You must have come to some accommodation or you wouldn't have had me over, right?" "Let's just say it's a work in progress," I told him. "Can I ask why you agreed to this?" "She said she wouldn't stop seeing you." Actually that wasn't right. "I mean, she said

she couldn't stop seeing you." He gave me a sly grin. "Your wife is something else, man." "I know. I don't want to lose her." He held up both hands, palms out. "Oh, I don't want you to, either. I'm not looking to have her all to myself." "You have the best deal, then. All of the pleasure, none of the pain." He had the decency to look sheepish. But I was curious about one thing. "Darnell, tell me, what is it that makes Cindy so ga-ga over you? And I'm talking about beyond your pretty boy looks." And your big cock, I thought. He nodded. "Ahh, you'd like to know my secret?" "If it is a secret, yes." "It's not really. I've just learned that women really go for a guy who can be, um, 'dangerous', you know what I mean?" "I don't understand that. I thought women outgrew that when they got married. Don't they want good safe husband material?" "Women are a contradiction. They want both. Cindy, for example, wants you because you're a solid, dependable guy that she can have kids with and grow old with. But she likes me because I represent the opposite of that in a very forceful way." "Yeah, but how do get away with that? I couldn't." He shrugged. "I don't really know. It's just the way I am. Maybe it's because I don't let a woman get the better of me. By that I mean, with me, she knows who's the boss. There's no equality of the sexes around me." "That's funny, because women have complained for years that they want to be equal in all things." "Yeah, isn't it? They got what they wanted and realized that took all the fun out of romance. They want to be owned, controlled, used. But in a nice way." He flashed a smile.

"In a nice way, huh?" I didn't quite get it. "Well, they don't want to be really hurt. They just like the danger of it. The submission. That they're so sexy, a man can't keep his hands off of them." "So I'm boring, then." "In that way, maybe so. But ultimately, you win, you see? It's good for you because it means you really can't lose Cindy to me." "I just have to let you fuck her regularly." "I'm probably just a flash in the pan. Either she or I will move on, eventually. Just consider me a phase she's going through." "Yeah, but in the meantime, it makes me feel inadequate, somehow." "You shouldn't because we both know you'll wind up with her, if you don't blow it by shooting one or both of us." He grinned. "If she were actually married to me, I think she'd quickly grow tired of the intensity and would start to rebel against my authority." "OK, I think I'm beginning to get it now." He paused. "I guess we should establish the ground rules." "Ground rules?" Were there such things in a situation like this? "Yeah. I'm not going to change my attitude or behavior because you're here. I'm going to touch your wife in front of you and make her feel sexy and helpless. You can even watch us fuck, if you've a mind to. What you need to remember is that she needs you to fall back on, after I'm done." "You mean, I get sloppy seconds?" He shrugged. "If you want to. I'm not going to criticize you in any way for what you want to do after I've fucked her. I may even just leave you two alone, afterwards. Like I said, I'm not trying to ruin what you've got, I'm just not going to change who I am." "So I can take it or leave it." I wasn't sure I liked that. "It would be better if you embraced the situation. Who knows, you might learn a lot about your wife."

That made me think. Maybe I could wind up replacing guys like Darnell in her mind and between her legs. I could be the "dangerous" man as well as the good husband. Could I do that? I wasn't sure. I filed that all away for later. "All right," I nodded. "Let's see how it plays out." He started for the kitchen. "But," I said, putting a hand on his muscular bicep, "I reserve the right to shoot you later." I grinned when I said it and he smiled back. "Watch and learn, grasshopper," he said and I followed him into the kitchen. "Smells good," Darnell said to Cindy, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. She squealed and tried to escape, but he held her tight. I saw his right hand dip down and squeeze her ass check. She wiggled it in response. "Please, Darnell, not in front of Brian!" I could tell she was just saying that to test my reaction. I said nothing. I wanted to see how Darnell controlled her. He ignored her, of course. He spun her around and held her close to his chest, using both hands to cup her ass and grind her pussy up against his erection. She wiggled, but she couldn't get free. "You'll make me burn dinner," she said softly. "I'll let you go, but you have to do something for me." "What's that?" She asked, looking up at him. His broad shoulders prevented me from seeing her face, so I moved around until I could observe her in profile. Her head barely reached his chin. "Take off your clothes. You can put the apron back on, but I want you naked underneath it." She looked over at me, her eyes wide. I could imagine her thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?" "You guys, um, talked about this?" "Ohh, looks like you need to be taught a lesson," he said. He spun her around and pressed her up against the counter. He stepped to the side and used his big right hand to swat her across her bottom. It shocked me, but I could see he wasn't hitting her too hard. Just hard enough to get her attention. Whack! Whack! Whack! The blows fell as she wiggled and cried out.

When he stopped, Cindy was panting and pleading. "OK, OK, I'll do it!" she said. Darnell let her go. She stood up and faced us, her body trembling. She started to walk past him toward the bedroom but he simply held out an arm and shook his head. "You want me to strip, right here?" He nodded. She glanced at the stove. "Let me turn down the heat first." "No," he said at once. I realized at that moment that I would've let her and it would've been the wrong thing to do. Don't allow her to dictate terms. She could either hurry up and disrobe in front of us or burn dinner. I had to admit, I was impressed. She shrugged off the apron and began stripping down, one eye on the stove where two pots bubbled. Her finger shook as she unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders. "Give your clothes to Brian," Darnell said and she nodded and handed it over. She unclasped her bra and bunched it up in her hand before passing it to me. Her nipples were already at full attention. Her skirt was next, and she passed it to me, leaving her in sandals and sexy pink underwear. Her eyes pleaded Darnell for some relief, but he merely shook his head. Soon the underwear dropped to the floor and she bent over to pick it up. I could see faint red marks on her ass where he had spanked her. Her hand shook as she gave them to me. "Sandals too?" He nodded. She kicked them off into a corner. Cindy reached for her apron but Darnell slapped her ass and she jumped upright, her eyes questioning him. "I said, give your clothes to Brian." She retrieved her shoes and passed them to me. It was strange, seeing my demure little wife do everything this big tough black man told her to do. And highly arousing. Already my cock was pressing against my pants. I dropped her clothes on the

kitchen table. Cindy got the apron and slipped it on, sighing gratefully to be able to cover herself at least partially. Her breasts showed from each side and her cute butt was an inviting target. I wanted to spank it myself but dared not to while he was controlling her. She returned to the stove and stirred the pots. I could see her ass cheeks jiggle as she flexed her calves. Darnell stepped forward and caressed her bottom. "This is how I like to see you, honey. Barefoot, naked and making my dinner." Cindy shivered at his touch. I wanted nothing more than to push him out of the way and fuck her, right then and there. But I waited, eager to see what else might transpire. For the first time, I was beginning to see how handy it was to have Darnell around. "Are-are you OK with this, Brian?" she asked as Darnell continued to rub up against her. His cock seemed huge in his pants. "Shhh," he said to her, reaching around underneath her apron to press his hand over her mound. "Don't talk to him, talk to me." His hand moved in small circles and she pressed herself against his chest and sighed. "Ohh, you're going to make me come," she said, her eyes closing and her head lolling back against his shoulder. "Maybe I will, right in front of your husband. That will make you a real slut, won't it?" His hand kept moving underneath the apron. She nodded dreamily and her mouth came open. Suddenly, he slapped her mound and her eyes flew open. "Ow!" "Finish making dinner, I'm starved," he said and laughed. Flustered, she returned her attention to the stove as Darnell moved away. "How about a beer, Brian?" "Sure," I said. I realized it was as if he were the host. Which in a way, he was. He controlled my wife, why not my refrigerator too? We drank our beers and watched Cindy's butt bounce around as she finished dinner. She shooed us into the dining room and brought out plates of food for us. When we were seated, she started to sit as well, but Darnell help up a hand. She paused, frozen, her eyes a little unfocused.

"Yes, Darnell?" "You don't need an apron anymore. Take it off." She glanced over at me but I kept my face neutral. She untied the apron and hung it over the chair. She stood naked in the dining room, her nipples erect in the cool air, awaiting further instructions. I thought I could see a sheen of moisture between her legs. "I don't want you over there," he said, pointing to her plate to his right. "I'm righthanded, so I want you over here by my left." She nodded and picked up her plate and brought it around to his other side. She pulled out the chair, preparing to sit, but Darnell grabbed the back and said, "No, just move it aside and stand. I want to be able to touch you." Cindy did as he asked, her eyes never leaving mine. She raised her plate up and used her fork to take a bite, her body shivering a little as his left hand came out and touched her hip. He began to move his hand all over her ass and thighs, all the while eating with his right hand as if nothing unusual was happening. Cindy could barely concentrate on her dinner. "Move your legs apart more," he said casually, like one might ask someone to pass the salt. She did and soon his fingers found her slit. I could see how the wetness quickly coated his fingers. "Oh my god," she whispered. "What was that, my dear?" "I can't eat like this," she said quietly. "You're going to make me drop my plate." "If you did, I would have to spank you with my belt while Brian watched." She closed her eyes and moaned softly. But she kept her plate steady. I noticed that she no longer was trying to eat. Darnell and I ate, although I hardly saw my food. I was too busy watching his fingers rub back and forth against her sloppy wetness, causing her to shudder with desire. "Hand me your bread," he said and her eyes flew open.

I could imagine what she was thinking. Sure enough, he took the piece of bread with his left hand and brought it up between her legs, rubbing it against her, coating it with her juices. Then he handed it back to her and told her to eat it. She put the corner in her mouth and chewed slowly, her eyes wide as if begging me to say something. Ha! Like I would ever do that. I was fascinated by how different she was with him, how wanton and sexy. I don't think I had never seen this woman before. We managed to finish our dinners, although it was a close call for Cindy. She nearly dropped her plate a couple of times, but she never was allowed to climax. He kept her on the edge throughout. There was a look of desperation on her face when he finally pulled his hand away. "You may clean up," he told her and she seemed grateful to be allowed to go into the kitchen for a breather. She started to grab the apron but Darnell put his hand on it and shook his head. "You see?" he said to me when she was gone. I nodded. "It's really quite amazing. She would never have done that with me." "But she wanted to, deep down. And she most certainly will, if you acted in a dominant manner. The mistake most men make is they either don't go far enough or they go too far." Yes, that made sense, I thought. Not enough and you were "too nice" and didn't excite that bad girl in her. Go too far and you were nothing more than an abuser. "How do you know how far is too far?" He shrugged. "Just a feeling. You can see it in their eyes. Of course, it always helps to have a safe word." Of course. "Do you have a safe word for Cindy?" He shook his head. "No, because you are her safe word." He winked. I had to chuckle at that. And I felt rather foolish. If I felt this was going too far, I could protest and he'd probably stop. That gave me some measure of control that I felt I had lost and it made me feel better. Still, this was all too new to me. I must've lived a sheltered life. I was learning a lot about my wife and about women in general. "You know," I told him. "This has gone way beyond you wanting to come over and

boink my wife now and again, hasn't it?" His gaze was steady. "Yes. I'm showing you why she's attracted to me. I think you'll find it useful information." I nodded. This, in essence, was all foreplay. I was turned on, Cindy was turned on, and I could guess that Darnell was pretty damned excited as well. I found myself getting impatient for the next step. He moved to the couch and sat. I took the chair opposite him. "So, what's next?" He grinned. "Now I fuck her brains out. Would you like to watch?" I hesitated. Watching seemed, well, awkward. But I really wanted to. He seemed to sense my dilemma. "Oh, come on, you know you want to." I shrugged, happy to let him make the decision. I suppose he was dominating me as well as Cindy. When she returned, still naked, I expected Darnell would immediately take her back to our room, but instead he pulled her down onto his lap. She seemed embarrassed to be fondled by Darnell in front of me. Her eyes kept darting my way and it diminished her ability to let go. He wouldn't have any of it. "Now, don't you be looking at him," he said, his strong arms wrapping around her. She seemed breathless. One hand went down between her legs and she squealed and squeezed them together. He slapped her mound and she understood she should spread her legs, but she was shy. "You're asking for it, aren't you?" He growled and even I shivered a little at the commanding tenor of his voice. Darnell slipped his hands under her armpits, picked her right off the couch and stood as if she weighed nothing. She grew small and silent. He came over to me, put Cindy down two feet away and bent her over, thrusting her arms out toward me. I didn't know what to do and I was embarrassed by my erection. "Here, grab her arms," he said and I did, gripping her forearms.

Darnell made her move her feet apart. She looked so helpless, bent over and spread open for him. I wondered if he was going to fuck her right now, using me as a backstop. Instead, he slipped his belt from his pants. I gasped. Cindy gasped. "Now, hold her steady. I don't want her to move." He folded the belt in half. I almost put a stop to it. But I didn't for three reasons that came to me at once: I was curious to watch Darnell dominate my wife; her expression told me not to interfere; and my damned erection kept me frozen in place. And maybe there was a fourth reason: I couldn't stop Darnell if I tried. So I watched, bracing my elbows against the arms of the chair and holding Cindy in position as he stepped back and raised his belt. Whack! Cindy's eyes and mouth opened wide. She made an inarticulate noise in her throat, like a cry of the beast within. Whack! Tears filled her eyes and began to run down her face. Whack! "Please!" She cried out. Her expression was wondrous: A mixture of fear, pain and lust and lust appeared to be winning. Never in a million years would I have whipped my wife's ass like this. And yet, it was clear she was losing herself in it. My erection threatened to rip through my pants. "You need to learn that Brian won't save you," Darnell said. Whack! "Yes! I'm sorry!" Cindy's eyes were on mine and she was wigging her ass, trying to dodge his blows. "Don't you move!" She immediately stopped, her voice a whimper. "Please, sir." Sir? She called him sir? "That's better."

Whack! "Aaauuuughhhh!" For a moment, I thought she might have climaxed. I looked between her legs and could see her fluids running down both thighs. Darnell came close and began to rub her tortured flesh. "What have you learned, my pet?" "To obey you, sir." "And what else?" "That my husband can't stop you." Can't, or won't, I wondered. "Get down on your knees," he ordered. To me, he added, "You can let her go." I slowly released my grip as she eased down. "Now, move forward and unzip your husband's pants. Look at what your beating did to him." I was embarrassed that he would notice my erection and want to expose it. But I didn't stop Cindy when she unzipped me and freed it. Her eyes grew wide. Her fingers could barely encircle my cock. "Look at how hard it made him to see you whipped," he repeated. "Now you know that he won't save you. He likes seeing you learn your lessons." We were both frozen in place, held there by the command of his voice. "Now, stand up and turn around, show your husband your marks." She rose and once and I immediately missed having her hands on my cock. I had hoped Darnell would make her take it into her mouth. When she turned, I could see the angry red marks on her ass, the wetness below. As a husband, I should've been furious. I should've protected her. Instead, I could only sit and stare, my hard-on a spear between my legs. I imagined myself grabbing her and forcing her down on my cock. She would be so hot and wet for me. But I knew that Darnell was going to be the first man to fuck her tonight.

"Turn around, bend over and grab his arms again," he said and I knew he was going to fuck her right then and there. We gripped each others forearms with our hands, like trapeze artists, and she braced herself for what was to come. "Keep your eyes on his," he said as he unzipped his pants. She obeyed and her expression was one of lust and shame. I tried to keep focused on Cindy's face, but I couldn't help but glance over to see his huge cock erupt from his slacks. He bent at the knees so he could lay the length of it along her slit and rub the mushroom tip against it. It was obscene. His cock was quickly covered in her juices. He began to saw it back and forth, pressing up against her. Her eyes flickered with desire and her mouth came open. "Now, you watch your husband as he watches you get fucked by my big black cock. Spread your legs apart more." She obeyed at once, her eyes locked onto mine. I saw her lips move and I thought she was forming the word, "Sorry." Darnell pushed down on her back to better align her cunt to him. Her head dipped down briefly and we broke contact. I looked over her shoulder to see his cock bobbing up over her bright red ass. He pushed his invader down and steered it toward her slit. Cindy's face came up and I watched her expression as he began to thrust that monster inside of her. Her mouth opened wide, as if that would help ease its passage. The Cindy I new disappeared, replaced by a whore. Or a nymphomaniac. I could see the change in her face as Darnell's cock slipped in, inch by inch. She was owned by this spear of flesh. She would do anything for it. I knew in that moment that I had lost her. Whenever Darnell came around, she would obey him at the expense of our marriage. She might even have his baby. Whatever he asked of her, she would do. I could only go along for the ride. She gripped her hands tighter around my forearms and I responded by bracing myself and holding her steady. He was fully in her now and started to pull back and plunge forward again, his dark fingers making white marks where he held her hips. Cindy began making those same noises in her throat that I had heard from the previous day and her expression became one of dreamy acceptance. Her eyes looked through me. I seemed to fade in importance all that mattered was Darnell's cock and her approaching orgasm. With every inward thrust, she made a small sound in her throat, "Uhhuhhuhh" Her head dipped down, her ass remained high. I could see he was pounding her mercilessly, drawing his long cock out and slamming it home again, using his hands

to pull her toward him. Her face was inches from my own hard cock, but she paid it no attention. Once it even poked at her cheek and she merely moved her head aside a little as if it were a small annoyance. "Uhhuhhuhh" the noises continued. Darnell now began to speak, degrading her and me. "That's right, you bitch, take my cock. Your husband loves watching you get fucked. You slut. Look at you. Maybe I should invite some of my friends over to fuck you. Your husband won't stop me. He loves my black cock almost as much as you do." I was shocked, but he was probably right. I did love seeing what he was doing to my wife. But having others in? He was just talking, right? Their rhythm increased and I knew they were close. "Yeah, baby, yeah baby," Darnell said, thrusting hard. "Uhh-uhh-uhhh-" Suddenly, he thrust deep inside her and through my fingers on her arms, I could almost feel his cock erupting, shooting his seed into her womb. Her head came up and her eyes met mine at the precise moment she climaxed. It was shattering. She screamed as if she'd been shot and her whole body shook. I believe if she hadn't been held at both ends, she would've dropped to her knees like a rag doll. As it was, she sagged and Darnell and I both had to steady her. He pumped once more and she shuddered, another small orgasm rippling through her. For a moment, we were all frozen in place. Then Darnell spoke, maintaining his control. "I'm going to pull out now, but I don't want you to lose any of my precious seed," he said. Immediately, Cindy released her right hand and I let go as well. She brought it back between her legs. I watched as he pulled out and she squeezed her pussy lips closed with her fingers. "Don't move," he warned her. "Brian and I are going to change places." I knew this was my chance to fuck her, while she was still filled with his semen. I couldn't wait. She held herself in place against the arm of the chair with one hand while I eased out and got behind her. Darnell sat, his semi-hard cock still free, and steadied her.

"OK, slut, when he slips into you, you reach forward and brace yourself on my thighs. Then I want you to lean forward and clean off my cock while your husband fucks you." I slipped my cock in between her fingers and she let go when I was fully inside her. Some fluids dripped onto the carpet, as I could not fill her as well as he did. Still, I wasn't complaining. She felt so hot and wet, just like yesterday. I grabbed her sore ass and began to pound her, taking out my lust and some of my frustrations on her helpless body. She was busy slurping up Darnell's semi-hard cock and didn't seem to pay much attention to my efforts. Try as I might, I couldn't last as long as Darnell had. Watching her get fucked had kept me on the edge. I climaxed quickly, before she could reach another orgasm. I pressed up tight against her, feeling a bit inadequate. I had wanted to make her scream like Darnell had. Cindy's mouth was still wrapped around Darnell's meat. I started to pull out and he leaned down to whisper something in her ear. Her right hand came back immediately and trapped her pussy closed when I pulled free. I was actually pleased, thinking that our guest didn't want to make a mess on the rug. I expected he would order her to go into the bathroom to clean up. But what he said next shocked me. "Since you didn't make her come, I'll bet you'd like to eat her out and give her the orgasm she needs from you," he told me. I stared at him, my breath caught in my throat. I knew she was full of both of our semen and probably a lot more of his. Did I really want to put my mouth on her cunt and taste it? The answer, surprisingly, was yes. And yet, I had never had a gay thought in my life. So what was going on? I realized I loved the nastiness of it and I wanted to wallow in her defilement. If I couldn't dominate her like Darnell did, at least I could participate in her submissiveness, her degradation. I nodded at Darnell and grabbed Cindy about the waist, intending to take her to the couch and lay her down. But Darnell exerted his control once again. "No, kneel down between her legs. I'll hold her up from behind." He made her stand up as he got into position. His strong arms went around her, pressing her body back against his chest. I wanted to protest, for this seemed to be going too far. With my mouth below her slit, all that sperm would run into my throat. And yet, I didn't say anything. I meekly

got into position, her reddened pussy inches away, her fingers still tight against the hole. As I put my mouth against her, using my tongue to stimulate her clit, she pulled her fingers away. Immediately, my mouth was filled with a mixture of sperm and her lubricating fluids. Some went down my throat. The rest overflowed my mouth and spilled down my chin. I could feel it splatter on my shirt. I never stopped moving my tongue against her and was pleased to hear her start to make those same sounds she had when she'd been fucked by Darnell. "Uhhuhhuhh" Encouraged, I kept it up as more fluids flowed out. I swallowed, tasting a slight bitterness and realized that was Darnell's sperm. My own sperm had a sweeter flavor. It startled me that I could tell the difference. I tongued my wife until her voice rose in octaves and I sped up, despite the ache in my jaw. Soon, I was rewarded with her climax and she shuddered and sagged down, held up by Darnell's powerful arms. "Good job," he said and I found myself pleased. Only then did he allow Cindy to go clean up. He remained in the living room while I went into the kitchen and rinsed my mouth out. I also needed to change my shirt. When I came out, Cindy was sitting next to Darnell on the couch, wrapped in her robe. "Well, this has been fun, guys," he said. He seemed to know how awkward the situation had become, now that we'd all been satiated. He rose, kissed Cindy goodbye, gave me a wave, and was gone. Cindy and I sat on the couch and didn't say a word for several minutes. I think both of us were trying to figure out how to process what just happened to us. "Well," I finally said. "That was, um, strange." "Yeah." She didn't offer anything else. "How do you feel? You OK?" "I'm fine." I tried again. "Look, I think we need to talk about this." "Why? Won't it just lead to an argument?"

"No, why should it?" "Because you'll say we should stop. And I don't want to stop. No, that's not right. I don't think I can stop." Wow. What power Darnell held over her. "You don't know what I'll say." Truth was, she had been partially right. I did want to stop this, before I lost all control. Already I could feel her slipping away from me. Another part of me wanted to see some more of that mysterious submissive woman she had become. "I know you, Brian." "And I thought I knew you." "I told you I don't want to lose you. I know I'm asking a lot. I wish I could explain it better." "I saw how you were with him." "Yes, and you experienced some of it, too his power, his control." I didn't want to get into what was happening to me. I wanted to figure that out later. "Why does that attract you so much?" "If I could explain it, I would. It's like he's tapped into something deep within me, something I didn't even know was there." "You act like a completely different woman around him. Is that the woman you want to be?" "No. Yes. I don't know." She shivered. "I think this could easily get out of hand," I cautioned. "I mean, if you fall further under his spell" She just nodded but said nothing. Maybe it was already too late.

Chapter Three
I called Darnell at the bank the next day. "Darnell Washington." His voice was professional, neutral. "Hi, it's me, Brian. Brian Dean." "Oh, hello, Brian." He said nothing else. He was clearly waiting for me. I felt I had the advantage since he couldn't very well talk much at work. "I think I'm going to have to pull the plug on this," I said. "Oh, really?" "Yes. It's gone too far already." "Have you talked to her about it?" "A little bit." Which had gone nowhere. I hoped he would listen to reason and end it on his own. "Well, you do that and get back to me, all right?" "No. I saw how she was with you. It it worries me." I tried to ignore that part of me that said it excited me. "You didn't seemed opposed at the time." I felt a flush of embarrassment when my mind flashed back on me, squatting between Cindy's legs, feeling Darnell's sperm and mine trickling down my throat. "I got carried away. It won't happen again." "Sure it will." "No, we're done. I hope you honor that." "You don't have to participate." And there it was. I could opt out. They would continue, behind my back. "I hoped you would listen to reason. I would hate to have to call your boss at the bank." "Go ahead. But if I were you, I'd check with her first. I have another customer. I have to go." He hung up.

He was so maddening! I felt I could never get any leverage on him. Sure, I could call his boss and then what? If Darnell was doing well, they might opt to keep him and fire Cindy. Tellers weren't as valuable as loan officers. Or they might just decide not to interfere. But what really stopped me is what this would do to the relationship I still had with Cindy. I couldn't unilaterally try to break them up. Darnell was right I'd have to tell Cindy what I had planned before I risked both their jobs. When she came home that night, I met her at the door and kissed her. She responded with heat and it took me back. "Wow, that was nice." "Just my way of saying, I really appreciate you being so understanding." "Well, yeah, about that" She gave me a long look and went to fix a drink. I followed her. "Look, Cin, about the other night" She turned and took a sip of her martini. "Yes?" "It isn't right. I can't watch you go through that." What I was really thinking is, I'm not sure I can go through that myself. I'm starting to like it too much. "We've talked about this. You were being so understanding, too. I told you it will burn out, just let it." "I don't know if that's true." She paused. "What? That it will burn out?" "Yeah. I think it could overtake our marriage, ruin it." "Why do you say that?" "Come on, I saw you two together. He's got some kind of hold over you. It's not right." "Maybe that's what I like about it." "Clearly you do! But I don't like it." "You sure seemed to enjoy it before." I winced. She was saying the same thing as Darnell again. It embarrassed me all over again. "Yeah, well, that's because the experience was new. I was trying to go

along, see how I felt about it." "And you've decided you can't handle it." "Right. I mean, come on no husband could stand that!" She sipped her drink and didn't say anything for a few minutes. "Well?" I prompted. "Well, what? You've stated your position. I hear you." "Will you stop?" "I can't. Not right now." "Wait! We had a deal you'd only fuck him when I was around." She shrugged. "It seemed like a good compromise. But now you say you want to end it." "So, then, what? You'll sneak around behind my back?" "If I have to. I'd prefer not to." I shook my head. "So then you're saying you're OK with a divorce." She shook her head sadly. "No. I told you. If you'd just be patient" "How can I be patient? Besides, I don't think you'll be stopping anytime soon." If ever, I thought. She put her drink down and approached me. She cupped both of her hands along my jaw. Her eyes bored into mine. "Honey, I know this is a terrible position to put you in. I know you're hurt and I'm sorry. But Darnell gives me something something I can't even define. If you decide to divorce me, I would be very sad, but I wouldn't stop you. I would probably go live with Darnell if he'd have me and fall further under his spell. And that scares me, in a way. I don't know what would happen to me, if I let him take complete control. You see, you're my safety net." I had a sudden vision of Cindy under Darnell's complete control: She'd be a slave, a slut, a sex object. He would parade her around in front of his friends. Maybe she'd be on a leash, naked. He would spank her regularly, making her cry and beg for mercy.

Or I could remain in her life and try to protect her. Or did I want to be one of those men that fucked her and degraded her? I sighed. "He really has that strong a hold on you?" "Right now he does. Sometimes I wish he didn't." "But what's to keep you from falling under his control anyway? Even if I'm there." What she said next chilled me. "I don't know. I'm hoping." A feeling of dread overcame me. "I can't do this, Cin. I don't want you to see him anymore. I think he's dangerous for you." She nodded. "He is. And I can't stop. Not right now." There was nothing more to be said. We ate dinner in near silence. Later, in bed, I tried to make love to her, but she just lay there, offering her body to me but not participating. I fucked her anyway and came, thinking about the other night. ***** Two days later, Cindy didn't come home from work. I called her cell phone and got her voice mail. I left a message. I knew where she was. Despite my opinions on the matter, she had decided to go home with Darnell anyway. Right now, in fact, she was probably fucking his brains out. Or being spanked. And I realized in that moment, she was right. If I wasn't there to act like some kind of safe word, Darnell might take her too far. He certainly seemed capable of it. She could be hurt. Or made to do things that she really didn't want to do. All because I couldn't get around my own ego. I didn't know where Darnell lived. I didn't know his phone number. Not that he'd answer anyway. It made me mad that I had allowed this to happen. All because I couldn't handle it. I decided right then to "man up" and be there for Cindy. For the rest of the evening, I paced, watched a little TV, called her cell and paced some more. She finally came home about ten-thirty, still wearing her business clothes, looking disheveled and wild-eyed. "What happened? What did he do to you?"

She just shook her head. She seemed shell-shocked. I grabbed her and eased her down on the couch. When I got close to her, I could smell the odor of sex on her. "Please! You're worrying me. What happened? Did he hurt you?" "No, Brian, he didn't hurt me," she said. "He just. It was." She seemed to have trouble talking about the details. "How do you feel about it, right now? Do you feel embarrassed? Ashamed? Madly in love with him?" "A little of all three." "What did he do to embarrass you?" "He he made me stay naked all evening. He had two of his friends come over." "What? Did they fuck you?" "No," she said, and I felt instant relief. "But they touched me. I I came, Brian. They made me come." "Did Darnell fuck you in front of them?" She nodded. "Afterwards. After they made me perform for them." "Perform? How so?" She shook her head. "I don't remember everything. They made me rub myself. They made me dance." She suddenly put her head down in shame. "What? What else?" Without a word, she stood and lifted her skirt. I knew she had worn pantyhose that morning, but they were gone now, as were her panties. I stared her pussy had been shaved bare! "They did that? They shaved you?" She nodded and dropped her skirt. I couldn't deny the raging hard-on I had at that moment. I wished I could've been there, not only to protect her, but also to watch how they made her "perform" for them. The next question came out before I could think about it. "Are you full of Darnell's sperm now, Cindy?"

She looked up sharply, tears in her eyes, and nodded. I wanted to fuck her right then. How could I do that, the way she was feeling. Would that make me a cad? "What else did they do? Did they spank you?" She nodded. "Show me." She turned around and lifted her skirt again. Her ass was bright red. He had used his belt on her again. "Is that how he made you obey? By spanking you?" "Yes, but" "But what?" "I would've obeyed him anyway." I couldn't stand it any more. I pushed her down on the couch and she squealed when her sore bottom hit the cushions. I could still smell Darnell on her. "Brian, Brian!" I ignored her. I unzipped my pants, freed my cock and thrust it into her in one quick motion. She gasped and threw her head back. I pounded her and she responded instantly, making noises in her throat and grabbing my arms tightly. She threw her legs up in the air to lift her sore bottom off the cushions. I trapped her thighs against my shoulders and fucked her like a madman. When I came, I felt her stiffen and cry out and I felt enormous gratitude that I had made her climax as well. "Oh, god, Brian! Oh god!" I held her and began to cry. So much for "manning up." She held me and whispered into my ear, telling me how much she loved me. I was the one who was supposed to be comforting her. With some difficulty, I reined in my emotions. I got off of her and helped her change positions so her sore ass wasn't directly on the cushions. "I'm sorry, hon. I'm OK now."

"It's all right. I understand." "I promise to be there for you from now on. We'll only have Darnell come over here, all right?" She stared at me. "What?" "He wants me to come by there again on Wednesday." "Well, tell him to forget it. He can come by here, if he wants to." "OK." She smiled. "I'm glad you're still with me. I'm afraid of what might happen if you left." "Yeah. But hon, I worry about you falling more under his control. Don't you want to extricate yourself?" She nodded. "Some day." She shivered again. I wanted to get back to the activities of her evening. "So they spanked you and shaved you and made you perform. Oh, and Darnell fucked you. Anything else I should know about?" She looked down and I knew there was more. "Come on, Cin. If you're not going to be honest with me, this won't work." She bit her lip. "Uh, Darnell wanted me to fuck them, but I said no. So he whipped me. I still said no. So he gave me a choice: He could let them both whip me or I could give them, um, blow jobs." Her faced turned red. I knew what was coming. "And you'd had enough whipping, right?" She nodded. More tears formed in her eyes. I found myself wishing I could've seen that. I pictured Cindy, naked between the legs of some anonymous black man, sucking on his hard cock until he spurted into her mouth and face. "Was it horrible?" "No-no, not really. I mean, I've done it before, for you and Darnell. It wasn't that much different." Her voice trailed off, then she said, "except" I jumped on it. "Except what?"

Her eyes met mine and I could see more tears flowing out. "Darnell" She caught her breath. "Darnell filmed it." I was stunned. "He filmed it!?" I wonder what he would do with it. Blackmail? Showing his friends at get-togethers? I could see him now: "Hey, look bros, look at the fine technique of this white bitch." They'd cheer and he'd say, "You want her to come over? All I have to do is call she can't say no to me." I was determined to get my hands on that tape. "Come on," I said. "Let's get you in the shower." She immediately shook her head. "Why not? You can't want to sleep like that!" "I I promised Darnell. He wants me to sleep with you, smelling of him." I just stared at her, unable to speak. But I didn't make her shower. Instead, I allowed her into our bed, smelling of another man. Furthermore, I fucked her before we went to sleep, imagining her with those men.

Chapter Four
Wednesday night, Darnell came over, cool as you please. Cindy had arrived first, which gave us a chance to talk a while before he arrived. I had called him at the bank and told him to bring the tape. I had expected he would object, but he simply said, "Sure," in that maddingly calm voice of his. As soon as he came through the front door, I held out my hand. He put the compact cassette into it. "Is this the only copy?" "No," he said, stopping me in my tracks. "No? What do you mean? I wanted all the copies." "I uploaded it into my computer, with all my other videos." All his others? How many women was he fucking? "You can't do that. I want it destroyed." "It will be safe. I won't do anything with it. For now." I felt my anger building. "What does that mean?" "It means, you don't control the situation. You never did. I do. You best remember that." "I could report you! I'm sure the bank wouldn't like that!" He shrugged. "I'd find a new job. And I'd put your wife on the Internet." The threat was very real and I knew he'd do it. I wanted to ask Cindy how she could've allowed him to film her, but I knew she was helpless to say no to him. Especially after he had given her such a stark choice let my friends whip you or fuck you. When she tried to hold out against both bad options, he would've offered her a third alternative one that would not have sounded bad in comparison. I could see how he would've leaned down to her ear, when her ass was already bright red and she was crying. "Cindy," he would've whispered. "I'll let you up and I won't let them fuck you or whip you. But you've got to do something for them, all right?" She would've been grateful. "Yes, sir."

"I want you to put your pretty mouth around their cocks and let them come all over your face. Can you do that?" Cindy would've nodded at once, thinking she was getting off easy. When he brought out the video camera, she might've protested, but Darnell would have cooed, "OK, boys, get the belt" and she would've capitulated. I took the videotape and put it at once into the VCR and flicked on the TV. I suppose I should've waited, but I couldn't stand it another minute. I covered myself by saying, "I just want to make sure we have the right tape," but I doubt I fooled him. The blue screen faded into a close-up of Cindy's face, tear-streaked, with make-up running from her eyes. Her hand was holding a large black cock just inches away from her mouth and she was begging the cameraman. "Please, sir, don't film me. Don't let Brian see this." "Better get busy or these boys will get impatient," he said off-camera. She gave in and began to suck and after a few seconds, she really got into it. She treated it like it was Darnell's cock. Her hand kept working as she thrust her mouth down on the cock, while voices in the background encouraged her. Cindy heard the sounds of the tape and came into the living room, her face pale and a hand over her mouth. Darnell took one look at her and barked, "You're asking for it, ho." His hand went to his belt. His educated language had seemed to vanish. I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw Cindy take a step back in surprise and immediately begin stripping off her clothes. Darnell slid the belt from its loops and she hurried, nearly ripping the buttons off in her desire to comply. When she was naked, she stood there, quivering, her hands at her sides. I could see she was already wet. "Get down in front of the TV, hands and knees!" he barked and she jumped to obey. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry. I was making dinner" "I told you I want you naked when I come over or when you come over to my place. I won't ask you again." "Please, sir, please!"

"Now, I'll only give you five swats, since you're still learning. I want you to keep your eye on the TV, watch your slutty self suck those black dicks." I stood frozen, my hard-on a spear in my pants. My eyes went from Cindy, on all fours, her ass up, waiting, to the screen, where another Cindy was energetically sucking, her hand moving faster, trying to make a stranger's cock erupt. "Come on! Get that ass up. You know how to do it!" She arched her back, bringing her soft round ass up higher. There were still reddish marks from her whipping earlier in the week and I felt sorry for her. So why didn't I do anything? Because I secretly wanted to do this to her myself some day. Once we got Darnell out of the picture. Whack! Cindy groaned and rocked forward. Her eyes never left the screen. Whack! The screen version of her was really moving now, sucking and stroking, making guttural noises. From his words offscreen, the guy seemed close. Whack! The cock onscreen erupted, shooting a geyser of sperm up into her mouth. She choked and most of it ran down over her chin and onto her breasts. She struggled to swallow the rest. The camera panned her up and down, showing her breasts and face, splattered with come. When it panned down to her damp pussy, I could see she had already been shaved and for one perverse second, I wished he had captured that on film as well. "That was pitiful," the voice on the tape said. "You're supposed to swallow all a black man's jism." "I'm sorry, sir," she said, looking scared. "I'll do better." "You'd better. Leon here is next." Whack! Cindy groaned again, but it wasn't a groan of pain. It was lust, pure and simple. Watching herself on screen while getting whipped was turning her on!

Darnell noticed it too. "You like that, don't you? I want you to see this tape every day until I tell you otherwise. I want you to rub yourself but don't come. If you do, Brian here will tell me and maybe I'll let him administer the punishment, hmmm?" The one cock was pulled away and she was pushed toward another one between the legs of a man sitting on a couch. Cindy began all over again, although I could see now she was tired. She made an effort, but she was falling short, it was clear. The camera was passed over to another man and the image panned back. Now I could see Darnell in the scene. He was nude, his naked his hard cock jutting out from his muscular body. He got down on his knees behind Cindy. He grabbed his cock and began to rub it up and down her pussy. Cindy spread her knees apart more to accommodate him. I glanced back and Darnell was holding the belt, watching the screen. Cindy seemed to be entranced by it. I knew he owed her one more swat, but we all seemed frozen by the tape. "Now, slut, you want my big black cock?" Darnell said to Cindy on the tape. "Yeeesss," she moaned, wiggling her wet cunt along the shaft of his cock. "Then you'd better do a better job of sucking off Leon, or you'll get another whipping instead!" With renewed energy, Cindy began sucking the cock in earnest. Darnell kept teasing her pussy with his dick, rubbing it and rubbing it, driving her crazy. After a few minutes, Leon shouted from the background that he was close and Cindy, bless her heart, thrust her mouth down over the cock as he exploded. She swallowed and swallowed, only allowing a couple of drops of creamy seed to escape her mouth. "Good girl," Darnell said when she was done and pushed her over into Leon's lap. He thrust his big cock into her all at once. Her eyes flew open and a low moan escaped her mouth. I watched as Darnell fucked my wife and she loved it. Whack! We were both startled by Darnell's last blow. I jumped and Cindy gave a little cry. Then he was down behind her, rubbing her ass and telling her "what a good slut" she was. She put her head down on the carpet until Darnell told her to keep watching the tape.

Onscreen, Darnell pounded her and the camera panned up and down her body, giving us close-ups of her face, her tits jiggling and her bare cunt, where his thick black cock stroked her without letup. The camera had come back to her face when Darnell ejaculated inside her and it was obvious she had an orgasm as well. When he pulled out, he made her hold her pussy lips together, like before. "Now it's too bad your husband isn't here to help us out. I don't want my precious sperm going to waste." He made her stand and she was shaky. I thought she might fall over. "But since he isn't here, I'll give you a choice," he said. I dreaded his "choices" they were always degrading. "You can collect my sperm and swallow it or you can smear it all over your tits, stomach and pussy." "I'll smear it, sir." "OK, but if you do, you're not allowed to shower until tomorrow." "But, Brian" "That's right. Brian will smell me all over you. He'd better get used to it." I watched as she brought handfuls of his sperm up to her chest and smeared it all over her tits, stomach and down to her mound. She even reached around and wiped some on her ass. She must've done it four or five times before Darnell was satisfied. "Good. Now stay just like that all night. I'll know if you disobey me. And the punishment will be severe." She nodded, standing there naked in front of those three men. "Now, the next time I see you at home, you'd better be naked for me, you understand?" She nodded again and he said, "I can't hear you!" "Yes, sir!" "Yes, sir what?"

"I'll be naked for you!" "Good." The tape went to blue and I shut off. I stood there, stunned. I turned to Darnell. "This has got to stop." He laughed. "Your cock is saying something else, man." I twisted to the side, trying to hide my erection. He was right, of course. I wanted to fuck Cindy, just like he had on the tape. There must be something wrong with me. "Go ahead," he said, "fuck her. I'll let you go first tonight." I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to be compared to his cock. Would he laugh at me? "Come on," he encouraged. "Look at your slutty wife, just begging for it." So I did. I got down on my knees behind my naked wife, unzipped and thrust into her quickly. She gasped and Darnell chuckled. He went into the kitchen for a beer while I fucked my already well-fucked wife. I was so horny I couldn't stop and I came within minutes. From the noises she was making, I could tell she enjoyed it, but I don't think she came. Had she already been ruined by Darnell? Or was she just too embarrassed? When we were done, I zipped up and stood. Darnell handed me a beer. To Cindy, he said, "Now, go finish making our dinner." She stood up on shaky legs. I could see the mixture of my sperm and her juices coating the insides of both thighs. Without another word, she went into the kitchen. I turned to Darnell. He was his calm self. My emotions were much more confused. "I don't like this," I began again. He shrugged. "I think you do. Or at least, part of you does." "Yeah, OK, I like to fuck her, you know, when she's, uh, performing. I admit that." "I think it's more than that. You are amazed to see the girl you married." He took another swig of beer. "Tell me, when you married Cindy, did you ever think she'd act like such a slut?" I shook my head. "No, and I can hardly believe it now."

"See, that's the thing. I took one look at her at the bank and I knew there was a sexy submissive just dying to be released." "I don't get that." "That's because you're not dominant." I started to speak and he held up his hand. "Oh, there's no shame in it. It doesn't make you less of a man or anything. Being dominant is, well, I guess you're just born that way." "So it's not a black thing, then, huh?" He laughed. "No, man, it's not a black thing. In fact, it's not even a man thing. I'm sure you've seen videos on the net of domme women." I nodded. Yes, there were men who liked to be submissive. I couldn't quite see it myself. So what was I, then? I knew I was allowing Darnell to dominate me, at least a little bit. Or was I simply happy to go along because of what he was doing to my wife? "That's what's difficult," I said. "Part of me likes it, sure, but part of me rebels against the domination you try to force on me." He nodded. "I'm only doing what you like to do. You can't deny that." Shit. He did seem to have my number. "But what about your friends, the other night? That worries me. I don't want her going around fucking everybody you know." He chuckled. "Well, one, they didn't fuck her. And two, I saw your face when you watched her with those guys. You loved it." I took another sip of beer, thinking. "Yeah, I did," I admitted. "But that doesn't mean I want her fucking strangers. I don't want her catching something." "Look, I know my friends are clean. She won't catch anything from them. But I also know you're worried about her getting hurt. So how about this: no one but me and you will fuck her without a condom unless you say it's OK, all right?" And there it was. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But I wasn't done yet. "And one more thing. I gotta be there. I don't want her going over to your house alone anymore."

He clinked the neck of his beer bottle to mine. "Deal," he said. When dinner was served, Darnell and I ate at the table. Cindy knelt as his feet, naked, and was fed scraps from his hand. We discussed her as if she couldn't hear us. "I think she needs a collar and a leash," he said, stroking her neck. I nodded. "And some jewelry. I'd love to see her with nipple rings, for example." Cindy shivered a little but said nothing. "What do you think about tattoos?" he asked. "Depends. Where and what?" He laughed. "Well, my first thought would be 'Property of Darnell' on her ass, but you may not like that. Maybe we could come up with a compromise." "Like 'Slut' on her shaved pussy?" "Now you're talking, man. Maybe a small 'D' on her breast." "Yeah," I nodded, getting into it. "A 'D' on one and a 'B' on the other." I was kidding, but I wasn't sure Darnell was. He grinned. Cindy made a small sound in her throat. "What was that, slut? You may speak," he said to her. "Uh, I um, nothing, sir." She seemed unable to protest. "Good. I was afraid I'd have to spank that bottom of yours again." After dinner, Cindy cleaned up while Darnell and I went into the living room. I realized he hadn't fucked her yet and I wondered how it might play out. I didn't have long to wait. When Cindy came out, he made her sit on his lap, facing him. His cock bulged in his pants and he made her rub herself against him while he talked to me about some of the other "girls" he had trained. Yes, he actually said "trained." I couldn't see Cindy's expression from where I was sitting, but it didn't seem to bother her that he was

speaking about her like he might a dog. She was too busy rubbing her damp cunt against his pants. "The last white girl I trained was Brenda," he told me. "I met her at a club and could tell right away she loved the black men. She was attracted by the danger. When I first saw her, she was with my friend Lorenzo, but he gave her to me as long as he could be around to help break her in." This Lorenzo guy sounded a lot like me. "She was a very vocal girl, if you know what I mean." "More vocal than Cindy?" "Oh hell yes. She was a screamer when she came. Sometimes, I was afraid someone would call the cops." "So you trained her in the same way you're doing Cindy?" "Yeah, pretty much. Each girl is different." "What happened to her?" "Oh, she's still around. I see her once in a while. But a guy like me likes to move on to new challenges, you understand." I nodded, encouraged that maybe this really would burn itself out. Little did I know. He startled me by asking when he could bring over his two friends and "really break that bitch in." I hesitated. I felt as if I was standing on a precipice, trying to decide whether I should pull back or jump off. But I had come this far and I did want to see Cindy perform for me. And afterwards, I'd fuck her myself. "Next week would be good. Saturday night." "All right." He patted me on the back. "Leon and Lorenzo will be pleased to hear."

Chapter Five
Every night that week, I observed a little ritual. Cindy would come home, give me a look that said, "Don't interfere," and strip down in the living room. She'd put in the videotape and kneel on the floor in front of the TV and watch herself get teased and fucked, one hand or the other rubbing her wet slit. She never allowed herself to come, which was quite amazing he had considerable control over her already. I never wanted her to stop it was highly arousing. Afterwards, when she was done, I would pounce on her and fuck her until we both came. I wasn't sure if Darnell would think that was OK, but he wasn't here and I wasn't going to be denied. And Cindy, in her highly aroused state, never complained either. I did wonder if she was fantasizing of him and not me when I fucked her.

I worried all week about what would happen when his friends came over. I would be outnumbered would they do whatever they wanted, even if I objected? Should I call a halt to it? Truth was, I didn't want to stop it. It seemed I was on a freight train of my own desire. I had to see what would happen. And, I wanted to fuck Cindy after she had been fucked by all those men. I know, it doesn't make sense, really, but there it is. They came over on Saturday about seven. I ordered pizza I didn't want Cindy to have to bother making dinner. It was funny, actually, when they arrived. One minute, Cindy was dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt, but barefoot. The next minute, before the guys even got in through the door, she was naked, her clothes tossed into a corner. She was freshly shaved and smelled great, too. Darnell smiled when he saw her and gave her a big hug, running his hands all over her body. Leon and Lorenzo also crowded around her, but they seemed to defer to Darnell. Once he was done with her, they each gave her a hug and fondled her naked body. Leon was as big as Darnell and had his hair in cornrows. Lorenzo was shorter and heavier with his shiny head shaved smooth. I, of course, was ignored. Darnell didn't even introduce me to his friends. All three only had eyes for Cindy. Darnell brought the video camera and he handed it to Leon. We all sat around eating pizza and Leon filmed Cindy sitting there, trying to eat a few bites, until Darnell grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. "Come on, baby, rub that nice ass against my cock." I felt like a voyeur. It was very strange, watching these men with my wife. Their

hands were teasing her, driving her wild. I knew she would get a full measure of sex tonight. I hoped I would be dessert. Then again, after three main courses, would she even notice my small offering? Darnell was still dressed, as were the others, and it seemed to set the tone for control of Cindy. She was in a submissive posture naked, vulnerable and hot. She writhed on Darnell's lap, signaling her interest in his cock. But he was playing it cool. "You want it, don't ya babe?" "Uh huh," she said. He slapped her hip. "Say it." "I want your cock, Darnell." "What about my friends?" She looked over at them. "I don't know them, really." It was her effort at saying she felt a little uncomfortable. "You got to know them pretty well last time, didn't you?" She blushed. "Shall I play the tape for you to refresh your memory?" Cindy hung her head and then shook it silently. Darnell's hands rubbed her breasts, making her nipples stand out. "Well, why don't you go over to Lorenzo and say hello? I think he'd like to get to know you all over again." Cindy got up and came over to Lorenzo, who was lounging on the couch. Even from across the room, I could see the bulge in his pants. He made no move to unzip himself he just allowed Cindy to straddle him. As he pulled her down to kiss him, I could see she was rubbing her swollen clit against his jeans, trying to bring herself off. Leon captured all of it on camera, my slutty wife with his black friends. "Unzip him and rub your sexy cunt against his cock," Darnell ordered and I felt the faint stirrings of alarm. It would be easy to slip it inside her but Darnell had promised they'd wear condoms. Well, except for him, of course. But I didn't say anything at the time, preferring to see it play out.

Cindy lifted up and unzipped his pants, easing his cock out. I was pleased to see it was no larger than mine. She pressed her wet slit against it and began rubbing, leaning over now and then to kiss him. I watched, but my view was partially blocked by the camera in Leon's hand. He was getting some good close-ups. I couldn't wait to see the film later. She was rubbing herself harder now, her head thrown back and I knew she'd climax in another few minutes. But Darnell wanted to keep her on the edge. When she started making noises in her throat, he came forward and pulled her away. She whimpered but didn't try to resist him. She was already under his spell. "It's Leon's turn," he said and the camera was passed to Lorenzo. Leon sat on the couch and Cindy knelt between his legs. She looked up at Darnell, waiting to be told what to do. It was pretty fucking amazing. And it wasn't lost on Leon. "Fuck, man," he told Darnell, "she's pretty well trained, ain't she?" Darnell laughed and told her to unzip Leon. Her fingers went immediately to his jeans. Lorenzo was close by, getting a good shot of her face just inches away from the bulge emerging from his pants. I tried not to gasp Leon was huge! "Lick it," she was told and she bent to her task. She used her tongue all over the shaft, which rose up like a monolith, black and deadly. How could she take that thing inside her? I seemed to be more worried about it than she did, for she was making adoring noises as she worshiped his cock. It was soon shiny with her juices. "OK, you can let your pussy have a taste. Rub up against it like you did Lorenzo's," Darnell said. Cindy climbed up over Leon's lap and pressed her wet pussy against the thick shaft. "Ohhh," she groaned, feeling the meat of it against her clit. Her hips began to vibrate, like they do when she's nearing an orgasm. God, I thought, already? Still, Darnell wasn't ready to let her come. He grabbed her shoulder and warned, "Don't you come yet, or I'll whip your butt. Your first come tonight belongs to me." She nodded, her eyes glazed. But she slowed down and occasionally pulled away when she felt her emotions were getting the best of her. Darnell seemed pleased. "OK, that's enough," he said after a few minutes. He swept all the magazines off the coffee table and told her to climb up on her back. The table was a sturdy one, but I knew it would be put to the test tonight. He told her to spread her legs wide apart and

Lorenzo got more close-ups of her sopping wet pussy. Then Darnell unzipped his pants and pulled out his ebony cock. He knelt by her head and made her lick on it, her mouth slurping while her legs stayed apart. My own cock was rock hard at this moment, as was Leon's and Lorenzo's. "Look at your husband, sitting there watching you suck black dick, your legs apart like a whore," he said. I felt the camera swing toward me, catching Cindy in the foreground and me sitting in the chair across the room. I wondered if my erection would be obvious. Finally, he moved between her legs and began to ease his cock into her. Her eyes got wide and she began making those little noises in her throat again. She was ready to explode. Still, he teased her. He'd give her an inch, then pull it out again, letting her feel the bulbous head rubbing past her lips. "Oh, god," she said. "Please." "Please what, slut?" "Please fuck me." "Say it louder." "PLEASE FUCK ME!" Still he teased, giving her just the tip. "What about your husband? Don't you want to ask him if it's all right for you to fuck another man in front of him?" She shook her head. "No!" "You don't care if he watches?" "No!" "What about Leon or Lorenzo? Can they watch?" "Yes!" "Can they fuck you?" For the first time, she hesitated. "I I don't" She looked at me.

I said nothing. "Don't look at him! He's not in charge here. I am." More teasing. Cindy was almost out of her mind with desire. "Please!" "Please what?" "Please fuck me! Stick it in!" "Only if you agree to fuck my friends." "OK! I'll fuck them!" Her head was moving back and forth. "Without condoms? Do you want to feel their seed splash into your womb?" "Hey!" I sat up. I was ignored. "Yes!" "Tell your husband what you want." "I want to feel them come inside me! Please!" His cock was relentless, making her say and do anything he wanted. "That wasn't what we agreed on," I said. "Do you care that your husband doesn't agree?" "No! Let them fuck me! Please, Brian!" I sat back, stunned. Part of me wanted to stop it, stop everything, but my cock wouldn't let me. It threatened to burst out of my pants and I knew I wanted to see my slutty wife get royally plowed by these three men. But I wasn't ready to give up yet. "You have to do something for me, then," I said. "Yes! OK! Please!" Darnell smiled at me, his hips continuing to twitch. "You have to be my slutty slave too." She turned and looked at me and for a moment, her concentration on Darnell's cock

abated. Her mouth was open and her eyes glazed, but I could tell she understood what I was saying. Finally, she nodded. "OK, Brian," she said in a small voice. "All right," I nodded to Darnell. With that, he thrust hard into her, giving her all eight inches at once. Her mouth and eyes flew open and her first orgasm slammed through her. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed and shuddered with the power of it. He didn't stop and it looked like she came again within a few seconds. I watched, amazed, as he plowed into her. With each thrust, she moved up a bit on the table and he had to pull her back down against the base of his cock every few strokes or she might fly off the other side. Lorenzo was getting some good shots, moving around to capture her defilement from every angle. I worried about letting them fuck her raw, but it seemed to be too late now. I had made my devil's bargain. Darnell let out a bellow and came inside her. She climaxed again and clung to him. After a few minutes he pulled out and I could see his whitish sperm oozing out of her well-fucked pussy. He moved to her head and made her clean him off. Leon quickly took his place before I could change my mind and rammed his huge cock into her. "Oh my god!" She cried out and hung on to him. He fucked her hard and fast. Darnell had to press back on her shoulders from the other end to keep her from sliding off. Leon's hands were gripping her hips tightly, his dark skin a contrast against her white and reddened flesh. He came hard and pushed his cock deep within her. Cindy climaxed as well, although she was clearly exhausted. When Leon pulled out, more fluids dripped out and dappled on the coffee table. While she was cleaning Leon's cock, Lorenzo handed the camera to Darnell and slipped between her legs. His cock slid easily inside her. But he wasn't satisfied just to fuck her he pulled her torso to his chest and stood up. Cindy wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on. He carried her around the room, slapping her ass and bouncing her up and down on his cock. She looked like a rag doll against his larger body.

Finally, he dropped her on the couch and began fucking her in earnest. Her legs were caught by his elbows, bending her in two as he pounded her sore pussy. "God! God! God!" she screeched, hanging on for dear life. He came in a rush and I could almost feel what Cindy must be experiencing. I couldn't wait until I could fuck her. When he pulled out, I moved up to her and slipped my cock inside. The three men were derisive. "Lookit! They husband gets sloppy fourths," cackled Lorenzo. "I wonder if she can even feel his dick after all that hard black cock she's been getting," Leon added. I tried to ignore them and fucked Cindy hard and fast. I wasn't sure if she did feel me, for her reaction wasn't the same. Sure, she thrust her hips back into me as she cleaned Leon's cock, but I got the impression she was just going through the motions. I managed to come, but just barely, as my mind was whirling with negative thoughts. Everything had moved too fast and I wished I had never started this. When I pulled out, Darnell told the others, "Watch this," and made Cindy hold her pussy closed. I knew what was coming and I shook my head. "Not tonight, Darnell," I said. I wasn't going to drink the cum of all of us. No way. I went and sat back in my chair, my arms crossed in front of me. I didn't like the way things were going now. It was all getting out of hand. He tried to press me, but I think he could tell I was adamant. "All right," he conceded. "Cindy slut, go get a glass." She rose and waddled into the kitchen, one hand firmly cupped over her slit. She came back with the glass and Darnell made her hold it underneath her to catch all the sperm. It ran out in rush, filling the bottom inch of the glass, a real goopy mess. I watched in growing disgust as Leon, once again holding the camera, zoomed in on my wife, standing there, legs apart, holding the glass to her pussy, her eyes glazed with post-coital euphoria. "Drink it!" Lorenzo shouted when the fluids dribbled to a trickle. She looked at Darnell who nodded. "Yeah, baby, we don't want our delicious black seed to go to waste. Go stand in front of your husband and drink up."

"No," I said. Cindy came and looked down at me. She raised the glass to her lips and started to drink. "Nooo," I said, but I felt helpless to stop her. I watched her throat move as she gulped down the sticky fluids while the three men cheered her on. "That's enough!" I said, finding my legs underneath me. I rose and took the glass from her hand. There was only a little left. Fuming, I went to the kitchen and rinsed the glass out and put it in the dishwasher. When I returned, a towel in my hand, the men could tell from my expression the party was over. Maybe Darnell realized he had pushed me about as far as he could, for he didn't object when I told them it was time to leave. "Hey," I said, as they headed for the door, "what about the tape?" I held out my hand. Darnell grinned. "Not yet. I'll give it to Cindy on Monday. I want to save it first." "No!" I said automatically, but I knew I had no power over these men. "Don't worry," he told me, "I'll protect her and you. Besides, I want Cindy to have it so she can add it to her daily collection of films she has to watch." That stopped me the thought that my wife would be masturbating to those videos every day while I watched kept me from protesting further. It didn't really make sense it would have been better if he had just given her the tape right then. But I didn't make any further protest as they left. Afterward, it took Cindy a while to calm down from the overwhelming emotions of the night. She told me she felt guilty, but she couldn't stop herself. It was a refrain I'd heard too many times before.

Chapter Six
Sunday, I reminded Cindy that she agreed to allow me control, which, in retrospect, was the wrong way to approach it. A real dominant would've just done it, not asked her permission first. Her expression let me know she wasn't sure how this would work. Futhermore, I should have known that things said in the heat of passion don't necessarily come true later. I made her strip down and walk around naked for awhile, making sure I fondled her and slapped her ass. But we both felt we were going through the motions. I was satiated from the night before and sex now seemed like a pale imitation. Cindy gamely did what I told her to do, but I could tell she missed having Darnell there. In the end, we let the moment pass. I wasn't sure if I would try to dominate her again later or not. Monday evening when she came home, she brought the videotape of Saturday night's festivities. I asked her if Darnell had uploaded it to his computer and she shrugged. "I don't know, I didn't ask him." God, she didn't even care what he might do with it? Her caviler attitude dismayed me. "What did he tell you to do with this?" She had the decency to look embarrassed. "He wants me to watch it, like before." "And masturbate? But don't come?" She nodded. My cock got hard again. God, even when he wasn't around, Darnell was controlling our sex lives. "OK, better do it or he'll be mad." Cindy looked at me funny, perhaps wondering if I would tell on her if she didn't. I wouldn't, but I had no doubt that if Darnell asked her if she watched it every night and she hadn't, she would've confessed and suffered the consequences. I was curious too. I sat on the couch behind her as she stripped down and knelt on the rug in front of the TV. We watched, in rapt attention, as those three men plowed my wife. Yes, I did too, but that part wasn't nearly as exciting as the others. I had my dick out, playing with it as Cindy stayed on the rug, naked, one hand between her legs, rubbing herself, getting so close to climax that I didn't think she'd be able to

stop, but she always did, pulling away even as tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks. When the tape ended, I jumped up and forced her over onto the rug, getting ready to fuck her when she yelled and put her hand over her pussy. "No!" I pulled back, stunned. "What?" "Darnell says I can't fuck you after I watch the tape!" "You told him we did that?" "Yes! I can't lie to him." "But you can't possible expect me to sit around, horny!" I couldn't believe this. I tried to force her, but I couldn't move her hand away without hurting her. I could feel my erection fade. I sat back. "I want to fuck you, Cindy. You're my wife!" "I know! I know! Darnell says I have to call him first." "Call him?" "Yes." She struggled to get out from under me and I let her go. What was she going to do, call him and masturbate on the phone? Then she did something strange. She retrieved her notebook computer from the bedroom and sat on the floor with her legs on either side of it and turned it on. I watched, puzzled. "I thought you were going to call him." "I am. He wants me to contact him on this. He said he'd be waiting." I could only stare as she brought up the video link. This laptop came equipped with a small camera, built into the frame above the display. In a few seconds, I could see a small box appear showing Cindy her own body, legs outstretched, pussy on display. Then a larger box opened up and I spotted Darnell's face in it. The images were surprisingly good, considering the bandwidth required. "Hi, sir," she said. "Can you see me OK?" His voice came out of the tinny speakers. "Tip the camera down a bit, I want to see your swollen pussy." She adjusted the picture until he was satisfied. I just retreated to my spot on the couch, one hand pressing against my fading erection. I felt powerless to stop what I

was seeing. "Good slut," Darnell said. "Now, go get your toy." Her toy? I sat up. Cindy rose at once and left the room. She returned with her purse and pulled out a large black dildo, made of some rubberized material, with a suction cup at the base. She sat down again, her legs apart and held it up. "I got it, sir." "When did you get that?" I asked. She turned and glanced at me over her shoulder. "Today. At lunch." "Did you see Darnell at lunch?" "Yes." She turned back to the screen. I heard Darnell's voice order her to tell me what happened. She half-turned again and said, "At lunch, he drove me to an adult shop. Before he let me go in, he made me climb up on his lap and fuck him and then I had to go in and buy a black dildo that was about the same size." "Did you try it out first?" "No, silly," she giggled. "They won't let you open the packages. But I tried it out for Darnell afterward, in the car." So she had fucked him alone again, despite our deal. He seemed to be rewriting the rules as he went along. Cindy faced the camera and asked what she should do. Darnell made her rub it up against her pussy, getting the tip wet and then put it in her mouth. She could only get the first third in. I couldn't help but become hard all over again. "Now hold the cock in your mouth and stand up and give the computer to Brian," he said. It was very strange, seeing your naked wife with a black dildo thrusting out from her mouth, handing you a laptop on which her lover was directing her like she was a porn film star. I wondered if he was recording this and had to assume he was. "Brian, can you hear me?" I was startled. I turned the computer around until I could see his face on the screen.

"Uh, yeah." "Good. I want you to keep the camera pointed at your wife so we can both watch." I started to protest, to tell him I wasn't going to do that, but something stopped me. Maybe it was already too late. So I did what he asked. "Cindy, lick the suction cup and stick it on the corner of the coffee table." She did so. The cock stood up obscenely. "Now straddle it. I want you to pretend that's my cock. I want to see you really fuck yourself. Before you come, you must ask permission." "Yes, sir." She widened her stance and eased herself down the big monster. Her pussy was already reddened and wet from masturbating and she slid down easily on it. She began pushing herself up until the cock was almost out of her, then falling back down on it. "Brian, get a close-up for me." I found myself obeying, holding the computer between her legs so he could see her naked pussy forming around the dildo. Cindy began to move faster, her thighs clenching and unclenching. Sweat began to form on her upper chest and face. She was really getting into it now and I moved back to avoid causing her injury on a corner of the laptop. "Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!" she moaned, moving fast now. I thought she was going to come, despite his order, but I didn't realize just how powerful his hold was over her. When the sweat began to fly off her body and her head was thrown back, she suddenly slowed and looked right at the camera. "Please, sir!" "Please, what, slut?" "Please let me come!" Her legs were tiring now. "What will you do for me if I allow it?" "Anything, sir, anything!" "Good. You may come."

Cindy thrust herself down hard on the cock, her legs slapping against the table. Her mouth was open and her neck was taut with the power of the climax thundering through her. "Ohhhhh GOD!" she cried out. "OHH GOD!" As she collapsed, held up only by the cock spearing her, she muttered, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," to the distant dominant who controlled her life. I realized I was still holding the laptop so he could see. I was such an idiot! Tossing the computer onto the couch, I helped Cindy up off her cock and carried her into the bedroom. I tossed her on the bed and stripped off my clothes. "No, Brian, no," she said, but she was still limp from her climax and helpless to stop me. I thrust into her at once and she gasped and beat on my back. I didn't care. I fucked her until she rose to another orgasm, one I forced from her, before I climaxed inside her myself. Feeling very pleased with myself, I got up, threw on my clothes and returned to the living room. Surprisingly, Darnell was still online. "You can't control when I fuck my wife," I told him. He nodded. "I know. But I can punish her for disobeying me." I stared, stunned. "What? You don't touch her!" "That's not up to you any more, Brian. It's up to me." "You can't whip her for something I did!" "I told her not to fuck you unless you had my permission. I didn't give it." "She couldn't have stopped me if she tried." "I know. But you should think about what this will mean for her before you go exerting your husbandly rights." I was angry, so I snapped the lid closed, cutting off our contact. I returned to the bedroom. Cindy was just pulling on her clothes. "Did he tell you that he'll spank you if you fuck me without his permission?" She nodded. "I told you not to." "Well, don't go anywhere near that guy. I don't like that he's hurting you like that."

"He's not really hurting me. He's just teaching me." I couldn't understand how she could be so complacent. "You want to get a beating?" She stood, dressed only in her shorts, her bare breasts swinging free. "No, I don't want one, but I deserve one." "It wasn't your fault it was mine!" "Well, I don't think he's going to whip you, is he?" "And you're just going to accept this?" "Yes." There was really nothing more to say. "When will this happen?" She tipped her head and stared at me as if I wasn't too bright. "I don't know. That's up to Darnell." In fact, it happened the very next night. I came home at six, as usual, to see Darnell's car out front. With a sudden rush of anger, I burst in to find Cindy, naked and on all fours on the carpet, one of her movies playing on the screen. She had a hand between her legs and she was masturbating. Behind her, Darnell was standing there, holding his belt. From the marks on her ass, I could tell she'd already been hit a few times. "Stop it!" I cried and came over, ready to throw myself at him. "Don't, Brian!" Cindy pleaded. "He's not hurting me!" "He sure looks like it!" I said, but my anger had already begun to dissipate. She wanted this! Or maybe she needed it. Almost immediately, my erection began to rise, distracting me and forcing me to the couch. I had to assume Darnell noticed, but he didn't say anything. He just reared back and gave her ass a solid crack with the belt. "Ohhh!" Cindy said, rocking with the intensity of it. "Four, sir!" Whack! She called out the strike as I watched, wanting nothing else than to fuck her right then and there. Of course, I knew I'd have to wait for Darnell to take his turn first.

"That will be enough for now, slut," he told her. "Next time you disobey me, it will be ten strokes." "Hey," I said, "it wasn't her fault." He shrugged. "No matter. If she fucks you without permission, she gets punished." "You can't control us like that." "I'm only controlling her. If you want to fuck her, she'll pay the consequences." At that moment, I heard a car door slam. I rose up and peeked through the window to see Leon and Lorenzo coming up the walk. "Hey! I didn't invite them!" I shouted. I knew what would happen next and I wasn't ready for it. Despite my hard-on, I really wanted to end this. I wanted my wife back. I wanted my life back, even if it had been a little boring. "Darnell," I said, my voice hard. He looked up, one eyebrow raised. "I don't want you to see my wife anymore. I'm going to make her quit her job and find another one. I want you out of her life." The door opened and Leon and Lorenzo came in as if they owned the place. They paused in the doorway, taking in the scene before them. Leon held that damn camera and be began filming the action. "Shee-it," Leon said, smiling from behind the viewfinder. Darnell ignored them. He looked down at Cindy, still on her hands and knees, reddened ass up. "That what you want, Cindy?" She shook her head. Leon and Lorenzo realized they had walked in on an "important moment" and stood there, watching us. I could see their erections growing in their pants and looked away. "What was that, slut? I don't think Brian can hear you." "Noooo," she breathed. "Come on, Cindy, you can't go on like this," I said defensively. How could she like this abuse?

"You're right, I don't think she can," he said. He turned to Cindy. "How about it, slut? You want to stay with Brian or come with us?" "I want I want" She didn't seem to be able to speak. He gave her a small smack on the ass with the belt and repeated his question. "I I don't know! I don't want to hurt my husband!" "You're going to have to decide, Cindy." "Stop it, Darnell!" I said, standing now, ignoring my spear of a cock. "Leave her alone!" Leon and Lorenzo came over at once and grabbed me, one on each side. I struggled, but they were too big and strong. Any one of them could've kept me immobile. "Speak, slut. You must decide. Do you want to stay with your husband, or come with us?" My head whipped around. "No way!" "Yeah," Leon added, turning the camera toward me to capture my angry expression. "I'm sure she'd like to fuck some more big black cock. Right, Cindy?" Cindy just looked from Leon to Lorenzo and finally to Darnell but said nothing. "Yeah, we'll take her. You want to go, don't you, slut?" She glanced over at me, then her eyes locked onto Darnell's. "Yessss," she breathed at last, "If you want me to," she said. I couldn't believe it. "No, Cindy! They'll hurt you!" I couldn't imagine she'd want to be fucked any more tonight. "You know I'll take very good care of her," Darnell assured me. "I don't care! She's not going!" Darnell came over and stood in front of me. I struggled against the other men's grips until Darnell, with a wave of his hand, made them let me go. "Look, Brian," he said calmly, as if he were explaining things to a child. "It's already

too late. You've lost her. Look at her." I did and I could see he was right. Cindy loved what Darnell did for her. I couldn't really explain it for me, it had been a lark, a sexy new way of seeing my wife. I had imagined that we would "play" at this for a while, but eventually, we'd go back to the way we were. Or maybe I had in mind that I would take over for Darnell and Cindy would become my submissive. Instead, I had trusted both Darnell and Cindy when they said this was just a phase they were going through. But Darnell had taken over Cindy's willpower. She was his now and I had made it all possible! "No," I said again. "You're not taking her. Cindy, you can't want this! They'll brutalize you! They'll humiliate you!" "Brian, she wants to be humiliated. And she knows I won't brutalize her. I'll protect her." "Oh, right you've done a bang-up job of that so far, letting her gang-bang two of your friends." I turned angrily to Leon. "And put that camera away!" Darnell nodded at Leon and the camera went off. "I'm trying to make you understand, Brian. Your wife isn't your wife anymore. She's my slut now." His voice was calming, but I didn't feel calm. I didn't really have a good response and I feared I might start crying if I tried to speak, so I said nothing, I just stood at stared at Cindy. Darnell turned to her. "Cindy, go pack a small bag. Just bring the necessities." She moved at once, as if he controlled her. Cindy got up at once and headed toward the bedroom. I was stunned for a couple of seconds, then I pushed past the other men and went after her. She was moving about the room, still naked, throwing clothing into an overnight bag. "Cindy," I said, grabbing her arm. "You can't possibly want this. They'll abuse you." She looked at me with an expression I hadn't seen before. One of relief and joy and acceptance. "He gives me what I need, Brian," she said simply. "I don't expect you'd understand." "But what about us? Our marriage?" "We can still be married. But I belong to Darnell now."

"Darnell? The guy who hands you off to his friends? How many different men are you going to fuck, Cin?" "As many as he tells me to." I couldn't believe it. "So you're just going to leave, just like that? Throw away five years of marriage?" She paused and her next words drove a stake into my heart. "Darnell makes me feel things that I never thought possible before. Our marriage was good and all, but he has awakened a new part of me that I can no longer ignore." "What? You want to be his slut and do whatever he tells you to do?" "Yes," she said simply and walked out of the room. Anger overtook me and I spun to the nightstand. My gun was there, fully loaded again, and I yanked it out and followed her. They were all standing close to her, congratulating her on her decision. Like she had a choice! I raised the gun and told them, "She's not going anywhere." Darnell raised an eyebrow. "You really don't want to use that." "I will if I have to." He shook his head. "Look at the facts, Brian. She wants to go. You can't stop her. If you shoot one or all of us, you'll go to prison. Not to mention that the tape," he tipped his head toward the camera in Leon's hand, "will become evidence in your trial. Everyone will know how you lost your wife." "I don't care," I said, but I did care. I wanted that tape. I turned to Leon. "Hand over the tape. Now." I pointed the gun at his midsection. Everything happened at once after that. As Leon thrust out the camera, Lorenzo made a sudden move to grab the gun. I heard it go off, then Darnell threw himself at me and I fell painfully to the floor. I felt the gun being wrestled from my hands and then someone hit me in the jaw, once, twice. The room got hazy and I faded away. When I awoke, I could see the boots of policemen everywhere. I was on my stomach. I tried to get up, but my hands were handcuffed behind my back. "What what happened?" I said.

A man in a rumpled suit, his badge tucked into his front pocket, leaned down. He had a crewcut and he looked at me like I was a bug. "You awake?" "Yeah. What happened?" "Brian Cooper, you're under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon and use of a gun in a felony. You have the right to remain silent" He droned on, but I could no longer hear him. What had I done? I looked around and spotted a red stain on the rug not far from where I lay helpless. Who had I shot? God, I hoped it wasn't Cindy. I looked around for her. "Who got shot?" I interrupted the detective. He paused. "You mean, you don't know?" "No! The gun went off. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted them to go away." "Your wife is fine" I sank back down, relieved. Then I wondered who had gotten shot. Darnell? That would be fitting, I thought. " a gentleman by the name of Lorenzo Tatum was wounded. He's at County General right now." "Where's Cindy? Where's my wife?" "She's being interviewed." "Oh, god." I could just see the expressions on the detective's faces when they heard her story. How she was leaving me for some dominate man who made her feel all gooey inside. How she loved to do his bidding, even if it meant fucking his friends. And the tape! Just like Darnell had predicted, the tape would be become public and be used against me. It would show how I was complacent at first, but objected later and threatened the men. A jury will probably think I got what I deserved. And they'd be right. I allowed it to happen because it turned me on. And because I thought that I could replace Darnell in my wife's life. What an idiot I had been!

Chapter Seven
The events of the next few weeks went by in a blur. I was held in jail because I couldn't raise the two-hundred-fifty-thousand dollar bond. I couldn't even pay the twenty-five thousand to a bail bondsman. My attorney did the best he could, but the evidence was overwhelming. Fortunately, Lorenzo survived, so I wasn't facing murder charges. The bullet had struck him in the stomach and he made a full recovery. The trial was an ordeal. People snickered when the tapes were played and everyone looked at me like I was some kind of bug after that. It took the jury just two hours to come back with a verdict of guilty. I can remember seeing Cindy and Darnell in court that last day, when the jury filed in. After the verdict was read and I was taken away, I turned to see them staring at me. Darnell had one arm protectively around her and she looked, well, sad and happy at the same time, if that was possible. But I knew what she was thinking. She was sad to see me go to prison, but she was happy in her new subservience to Darnell. I looked, but I didn't see Leon or Lorenzo in the crowd. But I had no doubts they would show up at Darnell's house later to celebrate Cindy's new life. They would all fuck her brains out and degrade her. She would welcome it. And me? I got six years. Probably will serve just four, with good behavior. But I knew, once I got out, Cindy would be a completely different woman. I doubt she'd even remember me. I've lost her forever to a dominant man. Damn him. It took me a few days to get settled into prison life. Cindy came by to visit me, once, about two weeks after I went in. She brought some cookies. I was very pleased and surprised to see her. She looked good, albeit a bit dazed. Probably from all that sex, I figured. "Where's Darnell?" I asked. "He's outside. He sent me in here alone." "Why? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you, I just didn't think he'd allow it." "He wants me to give you these," she said, pulling some papers out of her purse. Divorce papers.

I nodded. Of course. "So you are leaving me for him." "Yes." "That's it? Five years of marriage, our plans for kids, all shot to hell?" "You could've gone along with it, Brian. You didn't have to shoot poor Lorenzo." "I was protecting you!" "I didn't ask for your protection. Certainly not at the point of a gun. You could've shot me!" That was true and I closed my eyes in relief that I hadn't. "I was just trying to get my life back, Cin can't you see that?" "That life is over, Brian. You could've come along with us and we would've included you. Now it's too late." She stood. "Please sign those and mail them back in the envelope provided." She flashed me a smile and left. I took the papers back to my cell and read through them. All in all, it was a favorable settlement, from my point of view. We had rented, so there was no property to divide. She didn't ask for spousal support and she agreed to pay her debts as long as I accepted mine. I signed the documents and put the envelope out for pickup. The days passed slowly. I wondered at first, what she must be doing, but after a few months, I forced myself to stop thinking about her. It worked for the most part. Still, an idea tickled at the corner of my mind. Maybe, when I get out, I might look up Darnell, just to see how she's doing. Not to cause trouble, of course, but just to see what a slut she will have become. Even now, I have to admit, when I think of how she behaved around him, I still get an erection. THE END

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