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Everything you wanted to know about the Berwick Primary School annual production Changes to 2013 in red 2014

All children are expected to be involved in the production. This year the production will take place on in the 4th last week of term 3 ie week 7 - 2 th! 2"th and 27th Au#ust. The venue is the $rankston Arts %entre. &onday and Tuesday will be daytime technical rehearsals at the venue ie primarily for the benefit of the production crew ' see att. timetable for details. (o not panic when cues do not occur! they will on the ni#ht) &onday! Tuesday * +ednesday ni#ht are the performance ni#hts. The show will run from 7.3, ' -.3, .ur theme is The /reatest &ovies of All Time

Production Committee The 0% is made up of #rade level reps and specialists. 1our rep is responsible for communicatin# all important info about your item. The 0% meets periodically leadin# up to the show to maximise the 2uality of our performance and minimise the stress on all. The Script 3ach #rade level is responsible for choosin# an aspect of the chosen theme and writin# their own short script. .nce your script is written it must be e actly the same on both nights!

regardless o" cast changes#

/enerally the #rade items are a mixture of dialo#ue! dance and son#. This theme is chosen at the start of the year. The individual scripts are linked seamlessly by an overall script which essentially serves to #ive #rade levels time to exit and enter the win#s and sta#e crew time to alter the sta#e accordin#ly. The linkin# script is written for selected /" students. 0rep ' / are expected to provide an act that runs for no longer than 10 minutes. /" are expected to provide an act that runs for no longer than 20 minutes. 4cripts need to be typed on to a template which will be e-mailed to committee members.

Opening number / Middle number %hildren will be selected from / and /" to take part in the openin# number. The openin# number will run for 5 minutes. These children will rehearse from +6 term 2 under the supervision of 7elly. They will be re2uired for 6-2 sessions every ---- in the &0%. %hildren will be selected from /6 ' /4 to take part in the 8unior9middle number. The 8unior9middle number will run for minutes. These children will rehearse from +6 term 3 under the supervision of 7elly. They will be re2uired for 6 session every $riday in the &0%. Rehearsals :ehearsals in the #ym commence 2 weeks prior to show week. A timetable for the #ym will be arran#ed by the production committee (ress rehearsals with props will happen on the +ednesday! Thursday and $riday of the fifth last week of term 3 ie week ".

Assistance 4u;ie :yrie will choreo#raph and teach every year level one massed item to be used at production <this will take place in term 2 and term 3=. (ave will be available to assist all #rade levels with props and backdrops <computer ima#es=. Ar8 will be available to assist all #rade levels re> music. This includes sourcin#! editin#! recordin# backin# tracks and recordin# sin#in#. 0lease try not to have kids sin#in# over the top of someone else?s existin# vocals. @t is much more effective to have them accompanyin# themselves. @f you need backin# tracks try to let Ar8 know by mid term 2. (esrae and 3mma are available to assist all #rade levels with sin#in#. Aackdrops will all be computer #enerated and need to meet strict criteria to ensure consistency across the levels. Costumes +e have a ran#e of costumes in the costume room. +endy %lair has #athered a list of Bhelpers? and will be implementin# a series of workin# bees to make costumes. 7ate Aartholomeus; will act as a liaison between the production committee and +endy. A sheet will circulate in term 2 for you to make costume re2uests. 0lease note that costumes will not travel on the truck. Props A sheet will circulate in term 2 for you to make prop re2uests. Ma e up @f you are usin# make up please ensure that you have parental approval. !udgets There is no specific limit on spendin# but we try to recycle what we can. Any material costs <for costumes= and prop costs need to be run by 3mily and re2uests are usually met. The Truc A truck will be packed on the 4unday. This will take all props and other lar#e items. 0lease make sure that anythin# you want on the truck is in the #ym foyer by the $riday afternoon. Cote that costumes will not travel on the truck. The Sho" 0rep-/3 have 3 completely separate casts and /4-/" one cast. Please ensure that siblings are per"orming on the same nights# This must start from the prep level. $ake sure that a %&'( child who has a ma)or part on only one night *even though he+she maybe involved in both, has that role on the same night as their younger sibling The order of acts is openin# number! prep! /6! /2! /3! interval <2,minutes=! middle number! /4! / and /". (urin# the show the children will all be to#ether in 2 lar#e rooms ad8acent to the foyer or backsta#e. /rade 6! 2 and will be in the :otary :oom! 0rep! /rade 3 and 4 in the 0eninsula :oom and /rade " backsta#e. (esrae or @sabel will collect your cast and lead you to the backsta#e area at the appropriate time. @f re2uired! a bus will run from school to $rankston and back on the ni#hts. The Program A short synopsis of your item is re2uired. Co thank-you?s are necessary. #$#s Are produced and made available throu#h the office for parents to buy. %opies can be found in the library of past productions. %heck http> for details

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