Hydrology Tour III-II

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062 BCE C1



SUBMITTED BY: Kiran Phuyal (062BCE049) Krishna Pd. Gautam (062BCE050) Krishna Pd. Koirala (062BCE051) Krishna Pd. Neupane (062BCE052) Krishna Pd. Shrestha (062BCE053) Kshitiz K. C. (062BCE054) Kumar Kislay Karna (062BCE056) Laxman Nakarmi (062BCE057) Lojang Dendup Sherpa (062BCE058) Mahendra Pyatha (062BCE059) Mahesh Adhikari (062BCE060) Date: 21st May, 2009

SUBMITTED TO: Raghu Nath Jha Suraj Lamechane Department of Civil Engineering Pulchowk Campus

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062 BCE C1

We would like to acknowledge our obligation to Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus and Department of Civil Engineering for initiating and facilitating this hydrology tour to further enhance our knowledge of Hydrology. We must acknowledge our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Raghu Nath Jha and Mr. Suraj Lamichane who accompanied us and gave us his invaluable advice and help. We are also thankful to all our friends and colleagues for their support and help. This one day tour to Agronomy Division, Khumaltar and Roshi Khola, Malpi, Panauti helped us to broaden our knowledge about various instruments used to get meteorological datas and to measure the discharge of a river. Lastly, we would like to thank all the staffs and everyone who helped us directly or indirectly during the field visit and in the preparation of this report.

Hydrology Tour Team, 2009 Kiran Phuyal (062BCE049) Krishna Pd. Gautam (062BCE050) Krishna Pd. Koirala (062BCE051) Krishna Pd. Neupane (062BCE052) Krishna Pd. Shrestha (062BCE053) Kshitiz K. C. (062BCE054) Kumar Kislay Karna (062BCE056) Laxman Nakarmi (062BCE057) Lojang Dendup Sherpa (062BCE058) Mahendra Pyatha (062BCE059) Mahesh Adhikari (062BCE060) Date: 5th May, 2009

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062 BCE C1

The main objective of the hydrology tour is to take an opportunity to consolidate and update our practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of hydrology. In this one day tour we had opportunity to observe and learn more about various instruments such as Animometer, Sunshine recorder, Evapometer, Rain gauge etc used to obtain the meteorological datas and to measure discharge of a river by floatation method. This tour helped us to build in our confidence to conduct various experiments on hydrology. The summary of the conduction of whole report is presented as follows:

Tour Location Duration Group

: : : :

One Day Hydrology Tour Agronomy Division, Khumaltar and Roshi Khola, Mulpi, Panauti 19th May 2009 (1 day) Group C1 2062 Batch Civil Engineering

Table 1. Group C1 Members:

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Name Kiran Phuyal Krishna Pd. Gautam Krishna Pd. Koirala Krishna Pd. Neupane Krishna Pd. Shrestha Kshitiz K. C. Kumar Kislay Karna Laxman Nakarmi Lojang Dendup Sherpa Mahendra Pyatha Mahesh Adhikari

Roll No. 062BCE049 062BCE050 062BCE051 062BCE052 062BCE053 062BCE054 062BCE056 062BCE057 062BCE058 062BCE059 062BCE060

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062 BCE C1


Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents 1. To Observe Various Instruments Used to Find Metereological Data
1.1 Objective 1.2 Theory 1.3 Observations 1.4 Conclusion and Discussion

Page No.
2 3 4 5-7
5 5 6 7

2. Measurement of Discharge of Roshi Khola by Velocity Area Method

2.1 Objective 2.2 Theory 2.3 Observations and Calculations 2.4 Result 2.5 Conclusion and Discussion

8 8 11 12 12

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062 BCE C1


To measure the discharge of a river by using velocity area method To use vertical and horizontal current meter

Discharge of a river can be defined as the amount of water flowing through the river channel in unit time. In general it is measured in cumsec unit i.e. cubic meter. Determination of discharge is very important for various purposes such as determining the peak flood, construction of hydropower etc. One of the method employed to measure the discharge is velocity area method. It can be written mathematically as, Q = Vi*Ai
i=1 N-1

In this method the channel section is divided into number of strips (trapezoidal and triangular) and the corresponding velocity corresponding to each strip are determined. The area can be determined by measuring the width and depth of each strip. The section at which the discharge is measured is called gauging site and it must be selected with due care to assure that the stage-discharge curve is reasonably constant over a long period of time (few years). Following criteria should be met, The section should have well defined cross section. It should be easily accessible. The site should be in straight, stable reach. The site should be free from back water effect in the channel.

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062 BCE C1

Fig. Stream Section for Velocity Area Method It is worth noting that accuracy of the discharge estimation increases with the number of the subsections or strips used. However, the larger the number of strips, the larger is the effort, time and expenditure involved while less number of strips gives erroneous result. So while dividing the section into strips, following guidelines should be considered, The strip width should not be greater than 1/15 to 1/20 of the width of the channel. The discharge in each segment should not be less than 10% of the total discharge. The difference of velocities in adjacent segment should not be more than 20%. For calculating discharge using velocity area method following formulations are worth noting. Q = Vi*Ai
i=1 N-1

The area of extreme strips i.e. 1st and Nth strips which are triangle are given as A1 = *y1*(w1+w2/2)2/w1 AN = *yN*(wN+wN-1/2)2/wN For other strips Ai = yi*(wi+wi+1)/2 for I = 2 to (N-2) For higher depth, and for more accuracy echo-depth recorder may be used. The main principle of this eco depth recorder is to send and receive the reflected wave produced by the instrument and record the time it take to do so. Depth = velocity of wave*time taken/2 Velocity Vi can be obtained by following methods 1. Current meters Vertical-axis meters Horizontal-axis meters 2. Floating method 3. Moving boat method 4. Dilution technique 5. Electromagnetic method
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062 BCE C1 6. Ultrasound method 7. Slope area method etc.

We are particularly concerned with current meter and floating method.Current meter is the most commonly used instrument in hydrometry to measure the velocity at a point in the flow cross section. It essentially consists of a rotating element which rotates due to the reaction of the stream current with an angular velocity proportional to the stream velocity. Vertical axis current meter consist of a series of conical cups mounted around a vertical axis. The cups rotate in a horizontal plane and a cam attached to the vertical axial spindle records generated signals proportional to the revolution of cup assembly. The accuracy of vertical axis is about 1.50% at threashold value and improves to about 0.30% at speeds in excess of 1.0 m/s. Vertical axis instrument have a disadvantage that they can not be used in situations where there are appreciable vertical components of velocities

Fig. Vertical Axis Current Meter Horizontal axis current meter, on the other hand, consist of a propeller mounted at the end of horizontal shaft.

Fig. Horizontal Axis Current Meter

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062 BCE C1

These come in a wide variety of size with propeller diameters in the range of 6 to 12 cm, and can register velocities in the range of 0.15 to 4.0 m/s. These meters are fairly rugged and are nt affected by oblique flow of water as much as 150 The accuracy of the instrument is about 1% at the threashold value and is about 0.25% at a velocity of 0.3 m/s and above. A current meter is so designed that its rotation speed varies linearly with the stream velocity v at the location of the instrument. A typical relationship is v = a Ns+b where v = stream velocity at the instrument location in m/s, Ns = revolution per second of the meter and a, b = constants of the meter. Typical values of a and b for a standard size 12.5 cm diameter price meter (cup type) is a = 0.65 and b = 0.03. Each instrument has a threashold value below which the above equation is not valid. The instruments have a provision to count the number of revolutions in a known interval of time. This is usually accomplished by the making and breaking of an electric circuit either mechanically or electro-magnetically at each revolution of the shaft. The revolutions per second is calculated by counting the number of such signals in a known interval of time, usually about 100 second. New models employ electro magnetic counters with digital and analogue display. Velocity at a point in the cross section can be calculated by Measuring velocity at 0.6 times the depth of flow below the water surface for shallow depth upto 3.0 m and is called single point observation method. This method was used for our practical purpose. Measuring the velocity at the depths 0.2 and 0.8 times the depth of flow below the free surface and taking the average of the two for moderate deep streams. Measuring the surface velocity within a depth of about 0.5 m below the surface and multiplying the value with reduction factor k for rivers having high flows. The value of K is obtained from the observations at lower stages and liein the range of 0.85 to 0.95.


Distance from left water edge (m) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Average width (m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Depth y (m) Velocity v (m/s) Segmental Discharge (m3/s)

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062 BCE C1


Thus the discharge of the Roshi Khola was found to be sssssssssssssssssss m3/s.


As only two current meter among four were working we were compelled to use the floating method to calculate the velocity of the river and hence we were compelled to use same velocity at each point in the section. As the river depth was less than 3m, one point method has been used to calculate the velocity i.e. velocity at depth 0.6 times the depth below surface was measured by using vertical axis current meter. We only got opportunity to learn to use the current meter while taking the data from floatation method.

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