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Shain Wiederholt


Shain Carlton Wiederholt Phone: 503 748 9242 Address: 224 E 2nd South Rexburg, ID 83440 Email:

Table of Contents
Page 4-5: Brochure Page 6-7 Logo Page 8-9: Event Ad Page 10-11: Stationary Page 12-13: Business Card Page 14-15: Flyer Page 16-17: Webpage Page 18-19: Image Editing Page 20-21: Montage

Description: A bifold brochure made for the Scroll Newspapers Photography Staff. It includes class and grading information, the basics of photography exposure, Contact information for the heads of the Photography Section, and a complete equipment list. Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator Date: July 12th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn to create multiple pages that would print double sided, and to adjust the document to contain a fold. Process: I created two pages, and I lined everything up so that there would be an inch and three-quarter lip on the bottom. This is where I lined up the camera on the front and on the inside, the inside being opaque. For the body copy, I did a paragraph on what photojournalism is, a paragraph of how we grade in Scroll, short explanations of what each of the contributions to exposure are, and on the back I included an equipment list and contact info for all of the photo editors. The logo was redesigned with an aperture in the O. Edits: 30 minutes

Description: We took an existing company or one that we created and designed a three different logos for that company. I had to create a company to build an advertising campaign for in my advertising class, so I designed a logo for that company called EyeCAM. They would make contact lenses that doubled as cameras. Programs: Adobe Illustrator Date: June 8th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and to prepare for a few future projects if we so desired. Process: My process was through Adobe Illustrator. I didnt keep track of all the steps, but I designed it around the concept of the pupil of an eye being like an aperture in a camera lens. The text was Futura in all three logos, and I use the image of the eye to imply the first part of the name of the company for the first logo.

Event Ad
Description: Using InDesign, I created an event flier for a graduation leadership conference using a provided image, logo and body copy. The project was primarily to help students to learn the principles of design and to begin practice with InDesign. Programs: Adobe Indesign Date: May 9th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn how to create basic items using InDesign and to practice using the principles of design. Process: One a white background, I used black and gray bars to show repitition with the logo and image, to give contrast and to create a sort of barrier for the eye to look at. I placed the image, and copied it twice. I gave each one a lower opacity so that I could give it a coming foward from obscurity kind of feeling. It also was to be able to create flow in the image. Last thing I did was place the logo and body copy, which I had to check for spelling and format correctly for my individual flier.

Description: Using a logo that we have created, we designed this stationary and a business card that was visually connected. Programs: Adobe Indesign, Illustrator Date: June 16th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To use both Illustator and InDesign to create documents with similar design elements. Process:I designed a polaroid camera out in illustrator using an actual image of the cmaera and tracing everything around it using the Pen tool. After I had that created, I just placed it on both the card and the stationary, created an opaque background with the same color as the body of the camera, and put my name next to it. I also used the image of the camera as a watermark. Reedit time: 30 minutes

Business Card
Description: Using a logo that we have created, we designed this stationary and a business card that was visually connected. Programs: Adobe Indesign, Illustrator Date: June 16th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To use both Illustator and InDesign to create documents with similar design elements. Process:I designed a polaroid camera out in illustrator using an actual image of the cmaera and tracing everything around it using the Pen tool. After I had that created, I just placed it on both the card and the stationary, created an opaque background with the same color as the body of the camera, and put my name next to it. I also used the image of the camera as a watermark.

Description: A bifold brochure made for the Scroll Newspapers Photography Staff. It includes class and grading information, the basics of photography exposure, Contact information for the heads of the Photography Section, and a complete equipment list. Programs: Microsoft Word Date: May 20th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn how to create visual documents using Microsoft word. Process: I created two pages, and I lined everything up so that there would be an inch and three-quarter lip on the bottom. This is where I lined up the camera on the front and on the inside, the inside being opaque. For the body copy, I did a paragraph on what photojournalism is, a paragraph of how we grade in Scroll, short explanations of what each of the contributions to exposure are, and on the back I included an equipment list and contact info for all of the photo editors. The logo was redesigned with an aperture in the O.

Description: We used a logo from our logo design assignment and created a very basic webpage around it. We were given the code and told what to do and how to do it, but the purpose was so that we could begin to recognize all the things that we needed to for basic html and CSS. Programs: Text Wrangler Date: June 29th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn how to write basic html and CSS, and to be able to recognize certain parts of the code. Process: We were provided with the basic codes for the html and the css. We just had to go into the code and change the right tags so that it would do what we needed to do. I started with the html, creating the text and the layout, and then I did the CSS changing the colors and alignments. For the logo, I used Futura font and an image of an eye to make the company recognizable. The iris of the eye resembles an aperture from a camera lens.

Image Editing
Description: For this project we had to select a photograph which we would photomanipulate by selecting a subject, desturating the background and then apply a filter to some portion of the photograph. Programs: Adobe Photoshop Date: May 22nd, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn the bsaic ins and outs of Photoshop. Specifically selecting material and applying filters to it. Process: First thing that I did was that I selected my photograph, and cropped it to be 6x6 and changed it to 150DPI. Then I selected the cheery picker and the people in it, and copied it and pasted it as an additional layer to the top of the original. I added the craquelure filter in the filter gallery. For the original photo, I just simply desturated the photo through the image menu up top. Then I took the photo, and put it onto a blank photo and lined it up on the appropriate margins. Reedit time: 60 minutes

Description: Just a project where we created an inspiriational poster using photoshop. We had to include a quote and several images all blended together. Programs: Adobe Photoshop Date: June 1th, 2013 Course: Comm 130 - Visual Media Instructor: Eric Lybbert Objectives: To learn to create multiple pages that would print double sided, and to adjust the document to contain a fold. Process: Created a Gradient in red, fading to white at the bottom of the page. Opened the 5 images used to make the evolutionary chain of a child growing into an artist. Selected each of the images using the quick selection tool and cut them from the original images. Pasted them onto the gradient background, putting them in order to create an evolutionary chain of a baby towards an artist. Turned each of the images into silhouettes by desaturating them, and then adjusting the levels by moving the dark end all the way up. Opened an image of an artists palette and clipped it from the original image as well. Pasted it to the bottom of the gradient image. Rotated it and enlarged it. Placed a mask over the palette and blended it into the gradient with a brush at 180 pixels wide and 100% opacity, just going around the edge and making it more round for the composition. Moved it into a better placement, and reshaped it slightly. Touched up the fade with a 30% opacity brush. Applied a sharpen filter to each of the images. Typed in the quote in the left hand corner in Bell MT font, size 52 and bolded. The quote is by Pablo Picasso: Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. The attribution to Picasso is at 24 size font and aligned with the word up. Changed the resolution to 72 PPI, changed the longest side to 800 pixels long and submitted.

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