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Releases As Effective Tool Information diffuser By: Foo Hwee Kheng (U6SB1) Press is one of the media that

had already existed for tens of years ago, since the man know how to write and create a script. It can not be overturned, newspapers still play an important role even though we already tracking of the 20th century that this advanced technology. Press is the fastest platform to deliver the latest information to the public. Indeed, the newspaper served as the effective dissemination of information in the administration of the country. Government and the people could communicate through press information. People could understand the processes undertaken in cabinet and political affairs of government. All understood pattern of government by the people. People can also express dissatisfaction with the program or specific plans implemented by the government. These views can be expressed pandapat people to the government through the press. With this, the government can manage administrative matters more efficiently through public opinion useful. For example, the Minister of Education had initially consented to the proposed permit school students to bring cell phones to school with certain conditions. This news talked when published in the newspapers and encountered fierce resistance from some quarters. As evidence of the transparency of our leaders, this proposal ultimately withdrawn after responses indicate that the majority of people do not support it. It is proved that the newspaper is a good spreader in the state administration, and our nation was in a state of harmony on the cooperation of the people and the government. Newspapers are still the primary reading material for the function of people reporting issues while even though our country has reached an era of science and technology. According to the investigation, the newspaper is the most effective media and influential among the people compared to other media such as television, radio, and internet. This is because some people will miss the news reported on television or radio. Thus, the daily newspaper considered an effective spreader. People can also find out news that is happening around them every day. This news is very useful to people as a good lesson or lessons. For example, adult women handbag snatch thefts occur frequently. Many women are victims, some even mortgaged their lives in the atrocity snatchers. This question when he became news releases can remind women to be more careful and measures to curb the problem dealt with. Therefore, beritaberita published in the newspaper was a "history" that are important to people. In addition, the newspaper is also important in the field of sports to report on the victory or defeat players. We know the best badminton players in our country or national. For those who are interested in sports, they get the information and the results of a match held in the newspapers. For example, news Nicol David became the champion in international squash competitions. Thus, we can know who is Nicol David when tipped IMPLIED BY others and not be "like a frog under a coconut shell." Action pictures attract players also published in the newspapers. Therefore, we can feel the atmosphere during the competition run though unable to attend court. Joy wins player of our country is shared by the people. It was clear that the newspaper is an effective tool to deliver the news to the people.

Finally, the press is also important in helping to brighten the world of entertainment. An actor or singer became famous through the newspaper. Newspapers often report the gossip that occurred among actors or singers. This is the most interesting and important for the youth. They want to know every step of the artists or their idol worship. Various news about their idol sensationalized in the press create excitement among readers thus popularizing the artists concerned. In addition, news about an album song that will be marketed or film to be screened is also conveyed through the press. Therefore, people will find out the latest news through the press. Indirectly, press the source to get a variety of information related to entertainment. Not wrong to say that the press is also a platform that helps local and international entertainment world. In conclusion, the newspaper is an effective tool even human spread has reached the age of advanced technology. Therefore, the practice of reading should be inculcated from a young newspaper anymore for various functions which proved much beneficial to the audience of readers. Indeed, not surprising anymore if Royal Professor Ungku Aziz says that if a day does not read the newspaper, then we would be fools day.

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