Julius Caesar Timeline

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There has been a terrible civil war. Caesar defeats Pompey.

Two tribunes, Flavius and Murellus, ask some tradespeople why they are taking the day off. A cobbler gives riddling replies The tradespeople celebrate Caesars triumph over Pompey. The Tribunes accuse them of ingratitude to Pompey, who was once the peoples favourite. The tribunes leave, intending to stop further celebration. Caesar comes to the Lupercal races, in which Antony is to run. He orders Antony to touch Calpurnia in the race to cure her infertility. Caesar is warned to beware the Ides of March. He dismisses the warning, then leaves. Cassius remains with Brutus and accuses him of being unfriendly and cold and hostile, but Brutus justifies by saying he is troubled by private problems. Cassius claims to help Brutus understand himself and the state of Rome. Off stage the crowd shouts. Brutus fears they want Caesar crowned. Brutus demands that Cassius come to the point. Cassius proclaims that no man of honour should submit to Caesar. He is a mortal but behaves as if he were a god. Brutus thinks the offstage shouts mean honours for Caesar. Cassius mocks Caesars greatness and tries to spur Brutus to action by reminding him that his qualities rank equally with Caesar. Brutus says he will think about what Cassius has said. Caesar returns, looking angry. He confides Antony that he is suspicious of Cassius. Caesar tells Antony that Cassius is restless, brooding and dangerous. He then departs. Casca confides to Brutus and Cassius that Caesar refused a crown three times at the races. Casca describes how Caesar had an epileptic fit after Antony offered him the crown. After that, Caesar offered his bared throat for the crowd to cut. Cassius invited Casca to supper. Brutus invites Cassius to his house. Cassius, alone, tells how he will turn Brutus against Caesar. Casca meets Cicero and describes the natural and supernatural wonders he sees in the tempest which rages. Casca thinks they are bad omens. Cicero warns Casca that omens can be misinterpreted. Cassius enters, bare-chested. He welcomes the tempest and despises Cascas fear. Cassius hints that the tempest is a warning that should rouse the people of Rome. Caca tells him that outside Italy, Caesar will be king. Death will free me from such oppression, riddles Cassius. Stung by Cassius word, Casca commits himself to Caesars overthrow. Cassius tells him of other conspirators he has recruited. One of them, Cinna, enters looking for Cassius. Cassius orders Cinna to leave letters for Brutus in places where he will find them. Cassius says Brutus will join the conspirators tonight. They leave to join the other conspirators and go to Brutus house.

Act 2 Night. In his orchard, Brutus sends Lucius to light his study. He decides that Caesar must die to prevent him from using his new power wrongly. Lucius brings Brutus one of Cassius letters. It strengthens Brutus resolve to kill Caesar. Lucius reports that tomorrow is 15 march (Ides of March) Brutus describes how it feels to have made up ones mind to do a fearful act. Lucius reports the arrival of disguised conspirators. Brutus muses that conspiracy must always hide its nature. Brutus is introduced to the conspirators. After some secret word with Cassius, he shakes their hands but he rejects the suggestion that they should all swear an oath to kill Caesar. No oaths a Romans promise is enough, says Brutus. He rejects suggestions that Cicero be approached or Antony killed. Brutus says Caesar must be killed, not with spite, but with regret. Again, he overrules Cassius fears about Antony. Cassius worries that superstition may keep Caesar at home. Decius promises to bring Caesar to the Capitol. The conspirators agree to meet at 8 a.m. at Caesars house. They leave Brutus alone. Portia enters and Brutus questions why she has risen from her bed. Portia tells Brutus how difficult he has been recently. He tells her hes sick. She asks why he is out of bed, insisting on the truth. Portia claims that Brutus excludes her. She reveals a self-inflicted wound showing her courage, secrecy and love. Brutus is moved. The sick Ligarius enters. Brutus asks for his help. Ligarius seems to find new strength in being part of the secret enterprise and swears blind obedience to Brutus. Caesar tells how Calpurnia has spoken of his murder in her sleep. She orders him to stay home, telling of frightening portents of ill omen. Caesar is unmoved, declaring he will go out. Although Caesar claims to have no fear of death and at first defies Calpurnia and the augurers (BRAVADO), in the end their concerns prevail. He orders Decius to tell the senate that Caesar will not come today. Calpurnia suggests that Decius should say Caesar is sick. Caesar scorns the lie and describes Calpurnias dream. Decius interprets it favourably and says the senate intent to crown Caesar. Caesar finally resolves to go to the Senate. First the conspirators, then Antony arrive. Caesar offers wine while he prepares himself. The conspirators secretly confide their true intentions. Artemidorus reads out the warning he intends to give Caesar. Sending Lucius to the Capitol, Portia confides how she can hardly hide her worries. Portia sends Lucius to report back to her what Brutus says and does. The Soothsayer foresees harm to Caesar, but crowds make his warning difficult to deliver.

Act 3 Caesar ignores attempted warnings. Cassius misinterprets a senators good wishes. Brutus reassures him. Trebonius draws Antony away. Repeal my brothers banishment, Metellus begs Caesar. Brutus and Cassius support hin and get nearer to Caesar. Caesar adamantly refuses them all. Having declared himself the worlds only constant man, Caesar is stabbed to death. Brutus tries to reassure all who flee, but the conspirators are left alone in the Senate. Trebonius reports panic outside. The conspirators prepare to depart to proclaim themselves liberators, their daggers and forearms ritually bloodied. They halt as Antonys servant enters, bringing his masters message. Antonys servant says that if Brutus reasons for murder are convincing, Anotny will follow Buruts. Brutus grants safe access to Antony, who enters and offers to be killed with Caesar.

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