Ephraim Nii Tan Sackey' Research On The Development Needs of Ablekuma South Constituency

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To the constituents, we appreciate your invaluable contributions and cooperation.
Special thanks go to Mr. Ebo Hawkson, Mr. John-Bosco Tieyiri and all the heads of various institutions that
gave us their support.
Above all, to God, we say, may His name be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

The map of Ablekuma South Constituency

Pg. i
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................... i
Abstract........................................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content......................................................................................................................... iii

Chapter One............................................................................................................................... 1 to 2
1.1 Background
1.2 The Statement and definition of the Problem
1.3 General Assumptions
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 The Significance of the Study
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms
1.7 Limitations

Chapter Two................................................................................................................................3 to 4
2.1 Needs According to each Electoral Area

Chapter Three..................................................................................................................5 to 6
3.1 The Participants
3.2 The Design
3.3 Procedures Used in the Consultation Process
3.4 Statistical Treatment

Chapter Four..................................................................................................................7 to 15
4.2 Discussions
4.3 Analysis (Figures)
4.4 Rankings
4.5 Interpretation of Data

Chapter Five.........................................................................................................................16
5.1 Recommendations
5.2 Conclusion

Chapter Six.....................................................................................................................17 to 19


Pg. ii
Every leadership position is an opportunity to serve people. Just as it will be inappropriate for a caterer to
better serve his customers without seeking their interest, so will it be difficult to present the wishes of a given
constituents in Parliament if the Member of Parliament does not know the real needs of those he or she
represents. It is in view of this that the Member of Parliament for Ablekuma South Constituency, Honourable
Frederic Fritz Baffour, resolves to bring on board his constituents so that collectively, they would all be able
to identify the most pressing needs of the Constituency and design appropriate modalities to address them. By
this collaborative initiative, the Honourable MP wishes to give real interpretation to the concept of
participatory democracy and also one of the responses, in the series, to honouring his campaign pledges made
to the Constituency.
In order that the needs of his constituents are systematically addressed, the MP for the Constituency, decided to
put in place an independent Research team to initiate a broad base consultation process throughout the
Constituency, engaging all relevant stakeholders in a closer discussions on the issues confronting the
Constituency. As part of the process, the views of some selected Chiefs and representatives of identifiable
social institutions and the cross-section of the public were consulted through a series of unstructured
The core concentration of the team was to find out from the respondents what their main problems and priority
needs were for the attention of the Honourable MP. The major needs of the constituents were mentioned as
Environmental, Infrastructure, Social, Education, Interpersonal Communication and Economic.
While we acknowledge the aforementioned needs by the respondents as realistic and genuine, we recommend
that a deeper study be undertaken at a later date to evaluate these needs one after the other in order to design
the appropriate means of addressing them.

Pg. iii
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
The Ablekuma South constituency shares borders with Odododiodoo, Ablekuma Central, Ablekuma North
and Weija Constituencies. That is to say, it lies southwest of the Accra Metropolis. The 2000 population
census estimated the population of the Constituency at 251,000. It is believed that it could reach 300,000 by
the close of 2009.
The Following electoral areas constitute the Constituency;

• Gbebu Electoral Area

• Korle Gonno Electoral Area
• Mampong Okai Electoral Area
• Mamprobi Electoral Area
• Chorkor Electoral Area
• Mansralor Electoral Area
• New Mamprobi Electoral Area and
• Korlebu Electoral Area

The Constituency, which is one of the largest constituencies in the country, with an estimated voter population
of 161,000 in 2008, is not without similar numerous problems other constituencies face. The problems of
economic, social, environmental, educational, and infrastructure are the major challenges of the Constituency.
Environmental and Infrastructure problems seemed to be more dominant in the Constituency.
Who then should shoulder these? While one school of thought holds the view that a Parliamentarian is not a
development agent and that their core function should be limited to legislation, the other argues that MPs are
active development agents in their respective constituencies and should therefore be seen actively
participating in the development agenda of their constituencies. Apart from these two schools of thoughts,
there is yet another group - found between these two – those who think a Member of Parliament is both a
Legislator and a Development agent. But every leadership position is an opportunity to serve people.
1.2 The Statement and definition of the Problem:
Ablekuma South Constituency, like any other constituency, is faced with numerous economic, social and
environmental challenges. Even though the Constituency had had successive Members of Parliament since
1993, the past Governments, and their Members of Parliament for the Constituency, could not do much to
bring the desired development to the Constituency. Could this be the reason why the people of Ablekuma
South Constituency continue to wallow in these myriad of problems with little optimism of getting a relief one
day? Well, to unravel this mystery, responses to the following three questions were considered:
1. What are some of the challenges do you face as an institution within the constituency?
2. What are some of the challenges do you face within your community?
3. In your opinion, what can be done to solve these problems?

Pg 1
1.3 General Assumptions
For the purposes of this study, the following assumptions were made:
1. The real problems of Ablekuma South Constituency are still unsolved
2. There had not been an effective collaboration between the constituents and their Members of Parliament.
3. Effective collaboration between the constituents and the Member of Parliament will create a common
platform for the priority problems to be addressed.
1.4 Study Objectives
1. The MP intends to come out with a blue print for the constituency; this is to guide the appropriate technocrats
through the planning process.
2. To build a more effective collaborative relationship between the Member of Parliament and the constituents.

1.5 The Significance of the Study:

The significance of this study, among other things, is to help a planning committee put in place a strategic
blue print for the Ablekuma South Constituency to enable the Member of Parliament, Hon. Frederic Fritz
Baffour and other stakeholders best meet the development needs of the people of the Constituency.
This study document will also serve as reference manual for other researchers and social 6rganizations as well
as interested 6rganizations and individuals who want to research into other needs of the people of the
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms
For the purposes of this study, the following terms as used in this document are defined below:
a. Economic Problems; these include poverty, unemployment, high cost of living and lack of business
opportunities and credit facility for the self employed.
b. Social Problems; these include ignorance, negative cultural practices, health and general security.

c. Environmental Problems; these include sanitation (choked gutters, bad drainage system, toilet facilities,
refuse dump, etc), and other pollutants adverse to human health
d. Interpersonal Communication: this refers to those who believe that politicians only seek their mandate
during election time and forget about them afterwards. It also comprised of those who complained that they
have not seen the MP as well as other government officials since their coming into office.
e. Educational Problems; this refers to the responses of people that suggest that some individuals or groups
need to acquire some form of education, whether formal or informal.
f. Infrastructure Problem: This refers to the need for the tarring or construction of roads, bridges, housing,
schools, provision of inexpensive but efficient utilities and community facilities.
g. Needs: this refers to the priorities of the Constituents

1.7 Limitations
Research of this nature could not always be perfect. For instance, some of the responses were not verbal;
hence, the researcher had to use his background in Psychology to make inferences on some of the covert
behaviours. Besides, the unstructured nature of the questionnaires made it quite difficult to code and analyse
the responses. Again, there was not enough time to critically analyse the findings. It is also important to note
that the samples interviewed were few relative to the population universe.

Pg. 2

Chapter Two

The AMA within the Ablekuma sub Metro identified the following needs of the people in an invitation letter,
dated 26th February, 2009 to the Honourable MP, Local Assemblymen, Opinion Leaders and Government
2.1 Needs According to each Electoral Area
a. Chorkor
i. Roads
ii. Proper drains
iii. More Classrooms
iv. Street lights
v. Preschool Institution
vi. Increase in sanitary facilities
vii. Community Centre
viii.Community library and
ix. Small Micro Economic (for the women)
b. Korle Gonno
i. Street lights
ii. Drains – most of them should be covered
iii. Assistance to put up toilets in their home
iv. Social centre and
v. Community library
c. Korle-Bu

d. New Mamprobi
i. Street lights
ii. Drainage systems
iii. Tarring of roads
e. Mampong Okai
i. Good sewerage system
j. Refuse bins

f. Mansralor
i. Central Sewerage

Pg. 3

g. Gbebu
i. Glefe- Sea Defence wall
ii. Construction of bridge and tarring of road networks

iii. Micro Loan Scheme targeted at youth groups.

Ebenezer Secondary School

Completion of school wall
The same Metro indicates that out of 28 public toilets within Chorkor, Mamprobi and Korle Gonno, 7 are in a
very bad state, 4 are bad, 8 are fairly good, 7 are good and 2 are very good. This is what has been represented
in the graph below by the research team.
Pg. 4

Chapter Three
The purpose of this study is, among other things, getting in touch with the constituents of Ablekuma South
Constituency, and through broad based consultations, identifies the most pressing needs of the Constituency in
order to map out policy programmes and initiatives, bringing on board the constituents to effectively
collaborate with the Member of Parliament for the Area to address their needs.
“If you want to know how people feel [or what their needs really are] ask them”. On that premise, some
individuals and organisations that have technical knowledge within their sectors were contacted and asked to
write their views about their needs and some suggested solutions to those needs or challenges in the
constituency. We also went to the members of various social institutions to interview people on face to face
bases. We made personal observations and noted them down in addition to what was said verbally and
symbolically. During the interview, we made conscious efforts to control extraneous variables so as to make
the outcome scientific as much as possible. For instance, we chose our own participants in almost all the
schools we went to. This is to ensure that the teachers or head teachers are unable to manipulate the responses
of pupils or students. We also took pictures of some of the spots visited. Despite the fact that the interview
was more or less qualitative, we ensured we counted facts and figures that will enable us draw some
conclusions on the unfolding issues quantitatively.
3.1 The Participants
In order to have a broader representative sample, we decided to consult the following.
a. Educational Institutions: Information was obtained from Parents, heads of schools, teachers and students or
pupils of Saint Mary’s SHS in Korle Gonno, Ebenezer SHS , Mamprobi cluster of Schools, Dansoman 1 and 2
JHS, Josephus Memorial School, Tunga Community School, Korlebu Nursing School as well as some
students and pupils we met in town. Other contributors to the data include an educationist and other
b. Health Institutions: Health workers from Dansoman Polyclinic, Korlebu Teaching Hospital, Mamprobi
Polyclinic and CHPS in Glefe. Patients and members of the communities around the health centres were also
c. Security Officers: Officers from Dansoman Police station and Mamprobi Police station were the major
d. Economic Institutions: Tuesday market, Dansoman Market, Artisans, Commercial Drivers and the members
of the community such as those playing games were interviewed.
e. Traditional/Opinion Leaders: We contacted chiefs and opinion leaders at Korle Gonno, Chorkor and Gbebu.

f. Party Loyalists: Some NDC loyalists were interviewed.

g. The Community: views of some members of the community were also sought.

Pg. 5

3.2 The Design

Some Chiefs and selected influential opinion leaders were interviewed. The selection of the chiefs was based
on probability sampling. The chiefs were included because of our socio-cultural setting, where the chiefs
represent the values and beliefs of their ‘subjects’. Like the chiefs, the selection of the opinion leaders and the
various social institutions were based on probability, since it was difficult interviewing every member of the
Constituency. But in doing so, we took into consideration the location and beliefs among the constituents to
ensure fair representations. In all, a total of 216 respondents were interviewed.
3.3 Procedures Used in the Consultation Process
In order that we received fair and unbiased responses from our respondents, no prior notice were given.
Respondents were contacted in their locale to respond to the interview, and the purpose of the study was
indicated to all respondents in order to have their maximum cooperation. Respondents were interviewed
individually as well as in groups and at different locations. This is to enable us get genuine responses from
The crossed section of the public, including market women, were also interviewed to get their responses
regarding what their problems were and what they would want the appropriate authorities to do for them in
the Constituency.
3.4 Statistical Treatment
Upon completion of this procedure, the team gathered all the information received and tallied it. We then
compared our observations to what we were told by the constituents. We went on to match the acquired
information against what the sampled specialists in some institutions wrote to aid the research.
Though we used examples by mentioning some institutions, we did not consider in details problems that are
peculiar to the individuals involved. We finally picked the first six highest responded needs to know the
number of responses that supported those needs. Then after tabulating these responses we ranked them to
know which of these needs, when met, will satisfy the majority needs of the people.

Pg. 6

Chapter Four
4.1 Findings (Needs)
a. Chorkor needs:
i. Public toilets

ii. Community Bank

iii. Micro finance given to the fishermen, fish mongers artisans etc.

iv. Refuse containers to be provided in the various neighbourhoods

v. A bridge at Chorkor Chemuenaa –Shiabu and the dredging of the lagoon

vi. Easy accessibility and affordability of Outboard and Premix Fuel

vii.Chorkor police assisted logistically and provided with accommodation.

viii.Water and electricity supply disruption curtailed

ix. Cost of utility reduced

x. Public sensitization to promote formal and informal education, i.e. to prevent drug abuse and teenage
xi. The youth employed

xii.Education on good hygienic practices

xiii.Working visit by the MP

xiv.School feeding program

b. Mampong Okai needs:
I. Additional classrooms and an office for the Tunga community basic school

II. Additional classroom, offices, fence and a properly developed football park for Dansoman 3 and 4 basic
III. Challenges associated with NHIS administration solved (monies owed by the government paid) at the
Dansoman polyclinic
IV. A relocation of its polyclinic due to limited land space at its current location

V. Water and electricity supply bettered

v. Vi. Access roads tarred

vi. Vii. Working visit by the MP
viii. Additional street lights
ix Youth given jobs
x. Health centre provided

c. Gbebu needs:
i. A bridge on Mpoase – Glefe road constructed

ii. Flooding problem solved at Ebenezer down.

iii. Ebenezer Senior High School assisted with provision of Security systems (completion of wall and lighting
system), additional classrooms, ICT and Science laboratories as well as library facilities
iv. A police post

v. Main electric transformer repaired/ replaced at Glefe and Gbegbeese, (near Atomic Hotel)

vi. Sea defence built at Glefe

vii.Public sensitization to promote formal and informal education, i.e. to prevent drug abuse and teenage
viii.Health centre provided

ix. Working visit by the MP

x. Access roads tarred and drains constructed

xi. Sand-winning business discouraged.

Pg. 7

xii.Refuse containers provided

xiii.The school going age encouraged to go to school

xiv.Chieftaincy problems solved

xv. Karikari Brobbey Park developed as a standard sports facility

xvi.Toilet facilities built and

xvii.Youth employment opportunities

d. Mamprobi needs:
i. Its public schools properly fenced and secured to avoid community interferences.

ii. Additional classrooms, offices, toilet and refuse facilities provided.

iii. School parks developed and school feeding programme extended.

iv. Polyclinic maternity ward renovated and NHIS setbacks (monies owed by the government paid) resolved.

v. Police station logistically supported, provided with accommodation and tarred to avoid perennial flooding.

vi. Working visit by the MP

vii.Constant flow of water and electricity at affordable cost.

viii.Job for the youth.

e. Mansralor needs:
i. Perennial flooding problems solved at Otojor

ii. TV networks reception enhanced (innovative TV antenna system) at the SSNIT flats

iii. Community children’s park near NVTI rehabilitated and managed properly

iv. Logistical support and accommodation for the police station

v. Uninterrupted supply of water and electricity

vi. Job for the youth

f. Toilets and refuse containers provided

g. Working visits by the MP
h. Public sensitization to promote formal and informal education, i.e. to prevent drug abuse and teenage
vii.Access roads constructed and

viii.The youth employed

f. Korlebu needs:
i. Korlebu police station and hospital assisted with logistics or equipments.

ii. Nurses and Midwifery training college assisted to reduce theft, insecurity, over-crowding in the hostel, as well
as untarred access roads
iii. Working visit by the MP

iv. Challenges associated with NHIS administration solved (monies owed by the government paid) to the KBTH

v. Constant supply of water and electricity

vi. Access roads patched

g. Korle Gonno needs:
i. St. Mary’s Senior High School’s refuse and drainage problems solved and premises protected against littering
and public intrusion.
ii. Public sensitization to promote formal and informal education, i.e. to prevent drug abuse and teenage
iii. Toilets for the community

iv. Working visit by the MP

v. Vacant stalls, drainage, refuse, flooding, roof leakages and security challenges at the Tuesday Market solved

vi. The rest of the access roads tarred

vii. Public sensitisation on good hygiene practices

viii.Employment for the youth

ix. Frequent emptying of refuse containers

Pg. 8
h. New Mamprobi needs:

i. Refuse containers and toilet facilities

ii. Foot-bridges on Mamponse drains to link Camara- Banana-Inn and Camara-Agege

iii. Uninterrupted supply of water and electricity

iv. Working visit by the MP

v. Constant police patrol

vi. Jobs for the youth

vii.Access roads tarred and drains constructed

viii.Youth employed

4.2 Discussions
The following discussion is basically the report of some of the places visited

a. Education Institution: The common issue that runs through almost all the schools visited were sanitation
and interference by the community in which the schools are located. On sanitation for instance, the St Mary’s
Senior High School spent over GHC500 recently to desilt the gutter that passes through the compound to the
Korle Lagoon. It is alleged that some members of the community throw rubbish into this gutter which gets
choked before it get into the Korle Lagoon. This allegation was collaborated by an opinion leader within the

Besides, some of the school compounds are used as waste ground by the community as alleged by the students
and some staff of schools. To avoid this, The Ebenezer Secondary School for example, despite its constraints,
provided the community with a container to dump their refuse, but to no avail as some still throw refuse into
the compound.
As if this is not enough, some members of the community also use school classrooms for illicit sex, drug
taking as well toilets.

The schools playing fields are used by the community regularly and this has occasioned damage to school

In the worldview of some students, the community is not the only problem. The authorities in the schools levy them
for things they have never enjoyed. For instance, it was alleged that authorities in Mamprobi Cluster of Schools levy
the pupil’s indiscriminately (wall fee); yet, they informed us that they are unable to pay the GHC6000 that was
spent on the construction of the wall because the government has cancelled payment of fees.

The schools also “lack” infrastructure such as classrooms, places of convenience, Science Labs, ICT Centres
and accommodation for the teaching staff as well as boarding facilities, with Ebenezer Secondary School as
an example.

Whereas some of the basic schools believe that if the school feeding program is initiated, it would improve
their enrolment, others also suggested that the money should rather be channelled into providing
infrastructure. Some of the pupils who are supposed to utilise this program do not, because the food prepared
is unappetizing and unpalatable.

b. Health Institution: Malaria was identified as the most frequently reported illness in the various health
centres. This phenomenon is as a result of poor sanitation and inability of the people to acquire and use
mosquito nets.

The sector is also constrained by the fact that the National Health Insurance Scheme owes it huge debts. The
scheme for instance owes Mamprobi Polyclinic over GH¢ 280,000. The free antenatal care policy has
aggravated the issue.
Pg. 9
Most of the staff in the health sector do not have the requisite accommodation. Some live far away from the
area and are thus unable to respond speedily in the event of emergency.

Mamprobi Polyclinic is in dire need of accommodation and working space for vital equipments. There was an
instance where newly acquired equipment had to be given to another clinic because of the lack of adequate
structures to house it.

The community clinic at Glefe needs a security fence, a support base for a water tank donated by the Hon. MP
as well as the completion of an overhead structure to provide shade for patients.

Again, it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the health institutions do not have vehicles to transport the
sick and outreach officials. As a result, commercial vehicles are sometimes relied upon to carry out such
services, which is expensive and inconvenient.

On the part of patients, they denied the notion that they have free antenatal care. They claim that the only
things they have for free are maternity cards and rudeness, especially, on the part of female health workers.

They (patients) complain that not only do the charges vary from one government clinic to the other but also
they are discriminated against whenever they use the National Health Insurance Card. In fact, drugs that are
perceived to be quite expensive are always not available in stock for those with NHIS.

One other problem that is worth mentioning is insufficient equipments in all the clinics. This has brought
undue pressure on The Korlebu Teaching Hospital which is perceived to be better resourced.

Moreover, the human resource available, to say the least, do not meet the international requirement. One
doctor for instance, has to take care of many patients. It in this regard that some of the patients have to be in
queue for a long time before they are taken care of.
Of course, one cannot lose sight of some of the dilapidated structures that need to be renovated or maintained
properly. One cannot imagine that Korle-bu Hospital can still operate in dilapidated iron and wooden

c. Security
The most reported cases include robbery, physical and verbal assaults, fraud, abduction, and rape. The fraud
cases are mostly against landlords and landladies or accommodation agents whereas the physical and verbal
assaults are reported between friends and relatives.

The major problem affecting the security officers is accommodation. Investigation revealed that some of the
officers have to “perch with” friends and other relatives despite their age or marital status. It is believed that
those who can afford to rent private accommodation are unable to do so due to rampant transfers.

Another hindrance to the work of the security officers is insufficient communication gadgets, such as walkie-
talkies, etc. This makes the officers unable to link up with colleagues in order to track the movement of

Like other institutions, the service is plagued with insufficient in. Some of the existing ones need renovation.
The Mamprobi Police station is known to flood during every rainy season.

A shortfall in operative personnel is also another significant problem that the police face. Perhaps, this
explains why they are unable to meet the immediate needs of the communities. Indeed, I was made aware that
the police and population ratio is 1:2000 in Ghana and for that matter, the constituency. This is far below the
internationally accepted standards.

Pg. 10

Moreover, collaboration and co-operation between the police and the public is at low ebb. It is alleged that
some police officers reveal the identity of their informants to suspects. As a result, some of these informants
become vulnerable to criminal attacks. They therefore see it as a risky venture to volunteer information
leading to arrests etc.

Some members of the community alleged that they are given excuses most of the time by the police officers
when they send complaints to the police stations. They are often told they do not have personnel and when
they are many in the office, they say, they do not have vehicles.

Again, it is perceived that, on some occasions, the police demand money before attending to the needs of
victims and public. In view of this, if one believes that he or she does not have money to pay for the services
of the police, it is better to tolerate the criminals in the community.

d. Economic (Artisans/Traders/Fishermen/Drivers)

Workers under this heading are bedevilled with lack of funds (working capital). Quite apart from that, a visit
to the Tuesday Market showed that most of the stalls were unoccupied. An investigation revealed that the
owners prefer selling at the entrance to the market. This is because they are able to catch the attention of the
customers at the entrance to the detriment of those in the market.

Besides, some of the market structures are in abject disrepair. The Tuesday market for instance, leaks during
the raining season, resulting in flooding which is also caused by the choked gutters.
Security in the markets is not the best. In fact, there is next to no security. What heightens the problem is the
absence of a gate at the entrance of the market. As a result thieves break in intermittently to steal goods kept
Some members of the community also use the markets as their bedrooms, smoking of illegal drugs and
gambling. This could be as a result of the disconnection of power at the market by ECG.
On the part of the fishermen, their biggest problem is the unavailability of pre-mixed fuel. Even when
available, it is sold at a very exorbitant price.

Further investigation indicated that the issue about out-board motors for the fishermen are not different from
the pre-mixed fuel. They are very scarce and expensive.

The fishermen further complained that prices for their working inputs had increased astronomically, and upon
enquiry, this was blamed by the suppliers to the advent of the new NDC Government which they supported.

The Glefe branch of GPRTU when contacted named the following as their priority needs: Construction and
tarring of their road networks, sea defence wall and the need for more public toilets.

They were also not pleased with the way they are indiscriminately arrested by the police even at no
provocation. On the other hand, they believe that if the police are made to work on the highways during
weekends, it will go a long way to reducing the carnage on the roads. This is because most of the accidents on
the roads occur on the highways during weekends, when the police seemed to be on break. Still on accidents,
they suggested that when the police find someone over speeding, the person should immediately be made to
park and wait for sometime as a punishment.

e. Traditional/ Opinion leaders

Chieftaincy and stool disputes were the main complaints of the traditional leaders interviewed. This they
claim has contributed to the disunity within the affected communities, leading to underdevelopment and social
unrest. Mampongse in Gbebu is a prime example.
Pg. 11
The public and various opinion leaders alleged that some traditional leaders have sold public lands to the
detriment of the community leaving none for social amenities such as schools, clinics, market, etc.
They outlined some of the things they wish to have. These include,
(a) Employment for the youth,
(b) Construction of roads such as the one from Agege to Glefe, Mamprobi to Camara etc
(c) Clump on armed robbery in the communities,
(d) Clinic, for instance in Mampongse
(e) Market,
(f) Places of convenience
(g) Scholarship scheme for the pupils/students,
(h) Rubbish containers,

(i) Drainage, etc

f. Party Loyalists:
Some party loyalists were also contacted. They made requests and gave suggestions.
Employment was at the top of the requests that was made. About 80% of those interviewed said they
campaigned vigorously for NDC with the anticipation that they will get employment when the party comes to
power. Most of them were unable to explain their potentials. Nonetheless, those who have quite a higher level
of education were able to indicate what they can do and their area of interest.
One other request is for the government to ensure that it fulfils its promises to the electorates. This they
believe will enhance the chances of the party come, 2012 election.
They also feel that the house to house visit should not end just because the elections are over. This is because
they told some of the electorates that the NPP came for their votes only to abandon them after the election.
They promised them to test them (NDC) and see the difference between those who are social and those who
came for their votes in order to own properties.
They suggested that when the constituents call on the party officials, they should not speak to them
aggressively or with anger, because it could scare them away from the party. They say they campaigned on the
fact that the members of the NPP are arrogant; hence, they (NDC) should not be caught in the same web.
One other grievance that is mostly requested to be addressed is recognition. In their worldview, it will be
appropriate for the party officials to recognise their effort by organising a party for them or at least call for a
meeting to thank them for their efforts as done in other constituencies.
Some of them were also not pleased with “the slow pace” of government activities. For instance they see no
reason why the NPP members should continue to occupy certain positions and manage some government
programmes such as the school feeding program whereas they continue to wallow in poverty. They
recommended that government should let the National Petroleum Authority ensure that the adjustment in fuel
prices be made significant enough to ensure that transportation fares are adjusted accordingly. The situation
where fuel prices are increased for less than 5% and yet transport fares are increased over 10%, according to
some party loyalists, is unfair to the poor.

Pg. 12

g. The Community
The community shared the views held by the traditional leaders. But to reiterate their sentiments, they are very
much concerned about:
a. The poor nature of road networks,

b. The jobless youth who are mostly unskilled labours,

c. Poor sanitation, for instance, at Otojor in Dansoman, the lagoon in Glefe and two gutters in Alhaji and
Chorkor. Otojor and Glefe are amongst the major flooding flashpoints in the constituency. They have poor
drainage facilities. Most of the buildings are also built on water ways.
d. The introduction of the prepaid electricity metres was blamed for increased bills.

e. Insufficient and non-functional street lights,

f. During a visit to Dansoman SSNIT flat, it was suggested that the occupants will be very much pleased if
they could get a single “Satellite TV dish” that could give the entire flat access to TV networks without
necessarily putting TV poles on top of their buildings.
g. Some of them cautioned that if our visit to them yields no result, they will vote against the NDC in 2012.
Some revealed that but for our visit, they were becoming agitated for not seeing any leader in their vicinity
like they used to during the campaign.
Note that apart from the above information, other information such as the number of people who
wanted or asked to feel the presence of the political leader(s) was recorded.
Pg. 13
4.3 Analysis (Figures)
Institutions Econo % Envt’l % Interpersonal % Educ % Inf. % Social % Actual
mic comm.. ation Devt Total

EDUCATION 13 34 10 21 41 22 53

HEALTH 12 15 9 7 11 8 28

SECURITY 6 7 8 5 10 10 10

ECONOMIC 28 28 24 12 16 6 36

OPINION LEADERS 16 17 16 11 12 11 19

PARTY LOYALISTS 22 23 28 12 21 10 29

COMMUNITY 23 37 28 23 23 18 41

TOTAL 120 16.8 161 22.6 123 17.2 91 12.7 134 18.8 85 11.9 216

4.4 Rankings According to the most expressed need


Environmental 1ST 22.6 161

Infrastructure 2ND 18.8 134

Interpersonal 3RD 17.2 123

Economic 4TH 16.8 120

Educational 5TH 12.7 91

Social 6TH 11.9 85

TOTAL 100 714

Pg. 14

4.5 Interpretation of data

Out of the 714 responses from 216 respondents, Environmental needs had as much as 161 responses.
Meaning, 22.6% of the responses were in favour of tackling the sanitation menace. As much as 37 members of
the community out of the 41 interviewees felt that sanitation is one of the biggest challenges faced by the
Followed by sanitation (environmental) is infrastructure development which scored 18.8% as a result of 134
responses. To those in the educational institution, it is the worse impediment. Indeed 41 respondents out of the
53 interviewed supported this notion. 100% of the security officers interviewed gave their thump up for the
provision of infrastructure such as accommodation.
28 out of the 29 party loyalists interviewed said one of the things they want is to have interpersonal
relationship with their party leaders so as to defend the party when it is being accused by the opponents. This
made interpersonal relationship scored 17.2% for the overall responses. Most of the security officers like other
institutions interviewed, also asked the date that the officials themselves (especially, the MP) will come to
confer with them as it is done in some constituencies.
There were 3 responses short of the “interpersonal communication” responses that gave economic needs the 4th position
with 16.8 % score. Artisans as well as the members of the community and party loyalist made the greatest demand for
economic needs.

Knowledge acquisition is the next to last.12.7% of the 714 responses believe that the people need to acquire
either formal or informal knowledge. 23 members of the community supported this idea. The issue was mostly
on the need to motivate people to acquire a different 21ehavior and not necessarily to say that the respondents
want to go to school.
Social issues such as, the need for security, good health and the like constituted 11.9% of the responses.
Patients were interviewed from the clinics but they see sanitation and unfair treatment by some nurses as more
of a problem than the situation they were in. The economic institution formed the major contributors as they
feel that their biggest need is financial support for their business.

Pg. 15

Chapter Five

Investigation about the opinions of the constituents concerning the number of unemployed, relative to those
employed would be helpful and provide testable hypothesis. It would also be useful to search and interview
members of the opposition as a group just as how the opinions of the party loyalist were sorted. If the research
is done on weekends as well, it will provide opportunity to some of those who reside in the constituency and
yet work outside the territory also to contribute. Besides, if the research is done quantitatively instead of
qualitatively, it will be easier for it to be replicated, coded and analysed.
Apart from that, it will serve a good purpose to take video footages of places that require urgent attention in
addition to the pictures. One potential hypothesis would be that sociologically, Ablekuma South constituency
is a simple society. We chose this hypothesis because knowing and understanding the behaviour of people is
paramount to effective governance. Research could also be made to know the correlation between satisfying
the needs of the electorates and retaining ones position as a politician. In fact many areas with regards to the
views of the people’s needs and perhaps, who they are, hang about to be studied.
Our major objective for this study was to provide the foundation for a planning committee to put in
place a strategic blueprint for the Ablekuma South Constituency to enable the Member of Parliament,
Hon. Frederic Fritz Baffour and other stakeholders best meet the development needs of the people of
the Constituency. And it is also our responsibility to offer the following recommendations;
1. A Committee of experts should be constituted as indicated in the objective above, to discuss this document
and come out with a holistic and comprehensive working document on the developmental agenda for the
2. A detailed study into each of the six specific needs of the constituents is recommended to enable a clear
understanding of the issues on the ground.
3. In order that the problems of the Constituency are effectively addressed, there should be continuing good
working relationship and coordination among all the stakeholders.
4. Ignorance is still pervasive in the Constituency and therefore, there should be sensitisation programmes put in
place to carry out social education on civic responsibility of the constituents.
5. To curb crime, some security officers should be accommodated in places where crime is rampant (mixed with
civilians) and not necessarily in quarters or barracks alone.

5.2 Conclusion
The electorates are not indifferent when it comes to what politicians do with the power invested in them. It is
their wish to be partners in making decisions. Indeed the people of Ablekuma South are very much awake to
the fact that participation is one of the tenets of good governance. Any attempt by any politician to exclude
their opinion in the governance process could be unpleasant for that politician. The needs of the people are
very numerous. What is the most pressing for the politician might not necessarily be what the citizen need
most. They have views about all the social institutions and they are always ready to express these views. This
good initiative should therefore continue.

Pg. 16

Pg. 17

Chapter 6

Agege 205 Bus stop (App 1) Chorkor Chemuena (App 2)

The poorly constructed bridge at Banana Inn (App 3) Chorkor T Garden (App 4)

Flood zone in Otojor (App 5) The beautiful Glefe Lagoon (App 6)

Pg. 18

Alhaji Drain (App 7) Cover for gutters removed & sold (App 8)
SSNIT flat (App 9) School Pupils Labouring (App 10)

His job is to hunt for metals for survival. (App 11) The abandoned Children’s Park near NVTI, Dansoman (App 12)

Pg. 19

1. Ablekuma Sub-Metro District Council annual report for the year, 2008
2. Ablekuma Sub-Metro District Council information on Toilet facilities.
3. Internet (the map of Accra)
Chorkor Chemuena (App 13)

Pg. 20 Mr. Ephraim Nii Tan Sackey

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