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National Insurance Company Assistants Examination

No.of Questions: 125

Max. Marks: 250 Time: 120 Min.

REASONING 1. In a certain code DATE is written as '#%$@' and STYLE is written as ' $  B@'. How is DELAY written in that code? 1) #@$%  2) #  $%@ 3) #@B%  4) #$ B %  5) None 2. In a certain code DETAIL is coded as 'BJMUFE', how is SUBMIT written in that code? 1) NJUTVC 2) NJUCVT 3) NJUVTC 4) UJNTVC 5) None 3. If '34' is related to 12 in the same way '59' is related to 1) 14 2) 42 3) 38 4) 45 5) 47 4. Vikas walked 10 m towards North, took a left turn and walked 15 m and again took a left turn and walked 10 m and stopped walking. Which direction is he from the starting point? 1) South 2) West 3) South-East 4) North 5) None 5. If 'M' denotes '', K denotes '<', T denotes '', and R denotes '+' then 20K16T8M4R6=? 1) 6 2) 18 3) <6 4) <18 5) <12 Directions (6-10): In each question below are either two or three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the two or three given statements to be true and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding the commonly known facts. Give answer 1) If only conclusion I follows. Give answer 2) If only conclusion II follows. Give answer 3) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer 4) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Give answer 5) If both conclusion I and conclusion II follow. 6. Statements: All kites are birds. All aeroplanes are kites. No bird is a fish. Conclusions: I. No fish is a kite. II. All aeroplanes are birds. 7. Statements: No colour is a paint. No paint is a brush. Conclusions: I. No colour is a brush. II. Some brushes are colours. 8. Statements: Some files are papers. Some papers are books. All books are journals. Conclusions: I. Some papers are journals. II. Some files are journals. 9. Statements: Some computers are screens. Some screens are movies. Some movies are scripts. Conclusions: I. Some computers are movies. II. Some screens are scripts. 10. Statements: All pearls are gems. All gems are diamonds. All corals are gems. Conclusions: I. All diamonds are pearls. II. Some diamonds are pearls. Directions (11-15): In the following questions, the symbols @, $, #, % and are used with the following meaning as illustrated below: A @ B means 'A is not smaller than B'. A#B means 'A is neither smaller than nor equal to B'. A%B means 'A is neither smaller than nor greater than B'. A$B means 'A is not greater than B'. AB means 'A is neither greater than nor equal to B'. Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the Conclusions I and II given below them is/ are definitely true and give your answer accordingly Give answer 1) If only Conclusion I is true.

Give answer 2) If only Conclusion II is true. Give answer 3) If either Conclusion I or II is true. Give answer 4) If neither Conclusion I nor II Is true. Give answer 5) If both Conclusions I and II are true: 11. Statements: T@V, MV, M%F Conclusions: I. T#M II. T@F 12. Statements: L$N, NF, R%L Conclusions: I. F#R II. R$N 13. Statements: H#I, I@J, J$P Conclusions: I. H#J II. H#P 14. Statements: LD, D#K, K$J Conclusions: I. LK II. D$J 15. Statements: Q$W, W%E, E@K Conclusions: I. Q$K II. W@K Directions (16-20):
Letters H I T KR FA LE M J B QU Digit/Symbol 3 7 % # 4 $ 6 9 @ B 2 5 8

architect. 4) Clerk is second to the left of shopkeeper. 5) G sits between shopkeeper and teacher. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directions (26-40): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Once upon a time there lived a king in central India. He was handsome but very vain. He looked at himself constantly, in mirrors, in pools of water, even in other people's eyes when they spoke to him. 'I am the most handsome king on Earth,' he said to his courtiers. He spent more time having his hair combed in different styles and his body oiled than in ruling his kingdom. As a result, his people grew poorer and sadder. But the king did not care. 'Why!' he boasted one day in court, 'I am probably more handsome than all the gods.' Unfortunately for the king, a bad-tempered god happened to be flying by, and was very angry when he heard this. 'Something will have to be done about this king.' He searched in his mind for a suitable punishment. At that moment he saw a bull. 'Horns!' The god clapped his hands in happiness. 'I will see how his handsomeness likes himself with horns.' When the king awoke the next morning he followed his normal routine. First he drew his mirror out from under his pillow and gazed into it. Suddenly the guards outside the king's room heard a loud shriek. They came rushing in to find the king sitting straight in bed with a large pillow on his head. 'Out! Out', he waved a trembling finger at them. As they backed away, he shouted after them, 'Send for the royal barber immediately.' The royal barber was a talkative little man. He came in immediately. 'You're up early today, your Majesty, but why the pil... The king broke in, 'stop your talk and come close to my bed.' As the surprised barber drew close, the king said in his most commanding voice, 'Barber, I am about to show you something. But if you talk about it to anyone, I'll have you beaten and hanged.' The king slowly removed the pillow from his head. 'Oh!' The barber clapped his hands to his mouth in horror. 'Well, don't just stand there,' said the king impatiently. 'Do something to cover them up. The barber pulled the king's hair this way and that, and managed to cover the horns partially. The king put on his turban to hide the rest. 'Now go. And tell the court I am unwell. I will not see anyone.' He sat up and looked angrily at the barber. 'And remember my warning.' The barber ran out of the room. As soon as the door of the bed room closed, he started laughing. The people in the palace stopped him and asked him why he was so happy but he only shook his head helplessly and ran laughing through the halls. 'I'll die if I don't tell someone,' he said. 'My stomach is bursting with the secret'. He saw the Tamarind tree standing in the middle of the royal courtyard. He went up to it and whispered the secret to the trunk of the tree. 26. Why did the king cover his head with a large pillow? 1) The king covered his head with a large pillow because he was sick. 2) The king was very proud of his looks so he covered his head with a large pillow. 3) The king covered his head with a large pillow to hide his horns. 4) The king covered his head because he did not want to see anyone. 5) None 27. According to the given passage, the king's finger was trembling because of (i) shock and joy (ii) fever and old age (iii) shock and anger

Conclusions: i) If the first letter in the group is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant their codes are to be interchanged. ii) If the first letter in the group is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel both are to be coded by the code for vowel. iii) If the first as well as the last letter is a vowel both are to be coded by the code for first letter. 16. IRHMEJ 1) 743B@2 2) 243B@2 3) 743B@7 4) 243B@7 5) None 17. TFIKAR 1) 4$7#6% 2) 4$7#64 3) %$7#6% 4) %$6#74 5) None 18. MHEJKQ 1) 3@2# B 2) B 3@2# B 3) B 3@2# 4) 3@2#@ 5) None 19. FIKLRU 1) $7#948 2) $7#94$ 3) 87#948 4) 87#94$ 5) None 20. ALFJHE 1) @9$236 2) 69$236 3) @9$23@ 4) 69$23@ 5) None Directions (21 - 25): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each one of them has a different profession i.e., doctor, engineer, architect, teacher, clerk, shopkeeper, businessman and banker. A sits third to right of teacher. D sits second to left of G. G is not immediate neighbour of the teacher. Only one person sits between B who is the shopkeeper and teacher. The one who is an architect sits third to right of the shopkeeper. H sits between architect and engineer. E is not immediate neighbour of H. Engineer sits third to the right of clerk. Only one person sits between businessman and F. E is neither a businessman nor a doctor. 21. What is the profession of H? 1) Businessman 2) Architect 3) Banker 4) Teacher 5) Shopkeeper 22. What is the position of doctor with respect to the banker? 1) Immediately to the left 2) Third to the right 3) Third to the left 4) Second to the left 5) Fourth to the left 23. Who sits exactly between the businessman and banker? 1) doctor 2) engineer 3) H 4) clerk 5) None 24. Who amongst the following is a doctor? 1) D 2) G 3) E 4) C 5) None 25. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement? 1) E is an immediate neighbour of teacher 2) Doctor is an immediate neighbour of H 3) Banker is an immediate neighbour of

1) only (i) 2) only (ii) 3) only (iii) 4) only (i) & (iii) 5) only (ii) & (iii) 28. Why did the king say he was unwell? 1) Because he did not want to see a talkative man. 2) Because he was afraid that god would punish the king with horns. 3) It was unfortunate that he had a talkative and boresome courtier. 4) It was unfortunate that he had fever in his old age. 5) None 29. The barber began to laugh so much because 1) the king liked to taste the Tamarind fruit. 2) the king told him to give a handsome gift for his talkative nature. 3) he thought that the king looked too funny with the horns on his head. 4) the king admired the horns that had been given by god. 5) None 30. Who is referred to as 'His handsomeness' in the passage and by whom? 1) The barber, the god 2) The god, the talkative little man 3) The king, the god 4) The god, the king 5) The tamarind tree, the barber 31. Why do you think the king sent for his barber as soon as he discovered his horns? 1) He wanted the barber to dress the horns so that they looked beautiful. 2) He wanted the barber because he was a very chatty person. 3) He wanted the barber because he was shocked to see the horns. 4) He wanted the barber to do his hair in such a way that the horns would be hidden. 5) None 32. The barber did not tell the people what he had seen because 1) He was a loyal courtier. 2) He was scared of the king and remembered his warning. 3) He was afraid of the king's reward of Rs. 10,000. 4) He was going to commit a capital mistake. 5) He was afraid of being dismissed from his service. 33. What was the first thing, according to the passage, that the king did everyday when he got up in the morning? 1) He took out the barber's mirror which he kept under the pillow and looked into it. 2) He went to the river with his courtiers. 3) He covered his head with a pillow/ turban. 4) He took out his mirror which he kept under the pillow and looked into it. 5) None 34. Did the barber succeed in covering the kings horns completely? 1) Yes 2) No 3) He did not try. 4) He succeeded with the help of his friends. 5) He succeeded in covering with the help of Tamarind tree. 35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 1) The king looked after the kingdom well. 2) The barber at last disclosed the secret to his friend. 3) The king was a god-fearing person. 4) The barber was very faithful to the king. 5) None A

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