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Last Supper By: Patsy Pugh

Then came time for the days of unleavened bread when Christ the Passover lamb must be sacrificed! Christ sent Peter and John saying go and prepare the Passover that we may eat together before my departure. So Christ sent them into the city, saying, there you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of waterhim follow wherever he enters, and say to the Goodman of the house; the master smith where is the guest chamber where I must eat the Passover with my disciples? He then shall show you a large furnished upper room, and there make ready for us the Passover. This would be the 33rd such Passover and subsequent days of unleavened bread that Christ attended since His birth and the 3rd such Passover since His baptism by John the Baptist in the river of Jordan! The Passover and feast of unleavened bread was a most solemn occasion, and just as the American flag represents the freedom obtained by the new world-from the dictatorship and oppression of the papal old world, so the Passover is commemorative of the freedom from Egyptian bondage, that now through the blood of the eternal sacrifice (Christ), who was slain on this memorial, shall usher in freedom from the bondage of sin! The blood struck on the door and doorpost, is likened to the red stripes in our flag which are symbolic of the blood spilt for American freedom, therefore the bloodshed by Christ gives life to all who accept the power of its atonement Thus when the hour had come He Christ sat down to dine with the twelve, and Christ told them that He had much desired to eat with them this Passover, for He knew that it would be the last supper they would ever again share together on this earth! There was prepared for them an early Passover, knowing that His departure was soon at hand, and He revealed to the twelve that He would not eat or drink anymore until such a meal was taken up again at the marriage supper of the lamb at the end of the age! So Christ took the bread and the wine, and gave thanks over it, then broke the bread and gave to His disciples, and said,

take this bread it is my body which I will give for the world, and when He had taken the cup, He said, drink this is my blood which I give for the sins of the world.( Anyone who eats the body and drinks the blood of the son of man has everlasting life, and I will raise them up at the last day, John _&_ )! Then the master revealed, have I not chosen you twelve, and yet one of you will betray me? (He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled.) The disciples murmured among themselves who it might be that would betray the master. Christ spoke he who dips his bread with me is the one who will this night betray me into the hands of sinners. This was not the first time the disciples debated among themselves. There was a time when they disputed about who might be the greatest in the kingdom to come. Christ took a young child and sat it in the midst of them declaring whoever shall humble himself as this little child the same shall be named the greatest in my kingdom, for it seems that whoever desires great statue shall be humbled, and whoever humbles themselves shall be exalted, or trustworthy in the kingdom! According to the scripture the greatest quality that one can attain too is the element of LOVE and self sacrifice! The point here is that GOD IS LOVE, and He sacrificed everything even His position with the father in the heavens in order to salvage human souls! What an awesome savoir is He! (The sum of things is this: Christ attended the memorial of salvation for 33 years, and baffled the leaders of the temple, even at an early age. As time progressed, He knew He was drawing even more close to that very crucial period in His life in which He would have to face the final Passover and last supper-upon which led to His betrayal, brutal beatings, and then a savage death on an old rugged cross. The amazingly odd thing is this-if our master was sacrificed on the holy feast of Passover, and if the apostles are found keeping this feast long after the ascension of Christ into the celestial temple (Acts _&_), then why does the church world insist on denying this holy convocation, saying that it is outdated, but then keep an Easter Sunday that is proven to be a pagan holiday in connection with the sun-cult. Just as the practice of Sunday was established by the Church of Rome, so is the Easter of todays modern Christendom! According to the prophet Ezekiel, and others, this holiday is in honor of the spring goddess Ashtoreth,

when she brings back to life her son Tammuz! If so-called Christians are so set against the Passover feast, then why are they so determined to keep the non-biblical Easter! It could be for the same reason why they are so determined to keep Sunday-a non-biblical Sabbath of rest!)

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