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1 John 1:1 What was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our

r eyes, which we have observed and our hands have touched with reference to the word of life o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j what h=n imperf act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it was) avpV avrch/j noun gen fem sing avrch, from (the) beginning o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j which avkhko,amen perf act ind 1st pl avkou,w we have heard o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j which e`wra,kamen perf act ind 1st pl o`ra,w we have seen toi/j ovfqalmoi/j noun dat masc pl ovfqalmo,j with the eyes h`mw/n pron gen 1 pl evgw, of us o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j which evqeasa,meqa aor mid ind 1st pl qea,omai we have observed kai, conjunction kai, and ai` cei/rej noun nom fem pl cei,r the hands h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us evyhla,fhsan aor act ind 3rd pl yhlafa,w (they) touched peri, tou/ lo,gou noun gen masc sing lo,goj with reference to the word th/j zwh/j noun gen fem sing zwh, of life 1 John 1:2 and the life was made known, and we have seen and we are bearing witness and we are proclaiming to you the eternal life which was with the father and was made known to us kai, conjunction kai, and h` zwh, noun nom fem sing zwh, the life evfanerw,qh aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (it) was made known kai, conjunction kai, and e`wra,kamen perf act ind 1st pl o`ra,w we have seen kai, conjunction kai, and marturou/men pres act ind 1st pl marture,w we are bearing witness kai, conjunction kai, and avpagge,llomen pres act ind 1st pl avpagge,llw we are proclaiming u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you th,n zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, the life th,n aivw,nion adj acc fem sing aivw,nioj eternal h[tij rel pron nom fem sing o[stij which h=n imperf act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) was pro,j to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r with the father kai, conjunction kai, and evfanerw,qh aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (it) was made known h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us

1 John 1:3 what we have seen and we heard, we are proclaiming also to you, in order that you may also have fellowship with us. That is our fellowship (is) now with the father and with his son Jesus Christ. o[ rel pron acc neut sing o[j what e`wra,kamen perf act ind 1st pl o`ra,w we have seen kai, conjunction kai, and avkhko,amen perf act ind 1st pl avkou,w we have heard avpagge,llomen pres act ind 1st pl avpagge,llw we are proclaiming kai, conjunction kai, also u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you i[na conjunction i[na in order that kai, conjunction kai, also u`mei/j pron nom 2nd pl su, you koinwni,an noun acc fem sing koinwni,a fellowship e;chte pres act subj 2nd pl e;cw you may have meqV h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, with us kai, conjunction kai, that is h` koinwni,a noun nom fem sing koinwni,a the fellowship de, conjunction de, now h` h`mete,ra adj nom fem 1st sing h`me,teroj our meta, tou/ patro,j noun gen masc sing path,r with the father kai, conjunction kai, and meta, tou/ ui`ou/ noun gen masc sing ui`o,j with the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him ivhsou/ noun gen masc sing VIhsou/j of Jesus cristou/ noun gen masc sing Cristo,j of Christ 1 John 1:4 And these things we (ourselves) are writing, in order that our joy may be made full. kai, conjunction kai, and tau/ta pron acc neut pl ou-toj these things gra,fomen pres act ind 1st pl gra,fw we are writing h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves i[na conjunction i[na in order that h` cara, noun nom fem sing cara, the joy h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us h=| pres act subj 3rd sing eivmi, (it) may be peplhrwme,nh perf pass ptc nom fem sing plhro,w haven been made full 1 John 1:5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and we are proclaiming to you, that God is light and in him there is not darkness at all. kai, conjunction kai, and e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this h` avggeli,a noun nom fem sing avggeli,a the message

h[n avkhko,amen avpV auvtou/ kai, avnagge,llomen proclaiming u`mi/n o[ti o` qeo,j fw/j evstin kai, skoti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin ouvdemi,a

rel pron acc fem sing o[j perf act ind 1st pl pron gen masc 3rd sing conjunction kai, pres act ind 1st pl

which avkou,w auvto,j and avnagge,llw to you God

we have heard from him we are

pron dat 2nd pl su, conjunction o[ti that noun nom masc sing qeo,j noun nom neut sing fw/j light pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, conjunction kai, and noun nom fem sing skoti,a pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j neg part ouv not pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, adj nom fem sing ouvdei,j

(he) is darkness in him there is not at all

1 John 1:6 If we might say that we are having fellowship with him and in the darkness we may walk, we are lying and we are not practicing the truth; eva,n subord conj eva,n if ei;pwmen aor act subj 1st pl ei=pon we might say o[ti conjunction o[ti that koinwni,an noun acc fem sing koinwni,a fellowship e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having metV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j with him kai, conjunction kai, and evn tw/| sko,tei noun dat neut sing sko,toj in the darkness peripatw/men pres act subj 1st pl peripate,w we may walk yeudo,meqa pres mid ind 1st pl yeu,domai we are lying kai, conjunction kai, and ouv neg part ouv not poiou/men pres act ind 1st pl poie,w we are practicing th,n avlh,qeian noun acc fem sing avlh,qeia the truth 1 John 1:7 but if in the light we may walk as he is in the light, we are having fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son is cleansing us from every sin. eva,n subord conj eva,n if de, conjunction de, but evn tw/| fwti, noun dat neut sing fw/j in the light peripatw/men pres act subj 1st pl peripate,w we may walk w`j subord conj w`j as auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j he evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is evn tw/| fwti, noun dat neut sing fw/j in the light koinwni,an noun acc fem sing koinwni,a fellowship

e;comen metV avllh,lwn kai, to, ai-ma ivhsou/ tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ kaqari,zei h`ma/j avpo, pa,shj a`marti,aj

pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having pron gen masc 1st pl avllh,lwn with one another conjunction kai, and noun nom neut sing ai-ma the blood noun gen masc sing VIhsou/j of Jesus noun gen masc sing ui`o,j of the son pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him pres act ind 3rd sing kaqari,zw (it) is cleansing pron acc 1st pl evgw, us adj gen fem sing pa/j from every noun gen fem sing a`marti,a sin

1 John 1:8 If we might say that we are not having sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. eva,n subord conj eva,n if ei;pwmen aor act subj 1st pl ei=pon we might say o[ti conjunction o[ti that a`marti,an noun acc fem sing a`marti,a sin ouvk neg part ouv not e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having e`autou,j pron acc masc 1st pl e`autou/ ourselves planw/men pres act ind 1st pl plana,w we are deceiving kai, conjunction kai, and h` avlh,qeia noun nom fem sing avlh,qeia the truth ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us 1 John 1:9 If we may confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, in order that he might forgive us (our) sins and he might cleanse us from all unrighteousness. eva,n subord conj eva,n if o`mologw/men pres act subj 1st pl o`mologe,w we may confess ta,j a`marti,aj noun acc fem pl a`marti,a the sins h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us pisto,j adj nom masc sing pisto,j faithful evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is kai, conjunction kai, and di,kaioj adj nom masc sing di,kaioj righteous i[na subordin conj i[na in order that avfh/| aor act subj 3rd sing avfi,hmi he might forgive h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, us ta,j a`marti,aj noun acc fem pl a`marti,a the sins kai, conjunction kai, and kaqari,sh| aor act subj 3rd sing kaqari,zw he might cleanse h`ma/j pron acc 1st pl evgw, us

avpo, pa,shj avdiki,aj

adj gen fem sing noun gen fem sing

pa/j avdiki,a

from all unrighteousness

1 John 1:10 If we might say that we have not sinned, a liar we are making him and his word is not in us. eva,n subord conj eva,n if ei;pwmen aor act subj 1st pl ei=pon we might say o[ti conjunction o[ti that ouvc neg part ouv not h`marth,kamen perf act ind 1st pl a`marta,nw we have sinned yeu,sthn noun acc masc sing yeu,sthj a liar poiou/men pres act ind 1st pl poie,w we are making auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him kai, conjunction kai, and o` lo,goj noun nom masc sing lo,goj the word auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us 1 John 2:1 My children, these things I am writing to you in order that you might not sin. And if anyone might sin, an advocate we are having with the father Jesus Christ (the) righteous one tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children mou pron gen 1st sing evgw, of me tau/ta pron acc neut pl ou-toj these things gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you i[na subord conj i[na in order that mh, neg part mh, not a`ma,rthte aor act subj 2nd pl a`marta,nw you might sin kai, conjunction kai, and eva,n subord conj eva,n if tij pron nom masc sing ti.j anyone a`ma,rth| aor act subj 3rd sing a`marta,nw (he) might sin para,klhton noun acc masc sing para,klhtoj an advocate e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having pro,j to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r with the father ivhsou/n noun acc masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus cristo,n noun acc masc sing Cristo,j Christ di,kaion adj acc masc sing di,kaioj (the) righteous one 1 John 2:2 And he is (the) atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. kai, conjunction kai, and auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j he i`lasmo,j noun nom masc sing i`lasmo,j (the) means by which sins are

evstin pres act ind 3rd sing forgiven peri, tw/n a`martiw/n noun gen fem pl h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl ouv neg part peri, tw/n h`mete,rwn pron gen fem 1st pl de, conjunction mo,non adverb avlla, conjunction kai, conjunction peri, o[lou adj gen masc sing tou/ ko,smou noun gen masc sing


(he) is

a`marti,a for the sins evgw, of us ouv not h`me,teroj for ours de, and mo,noj only avlla, but kai, also o[loj for (the) world ko,smoj of the world

1 John 2:3 And by this we are knowing that we have known, him if his commandments we may keep. kai, conjunction kai, and evn tou,tw| pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skomen pres act ind pl ginw,skw we are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that evgnw,kamen perf act 1st plural ginw,skw we have known auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him eva,n subord conj eva,n if ta,j evntola,j noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commandments auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him thrw/men pres act subj 1st pl thre,w we may keep 1 John 2:4 The one saying that I have known him and his commandments not keeping, he is a liar and in this one there is no truth; o` le,gwn pres act ptc nom masc sing le,gw the one saying o[ti conjunction o[ti that e;gnwka perf act ind 1st sing ginw,skw I have known auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him kai, conjunction kai, and ta,j evntola,j noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commandents auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him mh, neg part mh, not thrw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing thre,w keeping yeu,sthj noun nom masc sing yeu,sthj a liar evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is kai, conjunction kai, and evn tou,tw| pron dat masc sing ou-toj in this one h` avlh,qeia noun nom fem sing avlh,qeia the truth ouvk neg part ouv no e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, there is

1 John 2:5 but whoever may keep his word, truly in this one the love of God has been made complete, by this we are knowing that we are in him. o[j rel pron nom masc o[j whoever dV conjunction de, but a;n particle a;n thrh/| pres act subj 3rd sing thre,w (he) may keep auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him to,n lo,gon noun acc masc sing lo,goj the word avlhqw/j adverb avlhqw/j truly evn tou,tw| dem pron dat masc sing ou-toj in this one h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God tetelei,wtai perf pass ind 3rd sing teleio,w (it) has been made complete evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skomen pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him evsmen pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are 1 John 2:6 The one saying to remain in him he ought just as that one walked also himself in this way to walk. o` le,gwn pres act ptc nom masc sing le,gw the one saying evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nein pres act infin me,nw to remain ovfei,lei pres act ind 3rd sing ovfei,lw he ought kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as evkei/noj dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj that one periepa,thsen aor act ind 3rd sing peripate,w (he) walked kai, conjunction kai, also auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j himself ou[twj adverb ou[tw in this way peripatei/n pres act infin peripate,w to walk 1 John 2:7 Beloved ones, I am not writing to you a new commandment but an old commandment which you were having from (the) beginning; the old commandment is the word that you heard. avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved ones ouvk neg part ouv not evntolh,n noun acc fem sing evntolh, a commandment kainh,n (adj acc fem sing kaino,j new gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you avlla, conjunction avlla, but evntolh,n noun acc fem sing evntolh, a commandment palaia,n adj acc fem sing palaio,j old h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which

ei;cete avpV avrch/j beginning h` evntolh, h` palaia, evstin o` lo,goj o[n hvkou,sate

imperf act ind 2nd pl noun gen fem sing noun nom fem sing adj nom fem sing pres act ind 3rd sing noun nom masc sing rel pron acc masc sing aor act ind 2nd pl

e;cw avrch,

you were having from (the)

evntolh, the commandment palaio,j the old eivmi, (it) is lo,goj the word o[j which avkou,w you heard

1 John 2:8 On the other hand a new commandment I am writing you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is disappearing and the true light is already giving light. pa,lin adverb pa,lin again evntolh,n noun acc fem sing evntolh, a commandment kainh,n (adj acc fem sing kaino,j new gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j which evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is avlhqe,j adj nom neut sing avlhqh,j true evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him kai, conjunction kai, and evn u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, in you o[ti conjunction o[ti because h` skoti,a noun nom fem sing skoti,a the darkness para,getai pres pass ind 3rd sing para,gw (it) is passing away kai, conjunction kai, and to, fw/j noun nom neut sing fw/j the light to, avlhqino,n adj nom neut sing avlhqino,j the true h;dh adverb h;dh already fai,nei pres act ind 3rd sing fai,nw (it) is shining 1 John 2:9 The one saying to be in the light and hating his brother he is still in the darkness. o` le,gwn pres act ptc nom masc sing le,gw the one saying evn tw/| fwti, noun dat neut sing fw/j in the light ei=nai pres act infin eivmi, to be kai, conjunction kai, and to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the bother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him misw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing mise,w hating evn th/| skoti,a| noun dat fem sing skoti,a in the darkness evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is e[wj preposition e[wj until a;rti adverb a;rti now 1 John 2:10 The one loving his brother is remaining in the light and there is no obstacle in him;

o` avgapw/n to,n avdelfo,n auvtou/ evn tw/| fwti, me,nei remaining kai, ska,ndalon evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin

pres act ptc nom masc sing noun acc masc sing pron gen masc 3rd sing noun dat neut sing pres act ind 3rd sing

avgapa,w avdelfo,j auvto,j fw/j me,nw

the one loving the brother of him in the light (he) is

conjunction kai, and noun nom neut sing ska,ndalon that which causes sin pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him neg part ouv no pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, there is

1 John 2:11 but the one hating his brother is in the darkness and in the darkness he is walking and he is now knowing where he is going, because the darkness made his eyes blind. o` def art nom masc sing o` the one de, conjunction de, but misw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing mise,w hating to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evn th/| skoti,a| noun dat fem sing skoti,a in the darkness evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is kai, conjunction kai, and evn th/| skoti,a| noun dat fem sing skoti,a in the darkness peripatei/ pres act ind 3rd sing peripate,w he is walking kai, conjunction kai, and ouvk neg part ouv not oi=den perf act ind 3rd sing oi=da he is knowing pou/ interrog adj pou/ where u`pa,gei pres act ind 3rd sing u`pa,gw he is going o[ti conjunction o[ti because h` skoti,a noun nom fem sing skoti,a the darkness evtu,flwsen aor act ind 3rd sing tuflo,w (it) blinded tou,j ovfqalmou,j noun acc masc pl ovfqalmo,j the eyes auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 2:12 I am writing to you, children, because (your) sins have been forgiven because of his name. gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children o[ti conjunction o[ti because avfe,wntai perf pass ind 3rd pl avfi,hmi (they) have been forgiven u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you ai` a`marti,ai noun nom fem pl a`marti,a the sins

dia, to, o;noma name auvtou/

noun acc neut sing pron gen masc 3rd sing

o;noma auvto,j

because of the of him

1 John 2:13 I am writing to you, fathers, because you have known the one from (the) beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you pate,rej noun voc masc pl path,r fathers o[ti conjunction o[ti because evgnw,kate perf act ind 2nd pl ginw,skw you have known to,n rel pron acc masc sing o` the one avpV avrch/j noun gen fem sing avrch, from (the) beginning gra,fw pres act ind 1st sing gra,fw I am writing u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you neani,skoi noun voc masc pl neani,skoj young men o[ti conjunction o[ti because nenikh,kate perf act ind 2nd pl nika,w you have conquered to,n ponhro,n adj acc masc sing ponhro,j the evil one 1 John 2:14 I wrote to you, children, because you have known the father. I wrote to you, fathers, because you have known the one from (the) beginning. I wrote to you, young men, because you are strong and the word of God remains in you and you have overcome the evil one. e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you paidi,a noun voc neut pl paidi,on children o[ti conjunction o[ti because evgnw,kate perf act ind 2nd pl ginw,skw you have known to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r the father e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you pate,rej noun voc masc pl path,r fathers o[ti conjunction o[ti because evgnw,kate perf act ind 2nd pl ginw,skw you have known to,n rel pron acc masc sing o` the one avpV avrch/j noun gen fem sing avrch, from (the) beginning e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you neani,skoi noun voc masc pl neani,skoj young men o[ti conjunction o[ti because ivscuroi, adj nom masc pl ivscuro,j strong evste pres act ind 2nd pl eivmi, you are kai, conjunction kai, and

o` lo,goj tou/ qeou/ evn u`mi/n me,nei kai, nenikh,kate conquered to,n ponhro,n

noun nom masc sing noun gen masc sing pron dat 2nd pl pres act ind 3rd sing conjunction perf act ind 2nd pl adj acc masc sing

lo,goj qeo,j su, kai,

the word of God in you me,nw and nika,w ponhro,j

(it) remains you have

the evil one

1 John 2:15 Do not keep on loving the world not even the things in the world. If anyone may love the world, the love of the father is not in him; mh, neg part mh, not avgapa/te pres act imper 2nd pl avgapa,w keep on loving to,n ko,smon noun acc masc sing ko,smoj the world mhde, conjunction mhde, not even ta, rel pron acc neut pl o` the things evn tw/| ko,smw| noun dat masc sing ko,smoj in the world eva,n subord conj eva,n if tij pron nom masc sing ti.j anyone avgapa/| pres act subj 3rd sing avgapa,w (he) may love to,n ko,smon noun acc masc sing ko,smoj the world ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love tou/ patro,j noun gen masc sing path,r of the father evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him 1 John 2:16 because all that (is) in the world, the desire of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of possessions, is not from the father but is from the world. o[ti conjunction o[ti because pa/n adj nom neut sing pa/j all to, rel pron nom neut sing o` that evn tw/| ko,smw| noun dat masc sing ko,smoj in the world h` evpiqumi,a noun nom fem sing evpiqumi,a the desire th/j sarko,j noun gen fem sing sa,rx of the flesh kai, conjunction kai, and h` evpiqumi,a noun nom fem sing evpiqumi,a the lust tw/n ovfqalmw/n noun gen masc pl ovfqalmo,j of the eyes kai, conjunction kai, and h` avlazonei,a noun nom fem sing avlazonei,a the pride tou/ bi,ou noun gen masc sing bi,oj of the possessions ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is evk tou/ patro,j noun gen masc sing path,r from the father avlla, conjunction avlla, but evk tou/ ko,smou noun gen masc sing ko,smoj from the world


pres act ind 3rd sing


(it) is

1 John 2:17 And the world and the desire of it is passing away, but the one doing the will of God is remaining forever. kai, conjunction kai, and o` ko,smoj noun nom masc sing ko,smoj the world para,getai pres pass ind 3rd sing para,gw (it) is passing away kai, conjunction kai, and h` evpiqumi,a noun nom fem sing evpiqumi,a of the desire auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of it o` def art nom masc sing o` the one de, conjunction de, but poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w doing to, qe,lhma noun acc neut sing qe,lhma the will tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (he) is living eivj to,n aivw/na noun acc masc sing aivw,n into the age 1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour, and just as you heard that (the) Antichrist is coming, and now many anitchrists have come, for which reason we are knowing that it is (the) last hour. paidi,a noun voc neut pl paidi,on children evsca,th adj nom fem sing e;scatoj (the) last w[ra noun nom fem sing w[ra hour evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, it is kai, conjunction kai, and kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as hvkou,sate aor act ind 2nd pl avkou,w you heard o[ti conjunction o[ti that avnti,cristoj noun nom masc sing avnti,cristoj (the) Antichrist e;rcetai pres mid ind 3rd sing e;rcomai (he) is coming kai, conjunction kai, and nu/n adverb nu/n now avnti,cristoi noun nom masc pl avnti,cristoj antichrists polloi, adj nom masc pl polu,j many gego,nasin perf act ind 3rd pl gi,nomai (they) have come o[qen subord conj o[qen from where ginw,skomen pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that evsca,th adj nom fem sing e;scatoj last w[ra noun nom fem sing w[ra hour evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, it is 1 John 2:19 But they went out from us they were not from us; for if they were from us, they had remained with us; but in order that they might be made known because they are not from us. evx h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, from us evxh/lqan aor act ind 3rd pl evxe,rcomai they went out

avllV ouvk h=san evx h`mw/n eiv ga,r evx h`mw/n h=san memenh,keisan remained a;n meqV h`mw/n avllV i[na fanerwqw/sin known o[ti ouvk eivsi,n pa,ntej evx h`mw/n

conjunction neg part imperf act ind 3rd pl pron gen 1st pl subord conj subord conj pron gen 1st pl imperf act ind 3rd pl pluperf act ind 3rd pl particle pron gen 1st pl conjunction subord conj aor pass subj 3rd pl conjunction neg part pres act ind 3rd pl adj nom masc pl pron gen 1st pl

avlla, ouv eiv ga,r

but not eivmi, evgw, if for evgw, eivmi, me,nw a;n evgw, they were from us from us they were they had

avlla, i[na o[ti ouv

with us but in order that fanero,w they might be made because not eivmi, pa/j all evgw,

they are from us

1 John 2:20 And you (yourselves) are having an anointing from the holy one and you know all things. kai, conjunction kai, and u`mei/j pron nom 2nd pl su, yourselves cri/sma noun acc neut sing cri/sma an anointing e;cete pres act ind 2nd pl e;cw you are having avpo, tou/ a`gi,ou adj pron gen masc sing a[gioj from the holy one kai, conjunction kai, and oi;date perf act ind 2nd pl oi=da you know pa,ntej pron nom masc pl pa/j all things 1 John 2:21 I did not write to you because you have not known the truth but because you have known it and because every lie is not from the the truth. ouvk neg part ouv not e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you o[ti conjunction o[ti because ouvk neg part ouv not oi;date perf act ind 2nd pl oi=da you have known th,n avlh,qeian noun acc fem sing avlh,qeia the truth avllV conjunction avlla, but o[ti conjunction o[ti because oi;date perf act ind 2nd pl oi=da you have known auvth,n pron acc fem 3rd sing auvto,j it

kai, conjunction o[ti conjunction pa/n adj nom neut sing yeu/doj noun nom neut sing evk th/j avlhqei,aj noun gen fem sing ouvk neg part e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing

kai, and o[ti because pa/j every yeu/doj lie avlh,qeia from the truth ouv not eivmi, (it) is

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar except the one denying that he is the Christ? This one is the Antichrist, the one denying the father and the son. ti,j interrog pron nom masc sing ti,j who evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` yeu,sthj noun nom masc sing yeu,sthj the liar eiv subord conj eiv if mh, neg part mh, not o` avrnou,menoj pres mid ptc nom masc sing avrne,omai the one denying o[ti conjunction o[ti that ivhsou/j noun nom masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` cristo,j noun nom masc sing Cristo,j the Christ ou-to,j dem pron nom masc sing ou-toj this one evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` avnti,cristoj noun nom masc sing avnti,cristoj the Antichrist o` avrnou,menoj pres mid ptc nom masc sing avrne,omai the one denying to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r the father kai, conjunction kai, and to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son 1 John 2:23 everyone denying the son is not having the father, the one confessing the son is also having the father. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` avrnou,menoj pres mid ptc nom masc sing avrne,omai the one denying to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son ouvde, neg adverb ouvde, not to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r the father e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having o` o`mologw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing o`mologe,w the one confessing to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son kai, conjunction kai, also to,n pate,ra noun acc masc sing path,r the father e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having 1 John 2:24 What you (yourselves) from (the) beginning, let him keep on remaining in you. If he might remain in you what you heard from (the) beginning, and you (yourselves) will remain in the son and in the father.

u`mei/j o[ hvkou,sate avpV avrch/j beginning evn u`mi/n mene,tw remaining eva,n evn u`mi/n mei,nh| remain o[ avpV avrch/j beginning hvkou,sate kai, u`mei/j evn tw/| ui`w/| kai, evn tw/| patri, menei/te

pron nom 2nd pl rel pron acc neut sing aor act ind 2nd pl noun gen fem sing pron dat 2nd pl pres act imper 3rd sing

su, o[j what avkou,w avrch, su, me,nw eva,n in you me,nw what avrch, in you

yourselves you heard from (the) let him keep on if he might from (the) you heard yourselves in the son in the father you will remain

subord conj pron dat 2nd pl su, aor act subj 3rd sing rel pron acc neut sing noun gen fem sing aor act ind 2nd pl conjunction pron nom 2nd pl noun dat masc sing conjunction noun dat masc sing fut act ind 2nd pl o[j

avkou,w kai, also su, ui`o,j kai, and path,r me,nw

1 John 2:25 And this is the promise which he (himself) promised to us, (the) eternal life. kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` evpaggeli,a noun nom fem sing evpaggeli,a the promise h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j himself evphggei,lato aor mid ind 3rd sing evpagge,llomai he promised h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us th,n zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, the life th,n aivw,nion adj acc fem sing aivw,nioj the eternal 1 John 2:26 I wrote these things to you about the ones deceiving you. tau/ta dem pron acc neut pl ou-toj these things e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you peri, preposition peri, concerning tw/n planw,ntwn pres act ptc gen masc pl plana,w the ones deceiving u`ma/j pron acc 2nd pl su, you 1 John 2:27 And you (yourselves) received that which (is) the anointing from him, he is remaining in you and you are having no need that anyone may teach you, but as his anointing is

teaching you about everything and is true and not a lie, and just as he taught you, you are remaining in him. kai, conjunction kai, and u`mei/j pron nom 2nd pl su, yourselves to, cri/sma noun nom neut sing cri/sma the anointing o[ rel pron acc neut sing o[j which evla,bete aor act ind 2nd pl lamba,nw you received avpV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j from him me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw he is remaining evn u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, in you kai, conjunction kai, and ouv neg part ouv no crei,an noun acc fem sing crei,a need e;cete pres act ind 2nd pl e;cw you are having i[na conjunction i[na in order that tij pron nom masc sing ti.j anyone dida,skh| pres act subj 3rd sing dida,skw (he) may teach u`ma/j pron acc 2nd pl su, you avllV conjunction avlla, but w`j subord conj w`j as to, def art nom neut sing o` the auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him cri/sma noun nom neut sing cri/sma anointing dida,skei pres act ind 3rd sing dida,skw (it) is teaching u`ma/j pron acc 2nd pl su, you peri, pa,ntwn adj gen macs pl pa/j about everything kai, conjunction kai, and avlhqe,j adj nom neut sing avlhqh,j true evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is kai, conjunction kai, and ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is yeu/doj noun nom neut sing yeu/doj a lie kai, conjunction kai, and kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as evdi,daxen aor act ind 3rd sing dida,skw he taught u`ma/j pron acc 2nd pl su, you me,nete pres act ind 2nd pl me,nw you are remaining evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him 1 John 2:28 And now, children, keep on remaining in him, in order that if he might be made known we might have confidence and and we might not be ashamed of him at his coming. kai, conjunction kai, and nu/n adverb nu/n now

tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children me,nete pres act imper 2nd pl me,nw keep on remaining evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him i[na subord conj i[na in order that eva,n subord conj eva,n if fanerwqh/| aor pass subj 3rd sing fanero,w he might be made known scw/men aor act subj 1st pl e;cw we might have parrhsi,an noun acc fem sing parrhsi,a confidence kai, conjunction kai, and mh, neg part mh, not aivscunqw/men aor pass subj 1st pl aivscu,nw we might be ashamed avpV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evn th/| parousi,a| noun dat fem sing parousi,a at the coming auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 2:29 If you may know that that he is righteous, you are knowing that everyone doing (the) righteousness has also been born of him. eva,n subord conj eva,n if eivdh/te perf act subj 2nd pl oi=da you may know o[ti conjunction o[ti that di,kaio,j adj nom masc sing di,kaioj righteousness evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is ginw,skete pres act ind 2nd pl ginw,skw you are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that kai, conjunction kai, also pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w the one doing th,n dikaiosu,nhn noun acc fem sing dikaiosu,nh the rigtheousness evx auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him gege,nnhtai perf pass ind 3rd sing genna,w (he) has been born 1 John 3:1 See what sort of love the father has given to us, in order that we might be called children of God, and we are. Because of this the world does not know us, because it did not know him. i;dete aor act imper 2 pl ei=don see potaph,n adj acc fem sing potapo,j of what sort avga,phn noun acc fem sing avga,ph love de,dwken perf act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi (he) has given h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us o` path,r noun nom masc sing path,r the father i[na subord conj i[na in order that te,kna noun nom neut pl te,knon children qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God klhqw/men aor pass subj 1st pl kale,w we might be called

kai, evsme,n dia, tou/to o` ko,smoj ouv ginw,skei h`ma/j o[ti ouvk e;gnw auvto,n

conjunction kai, and pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are dem pron acc neut sing ou-toj because of this noun nom masc sing ko,smoj the world neg part ouv not pres act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw (it) is knowing pron acc 1st pl evgw, us conjunction o[ti because neg part ouv not aor act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw (it) knew pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now you are children of God, and what we will be was not made known yet. We know that if it might be made known, like him we will be, because we will see him just as he is. avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved nu/n adverb nu/n now te,kna noun nom neut pl te,knon children qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God evsmen pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, you are kai, conjunction kai, and ou;pw adverb ou;pw not yet evfanerw,qh aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (it) was made known ti, interrog pron nom neut sing ti,j what evso,meqa fut mid ind 1st pl eivmi, we will be oi;damen perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know o[ti conjunction o[ti that eva,n subord conj eva,n if fanerwqh/| aor pass subj 3rd sing fanero,w it might be made known o[moioi adj nom masc pl o[moioj of the same nature as auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j him evso,meqa fut mid ind 1st pl eivmi, we will be o[ti conjunction o[ti because ovyo,meqa fut mid ind 1st pl o`ra,w we will see auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is 1 John 3:3 And everyone having this hope in him purifies himself, just as that one is pure. kai, conjunction kai, and pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` e;cwn pres act ptc nom masc sing e;cw the one having th,n evlpi,da noun acc fem sing evlpi,j the hope tau,thn dem pron acc fem sing ou-toj this evpV auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him

a`gni,zei e`auto,n kaqw,j evkei/noj a`gno,j evstin

pres act ind 3rd sing a`gni,zw pron acc masc 3rd sing e`autou/ subord conj kaqw,j dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj adj nom masc sing a`gno,j pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi,

(he) purifies himself just as that one pure he is

1 John 3:4 Everyone doing sin is also doing wickedness, and sin is wickedness. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w the one doing th,n a`marti,an noun acc fem sing a`marti,a (the) sin kai, conjunction kai, also th,n avnomi,an noun acc fem sing avnomi,a (the) wickedness poiei/ pres act ind 3rd sing poie,w (he) is doing kai, conjunction kai, and h` a`marti,a noun nom fem sing a`marti,a (the) sin evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` avnomi,a noun nom fem sing avnomi,a (the) wickedness 1 John 3:5 And you know that that one was made known, in order that he might take away sins, and there is no sin in him. kai, conjunction kai, and oi;date perf act ind 2nd pl oi=da you know o[ti conjunction o[ti that evkei/noj dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj that one evfanerw,qh aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (he) was made known i[na subord conj i[na in order that ta,j a`marti,aj noun acc fem pl a`marti,a (the) sins a;rh| aor act subj 3rd sing ai;rw he might take away kai, conjunction kai, and a`marti,a noun nom fem sing a`marti,a sin evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him ouvk neg part ouv no e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, there is 1 John 3:6 Everyone remaining in him is not sinning; everyone sinning has not seen him and has not known him. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` def art nom masc sing o` the one evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nwn pres act ptc nom masc sing me,nw remaining ouvc neg part ouv not a`marta,nei pres act ind 3rd sing a`marta,nw (he) is sinning pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every

o` a`marta,nwn ouvc e`w,raken auvto,n ouvde, e;gnwken auvto,n

pres act ptc nom masc sing a`marta,nw the one sinning neg part ouv not perf act ind 3rd sing o`ra,w (he) has seen pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him neg conj ouvde, and not perf act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw he has known pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him

1 John 3:7 Children, let no one keep on deceiving you; the one doing righteousness is righteous, just as that one is righteous; tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children mhdei,j pron nom masc sing mhdei,j no one plana,tw pres act imper 3rd sing plana,w let him keep on deceiving u`ma/j pron acc 2nd pl su, you o` poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w the one doing th,n dikaiosu,nhn noun acc fem sing dikaiosu,nh (the) righteousness di,kaio,j adj nom masc sing di,kaioj righteous evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as evkei/noj dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj that one di,kaio,j adj nom masc sing di,kaioj righteous evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is 1 John 3:8 the one doing sin is of the devil, because from (the) beginning the devil is sinning, for this (purpose) the son of God was made known, in order that he might destroy the works of the devil. o` poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w the one doing th,n a`marti,an noun acc fem sing a`marti,a (the) sin evk tou/ diabo,lou adj gen masc sing dia,boloj of the devil evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o[ti conjunction o[ti because avpV avrch/j noun gen fem sing avrch, from (the) beginning o` dia,boloj adj nom masc sing dia,boloj the devil a`marta,nei pres act ind 3rd sing a`marta,nw (he) is sinning eivj tou/to dem pron acc neut sing ou-toj for this (purpose) evfanerw,qh aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (he) was made known o` ui`o,j noun nom masc sing ui`o,j the son tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God i[na subord conj i[na in order that lu,sh| aor act subj 3rd sing lu,w he might destroy ta, e;rga noun acc neut pl e;rgon the works tou/ diabo,lou adj gen masc sing dia,boloj of the devil

1 John 3:9 Everyone having been born of God is not doing sin, because his seed is remaining in him, and he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` gegennhme,noj perf pass ptc nom masc sing genna,w the one having been born evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God a`marti,an noun acc fem sing a`marti,a sin ouv neg part ouv not poiei/ pres act ind 3rd sing poie,w (he) is doing o[ti conjunction o[ti because spe,rma noun nom neut sing spe,rma (the) seed auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (it) is remaining kai, conjunction kai, and ouv neg part ouv not du,natai pres mid ind 3rd sing du,namai he is able a`marta,nein pres act infin a`marta,nw to sin o[ti conjunction o[ti because evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God gege,nnhtai perf pass ind 3rd sing genna,w he has been born 1 John 3:10 In this the children of God and the children of the devil are made known; everyone not doing righteousness is not of God, and the one not loving his brothers. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj in this fanera, adj nom neut pl fanero,j made known evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is ta, te,kna noun nom neut pl te,knon the chidren tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God kai, conjunction kai, and ta, te,kna noun nom neut pl te,knon the children tou/ diabo,lou adj gen masc sing dia,boloj of the devil pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` def art nom masc sing o` the one mh, neg part mh, not poiw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing poie,w doing dikaiosu,nhn noun acc fem sing dikaiosu,nh righteousness ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God kai, conjunction kai, and o` def art nom masc sing o` the one mh, neg part mh, not avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w loving

to,n avdelfo,n auvtou/

noun acc masc sing pron gen masc 3rd sing

avdelfo,j auvto,j

the brother of him

1 John 3:11 Because this is the message which you heard from (the) beginning, in order that we may love one another, o[ti conjunction o[ti because au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` avggeli,a noun nom fem sing avggeli,a the message h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which hvkou,sate aor act ind 2nd pl avkou,w you heard avpV avrch/j noun gen fem sing avrch, from (the) beginning i[na conjunction i[na in order that avgapw/men pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love avllh,louj pron acc masc 1st pl avllh,lwn one another 1 John 3:12 not as Cain (who) was of the evil one and murdered his brother; and for what reason did he murder him? Because his works were evil but (the works of) his brother (were) righteous. ouv neg part ouv not kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as ka,i?n noun nom masc sing Ka,i?n Cain evk tou/ ponhrou/ adj gen masc sing ponhro,j of the evil one h=n imperf act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) was kai, conjunction kai, and e;sfaxen aor act ind 3rd sing sfa,zw (he) murdered to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him kai, conjunction kai, and ca,rin preposition ca,rin for (what) reason ti,noj interrog pron gen neut sing ti,j what e;sfaxen aor act ind 3rd sing sfa,zw he murdered auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him o[ti conjunction o[ti because ta, e;rga noun nom neut pl e;rgon the works auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him ponhra, adj nom neut pl ponhro,j evil h=n imperf act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) was ta, rel pron nom neut pl o` the de, conjunction de, but tou/ avdelfou/ noun gen masc sing avdelfo,j of the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him di,kaia adj nom neut pl di,kaioj righteous 1 John 3:13 And do no keep on being amazed, brothers, if the world hates you.

kai, mh, qauma,zete avdelfoi, eiv misei/ u`ma/j o` ko,smoj

conjunction neg part pres act imper 2nd pl noun voc masc pl subord conj pres act ind 3rd sing pron acc 2nd pl noun nom masc sing

kai, mh,

and not qauma,zw keep on being amazed avdelfo,j brothers eiv if mise,w (the) is hating su, you ko,smoj the world

1 John 3:14 We (ourselves) have known that we have crossed over from death into life, because we are loving the brothers; the one not loving is remaining in death. h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves oi;damen perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we have known o[ti conjunction o[ti that metabebh,kamen perf act ind 1st pl metabai,nw we have crossed over evk tou/ qana,tou noun gen masc sing qa,natoj from death eivj th,n zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, into (the) life o[ti conjunction o[ti because avgapw/men pres act ind 1st pl avgapa,w we are loving tou,j avdelfou,j noun acc masc pl avdelfo,j the brothers o` def art nom masc sing o` the one mh, neg part mh, not avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w loving me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (he) is remaining evn tw/| qana,tw| noun dat masc sing qa,natoj in (the) death 1 John 3:15 Everyone hating his brothers is a murderer, and you know that every murderer is not having eternal life remaining in him. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` misw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing mise,w the one hating to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brothers auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him avnqrwpokto,noj noun nom masc sing avnqrwpokto,noja murderer evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is kai, conjunction kai, and oi;date perf act ind 2nd pl oi=da you know o[ti conjunction o[ti that pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every avnqrwpokto,noj noun nom masc sing avnqrwpokto,nojmurderer ouvk neg part ouv not e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, life aivw,nion adj acc fem sing aivw,nioj eternal evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nousan pres act ptc acc fem sing me,nw remaining

1 John 3:16 By this we have known love, because that one on behalf of us his life he laid down; and we ought to lay down (our) lives on behalf of the brothers. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this evgnw,kamen perf act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we have known th,n avga,phn noun acc fem sing avga,ph (the) love o[ti conjunction o[ti because evkei/noj dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj that one u`pe,r h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, for the sake of us th,n yuch,n noun acc fem sing yuch, the life auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him e;qhken aor act ind 3rd sing ti,qhmi he laid down kai, conjunction kai, and h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves ovfei,lomen pres act ind 1st pl ovfei,lw we ought u`pe,r tw/n avdelfw/n noun gen masc pl avdelfo,j for the sake of the brothers ta,j yuca,j noun acc fem pl yuch, the life qei/nai aor act infin ti,qhmi to lay down 1 John 3:17 But whoever may have the possessions of the world and may see his bother have a need and closes his affections from him, how is the love of God remaining in him? o[j rel pron nom masc o[j whoever dV conjunction de, but a;n particle a;n e;ch| pres act subj 3rd sing e;cw (he) may have to,n bi,on noun acc masc sing bi,oj the possessions tou/ ko,smou noun gen masc sing) ko,smoj of the world kai, conjunction kai, and qewrh/| pres act subj 3rd sing qewre,w (he) may see to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him crei,an noun acc fem sing crei,a a need e;conta pres act ptc acc masc sing e;cw having kai, conjunction kai, and klei,sh| aor act subj 3rd sing klei,w he might close ta, spla,gcna noun acc neut pl spla,gcnon the inmost feelings auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him avpV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j from him pw/j interrog adj pw/j how h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (it) is remaining evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him

1 John 3:18 Children, let us not keep on loving in word or in tongue but in works and in truth. tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children mh, neg part mh, not avgapw/men pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love lo,gw| noun dat masc sing lo,goj in word mhde, conjunction mhde, nor th/| glw,ssh| noun dat fem sing glw/ssa in (the) tongue avlla, conjunction avlla, but evn e;rgw| noun dat neut sing e;rgon in works kai, conjunction kai, and avlhqei,a| noun dat fem sing avlh,qeia in truth 1 John 3:19 And by this you will know that we are of truth, and before him we will persuade our hearts, kai, conjunction kai, and evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this gnwso,meqa fut mid ind 1st pl ginw,skw you will know o[ti conjunction o[ti that evk th/j avlhqei,aj noun gen fem sing avlh,qeia of the truth evsme,n pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are kai, conjunction kai, and e;mprosqen preposition e;mprosqenbefore auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him pei,somen fut act ind 1st pl pei,qw we will persuade th,n kardi,an noun acc fem sing kardi,a the hearts h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us 1 John 3:20 that if our hearts may condemn (us), because God is greater than our hearts and he is knowing everything. o[ti conjunction o[ti that eva,n subord conj eva,n if kataginw,skh| pres act subj 3rd sing kataginw,skw (it) may condemn h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us h` kardi,a noun nom fem sing kardi,a the heart o[ti conjunction o[ti because mei,zwn comp adj nom masc sing me,gaj greater evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God th/j kardi,aj noun gen fem sing kardi,a of the heart h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us kai, conjunction kai, and ginw,skei pres act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw he is knowing pa,nta pron acc neut pl pa/j everything

1 John 3:21 Beloved, if our hearts may condemn (us), we have confidence with God avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved eva,n subord conj eva,n if h` kardi,a noun nom fem sing kardi,a the heart h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us mh, neg part mh, not kataginw,skh| pres act subj 3rd sing kataginw,skw (it) may condemn parrhsi,an noun acc fem sing parrhsi,a confidence e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we have pro,j to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j with God 1 John 3:22 and if we are receiving whatever we may ask from him, because his commendments we are keeping and are doing the pleasing things before him. kai, conjunction kai, and o[ rel pron acc neut sing o[j whatever eva,n subord conj eva,n if aivtw/men pres act subj 1st pl aivte,w we may ask lamba,nomen pres act ind 1st pl lamba,nw we are receiving avpV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j from him o[ti conjunction o[ti because ta,j evntola,j noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commandments auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him throu/men pres act ind 1st pl thre,w we are keeping kai, conjunction kai, and ta, avresta, adj acc neut pl avresto,j the pleasing evnw,pion preposition evnw,pion before auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him poiou/men pres act ind 1st pl poie,w we are doing 1 John 3:23 And this is his commandment, in order that we might believe in the name of his son Jesus Christ and we may love one another, just as he gave a command to us. kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` evntolh, noun nom fem sing evntolh, the commandment auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him i[na conjunction i[na in order that pisteu,swmen aor act subj 1st pl pisteu,w we might believe tw/| ovno,mati noun dat neut sing o;noma in the name tou/ ui`ou/ noun gen masc sing ui`o,j of the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him ivhsou/ noun gen masc sing VIhsou/j of Jesus cristou/ noun gen masc sing Cristo,j of Christ kai, conjunction kai, and avgapw/men pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love

avllh,louj kaqw,j e;dwken evntolh,n h`mi/n

pron acc masc 1st pl subord conj aor act ind 3rd sing noun acc fem sing pron dat 1st pl

avllh,lwn one another kaqw,j just as di,dwmi he gave evntolh, a command evgw, to us

1 John 3:24 And the one keeping his commandments is remaining in him and he in him; and by this we are knowing that he is remaining in us, by the spirit which he gave to us. kai, conjunction kai, and o` thrw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing thre,w the one keeping ta,j evntola,j noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commandments auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (he) is remaining kai, conjunction kai, and auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j he evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him kai, conjunction kai, and evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skomen pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw he is remaining evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us evk tou/ pneu,matoj noun gen neut sing pneu/ma by the spirit ourel pron acc neut sing o[j which h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us e;dwken aor act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi he gave 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not keep on believing in every spirit but keep on testing the spirits if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved mh, neg part mh, not panti, adj dat neut sing pa/j in every pneu,mati noun dat neut sing pneu/ma in spirit pisteu,ete pres act imper 2nd pl pisteu,w keep on believing avlla, conjunction avlla, but dokima,zete pres act imper 2nd pl dokima,zw keep on testing ta, pneu,mata noun acc neut pl pneu/ma the spirits eiv interrog part eiv if evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j from God evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, it is o[ti conjunction o[ti because polloi, adj nom masc pl polu,j many yeudoprofh/tai noun nom masc pl yeudoprofh,thj false prophets

evxelhlu,qasin perf act ind 3rd pl gone out eivj to,n ko,smon noun acc masc sing

evxe,rcomai ko,smoj

(they) have

into the world

1 John 4:2 By this you are knowing the spirit of God; every spirit who is confessing Jesus Christ having come in (the) flesh is from God, evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skete pres act ind 2nd pl ginw,skw you are knowing to, pneu/ma noun acc neut sing pneu/ma the spirit tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God pa/n adj nom neut sing pa/j every pneu/ma noun nom neut sing pneu/ma spirit o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j who o`mologei/ pres act ind 3rd sing o`mologe,w (he) is confessing ivhsou/n noun acc masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus cristo,n noun acc masc sing Cristo,j Christ evn sarki, noun dat fem sing sa,rx in (the) flesh evlhluqo,ta perf act ptc acc masc sing e;rcomai having come evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j from God evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is 1 John 4:3 and every spirit which is not confessing Jesus is from God; and this is the (spirit) of the Antichrist, which you have heard that he is coming, and now he is already in the world. kai, conjunction kai, and pa/n adj nom neut sing pa/j every pneu/ma noun nom neut sing pneu/ma spirit o[ rel pron nom neut sing o[j which mh, neg part mh, not o`mologei/ pres act ind 3rd sing o`mologe,w (it) is confessing to,n ivhsou/n noun acc masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j from God ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is kai, conjunction kai, and tou/to, dem pron nom neut sing ou-toj this evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is to, rel pron nom neut sing o` the tou/ avnticri,stou noun gen masc sing avnti,cristoj of the antichrist o[ rel pron acc neut sing o[j which avkhko,ate perf act ind 2nd pl avkou,w you have heard o[ti conjunction o[ti that e;rcetai pres mid ind 3rd sing e;rcomai he is coming kai, conjunction kai, and nu/n adverb nu/n now evn tw/| ko,smw| noun dat masc sing ko,smoj in the world evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is





1 John 4:4 You (yourselves) are from God, children, and you have overcome them, because the one greater than the one in the world is in you. u`mei/j pron nom 2nd pl su, yourselves evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j from God evste pres act ind 2nd pl eivmi, you are tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children kai, conjunction kai, and nenikh,kate perf act ind 2nd pl nika,w you have conquered auvtou,j pron acc masc 3rd pl auvto,j them o[ti conjunction o[ti because mei,zwn comp adj nom masc sing me,gaj greater evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` rel pron nom masc sing o` the one evn u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, in you h; subord conj h; than o` rel pron nom masc sing o` the one evn tw/| ko,smw| noun dat masc sing ko,smoj in the world 1 John 4:5 They (themselves) are from the world, therefore they are speaking from the world and the world is hearing them. auvtoi, pron nom masc 3rd pl auvto,j themselves evk tou/ ko,smou noun gen masc sing ko,smoj from the world eivsi,n pres act ind 3rd pl eivmi, they are dia, tou/to dem pron acc neut sing ou-toj therefore evk tou/ ko,smou noun gen masc sing) ko,smoj from the world lalou/sin pres act ind 3rd pl lale,w they are speaking kai, conjunction kai, and o` ko,smoj noun nom masc sing ko,smoj the world auvtw/n pron gen masc 3rd pl auvto,j of them avkou,ei pres act ind 3rd sing avkou,w (it) is hearing 1 John 4:6 We (ourselves) are of God, the one knowing God is hearing us, whoever is not from God is not hearing us. By this we are knowing the spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God evsmen pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are o` ginw,skwn pres act ptc nom masc sing ginw,skw the one knowing to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God avkou,ei pres act ind 3rd sing avkou,w (he) is hearing h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, us o[j rel pron nom masc sing o[j whoever ouvk neg part ouv not e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is

evk tou/ qeou/ ouvk avkou,ei h`mw/n evk tou,tou ginw,skomen to, pneu/ma th/j avlhqei,aj kai, to, pneu/ma th/j pla,nhj

noun gen masc sing qeo,j neg part ouv not pres act ind 3rd sing avkou,w pron gen 1st pl evgw, dem pron gen neut sing ou-toj pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw noun acc neut sing pneu/ma noun gen fem sing avlh,qeia conjunction kai, and noun acc neut sing pneu/ma noun gen fem sing pla,nh

from God (he) is hearing us by this we are knowing the spirit of truth the spirit of error

1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us keep on loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone (who) loves has been born of God and knows God. avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved avgapw/men pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love avllh,louj pron acc masc 1st pl avllh,lwn one another o[ti conjunction o[ti because h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j from God evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is kai, conjunction kai, and pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w the one loving evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God gege,nnhtai perf pass ind 3rd sing genna,w (he) has been born kai, conjunction kai, and ginw,skei pres act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw (he) is knowing to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God 1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. o` def art nom masc sing o` the one mh, neg part mh, not avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w loving ouvk neg part ouv not e;gnw aor act ind 3rd sing ginw,skw (he) knew to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God o[ti conjunction o[ti because o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph love evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is 1 John 4:9 By this the love of God was made known to us, because God sent his only son in to the world in order that we might live through him. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this

evfanerw,qh h` avga,ph tou/ qeou/ evn h`mi/n o[ti to,n ui`o,n auvtou/ to,n monogenh/ avpe,stalken o` qeo,j eivj to,n ko,smon i[na zh,swmen diV auvtou/

aor pass ind 3rd sing fanero,w (it) was made known noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us conjunction o[ti because noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him adj acc masc sing monogenh,j the only perf act ind 3rd sing avposte,llw (he) has sent noun nom masc sing qeo,j God noun acc masc sing ko,smoj into the world subord conj i[na in order that aor act subj 1st pl za,w we might live pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j through him

1 John 4:10 In this is love, not that we (oursevles) have loved God but that he (himself) loved us and he sent his son the atoning sacrifice for our sins. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj in this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love ouvc neg part ouv not o[ti conjunction o[ti that h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves hvgaph,kamen perf act ind 1st pl avgapa,w we have loved to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God avllV conjunction avlla, but o[ti conjunction o[ti that auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j himself hvga,phsen aor act ind 3rd sing avgapa,w he loved h`ma/j pron acc 1st pl evgw, us kai, conjunction kai, and avpe,steilen aor act ind 3rd sing avposte,llw he sent to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him i`lasmo,n noun acc masc sing i`lasmo,j (the) means by which sins are peri, tw/n a`martiw/n noun gen fem pl a`marti,a for the sins forgiven h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us 1 John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we (ourselves) also ought to love one another. avgaphtoi, adj voc masc pl avgaphto,j beloved eiv subord conj eiv if ou[twj adverb ou[tw thus o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God hvga,phsen aor act ind 3rd sing avgapa,w (he) loved h`ma/j pron acc 1st pl evgw, us

kai, h`mei/j ovfei,lomen avllh,louj avgapa/n

conjunction pron nom 1st pl pres act ind 1st pl pron acc masc 1st pl pres act infin


also ourselves we ought

evgw, ovfei,lw avllh,lwn one another avgapa,w to love

1 John 4:12 No one has ever seen God, if we may love one another, God is remaining in us and his is having been been made complete in us. qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God ouvdei,j pron nom masc sing ouvdei,j no one pw,pote adverb pw,pote ever teqe,atai perf mid ind 3rd sing qea,omai (he) has seen eva,n subord conj eva,n if avgapw/men pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love avllh,louj pron acc masc 1st pl avllh,lwn one another o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (he) is remaining kai, conjunction kai, and h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us teteleiwme,nh perf pass ptc nom fem sing teleio,w having been made complete evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is 1 John 4:13- By this we are knowing that we are remaining in him and he is us, because he has given his spirit to us. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skomen pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we are knowing o[ti conjunction o[ti that evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nomen pres act ind 1st pl me,nw we are remaining kai, conjunction kai, and auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j he evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us o[ti conjunction o[ti because evk tou/ pneu,matoj noun gen neut sing pneu/ma of the spirit auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him de,dwken perf act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi he has given h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us 1 John 4:14 And we (ourselves) have seen and we are bearing witness that the father has seen the son (the) savior of the world. kai, conjunction kai, and

h`mei/j teqea,meqa kai, marturou/men witness o[ti o` path,r avpe,stalken to,n ui`o,n swth/ra tou/ ko,smou

pron nom 1st pl perf mid ind 1st pl conjunction pres act ind 1st pl conjunction noun nom masc sing perf act ind 3rd sing noun acc masc sing noun acc masc sing noun gen masc sing)


evgw, ourselves qea,omai we have seen and marture,w we are bearing

o[ti that path,r the father avposte,llw (he) has sent ui`o,j the son swth,r savior ko,smoj of the world

1 John 4:15 Whenever he (himself) might confess that Jesus is the son of God, God is remaining in him and he in God o[j rel pron nom masc o[j himself eva,n subord conj eva,n when o`mologh,sh| aor act subj 3rd sing o`mologe,w he might confess o[ti conjunction o[ti that ivhsou/j noun nom masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` ui`o,j noun nom masc sing ui`o,j the son tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw (he) is remaining kai, conjunction kai, and auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j he evn tw/| qew/| noun dat masc sing qeo,j in God 1 John 4:16 And we (ourselves) have known and have believed the love which God is having for us. God is love, and the one remaining in (this) love is remaining in God and God is remaining in him. kai, conjunction kai, and h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves evgnw,kamen perf act ind 1st pl ginw,skw (we) have known kai, conjunction kai, and pepisteu,kamen perf act ind 1st pl pisteu,w (we) have believed th,n avga,phn noun acc fem sing avga,ph the love h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God evn h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, in us o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph love evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is

kai, conjunction kai, and o` me,nwn pres act ptc nom masc sing me,nw evn th/| avga,ph| noun dat fem sing avga,ph evn tw/| qew/| noun dat mas sing qeo,j me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw remaining kai, conjunction kai, and o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j evn auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j me,nei pres act ind 3rd sing me,nw remaining

the one remaining in the love in God (he) is God in him (he) is

1 John 4:17 By this love has been made complete among us, in order that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because just as that one is we (ourselves) are also in this world. evn tou,tw| dem pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this tetelei,wtai perf pass ind 3rd sing teleio,w (it) has been made complete h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love meqV h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, among us i[na subord conj i[na in order that parrhsi,an noun acc fem sing parrhsi,a confidence e;cwmen pres act subj 1st pl e;cw we may have evn th/| h`me,ra| noun dat fem sing h`me,ra in the day th/j kri,sewj noun gen fem sing kri,sij of (the) judgment o[ti conjunction o[ti because kaqw,j subord conj kaqw,j just as evkei/no,j dem pron nom masc sing evkei/noj that one evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is kai, conjunction kai, also h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves evsmen pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, (we) are evn tw/| ko,smw| noun dat masc sing ko,smoj in ths world tou,tw| dem pron dat masc sing ou-toj in this 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment, but the one being afraid has not been made complete in love. fo,boj noun nom masc sing fo,boj fear ouvk neg part ouv no e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, there is evn th/| avga,ph| noun dat fem sing avga,ph in love avllV conjunction avlla, but h` telei,a adj nom fem sing te,leioj (the) perfect avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph love e;xw abverb e;xw out ba,llei pres act ind 3rd sing ba,llw (it) is throwing to,n fo,bon noun acc masc sing fo,boj (the) fear

o[ti o` fo,boj ko,lasin e;cei o` de, fobou,menoj ouv tetelei,wtai evn th/| avga,ph|

conjunction o[ti because noun nom masc sing fo,boj (the) fear noun acc fem sing ko,lasij punishment pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (it) is having def art nom masc sing o` the one conjunction de, but pres pass ptc nom masc sing fobe,w being afraid neg part ouv not perf pass ind 3rd sing teleio,w (he) has been made complete noun dat fem sing avga,ph in (the) love

1 John 4:19 We (ourselves) love, because he (himself) first loved us. h`mei/j pron nom 1st pl evgw, ourselves avgapw/men pres act ind 1st pl avgapa,w (we) are loving o[ti conjunction o[ti because auvto,j pron nom masc 3rd sing auvto,j himself prw/toj adj nom masc sing prw/toj first hvga,phsen aor act ind 3rd sing avgapa,w (he) loved h`ma/j pron acc 1st pl evgw, us 1 John 4:20 If anyone might say that I love God and he may hate his brother, he is a liar; for the one not loving his brother of whom he has seen, whoever has not seen God is not able to love. eva,n subord conj eva,n if tij pron nom masc sing ti.j anyone ei;ph| aor act subj 3rd sing ei=pon (he) might say o[ti conjunction o[ti that avgapw/ pres act ind 1st sing avgapa,w I am loving to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God kai, conjunction kai, and to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him mish/| pres act subj 3rd sing mise,w he may hate yeu,sthj noun nom masc sing yeu,sthj a liar evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, he is o` def art nom masc sing o` the one ga,r subord conj ga,r for mh, neg part mh, not avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w loving to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him o[n rel pron acc masc sing o[j of whom Ve`w,raken perf act ind 3rd sing o`ra,w he has seen to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God o[n rel pron acc masc sing o[j whoever ouvc neg part ouv not

e`w,raken ouv du,natai avgapa/n

perf act ind 3rd sing neg part pres mid ind 3rd sing pres act infin

o`ra,w ouv du,namai avgapa,w

(he) has seen not (he) is able to love

1 John 4:21 And this commandment we have from him, in order that the one loving God may also love his brother. kai, conjunction kai, and tau,thn dem pron acc fem sing ou-toj this th,n evntolh,n noun acc fem sing evntolh, commandment e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having avpV auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j from him i[na conjunction i[na in order that o` avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w the one loving to,n qeo,n noun acc masc sing qeo,j God avgapa/| pres act subj 3rd sing avgapa,w (he) may love kai, conjunction kai, also to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 5:1 Everyone believing that Jesus is the Christ, (who) has been born of God, and everyone loving the one having given birth is also loving the one having been born of him. pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` pisteu,wn pres act ptc nom masc sing pisteu,w the one believing o[ti conjunction o[ti that ivhsou/j noun nom masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` cristo,j noun nom masc sing Cristo,j the Christ evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God gege,nnhtai perf pass ind 3rd sing genna,w (he) has been born kai, conjunction kai, and pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` avgapw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing avgapa,w the one loving to,n gennh,santa aor act ptc acc masc sing genna,w the one having given birth avgapa/| pres act ind 3rd sing avgapa,w (he) is loving kai, conjunction kai, also to,n gegennhme,non perf pass ptc acc masc sing genna,w the one having been born evx auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we may love God and we may keep his commandments. evn tou,tw| pron dat neut sing ou-toj by this ginw,skomen pres act ind 1st pl ginw,skw we are knowing

o[ti avgapw/men ta, te,kna tou/ qeou/ o[tan to,n qeo,n avgapw/men kai, ta,j evntola,j auvtou/ poiw/men

conjunction o[ti that pres act ind 1st pl avgapa,w we are loving noun acc neut pl te,knon the children noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God subord conj o[tan when noun acc masc sing qeo,j God pres act subj 1st pl avgapa,w we may love conjunction kai, and noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commandments pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him pres act subj 1st pl poie,w we may keep

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, in order that we may keep his commandments, and his commandments are not difficult. au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this ga,r subord conj ga,r for evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` avga,ph noun nom fem sing avga,ph the love tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God i[na subord conj i[na in order that ta,j evntola,j noun acc fem pl evntolh, the commmandments auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him thrw/men pres act subj 1st pl thre,w we may keep kai, conjunction kai, and ai` evntolai, noun nom fem pl evntolh, the commandments auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him barei/ai adj nom fem pl baru,j difficult ouvk neg part ouv not eivsi,n pres act ind 3rd pl eivmi, (they) are 1 John 5:4 Because everyone having been born of God is overcomint the world; and this is the victory which overcame the world, our faith. o[ti conjunction o[ti because pa/n adj nom neut sing pa/j every to, gegennhme,non perf pass ptc nom neut sing genna,w the one have been born evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God nika/| pres act ind 3rd sing nika,w (he) is conquering to,n ko,smon noun acc masc sing ko,smoj the world kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` ni,kh noun nom fem sing ni,kh the victory h` nikh,sasa aor act ptc nom fem sing nika,w the one who conquered

to,n ko,smon h` pi,stij h`mw/n

noun acc masc sing noun nom fem sing pron gen 1st pl

ko,smoj pi,stij the faith evgw,

the world of us

1 John 5:5 But who is the one overcoming the world except the one believing Jesus is the son of God? ti,j interrog pron nom masc sing ti,j who de, conjunction de, but evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` nikw/n pres act ptc nom masc sing nika,w the one conquering to,n ko,smon noun acc masc sing ko,smoj the world eiv subord conj eiv if mh, neg part mh, not o` pisteu,wn pres act ptc nom masc sing pisteu,w the one believing o[ti conjunction o[ti that ivhsou/j noun nom masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` ui`o,j noun nom masc sing ui`o,j the son tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God 1 John 5:6 This one is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not with water alone but with water and with blood; and the spirit is the one bearing witness, because the spirit is the truth. ou-to,j dem pron nom masc sing ou-toj this one evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` evlqw,n aor act ptc nom masc sing e;rcomai the one who came diV u[datoj noun gen neut sing u[dwr by water kai, conjunction kai, and ai[matoj noun gen neut sing ai-ma by blood ivhsou/j noun nom masc sing VIhsou/j Jesus cristo,j noun nom masc sing Cristo,j Christ ouvk neg part ouv not evn tw/| u[dati noun dat neut sing u[dwr with the water mo,non adverb mo,noj alone avllV conjunction avlla, but evn tw/| u[dati noun dat neut sing u[dwr with the water kai, conjunction kai, and evn tw/| ai[mati noun dat neut sing ai-ma with the bood kai, conjunction kai, and to, pneu/ma, noun nom neut sing pneu/ma the spirit evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is to, marturou/n pres act ptc nom neut sing marture,w the one bearing witness o[ti conjunction o[ti because to, pneu/ma, noun nom neut sing pneu/ma the spirit evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is

h` avlh,qeia

noun nom fem sing


the truth

1 John 5:7 Because there are three bearing witness, o[ti conjunction o[ti because trei/j adj nom masc pl trei/j three eivsin pres act ind 3rd pl eivmi, (he) is oi` marturou/ntej pres act ptc nom masc pl marture,w the ones bearing witness 1 John 5:8 the spirit and the water and the blood, and three for the one are one. to, pneu/ma noun nom neut sing pneu/ma the spirit kai, conjunction kai, and to, u[dwr noun nom neut sing u[dwr the water kai, conjunction kai, and to, ai-ma noun nom neut sing ai-ma the blood kai, conjunction kai, and oi` trei/j adj nom masc pl trei/j the three eivj preposition eivj for to, rel pron acc neut sing o` the one e[n adj acc neut sing ei-j one eivsin pres act ind 3rd pl eivmi, (they) are 1 John 5:9 If the testimony of man they are receiving, the testimony of God is greater; because this is the testimony of God that he has bore witness concerning his son. eiv subord conj eiv if th,n marturi,an noun acc fem sing marturi,a the testimony tw/n avnqrw,pwn noun gen masc pl a;nqrwpoj of man lamba,nomen pres act ind 1st pl lamba,nw they are receiving h` marturi,a noun nom fem sing marturi,a the testimony tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God mei,zwn comp adj nom fem sing me,gaj greater evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is o[ti conjunction o[ti because au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this one evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` marturi,a noun nom fem sing marturi,a the testimony tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God o[ti conjunction o[ti that memartu,rhken perf act ind 3rd sing marture,w (he) has bore witness peri, tou/ ui`ou/ noun gen masc sing ui`o,j concerning the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 5:10 The one believing in the son of God is having the testimony in himself, the one not believing in God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony which God has bore witness concerning his son. o` pisteu,wn pres act ptc nom masc sing pisteu,w the one believing eivj to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j in the son

tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having th,n marturi,an noun acc fem sing marturi,a the testimony evn e`autw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing e`autou/ in himself o` def art nom masc sing o` the one mh, neg part mh, not pisteu,wn pres act ptc nom masc sing pisteu,w believing tw/| qew/| noun dat masc sing qeo,j in God yeu,sthn noun acc masc sing yeu,sthj a liar pepoi,hken perf act ind 3rd sing poie,w (he) has made auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him o[ti conjunction o[ti because ouv neg part ouv not pepi,steuken perf act ind 3rd sing pisteu,w he has believed eivj th,n marturi,an noun acc fem sing marturi,a in the testimony h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which memartu,rhken perf act ind 3rd sing marture,w (he) has bore witness o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God peri, tou/ ui`ou/ noun gen masc sing ui`o,j concerning the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him 1 John 5:11 And this is the testimony, that God gave eternal life to us, and this life is in his son. kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` marturi,a noun nom fem sing marturi,a the testimony o[ti conjunction o[ti that zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, life aivw,nion adj acc fem sing aivw,nioj eternal e;dwken aor act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi he gave h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us o` qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this h` zwh, noun nom fem sing zwh, the life evn tw/| ui`w/| noun dat masc sing ui`o,j in the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is 1 John 5:12 The one having the son is having life; the one not having the son of God is not having life. o` e;cwn pres act ptc nom masc sing e;cw the one having to,n ui`o,n noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son e;cei pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having th,n zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, the life o` def art nom masc sing o` the one

mh, e;cwn to,n ui`o,n tou/ qeou/ th,n zwh,n ouvk e;cei

neg part mh, not pres act ptc nom masc sing e;cw having noun acc masc sing ui`o,j the son noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God noun acc fem sing zwh, the life neg part ouv not pres act ind 3rd sing e;cw (he) is having

1 John 5:13 These things I wrote to you in order that you may know that you have eternal life, to the ones believing in the name of the son of God. tau/ta dem pron acc neut pl ou-toj these things e;graya aor act ind 1st sing gra,fw I wrote u`mi/n pron dat 2nd pl su, to you i[na subord conj i[na in order that eivdh/te perf act subj 2nd pl oi=da you may know o[ti conjunction o[ti that zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, life e;cete pres act ind 2nd pl e;cw you are having aivw,nion adj acc fem sing aivw,nioj eternal toi/j pisteu,ousin pres act ptc dat masc 2nd pl pisteu,w to the ones believing eivj to, o;noma noun acc neut sing o;noma in the name tou/ ui`ou/ noun gen masc sing ui`o,j of son tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God 1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence which we are having in him that if anything we may ask according to his will he hears us. kai, conjunction kai, and au[th pron nom fem sing ou-toj this evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (it) is h` parrhsi,a noun nom fem sing parrhsi,a the confidence h[n rel pron acc fem sing o[j which e;comen pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are having pro,j auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j in him o[ti conjunction o[ti that eva,n subord conj eva,n if ti indef pron acc neut sing ti.j anything aivtw,meqa pres mid subj 1st pl aivte,w we may ask kata, to, qe,lhma noun acc neut sing qe,lhma according to the will auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him avkou,ei pres act ind 3rd sing avkou,w he is hearing h`mw/n pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us 1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hears us if whatever we may ask, we know that we are receiving the requests which we have asked of him. kai, conjunction kai, and eva,n subord conj eva,n if

oi;damen o[ti avkou,ei h`mw/n o[ eva,n aivtw,meqa oi;damen o[ti e;comen ta, aivth,mata a[ hv|th,kamen avpV auvtou/

perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know conjunction o[ti that pres act ind 3rd sing avkou,w he is hearing pron gen 1st pl evgw, of us rel pron acc neut sing o[j what subord conj eva,n if pres mid subj 1st pl aivte,w we may ask perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know conjunction o[ti that pres act ind 1st pl e;cw we are receiving noun acc neut pl ai;thma the requests rel pron acc neut pl o[j which perf act ind 1st pl aivte,w we have asked pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j from him

1 John 5:16 If anyone might see his brother committing a sin not (leading) to death, he will ask and he will give to him life, to the ones sinning not (leading) to death. There is a sin (leading) to death; not concerning that one I am not saying in order that he might ask. eva,n subord conj eva,n if tij pron nom masc sing ti.j anyone i;dh| aor act subj 3rd sing ei=don (he) might see to,n avdelfo,n noun acc masc sing avdelfo,j the brother auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him a`marta,nonta pres act ptc acc masc sing a`marta,nw sinning a`marti,an noun acc fem sing a`marti,a a sin mh, neg part mh, not pro,j qa,naton noun acc masc sing qa,natoj to death aivth,sei fut act ind 3rd sing aivte,w he will ask kai, conjunction kai, and dw,sei fut act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi he will give auvtw/| pron dat masc 3rd sing auvto,j to him zwh,n noun acc fem sing zwh, life toi/j a`marta,nousin pres act ptc dat masc pl a`marta,nw to the ones sinning mh, neg part mh, not pro,j qa,naton noun acc masc sing qa,natoj to death e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, there is a`marti,a noun nom fem sing a`marti,a a sin pro,j qa,naton noun acc masc sing qa,natoj to death ouv neg part ouv not peri, evkei,nhj dem pron gen fem sing evkei/noj concerning that one le,gw pres act ind 1st sing le,gw I am saying i[na conjunction i[na in order that evrwth,sh| aor act subj 3rd sing evrwta,w he might ask 1 John 5:17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not (leading) to death.

pa/sa adj nom fem sing avdiki,a noun nom fem sing unrighteousness a`marti,a noun nom fem sing evsti,n pres act ind 3rd sing kai, conjunction e;stin pres act ind 3rd sing a`marti,a noun nom fem sing ouv neg part pro,j qa,naton noun acc masc sing

pa/j avdiki,a a`marti,a sin eivmi, kai, and eivmi, a`marti,a sin ouv not qa,natoj


(it) is there is to death

1 John 5:18 We know that everyine not being born of God is not sinning, but the one having been born of God he is protecting him and the evil one is not touching him. oi;damen perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know o[ti conjunction o[ti that pa/j adj nom masc sing pa/j every o` gegennhme,noj perf pass ptc nom masc sing genna,w the one being born evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God ouvc neg part ouv not a`marta,nei pres act ind 3rd sing a`marta,nw (he) is sinning avllV conjunction avlla, but o` gennhqei,j aor pass ptc nom masc sing genna,w the one having been born evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God threi/ pres act ind 3rd sing thre,w (he) is keeping under guard auvto,n pron acc masc 3rd sing auvto,j him kai, conjunction kai, and o` ponhro,j pron nom masc sing ponhro,j the evil one ouvc neg part ouv not a[ptetai pres mid ind 3rd sing a[ptw he is touching auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,jV of him 1 John 5:19 We know that we are of God and the whole world is lying by (the power of) the evil one. oi;damen perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know o[ti conjunction o[ti that evk tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God evsmen pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are kai, conjunction kai, and o` ko,smoj noun nom masc sing ko,smoj the world o[loj adj nom masc sing o[loj whole evn tw/| ponhrw/| adj dat masc sing ponhro,j by the evil one kei/tai pres mid ind 3rd sing kei/mai (it) is lying

1 John 5:20 But we know the son of God is coming and he has given us understanding in order that we may know the true one, and we are in the true one, in his son in Jesus Christ. This one is the true God and eternal life. oi;damen perf act ind 1st pl oi=da we know de, conjunction de, but o[ti conjunction o[ti that o` ui`o,j noun nom masc sing ui`o,j the son tou/ qeou/ noun gen masc sing qeo,j of God h[kei pres act ind 3rd sing h[kw (he) is coming kai, conjunction kai, and de,dwken perf act ind 3rd sing di,dwmi he has given h`mi/n pron dat 1st pl evgw, to us dia,noian noun acc fem sing dia,noia understanding i[na subord conj i[na in order that ginw,skwmen pres act subj 1st pl ginw,skw we may know to,n avlhqino,n adj acc masc sing avlhqino,j the true one kai, conjunction kai, and evsme,n pres act ind 1st pl eivmi, we are evn tw/| avlhqinw/| adj dat masc sing avlhqino,j in the true one evn tw/| ui`w/| noun dat masc sing ui`o,j in the son auvtou/ pron gen masc 3rd sing auvto,j of him ivhsou/ noun dat masc sing VIhsou/j in Jesus cristw/| noun dat masc sing Cristo,j in Christ ou-to,j dem pron nom masc sing ou-toj this one evstin pres act ind 3rd sing eivmi, (he) is o` avlhqino,j adj nom masc sing avlhqino,j the true qeo,j noun nom masc sing qeo,j God kai, conjunction kai, and zwh, noun nom fem sing zwh, life aivw,nioj adj nom fem sing aivw,nioj eternal 1 John 5:21 Children, keep yourselves under guard from idols. tekni,a noun voc neut pl tekni,on children fula,xate aor act imper 2nd pl fula,ssw keep under guard e`auta, pron acc neut 2nd pl e`autou/ youselves avpo, tw/n eivdw,lwn noun gen neut pl ei;dwlon from the idols

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