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Travis Empey

Travis Empey 371 Harvard Ave. Rexburg ID, 83440 208.569.7274

Table of contents
Business Card Letterhead Montage Event Ad Logos Flier Brochure Web Page Imaging

Business Card
Here is a layout that shows the front and the back of my business card. It is a pretty cool card if I do say so myself. My favorite part is the back of the card. I changed the text under my name because I thought it provided better contrast and also it made the text a bit easier to read.


June 10, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


So I started by creating a business card template in InDesign. Then I used Illustrator to create some of the objects like the background and the blue bars. I did that because I am a bit more familiar with Illustrator and it was easier. Then I simply copied the objects to the InDesign template. Top 3 things learned: 1) I learned a bit about researching colors to find the ones I want. 2) I learned how to set up a letterhead. That was something I have had little experience in doing. 3) I was able to get more familier with transferring things between Illustrator and InDesign.

Programs/Tools Used:

Copy, Box Tool, Illustrator, InDesign, guides. Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Turtles Logo Font #2 Name & Category: Hoefler Text Stationery Font #1 Name & Category: Turtles Stationery Font #2 Name & Category: Hoefler Text How the logo represents the company: Well the company sells what is an under-armor equivalent So the turtle has a shell which is like armor and the ocean represents mobility. :)


Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

Description: Date:
Here is the 8.5 x 11 letterhead that I created to go with my business card. I dont think I would ever have a real use for a letterhead in my business, but it is still nice to have one created. June 10, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


In InDesign I created a 8.5x11 template then I used the logo and some bars that I made when creating my business card in Illustrator to format the page. It was all pretty simple, but I think it provides a nice layout. Top 3 things learned: 1) I learned a bit about researching colors to find the ones I want. 2) I learned how to set up a letterhead. That was something I have had little experience in doing. 3) I was able to get more familier with transferring things between Illustrator and InDesign.

Programs/Tools Used:

Copy, Box Tool, Illustrator, InDesign, guides. Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Turtles Logo Font #2 Name & Category: Hoefler Text Stationery Font #1 Name & Category: Turtles Stationery Font #2 Name & Category: Hoefler Text How the logo represents the company: Well the company sells what is an under-armor equivalent So the turtle has a shell which is like armor and the ocean represents mobility. :)


Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

This is a montage I created for my favorite game series ever! I like it for a few reasons. One is because the quote is awesome and Link looks pretty cool on that hill, and the other reason is because I feel like he is trying to catch something (Zelda) which he can never seem to hold onto.


June 1, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


First of all I had to go and find all the images I wanted. After I found some good images I spend a while using the quick select tool and brush at like 10 points to try and get a very clean selection. After that I placed Zelda up in the Moon and faded her into it. After that I tried to create a yellow I though was close to how the Triforce looks. Once that was finished I put in my quote and then I put Navi above it because I thought it looked nice. :) After that was finished I sharpened the background to give it a little bit more of a crisp look.

Programs/Tools Used:

I used Masks, quick select tool, sharpen filter, blur tool, spot heal brush, eyedropper, and probably more but I cant remember them. Font #1 Name & Category: Triforce Font.. I believe it is a decorative font. Font #2 Name & Category: Not used. Didnt need it.


Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography.

Event Ad
This is a Military Fundraiser flyer that I created using Microsoft Word and a scanner. For some reason the black is looking kind of off. It happened in the conversion from PDF to JPEG. I tried a few things but I couldnt get it to come out right. But it prints out fine! So there. :)


May 18, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


I first scanned in my picture of Captain America, then I learned how much easier it is to edit in Word using the publishing view. That was pretty cool. I created a black background and placed the image in the center. I found a font that I thought might look slightly old school and put it on the top. I made the two main phrases the biggest to attract the most attention. I used guides to align the text on the top to the left, and the text on the bottom to the right.

Programs/Tools Used:

Word and a scanner. I also used Guides and bullets. Font #1 Name & Category: Alpha Slab One - Slab Serif Font #2 Name & Category: Marker Felt - Sans Serif Scanned images used, sources, original sizes:


Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word.


Help The Cause?

M ilitary Fun dra iser
o May 15 o 7 PM o BYU I Center

Sponsored by the BSA

Description: Date:
This is a variety of logos that I have created for a make believe company called TurMesh. It is a company that deals in surf apparel. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself. :) June 8, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


The process was a blast! I spent a couple hours doing research and sketches then when I finally found a couple turtles that I thought were at the right angles I traced them out and started smoothing the edges. I relected the halves to get the turtle to be more proportional. Eventually I started looking up surfing texts and Hawaiin texts to use. Eventually I created objects out of the texts so that it wouldnt get messed up with moving it from file to file. Once finished I just placed them all in a 8.5 x 11 and done!

Programs/Tools Used:

Blob tool, Pen tool, Reflection, Pathfinder, Opacity, Photoshop, Illustrator. Top Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Hawaii Lover Middle Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: SurfsUp Bottom Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Surf Safari


Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image. Use the basic tools of Illustrator.


Tur Mesh


This is a flyer that is meant to grab the attention of students who are graduating and want to have a competitive edge in the business world. The more important headers are bolded and are meant to stand out more in order to grab the attention of the reader. I feel like the blue is a good color for schools, it is a pretty tranquil and relaxing color as we learned from our reading.


May 11, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


Basically I started out by created my artboard with the .5 margins. After that I fit the image to that size and put the opacity to 20%. After that I started playing with the title because I wanted that to be the focus of the page and everything would be based off of that. After some playing around I thought about using a box to make that slanted blue streak on the side and I really liked it. After that it was just the simple process of aligning the text with a left alignment and formatting it so that it looked good. That was my process.

Programs/Tools Used:

I used InDesign, the opacity setting, rulers, and the rectangle tool. Title Font Name & Category: Hiragino Mincho ProN Copy Font Name & Category: Avenir


Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.

First of all, dont mind the images, they are slightly crooked! Dang screen shots. This is a funky little brochure I created for my TurMesh company that I made up. It is a brochure that talks about the materials and how the apparel is created that we sell in our stores.


July 13, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


I used a ton of tools to create this brochure. I designed it in Illustrator using a turtle texture I found for the background. I used clipping masks on the 3 inside images to make them circular. I used the free transform tool to rotate the boxes the way I wanted them. I had to use quite a few guides to try and align everything as close as possible. I also used the opacity tool to provide better contrast for the turtle shell background and the text.

Programs/Tools Used:

Transform tool, rulers, Photoshop, Illustrator, Opacity, Paragraph Styling, color tool in Photoshop, clipping masks. Title Font Name & Category: Turtles, Decorative. Copy Font Name & Category: OCR A Stf, sans-serif.


Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images.

web page
Description: Date:
Here is a little webpage I created using the most basic forms of HTML and CSS. When I say the most basic, I mean the most basic! June 29, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


Process: Basically I just opened up the files in my text editor and started changing colors and texts. I changed the width of some things like the body, but nothing very special. Top 3 things learned: 1) Reviewed some of the basic editing styles, that was good to do. 2) I played with some plugins for Firefox like ColorZilla and FireBug. 3) Basically I learned some glitches about web browser catches and the best way to get around them.

Programs/Tools Used:

ColorZilla, Sublime Text 2, BlueGriffon. Font Family #1 (all names) & Category: Tahoma, Georgia, sans-serif; Font Family #2 (all names) & Category: sans-serif, Georgia, Tahoma; Hex Colors: FFF, 000, 40C3D3, 48bb79, 6639b7.


Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

Description: Date:
is a project where I took an image, cropped it, desaturated it, and placed it on a 8.5 x 11.. May 25, 2013

Eric Lybbert Comm 130 Section 1


First I cropped the image to find a good location for the dandelion and the flower using the rule of thirds. Then I spent forever tracing the dang flowers! But it went well and it was worth it in the end. I played with the saturation of the leaves and plants behind to give the image a lot more contrast. Top 3 things learned: 1) I learned a LOT about selection. I loved it. 2) I learned some of the different ways to play with the colors and saturation. 3) I learned a bit about different filters and textures.

Programs/Tools Used: Objective:

Cropping tool, quick selection tool, saturation, and vibrance. Photoshop.

Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image.

Saul BAss

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