5 - Whole Metallurgy (Part I)

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Light metals Heavy metals High melting Brittle Ductile

Non metals

Inert gases


Low melting

From the periodic table, it can be found that: Metals are on the left side. Nonmetals are on the right side. Metalloids or semiconductors are at the boundary between metals and nonmetals; e.g. Carbon, Silicon and Boron.

Properties of metals:
1- Ionized positively. 2- Crystalline solids at room temperature, except Hg and Ga. 3- Opaque and lustrous. 4- Thermally ad electrically conductors. 5- Hardness, melting and boiling points. 6- Density. 7- Ductile and malleable. 8- Melting range. 9- White in color except Au and Cu.

Pure metals in dentistry:

1- Au and Pt foils Restorations.

2- Pt foils


3- Au and Sn

Ceramo metal restorations.

4- Ag and Cu

Electroplated dies.

5- Hg


6- Ti

Implantology, Cr and Br (Procera).

Shaping of metals:
a) Casting: Liquid metal Crystalline solid

Solidification and thermal shrinkage 4-6%

b) Plastic forming (Cold working): Cast metal rod, wire, tube,

c) Sintering (Powder metallurgy): Powder

Heat Solid Pressure

Accompanied by Shrinkage, Density and Porosity

d) Electroforming: Ag and Cu electroplating.








Solidification of metals:
A Liquid Temperature Plateau L+S Tf B B\ Supercooling C Solid D

Time Time temperature cooling curve for a pure metal

1- Nucleus formation: Liquid metal atomic aggregates embryos embryos

Penetration of super cooling
temp. Latent heat

2- Crystallization: Nuclei of crystallization Homogeneous

Dendrites Crystals Solid metal


Grains and grain boundaries:

Poly crystalline material Crystals with various orientation Crystals or grains have: Shape Size Orientation Distribution Grain Proper Boundary Grain boundary: - Transition zone (1-2 atomic distances). - Indicates discontinuity of space lattices planes. - Nearly noncrystalline. - Of higher energy. - Greater rate of diffusion. - Greater concentration of impurities. - More readily attacked by chemicals.

Microstructural variables of a single phase material

Grain size: - Size - Size


Number and location of nuclei. Grain boundary - area.

Control of grain size: Size Physical properties.

1 e.g. Y .S . r

1- Amount and rate of supercooling (Control number of grains and nuclei). 2- Rate of crystallization and rate of nucleation. 3- Nucleating agents.

Wrought metal Deformation

Cast Wrought

Recovery Grain growth Recrystallization

Cast metal Deformation of metals:

wrought metal Elastic Plastic



Lattice imperfections: a- Point defects: Vacancies

b- Line defects: Dislocations

Edge Dislocation

Screw Dislocation

Mixed Dislocation

c- Plane defects: Boundaries

Strain hardening: [Cold working] [Work hardening]: Dislocation is inhibited by: 1- Point defects. 2- Collision of 2 dislocation. 3- Foreign atom lattice. 4- Grain boundaries. Dislocation build up Stresses needed to proceed deformation So, Hardness, Strength and P.L.

Meanwhile, Ductility and Corrosion resistance

Annealing: It reverses the effects of cold working It involve three stages: 1- Recovery. 2- Recrystallization. 3- Grain growth. Factors affecting grain size and shape: 1- Rate of cooling. 2- Nucleating agents. 3- Cold working. 4- Annealing a) Recrystallization b) Grain growth.

Tm (for few minutes) Relief of stresses

0.3-0.6 Tm

Grain growth
Further annealing

Nucleation of stress free grains Growth of grains. at boundaries. .


St., P.L., and Hardness Ductility

Cold worked Recovery


St., P.L. Ductility

Grain growth

Tensile strength

A) Cold worked B) Recovery C) Recrystallization D) Grain growth


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