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The Link

July 21 2013

Neil Ryan Senior Pastor

Seth Emery Youth Pastor

Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

Gavin Jones Pastor, LifeChurch

Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor, Pastoral Care


July 21 2013

Welcome to Unley Park Baptist today. It is great to have you with us. If you are new to Unley Park, we appreciate that it can be daunting to walk into a new church, so as much as we can, we want to help you feel at home here. In the pew in front of you please find a black folder that contains a white care card for you to complete. There is also a "Welcome Pack" available for you that, among other things, has a special Care Card for you to record your visit and for us to follow up any requests you make. All Care Cards should be "posted" as you leave the church, in the locked box on the table by the "Baptistry Door".


Morning Worship Owen & Sarah Ames

Morning Tea: Morning Tea Next Week: 5.00pm

Lyn Ryan, Garry & Jan Gooden Barb Adcock, Irene Downie, Lyn Ryan Life Church

July 2013 Giving Target Cash Giving to date Electronic Giving to date Total Giving June 26,385 5,880 4,480 10,360

Account Name: Unley Park Baptist Church Inc Offerings Confidential BSB: 704 922 Account Number: 100013066

Just a Minute
The other day I decided to run a registry cleaner on my computer. As the program started to inspect close to half a million files I could see all these numbers and letters flashing before my eyes. All of them represented files that were being inspected, thousands upon thousands of them, all going so quickly across my screen. I could only see some of them, but presumably every one of them was important to me. I couldnt help look at this thing that was happening before my eyes and wonder, Are all those files necessary? How many are useful every day? How many do I only need once in a blue moon? If I randomly deleted some of them, would I notice much difference? Which of these files are essential and which ones are optional? In a strange way it made me think about the Church. Paul writes about the body of Christ this way,

The eye cannot say to the hand, I dont need you! And the head cannot say to the 22 feet, I dont need you! On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be 23 weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special 24 modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the 25 body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Let your mind quickly scan the body of Christ and the tens of thousands of people who are part of it. Would we notice if some went missing? How important is every person? Which ones make the most impact? Read those verses again and let yourself be surprised. No part of the body can say to another part, I dont need you and heres the kicker, our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it. What a body! I want you to do something. Go and scan your registry and watch all those files race before your eyes. As they vanish as quickly as they appear, just hit the pause button and look at the file that is frozen on your screen. That is you! Then thank God that you are not just a blur in Gods eyes but y ou are known and loved by Him! God Bless Neil

Newcomers Information Session August 11th

If you have recently commenced attending Unley Park you are invited to an Information Session which will be held straight after the morning service on 11th August in the Lounge. This is an opportunity for you to find out more about Church life and to meet with the Pastors, the Ministry Leadership Team and Church Leaders in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. The session will be brief with hot & cold drinks available. Please come and join with us for this occasion. If you have any questions or concerns re this please see Garry Gooden.

City Bible Forum Dinner

The City Bible Forum are holding a Celebration Dinner on Friday 9 August 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start at The Adelaide Pavillion, Cnr South Tce & Peacock Rd Adelaide. Come and hear William Lane Craig, one of the worlds most acclaimed Christian apologists, explain how to keep talking about Jesus in the public scene. $45 per person for a delicious two course meal or $400 for a table of ten. Contact Garry Gooden if you would like to join a table.

June/July School Holidays

Parents please note that UPbc will be in recession during the school holidays. th UPbc will resume on Sunday 28 July. The Creche facilities will be available for you to use with Babies to Kindergarten age children only as these facilities are specifically age appropriate. Children are welcome to bring their own games to use in the Main Hall during Coffee time. (No ball games please)

Grand Designs Family Game Night

Come and join us for a new family game at UPBC on Saturday August 31 at 7pm. Put the date in your diary. More details in this link.

Thursday Prayer Meeting

The next Thursday prayer meeting will be at the home of Margie Stevens, 2 Neweys th Road, Mitcham at 1.30 p.m. this Thursday, 25 July. All welcome. Any questions to Noelene Hunt, 82783075 please.

Next after church Prayer Meeting

We are planning our next prayer meeting in the lounge after the service on Sunday August 4th. Would you kindly mark this on your calendar and plan to join us as you are able. This is a short time of prayer and we would love to see how the Lord responds as we seek Him."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God...." Philip. 4:6

Pre-service Prayer
We meet each Sunday morning in Pastor Neil Ryans office from 9.45 a.m. to pray for the service etc and various needs amongst the church Body, before we enjoy coffee together. Would love to have you join us as you are able. Is anything too hard for the Lord

Pray for these families

Names for this week beginning July 21: Marlene Salmon Sharon Sampson Ben, Jane, Jessica, Emma & Annabelle Sanders Pauline Sherriff Cherene Slater Chris, Heather, Kendall, Bethany & Mackenzie Slaughter

The Bible Mini-Series

Can you remember a time before when a major network like Channel Nine went to air in prime time with a series about the Bible? It seems to us like this is history in the making for Australia and given the power and reach of the Nine Network, we are standing on the verge of a monumental opportunity as the Church in this nation. THE BIBLE is an epic 10-hour mini-series that will bring the Bible into homes across Australia starting last Tuesday night July 16th at 9PM. Televisions highly-acclaimed producer, Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, The Apprentice), and his wife, Roma Downey (Touched by An Angel) are bringing the most widely-read book of all time to life on the screen, with breathtaking beauty and the use of dramatic live action and cuttingedge CGI technology.

Our Missionary Families

The Badger Family Tim, Bron, Stephen, Joshua, Amie, Annalise & Kaitlyn OMF, Manila, Philippines We have still not heard anything from the Australian Embassy (and can't seem to get any information either) about the status of the girls visas and with the new school year starting in just over a week, we have needed to make some decisions. These have not been easy and we have been feeling quite stressed about the enormity of the uncertainty (which includes the knowledge that our landlord wants us to move out by the end of August). Please pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding as we wait out this final stage. It's great to be worshipping with our UPBC family this morning. We look forward to sharing with you this morning and we always appreciate your interest and prayers for our family and ministry. Please join us in praying for revival to sweep through the nation of Japan in a mighty and miraculous way.

The Ames Family Owen, Sarah, Rachel, Jessica & Joshua OM/TEAM Church Planting, Tokyo, Japan

ESL Ministry Training Adelaide

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Adelaide | Thu 22nd - Sat 24th Aug 2013 | Cost: $49 per day ($0 for Thursday) ESL Ministry Training Adelaide takes place from the 22nd to the 24th August 2013. Friday, 23rd August, 2013 9.30-12.45 Basic Principles of ESL Ministry & Mission ; Avoiding Pitfalls; Cross Cultural Communication;1.30-4.30pm Practice Teaching ; Working with Adventures in English ; Saturday, 24th August, 2013 9.00-12.30 Bible Studies with, & Discipleship of, ESL Students; Teaching the Bible; Working with Beginners; 1.15pm-3.30pm Practice Teaching; Teaching Different Language Skills ; Getting Started; Thursday Afternoon Workshop: 1.00-4.00 ESL Ministry in Your Church & Community The Theology of ESL & CCM, plus different churches experiences of same. Watch Classes in Action (on DVD), then discuss and evaluate. Judy is also available for consultations on Wednesday 21st, the morning of Thursday 22nd, and to speak with congregations on the Sunday 25th. Contact Judy for more information. ADDRESS St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Archer Street , North Adelaide

Register See website - .au

Answer quiz/puzzle questions to gain play dollars and establish a budget.


All necessary building materials will be available


This week at UPBC

Playgroup Tuesday July 23 9.30am-11.30am Tuesday July 23 9.30am-10.30am Tuesday July 23 11am-12noon Tuesday July 23 5.30pm - 8.00pm Wednesday July 24 9.30am-11.30am Wednesday July 24 7.45pm-9.00pm Thursday July 25 9.30am Friday July 26 7.30pm-9.30pm Sunday July28 10.00am Sunday July 28 5.00pm

Prayer Team


Munchiez Food Van


Bible study at the church

Know Your Bible In recess until August 1 Elevate Youth Group (year 8-12)

Morning Worship Owen and Sarah Ames LifeChurch

Northgate Street Unley Park PH: 82720258

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