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Acknowledgements Introduction 1 V

Jan N. Bremmer Walter F. Ottos Dionysos (1933) Alberto Bernab Dionysos in the Mycenaean World


Marco Antonio Santamara The Term and Dionysos Emilio Surez de la Torre Apollo and Dionysos: Intersections



Claude Calame Rien pour Dionysos? Le dithyrambe comme forme potique entre Apollon et Dionysos 82 Miriam Valds Gua Redening Dionysos in Athens from the Written Sources: The Lenaia, Iacchos and Attic Women 100 Christopher A. Faraone Gender Dierentiation and Role Models in the Worship of Dionysos: The Thracian and Thessalian Pattern 120 Marisa Tortorelli Ghidini Dionysos versus Orpheus?


Silvia Porres Caballero Maenadic Ecstasy in Greece: Fact or Fiction? Zoa Alonso Fernndez Maenadic Ecstasy in Rome: Fact or Fiction?




Table of Contents

Andrea Debiasi Dioniso e i cani di Atteone in Eumelo di Corinto (Una nuova ipotesi su P. Oxy. xxx 2509 e Apollod. 3.4.4) 200 Miguel Herrero de Juregui Dionysos in the Homeric Hymns: the Olympian Portrait of the God Raquel Martn Hernndez Herodotus Egyptian Dionysos. A Comparative Perspective



Paola Corrente Dushara and Allt alias Dionysos and Aphrodite in Herodotus 3.8 Ana Isabel Jimnez San Cristbal The Sophoclean Dionysos 272 Nina Schwartz Under the Spell of the Dionysian: Some Meta-tragic Aspects of the Xenos Attributes in Euripides Bacchae 301 Sara Macas Otero The Image of Dionysos in Euripides Bacchae: The God and his Epiphanies 329 M. Carmen Encinas Reguero The Names of Dionysos in Euripides Bacchae and the Rhetorical Language of Teiresias 349 Anton Bierl Dionysos in Old Comedy. Staging of Experiments on Myth and Cult Francesc Casadess Bordoy Dionysian Enthusiasm in Plato




Kerasia A. Stratiki Les Dionysoi de Patras: Le mythe et le culte de Dionysos dans la Perigse de Pausanias 401 Radclie G. Edmonds III Dionysos in Egypt? Epaphian Dionysos in the Orphic Hymns


Table of Contents


Giulia Sfameni Gasparro Dioniso tra polinomia ed enoteismo: il caso degli Inni Orci Mercedes Lpez Salv Dionysos and Dionysism in the Third Book of Maccabees David Hernndez de la Fuente Parallels between Dionysos and Christ in Late Antiquity: Miraculous Healings in Nonnus Dionysiaca 464 Paloma Cabrera The Gifts of Dionysos




Ftima Dez-Platas The Symposiast Dionysos: A God like Ourselves


Patricia Meiln Jcome Bacchus and Felines in Roman Iconography: Issues of Gender and Species 526 Stphanie Wyler An Augustan Trend towards Dionysos: Around the Auditorium of Maecenas 541 Albert Henrichs Dionysos: One or Many? Contributors Analytic Index Index Fontium Plates I 583 586 614


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