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Idol Domesticity.

By Princess_jime.
Characters: Japanese Idols Yamapi and Tackey. Classification: Alternate universe where yamapi and tackey live together. Summary: Is the everyday life of an Idol just as glamorous as we think? find out the truth! Disclaimer: Tackey and Yamapi belong to themselves, their careers representation to Johnny Entertainment, but these stage plays belong to me.

I don't know if this is long enough... but I'll tell you one thing, this one could have gone on forever... XD


Jime's Masterpiece Theater presents:

Whatcha doing senpai? A dissertation on the meaning of existence.

The players: *Takki; a serious, well-mannered senpai. *Yamapi; a playful, sometimes inadequate kouhai.

The place: A newly moved-in apartment, there are things still in cardboard boxes lying around. The door to the right is the apartment's main entrance, the door to the left is the bathroom. In between them there's a big window.


Takki and Yamapi are sitting on the sofa, tired after cleaning the place, they are drinking beer and Yamapi has just turned on the TV.

Yamapi (poking Takki on the ribs with his elbow): senpai senpai! Tokyo Friend Park is on! you like that show, ne, ne! Takki: yeah, turn up the volume a bit, will you? Yamapi: hai! here it goes! (turns the volume up too much) Takki: oe, yamapi, that's too loud... Yamapi: what? Takki (yelling): it's too loud! Yamapi: all right! you don't have to yell, I'm turning it down... geez. Takki (sighing and rolling his eyes): just give me the remote. Yamapi (throws it at him): here! Takki: and now you're angry at me? the nerve...

Yamapi sulks and pays no attention to Takki, but soon becomes bored and starts to fidget again.

Yamapi: ne, ne, senpai... senpai... senpai! Takki: what! Yamapi: aren't you glad we've moved in together? now you don't have to spend so much money on rent, cause we're sharing it, right? right? Takki: yezzz... I'm glad... whatever, just lemme watch the show... Yamapi: and since I'm making sooooo much more money than you now, cause I'm soooo much popular now, it's gonna be easy on you ne, piece of cake ne, but I envy you senpai, cause you can walk on the street without being mobbed by fangirls ne, and me ne, I just can't show my face anywhere ne... ne... Takki (pissed off): riiiiight...

Yamapi: senpai... senpai... tell me what you like about this show... explain it to me... I don't get it, senpai... senpai... Takki (gets up suddenly): I'm going to the bathroom, if anyone calls me tell them I'll get back to them later.

Takki goes to the bathroom and Yamapi is left alone looking at the bathroom door.

Time passes and Yamapi is getting bored again, he picks up some magazines but throws them away instantly, he starts to channel surf with the remote control but presses too many buttons way too much and the TV shuts off while smoke comes out of it. Yamapi panics and opens the window to let the smoke out.

Takki (inside the bathroom): what's that smoke smell? Yamapi: ettoo... ettoo... I opened the window and it came from outside! Takki: well, shut the window then! Yamapi: hai! gomen ne senpai!

Time passes and Yamapi starts to pace up and down the apartment looking for something to do, he stops in front of the bathroom door.

Yamapi (knocking on the door): senpai! Whatcha doing in there? senpai! Takki (pissed off): what do you mean what am I doing... I'm... I don't have to answer that... and please stop talking to me while I'm IN THE BATHROOM. Yamapi: but I'm curious! you've been inside there for the longest time! Takki: there are rules of etiquette we all have to follow when we share a living space yamapi, one of those rules is: DON'T BOTHER ME WHILE I'M IN THE BATHROOM. Yamapi: fine fine...

Yamapi goes back to sit on the couch, but mid-way returns tiptoeing to the bathroom door and silently puts his ear against it. A running water noise can be heard.

Yamapi: I hear water! Takki: get away from the door! Yamapi (laughing): ok ok I'm moving away as we speak...

Yamapi goes back to sit on the couch, he picks up his favorite teppei doll and plays with it for a little while, but gets bored and throws it away. Just as he's getting angry from boredom, "We can make it" by Arashi can be heard, the noise comes from a cellphone, Yamapi picks it up.

Yamapi: senpai! senpai! your cell phone is ringing!!! Takki: what did I tell you before going into the bathroom? Yamapi: ettooo... sore... anoo... that you... that I... Takki: that if anyone calls me you tell them that I'll get back to them. Yamapi: hai! (picks up the call) moshi mooooosh... this is takki senpai's cell phone, with whom may I be speaking? (Someone speaks on the other end) Yamapi: right, right, but see, takki senpai is busy right now, soooo... (More speak) Yamapi: chotto chotto I'll go ask him 'kay? hang on... (yelling) senpai! senpai! the woman wants me to tell you... Takki (angrily interrupts): damnit yamapi! Yamapi (lower and lower): that hollywood... an ichigo ichie* chance... nevermind... (into the cell phone) he says he'll call you back.. (More speak) Yamapi: no chance then? 'kay, I'll tell him, bye byecicle! (hangs up)

Time passes and Yamapi get bored yet again. He finishes his beer, looks suspiciously around, and finishes Takki's beer as well with a loud sigh. He gets up and goes to the fridge, only to be appalled at the fact that it's empty.

Yamapi: senpai! senpai! we're out of beer! actually, we're out of everything! I need meat! Takki: then go buy some. Yamapi: but I told you, I can't go out into the public cause of the fangirl mobs! Takki: then wait for me to... do whatever... and I'll go okay? Yamapi: but when are you getting out? whatcha doing in there anyway? are you naked or wearing your boxers? is it number one or number two? or both? but either way, it never gets this long, are you constipated? you want me to get you some remedy? Takki: you just told me you can't go out. Yamapi: but if it's an emergency... I'll risk it! You're my most respected senpai! Takki: just... find something to do until then ok, don't go out, and don't bother me again, it's really uncomfortable having a conversation while I'M IN THE BATHROOM. Yamapi: ok, ok...

Times passes and suddenly, Yamapi realizes something, which gets him in a foul mood. He pouts, he fidgets, he gets up from the couch and pounds on the bathroom door.

Takki (really angry): WHAT NOW!!! Yamapi: senpai! how come you have an Arashi song as ringtone! Takki (annoyed): naaani? because I like it, ok? Yamapi: but you should have a Takki and Tsubasa song, or a NEWS song... not Arashi! Takki: I'll put whatever song I want as ringtone, it's my cell phone! Yamapi: demo! demo! Takki: now shut up and let me be for a while! Yamapi: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time passes and Takki finally gets out of the bathroom. Yamapi is really happy but tries to act cool. Takki immediately grabs his keys and heads for the door.

Takki: right, we need food, beer, and some stuff for the bathroom, that's all, right then, ittekimasu. Yamapi: a! aa! sen... pai...

Takki is out the door. And Yamapi is left alone, with nothing to do.



*Ichigo ichie: "a once in a lifetime opportunity".


Jime's Masterpiece Theater presents:

D-day! Countdown to Happiness.

The players: *Takki; a serious, well-mannered senpai. *Yamapi; a playful, sometimes inadequate kouhai. *Tanaka-san: the neighborhood's merry butcher.

The place: A shared apartment, the new tv sits among what looks like a chaotic space, with stuff spread all over. The door to the right is the apartment's main entrance, the door to the left is the bathroom. In between them there's a big window. To the far right is the kitchen, to the far left there are two fusuma doors that connect the two bedrooms with the main room.


Takki walks in through the main entrance, he takes off his shoes and leaves the keys on top of the shoe-rack next to the door.

Takki (tired): tadaima... (surprised) geh!... what the hell? why is the place a mess? I left everything in order this morning! (yelling) Yamapi!... Yamapi!!... YAMASHITA TOMOHISA!!!

While takki starts to pick up stuff and put it away, one of the fusuma slowly opens to reveal a messy-haired-just-woken-up yamapi.

Yamapi: ou... okaeri...(yawns) senpai, what took you so long? Takki: what took me so long? work is what took me so long! I was working all day! Yamapi: a so... Takki: don't "a so" me, you were sleeping all day? what the hell did you do? Yamapi: oe oe... you just got home and you're nagging me? I just fell asleep a little while ago... Takki: it's unbelievable how you manage to be free all week not working and still earn more money that I do. Yamapi: don't be jealous senpai, I'm just in between projects right now, plus all the music recording is done, I'm just enjoying "the calm before the promoting-the-new-album-storm". Takki: whatever, just answer the question. Yamapi: what question? Takki: what the hell did you do?!? look at this place! it looks like an "after the earthquake" scene!

Yamapi: are? a... etooo... (finally wakes up) A! Hai! it's because of that! I was looking for that! Takki: what? what that? Yamapi: my new belt buckle! (starts to rummage through everything) I was wondering if it goes well with my purple shirt, or maybe the green one? I was planning on going with the puffy jacket on top anyway, but if the base color differs then the whole ensemble changes! What do you think? Takki: what? Yamapi: I need your experienced opinion! it's an important matter! Takki (sighing): just use whatever you feel good in, baka... anyway, why all the fuzz about clothing all of a sudden? Yamapi: didn't I tell you? next week is the annual Dragon Zakura reunion! te-chan called me to confirm! he said he's going to pick me up on the way! Takki: Teppei-kun? Yamapi: yes! what other te-chan could I be referring to? god! senpai, you can be so absentminded sometimes! Takki: fine fine, (to himself) don't get your knickers twisted... Yamapi: what? Takki: nothing... so next week? Yamapi: hai! I need to carefully decide my outfit now so that in case I need something else I can buy it this week. Takki: wakatta, demo... what? you mean... you'll be like this all week? Yamapi: like what? (still rummaging through stuff, making a mess) Takki: never mind. Yamapi: it has to be a perfect selection you know, it's of the most importance that I make a good impression! plus those reunions can go on through the whole night till the next day! the outfit must be fit for all kinds of uses! Takki: what are you planning to do all night anyway? Yamapi: a... just... well... (nervous) well, it might get chilly outside, and... see... last time, yeah... last time I caught a cold cause inside the party hall it was hot, and a lot of people got really drunk so me and... well, I had to carry some of them to the taxis, so I worked up a sweat...

Takki (suspecting something): aha... Yamapi: anyway, god! were did I leave that belt buckle? I had it before I went to sleep! Takki (realizing something): A! an all-nighter? that means I could have the house for myself for one night! Yamapi (not paying attention): senpai! help me find that belt buckle! Takki (as happy as can be): YES! I'll look for it! it's important! (starts to look) Yamapi (emotional): senpai... you really understand and care for me! thank you!

They look around, yamapi throwing things here and there, takki putting things in order.

Takki: eh... yamapi... what does that belt buckle look like?

A big digital clock starts to count down the days left. 6-5-4-3-2


Takki happily goes to the supermarket, whistling to himself the tune of Arashi's "happiness", he selects lots of delicious snacks, a senbei bag and the best beer and tea, he goes through the produce section and grabs various vegetables, grabs other products, then he heads for the meat counter.

Butcher: Irasshaimasu! Takki: Good morning Tanaka-san! Butcher: Well, if it isn't takki-kun, how are you doing today my good boy! Takki: very well, very well, thank you, how are the wife and kids?

Butcher: they're great, little akira always asks about you, you were quite a hit with my little puppies. Takki: Hahaha! I liked them as well! Butcher: what can I get for you today, my lad? we just got a batch of really good beef meat, half price today. Takki: actually Tanaka-san, this week I'm splurging the budget, so if you don't mind, where's the kobe beef? Butcher: Ooo, kobe beef, it's right here (shows him) a special occasion? Takki: yes! very special! Butcher: I'm happy for you! Takki: thank you, well, (decides) give me 200 grs.! Butcher (slices and packs): here you go, I've taken the liberty of slicing the best part for you, no extra cash, lest people never say we don't take good care of our Idols here in Japan. Takki: Thank you so much Tanaka-san! give my best to your family! Have a great day! Butcher: will do! Takki (to himself): I must think of a good hiding place so that yamapi doesn't find the beef, he would probably smell it a mile away because of that weird obsession he's got with meat... mmm... maybe, yes I'll have it air-tight sealed, and I'll put it in a new portable cooler, and I'll hide it... (thinks hard for a while) yatta! I'll hide it behind the washing machine! he never does any laundry!

1 day left.


Takki comes back home from the gym, he gets in the shower and notices his favorite liquid soap is all used up.

Takki: figures, I knew it, he's always using my stuff, but I've come prepared this time, yamapi!

He takes out a new bottle of soap he had inside his bag.

Takki: mwahahahaha!!!

While he's showering, the hot water suddenly stops and cold water comes out.

Takki (angry): Aaaaaa!!!!! (yelling) yamapi! stop using the hot water!

He eventually finishes showering, gets out, he's about to put on his cologne when he sees it's also all used up.

Takki: nande? my cologne too?! since when??!! (furious) I thought I could let it pass, just this once, but this is too much!! (yelling) Yamapi!!!

As takki comes out of the bathroom he sees yamapi attempting to use the washing machine. Yamapi clearly doesn't know what he's doing, but he's doing it. Takki panics.

Takki: oe oe! what are you doing? Yamapi: I wanted to wash my best underwear, the label has some weird little drawings for washing instructions, but I don't know what they mean, senpai, help me? Takki: let me, just step away from the heavy machinery, ok? it's dangerous. Yamapi (almost in tears): ok... Takki (feeling a little remorseful): by the way, do you know what happened with my cologne? it's all gone. Yamapi: oh, yes, I tried a little bit of it, but it fell on the floor and... I didn't notice, sumimasen. Takki: that's all you can say? sumimasen? that stuff is expensive yo, and you had no right to be playing with it in the first place. Yamapi (sobbing): gomen nasai senpai!

Takki (finishes setting the washing machine while glancing a sneak peak at the hidden treasure behind it): all right, all right, just learn the lesson and leave my stuff alone, will you? Yamapi: Hai! I will! I promise! Takki (to himself): you'll probably forget that promise by tomorrow... Yamapi: what? Takki: nothing... I was wondering why you're so sensitive today... Yamapi: I'm nervous senpai, tomorrow is the reunion, do you remember? Takki: how could I forget? It's an important event for you, right? Yamapi: yes... I guess, I just have the jitters, that's all. Takki: don't worry so much, it's all going to turn out great, you'll see, have faith in the future! Yamapi (emotional and gradually happy): Thank you senpai! your words always hit the spot!

The clock stops. D-day is here!

While Yamapi waits for Teppei to show up Takki subtly goes into his room so as not to disturb Yamapi. Takki reads a volume of the Ashita no Joe manga and eventually hears as Yamapi greets Teppei and goes out with him. With the coast clear, Takki comes out and takes out the kotatsu.

Takki: yatta!!! at last! happiness is here to stay! and today is extra chilly! what a happy coincidence! Tonight's going to be all about kotatsu love! plus... my treasure...

He goes to the kitchen and prepares himself miso soup, a delicious japanese hot pot with the vegetables and the kobe beef, and green tea. When everything is ready he sits under the kotatsu and admires the set table.

Takki: waa!! how nice! everything looks and IS delicious! after this regal dinner, I'll eat the special dango I bought and I'll drink the cold beer, and I'll have myself a Yamada Taro Monogatari marathon! Thank God I found it on D-addicts, I couldn't record it directly from the tv, thanks to

yamapi always hogging it, but it doesn't matter now, cause I have it burned on dvd! Mwahahahaha!!! Now... ITADAKIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!

And as he's about to take the first bite, yamapi walks in through the door.

Yamapi (in a foul mood): tadaima... eh? senpai? is that... KOBE BEEF I SMELL??!!? Takki (surprised to the point of speechless): ... Yamapi: are you having a kotatsu party all by yourself? (takes off his shoes and jacket) how sad, senpai! I didn't know you felt this way! but it doesn't matter, I'm here to keep you company! and please don't ask me what happened at the reunion, I don't want to talk about it (gets comfortable under the kotatsu) itadakimasu! yummy! kobe beef is great ne? say, if you're not going to eat that (grabs all the meat) I'll take it!, is there any beer? a! it's there! (grabs a beer and drinks it) aaa!!! that's good! anyway, oh! I just remembered! today they show a re-run of last week's wrestling SP! it was a showdown! Haado gei made his come back! sooo great... I think I'm going to watch that again (turns on the tv) you don't mind, do you, senpai? I know you don't like watching tv anyway...

And while Yamapi happily eats away and cheers for his favorite wrestlers, Takki softly cries in a dim lit corner of the room.


******************************* Fusuma: sliding paper doors. Senbei: cokkies made of rice flour, sometimes they have pieces of nori seaweed. Kobe beef: the best, most expensive beef, if I'm not mistaken, in the world. Kotatsu: the special japanese table that is used during the winter. Dango: a traditional japanese sweet.

Jime's Masterpiece Theater presents:

Cyber Reality Bites!

The players: *Takki; a serious, well-mannered senpai. *Yamapi; a playful, sometimes inadequate kouhai.

The place: A shared apartment, the tv sits next to a brand new computer system. The door to the right is the apartment's main entrance, the door to the left is the bathroom. In between them there's a big window. To the far right is the kitchen, to the far left there are two fusuma doors that connect the two bedrooms with the main room.


Yamapi sits in front of the computer and is happily typing away at will, Takki walks in from outside.

Takki: Tadaima... No response. Takki: Yamapi, I'm home... No response.

Takki: dude! Yamapi (with little enthusiasm): Eh? ah! Okaeri senpai... Takki: Still with the computer? Yamapi: This baby rocks senpai! The graphics, the humongous memory, the broad band wireless internet! (kisses the screen and gets a little electric shock) ah! I want it to have my babies! Takki: whatever... (to himself) I wonder if it was such a good idea to buy that... Yamapi: what was that? Takki: nothing...

Takki goes to the kitchen and looks around.

Takki: what's for dinner? Yamapi: Um... (busy with the computer) I think there's some rice crackers left... Takki: what? man! it was your turn to take care of the food this week! You didn't go to the supermarket? Yamapi (always facing the computer and typing): nope, come on senpai, you know I'll get mobbed if I go alone... Takki: You said you'd get Teppei-kun to go with you! Yamapi: Um... did I? Takki: You didn't ask him? Yamapi: Um... I guess I didn't... I can't remember...

Takki is gobsmacked. After a few minutes he regains his voice.

Takki: This has gone too far! You even dissed Teppei-kun over the computer! Yamapi: eh? Takki: at least look at me when I'm talking to you!

Yamapi (very reluctantly turns around): what? Takki: Don't you have work to do? what about the Code Blue drama tapings? don't you need to shoot that? Yamapi: I'm doing it! they just e-mail me all my dialogs and other stuff, it's a new system they're trying out that allows the stars to have more freedom! It's all Johnny-san's idea! if you have a problem with that go tell him! Takki: I cannot believe that at all. Yamapi: I swear it's the truth (a ring can be heard from the computer) ah! see, you can ask him right now! he's on MSM and started a chat with me (goes back to the computer) Takki: what? (goes to look)... is that really him? Yamapi: for sure! he has a facebook account too you know, very tech savvy for such an old man. Takki: ah! that's funny! Yamapi: what is? Takki: that dancing naked butt. Yamapi (condescending): That's a smilie, senpai... Takki (annoyed): anyway... what do you do all day with the computer anyway? Yamapi: well, right now I'm re-designing my blog, I've been learning html, done graphics with photoshop and got all kinds of free cool widgets to add to it, also, I've been reading some very interesting fanfics all over, and checking up on scans too... Takki (sort of lost): on what? Yamapi: NEWS of course, there's a huge international fan community, I've been poking around all the usual haunts, like livejournal, also the streaming sites, like youtube, dailymotion, tudou, you'd be surprised the amount of direct downloads that are available all over, in like, megaupload or mediafire, but they have an upload limit, ya know? so the files are broken and you have to join them with HJsplit. Takki (totally lost): I see... Yamapi: Oh! you have to see this is one fanvid... it's hilarious! the girl used this song that goes "you touched my tralala" and had images of kanjani8... ah, but it's not on youtube anymore... they deleted all JE related vids there, also, you won't believe what the people at veoh did... blocking countries like that? it's racist I tell you! Takki: eh?

Yamapi: but I won't go into it, it gets me really mad, meanwhile, check this out! (clicks with the mouse) I can watch TV for free! from all over the planet! isn't it awesome? You won't nag me about hogging the tv anymore senpai! I can even rip whatever I like and burn it on dvd if I want to keep it and all! Takki: you sound like an otaku... I'm kinda scared... Yamapi: oh... you just say that cause you don't get me... whatever, go back to your boring hardware life and let me dream my software dreams.... besides... I know you know about the torrent system... I've seen you around d-addicts...

Takki looks guilty and slowly backs away, giving Yamapi some space.

Takki: OE! you totally diverted me! What about the food issue! Yamapi: food is not that important, senpai! don't obsess over it so much! besides, in some forums I've read posts that make fun of my manboobs... so I think dropping a few is gonna be good for me, I gotta give the fangirls what they want yo! Takki: But I don't! I need to eat to live! like a normal human being! Yamapi (under his breath): that's why you don't have an internet following like me... fufufufufu... Takki (really annoyed): AHRG! whatever! I'm going to the combini and grabbing a bento!

Takki goes out again, leaving Yamapi still busy with the computer. When Takki comes back he's hugging himself.

Takki: God! it's cold outside! It's good the heating system works here...

He goes to the kitchen and unpacks his food. Yamapi is still in front of the computer.

Takki (to himself): who would have thought it. That simpleton who can't even work a washing machine... but there's a plus to this!

He grabs his food and sits on the sofa while turning on the tv. Lots of noises come from it.

Takki (loudly): Lucky! Tokyo Friends Park 2! Ooooooo... the hanadan cast is guesting!

Yamapi turns around, glares at Takki, grabs a pair of headphones, plugs them in the computer's speakers and puts them on.

Takki (with attitude): what? tsk!... (loudly) AH! go jun-kun! clear!... eh... that sucks, oe, Yamapi, look at this, they're totally failing! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! mao-chan sure is kawaii though!... Yamapi! look! it's that game with the monkey and the banana goals! hilarious!

Yamapi turns around and glares again at Takki without taking the headphones off.

Takki: man... so touchy... (loudly again) Uwa! exciting! the hyper hockey was a close one! the princess dude tripped with the dress!! the darts are on now!!! Ooooo... an onsen trip... mao-chan has her priorities straight... I want that too... Yamapi: could you keep it down? I can't hear myself think! I'm trying to post a meaningful post here! Takki: fine fine! tsk... there's just no pleasing you, is there? (turns down the volume) Yamapi: thank you.

Suddenly, the light goes out and everything shuts down.

Yamapi: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Takki: well, at least I got to watch my favorite game show. Yamapi (weeping): my post... and I had written so much... Takki: it's your own fault, you forgot to pay the electricity bill, didn't you? Yamapi: Um... (disgusted with himself) I think so...

A chilly wind comes through the windowpanes.

Takki: why is it cold now? Yamapi: Um... the computer was heating the apartment. Takki: what? what about the heating system? Yamapi: I... didn't pay that as well... Takki: damn you. Yamapi: Gomen nasai! senpai! Gomen!



Jime's Masterpiece Theater presents:


The players: *Takki; a serious, well-mannered senpai. *Yamapi; a playful, sometimes inadequate kouhai. *Teppei: Yamapi's cute "best friend".

*NEWS: boy band Yamapi belongs to. *Delivery man.

The place: A shared apartment, the tv and computer system are covered with sheets. The door to the right is the apartment's main entrance, the door to the left is the bathroom. In between them there's a big window. To the far right is the kitchen, to the far left there are two fusuma doors that connect the two bedrooms with the main room. There are cleaning utensils everywhere.


Takki is scrubbing away, having fun while doing so.

Takki: GOD! how can one small apartment get so dirty in such a small amount of time! (scrubs and cleans) The kitchen's a total mess, I'll leave that one for last, first I gotta finish the living room, then... get ready bathroom! You have met your match!

Takki points to the bathroom with a fighting pose and laughs. The front door opens and Yamapi walks in from outside wearing a suit and tie.

Yamapi (gloomy): tadaima... Takki (not paying attention): okaeri. Yamapi (stands in the middle of the room looking at Takki for a long time): senpai... (puts his hands behind his back and looks at the floor, sad.) Takki (too engrossed cleaning): mmmm? Yamapi (depressed): forget it.

Yamapi makes his way across the apartment jumping over stuff on his way to his bedroom. After a while, Takki looks up.

Takki: eh? did he say something? oh... whatever... (continues cleaning, heads for the bathroom) Yamapi!! Yamapi (looks in from his bedroom, a hint of hope in his voice): yes? Takki: You used my soap again? dude! how many times do I have to tell you to at least clean off your pubes from it! that happens because you never buy new soap for yourself you know, using the one you have until it dissolves in your hands... Yamapi (disillusioned): I'm sorry senpai, it won't happen again... Takki (pissed off): you always say that and it never comes true. Yamapi (softly): gomen.

Takki continues cleaning the bathroom.

Takki: Yamapi!! Yamapi (hopeful again): yes? Takki: go to the super and buy more cleaning spray, I ran out of it. I'll continue with the clorox until you get back. Yamapi: but... but... Takki: don't give me that crap about you getting mobbed again, deal with it, the cleaning is more important than that. Yamapi: yes senpai...

Yamapi changes clothes and goes out to buy supplies. While he's out, the phone rings.

Takki: moshi moshi... ah! Teppei-kun, how have you been?... good? that's great... yeah, it's alright... I'm cleaning right now, I'm doing the bathroom, there was this new product I wanted to test, turns

out it wasn't as good as I hoped eh? yeah... Yamapi? he's out right now, you wanna leave him a message?... no? ok then... yeah, I'll tell him you called... hai, ja ne.

Takki goes back to cleaning, after a while Yamapi comes back carrying lots of bags.

Yamapi (happy): I'm home senpai! I got your cleaning thingies! Takki: It's not "thingies"! have some respect! cleanliness is next to godliness! you should be on your hands and knees thanking me for cleaning every weekend! you unappreciative baka! Yamapi: but I am grateful! Really! Takki: whatever. Yamapi (to himself): besides, you love to clean... Takki: pass me the spray then. Yamapi (hands him the spray): senpai! You'll be so proud of me, there was a group of fangirls outside the super, but I managed to go around them, it was soTakki (not paying attention to him, now interrupts): What the hell?! Yamapi: what? Takki (pissed off): this isn't the usual spray! why did you buy this one!? Yamapi: wasn't that one what you bought last time? you were all excited and everything... Takki: this one sucks! Yamapi: I didn't know that... Takki: of course you wouldn't know that, you never clean... Yamapi (hurt): but... I thought you liked that one. Takki: I don't! I tested it and it sucked, please be more aware next time! pass me the other clorox... Yamapi (passes the clorox): you didn't tell me... (to himself) I'm not a mind reader. Takki: what was that? Yamapi: nothing...

Takki continues his activities while Yamapi goes to the kitchen to finish putting away all the groceries he bought.

Takki (from the bathroom): try not to make too much of a mess in the kitchen! I'm leaving it for last! Yamapi: haaaaai...

Yamapi puts fancy food in the microwave, some yummy juices in the freezer, and some candy in plain sight. Yamapi (to himself): yooosh! Lucky! I got senpai's favorite food! and that imported orange juice he likes, and his favorite dango, plus I got some soap for myself... he'll like that! Now, I gotta move out of the way... otherwise he'll really get pissed off at me...

Yamapi goes back to his room. Takki finished in the bathroom and moves to the kitchen.

Takki: Yamapi!! Yamapi (hopeful once again): yes? Takki: you didn't make dinner, did you? God! you know, it's really tiresome whenever I have to keep pestering you to do something around the house, it's not my favorite thing to nag, I don't like how I sound when I do it...really... Yamapi: I... I'm sorry senpai... Takki: never mind, It's alright just this once, because every time you attempt to make food you leave half the apartment dirty anyway, last time I found traces of spaghetti sauce in the fusuma doors... don't know how you managed to pull that one, I mean, it's across the apartment for god's sake... Yamapi (a little pissed off): I don't understand you, you want me to cook or not? Takki: just put a little more effort is all I'm asking. Yamapi: fine! (shuts the fusuma door). Takki: jeez, so delicate... can't take any criticism... tsk, tsk.

After some time, Takki is finally done with the cleaning. He's feeling pretty satisfied with himself. He sits in front of the tv and turns it on.

Takki: and now... Tokyo Friend Park 2! Yay!

Suddenly the front door bell rings. Takki goes to open it. Teppei-kun is there.

Teppei: Hello Takki-san! Takki: Teppei-kun! hi! what brings you here? Teppei: what brings me here? Yamapi of course, actually I came to apologize cause I couldn't make it. Takki: make what?

Before a surprised Teppei can answer, a delivery man shows up with tons of flowers.

Delivery man: Is a Yamashita Tomohisa-san here? Takki: yeah, (yelling) Yamapi!! Yamapi (gets out of his bedroom): yes? Delivery man: I have flowers for you (puts the flowers inside the apartment) if you could sign here please (hands Yamapi the form) thank you, have a great day (goes away). Takki: what the? come on! I just cleaned! now everything has flower stuff all over! Teppei (surprised): eh- ah... (understanding) he just cleaned (looks at Takki a little frightened and backs away from him). Yamapi (happy while reading the cards): This one's from TOKIO. Teppei (to Yamapi): Dude!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (he hugs Yamapi). Yamapi (a little teary-eyed): Thank you Te-chan!

Teppei: I'm sorry I couldn't make it today. Wentz sends his regards! Yamapi (smiling): It's alright, I know you guys are busy, thank him for me. Teppei: who else sent flowers? (looks at cards with Yamapi), oi! The Arashi guys each sent a bouquet of their own! how cool! Yamapi: aren't they? this one's from Johnny-san, that one's from Tsubasa-san, SMAP-san... Takki (to himself): Tsubasa? what the hell is going on? Teppei (looks at a candy-inspired flower arrangement): Ha! I can guess that one... Hey Say Jump ne? (looks at card) on the nosey! Yamapi (laughing): They're turning out to be pretty cute kouhais... Teppei: oh, by the way... (snickers) I came to pick you up... Yamapi (blushes): eh? Teppei: The Dragon Zakura cast got together again, they want to make it up to you for the last time... I suggested... what better occasion than this one? ne? Yamapi (beaming): That's so nice of everyone! I'll get ready in a second! hold on!

Yamapi goes to his room to get changed. Takki taps Teppei on the shoulder.

Takki: what's going on? Teppei: Takki-san... I understand you like to clean a lot... but forgetting Pi's graduation is beyond unhealthy yo. Takki: graduation? Teppei (a little frustrated): yes... from Meiji University of Commerce? you know? Takki (embarrassment dawns on him): b...but... weren't there 6 more units he needed to complete? Teppei (more frustrated): yeeeees... and he did. He graduated today. It was all over the news yo, really, how could you forget? you were just watching tv now, weren't you? Takki (embarrassed beyond belief): I... I... Teppei: never mind.

Yamapi (comes out ready to go): let's go Te-chan! I'm excited!

Suddenly, the front door (that was left open) flings with a thud and the NEWS guys come barging in. All talking at once, as rowdy as boys can be.

NEWS (all at the same time): Yamapi! our man! Congrats! dude! we have a graduate in our ranks now! this is great! The ceremony was cool! but don't you think they lacked the whole robe and cap thing in the tv reports? It's cool though! Your family is nice Pi! they even brought the dogs! (thunderous laughs) Teppei: you guys, I'm taking Pi to a cast get-together, if you come it's gonna be a full blast party for all! NEWS (all at the same time): COOL! Party!!! Let's get this started! I can get the ice! I'll buy the booze! We can buy food at the super near here, right? Yamapi (delighted): actually, there's a group of fangirls camping outside of it, but I know how to get pass them!

They go out chatting happily together. Takki is left alone absorbing it all in. Yamapi pokes his face in the front door just as he's about to close it.

Yamapi: senpai, I bought you dinner, it's in the microwave, there's your fav OJ in the freezer all nice and cold by now I guess, and your fav dango on the kitchen counter... have a nice night, don't wait up for me! (leaves).

Takki is left all alone.



WARNING: the following contains nudity and some scenes that might be considered graphic.

Jime's Masterpiece Theater presents:

Three is Definitively a Crowd.

The players: *Takki; a serious, well-mannered senpai. *Yamapi; a playful, sometimes inadequate kouhai. *Tsubasa; the manly half of Idol duo "Tackey and Tsubasa". *A girl; unnamed and suspicious-looking.

The place: A shared apartment. The door to the right is the main entrance, the door to the left is the bathroom. In between them there's a big window. To the far right is the kitchen, to the far left there are two fusuma doors that connect the two bedrooms with the main room.


Takki and Yamapi sit on the couch, talking. Takki seems expectant while Yamapi seems distant.

Takki: So?... how about it? That was an extremely well-made video! Yamapi: Well... I do think it was very cool... Takki: Righ? it was great! everyone liked it! people were all cheering... Yamapi:... Yeah... but that's because it was our concert... I mean... NEWS rock... people did go to see us. Takki: Yes, yes (sighs) butYamapi: And I did thank you properly at the concert... Takki (frustrated):... so... am I forgiven then? Yamapi (cold): As to that, well... (suddenly turns high-tension happy) OF COURSE! (laughs) How can I remain mad at my beloved senpai! I forgive you for being the only important person in my life who forgot altogether about my once-in-a-lifetime university graduation! I'm soooooo not bitter about it anymore! Takki (to himself): That doesn't sound like forgiveness at all... Yamapi: What's that? Takki: Nothing...

The doorbell rings.

Yamapi (surprised): That's weird, who could it be at this hour? Takki (surprised): I don't know, I don't expect anyone... you? Yamapi: Me neither...(hopeful) Maybe it's Te-chan?

While Yamapi sits on the edge of the couch starting to blush Takki opens the door and lets Tsubasa in. He's carrying a suitcase and a bag. Tsubasa walks in very manly, very abruptly and throws himself on the couch alongside his stuff.

Tsubasa (sharply moves his head forward): Yo. Yamapi (self-conscious): H-hello...

Takki: What's up, man? Tsubasa (manly sniffs and scratches his nose): Um, yeah, listen, Imma need a place to crash for a while, at least for tonite, until I can get a place of mah own, is that cool with you two? Takki: Sure, of course. Tsubasa: Had an altercation with the woman, if ya know what I mean... that bitch. Takki (raises one eyebrow): O.K. Yamapi (fidgets): What do you mean? Tsubasa (to Takki): Eh? is this kid fo' real? Takki (uncomfortable): Don't mind him... you can stay for as long as you want, you know. Tsubasa: That's ma man yo! (whispers to Takki) Really, thanks bro.

They both grab hands and shake, patting each other on the back. Yamapi fidgets some more.

Takki: Hey! we happen to have some of that beer you like... Tsubasa: Cool! (to Yamapi) grab us a few, would ya? Yamapi (pissed off): Sure...

Yamapi mutters to himself all the way to the fridge while Takki and Tsubasa chat happily. Takki starts to talk about work and gets into it, then gets up to his room to look for some papers. While he's thus occupied, Yamapi comes back with a six-pack in one hand and a dried squid snack bag on the other. Yamapi sits down again and leaves the beer on the table, Tsubasa looks at him and says nothing, Yamapi looks back, an impromptu staring contest begins, the winner being Tsubasa of course, who then motions for the beer. Yamapi, defeated, goes to open the beers for them all.

Tsubasa (very manly): That's what I thought...

Takki arranges his papers for Tsubasa to see.

Takki: This is gonna be the set for Shinshun Takizawa Kakumei, I'm really excited about this play...

Yamapi opens the snack bag.

Tsubasa: Nice, looks good, how's the song coming along? Takki: Everything's still undecided on that. Tsubasa: That's whack yo... it's gotta be a good song, I mean, even if it's your first solo single, if that song sucks it's gonna reflect bad on both of us.

Takki: I know! And we're already at the end of this year, it's just not gonna be enough time to polish it for January, it's gonna have to be a masterpiece from the get go...

While Yamapi munches on the dried squid something moves inside Tsubasa's bag. Yamapi screams.

Yamapi: What the hell? Takki: What happened? Yamapi: There's something moving inside sempai's bag! Tsubasa: Oh yeah... it was the squid smell... Yamapi: What?

Tsubasa opens his bag and picks out the ugliest hairless cat in the world. Takki and Yamapi are stunned cold. Tsubasa grabs some squid and gives it to the cat, who eats it on the floor.

Takki (wide eyed): is that...? Tsubasa (while drinking his beer): Yeah... Yamapi (disgusted): What the hell is that thing? Tsubasa: His name's boo.

Takki (trying to be polite): I'd completely forgotten about that cat. Tsubasa (burps): Just don't get on his bad side, otherwise he'll be hell to live with... Yamapi (to himself): That is a cat? Takki: Is he trained? I don't want to find surprises on the floor... Tsubasa: Yeah, he's very clean, I got all his gear with me anyway, don't worry about him. Yamapi: I didn't know sempai was a cat person... Takki: He's not... (looks at Tsubasa for an explanation) Tsubasa (very manly): I don't wanna talk about it. So, where am I gonna sleep?


The night sets in and while Tsubasa snores loudly on the fold-out couch Yamapi sneaks out of his room trying to be quiet and not wake him up. He jumps and shrieks like a girl when a pair of demon-like red eyes suddenly look at him from the darkness, it's boo. The noise didn't wake Tsubasa up though, he sleeps like a log.

Yamapi (resented): I still can't believe you're a cat.

Boo disdainfully tuns his head and goes back to sleep. Yamapi creeps into Takki's room. He silently wakes him up.

Takki (groggy): What? Pi? What? Yamapi (whispering): Sorry to wake you up senpai... I needed to talk with you... Takki: Can't it wait till tomorrow? I have a lot of work to do, I need to sleep. Yamapi: I'm sorry, I know, (hesitant) it's just that... Takki: Spit it out. Yamapi: Is sempai gonna stay for long?

Takki: Tsubasa's a cool guy, you don't need to worry about it. Yamapi: But he didn't exactly say why he needed a place to live... so we don't know for how long he'sTakki: Look, it obviously was woman trouble, but I guess it's not that obvious since you didn't get that, but anyway, he had been living with his girlfriend for quite some time so I guess it's gonna take him a while to find a furnished place to move into. Yamapi (hurt): But you didn't even consult me first... Takki: He's my friend and work partner. I would do the same if it was one of yours. Yamapi (pouting): I guess so... but the cat! Takki: What about it? Yamapi (trying to find an excuse): What if it dirties up the place? Takki: I don't have reservations with Tsubasa on that subject, he knows if the cat does something dirty then they're both out. Yamapi: But... but... Takki: Anything else? Yamapi (defeated): But... (so quietly it can't be heard) I also won't be able to do that... Takki (sleepy and not paying attention): Go back to sleep, we'll work out the details tomorrow.


The next day Yamapi wakes up with a sudden fright caused by a loud noise. He gets up quickly and goes out to see what it was. Takki is finished eating breakfast in the kitchen while Tsubasa is working his biceps with two hand weights.

Yamapi (flushed): Wha- what happened? what was that sound just now? Tsubasa: Mah bad, sorry, one of the weights fell. Takki (amused): Wow, Yamapi awake at this hour of the morning? it's all thanks to you Tsubasa.

Tsubasa (after snickering, to Yamapi): Since you're up... I'm gonna use your soap if you don't mind, didn't get a chance to go to the supermarket last night, ya know? (closer, lightly punching Yamapi on his shoulder) And we know how Takki can get about that stuff. Thanks kiddo. Yamapi (pouting): No problem.

Tsubasa grabs his towel and clothes and goes into the bathroom, leaving the door open. While he's in there, Takki and Yamapi speak softly.

Yamapi (pointing at the couch): Senpai! Look! Ewwww! Takki (a little disgusted but not much): Eh... it's just cum... he's... that sort of guy... he just needs to get laid more often that the rest of us, anyway, that comes off with the special soap under the sink and the washing machine's #5 cycle. Yamapi (confused): Why are you telling me that? Takki: It's your set of sheets... Yamapi (angry): You gave him mine? Takki: I know him... of course I gave him yours. Yamapi: That's sooooo not fair senpai!!!

A foul smell comes out of the bathroom. Yamapi covers his nose while Takki moves away.

Yamapi: Now what? Takki (shouting): Dude! Tsubasa! what the hell did you eat yesterday? Tsubasa (from inside the bathroom): street food, what else? you know I don't cook. Takki: Just open the bathroom window and close the door, will ya? Tsubasa: Gotcha! Takki (to Yamapi): and you go open the big window all the way. Yamapi (with his nose closed): Why me?

Takki: You're closer, and I don't want to turn radioactive with that smell sticking to me.

Yamapi opens the big window and jumps scared when boo silently sneaks up to sit on the frame. Takki makes a circle avoiding the bathroom and goes to his bedroom, after a while he comes out all ready to go.

Takki (shouting): I'm going now! Tsubasa (from inside the bathroom): Wait up dude! we can go together! Takki: But you're not ready... look, I gotta go now, otherwise I'll miss the train. Tsubasa: We can be there in 10 minutes on my bike yo. I'll be out in a sec. Takki (hesitant): Oh... o.k., but can only wait 8 minutes...

The shower runs, after 5 minutes it stops, another 3 minutes and Tsubasa comes out all dressed and ready. He grabs his helmet and goes to the door.

Tsubasa: Let's go yo. Takki (amazed): Wow... Tsubasa (with a manly smile): That how real men groom you know, say... since we're gonna have time to spare, I wanna go to the cafeteria and eat there... no offense, but all you got in the fridge is vegetables... I gotta eat some animal protein to function!

"Tackey and Tsubasa" walk out of the apartment leaving a stunned Yamapi with boo, the naked demon cat.


Yamapi sits on the couch, uncomfortable. Boo walks around slowly, Yamapi follows him with his eyes but not daring to move. Boo gets up on the couch and sits looking at Yamapi while he sweats cold. Yamapi turns his head to bravely face the cat, when he does, boo mews. Yamapi jumps.

Yamapi (desperate): What? what do you want from me?

Boo goes to where Tsubasa's stuff is and kicks a food plate on the floor with his front paws. Understanding reaches Yamapi, who is still freaked out.

Yamapi: Oh, alright, I get it... I think sempai left your food in the kitchen... I'll go get it.

Yamapi grabs the food plate and serves boo. The cat waits by the side and when the food and water are ready he slowly begins to eat. Yamapi starts to feel comfortable watching the cat act normal for once. The phone rings. Yamapi answers.

Yamapi: Moshi moooooosh... ah, Tsubasa sempai... yes... you forgot to feed boo.... ah, no problem, I just did... the litter? right, the blue bag... got it... eh? Takki senpai!... ah, yes! yes! I got it senpai, I'll put the box inside the bathroom... O.k., have a nice day! Ja ne.

Yamapi hangs up and sets up the litter box for boo, who is watching his every move. When Yamapi is done he sits on the couch again and turns on the TV.

Yamapi: I might as well relax... you're just a cat, even though you're freaky.

Boo looks at him and continues to eat.

Yamapi: Man... if I was alone... I could do that... but with you here...

Boo ignores Yamapi.

Yamapi: You know what? Screw it... you can't talk anyway...

Yamapi goes into his bedroom, and comes out naked.

Yamapi (cheerful): Yes! This is the life!

A happy Yamapi sits on the couch again and continues to watch TV.

Yamapi: Now we're both naked (laughs). This was the whole reason why I moved out of the family house anyway...

After a while Yamapi gets bored and fidgets.

Yamapi (with delight): Oh! I wonder if the nekkid japan website has been updated... I'll browse the forums... maybe the newsletter is out, I wonder if the list of nudist beaches will be updated!

Yamapi turns on the computer and sits, typing away. Boo finishes eating and goes to stretch on the wide open window frame. After a while, Yamapi gets bored again.

Yamapi (a little worried): OH! I gotta rehearse the new choreography!

Yamapi puts on a NEWS CD and begins to dance around naked. Boo looks at him then looks out the window with a bored expression. After a while Yamapi has worked up a sweat. He goes to the fridge and drinks bottled water.

Yamapi: Man! I'm really in kind of a bad shape... maybe the guys are right and I gotta loose a few pounds... but my moobies will go too, and I know some fans will be disappointed... what to do, what to do... I'll consult with the bosses, meanwhile, I'm gonna take a nice long bath!

Yamapi goes to the bathroom. Meanwhile, boo grooms himself, that is to say, he licks his naked skin. When Yamapi comes out, boo goes in to use the litter box.

Yamapi: Oh? you waited until I was done? how thoughtful... maybe you're not as bad as you look.

Yamapi pets boo, who lets him and purrs. Yamapi turns on the TV again.

Yamapi: Ah. Ryuusei no Kizuna is starting... I wonder if senpai is following this one.

While Yamapi enjoys watching the j-drama, boo sneaks up on the couch and goes to sit next to him. After a while, boo actually moves on top of Yamapi to sit on his lap.

Yamapi (worried): What the he-? ... Shoot! I'm naked here!

Boo circles and scratches Yamapi's thighs and penis. Yamapi holds in the painful yelps but doesn't shush the cat away.

Yamapi (trying to sound stern but failing): This is gonna be the last time, you hear? just cause I know if I go against you you'll be "hell to live with" as Tsubasa sempai said... (tears up) Looks like I'm not gonna be able to be naked when alone after all...


There's no one inside the apartment, all seems well. Suddenly the front door opens and Takki and Tsubasa walk in, they carry bags with take-out food in them.

Takki (worried): ... all I'm saying is I don't mind cooking at all... I like it. Tsubasa (very manly): Dude, how many times do I have to tell you that's for the chicks to do?

Takki (containing anger): In what century do you live in? Tsubasa: It's not a matter of the times yo, It's a principle. Takki: But there's no chick to cook for us here. Tsubasa: Exactly my point. There's a reason why all those food places exist, to cater to lonely men like us, bro. Takki: I don't need a chick to cook for me. Tsubasa (sarcastic): But you need one for other things my friend... Takki: What's that supposed to mean? Tsubasa (snickering): I'm just saying...

The front door opens again and Yamapi walks in, followed by boo. Yamapi seems very tired.

Yamapi: Tadaima... Takki: Okaeri. Tsubasa: Cool, we can eat together! Yamapi: Ah! take-out? (to Takki) Again? Takki (to Yamapi): I've been trying to reason with him but...

Tsubasa isn't paying attention, he's putting the food on the kitchen table and setting up the three seats. He grabs beers from the fridge and immediately opens one for himself to drink. Yamapi sees this and with reluctance goes to set a food plate for boo. The cat follows him. Tsubasa sees this.

Tsubasa: Yo... why's boo acting like a baby duck around ya? Yamapi: Because I'm the only one taking care of him, that's why... Takki: He follows you that much? Yamapi (annoyed): Yes, and it's horrible! Everyone at work is ostracizing me! I can't take it anymore!

Tsubasa: Sorry dude.

Yamapi looks at Tsubasa with impatience but says nothing, like Takki. The food is spread on the table. It's sausages and sauerkraut.

Tsubasa: Dig in, guys. Takki: German food? (to himself) and so heavy for my stomach... Yamapi: Eh? I can't believe I'm going to say this but... is there salad? or a nice meatless miso soup? Takki (jumps): I'll make one right now! Yamapi: Yayyyy! (to Tsubasa) Sempai... if you don't mind me asking... why not japanese food? Tsubasa: Don't you want to be less ignorant and more international? It's cool for a dude to be all debonaire and shit, and for that you have to try all sorts of things. Yamapi (pouting): But we've been eating heavy food all week... Tsubasa: It's fine yo. Yamapi (softly): But how am I gonna loose weight like this?

Takki finished making a salad and the miso soup, he serves Yamapi and himself.

Tsubasa: Here (puts a sausage inside Yamapi's soup) You like meat, right? Yamapi (tears up): Yeeessss... Tsubasa: Any of you want to get drunk with me tonite? come on boys... you've left me hanging every night all week... I'll share my cheeses with you... Takki: About that... if we get mice because of your cheesesTsubasa: Boo will get them.

The meal is over and Takki is doing the dishes. Tsubasa turns on the TV, hogging the remote control and drinking more beer. Yamapi also sits on the couch, trying to shush boo away from

himself without making the cat mad. Tsubasa leaves a lame comedy show on and laughs hysterically. Yamapi looks where Takki is and they both sigh with resignation and pity for themselves. Suddenly the door bell rings. Yamapi goes to see who it is. A very suspicious-looking girl walks in.

Girl: Tsubasa! Tsubasa: Baby! whaGirl: I've been going crazy!

They both look at each other and suddenly hug. Takki and Yamapi are very surprised.

Yamapi (to Takki): is that...? Takki (to Yamapi): I guess... It's not the one I met last time though... She looks kinda... flashy. Yamapi: You mean trashy. Takki: Well, it's his type.

Girl: I've been looking for you everywhere! (hits Tsubasa) You brute!

Yamapi (to Takki): everywhere? wouldn't this be the first place to look? Takki (to Yamapi): Obviously... who knows what she's been doing all week...

Tsubasa (very unmanly): I missed you baby! Girl: I missed you too! Tsubasa: I'm sorry I took Boo with me. You can hit me again if you want to. Girl (gives Tsubasa a real hard punch that makes him bend over): You better be sorry! Boo?

The cat suddenly appears and jumps into the girl's arms. She seems extremely happy to be reunited with her pet.

Yamapi (to Takki): Somehow... Takki (to Yamapi): Yeap, this seems to be real reason she's finally here. Yamapi: That's sad... I feel sorry for sempai... Takki: Don't, let them have their make-up reunion.

Tsubasa: Baby... let's leave the past behind... start fresh. Girl: Ok... you can come back to your house again.

Takki and Yamapi look at each other completely stunned while Tsubasa grabs all his stuff, packs it and starts to walk out with the girl and the cat. He gives one last look at the boys.

Tsubasa (to Takki and Yamapi): Thanks for letting me stay here, you guys rock. I won't forget this. I'll pay you back, a man's honor. Takki: No problem. Yamapi: Don't even think about it.

Tsubasa finally leaves.


Takki and Yamapi have their apartment for themselves once again. Takki immediately grabs a bag and goes to the fridge.

Yamapi: Whatcha doing, senpai?

Takki: Getting rid of the smelly cheeses... and the beer, and the meat... you don't mind, do you? Yamapi (very sad): Go ahead... I think I'm not gonna eat meat for some time... Takki: Gather the bed sheets and put them inside the washing machine, please. Yamapi (even sadder): Oh... my soft bed sheets... ruined... I might as well buy new ones... Takki: In that case, (opens the bag) put them in here, they'll go too.

Takki turns into a man with a mission, he takes out the trash and starts to clean everything. Yamapi does so too.

Yamapi: Let me help you senpai... oh! (goes inside his room) I forgot... I have these scented candles I bought yesterday... Takki: Light them up, boy! Light them all up! Yamapi (softly): Senpai... Takki: Yes? Yamapi: You can forget about me forgiving you... Takki: That's o.k., I don't think I'm gonna forgive myself either.

Both continue to clean quietly, agreeing in silence to never speak about this ever again.



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