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Alyanna The mermaid princess

Many scientists, many historians, many dentists, many store owners, many animals and many plants didnt know that under the great, vast ocean between the West and the East (it depends on where you stand) lies The Great Kingdom of Pacipica. The Great Kingdom of Pacipica is an underwater kingdom. You cannot see it in the maps for it was located at the most bottom part of the ocean. Many great travelers and explorers who believed in its myth tried to find it but they had failed. Only those who have the truest of hearts can enter the city. And also, those who can breathe under water. It has a castle made up with diamonds (there are a lot of diamonds under water) and a great wall made up of rubies (there are a lot of rubies under water) surrounding the castle. Everyone who had taken a look at The Great Kingdom of Pacipica were all awed and wished they lived there. Fishes, octopus, sea weeds, clams and all other creatures that a marine biologist can name, all lived peacefully in the The Great Kingdom of Pacipica under the great rule of its great ruler, King Harmadon. King Harmadon is a mermaid, a half man, half fish creature. He has a great grey beard, and the color of his tail is bright green which shone when he does his morning exercises of flips and water dives. He loves all of those who live in The Great Kingdom of Pacipica, including his one and only child, Alyanna, the mermaid princess. Alyanna, the mermaid princess, has a hair so long she has to tie it using pearls in order to keep it from her pretty face. Her hair was the brightest of orange; her tail was as red as the apple (though there is no apple in The Great Kingdom of Pacipica). Everyone loves Alyanna. She is kind and always say Thank you, whenever the fishes deliver her food. She is a good laugh for she made Bernie, The Downer Shark giggle so loud everyone started calling him Bernie, The

Giggly Shark. She is helpful for once she saved a guy named Noah who owns this huge ark from drowning (she pushed the ark towards the shore with all of her power with her octopus friends). Everyone knows King Harmadon, the fishes, the octopuses, the sea weeds; the clams and all other creatures that a marine biologist can name that Alyanna will be a great leader. Thats why The Great Kingdom of Pacipica threw a huge party for Alyannas birthday. It was a grand celebration. Everywhere you go theres dancing, eating and shiniest tail contests. Alyanna wore her hair down and danced with the shrimps, ate with the starfishes and sang with the whale. After the celebrations, she hugged her father and told him that she loves him. King Harmadon kissed her daughter and said I love you too. It was the best day of Alyannas life. The next day was the worst. For Alyanna felt the deepest of pains of all. It was so painful that she darted out from her slumber. She looked down at her skin and saw that it was melting! Steam was coming out from her skin pores and it was very painful. So painful, it cannot be described (so there will be no description on how painful it was). Good thing, Alyanna has a good head (and a massive hair) on her shoulders; she swam out from her bedroom, out from the diamond castle. She looked back and it was melting! Melting diamonds? She thought she will never see the day. On her way out of the ruckus, she saw a crying baby fish. She took the baby fish and enveloped him with her arms, whispering on how she will protect him. She while holding the baby fish swam towards the glinting sunlight just above the water. When she finally came out from the water, her huge hair underneath the blue sky, she saw a big rock in the middle of the ocean. She swam herself there, not stopping even though her skin felt so painful and that in the back of her mind, she worries for her father. Is he still alive? Is he melting too, just like the diamond castle? Oh where is he? But Alyanna ignored these pressing questions. She sat herself in the rock, cradling the baby fish and waited. She waited for anyone from The Great Kingdom of Pacipica to arrive and rescue her and the baby fish. But no one came out. Maybe I should go back

now. Maybe the melting has stopped and Im just being a silly little girl right now. She waggled her tail towards the water. Her red tail touched it and she

gasped. It burned her with a hiss! If she goes down there, she might be burned alive! Because of the lack of water, the baby fish died in Alyannas arms. She kissed the forehead of the baby fish, a tear flowing in her cheeks, her mind saying sorry for she cannot do anything. She gave the baby fish back to the ocean, for it is where he belongs. The water burned the baby fishs body. Alyanna sobbed for she already knew what happened to her father and to The Great Kingdom of Pacipica. She fell asleep on the big rock, her dreams filled with King Harmadons booming laugh that turned into a cry. She woke up, and she was no longer in the rock. She was lying on a bed, not similar to what she owned from her old bedroom. Her orange hair was a mess and when she stared down to her tail, her tail was already missing! It was replaced by a pair of legs with feet at the end of it! Someone came inside. Who are you? she asked at the boy who came inside. He too has a pair of legs with two feet at the bottom. He must be a human, those creatures that her old maid has told her about. Creatures with no tail, creatures who cannot enter the The Great Kingdom of Pacipica because they have no heart (and they cannot breathe under water). My name is Rickard, my lady Alyanna, he bowed down to her. Who are you? Where am I? And how do you know me? Rickard answered all of those questions. He was Rickard, the mermaid prince from The Amazing Kingdom of Oceaneana. Just like what happened to The Great Kingdom of Pacipica, The Amazing Kingdom of Oceaneana melted for some reason no one can explain. Rickard was the only one who survived. He was saved by Ashara, the mermaid princess from The Valiant Kingdom of Asyana (which also melted) who was saved by Makko, the mermaid prince from The Dauntless Kingdom of Euronea (which also melted). Rickard told Alyanna that he and the others were now living at an island and were trying to find out how to come back to the water. The acid that poisoned the ocean made their tails disappear, made their kingdoms melt, and made their

love ones die. Alyanna wept for she knew there was no longer any hope to bring her father back and the others. You may not be able to bring your father back. But you can bring your kingdom on its own glory again, said Rickard. Rickard and the others have been possessed by a dream. They must plant an ancient tree called Euphrous in order to cleanse the ocean from the acid that has killed it. Alyanna joined them into finding the seed, travelling seven mountains, beating an evil witch who tried to trick them, and helping a gentle giant who leaded them to the right way. Finally, the four royals of the kingdoms under sea found the seed of Euphros in the Mountain of Euphoria, wherein the leaves of a tree are all made of gold, the soil is red and the sky is violet. The seed was small, so small; Alyanna thought that it was not the seed that they have been looking for. How come something so ordinary can be so powerful? They headed back to where they came from; saying hi to the giant who helped them, making sure the witch wouldnt hurt anyone again, and travelled seven mountains. When they arrived they planted the seed and waited for it to grow. And waited and waited and waited. Alyannas hair was not as bright as before when the Euphros was already on its prime. It was a simple tree with green leaves and brown trunk. Many things have changed through the years of waiting (too many to mention) but something has remained constant: Alyanna shall build a new home. Rickard, Ashara and Makko were thinking the same thing. One day, the last day of waiting, the Euphros tree turned into a massive light. The trees started turning into rays of light intertwining with each other until everything was covered by whiteness. The four woke up from their slumber and watched as the light travelled from the place where the tree was standing to the ocean. Once it reached the water, the whole sea glittered and sparkled as if it was now cleansed. Ashara ran towards the water. She dipped her feet and gasped when the water invaded her whole leg, turning it into a tail. A beautiful tail in the brightest of blue.

Alyanna followed and when she dipped her toe, she felt a tingle, the water doing what it has done to Ashara. In a moment, her legs are gone. Her red as apple tail was back. She kissed her new friends goodbye and promised that she will keep in touch. For now she has to swim back to the ashes of her old home and build it back, even greater than ever.

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